Abramowicz, Halina Tel Aviv University |
Session E05.00001
EU Strategy for CERN
Aguirre, Anthony UC Santa Cruz |
Session X06.00002
The Future of Life
Amon, Alexandra Stanford University |
Session Y06.00002
Dark Energy Survey: Year 3 cosmology from large-scale structure
Aprile, Elena Columbia University |
Session D05.00003
Optical and Gravity Signatures
Arguelles, Carlos Harvard |
Session T03.00001
Sterile Neutrinos and Astrophysics
Arratia, Miguel University of California, Riverside |
Session E12.00001
Jet tomography of the proton at the EIC
Artuso, Marina Syracuse University |
Session X02.00003
Highlights and future prospects of heavy-flavor physics experiments
Arvanitaki, Asimina Perimeter Inst for Theo Phys |
Session G01.00001
The Search for Dark Matter: A Particle Theory Perspective
Aschenauer, Elke-Caroline BNL |
Session X04.00003
The Electron-Ion Collider: A Collider to Unravel the Mysteries of Visible Matter - It's Experimental Equipment
Atherton, Timothy Tufts University |
Session G06.00002
Physicality, Modelling and Making in a Computational Physics Class
Backes, Kelly Yale University |
Session B07.00001
A Quantum-Enhanced Search for Dark Matter Axions
Baker, Oliver Yale University |
Session G04.00002
Entanglement and thermalization in peripheral collisions
Banerjee, Somaditya Austin Peay State University |
Session G07.00003
Physics in Colonial India through the lens of C.V. Raman and S.N. Bose
Barger, Vernon University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session E02.00004
J. J. Sakurai Prize for Theoretical Particle Physics (2021)
Barnett, Michael Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session B03.00001
Dwight Nicholson Medal for Outreach (2020)
Baym, Gordon University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session S04.00003
Neutron stars and the properties of matter under extreme conditions
Beane, Silas UW Seattle |
Session G04.00003
Entanglement in Low Energy Nuclear Physics
Belmont, Ron Univ of NC - Greensboro |
Session H14.00001
Hydrodynamics and RHIC data: successes, failures, and what comes next
Bennett, Michael University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session K04.00003
Playing To Our Strengths: Collaborative Models for Public Engagement in the COVID Era
Benson, Stephen Jefferson Lab |
Session E06.00002
Isotope Production using High-Power Electron Accelerators
Berger, Beverly K. Retired |
Session T01.00001
Richard A. Isaacson Award in Gravitational-Wave Science (2021): Opening the gravitational-wave window: a personal perspective
Bernlochner, Florian University of Bonn |
Session Q18.00002
Prospects of semitauonic measurements at Belle II
Berry, Christopher Northwestern University |
Session X05.00001
The Great Challenges of Gravitational-wave Analysis
Bertolucci, Sergio University of Bologna |
Session E05.00002
Governing the Digital Transformation
Bieri, Lydia University of Michigan |
Session Q01.00001
New Structures in Gravitational Radiation
Bird, Stephanie Independent Consultant, MIT- Retired |
Session D06.00002
The Survival Imperative: Critical Components of the Ethical Education of Scientists and Engineers
Blaskiewicz, Michael Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session X04.00002
EIC Accelerator Design: Challenges and Solutions
Bonaca, Ana Institute for Theory and Computation Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics |
Session G01.00003
Astrophysical Probes of Dark Matter
Bradbury, Forrest Amsterdam Univ College |
Session S06.00002
Science, serendipity, and supervision in Maker Labs
Brambilla, Nora Tech Univ Muenchen |
Session L04.00001
Quarkonia and heavy quarks as a probe of QCD Media
Brandenberger, Robert McGill Univ |
Session L01.00003
Inflation and the Swampland
Brown, Duncan Syracuse University |
Session X05.00002
Data Analysis for Cosmic Explorer
Bulbul, Esra Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics |
Session X03.00003
First Results from eROSITA Observations of Galaxy Clusters Detected in the eFEDS Field
Burnell, Jocelyn Bell University of Oxford |
Session D05.00001
Discovery of Pulsars in Context
Burns, Eric Louisiana State University |
Session K01.00003
Inferring Neutron Star Merger Rates from Short Gamma-Ray Burst Observations
Caines, Helen Yale University |
Session B05.00002
Insights from the STAR Collider Program
Cassidy, David University College London |
Session K03.00001
Precision Microwave Spectroscopy of the Positronium n $=$ 2 Fine Structure
Cebra, Daniel University of California, Davis |
Session B05.00003
Insights from the STAR Fixed-Target Program
Chatterjee, Animesh Technische Universität Darmstadt |
Session G07.00002
Trustworthiness, Theft and Class Identity in Reading the Domestic Electric Meter in Early Twentieth-century Calcutta
Chatziioannou, Katerina Caltech |
Session L03.00003
Neutron Star Mass Limits and the Equation of State
Chawla, Pragya McGill University |
Session Q07.00003
FRB Populations
Choi, Ami Ohio State Univ - Columbus |
Session Y06.00001
Dark Energy Survey: Overview
Cifarelli, Luisa Univ of Bologna |
Session P01.00004
Panel: Science on a Global Scale
Cochran, Geraldine Rutgers University, New Brunswick |
Session W01.00003
Inclusive Education Practices
Cordova, Tina Tularosa Basin Downwinders Consortium |
Session Q06.00003
75 Years and Waiting:~ The Downwinders Perspective of the Trinity Test
Cottle, Paul Florida State University |
Session K04.00001
An Online (But Hands-On!) Nuclear Science Camp: A Collaboration Between K-12 Teachers and a University Professor
Craig, Nathaniel University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session B08.00001
The Case for a Future Muon Collider
D'Orazio, Daniel Niels Bohr Institute |
Session H03.00002
The Electromagnetic Search for Close-Separation Supermassive Black Hole Binaries: Periodicity, Doppler Shifts and Lensing
Dafermos, Mihalis Princeton University |
Session Q01.00002
The Nonlinear Stability of Black Holes
Danieli, Shany
Session B06.00001
Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin Doctoral Dissertation Award in Astrophysics Finalist (2021): Clues to the Nature of Dark Matter from Low-Mass Galaxies Beyond the Local Group
Davoudi, Zohreh University of Maryland, College Park |
Session H07.00001
Quantum simulations with trapped ions
DeCesar, Megan George Mason University / U.S. Naval Research Laboratory |
Session B01.00001
The Search for Gravitational Waves with the NANOGrav Pulsar Timing Array
del Rio Vega, Adrian Institute for Gravitation and the Cosmos, The Pennsylvania State University. |
Session X01.00003
Testing Quantum Gravity with Gravitational Waves
Del Santo, Flavio Austrian Academy of Sciences |
Session T07.00001
Striving for Realism, not for Determinism: Historical Misconceptions on Einstein and Bohm
Dent, Thomas IGFAE, University of Santiago de Compostela |
Session K01.00002
Rates of compact binary mergers from LIGO/Virgo observations
Detmold, William MIT |
Session Y04.00003
Lattice QCD in the EIC Era
De Vita, Raffaella Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Session Q15.00001
Overview of the Jefferson Lab 12 GeV Program
Di Canto, Angelo Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session X02.00002
Recent world leading results on Charm, and Exotic b decays
Dolence, Joshua Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session Y01.00001
Frontiers in Relativistic Radiation Magnetohydrodynamics
Dollar, Franklin University of California, Irvine |
Session L05.00003
Panelist Introduction
Drewsen, Michael Aarhus University |
Session K03.00003
Constraints on new bosons from Isotope shift measurements in Ca+
Driutti, Anna University of Kentucky |
Session Q18.00005
Recent results from the Muon {\boldmath $g-2$} Experiment at Fermilab
Drlica-Wagner, Alex Fermilab |
Session G01.00002
Gravitational Probes of Dark Matter
Effler, Anamaria California institute of technology |
Session T01.00002
The LIGO Detectors: Sensitivity and Challenges
Engelhardt, Netta Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session D01.00002
Simple Subsets of the Black Hole Interior
Engelhardt, Netta Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session H02.00002
The Black Hole Information Paradox: A Resolution on the Horizon?
Estrade, Alfredo Central Michigan University |
Session D03.00001
Nuclear Physics Experiments and Neutron Star Mergers
Etienne, Zach West Virginia University |
Session T05.00001
NRPy+, a Python-Based Code Generation Package for Numerical Relativity... and Beyond!
Faber, Sandra University of California at Santa Cruz |
Session X06.00003
Needed Now: A Vision for Earth on Cosmic Time
Fetter, Steve University of Maryland |
Session Y05.00001
Leo Szilard Lectureship Award (2021): Reducing Nuclear Weapons and the Risk of Nuclear War
Fishbach, Maya Northwestern University |
Session B06.00002
Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin Doctoral Dissertation Award in Astrophysics Finalist (2021): LIGO-Virgo's Biggest Black Holes and the Mass Gap
Fleming, Bonnie Yale University |
Session Y02.00001
Summary Basic Research Needs for High Energy Physics Detector Research & Development
Fonseca, Emmanuel West Virginia University |
Session B01.00002
High-cadence Timing of Radio Pulsars with CHIME
Fortson, Lucy University of Minnesota |
Session B03.00003
Dwight Nicholson Medal for Outreach (2019): A Brief Tour of the Zooniverse: How Crowdsourcing Science is Solving Big Data Problems in Research
Foucart, Francois University of New Hampshire |
Session S03.00002
Mass ejection in neutron star mergers: connecting merger simulations to nucleosynthesis and kilonova observations
Franco Sevilla, Manuel University of Maryland, College Park |
Session Q18.00003
Electroweak penguin anomalies
Frank, Adam University of Rochester |
Session H06.00001
Truth and the Public Good. What To Do When There Is No Bottom To Science Denial
Frank, Brian Middle Tennessee State University |
Session T06.00002
Remote Physics Learning with Desmos: Strategies for Engagement, Collaboration, and Real-time Feedback
Freeman, Walter Syracuse University |
Session G06.00001
The Value of Computational Education in Developing Confidence and Insight: Case Studies from Syracuse University
Galli, Luca INFN-Pisa |
Session Q18.00004
Lepton flavour violaton in muon decays
Galli, Silvia Institute D'Astrophysique De Paris |
Session Q03.00002
CMB Perspective on Cosmological Tensions
Gao, Haiyan Duke University |
Session D11.00001
Overview of the proposed Solenoidal Large Intensity Device (SoLID) and its physics programs at Jefferson Lab
Garcia-Sciveres, Maurice Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session Y02.00002
Multidisciplinary development in high energy physics
Gelmini, Graciela UCLA |
Session T03.00002
Sterile Neutrinos and Cosmology
Genzel, Reinhard Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics |
Session A01.00002
A 40-Year Journey
Ghez, Andrea University of California, Los Angeles |
Session A01.00003
Capturing a Supermassive Black Hole
Gollapinni, Sowjanya LANL |
Session L05.00005
Panel Topic Discussion
Greene, Geoffrey University of Tennessee |
Session T04.00003
Tom W. Bonner Prize in Nuclear Physics (2021): The Fundamental Properties of the Neutron, or, Why Do We Keep Measuring the Same Things, Over and Over, Again
Gueguen, Marie Rotman Institute of Philosophy, Western University |
Session S05.00003
Cosmology in Silico
Guenette, Roxanne Harvard University |
Session G02.00001
New physics searches in accelerator-based neutrino experiments
Guetg, Marc DESY |
Session S01.00001
End to End with Lasers: Today's growing XFEL Landscape
Halkiadakis, Eva Rutgers University, New Brunswick |
Session B02.00003
Physics Beyond the Standard Model at the LHC
Harrison, Fiona California Institute of Technology |
Session S04.00001
Hans A. Bethe Prize (2020): Ultraluminous X-ray Sources: Extremes of Accretion and the Search for Intermediate Mass Black Holes
Harrison, Fiona California Institute of Technology |
Session P01.00002
Panel: Science on a Global Scale
Heath, Erin AAAS |
Session D02.00001
How do practitioners of science policy integrate history into their work?
Heeger, Karsten Yale University |
Session K06.00001
Precision Studies of Reactor Neutrinos: International Collaborations for Discovery Science
Heidenreich, Ben University of Massachusetts - Amherst |
Session L01.00001
The Weak Gravity Conjecture
Hewett, JoAnne SLAC - Natl Accelerator Lab |
Session P01.00003
Panel: Science on a Global Scale
Hiller Blin, Astrid Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility |
Session Q05.00002
Studies for Electro- and Photoproduction
Hinderer, Tanja University of Amsterdam |
Session E03.00002
LIGO Constraints on the Neutron Star Equation of State
Holmes, Stephen Fermilab |
Session L02.00005
DPB Exceptional Service Award
Homiller, Samuel Harvard University |
Session L02.00003
JJ and Noriko Sakurai Dissertation Award (2021): Higgs Couplings as a Gateway to New Fundamental Physics
Hughes, Emlyn Columbia Univ |
Session Q06.00002
Radiation Measurements in the Marshall Islands
Hyater-Adams, Simone APS |
Session E07.00001
Factors Needed to Cultivate Inclusive Learning Environments
Iacob, Victor Texas A&M University |
Session Q04.00003
Experimental Tests of Isospin Symmetry Breaking in Superallowed Beta Decay
Intondi, Vincent Montgomery College |
Session Q06.00001
The Intersection of Race and Nuclear Weapons
Isi, Maximiliano Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session E01.00001
Tests of General Relativity with LIGO/Virgo
Isidori, Gino Univ of Zurich |
Session Q18.00001
Theory on BSM Explanations on Flavor Anomalies
Ivanov, Misha New York University |
Session Q03.00001
Cosmological Tensions in the Context of Large-scale Structure
Jackson, William University of California, Davis |
Session D08.00003
Julius Edgar Lilienfeld Prize (2021): Evolution of Laboratory Astrochemistry of Comets and Other Astronomical Bodies Over the Past Sixty Years
Jacquart, Melissa University Of Cincinnati |
Session S05.00001
Computer simulations and large-scale structure formation
Johnson, Angela St. Mary's College of Maryland |
Session E07.00002
A Classroom Intervention to Promote Equity and Inclusion
Jones, Gordon Hamilton College |
Session T04.00001
Prize for a Faculty Member for Research in an Undergraduate Institution (2021): Research and Teaching with Cold Neutrons
Kahlbow, Julian Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT & Tel Aviv University |
Session B04.00003
Towards the Study of Short Range Correlations in Radioactive Nuclei: The transparent nucleus in inverse kinematics
Kalogera, Vicky Northwestern University |
Session L03.00001
Filling in the Mass Gap: GW190814
Karagiorgi, Georgia Columbia University |
Session T03.00003
Particle Physics of Sterile Neutrinos
Ke, Weiyao University of California, Berkeley; Lawrence-Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session L04.00003
Modelling the Propagation of Heavy Quarks and Interactions of Quarkonia with the Hot QCD Medium
Kearns, Edward Boston University |
Session E02.00001
W.K.H. Panofsky Prize in Experimental Particle Physics (2021): When Signal Becomes Background
Kelly, Angela State Univ of NY - Stony Brook |
Session S06.00004
Epistemology and Communities of Practice in Traditional and Online, Hands-On Undergraduate Physics Laboratories
Khachatryan, Mariana Florida International University |
Session Q13.00001
Photoproduction of hadrons with the GlueX experiment.
Khatiwada, Rakshya Illinois Institute of Technology and Fermilab |
Session B07.00002
Advances in Qubit-Based Single-Photon Detection for Future Dark Matter Searches
Kim, Young-Kee University of Chicago |
Session P01.00001
Panel: Science on a Global Scale
Klco, Natalie Caltech |
Session H07.00004
Quantum Algorithms for Lattice Gauge Theories
Koch, Volker Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session K15.00001
THE RHIC Beam Energy Scan: What Have We Learned So Far and Where to Go Next
Kopp, Joachim CERN |
Session G02.00002
Accelerator-based Neutrino Physics: A Theoretical Perspective
Krause, Elisabeth University of Arizona |
Session D08.00004
Maria Goeppert Mayer Award (2020): Cosmology with Large Galaxy Surveys
Laing, Blake Southern Adventist University |
Session S06.00003
Gained in Translation: The Sudden Pivot Taking Physics Labs to the Cloud as a Reform Opportunity
Lamb, Frederick University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session Y05.00002
Nuclear Weapons and Missile Defense
Lee, Dean Michigan State University |
Session Q05.00001
Nuclear structure and thermodynamics from lattice effective field theory
Lee, John University of Washington |
Session E01.00003
A Fourier-Bessel Test of the Gravitational Inverse-Square Law
Lee, Lawrence Harvard University |
Session B02.00002
Searches for Long-lived Particles at the LHC
Lehnert, Konrad JILA, University of Colorado and NIST |
Session B07.00003
Accelerating dark matter searches using entangled microwave cavities
Levy, Cecilia University at Albany |
Session S02.00003
Direct Dark Matter Detection above the Proton Mass
Li, Shirley Fermilab |
Session Q02.00002
Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering in Neutrino Oscillation Experiments
Ligeti, Zoltan Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session X02.00001
New results in beauty and charm decays
Lin, Joshua Yao-Yu University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session X05.00004
Feature Extraction on Synthetic Black Hole Images with Neural Networks
Lippuner, Jonas Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session D03.00002
Nuclear Network Calculations of Kilonova Ejecta
Llobet Megias, Anna Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session K04.00002
Empowering young women through role models and STEM education, and the unforeseen opportunities (and challenges) of virtual education
Lockyer, Nigel Fermilab |
Session E05.00003
Ambassador for U.S. Particle Physics
Lonardoni, Diego FRIB-MSU and LANL |
Session B04.00001
Many-Body Factorization and Position-Momentum Equivalence of Nuclear Short-Range Correlations
Lott, John University of California, Berkeley |
Session Q01.00003
Some Rigorous Results about the Past and Future Behavior of Expanding Vacuum Spacetimes
Lowenthal, Micah The National Academy of Sciences |
Session D06.00001
Ethics in Policy Advice: Risk Assessment, Nuclear Energy, and Nuclear Weapons
Lyons, Stephanie Michigan State University |
Session E04.00002
Stellar Dissection: The role of low-energy nuclear physics in understanding the cosmos
MacLeod, Morgan Harvard - Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics |
Session H03.00003
Stellar Dynamical Pathways to Coincident Gravitational Wave and Electromagnetic Transients from Intermediate Mass Black Holes in Dense Stellar Systems
Malamud, Ernest Fermilab |
Session L02.00004
DPB Exceptional Service Award
Mansouri, Reza Sharif University of Technology |
Session K06.00003
Physics Development in Iran
Mantilla Suarez, Cristina Johns Hopkins University |
Session L02.00002
Mitsuyoshi Tanaka Dissertation Award in Experimental Particle Physics (2021): Probing new physics using initial state radiation jets at the large hadron collider.
Marder, Michael University of Texas at Austin |
Session D06.00003
Creation, Charge, and Early Accomplishments of the APS Ethics Committee
Maruyama, Reina Yale University |
Session Y19.00001
Quantum Sensors for Particle Physics
Mavalvala, Nergis MIT |
Session K03.00002
Radiation Pressure and Squeezing in LIGO
McIntyre, Paul Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource |
Session G03.00003
COVID-19 Research at Light Sources
Medeiros, Lia Institute for Advanced Study |
Session E01.00002
Gravitational Test Beyond the First Post-Newtonian Order with the EHT
Melnitchouk, Wally Jefferson Lab |
Session G05.00001
Overview of Jefferson Lab Theory
Mereghetti, Emanuele Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session Q05.00003
Fundamental Symmetries Using Nucleons and Nuclei
Merloni, Andrea MPE |
Session X03.00001
eROSITA on SRG: Mission status and AGN Surveys first results
Metz, Andreas Temple University |
Session X04.00001
EIC Science Overview
Miller, Cole University of Maryland, College Park |
Session E03.00004
NICER Constraints on the Neutron Star Equation of State
Miller, Katrina University of Chicago |
Session K05.00001
Toward a Differential Measurement of the Electron Neutrino CC1eNp Cross Section in MicroBooNE
Milton, Stephen Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session G03.00001
Accelerators for Medical Isotope Production
Modir, Bahar Texas A&M University-Commerce |
Session T06.00003
An online community of practice of physics educators: formation, participation and engagement
Mueller, Berndt Department of Physics, Duke University |
Session S04.00002
Herman Feshbach Prize in Theoretical Nuclear Physics (2021): Diagnosing the Quark-Gluon Plasma
Nerella, Tejaswi Venumadhav University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session X05.00003
Data Analysis of Gravitational Waves and Model Development
Nichols, Tiffany Harvard University |
Session D02.00003
Uneasy Alliances: Consideration of Military Sites by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO)
Noble, Scott NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Session Y01.00002
Variety in the Variability of Accreting Supermassive Binary Black Holes
Nord, Brian Fermilab, University of Chicago |
Session W01.00001
Addressing Systemic Oppression in Physics: From Root Causes to Strategic Action
Norman, Dara NOIRLab |
Session W01.00002
Evolving Physics to Support Underrepresented Communities
Noronha-Hostler, Jacquelyn University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session B05.00001
The QCD Phase Diagram - Theoretical Perspectives
O'Neill, Hugh Oak Ridge National Lab |
Session G03.00002
COVID-19 Research at Neutron Sources
Obst-Huebl, Lieselotte Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session L02.00001
Laser-acceleration and all-optical structuring of energetic proton beams from renewable cryogenic hydrogen jets
Oddone, Pier Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session K02.00001
In Remembrance of Alvin Tollestrup
Ohayon, Ben ETH Zurich |
Session Q04.00002
Nuclear-recoils for New Physics Searches and Vud Determination
Orosz, Jerome San Diego State Univ |
Session L03.00002
Masses from EM observations of Compact Binaries
Otero, Valerie University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session E07.00003
Learning Assistants collaborate with faculty to build inclusive learning environments leading to valued outcomes
Pagan Griso, Simone Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session H08.00001
Design a detector for a Muon Collider experiment
Page, Brian Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session B12.00001
The Ultimate QCD Microscope: An Overview of Jet Physics at the EIC
Pajkos, Michael Michigan State University |
Session T05.00003
Incorporating Relativity into FLASH Multiphysics Simulations
Palmer, Robert Brookhaven |
Session K02.00002
When You Need Help, Call Alvin
Pando, Jesus Depaul University |
Session L05.00004
Panelist Introduction
Papadimitriou, Vaia Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session K02.00003
Alvin Tollestrup’s Achievements Relevant to Experiments – Recollections
Park, Sanghwa State Univ of NY - Stony Brook |
Session K11.00001
Overview of nucleon spin structure
Penington, Geoff Stanford University |
Session D01.00003
Life Without Pythons Would be so Simple
Penrose, Roger University of Oxford |
Session A01.00004
Fundamental Lessons from Black-Hole Physics
Peters, Erin University of Kentucky |
Session Q04.00001
Nuclear structure for neutrinoless double-beta decay
Petroff, Emily McGill Univ |
Session Q07.00001
Optical follow-up of fast radio bursts
Phan, Nguyen Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session Q02.00001
Particle physics with neutrons
Philippe, Sebastien Princeton University |
Session Y05.00003
The Emerging Technologies Arms Race, Nuclear Weapons, and Global Security
Phillips, Caprice OSU |
Session K05.00002
Detecting Biosignatures in the Atmospheres of Gas Dwarfs with JWST
Pitonyak, Daniel Lebanon Valley Coll |
Session Q11.00001
TMD Physics and Related Phenomena: Current Status and Future Outlook
Pleunis, Ziggy McGill University |
Session B06.00003
Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin Doctoral Dissertation Award in Astrophysics Finalist (2021): Fast radio burst detection and morphology with the CHIME telescope
Pleunis, Ziggy McGill University |
Session Q07.00002
Fast Radio Bursts, Morphology and Repetition
Posik, Matthew Temple University |
Session H04.00003
Probing the Hadronic Spin Structure and Dynamics in High-Energy Polarized Proton-Proton Collisions at RHIC
Pozzi, Sara University of Michigan |
Session H12.00001
Fast Neutron and Gamma Ray Detection with Emerging Organic Scintillators
Prescod-Weinstein, Chanda University of New Hampshire |
Session D08.00002
Edward A. Bouchet Award (2021): Making a Universe Full of Axions and Justice
Primack, Joel University of California, Santa Cruz |
Session D08.00001
Julius Edgar Lilienfeld Prize (2020): New Challenges in Cosmology, Galaxy Formation, and Planets
Ratner, Daniel SLAC |
Session S01.00003
Machine Learning Applications in Accelerator Science
Rees, Martin Cambridge University |
Session X06.00001
The World in 2050 - and Beyond
Rees, Martin University of Cambridge |
Session D05.00002
International Cosmology and Astrophysics
Ridikas, Danas International Atomic Energy Agency |
Session K06.00002
IAEA Activities in Support of Nuclear Physics Research and Applications
Riley, Thomas University of Amsterdam |
Session E03.00003
NICER Constraints on the Neutron Star Equation of State
Rink, Kathleen BlackinChem Co-Founder, Operations Chair |
Session K05.00003
Condensation of SiC Stardust in CO Nova Outbursts
Robertson, Katie Univ of Birmingham |
Session S05.00004
On the status of Landauer's principle
Robin, Caroline Universität Bielefeld |
Session G04.00001
Entanglement in nuclear structure
Rodriguez, Carl Carnegie Mellon University |
Session K01.00001
Merger Rates of Binary Black Holes across Cosmic Space and Time
Roggero, Alessandro University of Washington |
Session H07.00002
Nuclear Scattering with Quantum Computing
ROUSSEAU, David IJCLab, CNRS/IN2P3, Universite Paris-Saclay |
Session H01.00001
Recent progresses in using Artificial Intelligence for Particle Physics
Roussy, Tanya JILA, NIST, and University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session D04.00003
Do electrons violate symmetry? A search for the electron's P- and T-violating permanent electric dipole moment
Rudelius, Thomas University of California, Berkeley |
Session D01.00001
Consequences of No Global Symmetries in Quantum Gravity
Sachdev, Surabhi Pennsylvania State University |
Session T01.00003
Compact Binaries in Advanced LIGO and Virgo's Third Observing Run
Safronova, Marianna University of Delaware |
Session S03.00001
Advances in atomic theory of heavy elements for neutron star merges
Salazar-Gallegos, Daniel Michigan State University |
Session D07.00002
The National Mentoring Community
Scarlett, Carol Florida A&M University |
Session L05.00002
Panelist Introduction
Schnittman, Jeremy NASA Goddard |
Session H03.00001
GRMHD Simulations of LISA Counterparts
Schroeder, Carl Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session S01.00002
Lasers for Plasma Accelerators
Schulte, Daniel CERN |
Session D14.00001
The Muon Collider
Semper, Robert Exploratorium |
Session H06.00002
Joseph A. Burton Forum Award (2021): The Exploration at 50: Perspectives on the Development of a Public Science Learning Laboratory
Shanahan, Phiala Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session T04.00002
Maria Goeppert Mayer Award (2021): From quarks to hadrons and nuclei: machine learning for lattice field theory
Sherrill, Brad Michigan State University |
Session E04.00001
NSCL to FRIB: Building 50 Years of Nuclear Science to Explore the Edges of Nuclear Stability
Siegel, Daniel Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Session Y01.00003
How Strongly Gravitating Systems Create Heavy Elements
Sievert, Matthew New Mexico State University |
Session Y04.00002
Small-x Physics in the EIC Era
Signori, Andrea University of Pavia and Jefferson Lab |
Session H04.00002
Fragmentation functions and nucleon structure
Silva, Indianara State University of Feira de Santana |
Session G07.00001
Bimla Buti, the first female Fellow of the Indian National Science Academy.
Simmons-Duffin, David Caltech |
Session H02.00003
The Nonperturbative Bootstrap
Singh, Jaideep Michigan State University |
Session D04.00001
Searches for P- and T-violating permanent electric dipole moments
Smith, Scott GE Research (Retired) |
Session E06.00004
Innovations in Medical Ultrasound Transducers
Sobel, Henry University of California, Irvine |
Session E02.00002
W.K.H. Panofsky Prize in Experimental Particle Physics (2021): The Ups and Downs of Atmospheric Neutrinos
Sokhan, Daria University of Glasgow |
Session Y04.00001
Quark and Gluon Imaging at the EIC
Spiewak, Renee Univ of Manchester |
Session B01.00003
Precision MSP Timing with MeerKAT
Stevens, Justin William & Mary |
Session G05.00003
Early Results from GlueX
Strickland, Michael Kent State University |
Session L04.00002
Bottomonium suppression in an open quantum system using the quantum trajectories method
Strigari, Louis Texas A&M University |
Session S02.00002
Synergies between Dark Matter and Neutrino Experiments
Strubbe, Linda Strubbe Educational Consulting |
Session T06.00001
Centering compassion and interaction in online teaching
Sunda-Meya, Anderson Xavier University of Louisiana |
Session D07.00001
Excellence in Physics Education Award (2021): Excellence in Physics Education Award Talk: Transforming Diversity and Equity in K-12 STEM Education Research, Practice, and Policy
Szumila-Vance, Holly Jefferson Lab |
Session G05.00002
Ruling out Color Transparency in quasi-elastic $^{12}$C$(e,e’p)$ up to $Q^2 = 14$ (GeV/c)$^2$
Szumila-Vance, Holly Jefferson Lab |
Session B04.00002
SRC and Few Body Precision Measurements on $^3$H and $^3$He mirror nuclei
Tabrizi, Zahra Virginia Tech |
Session Y13.00001
Neutrino masses and interactions – a theory perspective
Tamir, Noa None |
Session G06.00003
On Transitioning from Academia to Data Science
Teukolsky, Saul Cornell University / Caltech |
Session X01.00002
Einstein Prize (2021): Testing the No-Hair Theorem and the Area Theorem with LIGO: Application of Kerr Perturbation Theory
Tews, Ingo Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session E03.00001
Nuclear-Physics Predictions for the Equation of State of Neutron Stars
Thaler, Jesse Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session H02.00001
AI and High-Energy Physics
Thomas, Deepa The University of Texas at Austin |
Session X14.00001
What Heavy Flavor Has Taught Us About the QGP and What’s in Store for the Future
Thomas, William American Institute of Physics |
Session D02.00002
Science policy past and present: Perspectives from AIP's FYI Bulletin
Toro, Natalia SLAC - Natl Accelerator Lab |
Session T02.00001
Light Dark Matter: Perspectives and Prospects from Theory, Accelerators , Direct Detection, and Cosmology
Tran, Nhan Fermilab |
Session S02.00001
New Dark Sector Experiments at Accelerators
Trimble, Virginia U California Irvine & Queen Jadwiga Observatory |
Session B03.00002
The Impact of World War I on the Sciences
Trnka, Jaroslav University of California, Davis |
Session E02.00003
Henry Primakoff Award for Early-Career Particle Physics (2021): Geometric Picture for Scattering Amplitudes
Troja, Eleonora NASA GSFC |
Session D03.00003
Yield Constraints from Neutron Star Merger Observations
Troxel, Michael Duke University |
Session Y06.00003
Dark Energy Survey: Recent cosmology results and outlook
Tsai, Yu-Dai Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) |
Session T02.00002
The High Energy-Intensity Frontier at the Particle-Physics Renaissance
Tuttle, Sarah University of Washington |
Session L05.00001
Panelist Introduction
Urheim, Jon Indiana Univ - Bloomington |
Session D07.00003
The APS Bridge Program
Valenzuela, Irene Harvard University |
Session L01.00002
Swampland Bounds on Cosmology
Van Hulse, Charlotte CNRS - IN2P3 |
Session H04.00001
Probing the hadronic spin structure through photon-induced reactions
Vernieri, Caterina SLAC |
Session B02.00001
New results on the Higgs boson
Vetter, Kai University of California, Berkeley |
Session E06.00003
Selected Radiation Detection and Imaging Developments for Medical Applications: A Perspective from an Experimental Nuclear Physicist
Villaescusa-Navarro, Francisco Princeton University |
Session H01.00002
Cosmology in the machine learning era
Wang, Jingbo South Dakota School of Mines & Technology |
Session Y02.00003
Advanced Technologies for New Discoveries in the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment
Wang, Zhixin Yale University |
Session T07.00002
A Changing Dichotomy: The Conception of the ‘Macroscopic’ and ‘Microscopic’ Worlds in the History of Physics
Wechsler, Risa Stanford |
Session Q03.00003
Dark Matter Constraints from Small Scale Structure
Weinberg-Wolf, Jennifer University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
Session S06.00001
Evaluating multiple remote laboratory instruction strategies
Wendt, Kyle Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session H07.00003
Hybrid Digital/Analog Quantum Simulations via Optimal Control
Wijesooriya, Krishni University of Virginia |
Session L11.00001
Careers for Physicists in Medical Physics
Will, Clifford University of Florida |
Session X01.00001
Einstein Prize (2021): Is Einstein Still Right?
Willcox, Don Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session T05.00002
Neutrino Flavor Transformations with Emu: A New Particle-in-Cell Code for Quantum Kinetics
Williams, Garrett University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session T07.00003
Lewis Latimer: The Shadow Behind the Lightbulb
Wilms, Joern Astronomisches Institut der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg |
Session X03.00002
First Results on (What Else!) Transient Science
Winsberg, Eric Univ of South Florida |
Session S05.00002
\textbf{Simulation Model Skill in Cosmology}
Wollaeger, Ryan Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session S03.00003
Modeling Kilonova Light-Curves
Yang, Tingjun Fermilab |
Session G02.00003
New detection capabilities of liquid argon technology
Yoshida, Rikutaro Argonne National Laboratory |
Session Q02.00003
Electron Ion Collider and its relation to HEP
Yu, Hai-Bo University of California, Riverside |
Session T02.00003
Dark matter and its interactions
Zbijewski, Wojciech Johns Hopkins University, Biomedical Engineering |
Session E06.00001
Physics of Quantitative X-ray Imaging
Zelevinsky, Tanya Columbia University |
Session D04.00002
The Cold Molecule Nuclear Time-Reversal Experiment (CeNTREX)