D01.00001: Discovering feedback strategies for open quantum systems via deep reinforcement learning
Invited Speaker:
Florian Marquardt
D01.00002: Integrability Meets Dissipation: Critical Dynamics of Open Driven Systems
Daniel Paz, Mohammad Maghrebi
D01.00003: Dissipative generation of highly entangled states of light and matter
Catalin-Mihai Halati, Ameneh Sheikhan, Helmut Ritsch, Corinna Kollath
D01.00004: Boundary dissipation in Ising CFT
umar javed, Michael Kolodrubetz
D01.00005: On the nature of the non-equilibrium phase transition in the non-Markovian driven Dicke model
Rex Lundgren, Alexey V. Gorshkov, Mohammad Maghrebi
D01.00006: Anomalous exceptional point and non-Markovian Purcell effect at threshold in 1-D open quantum systems
Savannah Garmon, Gonzalo Ordonez, Naomichi Hatano
D01.00007: Non-Markovian collective emission from macroscopically separated emitters
Kanupriya Sinha, Pierre Meystre, Pablo Solano
D01.00008: Analysis of matter-wave emission dynamics and polariton formation in a quantum-emitter array coupled to a band structure
Alfonso Lanuza, Michael A Stewart, Joonhyuk Kwon, Youngshin Kim, Dominik Schneble
D01.00009: Generalized Theory of Pseudomodes for Exact Descriptions of Non-Markovian Quantum Processes
Graeme Pleasance, Barry M Garraway, Francesco Petruccione
D01.00010: Stabilization of Fractional Quantum Hall States of Light: Effects of Fractionalization
Pavel Kurilovich, Jose Lebreuilly, Vladislav Kurilovich, Steven Girvin
D01.00011: Transport through a quantum critical system: A thermodynamically consistent approach
Christopher Wächtler, Gernot Schaller
D01.00012: Deconstructing Effective Non-Hermitian Dynamics in Quadratic Bosonic Hamiltonians
Vincent Flynn, Emilio Cobanera, Lorenza Viola
D01.00013: Non-Hermitian Linear Response Theory
Lei Pan, Xin Chen, Yu Chen, Hui Zhai
D02.00001: Quantum Cherenkov Transition in Bose Polaron Systems
Kushal Seetharam, Yulia Shchadilova, Fabian Grusdt, Mikhail Zvonarev, Eugene Demler
D02.00002: Tuning of Scattering Resonances by Time-Periodic Driving
Christoph Dauer, Axel Pelster, Sebastian Eggert, Piotr Chudzinski
D02.00003: Quench dynamics of two-component dipolar Fermions in a Quasiperiodic potential
bradraj pandey, Elbio Dagotto, swapan K. pati
D02.00004: Enabling ultrastrong-coupling phenomena with single-drive Jaynes--Cummings models
Carlos Sánchez Muñoz, Anton Frisk Kockum, Adam Miranowicz, Franco M Nori
D02.00005: Dynamics of the decay of dark solitons in superfluid Fermi gases
Wout Van Alphen, Hiromitsu Takeuchi, Jacques Tempere
D02.00006: Operator complexity of adiabatic gauge potential
Mohit Pandey, Dries Sels, Pieter W. Claeys, Anatoli S Polkovnikov, David K Campbell
D02.00007: Transport in a bosonic superfluid point contact
Shun Uchino, Jean-Philippe Brantut
D02.00008: Entanglement production by interaction quenches of quantum chaotic subsystems
Jethin Pulikkottil Jacob, Arul Lakshminarayan, Shashi C. L. Srivastava, Arnd Bäcker, Steven Tomsovic
D02.00009: The entanglement membrane in deterministic systems
Tianci Zhou, Adam Nahum
D02.00010: Nonequilibrium dual-boson approach
Feng Chen, Michael Galperin, Mikhail Katsnelson
D02.00011: Modeling Collective Emission in Cavities by Phase Space Trajectories
Tao Li, Hsing Ta Chen, Abraham Nitzan, Joseph E Subotnik
D02.00012: The role of integrability in speeding up collective spin polarization.
Tamiro Villazon, Pieter W Claeys, Anatoli S Polkovnikov, Anushya Chandran
D02.00013: Quantum Weak Measurement Back-action Control On A Strongly Interacting BEC
Yueheng Shi, Stuart Szigeti, Arjendu Kishore Pattanayak
D02.00014: Unitary Subharmonic Response of Floquet Majorana Modes
Oles Shtanko, Ramis Movassagh
D02.00015: Real time dynamics of impurity and disorder scattering with interacting Fermion wave packets
Sebastian Eggert, Kevin Jägering, Imke Schneider, Benjamin Nagler, Artur Widera
D04.00001: Interfacial water: from atmospheric ice nucleation to nano-confinement
Invited Speaker:
Angelos Michaelides
D04.00002: Atomic imaging of edge structure and growth of a two-dimensional hexagonal ice
Runze Ma, Duanyun Cao, Chongqin Zhu, Ye Tian, Jinbo Peng, Jing Guo, Ji Chen, Xin-Zheng Li, Joseph S Francisco, Xiao Cheng Zeng, Limei Xu, Enge Wang, Ying Jiang
D04.00003: Simulating Energy Relaxation in Pump–Probe Vibrational Spectroscopy of Hydrogen-Bonded Liquids
Riccardo Dettori, Michele Ceriotti, Johannes Hunger, Luciano Colombo, Davide Donadio
D04.00004: Complete Lattice Vibration Dispersion Curves (36 Branches) for the Frozen (T=0K) Bernal-Fowler Hexagonal Close Packed Crystalline Ice with Four Water Molecules in One Primitive Unit Cell Containing 8 Protons and 4 Oxygen Nuclei
Bin Jie, Cindy Tianhui Jie, Chih-Tang Sah
D04.00005: Probing interfacial water by H-sensitive and non-invasive scanning probe microscopy
Invited Speaker:
Ying Jiang
D04.00006: Computed Lattice Vibration Frequency Spectra Explain the Abnormally High Electrical Mobilities of Positive and Negative Ions in Pure Liquid Water Using the Vibrational Force Constants of Oxygen and Hydrogen (Proton) Nuclei in its Solid and Gas Phases.
Chih-Tang Sah, Cindy Tianhui Jie, Bin Jie
D04.00007: Nanoindentation of Ice Ih - Atomistic simulations
Pedro Antonio Santos-Flórez, Carlos Javier Ruestes, Maurice De Koning
D04.00008: Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy of Ice/Air and Water/Air Interfaces from Ab Initio Deep Potential Molecular Dynamics
Marcos Andrade, Linfeng Zhang, Annabella Selloni, Roberto Car
D04.00009: How crystals form: a theory of nucleation pathways.
James Lutsko
D04.00010: Surface and bulk contributions to sum-frequency vibrational spectroscopy of single crystalline ice
Xu Xiaofan, Yuen-Ron Shen, Chuanshan Tian
D07.00001: Demonstration of a large-scale quantum chemistry calculations using the Sycamore quantum processor
Nicholas Rubin, Jarrod McClean, Zhang Jiang, Matthew Harrigan, Tyler Takeshita, Ryan Babbush
D07.00002: Energy gap calculation on near-term quantum hardware with robust phase estimation
Antonio Russo, Andrew Baczewski, Benjamin C Morrison, Kenneth Rudinger
D07.00003: Quantum simulation of molecular vibronic spectra on a superconducting bosonic processor: Part I
Jacob Curtis, Christopher Wang, Brian Lester, Yaxing Zhang, Yvonne Gao, Jessica Freeze, Victor Batista, Patrick Henry Vaccaro, Isaac Chuang, Luigi Frunzio, Liang Jiang, Steven Girvin, Robert Schoelkopf
D07.00004: Quantum simulation of molecular vibronic spectra on a superconducting bosonic processor: Part II
Christopher Wang, Jacob Curtis, Brian Lester, Yaxing Zhang, Yvonne Gao, Jessica Freeze, Victor Batista, Patrick Henry Vaccaro, Isaac Chuang, Luigi Frunzio, Liang Jiang, Steven Girvin, Robert Schoelkopf
D07.00005: Quantum computation of magnon spectra
AKHIL FRANCIS, James Freericks, Alexander F Kemper
D07.00006: Improving chemistry calculations with virtual quantum subspace expansion
Miroslav Urbanek, Wibe A De Jong
D07.00007: Accuracy of the effective Hamiltonian in the quantum simulation experiments
Evgeny Mozgunov
D07.00008: Hybrid quantum-classical simulations of correlated materials within Gutzwiller variational approach
Yongxin Yao, Noah Berthusen, Feng Zhang, Cai-Zhuang Wang, Kai-Ming Ho, Peter Orth
D07.00009: Improvements in quantum algorithms for quantum chemistry and condensed matter
Thomas O'Brien
D07.00010: Quantum Chemistry as an application-insprired Benchmark on near-term quantum computers
Raphael Pooser, Titus Morris, Alexander McCaskey, Jacek Jakowski, Travis Humble, Shirley Moore
D07.00011: Quantum simulation of the dynamics of the Fermi-Hubbard model on Sycamore
Zhang Jiang
D07.00012: Experimental realization of a nonlinear 3-wave mixing gate for quantum simulation
Alessandro Castelli, Yuan Shi, Ilon Joseph, Vasily Geyko, Frank R Graziani, Stephen Bernard Libby, Jeffrey Parker, Yaniv J. Rosen, Jonathan L. DuBois
D07.00013: Matrix product state simulations on a quantum computer
Michael Feig, Andrew Potter
D07.00014: Quantum simulation of nonlinear three-wave interactions with engineered cubic couplings
Yuan Shi, Alessandro Roberto Castelli, Ilon Joseph, Vasily Geyko, Frank R Graziani, Stephen Bernard Libby, Jeffrey Parker, Yaniv J Rosen, Jonathan L DuBois
D08.00001: Simulated Randomized Benchmarking of Dynamically Corrected Cross-Resonance Gate
Ralph Kenneth Colmenar, Jason Paul Kestner
D08.00002: Experimental protection of qubit coherence up to relaxation times by using an image drive
Sylvain Bertaina, Herve Vezin, Irinel Chiorescu
D08.00003: Complete quantum-state tomography with a local random field
Christian Arenz, Ralf Betzholz, Jianming Cai
D08.00004: High sensitivity spectral characterization of local microwave fields using two-photon absorption processes of a transmon qudit
Spencer Tomarken, Jonathan L DuBois
D08.00005: Implementation of the XY interaction family by calibration of a single pulse
Deanna Abrams, Nicolas Didier, Blake Johnson, Marcus P Da Silva, Colm Ryan
D08.00006: Selective number-dependent arbitrary Hamiltonian engineering for a cavity
Chiao-Hsuan Wang, José Lebreuilly, Kyungjoo Noh, Steven Girvin, Liang Jiang
D08.00007: Implementing robust Holonomic quantum gates using dynamical invariant
Yingcheng Li, Yidun Wan
D08.00008: Superconducting cavity QED: box modes for quantum control of qubits
Raina Olsen, Mohammadreza Rezaee, Eliahu Cohen, Ebrahim Karimi
D08.00009: Adiabatic Quantum Control of Dissipative State Preparation
Emery Doucet, Tristan Brown, Archana Kamal
D08.00010: Investigating the speed limit of two-qubit entangling gates with superconducting qubits
Joel Howard, Junling Long, Mustafa Bal, Ruichen Zhao, Tongyu Zhao, David Pappas, Zhexuan Gong, Meenakshi Singh
D08.00011: High fidelity quantum gates for NV center defect registers based on dynamical decoupling sequences
Wenzheng Dong, Fernando A Calderon, Sophia Economou
D08.00012: Time-optimal robust controls for Molmer-Sorensen gates in large ion chains
Andre Carvalho, Claire Edmunds, Harrison Ball, Michael Hush, Michael Biercuk
D08.00013: Probing the quantum nature of electronic transport by sub-nanosecond time-resolved measurements
Jean Olivier Simoneau, Christian Lupien, Bertrand M Reulet
D08.00014: Optimizing pulses with geometric parameters for dynamically-corrected single qubit gate
Xiuhao Deng
D08.00015: Robust and optimal control for SC qubits, two-qubit gates, and circuits
Harrison Ball, Per Liebermann, André Carvalho, Harry Slatyer, Vicktor Perunicic, Rajib Chakravorty, Michael Hush, Michael Biercuk
D09.00001: Analyzing the efficacy and work extraction of a quantum Maxwell’s demon
Xingrui Song, Mahdi Naghiloo, Kater Murch
D09.00002: Simulating a quantum heat engine on transmon qubits
Nicholas Materise, Eliot Kapit
D09.00003: Macroscopic Thermodynamic Reversibility in Quantum Many-Body Systems
Philippe Faist, Takahiro Sagawa, Kohtaro Kato, Hiroshi Nagaoka, Fernando Brandão
D09.00004: What is Quantum Thermodynamics?
Invited Speaker:
Sebastian Deffner
D09.00005: Entanglement transport and thermalization in an isolated quantum spin chain
Shunji Tsuchiya, Ryosuke Yoshii
D09.00006: Characterizing complexity of many-body quantum dynamics by higher-order eigenstate thermalization
Kazuya Kaneko, Eiki Iyoda, Takahiro Sagawa
D09.00007: Collective phenomena in quantum thermodynamics: from mitigation to amplification of the baths' action
Camille Lombard Latune, Ilya Sinayskiy, Francesco Petruccione
D09.00008: Thermalization of a qubit strongly interacting with a bosonic environment
Patrick Orman, Dexter Grant Mitchell, Ryoichi Kawai
D09.00009: Kinetics of many-body reservoir engineering
Hugo Ribeiro, Florian Marquardt
D09.00010: Topological effects in quantum thermodynamics
Charles Stafford, Yiheng Xu, Ferdinand Evers
D09.00011: Fluctuations in stored work bound the charging power of quantum batteries
Luis Garcia-Pintos, Alioscia Hamma, Adolfo Del Campo
D09.00012: Thermodynamics features of quantum memristors
Lucas Céleri, Mikel Sanz, Enrique Solano, Gabriel Landi
D09.00013: Heat Transfer in Mesoscopic Systems
Gabriel Weiderpass, Gustavo Monteiro, Amir O. Caldeira
D10.00001: Developing Wide Angle Spherical Neutron Polarimetry at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Nicolas Silva, Chenyang Jiang, Tianhao Wang, Jillian Ruff, Masaaki Matsuda, Fankang Li, Barry Winn, Lisa DeBeer-Schmitt, Roger Pynn
D10.00002: Kilohertz-Rate MeV Ultrafast Electron Diffraction for Time-resolved Materials Studies
Khalid M Siddiqui, Daniel B Durham, Fuhao Ji, Andrew M Minor, Robert A Kaindl, Daniele Filippetto
D10.00003: Directive steerable emission from an opened chaotic cavity controlled through a reconfigurable metasurface
Samuel Metais, Jean-Baptiste Gros, Geoffroy Lerosey
D10.00004: Spatially-Resolved Layer, Interface and Dopant Profiling Using Tabletop Coherent EUV Beams
Yuka Esashi, Michael Tanksalvala, Christina L. Porter, Bin Wang, Nicholas W. Jenkins, Zhe Zhang, Matthew N. Jacobs, Galen P. Miley, Naoto Horiguchi, Jihan Zhou, Robert M Karl, Charles Bevis, Peter Johnsen, Joshua Knobloch, Seth L. Cousin, Emma Cating, Michaël Hemmer, Chen-Ting Liao, Michael Gerrity, Henry Kapteyn, Margaret Murnane
D10.00005: 3D-ΔPDF Investigations of Structural Phase Transitions
Raymond Osborn, Matthew Krogstad, Stephan Rosenkranz
D10.00006: Interferometric tracking of nanoparticle orientation with quantitative optical anisotropy imaging
Zhixing He, Chengshuai Li, Yizheng Zhu, Hans Robinson
D10.00007: Measuring Dominant Local Structures in Amorphous Materials Using Nanobeam Electron Diffraction
Makoto Schreiber, Matthias Wolf
D10.00008: THz-driven Electron Bunch Compression and Timing Jitter Reduction for Relativistic Ultrafast Electron Diffraction Measurements
Emma Snively, Mohamed A. K. Othman, Michael E. Kozina, Benjamin K Ofori-Okai, Stephen P. Weathersby, Suji Park, Xiaozhe Shen, Xijie Wang, Matthias C. Hoffmann, Renkai Li, Emilio Nanni
D10.00009: Laboratory Based Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Susanna Eriksson, Brandon Giles
D10.00010: Probing bulk electronic structure with a laboratory-based hard x-ray angle-resolved photoemission spectrometer
Joseph D Grassi, Arian Arab, Jay Paudel, Raj K Sah, Weibing Yang, Ravini U Chandrasena, Keisuke Kobayashi, Alexander Gray
D10.00011: Development of in-situ differential thermal analysis for crystal growth experiments
Yuri Janssen, Jose Nicasio, Kemar Dudley, Bingying Xia, Jack Simonson
D10.00012: Early stage of iron anodic oxidation measured by 25ms-resolution X-ray reflectometry
Hiromasa Fujii, Takashi Doi, Yusuke Wakabayashi
D11.00001: High-pressure pretreatment of rice straw for optimizing the fermentable sugar yield
Pratham Gupta, Bahiru Tsegaye, Chandrajit Balomajumder
D11.00002: NSF IRES: Exploring the Effect of Temperature on a Plant's Photocyle by Observing the Blue-Light Photoreceptor Protein Arabidopsis Cryptochrome
Marootpong Pooam, Nykiera Dixon, Michael Hilvert, Peter Misko, Kristy Waters, Stephen Mills, Soria Drahy, Dorothy Engle, Justin Link, Margaret Ahmad
D11.00003: Temperature Dependence in Stochastic and Deterministic Models of the Circadian Rhythm of Cyanobacteria
Thomas Baer, Orrin Shindell
D11.00004: Nano-optical imaging of bacteria on 2D materials
Liana Shpani, Sharad Ambardar, Dmitri Voronine
D11.00005: Human Gene Expression and the Protein-Protein Interaction Network: Identification of Potential Disease Module Association to Differential Gene Expression for Patient-to-Drug Matching
Aydin Wells, Deisy Morselli Gysi, Albert L Barabasi
D11.00006: Focused Ultrasound as a Replacement for Endodontic Therapy
Talisi Meyer, Jennifer Canfield, Michael Jordan, Jason White
D11.00007: Enhanced magnetic hyperthermia of copper ferrite nanoparticles for biomedical applications
Enya Silva, J. Robles, Sarath Witanachchi, Anh-Tuan Le, Manh-Huong Phan
D11.00008: Correlative photoluminescence and micro-Raman spectroscopy determining disorder from two-dimensional heterostructures to rare-earth minerals
Joy J. Ma, Tao Jiang, Jun Yan, Molly A May, Markus B. Raschke
D11.00009: Electron emission from randomly-oriented and vertically-aligned carbon nanotubes synthesized directly on conducting surface
Matthew Kurilich, Arun Thapa, Wenzhi Li, Suman Neupane
D11.00010: Tunable 3D Photonic Crystal Cavity for Coherent Coupling between Microwave Fields and Solid State Spins
Abhijatmedhi Chotrattanapituk, Hyeongrak Choi, Dirk R. Englund
D11.00011: Viscosity of a Crowding Medium Obtained Through Optical Trapping
James Howard, Javier E Hasbun, Suvranta Tripathy
D11.00012: Computation of Forces and Torques on Clusters of Micron-Sized Spheres in Optical Tweezers
Wyatt Vigilante, Jerome Fung
D11.00013: Nano-Optical Imaging of CVD Grown Lateral Heterostructures
Rana Kamh, Sharad Ambardar, Hana Hrim, Dmitri Voronine
D11.00014: Computer generated holograms for optical trapping using a Spatial Light Modulator
Anthony Hewitt, Koon Siang Gan, Rainer Dumke, Michael Lim
D12.00001: Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Modeling of Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability and Associated Magnetosonic Wave Emission in Solar Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs)
Sara Butler, Hava Turkakin
D12.00002: Cradle-to-Grave Evolution and Explosiveness of the Magnetic Field from Bipolar Ephemeral Active Regions (BEARs) in Solar Coronal Holes
Caroline Nagib, Navdeep K. Panesar, Ronald L. Moore, Alphonse C. Sterling
D12.00003: Magnetic and Electronic Structure of CuTeO4
Zubia Hasan, Thao Tran, Tyrel McQueen
D12.00004: Properties of Magnetic High-Entropy Alloys
Valeria Rosa Rocha, Abby M Nash, John-Paul E. Cesare, Troy Messina
D12.00005: Magnetic Heat Capacity Characterization of Magnetite
Silvia Sherman, Stephen A Tsui
D12.00006: H-T phase diagram of antiferromagnetic topological insulator MnBi2Te4 under hydrostatic pressure to 2.5 GPa
Rakin Numair Baten, Timothy A Elmslie, Derrick VanGennep, James J Hamlin
D12.00007: Modeling Hyperfine Coupling in Molecular Magnets
Cong Hu, Jia Chen, Xiaoguang Zhang
D12.00008: Mössbauer spectroscopy of iron oxide nanoparticles containing both magnetite and maghemite
Jeremy Winsett, saeed kamali, Suman Neupane
D12.00009: Computational Modeling of Magnetorheological Elastomers
Tong Dang, Andy T Clark, Jiajia Li, David Marchfield, Kristen S. Buchanan, Xuemei Cheng
D12.00010: CsPbBr3 Perovskite Quantum Dots as Single Photon Sources
Georgia Nelson, Giorgio Adamo, Cesare Soci, Michael Lim
D12.00011: Quantum entangled breathers in Goldilocks quantum cellular automata
Haley Cole, Matthew Jones, Logan Hillberry, Mina Fasihi, Lincoln Carr
D12.00012: Synthesis and Characterization of Quantum Dots Based on Transition Metal Dichalcogenides
Pedro Juan Rodríguez Fernández, Nalaka A Kapuruge, Humberto Gutierrez
D12.00013: Single Hole Based Magneto-Impedance Biosensor for Particle Detection
Baylee Senator, Valery Ortiz Jimenez, Manh-Huong Phan
D15.00001: Physical Limits of Marangoni-driven Patterning
Steven Stanley, Roger T Bonnecaze
D15.00002: Hydrodynamic and Surface-Wetting Effects on Phase Separation Dynamics in Thin-Film Melts
Abheeti Goyal, Paul Van der Schoot, Federico Toschi
D15.00003: Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Creep in Silica-Water Systems
Anders Johansson, Henrik A Sveinsson, Kjetil Thøgersen, Anders Hafreager, Einat Aharonov, Anders Malthe-Sørenssen
D15.00004: Nonlinear Interface Equation For Capillary Driven Flow in 3D Open Curved Trajectories
Nicholas White, Sandra Troian
D15.00005: Theory of the two-dimensional paraelectric structural transformation of ferroelectric group-IV monochalcogenide monolayers
Salvador Barraza-Lopez, John Villanova, Pradeep Kumar
D15.00006: Evolution of elastic moduli through a two-dimensional structural transformation
Alejandro Pacheco-Sanjuan, Tyler Bishop, Erin Farmer, Pradeep Kumar, Salvador Barraza-Lopez
D15.00007: Laser-induced strong Marangoni effect in deformation and manipulation of ferrofluid
Feng Lin, Talari Vishal, Junyi Zhao, John Schaibley, Dong Liu, Zhiming Wang, Jiming Bao
D15.00008: Long-time evolution of interfacial structure in dewetting
Mengfei He, Sidney Robert Nagel
D15.00009: Flows at Molecular Scales: Probing and Manipulating Ultra-Thin Supported Liquid Films
Cecile Clavaud, Laurence Talini, Christian Frétigny
D15.00010: Towards nanoscale confinement in TEM liquid cells
Kyle Sendgikoski, Alokik Kanwal, James Alexander Liddle, John Cumings
D15.00011: Chemical Vapor Deposition Growth of Nickel Sulfide for optoelectronic device applications
Nidhi ., Tashi Nautiyal, Samaresh Das
D15.00012: Colloidal migration in microchannels under combined potential and pressure gradients
Shaurya Prakash, Varun Lochab
D15.00013: Lattice Boltzmann Method for Designing cellular solids for effective acoustic noise cancellation
Rajat Zope, Pratyush Dayal
D16.00001: Tunable Current Mirror Qubits: Experimental Status
James Wenner, Moe S Khalil, Daniel Weiss, Jens Koch, David Ferguson
D16.00002: Phase-shift flux qubit with a ferromagnetic π junction
Taro Yamashita, Kun Zuo, Yoshiro Urade, Wei Qiu, Hirotaka Terai, Akira Fujimaki, Yasunobu Nakamura
D16.00003: Electrically-tunable phase-slip qubits
Ahmed Kenawy, Wim Magnus, Bart Soree
D16.00004: Influence of charge fluctuations on Josephson phase-slip qubits
Cyrus F. Hirjibehedin, Steven Weber, Gabriel Orr Samach, David K Kim, Alexander Melville, Bethany Niedzielski, Danna Rosenberg, Kyle Serniak, Jonilyn Yoder, William Oliver, Andrew James Kerman
D16.00005: Bifluxon: Fluxon-Parity-Protected Superconducting Qubit
Konstantin Kalashnikov, Wen Ting Hsieh, Wenyuan Zhang, Wen-Sen Lu, Plamen Kamenov, Agustin Di Paolo, Alexandre Blais, Michael Gershenson, Matthew T Bell
D16.00006: Blochnium: A flux-tunable qubit with flux-insensitive coherence times
Ray Mencia, Ivan Pechenezhskiy, Long Nguyen, Yen-Hsiang Lin, Vladimir Manucharyan
D16.00007: Novel Qubit Designs
Invited Speaker:
Lev Ioffe
D16.00008: Rabi Oscillations in a Superconducting Nanowire Circuit
Yannick Schön, Jan Nicolas Voss, Micha Wildermuth, Andre Schneider, Sebastian T. Skacel, Martin Weides, Jared H. Cole, Hannes Rotzinger, Alexey V. Ustinov
D16.00009: Ultrastrong coupling to parasitic modes in superconducting circuits with hyperinductors
Ivan Pechenezhskiy, Ray Mencia, Roman Kuzmin, Long Nguyen, Yen-Hsiang Lin, Vladimir Manucharyan
D16.00010: Relaxation and decoherence of 2D fluxonium
Karthik Srikanth Bharadwaj, Farshad Foroughi, Etienne Dumur, Luca Planat, Arpit Ranadive, Cécile Naud, Olivier Buisson, Nicolas Roch, Wiebke Hasch-Guichard
D16.00011: A Rotary Echo Flux Qubit
Alexander K Sirota, David Ferguson, David I Schuster, Ryan J Epstein
D16.00012: Characterization and control of topologically protected charge-parity qubits: Part 1
Kenneth Dodge, Yebin Liu, Michael Senatore, FNU Naveen, Shaojiang Zhu, Abigail J Shearrow, Andrey Klots, Lara Faoro, Lev B Ioffe, Robert F McDermott, Britton L Plourde
D16.00013: Characterization of topologically protected charge-parity qubits: Part 2
FNU Naveen, Abigail J Shearrow, Shaojiang Zhu, Kenneth Dodge, Yebin Liu, Michael Senatore, Andrey Klots, Lara Faoro, Lev B Ioffe, Britton L Plourde, Robert F McDermott
D17.00001: Conditional teleportation of quantum dot spin states
Invited Speaker:
John Nichol
D17.00002: Rydberg blockade entangling gates in silicon
Eleanor Crane, Alexander Schuckert, Nguyen Huy Le, Andrew James Fisher
D17.00003: Entanglement of encoded spin-qubits via curvature couplings to a superconducting cavity
Rusko Ruskov, Charles Tahan
D17.00004: Far-detuned two-qubit operation of the quantum-dot hybrid qubit coupled to a microwave resonator
Jose Carlos Abadillo-Uriel, Cameron King, Susan Nan Coppersmith, Mark G Friesen
D17.00005: Coherent transport of spin by adiabatic passage in quantum dot arrays
Michael Gullans, Jason Petta
D17.00006: Robust two-qubit entangling gates using shaped pulses in silicon double quantum dots
Utkan Gungordu, Jason Paul Kestner
D17.00007: Democratizing Spin Qubits
Charles Tahan
D17.00008: Fabrication and Measurement of Arrays of Few-Donor Quantum Dots
Rick Silver, Xiqiao Wang, Ranjit Kashid, Albert Rigosi, Jonathan Wyrick, Fan Fei, Pradeep Namboodiri
D17.00009: Realizing Discrete Time Crystals in Quantum Dot Spin Arrays with Magnetic Field Gradients
Bikun Li, John Van Dyke, Ada Warren, Sophia E. Economou, Edwin Barnes
D17.00010: Exploring Many-body Localization in Quantum Dot Systems
Bikun Li, John Van Dyke, Ada Warren, Sophia Economou, Edwin Barnes
D17.00011: Fine-tuning electron entanglement in two-dimensional artificial atoms
Dung N Pham, Sathwik Bharadwaj, L Ramdas Ram-Mohan
D17.00012: Operating four singlet-triplet qubits in a two-dimensional array of GaAs dots
Federico Fedele, Anasua Chatterjee, Saeed Fallahi, Geoff C Gardner, Michael Manfra, Ferdinand Kuemmeth
D20.00001: Collective Behavior in Growth-Driven Systems
Invited Speaker:
Yasmine Meroz
D20.00002: Collective Aggregation via Directed Pheromone Signaling in Honeybee Swarms
Dieu My Nguyen, Michael Iuzzolino, Aaron Mankel, Orit Peleg
D20.00003: Social context alters behavioral interactions in bumblebees
Grace McKenzie-Smith, Yan Wang, Jean Cho, Talmo Pereira, Sarah Kocher, Joshua Shaevitz
D20.00004: Brownian motion of fire ants hinders raft formation
Hungtang Ko, David Hu
D20.00005: Behavioral plasticity in jackdaw flocks
Nicholas Ouellette, Hangjian Ling, Guillam E McIvor, Joseph Westley, Kasper Van der Vaart, Richard T Vaughan, Alex Thornton
D20.00006: Shared behavioral mechanisms underlie C. elegans aggregation and swarming
Serena Ding, Linus Schumacher, Avelino Javer, Robert G Endres, Andre Brown
D20.00007: Predicting residential segregation using statistical physics approaches
Yuchao Chen, Yunus A Kinkhabwala, Mallory Gaspard, Matthew Hall, Tomas Alberto Arias, Itai Cohen
D20.00008: Leader cells in collective chemotaxis: optimality and trade-offs
Austin Hopkins, Brian Camley
D20.00009: One fish, two fish, win fish, lose fish: Imaging and analyzing the fighting behavior of zebrafish in 3D
Liam O'Shaughnessy, Tatsuo Izawa, Ichiro Masai, Joshua Shaevitz, Greg Stephens
D20.00010: A Foraging Approach to Analyzing Infant and Caregiver Vocal Behavior
Ritwika Vallomparambath PanikkasserySu, Gina M. Pretzer, Sara Mendoza, Christopher Shedd, Christopher T. Kello, Ajay Gopinathan, Anne S. Warlaumont
D20.00011: The Superorganism’s Circulatory System: Collective control of development through a socially exchanged fluid
Invited Speaker:
Adria C LeBoeuf
D21.00001: Stanford R. Ovshinsky Sustainable Energy Fellowship award talk: Structural Evolution of Nickel Thiophosphate Electrode Materials
Invited Speaker:
Vicky Doan-Nguyen
D21.00002: Modeling Plasmonic Interference in Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy
Michael Berkowitz, Alexander McLeod, William J Zheng, Leo Lo, Dmitri Basov
D21.00003: Identifying Local Variations in PV Material Properties via EBIC using In-Situ Light and Voltage Bias
Sean Jones, Harvey L Guthrey, John Moseley, Brian Gorman
D21.00004: The improvement of carbon quantum dots on the manganese-nickel phosphide for electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction
Weiwu Chen, Zhaojun Qin, Zhiming M Wang, Hai-Zhi Song, Zhifeng Ren
D21.00005: Monolayer MoS2 on TiO2 nanorods for enhanced electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction
Anh Duc Nguyen, Thi Hue Pham, Tri Khoa Nguyen, Young Han Shin, Yong Soo Kim
D21.00006: Theoretical Study of Hydrogen storage with Ti doped B40 boron fullerene
Paramita Haldar
D21.00007: Multi-technique characterization of atomic-layer-deposition-functionalized magnesium borohydride hydrogen storage materials
Margaret Fitzgerald, Noemi Leick, Karl Gross, Steven Christensen, Svitlana Pylypenko
D21.00008: Hydrogen permeation in V75Fe25 alloy investigated by in situ neutron diffraction
In Hwa Cho, Yong Nam Choi, Heeju Lee, Jae-Hyeok Shim, Jin-Yoo Suh, Ho Jun Oh, SeongHyun Han, Do Young Noh
D21.00009: Extraordinary cycling stability of pristine nickel hexaaminobenzene MOF supercapacitors
Fatima Amir, Sean C Wechsler
D21.00010: Various Graphene-Based Composites For an Efficient and Durable Supercapacitor
DINESH SINGH, Leonardo Vivas, Rajesh Kumar
D21.00011: High Performance Structural Electrochemical Double Layer Supercapacitors Using Graphene-Metal Nanoparticle-Polymer Composites
Shashi P Karna, Ashwini K Srivastava
D21.00012: Tracking the capacitive energy storage process in layered MXene across length scales
Paul Kent, Qiang Gao, Weiwei Sun, Poorandokht Ilani-Kashkouli, Alexander Tselev, Nadine Kabengi, Michael Naguib, Mohamed Alhabeb, Wan-Yu Tsai, Arthur Baddorf, Jingsong Huang, Stephen Jesse, Yury Gogotsi, Nina Balke
D21.00013: Photonic Synthesis of High-performance Manganese Oxide Thin Film Electrode with ultra-long Lifetime for Supercapacitor Applications
MADHU Gaire, Sijun Luo, Binod Subedi, Kurt Schroder, Stan Farnsworth, Douglas Chrisey
D23.00001: Formation and Properties of Self-Assembled Nanoparticle-Supported Lipid Bilayer Probed Through Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Haoyuan Jing, Yanbin Wang, Parth Rakesh Desai, Kumaran S. Ramamurthi, Siddhartha Das
D23.00002: Leveraging the physics of a barbecue lighter to genetically transform living organisms
Gaurav Byagathvalli, Soham Sinha, Yan Zhang, Mark P. Styczynski, Janet Standeven, Saad Bhamla
D23.00003: Listening to lipid membranes
Kisung Lee, Gurban Chommanov, Steve Granick
D23.00004: Comparing microrheological methods for measuring lipid membrane viscosity
Philip Jahl, Raghuveer Parthasarathy
D23.00005: Regulated ensembles and lipid membranes
Martin Girard, Tristan Bereau
D23.00006: Stable fabrication of a various-sized nanopore by controlled dielectric breakdown in a high-pH solution for the detection of various-sized molecules
Itaru Yanagi, Rena Akahori, Kenichi Takeda
D23.00007: Monte Carlo simulation of pH activated conformational changes of coarse-grained sodium-proton antiporters
Mojgan Asadi, Arieh Warshel
D23.00008: Multichannel Flow Cell for a Nanopore Array Sensor
Hai Huy Nguyen Pham, Itaru Yanagi, Kenichi Takeda
D23.00009: Interaction of Graphene Oxide with Model Bio-membrane: Insights into the Structure of the Membrane
PRIYA MANDAL, Sajal Kumar Ghosh
D23.00010: Detection of streptavidin-labeled DNA using solid-state nanopores for target sequence detection
Rena Akahori, Itaru Yanagi, Kenichi Takeda
D23.00011: Moving while you're stuck; a mechanical model of binding facilitated transport in biological systems
Kanghyeon Koo, Shankar Lalitha Sridhar, Noel Anthony Clark, Franck J Vernerey, Loren Hough
D23.00012: Towards high-sensitivity phase cancellation microscopy
Dominika Lyzwa, Vijay Singh, Zahid Yaqoob, Peter So
D23.00013: Predicting optimal parameters for ion transport through nanopores and biological channels
William Gibby, Miraslau Barabash, Dmitry Luchinsky, Peter McClintock
D25.00001: Recent Progress on 3D Chiral Mechanical Metamaterials
Invited Speaker:
Martin Wegener
D25.00002: 3D Acoustic Zero Index Metamaterial
Changqing Xu, Guancong Ma, Yun Lai, Ying Wu
D25.00003: Micro-lattices for wide-band three-dimensional elastic wave attenuation
Nikhil Gerard, Mourad Oudich, Yun Jing
D25.00004: Elastic Weyl Points and Surface Arc States in Three-Dimensional Mechanical Metamaterials
Xiaotian Shi, Rajesh Chaunsali, Feng Li, Jinkyu Yang
D25.00005: Demonstration of the Majorana-like bound state in an elastic bolted plate
Chun-Wei Chen, Natalia Lera, Rajesh Chaunsali, Daniel Torrent, Jose Vicente Alvarez, Pablo San-Jose, Johan Christensen, Jinkyu Yang
D25.00006: Tuning of 2D Phononic Band Structures via Buckling Instability
Tejas Dethe, Siddhartha Sarkar, Matevz Marincic, Andrej Kosmrlj
D25.00007: Robust gapless edge states and unconventional topological band properties in a two-dimensional elastic Kekulé phononic lattice
Ting-Wei Liu, Fabio Semperlotti
D25.00008: Valley Anisotropy and Valley Topological States in Elastic Metamaterials
Shuaifeng Li, Ingi Kim, Satoshi Iwamoto, Jianfeng Zang, Jinkyu Yang
D25.00009: Topological boundary modes in nonlinear mechanical lattices
Di Zhou, Zeb Rocklin
D25.00010: Programmable higher-order Euler buckling modes in hierarchical beams
Maria-Gabriella Tarantino, Kostas Danas
D25.00011: Programmable metastructures featuring adaptable stiffness based on local bistability
Janav P. Udani, Andres F. Arrieta
D25.00012: Navigating the landscape of nonlinear mechanical metamaterials for advanced programmability
Eder Medina, Patrick Farrell, Katia Bertoldi, Christopher Rycroft
D25.00013: Space-time phononic crystals with anomalous topological edge states
Yuanchen Deng, Mourad Oudich, Molei Tao, Yun Jing
D26.00001: Controlled neighbor exchanges drive intermittency and cell streaming in epithelial tissues
Amit Das, Dapeng Bi
D26.00002: Mechanical Instabilities in Growing Biological Systems: Wrinkling and Branching
Invited Speaker:
Andrej Kosmrlj
D26.00003: Quasi-realistic modelling of expanding epithelial cell monolayer
Youyuan Deng, Herbert Levine
D26.00004: Symmetry breaking and axis formation in Hydra
Invited Speaker:
Eva-Maria Collins
D26.00005: Configurations and dynamics of membrane-bound elastic filaments
Wilson Lough
D26.00006: Bacteria sense and respond to the mechanics of the surface to which they attach
Vernita Gordon, Liyun Wang, Jacob Blacutt
D26.00007: Mechanical impacts of complex topology on epithelial cells
Sun-Min Yu, Bo Li, francois Amblard, Steve Granick, Yoon-Kyoung Cho
D26.00008: Three-dimensional Packing of Curved Epithelia: Biology and Topology meet Physics
Pedro Gómez-Gálvez, Pablo Vicente Munuera, Samira Anbari, Luis M Escudero, Javier Buceta Fernandez
D26.00009: Topological analysis of multicellular structures
Dominic Skinner, Boya Song, Jörn Dunkel
D26.00010: Tissue-Tissue Interactions at Boundaries of Colliding Monolayers
Matthew Heinrich, Daniel Cohen, Andrej Kosmrlj, Jake Strain
D26.00011: Patterning Potential of Cell-cell signalling Molecules in Flowing Tissue
SUPRIYA BAJPAI, Mandar M Inamdar, Ranganathan Prabhakar, Raghunath Chelakkot
D27.00001: Development of a high-k gate stack for atomic-precision advanced manufacturing
Tzu-Ming Lu, Evan Anderson, DeAnna Campbell, Michael Marshall, Ping Lu, Scott W Schmucker, Lisa A Tracy, Mitchell Robison, Reza Arghavani, Leon N Maurer, Andrew Baczewski, Daniel R Ward, Shashank Misra
D27.00002: Phase Controlling in HfO2 Bulk Single Crystal
Xianghan Xu, Fei-Ting Huang, Sang-Wook Cheong
D27.00003: The effect of air-anneal on two-level tunneling systems of ion-beam sputtered amorphous SiO2
Xiao Liu, Matthew Abernathy, Thomas Metcalf, Massimo Granata, Lorenzo Mereni, Alex Amato, Christophe Michel, Gianpietro Cagnoli
D27.00004: Demonstration of two-dimensional hole gases (2DHG) in strained GeSn quantum wells
Chia-Tse Tai, Cheng-Yu Lin, Chia-You Liu, Tz-Ming Wang, Charles Harris, Tzu-Ming Lu, Jiun-Yun Li
D27.00005: High sensitivity neutron detectors based on hexagonal boron nitride epilayers
Avisek Maity, Samuel Grenadier, Jing Li, Jingyu Lin, Hongxing Jiang
D27.00006: Defect effects on Electron Magneto-Transport in Quantum Wells
Danhong Huang, Andrii Iurov, Fei Gao, Godfrey Gumbs
D27.00007: Atomistic Simulations of the Cold Source Field-Effect Transistor for Sub-60 mV/decade Switching
Raphaël Prentki, Mohammed Harb, Hong Guo
D27.00008: Looking Back to Look Forward: How scarcity affects electronics cost and drives material research
Samantha Reese, Alberta Carpenter, Robin Burton
D27.00009: Angular Characterization of Magneto Optical Kerr-Effect by Ellipticity Modulation in Ultrathin Samples
Fernando Ramiro-Manzano, Jaume Meseguer-Sánchez, Fernando Cantos-Prieto, Efren Navarro-Moratalla
D27.00010: Designing and characterizing rare-earth upconverting nanoparticles as nanoNewton mechanical sensors.
Claire McLellan, Stefan Fischer, Chris Siefe, Jason Casar, Dayne Swearer, Masashi Fukuhara, Miriam B. Goodman, Jennifer A. Dionne
D27.00011: Porous Carbon Nanotube Ring Resonators for Gas Sensing Application
David McKenna, Henry Davis, RJ Cass, Richard Vanfleet, Robert Davis
D27.00012: Role of dimensionality on thermodynamic properties in layered sulfides
Nathan Koocher, James Rondinelli
D27.00013: Elastic Constants of Boron Arsenide and Boron Phosphide Crystals
Sushant Mahat, Sheng Li, Hanlin Wu, Pawan Koirala, Bing Lv, David Cahill
D27.00014: Microscopic model for contact electrification between solids and fluids
Morten Willatzen, Lok Chong Lew Yan Voon, Zhong Lin Wang
D27.00015: Nanotube-Templated Growth of Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Nanoribbons
Derek Popple, Scott Meyer, Jeffrey D. Cain, Alex Zettl
D29.00001: Spatial-temporal organization of bacterial suspensions under confinement
Invited Speaker:
Igor Aronson
D29.00002: Trapping of microswimmers in vortex flows
Simon Berman, Kevin A Mitchell
D29.00003: Sensorimotor processing and navigation in confined microswimmers
Samuel Bentley, Vasileios Anagnostidis, Fabrice Gielen, Kirsty Wan
D29.00004: Topographical guidance of highly-motile cells using cell-sized features
Joeri Wondergem, Koen K Schakenraad, Patrick Witzel, Maria Mytiliniou, David Holcman, Doris Heinrich
D29.00005: Quenching active matter using light: Light mediated motility in swarming Serratia marcescens
Arvind Gopinath, Junyi Yang, Alison Patteson, Paulo Arratia
D29.00006: Submerged micro-strucutures generate a soft boundary effect on active nematic flows
Dimitrius Khaladj, Amanda Tan, Linda S. Hirst
D29.00007: Lattices by design: exploring long-ranged interactions with gradient sensing droplets
Anton Molina, Manu Prakash, Shailabh Kumar
D29.00008: Arresting Active Spinning Particle Coarsening in Passive Media via Actuation Protocols
Joshua Steimel, Ryan Tollefsen, Alfredo Alexander-Katz
D29.00009: Flocking Transition in a Self-propelled Particle Model Using Experimental Motility Conditions
Jelani Lyles, Paul Yanka, Chih Kuan Tung, Daniel Sussman, M. Lisa Manning
D29.00010: Re-entrant self pumping in confined active fluids
Minu Varghese, Arvind Baskaran, Michael Hagan, Aparna Baskaran
D29.00011: Tunable self-organization of swimming magnetic bacterial suspensions
Hiran Wijesinghe, Christopher J Pierce, Eric Mumper, Brian Lower, Steven Lower, Ratnasingham Sooryakumar
D29.00012: Dynamics of 2D Active Nematics Confined in an Annulus
Chaitanya Joshi, Zahra Zarei, Michael M Norton, Seth Fraden, Aparna Baskaran, Michael Hagan
D29.00013: Self-organization of bacterial active matter in space and time
Song Liu, Yilin Wu
D30.00001: How do cells control the length of their flagella?
Prathitha Kar, Thomas Fai, Lishibanya Mohapatra, Jane Kondev, Ariel Amir
D30.00002: Size regulation of multiple intracellular structures self-assembled from a shared resource pool
Deb Banerjee, Shiladitya Banerjee
D30.00003: Energy cost of protein gradient formation in cells
Arnab Datta
D30.00004: First passage times in multi-protein self-assembly
BHAVYA MISHRA, Margaret Johnson
D30.00005: Quantifying kinetics of multi-protein self-assembly, remodeling, and disassembly
YIBEN FU, Margaret Johnson
D30.00006: Theoretical principles of viral shell assembly and self-organization
Invited Speaker:
Roya Zandi
D30.00007: Computational modeling to explain Hepatitis-B Virus capsid assembly, dimorphism, and disruption by antiviral drugs
Farzaneh Mohajerani, Botond Tyukodi, Christopher Schlicksup, Jodi Hadden, Adam Zlotnick, Michael Hagan
D30.00008: Thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of polymorphism in core controlled assembly of virus-like particles
Alireza Ramezani, Orfeas Agis Karachalios, Paul Van der Schoot, Roya Zandi
D30.00009: RNA-mediated capsid nucleation of bacteriophage MS2 coat proteins confers RNA packaging selectivity
Timothy Chiang, Rees F Garmann, Aaron Goldfain, LaNell A. Williams, Vinothan Manoharan
D30.00010: Role of C-Terminal "Arms" in the Assembly and Stability of SV40 Polymorphs
Curt Waltmann, Monica Olvera De La Cruz, Roi Asor, Uri Raviv
D30.00011: Linking Capsomere Elasticity with Virus Capsid Size and Patterning
Lauren Nilsson, JCS Kadupitiya, Vikram Jadhao
D30.00012: Bulk light-scattering measurements of viral capsid self-assembly around RNA.
LaNell A. Williams, Timothy Chiang, Rees F Garmann, Vinothan Manoharan
D30.00013: Membrane tubulation induced by chiral crescent-shaped proteins
Hiroshi Noguchi
D31.00001: From dewetting to adhesion rupture - moving lines in dissipative, heterogeneous systems
Invited Speaker:
Etienne Barthel
D31.00002: Adhesion in Capillary Assembled Origami Structures
Timothy J Twohig, Andrew Croll
D31.00003: Morphology of adhesive creases
Martin Essink, Anupam Pandey, Stefan Karpitschka, Michiel van Limbeek, Jacco Snoeijer
D31.00004: Energy Approach to Understand Contact Mechanics on Rough Surfaces
Siddhesh Dalvi, Abhijeet Gujrati, Tevis D.B. Jacobs, Lars Pastewka, Ali N Dhinojwala
D31.00005: Interfacial tension measurement of reconstructive interfaces
Hideaki Yokoyama, Masayuki Saito
D31.00006: Capillary instability of soft cylinders: Dynamical selection of nonlinear states
Minkush Kansal, Anupam Pandey, Miguel Angel Herrada, Jens G Eggers, Jacco Snoeijer
D31.00007: How Aqueous Salt Solutions Affect Hydrophobic Surfaces
Adele Poynor, Cayton Hornberger, Grace Rohaley, Juliana Sebolt
D31.00008: Determination of Interfacial Strain on Single-Layer Graphene Due to Ice Adhesion
Subash Kattel, Joseph R Murphy, Samuel Pasco, John Ackerman, Vladimir Alvarado, WIlliam Rice
D31.00009: Capillary imbibition in a square tube
Tian Yu, Jiajia Zhou, Masao Doi
D32.00001: Silk-inspiration: hierarchy, assembly, and mechanics in polyurea-polypeptide hybrids
Invited Speaker:
LaShanda Korley
D32.00002: Osmotic Swelling Behavior of Ionic Cylindrical Microgels
Mohammed Alziyadi, Alan Denton
D32.00003: Swelling-induced Morphological Deformation and Constitutive Relation of Soft Materials in Micro-patterned Hydrogel
Jung Gun Bae, Won Bo Lee
D32.00004: Dynamics of 3D polymer gel with reversible linkers
Santidan Biswas, Victor V Yashin, Anna Balazs
D32.00005: Phototunable Viscoelasticity in Hydrogels Through Thioester Exchange
Benjamin Carberry, Varsha V Rao, Kristi Anseth
D32.00006: Toughening mechanism of tough and self-healing physical hydrogels
KUNPENG CUI, Jian Ping Gong
D32.00007: Anisotropic Hollow Microgels That Can Adapt Their Size, Shape, and Softness
Anne Nickel, Andrea Scotti, Judith Houston, Jerome Crassous, Jan Skov Pedersen, Walter Richtering
D32.00008: Osmotic Pressure of Permeable Ionic Microgels
Alan Denton, Mohammed Alziyadi
D32.00010: Tuning Diblock Copolymer Morphologies by Stimuli-Responsive Supramolecular Interactions
Xiangyu Zhang, Jing Zong, Dong Meng
D32.00011: On the solvation of elastin-like polypeptides in aqueous mixtures
Yani Zhao, Manjesh Kumar Singh, Kurt Kremer, Robinson Cortes Huerto, Debashish Mukherji
D32.00012: Chemomechanical origin of directed gel locomotions driven by intenal chemical pulses
Qingyu Gao, Lin Ren, Irving R Epstein
D32.00013: Competition between Hydrophobic and Electrostatic Interactions determine pH-responsive Supramolecular Self-assembly
Saikat Chakraborty, Christian M. Berac, Pol Besenius, Thomas Speck
D33.00001: Computational Reverse-Engineering Analysis for Scattering Experiments (CREASE) on Amphiphilic Block Polymer Solutions
Arthi Jayaraman, Daniel J Beltran, Michiel Wessels
D33.00002: Feature Engineering for Small-Angle Scattering Model Selection
Yuke Wang, Tyler Martin
D33.00003: Identification of Frank-Kasper Phases in Conformationally Asymmetric Linear Block Copolymer Self-assembly
Seungbae Jeon, Taesuk Jun, Seongjun Jo, Hyungju Ahn, Byeongdu Lee, Du Yeol Ryu
D33.00004: Combining Advanced Experimental Methods to Characterization of Polymer Nanocomposites
Invited Speaker:
Karen Winey
D33.00005: Deformation Mechanics during Drawing of Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene Fibers
Christopher Henry, Giuseppe Palmese, Nicolas Alvarez
D33.00006: 3D Structure of Grain Boundaries in Tubular Network Block Copolymers
Xueyan Feng, Amanda Suarez, Derrick Ong, Kaiqi Yang, Hua Guo, Edwin Thomas
D33.00007: Local density and free volume inhomogeneities govern transport properties in reverse osmosis membranes
Michael Geitner, Tyler Culp, Jeffrey D. Wilbur, Steven Jons, Manish Kumar, Enrique D Gomez
D33.00008: Three-Dimensional Imaging the Crystalline Structure of Polypeptoid Nanosheet with Atomic Resolution
Xi Jiang, Sunting Xuan, Nan Li, David Prendergast, Ronald Zuckermann, Nitash Balsara
D33.00009: Pushing the resolution limits for imaging conjugated polymers in the transmission electron microscope
Brooke Kuei, Enrique D Gomez
D33.00010: Observation of Elongated Nano Domains in Organic Photovoltaic Active Layers with Electric Field Treatment using Cross-Sectional Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy.
Rabindra Dulal, Akshay Iyer, Umar Ghumman, Joydeep Munshi, Aaron Wang, Ganesh Balasubramanian, Wei Chen, Te-Yu Chien
D33.00011: Directly Visualizing Conformations of Bottlebrush Polymers in Bulk Films using Super-Resolution Optical Microscopy
Jonathan Chan, Avram Kordon, Zhe Qiang, Muzhou Wang
D33.00012: Kinetically Controlled Morphology in Copolymer-based Hydrogels Crosslinked by Crystalline Nanodomains Determines Efficacy of Ice Inhibition
Pablo Sepulveda-Medina, Chao Wang, Bryan Vogt
D33.00013: Morphological Investigations of Anion-Conducting Polymer-Catalyst Interface
Nora Buggy, Yifeng Du, Mei-Chen Kuo, Bryan Coughlin, Andrew Herring
D34.00001: Role of chain architecture and composition on dynamics and ionic solvation in polyether-based electrolytes
Peter Bennington, Daniel Sharon, Michael Webb, Chuting Deng, Juan De Pablo, Paul F Nealey, Shrayesh Patel
D34.00002: Self Diffusion Dynamics and Viscoelasticity of Fluoresently Labeled Polymerized Ionic Liquids
Qiujie Zhao, Christopher Evans
D34.00003: First consideration of density scaling of the dynamic and thermodynamic properties in polymerized ionic liquid.
Malgorzata Musial, Zaneta Wojnarowska, Shinian Cheng, Adam Holt, Charles M. Roland, Eric Drockenmuller, Marian Paluch
D34.00005: Charging Neutral Polymer by Simple and Macro Ions in Solution
Manuela Ferreira, Benxin Jing, Yingxi Elaine Zhu
D34.00006: Addition of Zwitterions to Single-ion Conducting Ionomers
Wenwen Mei, August Rothenberger, Josh Bostwick, Robert Hickey, Ralph H Colby
D34.00007: Polymer Electrolytes Containing Solvate Ionic Liquid and Beyond
Invited Speaker:
Masayoshi Watanabe
D34.00008: The Overlap Concentration in Strong Polyelectrolytes
Mark Stevens, Jon Bollinger, Gary Grest, Michael Rubinstein
D34.00009: Salt Effect on Swelling of Polyelectrolyte Networks with Brush-like Strands
Michael Jacobs, Zilu Wang, Andrey Dobrynin
D34.00010: Electrostatic Effects on Charged Block Copolymer Melts
Yihao Liang, Boran Ma, Monica Olvera De La Cruz
D34.00011: Transference Numbers of Aqueous Polyelectrolyte Solutions
Tyler Lytle, Arun Yethiraj
D34.00012: Hydration Phenomena in Sulfonated Poly(arylene ether sulfone) Membranes
Chengyuan Wen, Britannia Vondrasek, Judy Riffle, Jack Lesko, Shengfeng Cheng
D34.00013: Dynamics at Internal Interfaces in Ionizable Polymer Blends
Jayme Alger, Manjula Senanayake, Gary Grest, Dvora Perahia
D35.00001: Asymmetric Lipid/Polymer Vesicles
Yuting Huang
D35.00002: Polyelectrolyte dynamical self-consistent field theory
Sylvia Luyben, Robert Wickham
D35.00003: Dynamics of self-interacting bio-inspired polymers in shear flows
Helman Amaya-Espinosa, Alfredo Alexander-Katz, Camilo Aponte-Santamaría
D35.00004: Computational prediction of molecular shape through the assembly of sequence-controlled polymers
Davindra Tulsi, David Simmons
D35.00005: Bottom-up Coarse-grained Molecular Simulations of Peptoids with Enhanced Sampling
Mingfei Zhao, Janani Sampath, Christopher J Mundy, Jim Pfaendtner, Andrew L Ferguson
D35.00006: Solution Self-Assembly of Block Copolypeptoids with a Crystallizable Core-Forming Block
Naisheng Jiang, Tianyi Yu, Shuo Qian, Igor Kevin Mkam Tsengam, Vijay T John, Donghui Zhang
D35.00007: Transforming protein-polymer conjugate purification by tuning protein solubility
Invited Speaker:
Alan Russell
D35.00008: Characterization of Fiber Formation of Sugar-based Poly(D-glucose carbonate) Amphiphilic Block Copolymers in Solution
Jee Young Lee, Yue Song, Karen L Wooley, Darrin John Pochan
D35.00009: Computationally designed bundlemers for hybrid physical-covalent assembly of rigid polymers
Nairiti Sinha, Grethe Vestergaard Jensen, Darrin John Pochan
D35.00010: Random Heteropolymer Self-Assembly into Protein-Like Nanoparticles
Shayna Hilburg, Ting Xu, Alfredo Alexander-Katz
D35.00011: Utilizing nonlinearity of biopolymer matrix in both intracellular and extracellular spaces
Invited Speaker:
Ming Guo
D40.00001: Preparing for exascale: additive manufacturing process modeling at the fidelity of the microstructure
Invited Speaker:
James Belak
D40.00002: Enabling First Principles Multiscale-Multiphysics Simulations of Complex Thermo-Fluid Systems Through Exascale Computing
Joseph Oefelein, Kyle Schau, Ramanan Sankaran
D40.00003: Generating a Comprehensive Map of Cancer Morphology in Whole Slide Tissue Specimens
Joel Saltz, Raj Gupta, Dimitris Samaras, Le Hou, Han Le, Shahira Abousamra, Rebecca Batiste, Tianhao Zhao, Jingwei Zhang, Chao Chen, Tahsin Kurc
D40.00004: Operator Dynamics in Quantum Circuits with Subsystem Symmetry
Jason Iaconis, Sagar Vijay, Rahul Nandkishore
D40.00005: Radiation-matter interaction in graphene molecules: implementation on Geant 4 and computational simulations
Carlos Vidal, John Prias, Hernando Ariza
D40.00006: ExaTN - A Scalable Exascale Math Library for Hierarchical Tensor Network Representations and Simulations in Quantum Many-Body Theory and Beyond
Dmitry Liakh, Eugen Dumitrescu, Gonzalo Alvarez, Tiffany Mintz, Alexander McCaskey
D40.00007: Porting ITensor to Julia
Matthew Fishman, Katharine Hyatt, Miles Stoudenmire
D40.00008: Breaking the entanglement barrier: Tensor network simulation of quantum transport
Michael Zwolak, Marek M Rams
D40.00009: Accelerate Science on Perlmutter with NERSC
Charlene Yang, Jack Richard Deslippe
D40.00010: Central Moment Lattice Boltzmann Method with Fokker-Planck Guided Collision for Non-Equilibrium Flows
William Taylor Schupbach, Kannan Premnath, Farzaneh Hajabdollahi
D40.00011: Nonlocal Coulomb interaction and spin freezing crossover: A route to valence-skipping charge order
Siheon Ryee, P. Sémon, Myung Joon Han, Sangkook Choi
D40.00012: Improved methods for demonstrating that AKLT systems are gapped
Nicholas Pomata, Tzu-Chieh Wei
D41.00001: Z2xZ2 magnetic domains and magnetic moment disproportionation in the spin-orbit Mott insulator Sr2IrO4
Invited Speaker:
Bumjoon Kim
D41.00002: Exploring magnetic frustration in a square-lattice metallic system: spin fluctuations in 15% Fe-doped CaCo2As2
Benjamin Ueland, Bing Li, Aashish Sapkota, Sangeetha Nediadath Sathyanadhan, David C Johnston, Alan Ira Goldman, Toby G. Perring, Andreas Kreyssig, Robert McQueeney
D41.00003: Nonreciprocal directional dichroism effect in Ni3TeO6 in the toroidal geometry
Kiman Park, Heung-Sik Kim, Michael Yokosuk, Junjie Yang, Jaewook Kim, Mateusz Goryca, Scott Crooker, Kristjan Haule, Sang-Wook Cheong, David Vanderbilt, Janice Lynn Musfeldt
D41.00004: Magnetic structure in square cupola compound Ba(TiO)Cu4(PO4)4: 31P NMR Study
Raivo Stern, Ivo Heinmaa, Riho Rästa, Kenta Kimura, Tsuyoshi Kimura
D41.00005: The Origin of Ising Magnetism in Ca3Co2O6 Unveiled by Orbital Imaging
Brett Leedahl, Martin Sundermann, Andrea Amorese, Andrea Severing, Hlynur Gretarsson, Lunyong Zhang, Alexander Komarek, Antoine Maignan, Maurits Haverkort, Liu Tjeng
D41.00006: Finite, disordered chains of local and correlated moments in transition metal oxides
Jack Simonson, Cristian Franco, Allison Wustrow, Alicia Baccarella, Jaylyn C Umana, Francisco Burgos, Lucia Steinke, Eric Dooryhee, Meigan Aronson, James Neilson
D41.00007: Complex magnetism and magnetic compensation in metal tellurate (Mn,Ni)3TeO6
Choongjae Won, Sang-Wook Cheong
D41.00008: High-energy nonreciprocal directional dichroism in a chiral magnet
Michael Yokosuk, Heung-Sik Kim, Kendall Hughey, Jaewook Kim, Andreas V. Stier, Kenneth O'Neal, Junjie Yang, Scott Crooker, Kristjan Haule, Sang-Wook Cheong, David Vanderbilt, Janice Lynn Musfeldt
D41.00009: Probing Spin-Excitaions above the Ground State of 1T-TaS2
Itai Silber, Itamar Kimchi, David E Graf, Amit Kanigel, Yoram Dagan
D41.00010: Competition of itinerant magnetic states in SrCo2As2 from RPA spin susceptibility
Ana-Marija Nedic, Morten Holm Christensen, Yongbin Lee, Rafael Fernandes, Robert McQueeney, Liqin Ke, Peter Orth
D41.00011: Quantum-to-classical correspondence in two-dimensional Heisenberg models
Tao Wang, Xiansheng Cai, Kun Chen, Nikolai Prokof'ev, Boris Svistunov
D41.00012: Theoretical Prediction of Bulk Rashba Effect in Pyroelectric Antiferromagnet BiCoO3
Kunihiko Yamauchi, Paolo Barone, Silvia Picozzi
D41.00013: Fermion Hubbard model on non-bipartite lattices: flux problem, gauge fields and emergent chirality
Wayne Zheng
D42.00001: Magneto-Ionic Control of Heterostructures and Interfaces
Invited Speaker:
Kai Liu
D42.00002: Tuning Electrochemical Response in Ion-Gel-Gated La1-xSrxCoO3-δ Films via Sr-doping and strain
VIPUL CHATURVEDI, William M Postiglione, Biqiong Yu, Wojciech Tabis, Sajna Hameed, Nikolaos Biniskos, Hua Zhou, Zhan Zhang, Martin Greven, Chris Leighton
D42.00003: Insight into the Electronic Phase Separation in Perovskite Manganites: The Role of Charge-Orbital Ordering in the Interface Region
Zhe Wang, Ruqian Wu
D42.00004: Engineering Magnetic Interactions in Complex Oxide Heterostructures
Invited Speaker:
Yayoi Takamura
D42.00005: High temperature magnetism and charge ordering in multiferroic (LuFeO3)m/(LuFe2O4)1 (m = 3, 7, 9)
Shiyu Fan, Hena Das, Kevin Arthur Smith, Alejandro R'ebola, Julia Mundy, Charles Brooks, Megan Holtz, Ramamoorthy Ramesh, David Anthony Muller, Darrell Schlom, Craig J Fennie, Stephen A McGill, Janice Lynn Musfeldt
D42.00006: Tunable Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy in Multiferroic Oxides
Xuezeng Lu, James Rondinelli
D42.00007: Prediction of a Giant Magnetoelectric Cross-Caloric Effect Around a Tetracritical Point in Multiferroic SrMnO3
Alexander Edström, Claude Ederer
D42.00008: Effects of Three-Dimensional Strain on LaCoO3 Thin Films
Ronaldo Rodriguez, Toyanath Joshi, David P Belanger, David Lederman
D42.00009: Emergent antiferromagnetism in diamagnetically substituted pseudospin-1/2 iridate thin film
Junyi Yang, Lin Hao, Qi Cui, Jiaqi Lin, Lukas Horak, Jenia Karapetrova, Jong Woo Kim, P. J. Ryan, Mark Dean, Jinguang Cheng, Jian Liu
D42.00010: Weyl semimetal thin film Eu1-xSmxTiO3 on LSAT (001): field-polarized long-range order and interfacial ferromagnetism
Zach Porter, Ryan Need, Kaveh Ahadi, Yang Zhao, Zhijun Xu, Brian James Kirby, Jeffrey Lynn, Susanne Stemmer, Stephen Wilson
D42.00011: Emergent Ferromagnetism in Protonated CaRuO3
Shengchun Shen, Pu Yu
D45.00001: Understanding the boson peak in glasses and glassy polymers
Invited Speaker:
Alessio Zaccone
D45.00002: Revealing the low-temperature fast relaxation peak in a model metallic glass
Pengfei Guan
D45.00003: Accuracy of Classical Potentials for Polyethylene Structures Away from Equilibrium
Keara G Frawley, Lihua Chen, Huan D Tran, Naresh N Thadhani, Ramamurthy Ramprasad
D45.00004: Disentangling glassy polymer dynamics: combining simulations and machine learning
Anna Lappala
D45.00005: Amorphous polymers in their glass transition regime : Comparison of local and macroscopic small non-linearities
Aude Belguise, François Lequeux, Sabine Cantournet, Hélène Montes
D45.00006: Atomic-scale understanding of highly conducting polymer electrolyte
Sungyeb Jung, Yeonhwa Song, U Hyeok Choi, Jae Hyun Park, Jaekwang Lee
D45.00007: Effects of Coarse-Graining on Molecular Simulations of Mechanical Properties of Polymers
Ting Ge, Mark Robbins
D45.00008: Ubiquity of Entropy-Driven Local Organization
Andrei A. Klishin, Greg Van Anders
D45.00009: Measuring configurational entropy of glasses using population annealing
Chris Amey, Jonathan Lee Machta
D45.00010: Statistical structural and dynamic heterogeneity as signature of glass transition
Yunjiang Wang, Dong Han
D45.00011: RFOT theory explains fragile-to-strong crossover in Wigner glasses
Hyun Woo Cho, Mauro Lorenzo Mugnai, Theodore Kirkpatrick, Dave Thirumalai
D45.00012: Cluster Dynamic Mean Field Theory of Glass Transition
chen liu, Giulio Biroli, David Reichman, Grzegorz Szamel
D45.00013: Understanding TA from dynamic heterogeneity in metallic glass-forming liquids
Nannan Ren, Pengfei Guan, Lijin Wang, Lina Hu
D46.00001: Collective excitations of a magnetized U(1) spin liquid.
Invited Speaker:
Oleg Starykh
D46.00002: Entangled Neutron Beams: A possible new avenue to exploring Quantum Materials
David Baxter, Collin Leslie Broholm, abu ashik M Irfan, Stephen J Kuhn, Shufan Lu, Gerardo Ortiz, Roger Pynn, Jiazhou Shen, William Michael Snow
D46.00003: Thermal conductivity of the quantum spin liquid candidate EtMe3Sb[Pd(dmit)2]2: No evidence of mobile gapless excitations
Nicolas Doiron-Leyraud, Patrick Bourgeois-Hope, Francis Laliberte, Etienne Lefrancois, Gael Grissonnanche, Samuel Rene de Cotret, Ryan T Gordon, Louis Taillefer, Hengbo Cui, Reizo Kato, Shunsuke Kitou, Hiroshi Sawa
D46.00004: Evidence of Frozen Moments at Low T in κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Hg(SCN)2Br
Teresa Le, Andrej Pustogow, Jierong Wang, Alyssa Henderson, John A Schlueter, Stuart Brown
D46.00005: Understanding Complex Magnetic Interactions Using Diffuse Neutron Scattering
Joseph Paddison
D46.00006: Effects of nuclear spins in the transverse-field Ising quantum magnet Ho3Mg2Sb3O14
Martin Mourigal, Zhiling Dun, Xiaojian Bai, Joseph Paddison, Emily Hollingworth, Franz Demmel, Haidong Zhou
D46.00007: Robust quantum spin liquid ground state in hydrogen-bonded organic Mott insulators
Kenichiro Hashimoto, Masaaki Shimozawa, Minoru Yamashita, Akira Ueda, Hatsumi Mori, Takahiko Sasaki
D46.00008: Coherent spinon behaviour in quantum spin liquids at finite temperature
Yuan Wan, Ollie Hart, Claudio Castelnovo
D46.00009: Finite temperature dynamics of Coulomb spin liquids
Siddhardh Morampudi, Christopher Laumann, Frank Wilczek
D46.00010: Schwinger boson approach to magnetically ordered quantum magnets
Shang-Shun Zhang, Esteban Ghioldi, Yoshitomo Kamiya, Luis O. Manuel, Adolfo Trumper, Cristian Batista
D46.00011: Theoretical proposal for novel experimental probe of fractionalized excitations in two-dimensional quantum spin liquids
Wonjune Choi, Ki Hoon Lee, Yong-Baek Kim
D46.00012: Effective theories for quantum spin clusters : State selection by singularity
Subhankar Khatua, Diptiman Sen, Ganesh Ramachandran
D46.00013: Density Matrix Renormalization Group Analysis of Quantum Spin Ice
Michael Flynn, Thomas Baker, Rajiv Ranjan Singh
D47.00001: Planar Hall driven torque in a FM/NM/FM system
Christopher Safranski, Jun-Wen XU, Andrew Kent, Jonathan Z Sun
D47.00002: Exciton-phonon damping in the two and three-dimensional anisotropic XY model
Leonardo dos Santos Lima
D47.00003: Probing Spin-wave Excitations in Layered Chromium Trihalides with Nitrogen-Vacancy Magnetometers in Diamond
Ruolan Xue, Mark Jen-Hao Ku, Dahlia Klein, David MacNeill, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Ronald L Walsworth, Pablo Jarillo-Herrero, Amir Yacoby
D47.00004: Exceptional non-reciprocity in non-Hermitian spin dynamics
Alexey Galda, Valerii Vinokur
D47.00005: Quantized ΔS=2 excitation spectra by confinement in an S=1 Ising spin chain under magnetic fields
Sei-ichiro Suga, Takafumi Suzuki
D47.00006: Spin dynamics in interacting ferromagnetic discs arranged on a Kagome lattice
Mojtaba Taghipour Kaffash, Sergi Lendinez, Wonbae Bang, Axel Hoffmann, John B. Ketterson, Matthias Benjamin Jungfleisch
D47.00007: Magnetization reversal driven by low dimensional chaos in a nanoscale ferromagnet
Invited Speaker:
Eric Montoya
D47.00008: Effects of Low-Atomic-Number Dopants on Magnetic Relaxation in Epitaxial Fe Alloys
David Smith, Youngmin Lim, Michael Clavel, Zijian Jiang, Tim Hartnett, Mantu Hudait, Jean J Heremans, Prasanna V Balachandran, Dwight D Viehland, Satoru Emori
D47.00009: Spin dynamics in La0.67Sr0.33MnO3/YBa2Cu3O7-δ heterostructures
Jacob Wisser, Lauren Riddiford, Satoru Emori, Yuri Suzuki
D47.00010: Tuning the dynamic behavior of a bicomponent artificial spin ice
Sergi Lendinez, Mojtaba Taghipour Kaffash, Matthias Benjamin Jungfleisch
D47.00011: Ab-initio spin-lattice dynamics based on the tight-binding method
Simon Streib, Danny Thonig, Manuel Pereiro, Anders Bergman, Erik Sjöqvist, Anna Delin, Olle Eriksson
D47.00012: Enhancement of damping factor in Fe/Bi2Se3 heterostructures via topological surface states modification
li na, Rui Sun, Yang Xu, Yunbin Sun, Wei He, Xiangqun Zhang, Zhaohua Cheng
D48.00001: Analysis of thermal conductivity for pairing symmetry in high-Tc cuprate superconductors
H.-T. Kim, Minguen Choi
D48.00002: DC Hall measurements in the strongly correlated Hubbard model
Wen Wang, Jixun Ding, Brian Moritz, Edwin Huang, Thomas Devereaux
D48.00003: Hall Conductivity in the Hubbard Model from Determinant Quantum Monte Carlo
Jixun Ding, Wen Wang, Yoni Schattner, Brian Moritz, Edwin Huang, Thomas Devereaux
D48.00004: Resistance oscillations in the quantum metal phase of lithium intercalated TiSe2
Menghan Liao, Heng Wang, Yuying Zhu, Mohsin Rafique, Xiang Xu, Lexian Yang, Ding Zhang, Qikun Xue
D48.00005: Transport properties of EuTiO3-δ down to 50 mK
Jiaming He, Jianshi Zhou
D48.00006: Electronic phase diagram of Ta1-xMoxS2 and optimization of superconductivity in a charge density wave system
Jose Salcedo- Pimienta, Juan Mendoza Arenas, Jose Galvis Echeverry, Ian Fisher, Luis Quiroga, Ferney Rodriguez, Paula Giraldo-Gallo
D48.00007: Thermoelectric Effects in Superconductor-Ferromagnetic Heterostructures
Kirsten Blagg, Portia Allen, Bradley Lloyd, Michael P Lilly, Meenakshi Singh
D48.00008: Thermal Transport as a Probe of the Hidden Rashba Effect in the High Temperature Superconductor YBa2Cu3O6+x
Bill Atkinson, Arno P Kampf
D48.00009: Giant Edelstein effect in the surface states of non-centrosymmetric superconductors
Yuhei Ikeda, Youichi Yanase
D48.00010: Effect of Zeeman Splitting on Andreev Reflection in Quantum Hall--Superconductor Heterostructures
Joseph Cuozzo, Xiang Hu, Stuart N Thomas, Enrico Rossi
D48.00011: Manifestations of spin-orbit coupling in a cuprate superconductor
Zachary Raines, Andrew A Allocca, Victor Galitski
D48.00012: A cyclic superconducting quantum refrigerator for adiabatic magnetization cooling
Sreenath Kizhakkumpurath Manikandan, Francesco Giazotto, Andrew N Jordan
D48.00013: Parity dependent supercurrent amplitude and phase of InSb/Al hybridized island
Jiyin Wang, Constantin Schrade, Vukan Levajac, David van Driel, Sasa Gazibegovic, Roy Op het Veld, Kongyi Li, Joon Sue Lee, Mihir Pendharkar, connor dempsey, Chris J Palmstrom, Erik Bakkers, Liang Fu, Leo P Kouwenhoven, Jie Shen
D49.00001: Effect of strain on critical temperature and Pauli-limit critical field of Sr2RuO4 with separable pairing interaction
Yue YU, Stuart Brown, Srinivas Raghu
D49.00002: Development of new phase in ruthenium oxides using molecular beam epitaxy method
Masahito Sakoda, Mizuki Higashiizumi, Satoshi Tanda
D49.00003: Superconducting Sr2RuO4 thin film growth by controlling the structural defects
Jinkwon Kim, Junsik Mun, Carla Palomares-Garcia, Jeong Rae Kim, Lingfei Wang, Seo Hyoung Chang, Miyoung Kim, Suk Bum Chung, Changyoung Kim, Jason Robinson, Yoshiteru Maeno, Tae Won Noh
D49.00004: Mimicking superconductivity of Sr2RuO4 using SrRuO3-SrTiO3 superlattice
Bongjae Kim, Sergii Khmelevskyi, Cesare Franchini, Igor Mazin, Kyoo Kim
D49.00005: Pairing symmetry of SrRuO3-SrTiO3 ruthenate superlattice
Jae-Ho Han, Kyoo Kim, Bongjae Kim
D49.00006: Constraints on the superconducting order parameter in Sr2RuO4 from oxygen-17 nuclear magnetic resonance
Andrej Pustogow, Yongkang Luo, Aaron Chronister, Yue-Shun Su, Dmitry Sokolov, Fabian Jerzembeck, Andrew P. Mackenzie, Clifford W. Hicks, Naoki Kikugawa, Srinivas Raghu, Eric Bauer, Stuart Brown
D49.00007: Reduced spin suscpetibility in superconducting Sr2RuO4 measured by polarized neutron diffraction
Alexander Petsch, Mengze Zhu, Yoshiteru Maeno, Zhiqiang Mao, Mechthild Enderle, Stephen Hayden
D49.00008: Understanding reduced NMR signals in Sr2RuO4
Austin Lindquist, Hae-Young Kee
D49.00009: Muon spin relaxation studies of time-reversal symmetry breaking superconductivity in Sr2RuO4 along with the application of uniaxial stress and disorder
Shreenanda Ghosh, Vadim Grinenko, Felix Brückner, Rajib Sarkar, Jean-Christophe Orain, Artem Nikitin, Debarchan Das, Zurab Guguchia, Joonbum Park, Mark E Barber, Naoki Kikugawa, Jake Bobowski, Dmitry Sokolov, Takuto Miyoshi, Yoshiteru Maeno, Andrew Mackenzie, Hubertus Luetkens, Clifford W Hicks, Hans-Henning Klauss
D49.00010: Spin-orbital coupling and spin-triplet pairing symmetry in Sr2RuO4
Xin Wang, Zhiqiang Wang, Catherine Kallin
D49.00011: Strontium Ruthenate's Superconducting Symmetries from First-Principles Calculations
Olivier Gingras, Michel Cote, Reza Nourafkan, Andre-Marie Tremblay
D49.00012: Effects of spin-orbit coupling on the superconducting pairing in Sr2RuO4
Wen Huang, Yi Zhou, Hong Yao
D49.00013: Emergence of high-temperature superconductivity in a Ca2RuO4 nanocrystals
Hiroyoshi Nobukane, Kosei Yanagihara, Yuji Kunisada, Yunito Ogasawara, Kakeru Isono, Kazushige Nomura, Keita Tanahashi, Takahiro Nomura, Tomohiro Akiyama, Satoshi Tanda
D49.00014: Possible 'symmetry-imposed' near-nodal superconducting pairing in Sr2RuO4
Yu Li, Wen Huang
D50.00001: Time-stable remanence in Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction driven Weak ferromagnets
Namrata Pattanayak
D50.00002: Ferromagnetic kinetic exchange interaction
Naoya Iwahara, Zhishuo Huang, Akseli Mansikkamäki, Veacheslav Vieru, Dan Liu, Liviu Chibotaru
D50.00003: Small Moment, Itinerant Ferromagnetism Discovered in Single Crystalline La5Co2Ge3
Scott Saunders, Li Xiang, Rustem Khasanov, Tai Kong, Qisheng Lin, Sergey L. Bud'ko, Paul C Canfield
D50.00004: Avoided ferromagnetic quantum critical point in pressurized La5Co2Ge3
Li Xiang, Scott Saunders, Sergey L. Bud'ko, Paul C Canfield
D50.00005: Effect of Fe and Cr doping on electronic and magnetic properties of Inverse Heusler alloys: Mn2CoCrxGa(1-x) and Mn2CoFexGa (1-x)
Gopi Chandra Kaphle, Ramesh Dhakal, sashi Nepal, Ram Babu Ray
D50.00006: Small angle neutron scattering study of magnetic length scales in disordered ferromagnetic Ni-V alloys.
Shiva Bhattarai, Hind Adawi, Jean Guy L Lussier, Almut Schroeder, Kathryn Lynn Krycka
D50.00007: Unveiling electronic correlation and ferromagnetic superexchange mechanism in van der Waals crystal CrSiTe3
Jiaxin Zhang, Xiaochan Cai, Lexian Yang, Hongtao Yuan, Yulin Chen, Shilei Zhang, Zhongkai Liu, Gang Li
D50.00008: Existence of ferromagnetism in a two-dimensional two species bosonic Hubbard model with the presence of confinement
Kalani Hettiarachchilage, V. G. Rousseau, Ka-Ming Tam, Mark Jarrell, Juana Moreno
D50.00009: Z3 ferromagnet to Valence Bond Solid transition in 1d
Brenden Roberts, Shenghan Jiang, Olexei I Motrunich
D50.00010: Physical properties of the van der Waals material Fe5GeTe2
Andrew May, Dmitry Ovchinnikov, Qiang Zheng, Raphael Hermann, Stuart Calder, Craig A. Bridges, Xiaodong Xu, Michael McGuire
D50.00011: The effect of Ge substitution on optical properties of FeGa3 single crystals
Aashish Poudel, Ihor Sydoryk, Rodica M Martin, Cedomir Petrovic, Ren Weijun, Catalin Martin
D50.00012: Intrinsically weak magnetic anisotropy of cerium in potential hard-magnetic intermetallics
Anna Galler, Silke Biermann, Leonid Pourovskii
D50.00013: Thickness-dependent magnetic order in CrI3 single crystals
Yu Liu, Lijun Wu, Xiao Tong, Jun Li, Jing Tao, Yimei Zhu, Cedomir Petrovic
D50.00014: Magnetic-Competition-Induced Colossal Magnetoresistance in n-Type HgCr2Se4 under High Pressure
Jianping Sun, Yuanyuan Jiao, Sachith Dissanayake, Masaaki Matsuda, Yoshiya Uwatoko, Youguo Shi, Yongqing Li, Zhong Fang, Jinguang Cheng
D50.00015: Electronic band structures of FeGe driven by thermal-fluctuation
Yang Xu, Zizhao Gong, Rui Sun, li na, Xiangqun Zhang, Wei He, Zhaohua Cheng
D51.00001: Correlated Insulators in Twisted Double Bilayer Graphene
Gregory William Burg, Jihang Zhu, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Allan Macdonald, Emanuel Tutuc
D51.00002: Correlated states in twisted trilayer graphene
Shaowen Chen, Valerie Hsieh, Matthew A Yankowitz, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Cory Dean
D51.00003: Coexistence of ultraheavy and ultrarelativistic Dirac quasiparticles in sandwiched trilayer graphene.
Chenyuan Li, Stephen Carr, Ziyan Zhu, Efthimios Kaxiras, Subir Sachdev, Alex Kruchkov
D51.00004: Periodically strained graphene lattice: flat bands
Slavisa Milovanovic, Misa Andelkovic, Lucian Covaci, Francois M Peeters
D51.00005: Experimental Discovery of High Dimensional Band Topology in Twisted Bilayer Graphene
Chao Ma, Qiyue Wang, Scott Mills, Xiaolong Chen, Bingchen Deng, Shaofan Yuan, Cheng Li, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Du Xu, Fan Zhang, Fengnian Xia
D51.00006: Flat bands and gaps in twisted double bilayer graphene
Rodrigo Capaz, Francisco Culchac, Leonor Chico, Eric Suarez Morell
D51.00007: Electric field tunable correlated insulating states and spin-polarized phase transitions in twisted bilayer-bilayer graphene
Oriol Rubies-Bigorda, Yuan Cao, Daniel Rodan-Legrain, Jeong Min Park, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Pablo Jarillo-Herrero
D51.00008: Lifshitz transitions in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene
zhenyuan zhang, Shuang Wu, Eva Andrei
D51.00009: Chern insulators at odd fillings in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene
Shuang Wu, zhenyuan zhang, Eva Andrei
D51.00010: Nematicity in twisted bilayer graphene: impact of the moiré superlattice
Rafael Fernandes, J.W.F. Venderbos
D51.00011: Z2 topology and edge states of twisted bilayer graphene
Chao Ma, Qiyue Wang, Scott Mills, Xiaolong Chen, Bingchen Deng, Shaofan Yuan, Cheng Li, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Du Xu, Fan Zhang, Fengnian Xia
D51.00012: Topological Floquet engineering of twisted bilayer graphene
Michael Sentef, Gabriel E. Topp, Gregor Jotzu, James W McIver, Lede Xian, Angel Rubio
D51.00013: Topological charge pumping by sliding moiré pattern
Manato Fujimoto, Henri Koschke, Mikito Koshino
D51.00014: Artificial gauge field in Moiré superlattices
Ce Shang, Adel Abbout, Xiaoning Zang, Udo Schwingenschloegl, Aurelien Manchon
D51.00015: Multiple topological phases in graphene via magnetoelectric proximity effect
Hiroyuki Takenaka, Shane Sandhoefner, Alexey Kovalev, Evgeny Y Tsymbal
D52.00001: Eu intercalation in Highly Ordered Pyrolytic Graphite (HOPG)
Chris Masi, Aaron Wang, Nathan Guisinger, Te-Yu Chien
D52.00002: First-principles study of electronic structures of two-dimensional Y2C electride surfaces
Gunn Kim, Junsu Lee, Gwan Woo Kim, Jinwoong Chae
D52.00003: The Moiré Superstructure of Graphene Intercalated with a Co Layer
Claudia Cardoso, Daniele Varsano, Andrea Ferretti
D52.00004: A non-invasive SOI gating method for probing 2D transport on pristine chemically-terminated Si surfaces
Luke Robertson, Bruce E Kane
D52.00005: Electronic Density of States of CrBr3 studied by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy (STM/S)
Dinesh Baral, Zhuangen Fu, Andrei S. Zadorozhnyi, Rabindra Dulal, Aaron Wang, Narendra Shrestha, Jinke Tang, Yuri Dahnovsky, Jifa Tian, TeYu Chien
D52.00006: Two-dimensional conductive surface oxide on CrN(001) and Cr1-xAlxN(001) films
Mary E McGahay, Daniel Gall
D52.00007: Topological charge pumping in twisted bilayer graphene
Yinhan Zhang, Yang Gao, Di Xiao
D52.00008: Edge states and no wetting layer in ultrathin Bi(110) films grown on graphene/6H-SiC(0001)
Yanfeng Lyu, Samira Daneshmandi, Shuyuan Huyan, Paul C. W. Chu
D52.00009: Superconductivity in monolayer graphene driven by Ca and K doping
Yukihiro Endo, Jehong Jung, Takushi Iimori, Ryota Akiyama, Fumio Komori, Shuji Hasegawa
D52.00010: Growth of Silicene on Iodine/Silver (111) studied by low temperature scanning tunneling microscopy
Michael Dreyer, Jennifer DeMell, Robert E Butera
D52.00011: Emerging electronic states in van der Walls hetero-bilayers
Xianghua Kong, Hong Guo
D52.00012: Selective adsorption of Dy on intercalated epitaxial graphene
Cai-Zhuang Wang, Minsung Kim, Myron Hupalo, Michael C. Tringides, Pat A Thiel, Kai-Ming Ho
D52.00013: Theory of Epitaxial Growth of Borophene on Layered Electride: Thermodynamic Stability and Kinetic Pathway
Xiaojuan Ni, Huaqing Huang, Kyung-Hwan Jin, Zhengfei Wang, Feng Liu
D52.00014: Electronic structures of air-exposed few-layer black phosphorus by optical spectroscopy
fanjie wang, Guowei Zhang, Shenyang Huang, Chaoyu Song, Chong Wang, Qiaoxia Xing, Yuchen Lei, hugen Yan
D53.00001: Imaging spinons in a 2D gapless quantum spin liquid
Invited Speaker:
Michael F Crommie
D53.00002: Intrinsic magnetic topological insulators: MnBi2Te4 and beyond
Invited Speaker:
Yong Xu
D53.00003: Optically probing tunable topology in group V monolayers
Gaofeng Xu, Tong Zhou, Benedikt Scharf, Igor Zutic
D53.00004: Topological aspects of the band structure of monolayer \beta-Sb in flat and buckled form : Nodal line to unpinned Dirac cones.
Santosh kumar Radha, Walter R.L Lambrecht
D53.00005: Ab initio study of pressure-driven phase transition in FePS3 and FePSe3
Yexin Feng, Yueshao Zheng
D53.00006: Van-der-Waals layered ferroelectric CuInP2S6 I: a quadruple-well potential
Lei Tao, John A Brehm, Sabine M. Neumayer, Andrew O’Hara, Marius Chyasnavichus, Michael Susner, Michael McGuire, Sergei V. Kalinin, Stephen Jesse, Panchapakesan Ganesh, Sokrates T Pantelides, Petro Maksymovych, Nina Balke
D53.00007: Van-der-Waals layered ferroelectric CuInP2S6 II: negative electrostriction and pressure-induced switching
John A Brehm, Sabine M. Neumayer, Lei Tao, Andrew O'Hara, Marius Chyasnavichus, Michael Susner, Michael McGuire, Sergei V. Kalinin, Stephen Jesse, Panchapakesan Ganesh, Sokrates T Pantelides, Petro Maksymovych, Nina Balke
D53.00008: Reversible electrical control of stacking order phase transition in few-layer graphene
Hongyuan Li, Iqbal Utama, Sheng Wang, Wenyu Zhao, Sihan Zhao, Xiao Xiao, Yue Jiang, Lili Jiang, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Alexander Weber-Bargioni, Alex Zettl, Feng Wang
D53.00009: Electronic Properties and Polarization Profiles of Janus Transition Metal Dichalcogenides
Kaichen Xie, Ting Cao
D53.00010: Crystallography and Properties of Atomic Chirality in Two-dimensional Helical Crystal Tellurium
Chang Niu, Gang Qiu, Yixiu Wang, Jingkai Qin, Jie Jian, Haiyan Wang, Wenzhuo Wu, Peide (Peter) Ye
D54.00001: A defect TQFT approach to fractons
David Aasen, Daniel Bulmash, Abhinav Prem, Kevin Slagle, Dominic Williamson
D54.00002: Anomalous surfaces of fracton phases
Thomas Schuster, Nathanan Tantivasadakarn, Ashvin Vishwanath, Norman Yao
D54.00003: Multipole gauge theory for fracton phases
Andrey Gromov
D54.00004: Geodesic string condensation from symmetric tensor gauge theory: a unifying framework of holographic toy models
Han Yan
D54.00005: Localized representation and surface signature of Hopf insulators.
Aleksandra Nelson, Aris Alexandradinata, Alexey Soluyanov
D54.00006: Lattice models that realize Zn-1-symmetry protected topological states for even n
Lokman Tsui, Xiao-Gang Wen
D54.00007: Strong 3D planar subsystem symmetry-protected topological phases and their dual fracton orders
Trithep Devakul, Wilbur Shirley, Juven C Wang
D54.00008: Coupled wire constructions of 3D topological phases
Joseph Sullivan
D54.00009: Modeling Electron Fractionalization with Unconventional Fock Spaces
Emilio Cobanera
D54.00010: Fractionalization and Anomalies in Symmetry-Enriched U(1) Gauge Theories
Liujun Zou, Shang-Qiang Ning, Meng Cheng
D54.00011: Coupled Wire Model of Z2 × Z2 Orbifold Quantum Hall States
Pok Man Tam, Yichen Hu, Charles L Kane
D54.00012: Properties of the Dice-Lattice and its Ribbons
Rahul Soni, Nitin Kaushal, Elbio Dagotto, Satoshi Okamoto
D54.00013: Anyonic partial transpose
Hassan Shapourian, Roger Mong, Shinsei Ryu
D54.00014: Detecting Topological Order at Finite Temperature Using Entanglement Negativity
Tsung-Cheng Lu, Timothy Hsieh, Tarun Grover
D54.00015: Aharonov-Bohm Effect without Using Vector Potential
XIANG LI, Hans Hansson, Wei Ku
D55.00001: Strain induced semimetal-insulator transition in monolayer 1T’-WTe2
Zhao Chenxiao, Jinfeng Jia, Junwei Liu
D55.00002: Finite-temperature spectroscopy in dirty helical Luttinger liquids
Tzu-Chi Hsieh, Yang-Zhi Chou, Leo Radzihovsky
D55.00003: Atomically resolved study of the effect of back-gating on the band structure in monolayer WTe2
Yulia Maximenko, Yueqing Chang, Lucas Wagner, Vidya Madhavan
D55.00004: Resolving the topological classification of bismuth with topological defects
Abhay Nayak, Jonathan Reiner, Raquel Queiroz, Huixia Fu, Chandra Shekhar, Binghai Yan, Claudia Felser, Nurit Avraham, Haim Beidenkopf
D55.00005: Domain walls as possible realization of edge state coupling in a quantum spin Hall insulator
Raul Stühler, André Kowalewski, Felix Reis, Johannes Weis, Joerg Schaefer, Gang Li, Werner R Hanke, Dimitri Jungblut, Benedikt Scharf, Fernando Dominguez Tijero, Ewelina M Hankiewicz, Ralph Claessen
D55.00006: Drumhead surface state in ZrSiTe probed by scanning tunneling microscopy
Brandon A Stuart, Seokhwan Choi, Jisun Kim, Raquel Queiroz, Lukas Muechler, Leslie Schoop, Douglas Andrew Bonn, Sarah A Burke
D55.00007: Symmetry dictated grain boundary state in a two-dimensional topological insulator MoTe2
Hyo Won Kim, Seoung-Hun Kang, Hyun-Jung Kim, Kisung Chae, Suyeon Cho, Wonhee Ko, Sangjun Jeon, Sung Wng Kim, Young-Kyun Kwon, Young-Woo Son
D55.00008: Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Imaging of Electronic Waves on the Surface of Molecular Beam Epitaxy Grown Ag2Se
Samira Daneshmandi, Yanfeng Lyu, Hanming Yuan, Ching (Paul) W Chu
D55.00009: Perfect Transmission of Topological Surface States Through Surface Barriers on Sb(111)*
Jianfeng Ge, Kaiyuan Gu, Aditya Mahadevan, Haimei Zhang, Jiaxuan Guo, Hao Tang, Jennifer E. Hoffman
D55.00010: Quasi-particle interference and confinement effects in a correlated Rashba spin-orbit split 2D electron gas
Chi Ming Yim, Dibyashree Chakraborti, Luke Rhodes, Seunghyun Khim, Andrew Mackenzie, Peter Wahl
D55.00011: Observation of backscattering induced by magnetism in the topological hinge state of bismuth
Berthold Jaeck, Yonglong Xie, Andrei Bernevig, Ali Yazdani
D56.00001: Van Hove singularity and stress-induced Fermi surface tuning in Sr2RuO4
Aaron Chronister, Andrej Pustogow, Yongkang Luo, Yue-Shun Su, Andrew Mackenzie, Clifford W Hicks, Eric Bauer, Naoki Kikugawa, Stuart Brown
D56.00002: Density wave at the reconstructed surface of Sr2RuO4 and implications for quantum criticality
Carolina De Almeida Marques, Luke Rhodes, Veronica Granata, Rosalba Fittipaldi, Antonio Vecchione, Andreas Rost, Peter Wahl
D56.00003: QSGW+DMFT+BSE description of superconductivity in Sr2RuO4
Swagata Acharya, Dimitar Pashov, Mark Schilfgaarde
D56.00004: Non-monotonic temperature dependence of the Hall coefficient in Hund’s metals
Manuel Zingl, Jernej Mravlje, Markus Aichhorn, Olivier Parcollet, Antoine Georges
D56.00005: Fluctuation stablised spin-density-wave order and the phase diagram of Sr3Ru2O7
Stephen Hayden, Richard Waite, Chris Lester, Robin Perry, Silvia Ramos, Dmitry Khalyavin, Fabio Orlandi, Pascal Manuel
D56.00006: Interplay between Spatially Modulated Nematic and Spin-Density Wave Order in Sr3Ru2O7
Jonathan Clepkens, Hae-Young Kee
D56.00007: Metal-Insulator and Magnetic Phase Diagram of Ca2RuO4 from Auxiliary Field Quantum Monte Carlo and Dynamical Mean Field Theory
Hao Shi, Hongxia Hao, Antoine Georges, Andrew Millis, Brenda M Rubenstein, Qiang Han
D56.00008: Spin-orbit interpretation of the Higgs mode in Ca2RuO4
Paul Sarte, Chris Stock, Brenden Ortiz, Stephen Wilson
D56.00009: Strain-mediated Mott transition in Ca2RuO4 induced by a dc current
Alfred Zong, Anshul Kogar, Hengdi Zhao, Qian Li, Yifan Su, Samuel D Marks, Gang Cao, Haidan Wen, Nuh Gedik
D56.00010: Tailoring the ferromagnetic easy axis of Ca2RuO4 via epitaxial strain
Ludi Miao, Hari Nair, Nathaniel Schreiber, Jacob Ruf, Matthew Fu, Yonghun Lee, Celesta Chang, Jacob Ruff, David Muller, Darrell Schlom, Kyle M Shen
D56.00011: Imaging the current-driven metal–insulator transition in Ca2RuO4
Giordano Mattoni, Shingo Yonezawa, Fumihiko Nakamura, Yoshiteru Maeno
D56.00012: Pump-probe Nano-spectroscopy of Mott Insulating Ca2RuO4
Rocco Vitalone, Aaron Sternbach, Ben Foutty, Alexander McLeod, Chanchal Sow, Fumihiko Nakamura, Yoshiteru Maeno, Abhay Pasupathy, Dmitri Basov
D56.00013: Magnetic phase tuning in Ca$_2$Ru$_{1-x}$Fe$_x$O$_4$: A structural perspective
Songxue Chi, Feng Ye, Gang Cao, Huibo Cao, Jaime Fernandez-Baca
D56.00014: Emergence of Competing Stripe Phase near the Mott Transition in Ti-doped Bilayer Calcium Ruthenates
Ashish Gangshettiwar, Yanglin Zhu, Jin Peng, Yu Wang, Zhanzhi Jiang, Zhiqiang Mao, Keji Lai
D56.00015: Nano-resolved insulator-metal domain textures in a polar bilayer ruthenate
Alexander McLeod, Ran Jing, Jedrzej Wieteska, Leixin Miao, Ben Foutty, Rui Zu, Giuliano Chiriaco, Qiang Han, Danilo Puggioni, James Rondinelli, Andrew Millis, Venkatraman Gopalan, Zhiqiang Mao, Nasim Alem, Abhay Pasupathy, Dimitri Basov
D57.00001: Ultra-high sensitive gas sensor based on graphene/carbon nanotube barristor
Younggyu You, Do-Hyun Park, Jun-Ho Lee, Inchul Choi, Sung-Il Jo, Goo-Hwan Jeong, Eleanor Campbell, Hyun-Jong Chung, Jhang Sung Ho
D57.00002: Circular nanoelectromechanical resonators based on hexagonal boron nitride graphene heterostructures
Rohit Kumar, Deric W Session, Harrison Paas, Ryuichi Tsuchikawa, Vikram V Deshpande
D57.00003: Advances in MEMS based Strain Engineering of 2D Materials
Mounika Vutukuru, Zhuofa Chen, Anna K Swan
D57.00004: Probing layered magnets with graphene van der Waals heterostructures
Jesse Balgley, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Erik Henriksen
D57.00005: NEGF simulations of metal contacts for graphene nanoribbon based device
Hancheng Qin, Wenchang Lu, Jerry Bernholc
D57.00006: An ultra-high vacuum system for fabricating 2D material devices
Shuaifei Guo, Satoru Masubuchi, Nai Zhou Wang, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Xianhui Chen, Tomoki Machida, Yuanbo Zhang
D57.00007: Integration of 2D materials for Device applications
Invited Speaker:
Lain-Jong Li
D57.00008: Towards the ideal diode: Half-metal spin-gapless semiconductor junctions based on 2D materials
Ersoy Sasioglu, Thorsten Aull, Stefan Bluegel, Ingrid Mertig
D57.00009: Improved broadband on-chip time domain terahertz spectrometer for van der Waals heterostructures
Alex Potts, Joshua O Island, Eric Spanton, Peter Kissin, Anthony P McFadden, Liam Cohen, Chris J Palmstrom, Richard Averitt, Andrea Young
D57.00010: 2D Materials and Heterostructures: from Electronic Transport to Emergent Memory, Neuromorphic and Optoelectronic Applications
Invited Speaker:
Feng Miao
D57.00011: Graphene/hBN vertical transistor : tuning a tunneling barrier height by modulating fermi energy level of graphene
Jun-Ho Lee, Dong Hoon Shin, Heejun Yang, Nae Bong Jeong, Do-Hyun Park, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Sang Wook Lee, Sung-Ho Jhang, Bae Ho Park, Young Kuk, Hyun-Jong Chung
D58.00001: The Connector Theory Approach: Principles and Development of New Density Functionals
Invited Speaker:
Lucia Reining
D58.00002: Nonadiabatic electron dynamics in time-dependent density-functional theory at the cost of adiabatic local density approximation.
Dmitry Gulevich, Yaroslav V. Zhumagulov, Alexei V. Vagov, Ilya V. Tokatly, Vasili Perebeinos
D58.00003: Imitating beyond-DFT calculations via external on-site potentials
Nitin Kumar, Stephan Lany
D58.00004: First Principles Derivation of the Effect of Geometric Noise on Distributions of Electronic Properties using the Effective Stochastic Kohn-Sham Potential Method
Jeremy Scher, Arindam Chakraborty
D58.00005: Towards Spectroscopic Accuracy for In-Silico Materials Design
Ada Sedova, Anup Pandey, Anibal J. Ramirez-Cuesta
D58.00006: Understanding the interplay between hole localization and reactivity in photoionized water clusters using real-time Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory
Vidushi Sharma, Marivi Fernandez Serra
D58.00007: Approaches for Non-Adiabatic Functional Approximations in TDDFT
Lionel Lacombe, Neepa Maitra
D58.00008: Plasmon dispersion and the role of the exact constraints on exchange-correlation kernels within time-dependent density functional theory
Adrienn Ruzsinszky, Bimal Neupane, Shiqi Ruan, Santosh Adhikari, Santosh Neupane, Niraj K. Nepal
D58.00009: Nonlocal energy optimized (NEO) kernel for the formation energies of alloys and surface energies of metals
Bimal Neupane, Niraj Nepal, Santosh Adhikari, Adrienn Ruzsinszky
D58.00010: Predicting the accurate structural and energetic properties of copper-gold alloys using random phase approximation
Niraj Nepal, Santosh Adhikari, Jefferson E Bates, Adrienn Ruzsinszky
D58.00011: Non-Adiabatic Quantum Molecular Dynamics Investigation of Hot Carrier Dynamics in Dielectric Polymers under High Electric Fields.
Thomas Linker, Subodh Tiwari, Hiroyuki Kumazoe, Shogo Fukushima, Rajiv Kalia, Aiichiro Nakano, Ramamurthy Ramprasad, Fuyuki Shimojo, Priya Vashishta
D58.00012: Nonadiabatic Electron Nuclear Dynamics in TDDFT with Variational Quantum Nuclei
Kevin Lively, Guillermo Albareda, Aaron Kelly, Shunsuke Sato, Angel Rubio
D59.00001: Localized and collective magnetic excitations in the magnetic topological insulator Sn1-xMnxTe
Robert McQueeney, David Vaknin, Santanu Pakhira, Daniel M. Pajerowski, David C Johnston, Deborah Schlagel
D59.00002: Topological insulator interfaced with ferromagnetic insulators: Bi2Te3 thin films on magnetite and iron garnets
Chi-Nan Wu, Vanda M Pereira, Simone G Altendorf, Sheng-Chieh Liao, Cheng-En Liu, Alexander Komarek, Mengxin Guo, Hong-Ji Lin, Chien-Te Chen, Minghwei Hong, Jueinai Kwo, Liu Tjeng
D59.00003: Tailoring Hybrid Anomalous Hall Response in Engineered Magnetic Topological Insulator Heterostructures
Peng Chen, Yong Zhang, Qi Yao, Thorsten Hesjedal, Shilei Zhang, Xufeng Kou
D59.00004: Molecular Beam Epitaxy Growth and Magnetization Characterization of Fe-doped Bi2Se3
Zheng Ren, He Zhao, Hong Li, Bryan Rachmilowitz, Ilija Zeljkovic
D59.00005: Optically manipulating ferromagnetism in Cr-doped topological insulators (TIs)
Adrian Llanos, Chien-Chang Chen, Marcus L Teague, Xiaoyu Che, Peng Zhang, Lei Pan, Kang L. Wang, Nai-Chang Yeh
D59.00006: Magneto-transport properties of bulk-insulating topological insulators (Bi,Sb)2Te3 on thulium iron garnets
Chun-Chia Chen, Shang Rong Yang, Yu-Ting Fanchiang, Wei-Jhih Zou, Mengxin Guo, Chao-Kai Cheng, Sheng-Wen Huang, Keng-Yung Lin, Ko-Hsuan Chen, Minghwei Hong, Jueinai Kwo
D59.00007: High-temperature ferromagnetic topological crystalline insulating state induced by proximity effect in a EuS/SnTe heterostructure
Ryota Akiyama, Kazuki Watanabe, Yuta Tomohiro, Takeru Shimano, Ryo Ishikawa, Kazuhiro Akutsu, Kazuki Iida, Shinji Kuroda, Shuji Hasegawa
D59.00008: Ultrafast momentum-resolved study of electron-phonon coupling in an antiferromagnetic topological insulator
Haricharan Padmanabhan, Vladimir A Stoica, Huaiyu Wang, Nathan Koocher, Mingqiang Gu, Xiaozhe Shen, Ming-Fu Lin, Seng Huat Lee, Zhiqiang Mao, Aaron Lindenberg, Xijie Wang, James Rondinelli, Venkatraman Gopalan
D59.00009: Pressurizing an antiferromagnetic topological insulator candidate
Priscila Rosa, Sean Thomas, Eric Bauer, Joe D Thompson, Filip Ronning
D59.00010: Spin-to-charge conversion on the edge of quantum spin Hall insulator
Yasufumi Araki, Takahiro Misawa, Kentaro Nomura
D59.00011: Exchange interactions between topological and meta-magnetic insulators
Ying Wang, Valeria Lauter, Jacek K. Furdyna, Xinyu Liu, Leonid Rokhinson
D59.00012: Characterization of the topological magneto-electric effect in Bi2Se3 topological insulator
Nezhat Pournaghavi, Anna Pertsova, Allan Macdonald, Carlo M Canali
D59.00013: Electrically Tunable Anomalous Hall Effect in Topological Crystalline Insulator Films
Peng Deng, Peng Zhang, Xiaoyu Che, Kang-Lung Wang
D59.00014: Large-Gap Quantum Anomalous Hall effect in a Magnetically doped Type-I Topological Heterostructure
Anh Pham, Panchapakesan Ganesh
D60.00001: Evidence of anisotropic Majorana bound states in 2M-WS2
Invited Speaker:
Wei Li
D60.00002: Applications of a Novel Quantum Interband Index in Condensed Matter: Topological Insulators, Optical Selection Rules, and Beyond
Tharindu Warnakulasooriya Fernando, Ting Cao, Congjun Wu
D60.00003: Bulk superconductivity in FeTe1−xSex via physicochemical pumping of excess iron
Lianyang Dong, He Zhao, Ilija Zeljkovic, Stephen Wilson, John W Harter
D60.00004: Molecular Beam Epitaxy Growth of Superconducting Sn1-xInxTe (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.67) Thin Films
Makoto Masuko, Ryutaro Yoshimi, Atsushi Tsukazaki, Minoru Kawamura, Kei Takahashi, Masashi Kawasaki, Yoshinori Tokura
D60.00005: Proximity-induced superconductivity in SnTe thin films
Bryan Rachmilowitz, He Zhao, Hong Li, Alexander LaFleur, John Schneeloch, Ruidan Zhong, Genda Gu, Ilija Zeljkovic
D60.00006: Fractional disclination charge in two-dimensional Cn−symmetric topological crystalline insulators
Tianhe Li, Penghao Zhu, Wladimir A Benalcazar, Taylor L Hughes
D60.00007: Tuning the Edge States of Topological Crystalline Insulator Bismuthene via Substrate Effects
Chutian Wang, Yuefeng Yin, Michael Fuhrer, Nikhil Medhekar
D60.00008: Searching for ideal topological crystalline insulators and topological superconductors in Pb-Sn-In-Te system
Genda Gu, Ruidan Zhong, Yangmu Li, Qiang Li, Tonica Valla, John Tranquada
D60.00009: Superconducting proximity effect in InAsSb surface quantum wells with in-situ Al contacts
William Schiela, William Mayer, Joseph Yuan, Mehdi Hatefipour, Wendy L Sarney, Stefan P Svensson, Asher Leff, Tiago De Campos, Kaushini S Wickramasinghe, Matthieu Dartiailh, Igor Zutic, Javad Shabani
D60.00010: Topological Properties of Superconducting PdTe
Ramakanta Chapai, Peram Sreenivasa Reddy, Lingyi Xing, David E Graf, Amar B. Karki, Weiwei Xie, John Ditusa, Tay-Rong Chang, Rongying Jin
D60.00011: Tuning topological hinge states of Bi by edge adsorption:
first-principles study
Ivan Naumov, Pratibha Dev
D60.00012: The edge theories of 2D fermionic symmetry protected topological phases
Shangqiang Ning, Chenjie Wang, Qing-Rui Wang, Zhengcheng Gu
D60.00013: Selective Control of Surface Spin Current in Topological Pyrite OsX2 (X= Se, Te) Crystals
Yuefeng Yin, Michael Fuhrer, Nikhil Medhekar
D61.00001: Effect of pressure on the competing phases in FeSe and BaFe2As2: Insights from specific heat measurements and beyond
Invited Speaker:
Elena Gati
D61.00002: Electronic phase diagram of FeSe1-xTex under high pressure
Kiyotaka Mukasa, Kohei Matsuura, Yuichi Sugimura, Muku Otani, Mingwei Qiu, Mikihiko Saito, Yuta Mizukami, Kenichiro Hashimoto, Jun Gouchi, Yoshiya Uwatoko, Takasada Shibauchi
D61.00003: Multiple Magnetic Phases Hiding in Plain (and Out-of-Plane) Sight in Coexistence with Superconductivity in LaFeAs1-xPxO 1111 System
Ryan Stadel, Dmitry Khalyavin, Pascal Manuel, Rafael Fernandes, Morten Holm Christensen, Keith Taddei, Clarina Reloj Dela Cruz, Ashfia Huq, Saul Lapidus, Daniel Phelan, Duck Young Chung, Matthew Krogstad, Raymond Osborn, Stephan Rosenkranz, Omar Chmaissem
D61.00004: Wang-Landau simulations of the coupled magnetic and nematic transitions in disordered iron-based superconductors
Anzumaan Chakraborty, William J Meese, Rafael Fernandes, Thomas Vojta
D61.00005: Coexistence of long-range magnetic ordering and superconductivity in FeSe/EuTiO3 heterostructure
Chong Liu, Hyungki Shin, Ryan Roemer, Ke Zou
D61.00006: Quasi-elastic scattering from short-range magnetic order in FeTe1-xSex compounds
Guangyong Xu, Zhijun Xu, Genda Gu, John Tranquada, Robert J Birgeneau
D61.00007: Elastoresistance of CaK(Fe,Ni)4As4
Anna Boehmer, William Meier, Mingyu Xu, Gil Drachuck, Paul Wiecki, Sergey L. Bud'ko, Christoph Meingast, Fei Chen, Morten Holm Christensen, Rafael Fernandes, Paul C Canfield
D61.00008: Prediction of Antiferromagnetism in Chromium Analog (BaCr2P2) of Iron Pnictide Confirmed by Synthesis
Radi Jishi, Jose Rodriguez, Timothy Haugan, Michael Susner
D61.00009: Novel Fe-based superconductor LaFe2As2 in comparison with traditional pnictides
Igor Mazin, Harald Jeschke, Makoto Shimizu, Nayuta Takemori
D61.00010: Biaxial Strain Tuning of Strong Electronic Correlations in CsFe2As2
Paul Wiecki, Amir-Abbas Haghighirad, Thomas Wolf, Anna Boehmer
D61.00011: Emergent electronic properties of FeTe by strain tuning
Soumendra Panja, Craig V Topping, Chi Ming Yim, Christopher Trainer, Dorina Croitori, Vladimi Tsurkan, Alois Loidl, Peter Wahl, Andreas Rost
D61.00012: Unconventional charge density wave order in the pnictide superconductors Ba(Ni1-xCox)2As2 and Ba1-xSrxNi2As2
Sangjun Lee, Xiaolan Sun, Xuefei Guo, John Collini, Chris Eckberg, Johnpierre Paglione, Peter Abbamonte
D61.00013: Emergence of Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov phase in FeSe in the BCS-BEC crossover
Shigeru Kasahara, Yuki Sato, Salvatore Licciardello, Matija Čulo, Stevan Arsenijevic, Thom Ottenbros, Takahito Tominaga, Jakob Böker, Ilya Eremin, Joachim Wosnitza, Takasada Shibauchi, Nigel Hussey, Yuji Matsuda
D63.00001: A Theoretical Study of Structure Property Relations in Photovoltaic Perovskites
Jordan Cowell, Nicholas C. Bristowe
D63.00002: Improved Accuracy Tight Binding Model for Finite Temperature Electronic Structure Dynamics in Methyl Ammonium Lead Iodide (MAPbI3)
David Abramovitch, Liang Tan
D63.00003: Materials Property Database for Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskites and Application to Stability and Electronic Structure of (PEA)2PbI4
Xixi Qin, Xiaochen Du, Svenja Janke, Raul Laasner, Tianyang Li, Manoj Kumar Jana, Connor Clayton, Chi Liu, Sampreeti Bhattacharya, Juliana Mendes, Jun Hu, Dovletgeldi Seyitliyev, Ruyi Song, Matti Ropo, Franky So, Kenan Gundogdu, Wei You, Yosuke Kanai, David B. Mitzi, Volker Blum
D63.00004: First-principles Study of Water Insertion Process on MAPbI3 Surface
Md. Abdullah Asad, Masaki Hada, Kyosuke Sato, Yoichi Hasegawa, Ryota Nagaoka, Ryuji Mishima, Takeshi Nishikawa, Yoshifumi Yamashita, Yasuhiko Hayashi, Kenji Tsuruta
D63.00005: Theory of Layer Edge States in 2D Halide-Perovskites
Jisook Hong, David Prendergast, Liang Tan
D63.00006: Calculating band gap distributions of halide perovskites with a first-principles tight-binding approach
Maximilian Schilcher, Matthew Z. Mayers, Liang Tan, David Reichman, David Alexander Egger
D63.00007: Calculations on shallow defect levels in CsPbBr3
Jun Kang
D63.00008: Structural and transport studies from air-stable hybrid perovskite thin films
Randy Burns, Siphelo Ngqoloda, Christopher Arendse, Theophillus Muller, Sorb Yesudhas, Deepak K Singh, Suchismita Guha
D63.00009: Frenkel-Holstein Hamiltonian Applied to Quaterthiophene-based 2D Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskites
Svenja Janke, Mohammad B. Qarai, Volker Blum, Frank Spano
D63.00010: Tunable Electronic Structure of 2D Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskites from a First Principles Approach
Invited Speaker:
Volker Blum
D63.00011: Compounds with high macroscopically- averaged symmetries and low local symmetries: The consequence of lone-pair nematicity on electronic properties
Xingang Zhao, Zhi Wang, Alex Zunger
D63.00012: Ligand Design Rules for Improving 2-D Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Halide Perovskite Moisture Stability
Stephen Shiring, Brett Savoie
D63.00013: Interfacial Electromechanics Predict Phase Behavior of 2D Hybrid Halide Perovskites
Chris Price, Jean-Christophe Blancon, Aditya Mohite, Vivek Shenoy
D64.00001: Electronic and magnetic state of LaMnO3/SrTiO3 heterostructures: Effect of local correlation and nonlocal exchange
Hrishit Banerjee, Oleg Janson, Karsten Held, Tanusri Saha-Dasgupta, Markus Aichhorn
D64.00002: Ultimate strength measurements on freestanding SrTiO3 thin films
Varun Harbola, Samuel Crossley, Prastuti Singh, Ruijuan Xu, Harold Hwang
D64.00003: Local modification of superconductivity in few unit cell thick high-TC Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ superconductor
Sanat Ghosh, Jaykumar Vaidya, Sawani Datta, Ram Prakash Pandeya, Digambar A. Jangade, Kalobaran Maiti, A. Thamizhavel, Mandar M Deshmukh
D64.00004: Proving High Temperature Superconductivity in Monolayer Bi2Sr2-xLaxCuO6+δ
Hengsheng Luo, Liguo Ma, Yijun Yu, Peng Cai, Dongjoon Song, Ruidan Zhong, Jian Shen, Genda Gu, Hiroshi Eisaki, Xianhui Chen, Yuanbo Zhang
D64.00005: Single-domain to Multi-domain Transition Due to Phase Separation in (La1-yPry)1-xCaxMnO3 Thin Films
Ashkan Paykar, A. Biswas
D64.00006: Effects of epitaxial strain and oxygen underdoping on order parameter competition in manganite/cuprate thin-film heterostructures
Chao C Zhang, Hao Zhang, Anh Nguyen, Thomas Gredig, Min Gu Kang, Riccardo Comin, John Y.T. Wei
D64.00007: Creating Emergent Phases in Transition Metal Oxides
Invited Speaker:
milan radovic
D64.00008: Electrically Controlled Intrinsic Tunneling in Dynamically Phase Separated Manganites
Ambika Shakya, A. Biswas
D64.00009: Electronic and magnetic properties in three-component manganite films – the role of ordered interfaces and ionic size effects
Caitlin Kengle, Maitri Warusawithana, Dakota Brown, James Payne, Thomas Pekarek
D64.00010: Superconductivity in a Metal/Quantum Dimer Heterostructure
Eli Gerber, Jian-Huang She, Choong Hyun Kim, Craig J Fennie, Michael J Lawler, Eun-Ah Kim
D64.00011: Investigation of the Defect-Tolerance of Chalcogenide Perovskites
Jiang Luo, ZHAOHAN i ZHANG, Boyang Zhao, Huandong Chen, Jayakanth Ravichandran, Rohan Mishra
D64.00012: Variation of defect states with the number of layers in 2D materials
Dan Wang, Ravishankar Sundararaman
D64.00013: Tunable High-Temperature Superconductivity in Monolayer Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ
Yijun Yu, Liguo Ma, Peng Cai, Ruidan Zhong, Cun Ye, Jian Shen, Genda Gu, Xianhui Chen, Yuanbo Zhang
D65.00001: Electrical and optical control of single spins in a silicon carbide semiconductor device
Christopher Anderson, Alexandre Bourassa, Kevin Miao, Gary Wolfowicz, Peter J Mintun, Alexander Crook, Hiroshi Abe, Jawad Ul-Hassan, Nguyen T Son, Takeshi Ohshima, David Awschalom
D65.00002: Jahn-Teller Effects in Group IV Quantum Defects in Diamond
Christopher Ciccarino, Johannes Flick, Matthew Trusheim, Prineha Narang
D65.00003: Group III Defects in Diamond for Quantum Information Applications
Isaac Harris, Christopher Ciccarino, Matthew Trusheim, Johannes Flick, Dirk R. Englund, Prineha Narang
D65.00004: First-principles characterization of nitrogen-related spin-defects in 4H- and 6H-SiC
Yizhi Zhu, Giulia Galli
D65.00005: Vanadium spin qubits as telecom quantum emitters in silicon carbide
Gary Wolfowicz, Christopher Anderson, Berk Diler, Oleg G. Poluektov, Joseph P Heremans, David Awschalom
D65.00006: Finite-size and Surface effects: Deep Defects in Nanostructured SiC
Tamanna Joshi, Pratibha Dev
D65.00007: Formation and migration of vacancies in SiC
Elizabeth Lee, Juan De Pablo, Giulia Galli
D65.00008: Coherent control and high-fidelity readout of chromium ions in commercial silicon carbide
Berk Diler, Samuel J Whiteley, Christopher Anderson, Gary Wolfowicz, Marie Wesson, Edward S Bielejec, Joseph P Heremans, David Awschalom
D65.00009: Decoherence of diamond NV ensembles with varying nitrogen spin concentration: a cluster expansion study
Huijin Park, Junghyun Lee, Sang-Yun Lee, Hosung Seo
D65.00010: Dynamics of Silicon-Vacancy Color Center in Nanodiamonds
Chunjing Jia, Yan-Kai Tzeng, Yu Lin, Thomas Devereaux, Steven Chu
D65.00011: Study of the Structure-property Relationship in Diamond (100), (110) and (111) Surfaces
Hector Gomez, Michael Groves, Mahesh R Neupane
D65.00012: The Spin-Flip Bethe-Salpeter Equation approach, and applications to molecular magnets and defects in solids for quantum information
Bradford Barker, David Strubbe
D65.00013: NV-color centers in nanodiamond as a photon emitter embedded in whispering-gallery-mode optical resonator
Sungwan Cho, Muhammed Kaan Yildiz, In Hwan Do, Dong-In Jung, Jung Hyun Shim, Ki Seok Hong, Hee Jin Lim, Jae Hoon Lee, Hyun Gyu Hong, Jung Bae Yoon, Dong Hun Lee, Hansuek Lee
D70.00001: Molecular Simulations of Poly[n]catenane Dynamics and Rheology
Phillip Rauscher, Kenneth Schweizer, Stuart J Rowan, Juan De Pablo
D70.00002: Graft Polymers and Entanglements: From Linear Chains to Filaments
Andrey Dobrynin, Heyi Liang, Gary Grest
D70.00003: Effect of Head-to-Head Association/Dissociation on Relaxation of Entangled Chains
Hiroshi Watanabe, Yumi Matsumiya, Youngdon Kwon
D70.00004: Unified analytic expressions for the entanglement length, tube diameter, and plateau modulus in polymer melts
Robert Hoy, Martin Kröger
D70.00005: The Source of Strain Hardening in Glassy Polymers Investigated by Molecular Dynamics and Brownian Dynamics Simulations
Ronald Larson, Robert Hoy, Soroush Moghadam, Weizhong Zou
D70.00006: Predicting time-temperature-superposition breakdown near the glass transition with the Heterogeneous Rouse Model
David Simmons
D70.00007: Relationship Between Large Amplitude Oscillatory Strain (LAOS) Experiments and Commercial Pressure Sensitive Adhesives Applications Testing
Alan Nakatani, Sipei Zhang, Sehban Ozair, Asghar Peera, Owen Young, Kylie Manning, Cachae Pearson, Himal Ray
D70.00008: Polymer rheology predictions from first-principles using the slip-link model
Diego Becerra, Andres Cordoba, Maria Katzarova, Marat Andreev, David Christopher Venerus, Jay Schieber
D70.00009: A priori Determination of the Extensional Viscosity of Polydisperse Linear Polymer Melts
John Dorgan, John Szfranski
D70.00010: Thinning and break up of freestanding polymer solutions
Invited Speaker:
Jan Vermant
D70.00011: Uniaxial Extensional Rheology of Associating Polymers: from Processing to Performance
Zachary Hinton, Nicolas Alvarez
D70.00012: Liquid to soft solid transition in block polymers via low strength magnetic fields
Karthika Suresh, Michelle A Calabrese
D70.00013: Multiscale simulation of a well-entangled polymer melt flow in between two coaxial cylinders under non-isothermal condition
Yuji Hamada, Takeshi Sato, Takashi Taniguchi