Bulletin of the American Physical Society
2023 APS April Meeting
Volume 68, Number 6
Minneapolis, Minnesota (Apr 15-18)
Virtual (Apr 24-26); Time Zone: Central Time
Invited Speakers
Abderrahim, Hamid Aït MYRRHA |
Session M06.00001 The perspectives of MYRRHA in contributing to solve the energy crisis Room: MG Salon F - 3rd Floor |
Adolfo García, Javier Caltech |
Session H02.00003 NuSTAR Observations of Accretion Physics Room: MG Salon A - 3rd Floor |
Adsley, Philip Texas A&M University |
Session T03.00003 Reexamining carbon fusion Room: MG Salon B - 3rd Floor |
Alford, Mark Washington University |
Session M03.00002 The nuclear materials science of neutron star mergers Room: MG Salon B - 3rd Floor |
Allen, Paul Lewis and Clark College |
Session F04.00001 TBD Room: MG Salon C - 3rd Floor |
Amadei, Bernard University of Colorado Boulder |
Session C05.00001 Navigating the Complexity Across the Peace-Sustainability-Climate Nexus Room: MG Salon E - 3rd Floor |
Angus, Charlotte University of Copenhagen, Denmark |
Session Q02.00002 Tidal disruption events from intermediate mass black holes Room: MG Salon A - 3rd Floor |
Arkani-Hamed, Nima Institute for Advanced Studies |
Session N05.00001 physics opportunities at a future muon collider Room: MG Salon E - 3rd Floor |
Assamagan, Kétévi A Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session L01.00003 Why should we support science education in Africa and South America? Room: MG Salon D - 3rd Floor |
Austregesilo, Alexander Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility |
Session M15.00001 QCD Probes at GlueX and Beyond Room: Marquette VI - 2nd Floor |
Babu, Kaladi S Oklahoma State University-Stillwater |
Session C16.00001 Lepton Number Violation Room: Marquette VII - 2nd Floor |
Back, Ashley Indiana University |
Session T05.00001 Current long-baseline neutrino experiments and future prospects Room: MG Salon E - 3rd Floor |
Bailey, Crystal D APS |
Session G06.00003 Beyond the Rose-Colored Binoculars: Helping Students Launch Successful Physics Career in the 21st Century Room: MG Salon F - 3rd Floor |
Barbeau, Phillip S Duke University |
Session T05.00003 The COHERENT experimental program: an update Room: MG Salon E - 3rd Floor |
Barbee, Brent University of Maryland |
Session K07.00002 Planetary Defense in the Age of DART Room: MG Salon G - 3rd Floor |
Barrett, Tyler J Cornell University |
Session U06.00004 Beam Dynamics Corrections to the Spin Precession Frequency Measurement in the Muon g-2 Experiment Room: MG Salon F - 3rd Floor |
Barzi, Emanuela Fermilab |
Session G06.00002 Ethics education in physics Room: MG Salon F - 3rd Floor |
Baubock, Michi University of Illinois |
Session LL03.00002 What the Event Horizon Telescope Reveals on Physics of the Accretion Flow Around Sgr A* and M 87* Room: Virtual Room 3 |
Beceiro Novo, Saul University of the District of Columbia |
Session F03.00001 11B proton resonance via 11Be beta decay Room: MG Salon B - 3rd Floor |
Beck, Douglas H University of Illinois at Urbana-Champai |
Session T15.00001 TBD Room: Marquette VII - 2nd Floor |
Benmokhtar, Fatiha Duquesne UNiversity |
Session D03.00002 Studies of Proton Momentum Distributions in Light Nuclei Room: MG Salon B - 3rd Floor |
Berhe, Asmeret A Department of Energy - US |
Session L01.00001 Justice, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (JDEI) issues in the US science. Room: MG Salon D - 3rd Floor |
Berry, Christopher P University of Glasgow |
Session M04.00002 Observations of gravitational waves from coalescing binaries: Discoveries from ground-based detectors Room: MG Salon C - 3rd Floor |
Berti, Emanuele Johns Hopkins University |
Session N04.00001 Next-generation gravitational-wave astronomy: challenges and opportunities Room: MG Salon C - 3rd Floor |
Betancourt, Minerba Fermilab |
Session T05.00002 The Short Baseline Neutrino Program Room: MG Salon E - 3rd Floor |
Bhattacharya, Bhubanjyoti Lawrence Technological University |
Session F05.00001 Anomalies in Semileptonic B-meson decays Room: MG Salon E - 3rd Floor |
Bishop, Jack E Texas A&M University |
Session T03.00002 How neutron upscattering can enhance the triple alpha reaction Room: MG Salon B - 3rd Floor |
Blanco, Carlos Princeton |
Session U05.00002 Developments in sub-GeV dark matter direct detection: Nanomaterials and Molecules Room: MG Salon E - 3rd Floor |
Blecha, Laura University of Florida |
Session N04.00002 Supermassive Black Hole Modeling for the Low-Frequency Gravitational-Wave Era Room: MG Salon C - 3rd Floor |
Blue, Jennifer M Miami University |
Session H07.00002 Race and Physics Room: MG Salon G - 3rd Floor |
Bogacz, S.Alex Jefferson Lab/Jefferson Science Associat |
Session K16.00001 CEBAF 22 GeV FFA Energy Upgrade Room: Marquette VII - 2nd Floor |
Bogatskiy, Alexander Flatiron Institute |
Session D04.00003 Equivariant Neural Networks for Particle Physics: PELICAN Room: MG Salon C - 3rd Floor |
Bonaca, Ana Carnegie Institution for Science |
Session U02.00002 The mass-loss history of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy Room: MG Salon A - 3rd Floor |
Boucher, Kathryn University of Indianapolis |
Session G05.00003 How our classrooms and departments signal opportunities for learning and inclusion Room: MG Salon E - 3rd Floor |
Breivik, Katelyn Flatiron Institute |
Session N04.00003 LISA's role in time-domain and multi-messenger astronomy Room: MG Salon C - 3rd Floor |
Broekgaarden, Floor S Center for Astrophysics, Harvard |
Session U04.00001 What can we learn from population synthesis and theory in the near-future Big Data Gravitational Wave Era Room: MG Salon C - 3rd Floor |
Bugos, Shannon Arms Control Association |
Session M07.00001 U.S.-Russian Nuclear Arms Control Prospects Three Years Before New START's Expiration Room: MG Salon G - 3rd Floor |
Caballero, Marcos D Michigan State University |
Session N06.00003 Supporting the integration of computing in physics education Room: MG Salon F - 3rd Floor |
Callister, Thomas A University of Chicago |
Session U04.00002 Next-generation gravitational-wave detectors and the nearby universe Room: MG Salon C - 3rd Floor |
Calvey, Joseph ANL |
Session K04.00001 Ion Instabilities in Low Emittance Storage Rings Room: MG Salon C - 3rd Floor |
Cappelluti, Nico University of Miami |
Session B02.00002 The first Gyr of the PBH-LCDM Universe Room: MG Salon A - 3rd Floor |
Carli, Christian CERN |
Session U06.00002 On systematic Effects of charged Particle Electric Dipole Moment Measurement Rings Room: MG Salon F - 3rd Floor |
Carlip, Steven J University of California, Davis |
Session B04.00003 A Beginner's Guide to Quantum Gravity Room: MG Salon C - 3rd Floor |
Cendes, Yvette CfA |
Session Q02.00001 Tidal disruption events: Progress, open questions and prospects Room: MG Salon A - 3rd Floor |
Cesarotti, Cari Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session V07.00001 Sakurai Dissertation Award - Cari Cesarotti: TBD Room: MG Salon G - 3rd Floor |
Chatziioannou, Katerina Caltech |
Session T04.00002 Theory-specific and theory-agnostic tests of gravity with gravitational wave data Room: MG Salon C - 3rd Floor |
Chesley, Steve R NASA/Jet Prop Lab |
Session K07.00001 Achieving Early Warning for Near-Earth Object Threats Room: MG Salon G - 3rd Floor |
Cheung, Vincent Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session H03.00003 Heavy quarknoium production at the EIC Room: MG Salon B - 3rd Floor |
Chonacky, Norman Yale University |
Session N06.00002 Historical overview of computation in physics education and the development of the Partnership for Integrating Computation in Undergraduate Physics (PICUP) Room: MG Salon F - 3rd Floor |
Choptuik, Matthew University of British Columbia |
Session QQ04.00001 Overview of Gravitational Critical Collapse Room: Virtual Room 4 |
Christensen, Warren North Dakota State University |
Session T06.00002 The connection between math and physics in quantum mechanics courses Room: MG Salon F - 3rd Floor |
Cirigliano, Vincenzo INT, University of Washington |
Session K03.00003 Report from the Fundamental Symmetries, Neutrons and Neutrinos Town Hall Room: MG Salon B - 3rd Floor |
Clough, Katy Queen Mary University of London |
Session T04.00001 Numerical Relativity beyond General Relativity: Black holes in fundamental field environments Room: MG Salon C - 3rd Floor |
Cochran, Geraldine L Rutgers University |
Session H07.00001 Striving for Equity and Inclusion in Physics Classrooms Room: MG Salon G - 3rd Floor |
Constan, Zachary Michigan State University |
Session K05.00001 Nuclear Science for Everyone at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams Room: MG Salon E - 3rd Floor |
Crease, Robert P State Univ of NY - Stony Brook |
Session B06.00001 The Leak: Politics, Activists, and Loss of Trust at Brookhaven National Laboratory Room: MG Salon F - 3rd Floor |
Cromartie, H. Thankful Cornell University |
Session H04.00001 An Update on NANOGrav's Growing Pulsar Timing Data Set Room: MG Salon C - 3rd Floor |
Cufari, Matthew J Syracuse University |
Session Q02.00003 2022 LeRoy Apker Prize Lecture: On the nature of repeating tidal disruption events Room: MG Salon A - 3rd Floor |
Dai, Biwei University of California, Berkeley |
Session D04.00002 Translation and Rotation Equivariant Normalizing Flow (TRENF) for Optimal Cosmological Analysis Room: MG Salon C - 3rd Floor |
Daniel, Kathryne University of Arizona |
Session T02.00001 Animating the Science: Astro2020 DEIA Priorities, Actions, and Opportunities Room: MG Salon A - 3rd Floor |
Davies, Rebecca Swinburne University of Technology |
Session AA01.00001 Feedback from accreting supermassive black holes in the early Universe Room: Virtual Room 1 |
Deppe, Nils Caltech |
Session G04.00001 Next-Generation Numerical Relativity Codes Room: MG Salon C - 3rd Floor |
Dexheimer, Veronica Kent State University |
Session M03.00003 Constraints on the equation of state of neutron stars Room: MG Salon B - 3rd Floor |
Diallo, Ahmed Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session M06.00003 Accelerate Solving Energy crisis: from Fission to Fusion Room: MG Salon F - 3rd Floor |
Dietrich, Tim University of Potsdam |
Session AA03.00003 Equation-of-state measurements based on joint multimessenger data Room: Virtual Room 3 |
Dragt, Alex J University of Maryland, College Park |
Session V07.00004 Map and Lie Methods for Accelerator Physics: A Tale of Two Symmetries Room: MG Salon G - 3rd Floor |
Dubovsky, Sergei NYU |
Session M05.00001 Towards a theory of the QCD string Room: MG Salon E - 3rd Floor |
Engelhardt, Larry P Francis Marion University |
Session N06.00004 The PICUP Collection: Resources for integrating computation into undergraduate physics courses Room: MG Salon F - 3rd Floor |
Engelhardt, Netta Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session C04.00002 TBD Room: MG Salon C - 3rd Floor |
Errando, Manel Washington University in Saint Louis |
Session C02.00003 Active galactic nuclei revealed by X-ray polarization measurements from the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) Room: MG Salon A - 3rd Floor |
Espinoza, Néstor STScI |
Session A01.00002 Exploring new frontiers in exoplanetary science with the James Webb Space Telescope Room: MG Salon D - 3rd Floor |
Fanelli, Cristiano William and Mary |
Session G03.00001 Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Hadronic Physics Room: MG Salon B - 3rd Floor |
Farrar, Glennys R New York Univ NYU |
Session M02.00001 Snowmass, P5 and Astrophysics Room: MG Salon A - 3rd Floor |
Ferguson, Deborah University of Texas at Austin |
Session G04.00002 Binary Black Hole Numerical Relativity Codes Room: MG Salon C - 3rd Floor |
Finke, Justin D United States Naval Research Laboratory |
Session H13.00001 Physics of the Cosmos and PhysPAG Overview Room: Marquette IV - 2nd Floor |
Folman, Ron Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel |
Session Q06.00003 Realization of a Complete Stern-Gerlach Interferometer: An historical overview Room: MG Salon F - 3rd Floor |
Foster, Joshua W MIT |
Session M02.00002 Dark Matter in Extreme Astrophysical Environments. Room: MG Salon A - 3rd Floor |
Freidel, Laurent Perimeter Institute |
Session LL04.00001 Quantum geometry and entanglement from Corner symmetry Room: Virtual Room 4 |
Friedrich, Bretislav Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft |
Session Q06.00001 A century ago the Stern-Gerlach experiment ruled unequivocally in favor of Quantum Mechanics Room: MG Salon F - 3rd Floor |
Frontiere, Nick Argonne National Laboratory |
Session EE04.00002 CRK-HACC: Exascale Simulations for Modern Cosmological Surveys Room: Virtual Room 4 |
Gade, Alexandra Michigan State University |
Session V03.00003 First Science with GRETINA at FRIB Room: MG Salon B - 3rd Floor |
Gamble, Ronald S NASA GSFC |
Session T02.00003 The NASA SMD Bridge Program: An Overview of Findings and Transformative Impact Room: MG Salon A - 3rd Floor |
Garcia, Paula Union of Concerned Scientists |
Session C06.00003 On the road to 100% renewables. States can lead an equitable energy transition Room: MG Salon F - 3rd Floor |
Gardner, Jonathan NASA GSFC |
Session A01.00001 The James Webb Space Telescope: New capabilities and science Room: MG Salon D - 3rd Floor |
Garfinkle, David Oakland University |
Session B04.00001 A Beginner's Guide to Numerical Relativity Room: MG Salon C - 3rd Floor |
Gearhart, Clayton A Saint Johns Univ - CSB/SJU |
Session Q06.00002 The Stern-Gerlach Experiment, 1921–1940: From the Old Quantum Theory to Spin Room: MG Salon F - 3rd Floor |
Geraci, Andrew A Northwestern University |
Session V04.00002 Searching for new physics using optically levitated sensors Room: MG Salon C - 3rd Floor |
Glasmacher, Thomas Michigan State University |
Session B06.00003 Launching the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams at Michigan State University: Opportunities, Challenges, and then - Science Room: MG Salon F - 3rd Floor |
Glines, Forrest Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session EE04.00003 Parthenon - A Performance Portable Block-Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement Framework Room: Virtual Room 4 |
Gluscevic, Vera Univ of Southern California |
Session U02.00003 Dark matter physics from near-field cosmology Room: MG Salon A - 3rd Floor |
Grebe, Anthony V Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session U03.00003 Lattice QCD and Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay Room: MG Salon B - 3rd Floor |
Grefenstette, Brian W Caltech |
Session F02.00003 Exploring the Dynamic Ultraviolet Universe with UVEX Room: MG Salon A - 3rd Floor |
Grego, Laura Union of Concerned Scientists |
Session G07.00002 Leo Szilard Lectureship Award: The Growing Danger of Nuclear Weapons and What Physicists Can Do About It Room: MG Salon G - 3rd Floor |
Grzywacz, Robert University of Tennessee |
Session V03.00002 First Science with the FRIB Decay Station Room: MG Salon B - 3rd Floor |
Gueye, Paul L FRIB/NSCL |
Session C03.00002 Increasing the participation of Black and Latinx students and faculty in nuclear physics Room: MG Salon B - 3rd Floor |
Gundlach, Carsten University of Southampton |
Session QQ04.00002 Mathematical approaches to critical collapse and naked singularities Room: Virtual Room 4 |
Guzik, Joyce A Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session G02.00002 Challenges in Cepheid Evolution and Pulsation Modeling Room: MG Salon A - 3rd Floor |
Haghighat, Alireza Virginia Tech |
Session M06.00004 Status and Outlook of ADS in US Room: MG Salon F - 3rd Floor |
Hayden, Daniel A Michigan State University |
Session B05.00003 BSM high-mass resonances and Higgs searches Room: MG Salon E - 3rd Floor |
Hazari, Zahra Florida International University |
Session H07.00003 Leveraging Counternarratives and Counterspaces to Support the Physics Identities of Minoritized Groups Room: MG Salon G - 3rd Floor |
Hebborn, Chloë FRIB/LLNL |
Session B03.00002 Ab initio prediction of α(d,γ)6Li at Big Bang nucleosynthesis energies Room: MG Salon B - 3rd Floor |
Heinrich, Lukas Technical University of Munich |
Session V05.00003 new and future data analysis facilities and tools Room: MG Salon E - 3rd Floor |
Hen, Or Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session D03.00001 Short range correlated nucleon pairs in nuclei and their effects on nuclear and nucleon structure with eA and pA hard reaction measurements Room: MG Salon B - 3rd Floor |
Henderson, Rachel J Michigan State University |
Session N07.00002 Assessing Students in a Reformed Laboratory Course at Michigan State University Room: MG Salon G - 3rd Floor |
Heuer, Rolf-Dieter CERN |
Session C05.00003 Science Bridging Cultures and Nations Room: MG Salon E - 3rd Floor |
Hilborn, Robert C American Association of Physics Teachers |
Session N06.00001 Historical overview of computation in physics education and the development of the Partnership for Integrating Computation in Undergraduate Physics (PICUP). Room: MG Salon F - 3rd Floor |
Hlophe, Linda Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session B03.00003 Quantifying uncertainties due to irreducible three-body forces in deuteron-nucleus reactions Room: MG Salon B - 3rd Floor |
Hodges, Deidra Florida International University |
Session L01.00002 Successes and challenges of current and past initiatives in the US of improving minority participation in science and technology (in academics and industry) Room: MG Salon D - 3rd Floor |
Hook, Anson University of Maryland |
Session U05.00001 New tests of Dark Matter - from small scale experiments to cosmology Room: MG Salon E - 3rd Floor |
Hornschemeier, Ann NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Session F02.00004 Studying the Fast, Furious and Forming Universe in the X-ray and UV with STAR-X Room: MG Salon A - 3rd Floor |
Horowitz, Gary T University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session C04.00001 Almost all extremal AdS black holes are singular Room: MG Salon C - 3rd Floor |
Hostert, Matheus Perimeter Institute |
Session D05.00002 Neutrino Portals to Beyond Standard Model Physics: From 100 MeV to 100 GeV Room: MG Salon E - 3rd Floor |
Huang, Lan-Hsuan University of Connecticut |
Session F04.00003 Equality in the spacetime positive mass theorem Room: MG Salon C - 3rd Floor |
Huang, Xiaobiao SLAC |
Session K04.00002 Road to diffraction limited storage rings - an overview of fourth-generation synchrotron light sources Room: MG Salon C - 3rd Floor |
Hughes, Kaeli A University of Chicago |
Session N02.00001 A Low-threshold Neutrino Search with the Askaryan Radio Array: Results and Future Prospects Room: MG Salon A - 3rd Floor |
Jackura, Andrew W ODU |
Session U03.00002 Towards Multi-hadron matrix elements from Lattice QCD Room: MG Salon B - 3rd Floor |
Janssen, Michael MPIA Bonn, Germany |
Session LL03.00001 From Photons to Black Hole Science: Reconstructing the Variable Structure of Sgr A* with the Event Horizon Telescope Room: Virtual Room 3 |
Jin, Shilun Michigan State University |
Session T03.00001 Unexpected enhancements to the triple alpha process Room: MG Salon B - 3rd Floor |
Jindariani, Sergo Fermilab |
Session N05.00002 Towards the Muon Collider Detectors Room: MG Salon E - 3rd Floor |
Joens, Alyson M George Washington Univ |
Session N02.00002 Development of Instrumentation and Methodology to Expand our View of Gamma-Ray Bursts Room: MG Salon A - 3rd Floor |
Johnson, Clifford V University of Southern California |
Session K10.00001 Graphic Adventures in Science Engagement Room: Marquette I - 2nd Floor |
Jung, Chang Kee Stony Brook University |
Session FB01.00001 Capturing Innovations and Underlying Physics in Sports Room: MN Grand D, 3rd Floor |
Kartaltepe, Jeyhan Rochester Institute of Technology |
Session A01.00003 Pushing the Edge of the Cosmic Frontier with JWST Room: MG Salon D - 3rd Floor |
Kassenova, Togzhan Center for Policy Research, Carnegie Institution for Science University at Albany, State University of New York |
Session Q07.00002 The history of Soviet nuclear testing in Kazakhstan. Room: MG Salon G - 3rd Floor |
Kelley, Luke Z University of California Berkeley |
Session H04.00003 Astrophysics from nHz Gravitational Waves Room: MG Salon C - 3rd Floor |
Keppel, Cynthia E Jefferson Lab |
Session B15.00001 Overview of JLab 20+ Upgrade Room: Marquette VI - 2nd Floor |
Khazdozian, Helena U.s. Department of Energy |
Session C06.00002 Critical Materials: The Building Blocks of Renewable Energy Technologies Room: MG Salon F - 3rd Floor |
Khuri, Marcus Stony Brook University |
Session F04.00002 Black Lenses in Kaluza-Klein Matter Room: MG Salon C - 3rd Floor |
Kiburg, Brendan E Fermilab |
Session F05.00003 Status of the Muon g-2 Experiment Room: MG Salon E - 3rd Floor |
Koplow, David A Georgetown University Law Center |
Session K07.00003 The Nuclear Option for Planetary Defense: Some Legal Impediments Room: MG Salon G - 3rd Floor |
Krasny, Mieczyslaw W CERN |
Session M06.00002 Gamma-Factory-driven energy source — exploratory studies Room: MG Salon F - 3rd Floor |
Lagos, Macarena Columbia University |
Session F06.00003 Beyond Linear Ringdown Room: MG Salon F - 3rd Floor |
Landry, Philippe Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics |
Session AA03.00002 Dense matter science with next-generation compact binary inspirals Room: Virtual Room 3 |
Lawrence, David Jefferson Lab/Jefferson Science Associates |
Session C15.00001 A.I. for particle physics Room: Marquette VI - 2nd Floor |
Lazar, Jeff Harvard |
Session D05.00003 Neutrino Portals to Beyond Standard Model Physics: 100 GeV and Beyond Room: MG Salon E - 3rd Floor |
Leane, Rebecca SLAC |
Session Q05.00003 TBD Room: MG Salon E - 3rd Floor |
Ledvinka, Tomas Charles University Prague |
Session QQ04.00003 Axisymmetric critical vacuum collapse Room: Virtual Room 4 |
Lehtinen, Antti University of Jyvaskyla, Department of Physics |
Session N07.00003 Educational Assessment and Physics Lab Courses: What to Consider when Designing Assessment Room: MG Salon G - 3rd Floor |
Lewandowski, Heather J University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session N07.00001 Engaging over 1400 students in authentic research through an introductory course-based undergraduate research experience Room: MG Salon G - 3rd Floor |
Li, Chao Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session V07.00003 DPB Thesis Award: Chip-scale atomic beam production, collimation, and its applications Room: MG Salon G - 3rd Floor |
Li, Xuan Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session F15.00001 Studies for EIC physics performance and detector design Room: Marquette VI - 2nd Floor |
Lopes de Sa, Rafael University of Massachusetts |
Session B05.00002 Exploring EW symmetry breaking: Higgs, vector bosons, and top quarks Room: MG Salon E - 3rd Floor |
Lopez-Saavedra, Eilens FSU |
Session F03.00002 Observation of a Near-Threshold Proton Resonance in 11B Room: MG Salon B - 3rd Floor |
Ma, Tammy Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session S01.00003 Toward an Inertial Fusion Energy Future Room: MG Salon D - 3rd Floor |
Makhijani, Arjun Inst for Energy & Environ Res |
Session Q07.00001 Impacts of US nuclear weapons testing in the Marshall Islands and at the Nevada Test Site/ArjunMakhijani/to be presented at the meeting of the American Physical Society (Forum on Physics andSociety), April 18, 2023 Room: MG Salon G - 3rd Floor |
Manalaysay, Aaron LBNL |
Session U05.00003 Results from the LZ Dark Matter Search Room: MG Salon E - 3rd Floor |
Mandic, Vuk University of Minnesota |
Session F06.00002 Gravitational Wave Backgrounds Room: MG Salon F - 3rd Floor |
Mansell, Georgia Syracuse University |
Session M04.00001 Status of the LIGO, Virgo, and KAGRA gravitational-wave detectors Room: MG Salon C - 3rd Floor |
Margutti, Raffaella UC Berkeley |
Session K02.00001 Multi-messenger Astrophysics in the Era of the Next-generation Gravitational Wave Detectors Room: MG Salon A - 3rd Floor |
Marletto, Chiara Wolfson College, University of Oxford |
Session V04.00001 Interferometers and the quantum nature of gravity Room: MG Salon C - 3rd Floor |
Martinez, Alberto A University of Texas at Austin |
Session K06.00003 In Elsa's Apartment, Einstein was Hiding an Escaped Soldier and Womanizer Room: MG Salon F - 3rd Floor |
Martinez Outschoorn, Verena University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session V05.00001 TBD Room: MG Salon E - 3rd Floor |
Martin Martinez, Eduardo University of Waterloo |
Session LL04.00002 What can gravity mediated entanglement really tell us about quantum gravity Room: Virtual Room 4 |
Mathis, Clausell University of Washington Physics Educati |
Session G06.00001 Incorporating culturally responsive teaching into undergraduate physics courses Room: MG Salon F - 3rd Floor |
Medeiros, Lia Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) |
Session LL03.00003 Probing Gravitational Physics with the Event Horizon Telescope Room: Virtual Room 3 |
Meneghetti, Massimo INAF, University of Bologna |
Session B02.00003 Tensions on small scales: too many galaxy-galaxy strong lenses in galaxy clusters? Room: MG Salon A - 3rd Floor |
Meserve, Richard A Covington & Burling LLP |
Session G07.00001 Laying the Foundation for Advanced Nuclear Reactors Room: MG Salon G - 3rd Floor |
Mezzacappa, Anthony University of Tennessee |
Session K02.00003 Toward an Understanding of the Core Collapse Supernova Central Engine and Supernova Gravitational Wave Emission Room: MG Salon A - 3rd Floor |
Mistlberger, Bernhard SLAC - Natl Accelerator Lab |
Session U07.00003 Henry Primakoff Award for Early-Career Particle Physics: TBD Room: MG Salon G - 3rd Floor |
Mocsy, Agnes Michigan State University and Pratt Institute |
Session K05.00003 Physics Communication at the Pratt Institute Room: MG Salon E - 3rd Floor |
Morse, William M Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session U07.00002 W.K.H. Panofsky Prize in Experimental Particle Physics: Muon g-2: From BNL to FNAL Room: MG Salon G - 3rd Floor |
Moulson, Matthew INFN-Frascati Rome |
Session F05.00002 The Cabibbo Angle Anomaly Room: MG Salon E - 3rd Floor |
Mumpower, Matthew R LANL |
Session U15.00001 Gamma-ray signatures from the radioactive decay of r-process nuclei Room: Marquette VII - 2nd Floor |
Myers, Robert Perimeter Institute |
Session C04.00003 TBD Room: MG Salon C - 3rd Floor |
Nanni, Emilio A SLAC - Natl Accelerator Lab |
Session N05.00003 Positron-Driven Sources of Low Emittance Muons for Future Colliders Room: MG Salon E - 3rd Floor |
Nasr, Mamdouh SLAC |
Session V07.00002 Ernest Courant Outstanding Paper Recognition: Experimental demonstration of particle acceleration with normal conducting accelerating structure at cryogenic temperature Room: MG Salon G - 3rd Floor |
Nattrass, Christine E University of Tennessee |
Session C03.00001 Determining gender representation in the field of heavy ion collisions Room: MG Salon B - 3rd Floor |
Nazarewicz, Witold Michigan State University |
Session F03.00003 Near-threshold resonances and the beta-delayed proton emission of the halo nucleus 11Be Room: MG Salon B - 3rd Floor |
Necib, Lina Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session U02.00001 George E. Valley Jr. Prize: Shining Light on Dark Matter Room: MG Salon A - 3rd Floor |
Negro, Michela NASA-GSFC and UMBC |
Session C02.00002 Results of X-ray polarimetry with the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) of Galactic sources such as magnetars, pulsing neutron stars, and stellar mass black holes in binary system Room: MG Salon A - 3rd Floor |
Nelson, Erica University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session B02.00001 Massive galaxies at the beginning of cosmic time with James Webb: do they break our cosmological model? Room: MG Salon A - 3rd Floor |
Ngadiuba, Jennifer Fermilab |
Session B05.00001 Machine Learning for LHC physics Room: MG Salon E - 3rd Floor |
Nguyen, Dien T Jefferson Lab |
Session C10.00001 Short-Range Correlations and the EMC effects in nuclei Room: Marquette I - 2nd Floor |
Norman, Dara NSF's NOIRLab |
Session T02.00002 Strategies for Drafting a Successful Inclusion Plan Room: MG Salon A - 3rd Floor |
Noronha-Hostler, Jacquelyn University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session AA03.00001 What can we learn from non-gravitational-wave probes in the next 15 years Room: Virtual Room 3 |
Ohnesorge, Miguel Univ of Cambridge |
Session K06.00002 Newton as Geodesist: The Problem of the Earth's Figure and the Argument for Universal Gravitation Room: MG Salon F - 3rd Floor |
Owen, Benjamin J Texas Tech University |
Session K02.00002 Multi-messenger astrophysics with continuous gravitational waves in the XG era Room: MG Salon A - 3rd Floor |
Oz, Gulin Center for Magnetic Resonance Research University of Minnesota |
Session H06.00001 Advanced Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy for Neurodegenerative Diseases Room: MG Salon F - 3rd Floor |
Palatchi, Caryn Indiana University |
Session U06.00003 Precision Beam Control in PVES Experiments Room: MG Salon F - 3rd Floor |
Palmer, Mark A Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session N05.00004 Accelerator Physics Challenges for an Energy Frontier Muon Collider Room: MG Salon E - 3rd Floor |
Paquet, Jean Francois Vanderbilt University |
Session G03.00002 Bayesian inference in hadronic physics: examples from heavy ion physics Room: MG Salon B - 3rd Floor |
Parra-Martinez, Julio Caltech |
Session M05.00003 Recent Developments in Scattering Amplitudes Room: MG Salon E - 3rd Floor |
Paschalidis, Vasileios University of Arizona |
Session G04.00003 MHD Numerical Relativity Codes Room: MG Salon C - 3rd Floor |
Peng, Jen-Chieh University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session N03.00002 Tom W. Bonner Prize in Nuclear Physics: Exploring the Nucleon Sea with Lepton-Pair Production Room: MG Salon B - 3rd Floor |
Perez, Kerstin M Columbia University |
Session H02.00002 Searching for Dark Matter with NuSTAR Room: MG Salon A - 3rd Floor |
Peter, Annika OSU |
Session M02.00003 Dark matter physics with the Rubin Observatory and other astronomical surveys Room: MG Salon A - 3rd Floor |
Pettee, Mariel Lawrence Berkeley National Lab |
Session D04.00001 Equivariance Meets Covariance: Physics-informed Machine Learning Room: MG Salon C - 3rd Floor |
Philippe, Sebastien Princeton University |
Session Q07.00003 Reconstructing Population Exposure from Past Nuclear Weapon Tests Room: MG Salon G - 3rd Floor |
Pisarski, Robert D Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session M03.00001 Challenges and opportunities in hot and dense QCD Room: MG Salon B - 3rd Floor |
Podvig, Pavel Russian Nuclear Forces Project |
Session M07.00002 Are nuclear weapons obsolete? Nuclear policy lessons from Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Room: MG Salon G - 3rd Floor |
Pursley, Jennifer M Harvard Medical School |
Session H06.00003 Principles and experience with cone-beam CT based online adaptive therapy Room: MG Salon F - 3rd Floor |
Quaglioni, Sofia Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session G03.00003 Quantum computing in hadronic physics Room: MG Salon B - 3rd Floor |
Quaglioni, Sofia Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session K03.00002 Report from the Nuclear Structure, Reactions and Astrophysics Town Hall Room: MG Salon B - 3rd Floor |
Raftery, Claire National Solar Observatory |
Session K05.00002 Physics Outreach at the National Solar Observatory Room: MG Salon E - 3rd Floor |
Rajendran, Surjeet John Hopkins University |
Session Q05.00002 Coulomb's Choice: The Classical Equation of Quantized Gauge Theories Room: MG Salon E - 3rd Floor |
Ralph, Joseph E Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session S01.00002 Ignition on The National Ignition Facility Room: MG Salon D - 3rd Floor |
Ramsey-Musolf, Michael J University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session N03.00001 Herman Feshbach Prize in Theoretical Nuclear Physics: Fundamental Symmetries in Nuclei: Tackling the Strong Interaction and Hunting for New Physics Room: MG Salon B - 3rd Floor |
Rand, Joseph Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session C06.00001 Opportunities and Barriers to the Widespread Deployment of Renewable Energy in the U.S. Room: MG Salon F - 3rd Floor |
Ratti, Claudia University of Houston |
Session Q15.00001 Progress on hot and dense QCD from first principles Room: Marquette VI - 2nd Floor |
Remmes, Nicholas Mayo Clinic |
Session H06.00002 Proton therapy - state-of-the-art and future directions Room: MG Salon F - 3rd Floor |
Renn, Jurgen Max Planck Institute, Berlin |
Session K06.00001 The History of Physics in Collaborations: Archimedes, Galileo, Einstein et al. Room: MG Salon F - 3rd Floor |
Renzini, Arianna Caltech |
Session M04.00003 Detecting a stochastic gravitational-wave background with LIGO-Virgo-Kagra Room: MG Salon C - 3rd Floor |
Rey, Jean-Michel PosiThôt |
Session H05.00002 How positrons can extend the frontiers of physics, humanity and technology Room: MG Salon E - 3rd Floor |
Riedl, Caroline K University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign |
Session Q03.00001 Transverse-momentum dependent proton structure Room: MG Salon B - 3rd Floor |
Roberts, B L Boston University |
Session U07.00001 W.K.H. Panofsky Prize in Experimental Particle Physics - Bradley Roberts: Forty-four years of measuring the muon magnetic moment: 1957 – 2001. What have we learned? Room: MG Salon G - 3rd Floor |
Roberts, Oliver J Universities Space Research Association |
Session WW04.00003 Magnetar Giant Flares Masquerading as Gamma-Ray Bursts Room: Virtual Room 4 |
Rupak, Gautam Mississippi State University |
Session H15.00001 The importance of few-nucleon forces in chiral EFT Room: Marquette VI - 2nd Floor |
Santoro, Valentina ESS - European Spallation Source |
Session H05.00003 The HighNESS Project and Free Neutron Oscillations Searches at the ESS Room: MG Salon E - 3rd Floor |
Sathyaprakash, Bangalore S Pennsylvania State University |
Session B04.00002 A Beginner's Guide to Gravitational-Wave Astronomy Room: MG Salon C - 3rd Floor |
Schlott, Volker Paul Scherrer Institut |
Session K04.00003 Beam Diagnostics for Ultra-Low Emittance Storage Rings Room: MG Salon C - 3rd Floor |
Schneider, Austin LANL |
Session D05.00001 TBD Room: MG Salon E - 3rd Floor |
Schneider, Evan University of Pittsburgh |
Session EE04.00001 A Grand-Challenge Galaxy Simulation Room: Virtual Room 4 |
Seger, Janet E Creighton University |
Session G16.00001 Probing nuclei with nuclei: UPCs at RHIC and the LHC Room: Marquette VII - 2nd Floor |
Semertzidis, Yannis K KAIST |
Session U06.00001 The high Physics sensitivity of the storage ring proton Electric Dipole Moment experiment Room: MG Salon F - 3rd Floor |
Shao, Shu-Heng Stony Brook University |
Session M05.00002 Non-invertible Symmetries Room: MG Salon E - 3rd Floor |
Shastri, Prajval Raman Research Institute |
Session G05.00002 The Gender Gap in Physics, the Search for Root Causes and Lessons for Transforming Our Climate Room: MG Salon E - 3rd Floor |
Shaw, Kate CERN |
Session C05.00002 Physics for Development and International Cooperation (TBC) Room: MG Salon E - 3rd Floor |
Simon, Joseph University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session H04.00002 Highlight's from NANOGrav's Search for Low-Frequency Gravitational Waves Room: MG Salon C - 3rd Floor |
Smith, Krista L Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session B10.00001 Heavy flavor production and interaction from hot to cold QCD Room: Marquette I - 2nd Floor |
Smith, Nicholas Fermilab |
Session V05.00002 Inferring nature at scale: innovative software tools for big data analysis in HEP Room: MG Salon E - 3rd Floor |
Smith, Robert University of Alberta, Canada |
Session G02.00001 Edwin Hubble and Cepheids: Clinching the Case for Galaxies Room: MG Salon A - 3rd Floor |
Soderblom, David Space Telescope Science Institute, |
Session G02.00003 The odd journey of Edwin Hubble's famous plate, from Pasadena to Baltimore to space and back Room: MG Salon A - 3rd Floor |
Stern, Daniel JPL/Caltech |
Session H02.00001 NuSTAR Overview and Science Highlights Room: MG Salon A - 3rd Floor |
Terry, John D LANL |
Session Q03.00002 TMD theory and phenomenology Room: MG Salon B - 3rd Floor |
Teukolsky, Saul A Cornell University |
Session D08.00001 Kerr Perturbations Room: Symphony III - 2nd Floor |
Tews, Ingo Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session B03.00001 Chiral Effective Field Theory's Impact on Advancing Quantum Monte Carlo Methods Room: MG Salon B - 3rd Floor |
Thomas, Deepa UT Austin |
Session H03.00002 Heavy flavor production and interaction in heavy Ion Collision Room: MG Salon B - 3rd Floor |
Thomas, Steven Michigan State University |
Session C03.00003 The role of academic coaching and mentoring to broaden participation in STEM Room: MG Salon B - 3rd Floor |
Traweek, Sharon UCLA |
Session G05.00001 Large scale patterns in STEM demographics, 1970-2020: why so slow in the physical sciences, compared to biomedicine? Room: MG Salon E - 3rd Floor |
Tsai, Yuhsin University of Notre Dame |
Session Q05.00001 Anisotropy of the Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background from Primordial Fluctuations Room: MG Salon E - 3rd Floor |
van son, Lieke Harvard University |
Session F06.00001 The population puzzle: preparing for an ever-increasing gravitational-wave catalog. Room: MG Salon F - 3rd Floor |
Varriano, Louis University of Chicago |
Session G15.00001 Search for an electroweak tensor contribution using trapped 8Li with the Beta-decay Paul Trap Mk IV Room: Marquette VI - 2nd Floor |
Veres, Peter University of Alabama, Huntsville |
Session F02.00002 LEAP – The LargE Area burst Polarimeter on the ISS Room: MG Salon A - 3rd Floor |
Vitale, Salvatore Massachusetts Institute of Technology MI |
Session U04.00003 What they do in the shadows: accessing high-redshift black hole mergers with next-generation detectors Room: MG Salon C - 3rd Floor |
Vogt, Ramona L LLNL/UC Davis |
Session H03.00001 Heavy flavor production and interactions in hot and cold QCD Room: MG Salon B - 3rd Floor |
Walker-Loud, Andre P Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session U03.00001 Two nucleons on the lattice: Progress and challenges Room: MG Salon B - 3rd Floor |
Weeks, Allen The Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) |
Session H05.00001 The Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) to extend frontiers in Physics (TBC) Room: MG Salon E - 3rd Floor |
Weiss, Ronen Los Alamos National Lab |
Session D03.00003 The generalized contact formalism: three-body correlations and other recent results Room: MG Salon B - 3rd Floor |
Weisskopf, Martin C NASA/MSFC |
Session C02.00001 A detailed description of the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer emphasizing its unique capabilities. Room: MG Salon A - 3rd Floor |
Wells, James D University of Michigan |
Session G07.00003 Nuclear Reactor Safeguarding with Neutrino Detection for MOX Loading Verification Room: MG Salon G - 3rd Floor |
Westfall, Catherine L Michigan State University |
Session B06.00002 Why Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste? Big Science Funding Lessons Room: MG Salon F - 3rd Floor |
Witt, Caitlin A Northwestern University |
Session N02.00003 Bayesian Methods for Multi-Messenger Analysis of Supermassive Black Hole Binaries: Pulsars and Quasars and Gravitational Waves, Oh My! Room: MG Salon A - 3rd Floor |
Wood, Joshua R NASA/MSFC |
Session F02.00001 MoonBEAM: A Beyond Earth-orbit Gamma-ray Burst Detector for Multi-Messenger Astronomy Room: MG Salon A - 3rd Floor |
Xu, Ting Michigan State University |
Session V03.00001 The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams: Technologies and Beam development Room: MG Salon B - 3rd Floor |
Ye, Jun CU Boulder |
Session V04.00003 Gravitational redshift measurements using an optical lattice clocks Room: MG Salon C - 3rd Floor |
Younes, George George Washington Univ |
Session WW04.00001 Magnetars, a Cosmic Physics Laboratory Room: Virtual Room 4 |
Yuan, Feng LBNL |
Session K03.00001 Report from the Hot and Cold QCD Town Hall Room: MG Salon B - 3rd Floor |
Zane, Silvia University College London, England, UK |
Session WW04.00002 Polarised Thermal X-ray Emission from Neutron Stars and Magnetars Room: Virtual Room 4 |
Zhang, Cong Institut fur Quantengravitation, Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg, Staudtstr. 7/B2, 91058 Erlangen, Germany |
Session LL04.00003 Fermions in loop quantum gravity: a new approach to the doubling problem Room: Virtual Room 4 |
Zhao, Tong Science and Global Security Program, Princeton University |
Session M07.00003 The Global Nuclear Arms Control and Nonproliferation Regime: From the Perspective of Beijing Room: MG Salon G - 3rd Floor |
Zhao, Yong Argonne National Laboratory |
Session Q03.00003 Lattice QCD on 3D Structure Room: MG Salon B - 3rd Floor |
Zwickl, Ben M Rochester Institute of Technology |
Session T06.00003 Preparing the quantum workforce: From quantum-aware to deep expertise Room: MG Salon F - 3rd Floor |
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