Bulletin of the American Physical Society
74th Annual Gaseous Electronics Conference
Volume 66, Number 7
Monday–Friday, October 4–8, 2021;
Virtual: GEC Platform
Time Zone: Central Daylight Time, USA
Invited Speakers
Arslanbekov, Robert CFD Research Corporation |
Session BM22.00001 Using commercial, academic, and open-source software for low temperature plasmas: Fluid and Hybrid methods Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Baalrud, Scott D University of Michigan |
Session BM31.00013 Reminiscences of Prof. Noah Hershkowitz: Open microphone Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Baalrud, Scott D University of Michigan |
Session BM31.00005 Recent Directions in Sheath Theory Inspired by Prof. Hershkowitz Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Bane, Sally P Purdue University |
Session BM23.00008 High-Speed Aerodynamic Flow Control using Nanosecond Repetitively Pulsed (NRP) Plasmas Room: GEC platform |
Bera, Kallol Applied Materials Inc. |
Session SR54.00001 RF Hollow Cathode Discharge Characterization using PIC-MCC Simulation and Reduced Order Model Development Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Bourdon, Anne LPP, CNRS, Sorbonne Universit\'e, Ecole Polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, 91120 Palaiseau, France |
Session BM22.00010 Recent advances in modeling low-temperature kHz atmospheric pressure plasma jets and their interactions with surfaces Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Bray, Igor Curtin Univ of Technology |
Session DT23.00004 Collisions with atoms and molecules calculated with the Convergent Close-Coupling method Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Bronold, Franz X University of Greifswald |
Session BM22.00008 Interaction of electrons with plasma walls Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Bruggeman, Peter University of Minnesota |
Session BM21.00002 Pushing the boundaries of established plasma diagnostics Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Cha, Min Suk King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Physical Science and Engineering Division (PSE), Clean Combustion Research Center (CCRC), Thuwal, Saudi Arabia |
Session BM23.00007 Plasma-chemical kinetic study for low-temperature oxidation of hydrogen Room: GEC platform |
Chung, Chinwook Hanyang Univ |
Session BM21.00001 Principles and some progress in floating probe method (FPM) for process plasma diagnostics and monitoring Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Czarnetzki, Uwe Ruhr Univ Bochum |
Session BM21.00007 Laser diagnostics for ro-vibronic excitations in plasmas at atmospheric pressures Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Demmons, Nathaniel Busek |
Session BM23.00011 Electrospray Facility Effects and Their Impact on Life-Limiting Mechanisms Room: GEC platform |
Denifl, Stephan |
Session BM24.00004 Experiments with Clusters: Unraveling solvation effects upon electron attachment Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Dogariu, Arthur Princeton University |
Session BM21.00011 Forward, backward, and sideways lasing in atmospheric air Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Donko, Zoltan Wigner Research Center for Physics |
Session BM22.00002 Recent developments in the kinetic simulations of low-temperature plasmas Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Ebert, Ute Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) |
Session TF11.00004 On the large variability of streamer discharges Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Fantz, Ursel E Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics |
Session HW12.00005 Negative hydrogen ion sources for the neutral beam systems at ITER Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Filimonova, Elena Joint Institute for High Temperatures of Russian Academy of Sciences |
Session BM23.00004 Controlling a Multistage Ignition Assisted by a High-Frequency Corona Discharge Room: GEC platform |
Foster, John E University of Michigan |
Session BM31.00004 The Technology Enabling Role of Magnetic Cusps in Plasma Science Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Fox, Nicola NASA-Heliophysics |
Session MR11.00003 Mission Elements Presently Underway in the Heliophysics Division of NASA Room: GEC platform |
Ghim, Young-chul KAIST |
Session BM31.00006 Langmuir probe: how to handle expanding ion collecting area when the probe is negatively biased Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Ghosh, Soumen University of California, San Diego |
Session ET43.00002 Positron Annihilation Resonances in Molecules: Going Beyond Fundamental Modes Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Godyak, Valery A |
Session CT11.00001 Modern Langmuir probe diagnostics Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Godyak, Valery A RF Plasma Consulting, Brookline, Massachusetts 02446, USA and The Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, |
Session BM31.00003 Noah Hershkowitz contribution to sheath experiment, problem in the sheath theory and my encounters with Noah Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Green, Dermot G Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom |
Session ET43.00001 Many-body theory of positron binding and annihilation in polyatomic molecules Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Hamaguchi, Satoshi Osaka Univ |
Session HW21.00001 Understanding of plasma-material interactions – from now to future Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Hamilton, Kathryn R. Drake University |
Session PR23.00002 B-Spline Atomic R-Matrix Calculations on the AMPGateway Room: GEC platform |
Hennigh, Oliver A NVIDIA |
Session BM22.00005 SimNet: A Neural Framework for Physics Simulations Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Hoder, Tomas Masaryk university |
Session TF11.00005 Streamer discharges, their initiation and electric field Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Isner, Nancy D Syntek Technologies |
Session BM22.00007 Incorporating Open-Source Databases in a Simplified Rigid Beam Application Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Ito, Atsushi M National Institute for Fusion Science |
Session HW14.00006 Effects of Sputtering, Re-deposition and Diffusion Processes for Helium Plasma Induced Metal-nanostructure with Multi-hybrid Simulation Analysis Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Ju, Yiguang Princeton University |
Session BM21.00005 Studies of O(1D) and HO2 Kinetics in Plasma Assisted Low Temperature Fuel Oxidation Using Mid Infrared Faraday Rotation Spectroscopy Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Keidar, Michael George Washington University |
Session JW63.00001 Adaptive Plasmas for Plasma Medicine Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Khakoo, Murtadha A California State University, Fullerton |
Session BM24.00001 Experimental Low Energy, Differential-Angle Electron Scattering from Atomic and Molecular Targets Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Kolobov, Vladimir I University of Alabama in Huntsville |
Session DT22.00001 Electron kinetics in low temperature plasmas Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Kolobov, Vladimir I University of Alabama in Huntsville and CFD Resrach Corporation |
Session BM22.00004 Grid-based kinetics solvers and AMAR technique Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Koo, Justin |
Session BM23.00012 Exploiting the richness of dynamical behavior for system state estimation Room: GEC platform |
Kotsonis, Marios Delft University of Technology |
Session BM23.00005 Plasma-based control for laminar-turbulent transition: past experience and future directions Room: GEC platform |
Kuranz, Carolyn C University of Michigan |
Session HW13.00001 Creating Astrophysically Relevant Systems in the Laboratory in the High-Energy-Density Regime Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Kushner, Mark J University of Michigan |
Session BM31.00008 Sheaths, Microelectronics Fabrication and the Founding of PSST Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Lafleur, Trevor ThrustMe |
Session RR44.00002 Electron Dynamics and Anomalous Processes in Low- Temperature Plasmas Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Lee, Hyo-Chang Korea Research Inst of Standards and Sci |
Session BM21.00010 Wave-cutoff probe: overview and achievements Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Liu, Yue Ruhr University Bochum |
Session ET41.00003 Numerical simulations of radio frequency capacitively coupled atmospheric pressure micro plasma jets: from fluid to kinetic models Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Lukin, Vyacheslav (Slava) S National Science Foundation |
Session MR11.00002 Perspective and update from the National Science Foundation Room: GEC platform |
Ma, Xinwen 1 Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMPCAS), Lanzhou, 730000, China; 2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS), Beijing, 100049, China |
Session CT13.00005 Fragmentation dynamics of clusters induced by heavy ion impacts Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Masin, Zdenek Charles University |
Session CT13.00004 Identification of Siegert states in molecular scattering calculations and application to analysis of dissociative electron attachment Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Mujahid, Zaka-ul-Islam Ruhr University Bochum |
Session BM21.00008 Phase Resolved Optical Emission Spectroscopy (PROES): A powerful diagnostic for non-thermal plasmas Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Nozaki, Tomohiro Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Session SR51.00001 Plasma-catalytic hydrogenation of CO2: elucidating thermodynamically- or kinetically-limited step Room: GEC platform |
Oksuz, Lutfi Suleyman Demirel Univ |
Session BM31.00011 Analytical Solutions of Space Charge Problems for Different Geometries Including Collisions Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Peterson, David J Applied Materials Inc |
Session SR52.00001 Radiofrequency phase resolved measurements with the hairpin resonator probe: challenges and potential benefits Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Peterson, Peter NASA GRC |
Session BM23.00001 Advanced Electric Prolusion System Enabling a Sustainable Return to the Lunar Surface through NASA Gateway Room: GEC platform |
Petrovic, Zoran L Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade Serbia, Ulster University Jordanstown NI UK |
Session DT23.00003 Electron Scattering Cross Sections and Calculated Transport Data for a New Class of Cooling Gases Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Podder, Nirmol K US Dept of Energy-Germantown |
Session MR11.00001 DOE/FES Program Activities in Basic and Low-Temperature Plasma Room: GEC platform |
Polzin, Kurt NASA – George C. Marshall Space Flight Center |
Session TF13.00001 Technology Development for In-space Nuclear Electric Propulsion Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Ptasinska, Sylwia |
Session BM24.00006 Importance of Neutral Detection in Electron Scattering Processes Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Raitses, Yevgeny Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session BM31.00010 Emissive Probes in Plasma Propulsion: Noah Hershkowitz's Legacy Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Raitses, Yevgeny Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session MR11.00005 Princeton Collaborative Research Facility (PCRF): status update and new solicitation of user proposals Room: GEC platform |
Raja, Laxminarayan L University of Texas at Austin |
Session BM23.00010 Modeling and Simulation of Coupled Plasma-Flow Interactions for Aerodynamic Actuation and Sensing Room: GEC platform |
Reuter, Stephan Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal |
Session BM21.00012 Advanced Diagnostics – Ultrafast, Single-Shot, and Hyperspectral Techniques for Non-equilibrium Plasmas Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Rudolph, Martin Leibniz Institute of Surface Engineering (IOM), Leipzig, Germany |
Session TF12.00002 Optimizing the deposition rate and ionized flux fraction of a high power impulse magnetron sputtering discharge Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Schneider, Barry I National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session PR23.00001 A Science Gateway for Atomic and Molecular Physics: Democratizing Atomic and Molecular Physics Research and Education Room: GEC platform |
Schöffler, Markus Institut für Kernphysik, Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt Max-von-Laue-Straße 1, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany |
Session RR43.00001 On the Quest for Projectile Coherence Effects in Fast C6+/He Collisions Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Scime, Earl West Virginia University |
Session BM31.00009 Go Forth and Build a Versatile Plasma Source – Words of Wisdom from Noah Hershkowitz Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Severn, Gregory Dept. Physics & Biophysics, University of San Diego |
Session BM31.00001 Plasma Potential: A Partial Timeline of the Life and Accomplishments of Noah Hershkowitz Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Sickafoose, Shane Sandia National Laboratories Plasma Research Facility |
Session MR11.00004 Sandia Plasma Research Facility (PRF): status update and new solicitation of user proposals Room: GEC platform |
Slaughter, Daniel Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session BM24.00005 Recent Advances in Ion Imaging Measurements of Electron-Molecule Interactions Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Starikovskaia, Svetlana |
Session BM23.00002 Nanosecond Plasma: Peculiarities of Kinetics and Diagnostics Room: GEC platform |
Starikovskiy, Andrey Princeton University |
Session BM22.00011 Numerical modeling of NS discharge development in inhomogeneous magnetic field Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Takeda, Keigo Meijo Univ |
Session UF21.00002 Absorption spectroscopy of reactive species generated by non-thermal process plasmas Room: GEC platform |
Thomas, Edward E Auburn University |
Session KW74.00001 The impact of plasma pattern formation on particle growth in strongly magnetized, low temperature plasmas Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Tian, Wei TSMC |
Session PR22.00001 An In-house Rigorous Etching Model for Process Recipe Tuning Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Tochikubo, Fumiyoshi Tokyo Metropolitan Univ |
Session CT12.00006 Prediction of plasma-induced reactions in a droplet placed in an atmospheric-pressure helium plasma Room: Virtual GEC platform |
van Helden, Jean-Pierre Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology (INP) |
Session BM21.00004 Recent progress in infrared laser spectroscopy to characterize low and atmospheric pressure plasmas Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Varella, Marcio University of Sao Paulo |
Session BM24.00002 Theory of Electron-Molecule Scattering and Dissociative Attachment1 Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Viegas, Pedro Masaryk University |
Session HW11.00003 Effect of jet polarity on charging of a dielectric target: simulations and experiments Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Wagenaars, Erik University of York |
Session HW13.00002 Controlling plasma chemistry of atmospheric-pressure plasmas in helium with oxygen and water admixtures Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Wang, Li Ruhr University Bochum and Dalian University of Technology |
Session DT21.00004 2D PIC simulations of geometrically asymmetric capacitive RF plasmas driven by tailored voltage waveforms Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Wendt, Amy E University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session BM31.00002 Applications of electric probes away from the ideal limit Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Wirz, Richard E University of California, Los Angeles |
Session SR53.00007 Plasma Interactions with Complex Surfaces Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Yip, Chi-Shung Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session BM31.00012 From Multi-ion Species Bohm Criterion to Detachment Sheath Physics: Our Work with Prof. Noah Hershkowitz and Beyond. Room: Virtual GEC platform |
You, Shinjae Chungnam Natl Univ |
Session SR52.00003 Recent progress on cutoff probe development for real time processing monitoring Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Zawadzki, Mateusz |
Session DT23.00005 Low energy electron scattering from molecules - measuring cross sections and investigating collision dynamics Room: Virtual GEC platform |
Zhang, Quan-Zhi Dalian University of Technology |
Session SR51.00004 Plasma Streamer Propagation in the Gas Phase, Catalyst Pores and Surface DBD Room: GEC platform |
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