Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS April Meeting 2019
Volume 64, Number 3
Saturday–Tuesday, April 13–16, 2019; Denver, Colorado
Invited Speakers
Anderson, Dana |
Session T06.00002 TBD Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 15 |
Aprile, Elena Columbia University |
Session W01.00002 The search for Dark Matter in underground laboratories around the world Room: Sheraton Plaza ABC |
Artuso, Marina Syracuse University |
Session B03.00004 Searches for new physics in b-hadron decays Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
Ashtekar, Abhay Vasant Pennsylvania State University |
Session L02.00001 Some unforeseen aspects of electromagnetic and gravitational waves. Room: Sheraton Plaza D |
Auchettl, Katie DARK, Niels Bohr Institute |
Session L04.00002 Tidal Disruption of Stars by Supermassive Black Holes Room: Sheraton Plaza F |
Aurbach, Elyse University of Michigan |
Session D02.00002 Navigating the public engagement landscape - what are my options? Room: Sheraton Plaza D |
Badenes, Carles University of Pittsburgh |
Session C04.00003 The Chandra View of Supernovae and Supernova Remnants Room: Sheraton Plaza F |
Banerjee, Swagato University of Louisville |
Session B03.00001 LNV/LFV at colliders Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
Bardeen, Marjorie G Fermilab |
Session J03.00003 The Singing Janitor and Other Stories: Leon's Adventures in Science Education Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
Barnes, Jennifer Columbia University |
Session B04.00003 Hunting for the Heaviest Elements with Multi-Messenger Astronomy Room: Sheraton Plaza F |
Bazin, Daniel Michigan State Univ |
Session H15.00001 Strength quenching in knockout reactions Room: Sheraton Plaza Court 4 |
Beacom, John Ohio State University |
Session Q04.00003 Dark Matter: What’s Beyond the WIMP Lamppost? Room: Sheraton Plaza F |
Benedikt, Michael CERN |
Session Q05.00004 CERN Future Circular Colliders program Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 14 |
Bergé, Joel ONERA / Paris Saclay University |
Session X07.00001 MICROSCOPE: First Constraints on the Violation of the Weak Equivalence Principle by a Light Scalar Dilaton Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 16 |
Berger, Beverly Stanford Unvierstiy |
Session D05.00001 Searching for [a way to do research on] Gravitational Waves Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 14 |
Bernauer, Jan Christopher Stony Brook University, RBRC |
Session R17.00001 Streaming trigger-less readout for current and future Experiments Room: Sheraton Grand Ballroom II |
Berti, Emanuele Johns Hopkins University |
Session Q02.00001 Low-frequency gravitational waves from massive black holes: implications for fundamental physics and astrophysics Room: Sheraton Plaza D |
Betancourt, Minerba Fermilab |
Session J12.00001 Constraining the neutrino-nucleus interaction for neutrino oscillations Room: Sheraton Plaza Court 1 |
Bonaca, Ana Harvard University |
Session Q04.00001 Dynamical evidence for a dark substructure in the Milky Way halo Room: Sheraton Plaza F |
Branchesi, Marica Gran Sasso Science Institute |
Session D05.00003 Beller Lectureship: The richness of diversity in the new exploration of the Universe Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 14 |
Brau, James E University of Oregon |
Session Q05.00002 The potential of Higgs factories Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 14 |
Brinkmann, Reinhard DESY |
Session L03.00004 Helen and DESY Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
Britton, Thomas Jefferson Lab |
Session B06.00001 Meson Spectroscopy: a Perspective from GlueX Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 15 |
Broderick, Avery Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Waterloo |
Session H04.00002 Resolving the event horizon: Black holes in the era of the Event Horizon Telescope Room: Sheraton Plaza F |
Brooks, Alyson Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey |
Session R04.00003 Re-examining Astrophysical Constraints on the Dark Matter Model Room: Sheraton Plaza F |
Brown, Duncan A. Syracuse University |
Session G04.00002 Probing Neutron Stars using Gravitational Waves Room: Sheraton Plaza F |
Brubaker, Benjamin M University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session D03.00002 Mitsuyoshi Tanaka Dissertation Award Talk: First results from the HAYSTAC axion search Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
Bruhwiler, David L RadiaSoft LLC |
Session D04.00001 From aerospace engineer to small business CEO – an R&D career in the private sector Room: Sheraton Plaza F |
Bruns, Donald San Diego |
Session G02.00002 Repeating the Experiment that Made Einstein Famous Room: Sheraton Plaza D |
Bryman, Douglas University of British Columbia |
Session B03.00002 Testing charged lepton flavor violation and universality with pions, muons, and kaons Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
Budker, Dmitry Helmholtz Institute, JGU Mainz and University of California, Berkeley, Helmholtz Institute, Johannes Gutenberg University |
Session C05.00002 Parity Violation in Yb Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 14 |
Caballero, Marcos Daniel Michigan State Univ, University of Oslo |
Session L06.00003 Integrating Computation into Core Physics courses: A perspective from a research-intensive university Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 15 |
Cai, Bei Queen's University |
Session G07.00002 Exploring student learning in design- and project-based laboratory courses Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 16 |
Carman, Daniel S Jefferson Lab |
Session J05.00003 CLAS12 First Experiments and Hadron Structure Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 14 |
Carney, Daniel University of Maryland, Fermilab |
Session B02.00003 Tabletop experiments for quantum gravity Room: Sheraton Plaza D |
Chakrabarty, Deepto Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session Y02.00001 NICER Observations of Neutron Stars and Black Holes Room: Sheraton Plaza D |
Chatziioannou, Katerina Simons Foundation |
Session C02.00002 The current status of gravitational wave astronomy with LIGO and Virgo Room: Sheraton Plaza D |
Chu, Steven Stanford University |
Session N03.00003 Burt Richter and his Contributions to Society Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
Cirigliano, Vincenzo Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session Y03.00001 Lepton Number Violation and Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
Colglazier, E |
Session C07.00002 TBD Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 16 |
Coutu, Stephane Pennsylvania State University |
Session B15.00001 Direct Cosmic Ray Measurements: Status and Perspectives Room: Sheraton Plaza Court 4 |
Craik, Daniel Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session G03.00003 Prospects for LHCb Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
Crelinsten, Jeffrey The Impact Group |
Session G02.00003 Einstein's Jury: Trial By Telescope Room: Sheraton Plaza D |
Cruz Torres, Reynier Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session G05.00003 Probing correlations in A=3 systems using electron scattering Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 14 |
Cvetic, Mirjiam University of Pennsylvania |
Session J06.00001 Personal Experience of a Female Theoretical Physicist Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 15 |
Dafermos, Mihalis Princeton University |
Session L02.00003 The internal structure of dynamic vacuum black holes without symmetry Room: Sheraton Plaza D |
Das, Mini University of Houston |
Session H02.00004 Frontiers in X-ray Imaging - Applications of Photon Counting Spectral Detectors (Medipix) Room: Sheraton Plaza D |
Davis, Richard S International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) |
Session Y06.00002 Reaching international consensus on fundamental changes to the International System of Units (SI) Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 15 |
Dawson, Sally Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session J03.00001 From Neutrinos to B quarks Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
Day, Donal B University of Virginia |
Session D15.00001 Signatures of Three-Nucleon Correlations in Nuclei Room: Sheraton Plaza Court 4 |
de Gouvea, Andre Luiz C Northwestern University |
Session P01.00001 Understanding the Physics Behind Neutrino Masses Room: Sheraton Plaza ABC |
DeMille, David Yale University |
Session C05.00001 A tabletop-scale probe for TeV-scale physics: new limit on the electron electric dipole moment from the ACME experiment Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 14 |
Detwiler, Jason A University of Washington |
Session H10.00001 A Clear-Eyed View of Matter Creation: Beating Background in Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay Searches Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 12 |
d'Hose, Nicole |
Session G06.00003 TBD Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 15 |
Diehl, Roland L Max Planck Institute for extraterrestrial Physics |
Session J04.00001 Learning from gamma-ray lines of cosmic radionuclei. Room: Sheraton Plaza F |
Doeleman, Shep Harvard - Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics |
Session H04.00001 The Event Horizon Telescope: Imaging a Black Hole Room: Sheraton Plaza F |
Dorfan, Jonathan Manne SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session N03.00002 Burton Richter: Post-SPEAR through 1999. Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
Doyle, Jacqueline Harvard - Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics |
Session H07.00003 Mapping students' attitudes and identities without imposing a priori demographic categories: A quantitative study using topological data analysis Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 16 |
Dreyfus, Benjamin W George Mason University |
Session J07.00003 Is Energy a Substance, a Location, or a Blend of Both? Ontological Metaphors for Energy in Physics Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 16 |
Drosback, Meredith SciLine |
Session B07.00003 Opportunities in Public Engagement: Sharing Your Scientific Expertise with Policymakers and the Media Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 16 |
Drout, Maria R. University of Toronto, Observatories of the Carnegie Institution for Science |
Session R05.00003 The Discovery, Follow-up, and Implications of Electromagnetic Counterparts to BNS Mergers Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 14 |
Eisenhauer, Frank Max Planck Institute for extraterrestrial Physics |
Session T02.00001 General relativistic effects around the Galactic Center black hole Room: Sheraton Plaza D |
Engelhardt, Michael New Mexico State University |
Session G06.00002 Three-dimensional imaging of hadrons and quark orbital dynamics in Lattice QCD Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 15 |
Esquivel, Jessica Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session T03.00001 Mentorship vs. Sponsorship Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
Etkina, Eugenia Rutgers University , Rutgers University |
Session J07.00001 Content Knowledge for Teaching Energy: Framework and Assessment Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 16 |
Fan, JiJi Brown University |
Session R03.00001 Theoretical motivation for the WIMP dark mattermodel and probable parameter space Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
Finkelstein, Noah D. University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session T07.00001 Building more inclusive educational environments in physics: understanding and addressing social-psychological factors to support learners Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 16 |
Flatten, Amy K. Director of International Affairs, American Physical Society |
Session C07.00001 APS Task Force on Expanding International Engagement: Long-term Strategic Planning for APS International Activities Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 16 |
Flay, David J. University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session Y03.00002 Measuring the Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Muon Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
Fornal, Bartosz University of California, San Diego |
Session H14.00001 Neutron Dark Decay Room: Sheraton Plaza Court 3 |
Franklin, Allan University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session L07.00002 Is It the Same Result? Replication in Physics Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 16 |
Freese, Katherine University of Michigan |
Session R04.00002 Julius Edgar Lilienfeld Prize talk: The Dark Matter in the Universe Room: Sheraton Plaza F |
Freese, Katherine University of Michigan |
Session F22.00001 Dark Matter in the Universe Room: Sheraton Plaza ABC |
Geltenbort, Peter Institut Laue Langevin |
Session D14.00001 The neutron lifetime puzzle - Contributions from Europe Room: Sheraton Plaza Court 3 |
Georgi, Howard Harvard University |
Session B05.00003 Julian Schwinger at Harvard before June, '67 --- remembered by a star-struck and frequently confused undergrad Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 14 |
Geraci, Andrew Albert Northwestern University, For the ARIADNE collaboration |
Session D07.00001 Progress on the ARIADNE axion experiment Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 16 |
Ghez, Andrea M University of California, Los Angeles |
Session W01.00003 Our Galactic Center: A Unique Laboratory for the Physics & Astrophysics of Black Holes Room: Sheraton Plaza ABC |
Gillessen, Stefan MPE |
Session H04.00003 Latest News from the Galactic Center Room: Sheraton Plaza F |
Gleason, Colin Indiana University |
Session J05.00002 Recent Results From GlueX Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 14 |
Goldfarb, Ronald B National Institute of Standards and Technology Boulder |
Session Y06.00003 Magnetic Flux Density, Magnetic Field Strength, and the Permeability of Vacuum Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 15 |
Gonzalez, Gabriela Louisiana State University |
Session J06.00002 A career in physics and in LIGO - personal observations of progress on diversity in physics Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 15 |
Gruen, Daniel Stanford University |
Session X04.00001 Cosmology from the Dark Energy Survey Room: Sheraton Plaza F |
Hagan, Karla |
Session C07.00003 TBD Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 16 |
Haggard, Daryl McGill University, McGill Space Institute |
Session C04.00002 Chandra Explores Sagittarius A*'s Event Horizon Dynamics: X-ray and Multi-wavelength Variability Room: Sheraton Plaza F |
Hall, Evan D Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session C02.00003 The Next Generation of Ground-Based Gravitational-Wave Detectors Room: Sheraton Plaza D |
Harrison, Fiona Caltech |
Session D11.00002 Presentation on the Astro2020 Decadal Survey Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 17 |
Heckler, Andrew F Ohio State University |
Session R07.00003 Why is scientific reasoning so hard, and what can we do about it? Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 16 |
Heron, Paula R L University of Washington |
Session R07.00001 Probing student reasoning in physics through the lens of dual-process theories Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 16 |
Hertz, Paul NASA |
Session D11.00003 NASA Astrophysics, the PCOS Program Office, and PhysPAG Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 17 |
Hinderer, Tanja University of Amsterdam |
Session X02.00003 Progress in theoretical gravitational-wave astronomy of neutron star binaries Room: Sheraton Plaza D |
Holstein, Barry R University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session T05.00002 A Frog's View of Physics Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 14 |
Hoogerheide, Shannon Fogwell National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session C14.00001 The state of the neutron lifetime Room: Sheraton Plaza Court 3 |
Horowitz, Charles J Indiana University Bloomington |
Session R05.00001 Neutron rich dense matter, neutron star mergers, and laboratory experiments Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 14 |
Hungerford, Aimee Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session J04.00002 Astrophysical Radionuclides: Where are they and what can they tell us? Room: Sheraton Plaza F |
HyaterAdams, Simone University of Colorado Boulder |
Session T03.00003 Experiences with Mentoring Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
Iliadis, Christian University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill |
Session T05.00001 From stardust to globular clusters: puzzles in nuclear astrophysics Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 14 |
Irwin, Kent David Stanford University, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session X07.00003 Fundamental Limits of Electromagnetic Axion and Hidden-Photon Dark Matter Searches Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 16 |
Jacak, Barbara V Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session T05.00003 The Mysteries of QCD Matter Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 14 |
Jackson, Dr. Shirley Ann Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute |
Session H06.00001 Physics: The River that Runs Through it All Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 15 |
Jafferis, Daniel L. Harvard University |
Session B02.00002 Traversable wormholes Room: Sheraton Plaza D |
Ji, Alexander Carnegie Observatories |
Session B04.00002 Signatures of the First Stars in Relics of the First Galaxies Room: Sheraton Plaza F |
Johnson, Clifford V University of Southern California |
Session D02.00003 Connecting with the Non-scientist Public: Graphic Adventures in Science Engagement Room: Sheraton Plaza D |
Johnson, Lindley NASA |
Session X05.00001 NASA’s Planetary Defense Coordination Office at NASA HQ Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 14 |
Jones, Brian Colorado State Univ |
Session B07.00001 A Warm Planet in a Cold Universe: Making Climate Change Concepts Accessible (and Acceptable) to a Wide Audience Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 16 |
Joudaki, Shahab University of Oxford |
Session X04.00003 Cosmological Constraints from the Kilo Degree Survey Room: Sheraton Plaza F |
Julie, Felix Johns Hopkins University |
Session X02.00002 Compact binary systems in modified gravities and EOB theory Room: Sheraton Plaza D |
Kammen, Daniel M University of California, Berkeley |
Session Q07.00001 An energy plan the Earth can live with Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 16 |
Karthik, Nikhil BNL |
Session Q06.00001 Parton distribution inside the pion from lattice QCD Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 15 |
Keating, Brian G University of California, San Diego |
Session R06.00001 Losing the Nobel Prize: a cosmological memoir Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 15 |
Kennefick, Daniel University of Arkansas |
Session G02.00001 No Shadow of Doubt: Eddington, Einstein and the 1919 Eclipse Room: Sheraton Plaza D |
Khatiwada, Rakshya Fermilab |
Session Y04.00001 First results from the Generation-2 Axion Dark Matter eXperiment (ADMX) Room: Sheraton Plaza F |
Kijbunchoo, Nutsinee Australian Natl Univ |
Session R06.00002 Capturing LIGO Through Comics Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 15 |
Kim, Young-Kee University of Chicago |
Session L03.00001 Introducing Helen Edwards Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
Knaub, Alexis V Michigan State University |
Session H07.00002 Two-phase study examining perspectives and use of quantitative methods in physics education research Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 16 |
Koeth, Timothy W University of Maryland, College Park |
Session L03.00005 Helen Edwards as a mentor Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
Kolb, Edward W University of Chicago |
Session T04.00007 Dark-Matter Small Projects New Initiatives Room: Sheraton Plaza F |
Kornack, Thomas W Twinleaf, LLC |
Session T06.00003 Commercializing Atomic Physics at Twinleaf Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 15 |
Kragh, Helge University of Copenhagen |
Session L07.00001 Varying Gravity: Dirac’s Legacy in Cosmology and Geophysics Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 16 |
Kramer, Emily Jet Propulsion Laboratory/California Institute of Technology |
Session X05.00002 Ground-based Searches for Near-Earth Objects Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 14 |
Kriss, Brian Lockheed |
Session D04.00003 Particle physics as preparation for a career in the aerospace industry Room: Sheraton Plaza F |
Krizan, Peter University of Ljubljana |
Session H02.00003 Ultrafast detection in positron emission tomography using Cherenkov light Room: Sheraton Plaza D |
Kupfer, Thomas KITP/UC Santa Barbara |
Session Q02.00003 Galactic LISA sources and their potential for multi-messenger and multi-wavelength studies Room: Sheraton Plaza D |
Langdon, Laurie University of Colorado Boulder |
Session Y07.00002 The Learning Assistant Alliance for Supporting a Diversity of Institutions, Faculty, and Students Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 16 |
Lanni, Aldo Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso |
Session C06.00002 Research and advanced training at the Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory: a review. Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 15 |
Lecoq, Paul CERN |
Session H02.00001 Nanocrystal-based scintillators for TOF-PET with ultimate time resolution Room: Sheraton Plaza D |
Leemans, Wim Pieter LBNL, DESY |
Session W01.00001 Laser-based advanced accelerators Room: Sheraton Plaza ABC |
Lehnert, Konrad W University of Colorado, Boulder, NIST |
Session C03.00002 Accelerating the search for axionic dark matter with quantum information technology Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
Levine, Judah University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session Y06.00001 The New SI system and the Definition of Frequency Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 15 |
Lieber, Michael University of Arkansas |
Session B05.00001 Divergence Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 14 |
Lindsey, Beth A. Pennsylvania State University - Greater Allegheny |
Session J07.00002 Leveraging understanding of energy from physics to overcome unproductive intuitions in chemistry Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 16 |
Lisanti, Mariangela Princeton University |
Session Q04.00002 Dark Matter Cartography in the Gaia Era Room: Sheraton Plaza F |
Lonardoni, Diego MSU-FRIB and LANL |
Session G05.00002 Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of light nuclei using local chiral interactions Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 14 |
Lopez del Puerto, Marie University of St. Thomas |
Session L06.00001 The need for computation Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 15 |
Lousto, Carlos O Rochester Institute of Technology |
Session J02.00001 From simulations of binary black holes to insights into astrophysics and gravitational waves Room: Sheraton Plaza D |
Lovato, Alessandro Argonne National Laboratory, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare |
Session X03.00001 Ab-initio calculations of neutrino-nucleus interactions Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
Lovins, Amory Bloch Rocky Mountain Institute |
Session A01.00001 Disruptive Energy Futures Room: Sheraton Plaza ABC |
Lovins, Amory Bloch Rocky Mountain Institute |
Session Q07.00003 Integrative Design for Radical Energy Efficiency Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 16 |
Machado, Pedro A.N. Fermilab |
Session Q03.00002 Theoretical aspects of the long-baseline neutrino oscillations Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
Mack, Katie North Carolina State University |
Session A01.00003 Physics and Social Media Room: Sheraton Plaza ABC |
MacLeod, Morgan Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory |
Session L04.00001 Transients from Common Envelope Events and Stellar Mergers Room: Sheraton Plaza F |
Mahn, Kendall Michigan State Univ |
Session Q03.00003 Potential of future long baseline experiments: DUNE and Hyper-Kamiokande Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
Mainzer, A. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology |
Session X05.00003 Finding Near Earth Objects from Space with NEOWISE and NEOCam Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 14 |
Maiullo, David Rutgers University |
Session B07.00002 Physics for All: Using Physics Demonstrations to Both Excite and Educate the Public in Science and Science Policy Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 16 |
Margalit, Ben UC Berkeley |
Session G04.00003 Multi-messenger constraints on Neutron Stars Room: Sheraton Plaza F |
Margutti, Raffaella -- Northwestern |
Session L04.00003 Supernovae in the era of Time-Domain Astronomy Room: Sheraton Plaza F |
Marka, Zsuzsa Columbia University |
Session D05.00002 From instrumentation to astrophysics: a journey in collaborative science Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 14 |
Matthews, Jermey N.A. The MIT press |
Session R06.00004 The Ins and Outs of Book Publishing in the 21st Century Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 15 |
Matthews, Kirstin RW Rice University |
Session A01.00002 Trump in Context: History of Science Advice in the White House Room: Sheraton Plaza ABC |
McKay, Timothy Alexander University of Michigan |
Session T07.00003 Gendered performance in introductory STEM courses Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 16 |
McKinsey, Daniel University of California, Berkeley |
Session R03.00003 Technologies for Generation 3 Detectors Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
McLaughlin, Maura West Virginia University |
Session Q02.00002 The NANOGrav 12.5-year Dataset: Providing Insights into Galaxy Growth through Cosmic Time Room: Sheraton Plaza D |
Meinel, Stefan University of Arizona |
Session B06.00002 Theory of heavy-quark spectroscopy Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 15 |
Merminga, Lia Fermilab |
Session R02.00001 PIP-II: A DOE International Project for Powering Discoveries in High Energy Physics Room: Sheraton Plaza D |
Mertens, Susanne Max Planck Institute for Physics, Technical University Munich |
Session P01.00002 Neutrino Mass - Cosmology, direct measurements, neutrinoless double beta decay Room: Sheraton Plaza ABC |
Messer, Bronson Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session H05.00001 Nuclear Astrophysics approaching the Exascale: Multi-physics simulations of stellar explosions and their nucleosynthesis Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 14 |
Meyer, Bradley S Clemson University |
Session J04.00003 Nuclear Physics of Astrophysical Radionuclide Production Room: Sheraton Plaza F |
Miller, Gerald A University of Washington |
Session L05.00003 Bound Nucleon Structure in QCD and Quark Confinement Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 14 |
Milton, Kimball A University of Oklahoma |
Session B05.00002 A Remembrance of Julian Schwinger Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 14 |
Montag, Christoph Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session R02.00003 eRHIC Electron-Ion Collider Advances and Opportunities Room: Sheraton Plaza D |
Moore, Christopher Harvard University |
Session T03.00002 The Many Flavors of Mentoring Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
More, Surhud Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Kavli IPMU (WPI) |
Session X04.00002 Marshak Lectureship: Cosmological constraints from the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey first year data Room: Sheraton Plaza F |
Motter, Adilson E. Northwestern University |
Session Q07.00002 North American Power-Grid Network: Failures and Opportunities Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 16 |
Mueller, Holger University of California, Berkeley |
Session C05.00003 Measurement of the fine structure constant as test of the standard model Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 14 |
Nelson, Ann Elizabeth University of Washington |
Session G03.00002 Dark Matter and Baryogenesis from B mesons. Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
Nissanke, Samaya University of Amsterdam |
Session R05.00002 The astrophysics of compact object mergers with gravitational wave and electromagnetic emission Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 14 |
Nissen, Jayson Micheal California State University Chico |
Session H07.00001 Missing data and bias in physics education research: A case for using multiple imputation Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 16 |
Nomoto, Ken'ichi The University of Tokyo |
Session R04.00001 First Stars: Their Supernova Explosions and Connections to Extremely Iron-Poor Stars Room: Sheraton Plaza F |
O'Reagan, Douglas Independent |
Session D06.00003 Stealing Nazi Science: Allied Efforts to Acquire German Science and Technology during and after the Second World War Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 15 |
Orginos, Kostas College of William & Mary |
Session Q06.00002 Non-perturbative studies of Parton Distribution Functions Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 15 |
Orimoto, Toyoko Northeastern University |
Session Q05.00001 Higgs as a tool for new physics Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 14 |
Orzel, Chad R Union College |
Session D02.00001 Science Blogs and Talking Dogs: Reflections on 17 Years in Social Media Room: Sheraton Plaza D |
O. Silva, Hector Montana State University, Bozeman |
Session Y02.00003 Probing Extreme Gravity with NICER Room: Sheraton Plaza D |
Otero, Valerie K University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session Y07.00001 The Learning Assistant Model for Building Equitable Learning Environments Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 16 |
Palamos, Jordan University of Oregon |
Session Q09.00001 The search for gravitational waves associated with gamma ray bursts in LIGO's second observing run and beyond. Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 11 |
Paschalidis, Vasileios University of Arizona |
Session J02.00003 Lessons and future prospects from the interplay of multimessenger astronomy and computational gravity Room: Sheraton Plaza D |
Pastore, Saori Washington University in St Louis, Washington University in St Louis |
Session H05.00002 Nuclear Structure approaching the Exascale: large scale ab initio calculations Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 14 |
Perepelitsa, Dennis V University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session J15.00001 Developments in hard probes of heavy ion collisions Room: Sheraton Plaza Court 4 |
Petratos, Gerassimos G Kent State University |
Session J05.00001 First results from the MARATHON Jefferson Lab Tritium DIS Experiment Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 14 |
Piasetzky, Eli Tel Aviv University |
Session L05.00001 Bound Nucleon Structure in Neutron Rich Nuclei Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 14 |
Pocar, Andrea University of Massachusetts, Amherst |
Session D10.00001 Towards tonne-scale Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Experiments Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 12 |
Powers, Nathan David Brigham Young University |
Session G07.00001 Project-based learning in a BYU laboratory course Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 16 |
Puckett, Andrew James University of Connecticut |
Session G06.00001 Experimental Studies of Transverse Momentum Dependent Parton Distributions Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 15 |
Quaglioni, Sofia Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session Y05.00002 Ab initio calculations of few-body reactions Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 14 |
Quigg, Chris Fermilab |
Session J03.00002 In Leon’s company, it seemed that anything might be possible Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
Radice, David Princeton University, Institute for Advanced Study |
Session J02.00002 Numerical relativity simulations of neutron star mergers Room: Sheraton Plaza D |
Raithel, Carolyn University of Arizona |
Session G04.00001 Constraints on the Neutron Star Equation of State from GW170817 Room: Sheraton Plaza F |
Randall, Lisa Harvard University |
Session H03.00001 Thinking Outside the Hypercube Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
Ransom, Scott National Radio Astronomy Observatory, University of Virginia |
Session T02.00003 Recent and Future Tests of GR using Pulsar Systems Room: Sheraton Plaza D |
Rapp, Ralf F Texas A&M University |
Session L15.00001 Heavy-Flavor Probes of Hot QCD Matter Room: Sheraton Plaza Court 4 |
Ríos, Laura University of Colorado, Boulder, JILA-NIST |
Session G07.00003 Identifying teaching practices that foster project ownership in physics labs Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 16 |
Rocco, Noemi Argonne National Laboratory , Fermilab |
Session G05.00001 Ab-initio calculations of scattering reactions Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 14 |
Rodd, Nicholas University of California, Berkeley |
Session D03.00003 Evidence the 3.5 keV line is not from dark matter decay Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
Rogachev, Grigory V Texas A&M University |
Session Y05.00001 Clustering in Exotic Nuclei Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 14 |
Romalis, Michael V Princeton University |
Session D07.00002 New limits on long-range spin-dependent forces mediated by axion-like particles Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 16 |
Rong, Xing University of Science and Technology of China |
Session X07.00002 Searching for exotic spin-dependent interactions with a single electron-spin quantum sensor Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 16 |
Roos, Kelly R Bradley University, PICUP |
Session L06.00002 The PICUP Collection: A Unique Repository for Supporting the Integration of Computation into the Undergraduate Physics Curriculum Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 15 |
Rumble Jr., John R&R Data Services |
Session D04.00002 Where Would We Be Without Industrial Physics: The Impact of Industrial Physics on the Economy of the United States Room: Sheraton Plaza F |
Sabella, Mel S Chicago State University |
Session Y07.00003 Leveraging student expertise in the Learning Assistant (LA) Model: The importance of understanding diverse LA and Instructor Partnerships Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 16 |
Sambruna, Rita M NASA Headquarters |
Session D11.00001 The 2020 Astrophysics Decadal: NASA’s preparations Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 17 |
Sandick, Pearl |
Session J06.00003 TBD Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 15 |
Santander, Marcos University of Alabama |
Session P01.00003 Unveiling the high-energy neutrino sky Room: Sheraton Plaza ABC |
Scarlett, Carol Y. Florida A\&M University |
Session T03.00004 Multiple Mentors for Career Success Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
Schleier-Smith, Monika H Stanford University |
Session C03.00003 Atomic Quantum Engineering for Fundamental Physics Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
Schmidt, Axel MIT |
Session C15.00001 Recent developments in understanding short-range correlations Room: Sheraton Plaza Court 4 |
Schukraft, Anne Fermilab |
Session X03.00003 New measurements of neutrino-nucleus interactions in Ar Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
Schwartz, Alan Jay University of Cincinnati |
Session G03.00004 Physics Prospects for Belle II Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
Schwitters, Roy F University of Texas at Austin |
Session N03.00001 Burton Richter: His Vision, Preparation, and Experiments at SPEAR That Led to The November 1974 Revolution in Particle Physics, Charm, and More Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
Sekaquaptewa, Denise University of Michigan - Ann Arbor |
Session T07.00002 An introduction to social psychological research on stereotype threat: When and how STEM outcomes among minority students are diminished by stereotypes about their group Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 16 |
Seryi, Andrei A Jefferson Lab |
Session R02.00002 JLEIC Electron-Ion Collider Advances and Opportunities Room: Sheraton Plaza D |
Shiltsev, Vladimir D Fermilab |
Session Q05.00003 Higgs as a tool for new physics: current status and future facilities Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 14 |
Siddiqi, Irfan University of California, Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab |
Session C03.00001 Simulating Black Holes with Superconducting Quantum Processors Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
Silverstein, Eva Stanford University |
Session B02.00001 dS/dS and T\bar T Room: Sheraton Plaza D |
Smith, NIgel SNOLAB |
Session C06.00003 The role of national facilities in the international research ecosystem and development of highly qualified personnel: SNOLAB, a case study Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 15 |
Smith, Robert University of Alberta |
Session L07.00003 Why Do the Stars Keep Shining? A Long Journey to a Satisfactory Answer Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 16 |
Spector, Aaron D DESY (Hamburg) |
Session Y04.00003 ALPSII: Using Long Baseline Cavities to Probe the Hidden Sector Room: Sheraton Plaza F |
Spyrou, Artemis Michigan State University |
Session Q13.00001 FRIB and ReA instrumentation for Nuclear Astrophysics Room: Sheraton Plaza Court 2 |
Stetzer, MacKenzie R University of Maine |
Session R07.00002 Using reasoning chain construction tasks to explore the nature of student reasoning in physics Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 16 |
Stone, Sheldon L Syracuse University |
Session G03.00001 Panofsky Prize in Experimental Particle Physics, Studies of Beauty and Charm Decays Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
Strauch, Steffen University of South Carolina |
Session B06.00003 Nucleon-resonance studies with CLAS and CLAS12 Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 15 |
Strigari, Louis Texas A&M |
Session R03.00002 Neutrino science in multipurpose dark matter detectors Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
Strohmayer, Tod E NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Session Y02.00002 NICER Probes of Neutron Stars and Dense Matter Room: Sheraton Plaza D |
Sufian, Raza S Jefferson Lab |
Session Q06.00003 Hadron structure from current-current correlation functions in Lattice QCD Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 15 |
Sundrum, Raman University of Maryland |
Session H03.00002 From Higgs Compositeness to Higher Dimensions Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
Surman, Rebecca A University of Notre Dame |
Session B14.00001 Nuclear physics and the GW170817 kilonova Room: Sheraton Plaza Court 3 |
Szumila-Vance, Holly Jefferson Lab |
Session L05.00002 Preliminary results searching for the onset of color transparency in A(e,e'p) in Hall C at Jefferson Lab Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 14 |
Tajima, Toshiki University of California, Irvine |
Session D03.00001 Wilson Prize -- Wakefield Acceleration (WFA) in Laboratories and Beyond Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
Tattersall, Oliver James University of Oxford |
Session X02.00001 Signatures of modified gravity in black hole quasi-normal modes Room: Sheraton Plaza D |
Tigner, Maury Cornell University |
Session L03.00003 Hellen Thom Edwards at the SSC and Cornell Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
Tran, Nhan Fermilab |
Session H03.00003 Boosting searches for new physics at the LHC Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
Vahle, Patricia L. William & Mary |
Session Q03.00001 Recent Results from NOvA and T2K Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
Vogel, Julia K. LLNL |
Session Y04.00002 The International Axion Observatory (IAXO): The Next Generation of Axion Helioscopes Room: Sheraton Plaza F |
Walker-Loud, André P Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and the Dept. of Physics at UC Berkeley |
Session H05.00003 Lattice QCD for nuclear physics at the Exascale Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 14 |
Walsworth, Ronald L Harvard - Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics |
Session T06.00001 Quantum diamond sensors Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 15 |
Weatherall, James University of California, Irvine |
Session R06.00003 Science in the Public Sphere: Pitfalls and Possibilities Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 15 |
Weinstein, Lawrence B Old Dominion University |
Session X03.00002 Electron-scattering constraints for neutrino-nucleus interactions Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
Weisenberger, Andrew Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility |
Session H02.00002 Compact and Handheld Radioisotope Imaging Systems for Bio-medicine Room: Sheraton Plaza D |
Wellerstein, Alex Stevens Institute of Technology |
Session D06.00002 The legacy of nuclear secrecy in the United States Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 15 |
Whitcomb, Stanley E Caltech |
Session C02.00001 Making LIGO Possible: A Technical History Room: Sheraton Plaza D |
Wietfeldt, Fred E Tulane University |
Session Y03.00003 An Improved Measurement of the Neutron Decay Beta-Neutrino Correlation with the aCORN Experiment Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
Wilkes, Belinda J Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian |
Session C04.00001 Chandra's Impact on Astrophysics and Active Galaxy Research Room: Sheraton Plaza F |
Willmann, Lorenz VSI, University of Groningen, The Netherlands |
Session D07.00003 Limits on the permanent electric dipole moment of 129Xe Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 16 |
Witherell, Michael S Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session L03.00002 Helen Edwards and the Success of the Tevatron Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
Wolfe, Audra J Freelance Writer |
Session D06.00001 Scientific Internationalism, Scientific Intelligence, Or Both? Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 15 |
Xu, Siyao University of Wisconsin, Madison |
Session B04.00001 MHD turbulence: resolving astrophysical puzzles Room: Sheraton Plaza F |
Yagi, Kent University of Virginia |
Session T02.00002 Gravitational-wave Tests of General Relativity: Present and Future Room: Sheraton Plaza D |
Yue, Qian Tsinghua University |
Session C06.00001 Rare physics searches at the China Jinping Underground Laboratory Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 15 |
Yunes, Nicolas Montana State University |
Session J14.00001 What can LISA do for you (in theory)? Room: Sheraton Plaza Court 3 |
Zupan, Jure University of Cincinnati |
Session B03.00003 Introduction Room: Sheraton Plaza E |
Zylstra, Alex Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session Y05.00003 Studying few-body fusion reactions with laser-generated high-energy-density plasmas Room: Sheraton Governor's Square 14 |
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