Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS April Meeting 2016
Volume 61, Number 6
Saturday–Tuesday, April 16–19, 2016; Salt Lake City, Utah
Invited Speakers
Abazajian, Kevork Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of California, Irvine |
Session R2.00003 Dark Matter and the 3.5 keV signal Room: Ballroom A |
Abbasi, Rasha Univeristy of Utah |
Session R11.00007 Recent results from the Telescope Array Experiment Room: 250C |
Acton, James Carnegie Endowment for International Peace |
Session C7.00002 Why are U.S. nuclear weapon modernization efforts controversial? Room: 150G |
Aprile, Elena Columbia University |
Session C4.00002 A new era in dark matter direct detection Room: Ballroom C |
Arg\"uelles Delgado, Carlos Massachusetts institute of Technology |
Session X2.00002 Results from the Search for eV-Sterile Neutrinos with IceCube Room: Ballroom A |
Aschenauer, Elke BNL |
Session S6.00002 Experimental overview of TMDs in proton-nucleus collisions Room: 150ABC |
Avila, Melina Argonne National Laboratory |
Session X3.00001 Direct measurements of astrophysically important $\alpha$-induced reactions Room: Ballroom B |
Aykutalp, Aycin Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session H5.00002 Dark Candles of the Universe: Black Hole Observations Room: Ballroom D |
Bahcall, Neta Princeton University |
Session Q1.00003 John Bahcall and the Solar Neutrino Problem Room: Ballroom E-J |
Bai, Mei Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH, Institut fuer Kernphysik |
Session A1.00003 Accelerators for America's Future Room: Ballroom E-J |
Ballmer, Stefan Syracuse Univ |
Session C5.00002 Terrestrial Gravitational-Wave Detector Arrays in the 21st Century Room: Ballroom D |
Bartusiak, Marcia Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session H5.00001 Schwarzschild Solution: A Historical Perspective Room: Ballroom D |
Bean, Alice University of Kansas |
Session J5.00003 Engaging the public on climate change issues Room: Ballroom D |
Behroozi, Peter UC Berkeley |
Session B7.00002 On The History and Future of Cosmic Planet Formation Room: 150G |
Beichner, Robert North Carolina State University |
Session E6.00001 Excellence in Physics Education Award: SCALE-UP, Student Centered Active Learning Environment with Upside-down Pedagogies Room: 150ABC |
Benedikt, Michael CERN |
Session M4.00002 Status of the Future Circular Collider Study Room: Ballroom C |
Blackburn, Lindy Harvard/CfA |
Session X4.00001 Fermi-GBM follow-up of the first gravitational-wave detection Room: Ballroom C |
Blandford, Roger KIPAC, Stanford University |
Session R13.00007 New Opportunities and Challenges in Gamma Ray Astrophysics Room: 250F |
Blum, Thomas University of Connecticut |
Session H3.00001 g-2 on the Lattice Room: Ballroom B |
Bock, Jamie JPL |
Session J11.00001 Inflation probe Science Interest Group Room: 250C |
Bockelmann, Kelly Vanderbilt University |
Session S5.00003 Simulations of the Birth and Early Growth of Supermassive Black Holes Room: Ballroom D |
Boehm, Celine Durham University |
Session B4.00002 CMB constraints on dark matter Room: Ballroom C |
Boggs, Steven Univ of California - Berkeley |
Session S4.00002 44Ti and other Gamma Rays from SN 1987A Room: Ballroom C |
Boylan-Kolchin, Michael The University of Texas at Austin |
Session E4.00003 Testing the LCDM Cosmology with Observations of the Local Group Room: Ballroom C |
Brown, Duncan Syracuse University |
Session M3.00003 Exploring the Physics of Compact Objects with Gravitational-Wave Astronomy Room: Ballroom B |
Brown, Edward Michigan State University |
Session S4.00003 The Nuclear Physics of Type Ia Supernovae Room: Ballroom C |
Buchwald, Jed Caltech |
Session U6.00003 Historical Examples of Misrepresentation, Innovation, and Morality in Physical Science and Technology Room: 150ABC |
Burkert, Volker Jefferson Laboratory |
Session X9.00002 The quest for missing baryon states in electromagnetic interactions Room: 250A |
Burke-Spolaor, Sarah National Radio Astronomy Observatory |
Session K5.00003 Exploring the Universe with Pulsar Timing Arrays Room: Ballroom D |
Burkhart, Blakesley Harvard |
Session K4.00001 New Frontiers for Diagnosing the Turbulent Nature of the Multiphase Magnetized Interstellar Medium Room: Ballroom C |
Burrows, Adam Princeton University |
Session S4.00001 New Physical and Numerical Insights into the Core-Collapse Supernova Mechanism Room: Ballroom C |
Bustamante, Mauricio Center for Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, The Ohio State University |
Session X2.00003 Tests of new physics with astrophysical neutrinos Room: Ballroom A |
Cabo Montes de Oca, Alejandro Instituto de Cibernetica |
Session X16.00009 Is a Generalized NJL Model the Effective action of Massless QCD? Room: 251D |
Cadonati, Laura Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session Y7.00001 International web of GW observatories 36' Room: 150G |
Calaprice, Frank Princeton University |
Session K3.00003 Solar Neutrinos, Past, Present, Future Room: Ballroom B |
Carlstrom, John The University of Chicago |
Session B4.00003 Stage 4 Cosmic Microwave Background Experiment Room: Ballroom C |
Carosi, Gianpaolo Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session E7.00001 The Axion Dark Matter Experiment: Big Science with a (relatively) Small Team. Room: 150G |
Cebra, Daniel Univ of California - Davis |
Session X9.00003 Results from the RHIC energy scan and prospects for the future Room: 250A |
Close, Eleanor Texas State University |
Session H6.00001 Becoming physics people: Development of physics identity in self-concept and practice through the Learning Assistant experience Room: 150ABC |
Cook, Donald Former Deputy Adminstrator for Defense Programs, NNSA |
Session C7.00001 U.S. Nuclear Weapons Modernization -- the Stockpile Life Extension Program Room: 150G |
Cornish, Neil Montana State University |
Session J12.00001 Revisiting the LISA science case in a changing astrophysical landscape Room: 250DE |
Corsi, Alessandra Texas Tech Univ |
Session C5.00001 The future of ground based GW astrophysics Room: Ballroom D |
Crease, Robert Stony Brook University |
Session X6.00002 The New Big Science at the NSLS Room: 150ABC |
Crill, Brendan Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Session B4.00001 Planck and the reionization of the universe Room: Ballroom C |
Dai, Liang Institute for Advanced Study |
Session K4.00002 Understanding non-Gaussianity signatures in general relativity Room: Ballroom C |
Deck, Katherine Caltech |
Session H4.00001 Dynamical evolution and instability of planetary systems Room: Ballroom C |
Decyk, Viktor Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Los Angeles |
Session H7.00002 A portable approach for PIC on emerging architectures. Room: 150G |
De Gouvea, Andre Northwestern University |
Session J2.00001 Neutrino Theory Overview Room: Ballroom A |
Demarteau, Marcel ANL |
Session A1.00002 The Tools and Techniques of Particle Physics and Their Impact on Society Room: Ballroom E-J |
Demers, Sarah Yale University |
Session E2.00003 Standard Model and Top Physics at the LHC Room: Ballroom A |
Deshpande, Abhay Stony Brook |
Session K7.00001 Physics at Electron-Ion Colliders Room: 150G |
Diefenbach, Juergen Mainz University |
Session S3.00003 Technology and techniques for parity experiments at Mainz: Past, Present and Future Room: Ballroom B |
Dine, Michael University of California, Santa Clara |
Session U16.00008 Revisiting the U(1) Goldstone Boson of Large N QCD Room: 251D |
Dingus, Brenda Los Alamos National Lab |
Session M6.00003 TBD Room: 150ABC |
Discussion, Panel TBD |
Session M6.00004 Panel Discussion on Increasing the Representation of Women Room: 150ABC |
Dorfan, Jonathan OIST Graduate University |
Session C2.00002 W.K.H. Panofsky Prize in Experimental Particle Physics: The BABAR Detector and PEP-II B Factory at SLAC Room: Ballroom A |
Dudek, Jozef Jefferson Lab / Old Dominion University |
Session Y2.00002 Hadron resonances from QCD Room: Ballroom A |
Dwyer, Sheila Caltech |
Session C5.00003 Techniques to extend the reach of ground based gravitational wave detectors Room: Ballroom D |
Dytman, Steven Unv. of Pittsburgh |
Session R3.00002 Recent Results from MINERvA \newline Room: Ballroom B |
Eugenio, Paul Florida State University |
Session Y2.00001 Light Exotic Mesons Room: Ballroom A |
Fong, Wen-fai Univ of Arizona |
Session K4.00003 Unveiling the Progenitors of Short-duration Gamma-ray Bursts Room: Ballroom C |
Franklin, Allan University of Colorado |
Session U6.00001 Abraham Pais Prize for History of Physics: Physics Textbooks Don't Always Tell the Truth Room: 150ABC |
Frebel, Anna Massachusettes Institute of Technology - MIT |
Session K9.00004 Measuring Th, U and Pb abundances in the ancient r-process star HE1523-0901, and neutron-star mergers as the site of the r-process Room: 250A |
Fritschel, Peter M.I.T. |
Session B5.00001 The Advanced LIGO Detectors Room: Ballroom D |
Gabrielse, Gerald Harvard Univ |
Session W1.00001 Stringent Low Energy Tests of the Standard Model, Its Symmetries and Modifications Room: Ballroom E-J |
Gao, Yuanning Tsinghua University |
Session Y2.00003 Exotic Spectroscopy at LHCb Room: Ballroom A |
Gaudi, Scott The Ohio State University |
Session H4.00003 Relativity and Exoplanets: Gravitational Microlensing, Doppler Beaming, and More Room: Ballroom C |
Georgi, Howard Harvard University |
Session R7.00003 Sidney Coleman's Harvard ('64-'67 and after '71) Room: 150G |
Gessner, Spencer SLAC National Laboratory |
Session E5.00003 Plasma Wakefield Acceleration of Positrons Room: Ballroom D |
Gondolo, Paolo University of Utah |
Session C4.00001 WIMP Dark Matter Room: Ballroom C |
Gonzalez Suarez, Rebeca University of Nebraska, Lincoln |
Session B2.00003 Higgs physics at the LHC Room: Ballroom A |
Goodrich, Bob Giant Magellan Telescope Organization |
Session E7.00002 Collaboration at the Giant Magellan Telescope Organization Room: 150G |
Green, Matthew NC State University and Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session K3.00002 Update and Initial Results from The COHERENT Experiment Room: Ballroom B |
Gulhan, Doga CERN |
Session X3.00003 Experimental results on jet quenching Room: Ballroom B |
Gupta, Ravi Argonne Natl Lab |
Session J4.00001 Supernovae from the Dark Energy Survey Room: Ballroom C |
Habib, Salman ANL |
Session H7.00003 Astrophysics PIC codes on manycore systems Room: 150G |
Hailey, Charles Columbia University |
Session U4.00003 NuSTAR results from the Galactic Center -- diffuse emission Room: Ballroom C |
Hanna, Chad Penn State |
Session B5.00002 Searches for GW transients in Advanced LIGO Room: Ballroom D |
Harnik, Roni Fermilab |
Session S2.00001 Neutral Naturalness Room: Ballroom A |
Harrison, Michael Brookhaven National Lab |
Session E5.00001 The Status of the International Linear Collider Room: Ballroom D |
Harry, Ian Albert Einstein Institute |
Session U5.00001 Computing in large scale experiments Room: Ballroom D |
Heron, Paula University of Washington |
Session C6.00001 Joint Task Force on Undergraduate Physics Programs (J-TUPP): Overview and Major Findings Room: 150ABC |
Hertog, Thomas KU Leuven |
Session J5.00001 The Origin of our Universe: From Quantum to Cosmos Room: Ballroom D |
Hewitson, Martin Max Planck Inst for Gravitational Physics |
Session S5.00001 LISA Pathfinder: picometers and femtoNewtons in space Room: Ballroom D |
Hinko, Kathleen University of Colorado Boulder |
Session M5.00003 Characterizing Pedagogical Practices of University Physics Students in Informal Learning Environments Room: Ballroom D |
Hitlin, David California Institute of technology |
Session C2.00001 W.K.H. Panofsky Prize in Experimental Particle Physics: Establishing and testing the Standard Model of flavor physics ~. Room: Ballroom A |
Hodapp, Theodore American Physical Society |
Session C6.00002 Joint Task Force on Undergraduate Physics Programs: Implications for physics programs and why you should care Room: 150ABC |
Hoeche, Stefan SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session E2.00002 Precision Event Simulation for Hadron Colliders Room: Ballroom A |
Holt, Rush American Association for the Advancement of Science |
Session J7.00001 They Won't Accept the What of Science If They Don't Get the Why and How Room: 150G |
Hornschemeier, Ann NASA GSFC |
Session H11.00001 High Energy Astrophysics and Cosmology from Space:~ NASA's Physics of the Cosmos Program Room: 250C |
Horowitz, Charles Indiana University |
Session M3.00002 Probing neutron rich matter with parity violation Room: Ballroom B |
Hubeny, Veronika U.C. Davis |
Session H2.00003 Gravitational lessons from Holographic Entanglement Entropy Room: Ballroom A |
Hughes, Scott Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session S5.00002 Listening to the low-frequency gravitational-wave band Room: Ballroom D |
Hui, Michelle NASA MSFC |
Session U4.00001 The HAWC Galactic Plane Survey Room: Ballroom C |
Hyater-Adams, Simone University of Colorado Boulder |
Session X5.00001 CU Prime Diversity Workshops: Creating Spaces for Growth Amongst Organizers Room: Ballroom D |
Hyde, Charles Old Dominion University |
Session R4.00002 Experimental Opportunities for Few Body Physics at an Electron Ion Collider Room: Ballroom C |
Irving, Paul Michigan State University and CREATE for STEM Institute (MSU) |
Session H6.00002 Identity development in upper-level physics students: transitions in and out of physics Room: 150ABC |
Jermyn, Adam University of Cambridge, Institute of Astronomy |
Session U7.00003 LeRoy Apker Award: The Atmospheric Dynamics of Pulsar Companions Room: 150G |
Ji, Alexander Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT |
Session X4.00003 A single prolific r-process event preserved in an ultra-faint dwarf galaxy Room: Ballroom C |
Ji, Xiangdong University of Maryland |
Session U3.00001 Proton structure through phase-space tomography Room: Ballroom B |
Jones, Gerceida New York University |
Session R6.00001 St. Albans Under the Stars: Connecting the Community to the Universe Room: 150ABC |
Kahn, Yoni None |
Session M2.00003 Dark Forces Beyond the Standard Model Room: Ballroom A |
Kaiserfeld, Thomas Lund University |
Session X6.00003 European Neutrons form Parasitic Research to Global Strategy: Realizing Plans for a Transnational European Spallation Source in the Wake of the Cold War Room: 150ABC |
Kajita, Takaaki University of Tokyo |
Session Q1.00002 Atmospheric Neutrinos Room: Ballroom E-J |
Kalogera, Vassiliki Northwestern University |
Session JA1.00003 Hans A. Bethe Prize: Implications of the LIGO Discovery of a Binary Black Hole Coalescence Room: Ballroom E-J |
Kang, Zhongbo Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session S6.00003 TMDs: Theory overview Room: 150ABC |
Kanungo, Rituparna Saint Mary's University |
Session B3.00003 Soft dipole resonance and halo structure of $^{\mathrm{11}}$Li Room: Ballroom B |
Karsch, Frithjof Physics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session J3.00001 Screening of Quarkonia in hot and dense media: historical overview and latest lattice results Room: Ballroom B |
Keppel, Cynthia Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility |
Session R3.00003 What can electron scattering tell us about neutrino physics? Room: Ballroom B |
Ketchum, Wesley Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session J2.00002 MicroBooNE and the broader SBN program Room: Ballroom A |
Khoury, Justin University of Pennsylvania |
Session B6.00001 Chameleons and Their Phenomenology Room: 150ABC |
Kim, Andrey Univ of Connecticut - Storrs |
Session E3.00003 Studies of chiral-odd GPDs using pseudoscalar meson production at Jefferson Lab Room: Ballroom B |
Kipping, David Columbia University |
Session H4.00002 Exoplanet Habitability: Our Knowledge, Ignorance & Constraints Room: Ballroom C |
Knox, Lloyd University of California, Davis |
Session X2.00001 Measuring Neutrinos with Cosmology Room: Ballroom A |
Kokkotas, Konstantinos Eberhard Karls University of Tuebingen |
Session J6.00003 Gravitational Waves from Neutron Stars Room: 150ABC |
Kotwal, Ashutosh Fermilab and Duke University |
Session M4.00001 Physics at Future Circular Colliders Room: Ballroom C |
Kuchera, Anthony National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory, Michigan State University |
Session B3.00002 Direct Reactions with MoNA-LISA Room: Ballroom B |
Laguna, Pablo Georgia Inst of Tech |
Session J6.00001 Edward A. Bouchet Award: Relativistic Tidal Disruption Events Room: 150ABC |
Landua, Rolf CERN |
Session J5.00002 CERN's approach to public outreach Room: Ballroom D |
Laws, Priscilla Dickinson College |
Session E6.00002 Online Interactive Video Vignettes (IVVs) Room: 150ABC |
Lee, Dean North Carolina State University |
Session C3.00001 Nuclear binding near a quantum phase transition Room: Ballroom B |
Lee, I-Yang Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 1 Cyclotron Road, Berkeley CA, 94720 |
Session U3.00002 Tom Bonner Prize: Gamma-ray energy tracking array GRETINA and its early science results Room: Ballroom B |
Leistedt, Boris New York University |
Session J4.00003 Probing the large scale structure with the Dark Energy Survey Room: Ballroom C |
Lepage, Peter Cornell Univ |
Session E2.00001 J.J. Sakurai Prize for Theoretical Particle Physics: 40 Years of Lattice QCD Room: Ballroom A |
Lerman, Zafra Malta Conferences Foundation |
Session U7.00001 Andrei Sakharov Prize: Human Rights and Peace - A Personal Odyssey Room: 150G |
Lin, Huey-Wen University of California, Berkeley |
Session X3.00004 From C to Parton Sea: How Supercomputing Reveals Nucleon Structure Room: Ballroom B |
Session S13.00001 Current and Future Measurements of Ultra-Heavy Galactic Cosmic Rays. Room: 250F |
Link, Perry UCR |
Session U7.00002 Fang Lizhi Memorial Lecture Room: 150G |
Lock, Robynne Department of Physics and Astronomy, Texas A&M University-Commerce |
Session H6.00003 The role of recognition and interest in physics identity development Room: 150ABC |
Logan, Heather E. Carleton University |
Session B2.00002 Higgs physics beyond the Standard Model Room: Ballroom A |
Long, Elena University of New Hampshire |
Session C13.00001 Report of the APS Ad-Hoc Committee on LGBT Issues – Presentation of Findings and Recommendations Room: 250F |
Long, Elena University of New Hampshire |
Session C13.00002 LGBT Issues Panel Discussion Room: 250F |
Lou, Xinchou Experimental Physics Division, IHEP |
Session M4.00003 Future Colliders in China Room: Ballroom C |
Martinello, Martina IIT - Fermilab |
Session E5.00002 Progress in the Development of Superconducting RF Room: Ballroom D |
McDonald, A. B. Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario for the SNO Collaboration |
Session Q1.00001 The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory: Observation of Flavor Change for Solar Neutrinos Room: Ballroom E-J |
McGarr, Arthur US Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA |
Session M7.00002 Fracking, wastewater disposal, and earthquakes Room: 150G |
McLaughlin, Maura West Virginia University |
Session K5.00001 Building a Galactic Scale Gravitational Wave Observatory Room: Ballroom D |
Meziani, Zein-Eddine Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania |
Session E3.00001 Nucleon transverse spin structure in the valence quark region: Probing color forces Room: Ballroom B |
Morales, Miguel University of Washington |
Session Y7.00003 Current and future radio-astronomy mega-projects Room: 150G |
Mosby, Shea Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session B3.00001 Neutron capture by hook or by crook Room: Ballroom B |
Moskalenko, Igor Stanford University |
Session J13.00001 Current Status of Astrophysics of Cosmic Rays Room: 250F |
Mueller, Holger UC Berkeley |
Session B6.00002 Atom-Interferometry Constraints on Dark Energy Room: 150ABC |
Muether, Mathew Wichita State University |
Session J2.00003 Results and Status of the T2K and NOvA long-baseline neutrino experiments. Room: Ballroom A |
Nadel-Turonski, Pawel Jefferson Lab |
Session R4.00001 The Electron-Ion Collider -- overview and few-body opportunities Room: Ballroom C |
Norris, J. Quinn Brigham Young University-Idaho |
Session M7.00001 What is fracking? Room: 150G |
Olinto, Angela The University of Chicago |
Session Y7.00002 Evolution and Next Generation of Large Cosmic-Ray Experiments Room: 150G |
Olivito, Dominick University of California, San Diego |
Session K2.00002 SUSY searches at the LHC Room: Ballroom A |
Olmedo, Javier Louisiana State University |
Session H5.00003 Quantum black holes in loop quantum gravity Room: Ballroom D |
Olsen, Stephen Lars Center for Underground Physics, Institute for Basic Science, Daejeon, Korea |
Session C2.00004 W.K.H. Panofsky Prize in Experimental Particle Physics: It wasn't only about \textit{CP}, or even $B$ mesons Room: Ballroom A |
Otte, Adam Georgia Inst of Tech |
Session U5.00003 High performance computing in astroparticle physics: very-high-energy gamma-ray observations with imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes Room: Ballroom D |
Papucci, Michele Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session S2.00003 New Physics at the LHC Room: Ballroom A |
Park, Hyo-In Texas A&M University |
Session X3.00002 Precise test of the unitarity of the CKM matrix via superallowed nuclear beta decay Room: Ballroom B |
Parno, Diana University of Washington |
Session K3.00001 Direct nuclear probes of neutrino mass Room: Ballroom B |
Paschke, Kent Univ of Virginia |
Session S3.00002 The control and measurement of helicity correlated beam asymmetries for parity-violation experiments Room: Ballroom B |
Pastore, Saori Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session C3.00002 Electroweak properties of light nuclei Room: Ballroom B |
Petreczky, Peter Brookhaven Natl Lab |
Session X9.00001 QCD thermodynamics and missing hadron states Room: 250A |
Petrov, Alexey Wayne State University |
Session U2.00001 Flavor physics in the LHC era Room: Ballroom A |
Pilat, Fulvia Jefferson Lab |
Session K7.00003 JLAB Design for a Future Electron-Ion Collider Room: 150G |
Poelker, Matthew Jefferson Lab |
Session S3.00001 Polarized electrons for parity violation experiments at Jefferson Lab. Room: Ballroom B |
Preskill, John Caltech |
Session H2.00001 Quantum Information and spacetime Room: Ballroom A |
Press, Daryl Dartmouth College |
Session C7.00003 TBD Room: 150G |
Primack, Joel University of California, Santa Cruz |
Session J7.00003 Leo Szilard Lecturship Award: How can physicists help the public make better decisions about science and technology? Room: 150G |
Proudfoot, James Argonne National Laboratory |
Session K2.00003 Non-SUSY search for BSM physics at the LHC. Room: Ballroom A |
Ptak, Corey Rochester Institute of Technology |
Session X5.00003 Using Mindfulness and metacognition to support and retain first generation and deaf and heard of hearing students Room: Ballroom D |
Pushin, Dmitry University of Waterloo |
Session B6.00003 Neutron Limit on the Strongly-Coupled Chameleon Field Room: 150ABC |
Quick, Lynnae Research Scientist, Planetary Science Institute |
Session B7.00003 tbd Room: 150G |
Quinn, Helen Retired |
Session A1.00001 Physics and Education Room: Ballroom E-J |
Randall, Lisa Harvard University |
Session G1.00001 Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs: The Astounding Interconnectedness of the Universe Room: Ballroom A |
Reddy, Sanjay University of Washington |
Session M3.00001 Neutron Stars in the Multi-Messenger Era Room: Ballroom B |
Reina, Laura Florida State University |
Session B2.00001 Higgs precision physics at the LHC. Room: Ballroom A |
Reitze, David California Institute of Technology |
Session JA1.00002 The Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Black Hole Merger Room: Ballroom E-J |
Reno, Mary Hall University of Iowa |
Session R3.00001 High energy interactions of cosmic neutrinos Room: Ballroom B |
Riedl, Caroline University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session S6.00001 Experimental overview of COMPASS and CLAS results on TMDs Room: 150ABC |
Rinaldi, Enrico Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session K6.00003 Beyond the Standard Model Physics with Lattice Simulations Room: 150ABC |
Robertson, R. G. H. (Hamish) University of Washington |
Session U3.00003 The sun shines brightest at night: Reflections on the solar neutrino problem. Room: Ballroom B |
Rodejohann, Werner Max-Planck-Institut fur Kernphysik |
Session S9.00001 Interpretations of Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Room: 250A |
Rosenberg, Leslie University of Washington |
Session R2.00002 Searching for Dark-Matter Axions. Room: Ballroom A |
Roser, Thomas Brookhaven Natl Lab |
Session K7.00002 eRHIC, the BNL design for a future Electron-Ion Collider Room: 150G |
Rothleitner, Christian Physik-Tech Bundesanstalt |
Session R5.00003 Other ways of measuring `Big G' Room: Ballroom D |
S\'anchez-Conde, Miguel The Oskar Klein Centre for Cosmoparticle Physics |
Session C4.00003 Indirect Dark Matter Detection Room: Ballroom C |
Sadeghpour, Hossein Harvard University |
Session X7.00002 Physics and Physicists in Iran Room: 150G |
Sargsian, Misak Florida International University |
Session R4.00003 Few-Body Physics at the Electron-Ion Collider Room: Ballroom C |
Sayre, Eleanor Kansas State Univ |
Session M5.00001 Physics Faculty Perceptions of Research-based Assessment Room: Ballroom D |
Schaich, David Syracuse University |
Session K6.00002 Supersymmetry on the Lattice Room: 150ABC |
Schlamminger, Stephan NIST - Natl Inst of Stds & Tech |
Session R5.00001 Measurements of the gravitational constant - why we need new ideas Room: Ballroom D |
Schmidt, Patricia LIGO Laboratory, California Institute of Technology |
Session U5.00002 Numerical Relativity meets Data Analysis Room: Ballroom D |
Schwab, Burkhard Harvard University |
Session H2.00002 Soft particles from the edge of space-time Room: Ballroom A |
Schwingenheuer, Bernhard Max-Planck-Institut Kernphysik, Heidelberg |
Session H3.00003 Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Results Room: Ballroom B |
Scomparin, Enrico INFN Torino |
Session J3.00002 Recent results on Quarkonium production from LHC and RHIC Room: Ballroom B |
Servant, Geraldine DESY, University of Hamburg |
Session S2.00002 New Ideas for Baryogenesis Room: Ballroom A |
Shiltsev, Vladimir FNAL |
Session X7.00001 Physics and Physicists in Russia Room: 150G |
Shoemaker, Deirdre Georgia Inst of Tech |
Session J6.00002 Role of Numerical Relativity in Hunt for Gravitational Waves Room: 150ABC |
Siemens, Xavier University of Wisconsin -- Milwaukee |
Session K5.00002 Detecting stochastic backgrounds of gravitational waves with pulsar timing arrays Room: Ballroom D |
Simmons, Elizabeth Michigan State University |
Session M6.00002 Promoting Gender Equity in STEM: Theory and Applications Room: 150ABC |
Simon, Joshua Carnegie Observatories |
Session E4.00002 Observing Dwarf Galaxies in the Local Universe Room: Ballroom C |
Slatyer, Tracy Massachusetts Inst of Tech-MIT |
Session U4.00002 The Origin of the GeV Galactic Center Excess Room: Ballroom C |
Smith, George Tufts University |
Session U6.00002 Newton's Principia: Myth and Reality Room: 150ABC |
Smith, Jessi L. Montana State University |
Session M6.00001 A New Norm: Using Social Science to Create Disruptive Innovations for Broadening Participation in Physics Room: 150ABC |
Stanley, Matthew New York University |
Session B7.00001 Extraterrestrial life in light of recent planetary science Room: 150G |
Steinmetz, Matthias Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP) mea culpa |
Session E4.00001 Cosmic Flows and the Structure of the Local Universe Room: Ballroom C |
Stojkovi\'c, Emina A. Northeastern Illinois University |
Session R6.00003 Changing the face of STEM: Preparing Students for Research and Outreach Room: 150ABC |
Story, Kyle Stanford University |
Session X4.00002 Measuring the kinematic Sunyaev-Zel$\backslash $'dovich effect with the South Pole~ Room: Ballroom C |
Strickland, Michael Kent State University |
Session J3.00003 Phenomenology of quarkonia suppression in heavy ion collisions Room: Ballroom B |
Takasaki, Fumihiko High Energy Physics Laboratory, Tsukuba, Japan |
Session C2.00003 W.K.H. Panofsky Prize in Experimental Particle Physics: The B-factory at KEK Room: Ballroom A |
Tapia Takaki, Daniel University of Kansas |
Session E7.00003 Multidisciplinary and large international projects at CERN Room: 150G |
Taylor, Wendy York University, Toronto, Canada |
Session U2.00002 Heavy Flavor Production and Polarization Results at the LHC Room: Ballroom A |
Thaler, Jesse MIT |
Session K2.00001 Jet Substructure: Boosting the Search for New Physics at the LHC Room: Ballroom A |
Thomson, Mark University of Cambridge |
Session S7.00002 DUNE: A Large International Collaboration From the Start Room: 150G |
Tino, Guglielmo Firenze University, LENS, INFN |
Session R5.00002 Precision measurements in gravitational physics and determination of G using atom interferometry. Room: Ballroom D |
Troxel, Michael University of Manchester |
Session J4.00002 Weak lensing in the Dark Energy Survey Room: Ballroom C |
Turpen, Chandra Univ of Maryland-College Park |
Session M5.00002 Perceived affordances and constraints regarding instructors' use of Peer Instruction: Implications for Promoting Instructional Change Room: Ballroom D |
Vafa, Cumrun Harvard University |
Session M2.00001 Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics: Fundamental Lessons From String Theory Room: Ballroom A |
Vartak, Adish |
Session M2.00002 Higgs Hunt In The ZZ Channel Room: Ballroom A |
Session H7.00001 PIC codes for plasma accelerators on emerging computer architectures (GPUS, Multicore/Manycore CPUS) Room: 150G |
Vitale, Salvatore Massachusetts Inst of Tech-MIT |
Session B5.00003 Parameter estimation and tests of General Relativity with GW transients in Advanced LIGO Room: Ballroom D |
Wang, Xiaorong New Mexico State University and Riken Brookhaven Research Center |
Session E3.00002 Transverse Spin at RHIC Room: Ballroom B |
Wark, David STFC, UK |
Session S7.00001 Global neutrino futures Room: 150G |
Weart, Spencer American Institute of Physics, Emeritus |
Session J7.00002 Nuclear Technology, Global Warming, and the Politicization of Science Room: 150G |
Weinberg, Erick Columbia University |
Session R7.00002 Memories of Sidney Coleman Room: 150G |
Wendt, Kyle Technische Universität Darmstadt |
Session C3.00003 Neutron distribution, electric dipole polarizability and weak form factor of 48Ca from chiral effective field theory Room: Ballroom B |
Westfall, Catherine Michigan State University |
Session X6.00001 The New Big Science: What's New, What's Not, and What's the Difference Room: 150ABC |
Wieman, Carl Professor, Stanford University, Physics and Graduate School of Education |
Session E6.00003 Introductory labs; what they don't, should, and can teach (and why)} Room: 150ABC |
Williams, Michael MIT |
Session U2.00003 Quark Flavor Physics: Experimental Status and Prospects Room: Ballroom A |
Winter, Peter High Energy Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory |
Session H3.00002 The New g-2 Experiment at Fermilab Room: Ballroom B |
Witten, Edward School of Natural Science, The Inst for Advanced Study |
Session W1.00003 Symmetries and Geometry Room: Ballroom E-J |
Wittmann, Michael University of Maine |
Session R6.00002 Rural outreach in Maine: A research-driven professional development teacher community Room: 150ABC |
Woolf, Lawrence General Atomics - Aeronautical Systems, Inc |
Session C6.00003 Joint Task Force on Undergraduate Physics Programs (J-TUPP): What skills and knowledge are needed for a diverse set of careers and what's the basis for these recommendations? Room: 150ABC |
Wright, Aaron Harvard University |
Session R7.00001 'Dear Nino: Aargh!' Frustrations and friendships of Sidney Coleman's Erice lectures. Room: 150G |
Yifang, Wang IHEP China |
Session X7.00003 Physics and Physicists in China Room: 150G |
Zaniewski, Anna Arizona State Univ |
Session X5.00002 Promoting student ownership of university science programs: towards building a more equitable scientific educational experience Room: Ballroom D |
Zheng, Xiaochao University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia |
Session W1.00002 Experiments probing parity violation using electrons at GeV energy Room: Ballroom E-J |
Zito, Marco CEA |
Session S7.00003 The European Neutrino Landscape Room: 150G |
Zurek, Kathryn University of California, Berkeley |
Session R2.00001 Beyond the WIMP paradigm: Asymmetric DM and Self interacting DM Room: Ballroom A |
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