Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS March Meeting 2020
Volume 65, Number 1
Monday–Friday, March 2–6, 2020; Denver, Colorado
Session D60: Topological Materials: Topological Superconductors and Majorana States
2:30 PM–5:30 PM,
Monday, March 2, 2020
Room: Mile High Ballroom 4A
Chair: Norman Armitage, Johns Hopkins University
Abstract: D60.00009 : Superconducting proximity effect in InAsSb surface quantum wells with in-situ Al contacts*
William Schiela
(Department of Physics, New York University)
William Schiela
(Department of Physics, New York University)
William Mayer
(Department of Physics, New York University)
Joseph Yuan
(Department of Physics, New York University)
Mehdi Hatefipour
(Department of Physics, New York University)
Wendy L Sarney
(US Army Combat Capabilities Command, Army Research Laboratory)
Stefan P Svensson
(US Army Combat Capabilities Command, Army Research Laboratory)
Asher Leff
(US Army Combat Capabilities Command, Army Research Laboratory)
Tiago De Campos
(Department of Physics, University at Buffalo)
Kaushini S Wickramasinghe
(Department of Physics, New York University)
Matthieu Dartiailh
(Department of Physics, New York University)
Igor Zutic
(Department of Physics, University at Buffalo)
Javad Shabani
(Department of Physics, New York University)
*This work was partially supported by NSF DMR 1836687, the US Army research office, US ONR N000141712793, NSF ECCS-1810266, the University at Buffalo Center for Computational Research, and the ARO/LPS Quantum Computing Graduate Research Fellowship (QuaCGR BAA W911NF-17-S-0002).
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