APS March Meeting 2012
Volume 57, Number 1
Monday–Friday, February 27–March 2 2012;
Boston, Massachusetts
Session Q2: Invited Session: Manipulating Spin Waves
11:15 AM–2:15 PM,
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Room: 204AB
Chair: Axel Hoffmann, Argonne National Laboratory
Abstract ID: BAPS.2012.MAR.Q2.4
Abstract: Q2.00004 : Interaction between spin-wave excitations and pure spin currents in magnetic structures*
1:03 PM–1:39 PM
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Antonio Azevedo
(Departamento de Fisica, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 50670-901, Recife, PE, Brazil)
The generation of pure spin current (PSC) in magnetic structures has
attracted much attention not only for its fundamental importance in
spintronics, but also because it opens up potential applications. One of the
most exciting aspects of this area is the interplay between spin-waves (SW)
and PSC. Here we report experimental results in which the PSC, generated by
both spin pumping (SPE) [1] and spin Seebeck (SSE) [2] effects, can exert a
spin-transfer torque sufficient to compensate the SW relaxation in yttrium
iron garnet (YIG)/non-magnetic structures. By measuring the propagation of
SW packets in single-crystal YIG films we were able to observe the
amplification of volume and magnetostatic modes (MSW) by both SSE and
SHE [3,4]. The excitation and detection of the SW packets is carried out by
using a MSW delay line device. In both cases the amplification is attributed
to the spin-transfer torque due to PSC generated by SSE as well as SHE. It
will also be presented new results in which PSC are simultaneously excited
by SSE and SPE effects in YIG films. While the spin current generated by SPE
is obtained by exciting the ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) of the YIG film,
the spin current due to SSE is created by applying a temperature gradient
along the film plane. The effect of the superposition of both spin currents
is characterized by measuring the spin Hall voltage (V$_{H})$ along thin
strips of Pt deposited on top of the YIG films. Whereas V$_{H}$
corresponding to the uniform FMR is amplified due the SSE the voltages
corresponding to the other magnetostatic spin-wave modes are attenuated [5].
[1] Y. Tserkovnyak, et al., Rev. Mod. Phys. 77, 1375 (2005).\\[0pt]
[2] K. Uchida, et al., Nature 455, 778 (2008).\\[0pt]
[3] E. Padr\'{o}n-Hern\'{a}ndez, A. Azevedo, and S. M. Rezende, Phys. Rev. Letts., \textbf{107}, 197203 (2011).\\[0pt]
[4] E. Padr\'{o}n-Hern\'{a}ndez, A. Azevedo, and S. M. Rezende, Appl. Phys. Letts., \textbf{99} (2011) in press.\\[0pt]
[5] G.L. da Silva, L.H. Vilela-Le\~{a}o, S. M. Rezende and A. Azevedo, (in preparation).
*CNPq, FACEPE, ACPES and FINEP (Brazilian agencies)
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