59th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
Volume 62, Number 12
Monday–Friday, October 23–27, 2017;
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Session JI3: Rotation and Flows
2:00 PM–5:00 PM,
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Room: 103ABC
Chair: Alessandro Bortolon, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Abstract ID: BAPS.2017.DPP.JI3.3
Abstract: JI3.00003 : Measurements and modeling of viscosity in a stochastic magnetic field
3:00 PM–3:30 PM
Preview Abstract
Richard Fridstrom
(KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
Controlled perturbation of the momentum in MST RFP plasmas has allowed the
first comprehensive test of a theoretical model [Finn et al., Phys. Fluids B
(1992)], originally derived for the tokamak, for rotation damping in a
stochastic plasma. Both a resonant magnetic perturbation (RMP) and an
inserted biased probe were applied, separately, to a wide variety of
spontaneously rotating Ohmic plasmas with a 10-fold span in normalized
magnetic fluctuation amplitude, b/B. These control techniques provide
measurements of the perpendicular kinematic viscosity, which is found to
increase as (b/B)\textasciicircum 2 and which agrees well with predictions
from the model. The dominant magnetic fluctuations in MST are linearly
unstable m$=$1 tearing modes resonant at multiple locations in the core. The
islands associated with these modes commonly overlap, producing
stochasticity. The applied RMP also has m$=$1, causing deceleration of the
co-rotating core plasma and m$=$1 modes. The biased probe initially spins up
the core, but when bias is turned off, the core decelerates. The viscosity
is derived from the deceleration curves in both cases and reaches 50
m\textasciicircum 2/s, roughly 100 times the classical prediction in the
absence of stochasticity. Applying both techniques to the same plasma
conditions provides a valuable cross check. The theoretical model, targeting
the tokamak edge with an applied magnetic perturbation, is based on
stochastic field line diffusion, which increases as (b/B)\textasciicircum 2
[Rosenbluth et al., Nucl. Fusion (1966)]. Rotation damping in the Finn model
occurs as the local radial electric field is shorted out, and this damping
can be characterized by an effective perpendicular viscosity. The results
described here are relevant to any magnetically confined plasma, such as the
tokamak and RFP, where rotation is important, and magnetic stochasticity is
either intrinsic or externally imposed. Work supported by USDoE.
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