Bulletin of the American Physical Society
4th Joint Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics and the Physical Society of Japan
Volume 59, Number 10
Tuesday–Saturday, October 7–11, 2014; Waikoloa, Hawaii
Invited Speakers
Adelberger, Eric University of Washington, Seattle WA |
Session 2WB.00002 Laboratory Tests of Gravity: an extremely-low-energy frontier of particle physics Room: Kohala 2 |
Afanasjev, Anatoli Mississippi State University |
Session 2WH.00002 Superdeformation in the $A\sim 40$ mass region Room: Kona 2 |
Aidala, Christine University of Michigan |
Session 2WJ.00005 Spin and Beam Dynamics at the Fermilab Main Injector Room: Kona 3 |
Akamatsu, Yukinao KMI, Nagoya University |
Session 1WJ.00007 A Numerical Causal Viscous Hydrodynamics with a Riemann Solver Room: Kona 3 |
Akiba, Yasuyuki RIKEN |
Session 2WD.00003 Electromagnetic probes and heavy flavor from RHIC to LHC Room: Kohala 4 |
Alford, Mark Washington University, St. Louis |
Session 2WC.00006 Hadronic Stars versus Hybrid stars: how can we identify them? Room: Kohala 3 |
Amthor, A.M. Bucknell University |
Session 1WA.00005 Particle Spectrometers for FRIB Room: Kohala 1 |
Beausang, Cornelius University of Richmond |
Session 1WH.00006 Recent Experimental Progress on Surrogate Reactions Room: Kona 2 |
Beers, Timothy University of Notre Dame |
Session 1WC.00005 Observations of neutron-capture elements in the first stars Room: Kohala 3 |
Bollen, Georg Michigan State University |
Session 1WA.00002 Scientific Opportunities and Plans for FRIB Room: Kohala 1 |
Brooks, Will Univ T\'ecnica Federico Santa Mar\'ia |
Session 1WD.00003 The Emergence of Hadrons and the Nuclear Force from Color at an EIC Room: Kohala 4 |
Cadenas, Juan IFIC (CSIC-U. Valencia) |
Session 2WM.00002 Status of the NEXT experiment and future perspectives for HPXe-based DBD searches Room: Kona 5 |
Carpenter, Michael Argonne National Laboratory |
Session FA.00003 Preliminary results from GRETINA at ATLAS Room: Kohala 1 |
Chen, Jinhui Chinese Academy of Science |
Session 2WF.00001 Beam energy dependence of hypertriton production and lifetime measurement at RHIC Room: King's 2 |
Cirigliano, Vincenzo Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session CD.00001 TBD Room: Kohala 4 |
Cole, Brian |
Session 2WD.00002 TBD Room: Kohala 4 |
Crawford, Heather Ohio University |
Session 2WA.00002 Advanced Gamma-ray Detectors: Science with GRETINA/GRETA Room: Kohala 1 |
Deibel, Catherine Louisiana State University |
Session EC.00001 Transfer Reactions: From Nuclear Structure to Astrophysics Room: Kohala 3 |
Dietrich, Matthew Northwestern University |
Session 2WA.00007 Rare Isotope Traps and Prospects for Fundamental Interaction Studies Room: Kohala 1 |
Dillmann, Iris TRIUMF |
Session 1WC.00003 Beta-delayed neutron emission measurements for r-process nuclei Room: Kohala 3 |
Doornenbal, Pieter RIKEN |
Session FA.00002 In beam gamma-ray spectroscopy of fast exotic beams at the RIBF Room: Kohala 1 |
Doring, Michael George Washington University |
Session 1WG.00007 Role of scalar mesons moving in finite-volume \& PW mixing Room: King's 3 |
Dudek, Jozef Jefferson Lab / Old Dominion University |
Session DC.00001 New hadrons from Lattice QCD Room: Kohala 3 |
Elouadrhiri, Latifa Jefferson Lab |
Session 2WG.00002 12 GeV Upgrade and the study of 3D imaging of nucleon Room: King's 3 |
Engel, Jonathan Univ of NC - Chapel Hill |
Session 2WL.00005 Computation of Nuclear Matrix Elements for Double-Beta Decay Room: Kona 4 |
Enoto, Teruaki RIKEN, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Session 2WC.00001 Astrophysical observations and future projects of neutron stars and magnetars Room: Kohala 3 |
Escher, Jutta Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session 1WH.00005 Theory \& Modeling for Surrogate Reactions Room: Kona 2 |
Esumi, ShinIchi Institute of Physics, University of Tsukuba |
Session KA.00003 Study of hot QCD Matter at RHIC and LHC Room: Kohala 1 |
Eugenio, Paul Florida State University |
Session 1WF.00001 Search for Hybrid Mesons via Photoproduction at Jefferson Lab Room: King's 2 |
Foucart, Francois Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session 1WL.00007 Improved microphysics in neutron star merger simulations Room: Kona 4 |
Frohlich, Carla North Carolina State University |
Session CA.00003 Core-collapse supernovae and nucleosynthesis Room: Kohala 1 |
Fujita, Yoshitaka Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka Univristy |
Session FF.00001 Charge Exchange Reaction: a powerful tool to study the ``Weak Response'' of nuclei Room: King's 2 |
Fujiwara, Mamoru Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University |
Session 1WH.00003 Applications Using High Flux LCS gamma-ray Beams: Nuclear Security and Contributions to Fukushima Room: Kona 2 |
Fukugita, Masataka The University of Tokyo |
Session 1WM.00001 TBD Room: Kona 5 |
Fukushima, Kenji The University of Tokyo |
Session 1WD.00001 Study of the QGP Initial State and its Evolution to QGP Room: Kohala 4 |
Furukawa, Takeshi Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University |
Session 1WB.00001 OROCHI experiment: Laser spectroscopy of RI atoms in superfluid helium for measurements of nuclear spins and electromagnetic moments Room: Kohala 2 |
Gandolfi, Stefano Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session 1WL.00002 Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of neutron and nuclear matter Room: Kona 4 |
Gates, Jacklyn Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session DG.00001 Superheavy Elements: Status and Future Room: King's 3 |
Graham, Kevin Carleton University |
Session 1WM.00006 The EXO Search for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Room: Kona 5 |
Grzywacz, Robert University of Tennessee/ORNL |
Session CA.00002 Beta delayed neutrons for nuclear structure and astrophysics Room: Kohala 1 |
Guiseppe, Vincente Univ. of South Carolina |
Session 1WM.00002 The Majorana Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay Program Room: Kona 5 |
Gunji, Taku Center for Nuclear Study, the University of Tokyo |
Session 2WD.00006 Experimental Upgrades at RHIC and LHC Room: Kohala 4 |
Hashimoto, Koji Osaka university / RIKEN |
Session 2WB.00005 Current status of Superstring theory and its implication to dimensional structure Room: Kohala 2 |
Hatta, Yoshitaka Yukawa Institute, Kyoto University |
Session EA.00004 The nucleon spin and angular momentum Room: Kohala 1 |
Hayano, Ryugo The University of Tokyo |
Session 2WB.00007 CPT tests with antihydrogen and antiprotonic helium atoms Room: Kohala 2 |
Hayden, Michael Simon Fraser University |
Session 2WB.00006 Hyperfine Microwave Spectroscopy of Ground State Antihydrogen Room: Kohala 2 |
Hazama, Ryuta Osaka Sangyo University |
Session KM.00001 Overview of detector technologies in low-radioactivity-background experiments Room: Kona 5 |
Heinz, Ulrich Ohio State Univ - Columbus |
Session 1WJ.00001 A Standard Model for the Little Bang -- how far are we from the goal? Room: Kona 3 |
Heisel, Mark Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics |
Session 1WM.00003 Upgrades for GERDA Phase II Room: Kona 5 |
Hicks, Kenneth Ohio University |
Session 1WG.00001 Baryon Spectroscopy from Two-Pion Producton Data Room: King's 3 |
Hirano, Tetsufumi Sophia University |
Session 1WJ.00005 Recent development of hydrodynamic modeling Room: Kona 3 |
Hirose, Kentaro ASRC, JAEA, Tokai 319-1195 Japan |
Session 1WH.00007 Fission data by surrogate reactions Room: Kona 2 |
Hiyama, Emiko RIKEN |
Session DA.00004 Structure of few-body hypernuclei Room: Kohala 1 |
Hoffman, Calem R. Argonne National Laboratory |
Session 2WH.00003 A search for unexpected bound states in $^{15}$B Room: Kona 2 |
Horoi, Mihai Department of Physics, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI 48859, USA |
Session CM.00001 Neutrino physics and double-beta decay: what can we learn and how Room: Kona 5 |
Ideguchi, Eiji Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University |
Session 2WH.00001 An overview of CAGRA and the RCNP facility Room: Kona 2 |
Ikeda, Yoichi RIKEN, Nishina Center |
Session 1WL.00003 Hadron interactions and exotic hadrons from lattice QCD Room: Kona 4 |
Inakura, Tsunenori Chiba University |
Session 2WH.00005 Current situation on Pygmy Dipole Resonance and related topics Room: Kona 2 |
Isaka, Masahiro RIKEN Nishina Center |
Session 2WF.00006 Structure of Lambda Hypernuclei with Antisymmetrized Molecular Dynamics Room: King's 2 |
Ishidoshiro, Koji RCNS, Tohoku University |
Session 1WM.00007 KamLAND Zen Room: Kona 5 |
Ishikawa, Takatsugu Research Center for Electron Photon Science (ELPH), Tohoku University |
Session 1WG.00003 Baryon spectroscopy at ELPH and LEPS2 Room: King's 3 |
Ishitsuka, Masaki Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Session KA.00002 QCD with LHC p-p and e-p Collisions Room: Kohala 1 |
Ito, Yuta RIKEN Nishina Center |
Session 1WB.00006 MRTOF for high-precision mass measurements at RIKEN Room: Kohala 2 |
Ji, Xiandong |
Session 2WG.00003 TBD Room: King's 3 |
Jia, Jiangyong Stony Brook University and Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session 1WJ.00002 Understanding event-shape fluctuations via flow correlations in heavy-ion collisions at LHC Room: Kona 3 |
Jones, Phil |
Session 2WM.00006 TBD Room: Kona 5 |
Kamano, Hiroyuki RCNP, Osaka University |
Session MA.00004 Toward construction of a unified neutrino-nucleus interaction model Room: Kohala 1 |
Kato, Yuji KMI, Nagoya University |
Session 1WF.00005 Charmed baryon spectroscopy at Belle Room: King's 2 |
Kimura, Masaaki Department of Physics, Hokkaido University |
Session 2WL.00003 Formation of clusters in stable and unstable nuclei explored by antisymmetrized molecular dynamics Room: Kona 4 |
Klein, Andi Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session 2WJ.00006 Drell Yan at FNAL with a Polarized Target Room: Kona 3 |
Kobayashi, Nobuyuki University of Tokyo |
Session CB.00001 Using particle-gamma coincidences to study nuclear reactions and structure with fast radioactive ion beams Room: Kohala 2 |
Koike, Yuji Niigata University |
Session 2WJ.00001 Single transverse-spin asymmetry in QCD Room: Kona 3 |
Kovchegov, Yuri The Ohio State University |
Session KA.00004 The Nucleus as a Laboratory for Gluons at an EIC Room: Kohala 1 |
Kumano, Shunzo KEK |
Session EA.00003 3D structure of hadrons by high-energy exclusive processes Room: Kohala 1 |
Liao, Jingeng Indiana University \& RIKEN BNL Research Center |
Session 2WD.00007 Theoretical summary on QGP at RHIC and LHC and future Room: Kohala 4 |
Lin, Hueywen University of Washington |
Session 1WL.00005 Recent Breakthrough in Lattice QCD for Hadron Structure Room: Kona 4 |
Lopez, Jorge University of Texas, El Paso |
Session GA.00002 Division of Nuclear Physics Mentoring Award Talk: Nuclear Physics Mentoring on the US-Mexico Border Room: Monarchy Ballroom |
Lynch, William NSCL and Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University |
Session EL.00001 Constraining the EoS of neutron-rich matter by laboratory measurements Room: Kona 4 |
Majumder, Abhijit Wayne State University |
Session CJ.00001 The temperature dependence of jet transport coefficients Room: Queen's 5 |
Maruyama, Reina Yale University |
Session 1WM.00005 Results from CUORE-0, Status of CUORE Room: Kona 5 |
Maruyama, Takasumi KEK |
Session EM.00001 An overview of the physics possibilities and the planned searches for sterile neutrinos Room: Kona 5 |
Masui, Hiroshi University of Tsukuba |
Session 2WD.00005 Beam Energy Scan at RHIC Room: Kohala 4 |
Mathews, Grant J. University of Notre Dame |
Session 1WC.00001 Supernovae and Nucleosynthesis Room: Kohala 3 |
McKeown, Robert Jefferson Lab |
Session AA2.00001 Electroweak Nuclear Physics Room: Monarchy Ballroom |
McLaughlin, Gail North Carolina State University |
Session MA.00001 Theoretical Aspects of Coherent Elastic Neutrino Nucleus Scattering Room: Kohala 1 |
Michimasa, Shin'ichiro Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo |
Session 1WA.00006 RI-induced reaction studies by new energy-degrading beam line, OEDO Room: Kohala 1 |
Millener, John Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session 2WF.00005 Shell-model aspects of the p-shell hypernuclei Room: King's 2 |
Mitchell, Ryan Indiana University |
Session 1WF.00003 The XYZ Mesons at BESIII Room: King's 2 |
Miyachi, Yoshiyuki Yamagata University |
Session 2WJ.00007 Opportunities with polarized beam {\&} target Room: Kona 3 |
Mukherjee, Swagato Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session 2WL.00002 Supercomputing extreme matter created during little bangs Room: Kona 4 |
Nagata, Keitaro KEK |
Session 2WL.00001 Baryon number distribution in lattice QCD Room: Kona 4 |
Nakamura, Atsushi Hiroshima University |
Session 1WJ.00003 QCD Phase Diagram -- What can we learn from Lattice and Experimental data Room: Kona 3 |
Nakamura, Satoshi Osaka University |
Session 1WG.00005 Baryon resonance physics and its application to neutrino interactions Room: King's 3 |
Nakamura, Satoshi N. Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University |
Session DA.00003 Spectroscopy of $\Lambda$ hypernuclei using Electron Beams Room: Kohala 1 |
Nakazawa, Kazuma Gifu University |
Session 2WF.00007 Double Lambda and Xi hypernuclei Room: King's 2 |
Nishimura, Shunji RIKEN Nishina Center |
Session CA.00001 Decay properties of exotic nuclei relevant to r-process nucleosynthesis Room: Kohala 1 |
Noji, Shumpei National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory, Michigan State University |
Session 2WH.00006 The ($^{6}$Li,$^{6}$Li$'$[3.56 MeV]) reaction as a novel probe for studying the inelastic neutrino-nucleus response in astrophysical scenarios Room: Kona 2 |
Nolen, Jerry Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory |
Session KF.00001 Overview of Target Development for Next Generation Radioactive Beam Experiments Room: King's 2 |
Nomachi, Masaharu |
Session 2WM.00001 TBD Room: Kona 5 |
Nomura, Yasunori University of California, Berkeley |
Session 2WB.00001 The Multiverse---Emerging New View in Fundamental Physics Room: Kohala 2 |
Ohgaki, Hideaki Kyoto University |
Session 1WH.00001 The Science of Nuclear Materials Detection using gamma-ray beams: Nuclear Resonance Fluorescence Room: Kona 2 |
Ohnishi, Akira YITP, Kyoto University |
Session DL.00001 Neutron star matter equation of state: current status and challenges Room: Kona 4 |
Oka, Makoto Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Session KC.00001 Dynamics of Heavy Quarks in the Heavy Baryon Spectrum Room: Kohala 3 |
Otsuka, Takaharu Department of Physics, University of Tokyo |
Session 1WL.00001 What can we learn from large-scale MCSM calculations? Room: Kona 4 |
Ozawa, Akira Institute of Physics, University of Tsukuba |
Session 2WA.00003 Mass Measurement with Rare-RI Rin Room: Kohala 1 |
Ozel, Feryal University of Arizona |
Session 2WC.00005 Simultaneous determinations of neutron star radii and masses, and the equation of state Room: Kohala 3 |
Pain, Steven Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session KB.00001 Particle-gamma measurements around the Coulomb barrier Room: Kohala 2 |
Pattavina, Luca INFN-Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso |
Session 2WM.00005 LUCIFER: scintillating bolometers for neutrinoless double-beta decay searches Room: Kona 5 |
Peng, Jen-Chieh University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session 2WG.00007 High-Energy Exclusive Reactions at J-PARC Room: King's 3 |
Pisano, Silvia INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati |
Session EA.00002 3D imaging of the nucleon with JLab experiments Room: Kohala 1 |
Plaster, Brad University of Kentucky |
Session FE.00001 Fundamental Physics with Cold and Ultracold Neutrons Room: King's 1 |
Quaglioni, Sofia LLNL |
Session CK.00001 Ab initio calculations of light-nucleus reactions and three-nucleon forces Room: Queen's 6 |
Radyushkin, Anatoly Old Dominion University/Jefferson Lab |
Session EA.00001 3D structure of nucleon with virtuality distributions Room: Kohala 1 |
Reimer, Paul E. Argonne National Laboratory |
Session 2WJ.00003 Probing Valence Quark's Sivers' Distribution with Polarized-Beam Drell-Yan Room: Kona 3 |
Ringle, Ryan NSCL |
Session 1WB.00002 SIPT---An Ultrasensitive Mass Spectrometer for Rare Isotopes Room: Kohala 2 |
Riordan, Seamus University of Massachusetts, Amherst |
Session FC.00001 Modern Insights into Elastic Nucleon Form Factors Room: Kohala 3 |
Roberts, Craig Argonne National Laboratory |
Session 1WD.00006 Theory Synergies: Observable effects of quark dressing in hadron physics Room: Kohala 4 |
Roberts, Luke California Institute of Technology |
Session 2WL.00007 Nucleosynthesis Near Newly Formed Compact Objects Room: Kona 4 |
Rossi, Patrizia Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility |
Session 1WD.00007 Electron-Ion Collider - Plans for Realization Room: Kohala 4 |
Rykaczewski, Krzysztof ORNL |
Session KG.00001 Decay spectroscopy of exotic fission products Room: King's 3 |
S\"{o}derstr\"{o}m, P\"{a}r-Anders RIKEN Nishina Center |
Session CG.00001 Recent work of decay spectroscopy at RIBF Room: King's 3 |
Sagara, Kenshi Retired |
Session FK.00001 Direct measurement of the $^{4}$He ($^{12}$C, $^{16}$O) $\gamma $ reaction cross section near stellar energies Room: Queen's 6 |
Sakaguchi, Atsushi Department of Physics, Osaka University |
Session 2WF.00003 Neutron-rich Lambda Hypernuclei Room: King's 2 |
Sakemi, Yasuhiro Tohoku University |
Session 1WB.00003 Search for a permanent EDM with laser cooled radioactive atom Room: Kohala 2 |
Sakurai, Hiroyoshi RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science |
Session AA1.00002 Physics of Exotic Nuclei at RIBF Room: Monarchy Ballroom |
Samios, Nicholas Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session AA1.00001 RIKEN BNL Research Center Room: Monarchy Ballroom |
Sasaki, Shoichi Tohoku University |
Session 1WF.00006 Heavy quarkonium potential from lattice QCD Room: King's 2 |
Savage, Martin Institute for Nuclear Theory |
Session DA.00001 Strangeness Physics on the Lattice Room: Kohala 1 |
Savard, Guy Argonne National Laboratory |
Session DB.00001 Physics of neutron-rich exotic nuclei Room: Kohala 2 |
Sawada, Shinya KEK |
Session 2WG.00001 Nucleon structure physics at Fermilab and J-PARC Room: King's 3 |
Schatz, Hendrik Michigan State University |
Session 2WC.00003 Heating and Cooling in Accreting Neutron Stars Room: Kohala 3 |
Schott, Diane The George Washington University |
Session 1WG.00002 Hadron Spectroscopy: Providing the link between experiment and theory in the intermediate energy region at JLAB Room: King's 3 |
Schumacher, Reinhard Carnegie Mellon University |
Session DA.00002 Electromagnetic Strangeness Production at GeV Energies Room: Kohala 1 |
Scielzo, Nicholas Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session 1WB.00007 Measurements of $\beta $-delayed neutron emission probabilities using a Paul trap Room: Kohala 2 |
Seidl, Ralf RIKEN |
Session 1WD.00002 Three-Dimensional Imaging and Spin - from Valence Quarks to the Sea Room: Kohala 4 |
Sekiguchi, Kimiko Department of Physics, Tohoku University |
Session 1WA.00003 Science with Q3D mode of SAMURAI Room: Kohala 1 |
Sekiguchi, Yuichiro Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Session 2WC.00007 Neutron star merger, gravitational waves, and the dense matter equation of state Room: Kohala 3 |
Sekimura, Naoto Department of Nuclear Engineering and Management, The University of Tokyo |
Session AA2.00002 Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident; based on the Final Report of Atomic Energy Society of Japan Room: Monarchy Ballroom |
Shibata, Masaru Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University |
Session 1WL.00006 Merger of binary neutron stars in numerical relativity Room: Kona 4 |
Shidling, Praveen Cyclotron Institute, Texas A\&M University, College Station, TX, 77843-3366 |
Session 1WB.00005 TAMU-TRAP: an ion trap facility for Weak Interaction and Nuclear Physics Studies Room: Kohala 2 |
Shima, Tatsushi Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University |
Session 1WC.00006 Photo- and neutrino-induced reactions for SNe nucleosynthesis Room: Kohala 3 |
Shimoura, Susumu Center for Nuclear Study (CNS), University of Tokyo |
Session 2WH.00007 New energy degraded beam project at RIBF -- OEDO project Room: Kona 2 |
Sorensen, Paul Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session 2WD.00001 Collective properties from RHIC to LHC Room: Kohala 4 |
Strickland, Michael Kent State Univ - Kent, Ohio |
Session 1WJ.00006 Non-perturbative reorganization of viscous hydrodynamics Room: Kona 3 |
Sumiyoshi, Kosuke Numazu College of Technology |
Session 2WL.00006 Roles of dense matter \& neutrino transfer in core-collapse supernovae Room: Kona 4 |
Suzuki, Atsumu Kobe University |
Session MA.00002 T2K (Tokai to Kamioka) is a long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment Room: Kohala 1 |
Suzuki, Toshio Nihon University |
Session 1WC.00002 Nuclear structure for SNe r- and neutrino processes Room: Kohala 3 |
Syritsyn, Sergei |
Session 1WD.00005 TBD Room: Kohala 4 |
Szczepaniak, Adam Indiana Univ - Bloomington |
Session 1WG.00006 Inroads in meson spectroscopy Room: King's 3 |
Tamii, Atsushi RCNP, Osaka University |
Session 2WC.00002 From neutron-rich nuclei to low-mass neutron stars Room: Kohala 3 |
Tanaka, Kazuhiro Juntendo University |
Session 2WG.00005 High-energy hadron physics at J-PARC Room: King's 3 |
Tanaka, Saki Rikkyo University |
Session 2WB.00003 Short range gravity and T-Violation Room: Kohala 2 |
Tang, Liguang Hampton University |
Session 2WF.00002 Study Light $\Lambda$ Hypernuclei From Decay Pion Spectroscopy Room: King's 2 |
Thoennessen, Michael Michigan State University |
Session DE.00001 One- and two neutron decay of light neutron-rich nuclei Room: King's 1 |
Thomas, Anthony CSSM \& CoEPP, University of Adelaide |
Session 2WG.00006 Nucleon structure and spectroscopy from lattice QCD Room: King's 3 |
Tice, Brian Argonne National Laboratory |
Session MA.00003 Nuclear Effects in Neutrino Scattering at MINERvA Room: Kohala 1 |
Todoroki, Takahito University of Tsukuba |
Session EJ.00001 Flow Measurements at the RHIC and LHC, What Have We Learned? What is Needed? Room: Queen's 5 |
Tsukada, Kyo ELPH, Tohoku University |
Session 2WA.00001 SCRIT electron scattering facility Room: Kohala 1 |
Ueno, Hideki RIKEN Nishina Center |
Session 1WA.00001 Scientific opportunities and plans for RIBF Room: Kohala 1 |
Uesaka, Tomohiro RIKEN Nishina Center for Accelerator-Based Science |
Session 1WC.00007 Mass Measurement for R-process Nuclei at RIBF Room: Kohala 3 |
Utsuno, Yutaka Advanced Science Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency |
Session EB.00001 Shells and shapes in exotic nuclei Room: Kohala 2 |
Velkovska, Julia Vanderbilt University |
Session KA.00001 Lessons Learned on Saturation Physics at LHC and RHIC Room: Kohala 1 |
Wada, Michiharu RIKEN Nishina Center |
Session 2WA.00006 Science with SLOWRI Room: Kohala 1 |
Wakamatsu, Masashi Department of Physics, Osaka University |
Session 2WJ.00002 Nucleon spin decomposition and orbital angular momentum in the nucleon Room: Kona 3 |
Wanajo, Shinya iTHES Research Group, RIKEN, Wako, Saitama 351-0198 |
Session CA.00004 The r-process in the neutrino-processed ejecta of neutron star mergers Room: Kohala 1 |
Watanabe, Hiroshi Beihang University / RIKEN |
Session FA.00004 Highlights of EURICA decay spectroscopy at RIBF Room: Kohala 1 |
Weisshaar, Dirk Nat'l Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory, Michigan State University |
Session FA.00001 New Results from GRETINA at NSCL Room: Kohala 1 |
Wiedenhoever, Ingo Physics Department, Florida State University |
Session 2WA.00005 Active Targets for Experiments with Rare Isotopes Room: Kohala 1 |
Wiescher, Michael University of Notre Dame |
Session 2WM.00007 The Physics of Underground Accelerators Room: Kona 5 |
Wu, Ying Duke University |
Session 1WH.00002 Next Generation Laser-Compton Gamma-ray Beam Facilities Room: Kona 2 |
Wuosmaa, Alan Univ of Connecticut - Storrs |
Session 1WA.00007 Solenoid Spectrometers for Reaccelerated Beam Experiments Room: Kohala 1 |
Yasui, Shigehiro Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Session 1WF.00002 Heavy quark in exotic hadron and nuclear systems Room: King's 2 |
Yoshida, Sei Osaka University |
Session 2WM.00003 CANDLES project for the study of neutrino-less double beta decay of 48Ca Room: Kona 5 |
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