Affolter, Matthew University of California, San Diego |
Session UI3.00003
First Test of Long-Range Collisional Drag via Plasma Wave Damping
Room: 103ABC |
Albert, Felicie Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session PI3.00002
Katherine E. Weimer Award: X-ray light sources from laser-plasma and laser-electron interaction: development and applications
Room: 103ABC |
Ali, Suzanne Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session BI2.00004
Probing the seeding of hydrodynamic instabilities from non-uniformities in ablator materials using 2D velocimetry
Room: 102ABC |
Ashourvan, Arash Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session JI3.00001
Validation of Kinetic-Turbulent-Neoclassical Theory for Edge Intrinsic Rotation in DIII-D Plasmas
Room: 103ABC |
Awe, Thomas Sandia National Laboratories |
Session GI3.00006
Direct observation of electrothermal instability structures on intensely Ohmically heated aluminum with current flowing in a surface skin layer
Room: 103ABC |
Bellan, Paul Caltech |
Session PT2.00001
Experiments and models of MHD jets and their relevance to astrophysics and solar physics
Room: 102ABC |
Betti, R. Laboratory for Laser Energetics, U. of Rochester |
Session TI2.00001
The One-Dimensional Cryogenic Implosion Campaign on OMEGA: Modeling, Experiments, and a Statistical Approach to Predict and Understand Direct-Drive Implosions*
Room: 102ABC |
Bock, Alexander Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Plasmaphysik |
Session TI3.00003
Advanced Tokamak Investigations in Full-Tungsten ASDEX Upgrade
Room: 103ABC |
Callahan, Debra LLNL |
Session BI2.00001
Exploring the limits of case-to-capsule ratio, pulse length, and picket energy for symmetric hohlraum drive on NIF
Room: 102ABC |
Casey, Daniel Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session GI3.00002
The high velocity, high adiabat, ``Bigfoot'' campaign and tests of indirect-drive implosion scaling
Room: 103ABC |
Chapman, Ian UKAEA |
Session PI3.00001
Thomas H. Stix Award for Outstanding Early Career Contributions to Plasma Physics Research: MHD Stability and control in tokamak plasmas
Room: 103ABC |
Chen, Bin USTC, China; LLNL |
Session YI2.00005
Progress towards modeling tokamak boundary plasma turbulence and understanding its role in setting divertor heat flux widths
Room: 102ABC |
Chen, Li-Jen NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, University of Maryland at College Park |
Session NI2.00006
Diffusion region in magnetopause reconnection observed by the MMS mission
Room: 102ABC |
Cianchi, Alessandro University of Rome Tor Vergata and INFN |
Session YI3.00003
Frontiers of Beam Diagnostics in Plasma Accelerators: Measuring the Ultra-fast and Ultra-cold
Room: 103ABC |
Comisso, Luca Princeton University |
Session UI3.00006
Plasmoid Instability in Forming Current Sheets
Room: 103ABC |
Dahlin, Joel NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Session NI2.00003
Electron heating and acceleration during magnetic reconnection
Room: 102ABC |
del-Castillo-Negrete, Diego Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session NI3.00004
Full-orbit and backward Monte Carlo simulation of runaway electrons
Room: 103ABC |
Diallo, Ahmed Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session DI2.00003
Energy Exchange Dynamics across L-H transitions in NSTX
Room: 102ABC |
Dorfman, Seth University of California, Los Angeles |
Session QI2.00004
First Satellite Measurement of the ULF Wave Growth Rate in the Ion Foreshock
Room: 102ABC |
DuBois, Ami University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session NI2.00004
Anisotropic Electron Tail Generation during Tearing Mode Magnetic Reconnection
Room: 102ABC |
Fan, Xiang Univ of California - San Diego |
Session DI2.00002
Cascades, "Blobby" Turbulence, and Target Pattern Formation in Elastic Systems: A New Take on Classic Themes in Plasma Turbulence
Room: 102ABC |
Feng, Yan Soochow University |
Session GI2.00006
Equation of state for two-dimensional dusty plasma liquids and its applications.
Room: 102ABC |
Flippo, Kirk Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session CI3.00001
Late-time mixing and turbulent behavior in high-energy-density shear experiments at high Atwood numbers
Room: 103ABC |
Fox, W. Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session NI2.00005
Experimental verification of the role of electron pressure in fast magnetic reconnection with a guide field
Room: 102ABC |
Fredrickson, Eric PPPL |
Session NI3.00005
Suppression of Alfv\'{e}nic modes through modification of the fast ion distribution
Room: 103ABC |
Freethy, Simon Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics |
Session BI3.00001
Experimental investigations of turbulent temperature fluctuations and phase angles in ASDEX Upgrade.
Room: 103ABC |
Fridstrom, Richard KTH Royal Institute of Technology |
Session JI3.00003
Measurements and modeling of viscosity in a stochastic magnetic field
Room: 103ABC |
Garcia, Jeronimo CEA |
Session BI3.00003
Non-linear isotope and fast ions effects: routes for low turbulence in DT plasmas
Room: 103ABC |
Gatu Johnson, M. MIT |
Session TI3.00005
Exploring nuclear reactions relevant to Stellar and Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis using High-Energy-Density plasmas at OMEGA and the NIF
Room: 103ABC |
Goerler, Tobias Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics |
Session BI3.00002
Recent gyrokinetic turbulence insights with GENE and direct comparison with experimental measurements
Room: 103ABC |
Goldston, Robert Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session PI3.00004
A New Scaling for Divertor Detachment
Room: 103ABC |
Guo, Houyang General Atomics |
Session YI2.00006
An innovative small angle slot divertor concept for long pulse advanced tokamaks
Room: 102ABC |
Hansen, Stephanie Sandia National Laboratories |
Session KI2.00001
Fluorescence and absorption spectroscopy for warm dense matter studies and ICF plasma diagnostics
Room: 102ABC |
Hare, Jack Imperial College London |
Session NI2.00001
Anomalous heating and plasmoid formation in pulsed power driven magnetic reconnection experiments
Room: 102ABC |
Hong, Rongjie Univ of California - San Diego |
Session JI3.00005
Coupling of Shear Flows in a Cylindrical Plasma Device
Room: 103ABC |
Howes, Gregory G. University of Iowa |
Session MR1.00001
Bringing Space Down to Earth: Exploring the Physics of Space Plasmas in the Laboratory
Room: Ballroom C |
Hu, S.X. Laboratory for Laser Energetics, U. of Rochester |
Session BI2.00003
High-Energy-Density--Physics Studies for Inertial Confinement Fusion Applications*
Room: 102ABC |
Hughes, Jerry MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center |
Session GI2.00001
Prediction and realization of ITER-like pedestal pressure in the high-$B$ tokamak Alcator C-Mod
Room: 102ABC |
Hunter, Eric Univ of California - Berkeley |
Session UI3.00001
Cavity-cooled electron plasmas
Room: 103ABC |
In, Yongkyoon Natl Fusion Res Inst |
Session GI2.00003
Tamed stability and transport using controlled non-axisymmetric fields in KSTAR
Room: 102ABC |
Jennings, Christopher Sandia National Laboratories |
Session GI3.00004
3D Stagnation instabilities in MagLIF loads on the Z Generator.
Room: 103ABC |
Johzaki, Tomoyuki Hiroshima Univ |
Session TI2.00003
Demonstration of Efficient Core Heating of Magnetized Fast Ignition in FIREX project
Room: 102ABC |
Keidar, Michael George Washington University |
Session GI2.00004
Adaptive plasma for cancer therapy: physics, mechanism and applications
Room: 102ABC |
Kirkwood, Robert Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session CI3.00005
A Plasma Based Beam Combiner for Very High Fluence and Energy
Room: 103ABC |
Kraus, Dominik Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf |
Session UI3.00004
Dense plasma chemistry of hydrocarbons at conditions relevant to planetary interiors and inertial confinement fusion
Room: 103ABC |
Kritcher, Andrea Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session BI2.00002
Comparison of plastic, high-density carbon, and beryllium as NIF ablators
Room: 102ABC |
Ku, Seung-Hoe Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session DI2.00004
Gyrokinetic simulation of fast L-H bifurcation dynamics in a realistic diverted tokamak edge geometry
Room: 102ABC |
Kube, Ralph UiT The Arctic University of Norway |
Session YI2.00003
Universality of intermittent fluctuations in the Alcator C-Mod scrape-off layer
Room: 102ABC |
Kunz, Matthew Princeton University |
Session QI2.00001
Magnetorotational Turbulence and Dynamo in a Collisionless Plasma
Room: 102ABC |
Lebschy, Alexander Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Plasmaphysik |
Session JI3.00002
Characterization of the core poloidal flow at ASDEX Upgrade
Room: 103ABC |
Luce, T.C. General Atomics |
Session VI2.00001
Experimental Challenges to Stiffness as a Transport Paradigm
Room: 102ABC |
Lyons, Brendan C. General Atomics, Oak Ridge Associated Universities |
Session TI3.00001
Predict-first experimental analysis using automated and integrated MHD modeling
Room: 103ABC |
MacLaren, Steve Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session BI2.00006
A near one-dimensional 2-shock indirectly driven implosion at convergence ratio \textasciitilde 30
Room: 102ABC |
MacPhee, Andrew Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session BI2.00005
Measurement and mitigation of X-ray shadow imprint of hydrodynamic instabilities on the surface of Inertial Confinement Fusion capsules due to the fill tube
Room: 102ABC |
Mallet, Alfred University of New Hampshire |
Session QI2.00002
Intermittency, Anisotropy and the onset of reconnection in strong Alfv\'enic turbulence
Room: 102ABC |
Marklund, Mattias Chalmers Univ of Tech |
Session CT2.00001
Classical and quantum approaches to extreme laser-plasma physics
Room: 102ABC |
Marozas, J.A. Laboratory for Laser Energetics, U. of Rochester |
Session TI2.00002
Wavelength Detuning Cross-Beam Energy Transfer Mitigation Scheme for Direct-Drive: Modeling and Evidence from National Ignition Facility Implosions
Room: 102ABC |
Martin, E.H. ORNL |
Session VI2.00004
Lower Hybrid Wave Electric Field Vector Measurements Using Non-Perturbative Dynamic Stark Effect Optical Spectroscopy on Alcator C-Mod
Room: 102ABC |
Mattingly, Sean University of Iowa |
Session JI3.00006
Velocity Space Degrees of Freedom of Plasma Fluctuations
Room: 103ABC |
May, Mark Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session CI3.00002
Development of High Fluence, High Conversion Efficiency X-Ray Sources at the National Ignition Facility
Room: 103ABC |
Mehrling, Timon Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY |
Session YI3.00004
Mechanisms for the mitigation of the hose instability in plasma-wakefield accelerators
Room: 103ABC |
Militello, Fulvio Culham Centre for Fusion Energy |
Session YI2.00004
Density profiles in the Scrape-Off Layer interpreted through filament dynamics
Room: 102ABC |
Mo, Mianzhen SLAC - Natl Accelerator Lab |
Session KI2.00004
Visualization of the ultrafast structural phase transitions in warm dense matter.
Room: 102ABC |
Nagayama, Taisuke Sandia National Laboratories |
Session CI3.00003
Systematic measurements of opacity dependence on temperature, density, and atomic number at stellar interior conditions
Room: 103ABC |
Olson, Joseph University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session NI2.00002
Experimental demonstration of collisionless plasmoids at the electron scale during high Lundquist number magnetic reconnection.
Room: 102ABC |
Pace, David C. General Atomics - San Diego |
Session NI3.00006
Manipulating Energetic Ion Velocity Space to Control Instabilities and Improve Tokamak Performance
Room: 103ABC |
Parker, Jeffrey Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session DI2.00001
Rethinking wave-kinetic theory applied to zonal flows
Room: 102ABC |
Parker, Scott Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder |
Session BI3.00005
Multiscale Full Kinetics as an Alternative to Gyrokinetics
Room: 103ABC |
Paz-Soldan, Carlos General Atomics |
Session NI3.00002
Spatio-Temporally Resolved Measurement of Runaway Electron Momentum Distributions during Controlled Dissipation
Room: 103ABC |
Pfefferle, David PPPL |
Session NI3.00001
The ins and outs of modelling vertical displacement events
Room: 103ABC |
Pickworth, Louisa Lawrence Livermore National Lab |
Session GI3.00003
Development of new platforms for hydrodynamic instability and asymmetry measurements in deceleration phase of indirectly-driven implosions on NIF
Room: 103ABC |
Poli, Francesca Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session UT2.00001
Integrated tokamak modeling: when physics informs engineering and research planning
Room: 102ABC |
Polsin, D.N. Laboratory for Laser Energetics, U. of Rochester |
Session KI2.00003
Observation of a New High-Pressure Solid Phase in Dynamically Compressed Aluminum
Room: 102ABC |
Reusch, Joshua University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session TI3.00004
Non-Inductively Driven Tokamak Plasmas at Near-Unity Toroidal Beta in the Pegasus Toroidal Experiment
Room: 103ABC |
Reux, Cedric CEA, IRFM, 13108, Saint-Paul-les-Durance, France |
Session NI3.00003
Physics of the interaction between runaway electrons and the background plasma of the current quench in tokamak disruptions
Room: 103ABC |
Rinderknecht, Hans Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session TI2.00006
Measurements of ion species separation in strong plasma shocks
Room: 102ABC |
Rozmus, Wojciech Univ of Alberta |
Session PI3.00006
Ion acoustic instability, turbulence, anomalous resistivity and enhanced laser light absorption in ICF plasmas
Room: 103ABC |
Ryutov, Livermore, CA 94550, USA, D. D. Retired |
Session SR1.00001
Maxwell Prize Talk: Scaling Laws for the Dynamical Plasma Phenomena
Room: Ballroom C |
Samuell, Cameron Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session YI2.00002
Imaging Main-Ion and Impurity Velocities for Understanding Impurity Transport in the Tokamak Boundary
Room: 102ABC |
Santos, Joao CELIA - Universite de Bordeaux |
Session CI3.00006
Laser-driven strong magnetostatic fields with applications to charged beam transport and magnetized high energy-density physics
Room: 103ABC |
Scherkl, Paul Univ of Strathclyde |
Session YI3.00005
Experimental realization of underdense plasma photocathode wakefield acceleration at FACET.
Room: 103ABC |
Shi, Yuan Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session CI3.00004
Laser-Plasma Interactions in Magnetized Environment
Room: 103ABC |
Shiraiwa, Syun'ichi PSFC, MIT |
Session VI2.00003
From core to coax: extending core RF modelling to include SOL, Antenna, and PFC
Room: 102ABC |
Shvarts, Dov Nuclear Research Center-Negev, Israel |
Session AR1.00001
In search of late time evolution self-similar scaling laws of Rayleigh-Taylor and Richtmyer-Meshkov hydrodynamic instabilities - recent theorical advance and NIF Discovery-Science experiments.
Room: Ballroom C |
Sio, H. MIT |
Session TI2.00004
Exploring the dynamics of kinetic/multi-ion effects and ion-electron equilibration rates in ICF plasmas at OMEGA
Room: 102ABC |
Snyder, Philip General Atomics |
Session FR1.00001
Physics of the Tokamak Pedestal, and Implications for Magnetic Fusion Energy
Room: Ballroom C |
Spears, Brian Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session JT2.00001
Contemporary machine learning: techniques for practitioners in the physical sciences
Room: 102ABC |
Spong, Donald A. Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session YI3.00006
First direct observation of runaway electron-driven whistler waves in tokamaks
Room: 103ABC |
Squire, Jonathan Caltech |
Session PI3.00003
Marshall N. Rosenbluth Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award: Magnetorotational turbulence and dynamo
Room: 103ABC |
Staebler, Gary General Atomics |
Session BI3.00004
Transport Barriers in Bootstrap Driven Tokamaks
Room: 103ABC |
Stoltzfus-Dueck, T. Princeton University |
Session JI3.00004
Parasitic momentum flux in the tokamak core
Room: 103ABC |
Stoneking, Matthew Lawrence University, Appleton, WI |
Session UI3.00002
Progress toward magnetic confinement of a positron-electron plasma: nearly 100\% positron injection efficiency into a dipole trap
Room: 103ABC |
Sun, Youwen Institute of plasma physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session YI2.00001
Dynamic ELM and divertor control using resonant toroidal multi-mode magnetic fields in DIII-D and EAST
Room: 102ABC |
Sung, Choongki University of California, Los Angeles |
Session BI3.00006
Physics of thermal transport and increased electron temperature turbulence in the edge pedestal of ELM-free, H-mode regimes on DIII-D
Room: 103ABC |
Taitano, William Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session TI2.00005
Understanding Yield Anomalies in ICF Implosions via Fully Kinetic Simulations
Room: 102ABC |
Thuecks, Derek Washington College |
Session VI2.00002
Drift waves in the turbulence of reversed field pinch plasmas
Room: 102ABC |
Told, Daniel Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Boltzmannstr. 2, D-85748 Garching, Germany |
Session QI2.00003
Kinetic Alfvén Wave Turbulence: New Insight from Gyrokinetics and beyond
Room: 102ABC |
Turco, Francesca Columbia University |
Session TI3.00002
Understanding the stability of the low torque ITER Baseline Scenario in DIII-D
Room: 103ABC |
van Tilborg, Jeroen Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session YI3.00002
Single-shot measurements of low emittance beams from laser-plasma accelerators comparing two triggered injection methods.
Room: 103ABC |
Vieira, Jorge GoLP/Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal |
Session YI3.00001
Particle acceleration and exotic light emission in structured plasma wakefields
Room: 103ABC |
Wagenaars, Erik York Plasma Institute, University of York, York, UK |
Session GI2.00005
Novel diagnostics for direct measurements of radical densities in atmospheric pressure plasma jets
Room: 102ABC |
Whyte, D. MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center |
Session XR1.00001
The Science and Technology Case for High-Field Fusion.
Room: Ballroom C |
Wilcox, Robert Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session GI2.00002
Toroidally asymmetric density profiles and turbulence induced by applied 3D fields in DIII-D
Room: 102ABC |
Witte, Bastian B. L. University of Rostock, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session KI2.00002
Warm Dense Matter Demonstrating Non-Drude Conductivity from Observations of Nonlinear Plasmon Damping
Room: 102ABC |
Yager-Elorriaga, David University of Michigan |
Session GI3.00005
Experiments on helical modes in magnetized thin foil-plasmas*
Room: 103ABC |
Yoon, Young Dae Caltech |
Session UI3.00005
A generalized two-fluid picture of non-driven collisionless reconnection and its relation to whistler waves
Room: 103ABC |
Zhang, Yue Univ. of New Mexico |
Session TI3.00006
Dynamics of Plasma Jets and Bubbles Launched into a Transverse Background Magnetic Field
Room: 103ABC |
Zhu, Ping University of Science and Technology of China, University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session PI3.00005
Effects of Density and Impurity on Edge Localized Modes in Tokamaks
Room: 103ABC |
Zylstra, Alex Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session GI3.00001
First liquid-layer implosion experiments at the NIF
Room: 103ABC |