Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2020
Volume 65, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2020; Denver, Colorado
Session D59: Magnetic Topological Insulators
2:30 PM–5:18 PM,
Monday, March 2, 2020
Room: Mile High Ballroom 3C
Abstract: D59.00010 : Spin-to-charge conversion on the edge of quantum spin Hall insulator
Yasufumi Araki
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
Yasufumi Araki
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
Takahiro Misawa
(The University of Tokyo)
Kentaro Nomura
(Tohoku University)
We here investigate the many-body dynamics of the electrons under the magnetization dynamics at the QSHI-ferromagnet(FM) junction. We analytically treat the electron dynamics in terms of the Floquet-Keldysh formalism, and compare the spin injection rate from the FM into the QSHI and the charge current induced along the edge. Whereas the edge current seen in the previous works is reproduced, we find that it is not proportional to the spin injection rate, especially when the exchange interaction at the junction is strong enough. This relation implies that the spin-to-charge conversion in this system cannot be considered as the inverse spin Hall effect, while it can be rather seen as the inverse Edelstein effect.
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