Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS April Meeting 2017
Volume 62, Number 1
Saturday–Tuesday, January 28–31, 2017; Washington, DC
Invited Speakers
Adams, Mark Retired |
Session J8.00002 Cosmic Rays - A Word-Wide Student Laboratory Room: Delaware B |
Adams, Wendy University of Northern Colorado |
Session R8.00003 Development and validation of a new survey: Perceptions of Teaching as a Profession (PTaP) Room: Delaware B |
Agullo, Ivan Louisiana State University |
Session S6.00001 Loop Quantum Cosmology and the CMB Room: Virginia C |
Alexander, Jim Cornell University |
Session K7.00002 Experimental Searches for Dark Sector Phenomena Room: Delaware A |
Amundson, James Fermilab |
Session H7.00001 Synergia: a new platform for beam dynamics with multiple bunch interactions Room: Delaware A |
Andrieux, Vincent University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session J16.00003 Drell-Yan measurement at COMPASS: a place to test the TMD PDFs universality Room: Washington 3 |
Apollinari, Giorgio FNAL |
Session R16.00001 HL-LHC and HE-LHC Upgrade Plans and Opportunities for US Participation Room: Washington 3 |
Artuso, Marina Syracuse University |
Session H10.00001 Lattice QCD and physics beyond the Standar Model: an experimentalist perspective Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Bacchetta, Alessandro University of Pavia and INFN Pavia |
Session J16.00001 The 3D structure of the nucleon in momentum space: status and perspectives Room: Washington 3 |
Barish, Barry Caltech |
Session U8.00002 The Path to Gravitational Wave Detection Room: Delaware B |
Batygin, Konstantin California Institute of Technology |
Session X15.00001 Planet 9 From Outer Space Room: Washington 2 |
Bauswein, Andreas Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies |
Session B15.00002 Dynamics of compact object mergers Room: Washington 2 |
Bautz, Marshall Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session H5.00001 High Energy Astrophysics and Cosmology from Space: NASA’s Physics of the Cosmos Program Room: Virginia B |
Baxter, Eric University of Pennsylvania |
Session S15.00002 Cross-Correlating DES and SPT Room: Washington 2 |
Bell-Burnell, Jocelyn University of Oxford |
Session U2.00001 An International Dimension – the Advancement of Women in Physics and Astrophysics in the UK Room: Maryland B |
Bender, Carl Washington University in St. Louis |
Session C15.00001 Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics: Applying mathematical techniques to solve important problems in quantum theory Room: Washington 2 |
BenZvi, Segev University of Rochester |
Session C10.00003 Indirect Searches for Dark Matter at the TeV Scale and Above Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Bertou, Xavier CNEA/CONICET |
Session Y7.00001 The ANDES Deep Underground Laboratory in South America: status and prospects Room: Delaware A |
Betancourt, Minerba Fermilab |
Session U16.00002 The MINERvA Experiment Room: Washington 3 |
Bianchi, Eugenio The Pennsylvania State University |
Session K14.00002 Entanglement and the architecture of spacetime Room: Washington 1 |
Bieri, Lydia University of Michigan |
Session C14.00001 Insights into the gravitational wave memory effect Room: Washington 1 |
Boright, John National Academy of Sciences |
Session X7.00003 How Academies use science to enhance global security and well-being. Room: Delaware A |
Bousso, Raphael University of California, Berkeley; Berkeley Center for Theoretical Physics |
Session W1.00003 Plenary Talk: Black Holes, Quantum Information, and Unification Room: Ballroom Salon 2/3 |
Brown, Kyle Michigan State Univ |
Session E16.00003 Proton-decaying, light nuclei accessed via the invariant-mass method Room: Washington 3 |
Budker, Dmitry Univ of California - Berkeley |
Session B8.00001 Searching for ultralight dark matter with atomic spectroscopy and magnetic resonance Room: Delaware B |
Cadonati, Laura Georgia Institute of Technology, LIGO-Virgo Collaboration |
Session W1.00001 Einstein's Gift: Stellar Mass Black Holes in the LIGO Era Room: Ballroom Salon 2/3 |
Capala, Jacek Radiation Research Program, Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis, NCI/NIH |
Session B16.00002 Particle Beam Therapy In The U.S. Room: Washington 3 |
Carlson, Joseph A. Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session X16.00003 Feshbach Prize: New Phenomena and New Physics from Strongly-Correlated Quantum Matter Room: Washington 3 |
Chodash, Perry Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session R13.00001 Nuclear Excitation by Electronic Transition of U-235 Room: Roosevelt 5 |
Christian, Wolfgang Davidson College |
Session E8.00001 The Impact and Promise of Open-Source Computational Material for Physics Teaching Room: Delaware B |
Constantinou, Martha Temple University |
Session S8.00001 Advances in hadronic structure from Lattice QCD Room: Delaware B |
Corden, Pierce S. Visiting Scholar, AAAS |
Session C7.00001 Nuclear Weapon Testing Limitations and International Security Room: Delaware A |
Coster-Mullen, John none |
Session R7.00003 Deconstructing The Bomb: Confessions of a Nuclear Archeologist Room: Delaware A |
Crede, Volker Florida State University, Department of Physics, Tallahassee, FL 32306 |
Session Y16.00001 Recent Progress in Understanding the Baryon Resonance Spectrum Room: Washington 3 |
Crowley, Kevin National Academy of Sciences |
Session E14.00001 Production of Mo-99 without highly enriched uranium Room: Washington 1 |
D'Andrea, Chris U. Penn |
Session U15.00002 New results from SN Surveys Room: Washington 2 |
Davenport, Kelsey Arms Control Association |
Session M7.00002 The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty in Context Room: Delaware A |
Dawson, Sally Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session S10.00002 Sakurai Prize: The Future of Higgs Physics Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Delgado, Carlos Arguellas MIT |
Session E15.00004 New Physics with Atmospheric and Astrophysical Neutrinos Room: Washington 2 |
Del Pozzo, Walter University of Pisa |
Session J6.00001 Tests of general relativity from gravitational wave observations of binary black holes Room: Virginia C |
de Mink, Selma Amsterdam |
Session S14.00001 Beller Lectureship: Classical binary star evolution leading to a binary black hole Room: Washington 1 |
Derevianko, Andrei University of Nevada, Reno |
Session B8.00003 Global Positioning System as a dark matter detector Room: Delaware B |
Derwent, Paul Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session M10.00001 PIP-III and future opportunities in the US Neutrino Programs Room: Roosevelt 2 |
DeTar, Carleton Univ of Utah |
Session H10.00003 Lattice QCD calculations of weak matrix elements Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Dilling, Jens TRIUMF and University of British Columbia |
Session X16.00001 Pipken Award: Nuclear physics mysteries revealed by precision ion trap measurements Room: Washington 3 |
Donnelly, William University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session K14.00001 Implications of diffeomorphism invariance for observables in gravity Room: Washington 1 |
Duez, Matthew Washington State University |
Session U14.00002 The exotic remnants of compact object binary mergers Room: Washington 1 |
Dvorkin, Cora Harvard University |
Session Q1.00002 New Frontiers in Cosmology Room: Ballroom Salon 2/3 |
Dwyer, Dan LBNL |
Session J10.00002 3-flavor oscillations with current and future reactor experiments Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Elvang, Henriette University of Michigan |
Session S10.00001 Maria Goeppert Mayer Award: An Effective Field Theory Approach to Soft Photon and Graviton Theorems Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Eremeev, Grigory Jefferson Lab |
Session E14.00003 Nb$_{\mathrm{3}}$Sn SRF Cavities for Nuclear Physics Applications Room: Washington 1 |
Etkina, Eugenia Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey |
Session R8.00002 Conceptual Model of Physics Teacher Preparation: Developing Habits of Mind and Practice through Apprenticeship in a Community Room: Delaware B |
Fazio, Salvatore Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session J16.00002 Transverse single-spin asymmetries of weak bosons and Drell-Yan production at STAR Room: Washington 3 |
Ferraro, Simone University of California, Berkeley |
Session S15.00003 The Kinetic Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect Room: Washington 2 |
Ford, Eric Penn State, Dept. Astronomy & Astrophysics, Institute for CyberScience, Center for Exoplanet & Habitable Worlds, Center for Astrostatistics |
Session X15.00003 Strongly Interacting Planetary Systems Room: Washington 2 |
Fornal, Bartosz University of California, San Diego |
Session C16.00002 Is there a sign of new physics in beryllium transitions? Room: Washington 3 |
Fossez, Kevin Michigan State Univ |
Session E16.00001 Single-particle and collective motion in nuclear open quantum systems Room: Washington 3 |
Foster, Bill U.S House of Representatives |
Session A1.00003 TBD Room: Ballroom Salon 2/3 |
Frazier, Njema National Nuclear Security Administration, U.S. Department of Energy, Washington DC |
Session U2.00002 Overcoming Stereotypes to Advance Women in Physics Room: Maryland B |
Fulsom, Bryan Pacific Northwest Natl Lab |
Session K10.00001 Exotic Hadrons from B Factories Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Gates, Sylvester University of Maryland |
Session Q1.00003 The 1,358,954,496 Matrix Elements to Get From SUSY Diff EQ's to Pictures, Codes, Card Games, Music, Computers, and Back Again Room: Ballroom Salon 2/3 |
Giaime, Joseph Louisiana State Univ. and LIGO Livingston (Caltech) |
Session R14.00001 Ground-based gravitational-wave observatories Room: Washington 1 |
Gori, Stefania U. of Cincinnati |
Session U10.00003 Theory - LHC Phenomenology Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Gourlay, Stephen Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab |
Session R16.00003 Superconducting Magnet Technology for Future High Energy Proton Colliders Room: Washington 3 |
Graham, Peter Stanford University |
Session H15.00001 Precision measurement for particle physics and cosmology Room: Washington 2 |
Gralla, Samuel University of Arizona |
Session C14.00002 Growth of Perturbations near a Rapidly Spinning Black Hole Room: Washington 1 |
Gunion, John University of California at Davis |
Session S10.00004 Sakurai Prize: Extended Higgs Sectors — phenomenology and future prospects Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Haber, Howard University of California, Santa Cruz |
Session S10.00003 Sakurai Prize: Beyond the Standard Model Higgs Boson Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Hammonds, Evelynn |
Session B7.00002 The epistemological effect of excluding African-Americans from physics Room: Delaware A |
Hance, Michael UC Santa Cruz |
Session U10.00002 BSM Searches at the LHC Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Harris, Duchess Macalester College |
Session B7.00003 Hidden Human Computers: The Black Women of NASA Room: Delaware A |
Hartouni, Edward Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session K16.00002 The Quest for Fusion at the National Ignition Facility Room: Washington 3 |
Hayes, Anna Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session U16.00001 Neutrino Scattering from 12C Room: Washington 3 |
Henderson, Stuart D. Argonne National Laboratory |
Session M10.00003 High power proton beams: limits and future Room: Roosevelt 2 |
HO, Shirley Lawrence Berkeley National Lab/ UC Berkeley |
Session U15.00001 Joining Forces against the Dark Universe: New Results from Spectroscopic Surveys Room: Washington 2 |
Holt Jr., Rush APS |
Session A1.00002 TBD Room: Ballroom Salon 2/3 |
Horiuchi, Shunsaku Virginia Tech |
Session C10.00002 The Status of Sterile Neutrino Dark Matter Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Huber, Patrick Virginia Tech |
Session R10.00003 Sterile neutrinos: fact or fiction? Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Irving, Paul Michigan State Univ |
Session K8.00001 Collaborative Assessment Tool (CAT) -- Assessing scientific practices in introductory physics Room: Delaware B |
Isaacson, Richard NSF Retired |
Session U8.00003 Enabling the Discovery of Gravitational Radiation Room: Delaware B |
Isenberg, James University of Oregon |
Session C14.00003 Strong Cosmic Censorship Room: Washington 1 |
Ito, Tiffany University of Colorado Boulder |
Session M8.00003 Fitting in to Move Forward: How Belonging Affects Women in Physics Room: Delaware B |
Ivie, Rachel American Institute of Physics |
Session X14.00002 Women's and men's career choices in astronomy and astrophysics. Room: Washington 1 |
Jacak, Barbara UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session Q1.00001 Quark Gluon Plasma: Surprises from strongly coupled QCD matter Room: Ballroom Salon 2/3 |
Jenni, Peter CERN and Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Germany |
Session E10.00002 W.K.H. Panofsky Prize: The Long Journey to the Higgs Boson: ATLAS Room: Roosevelt 2 |
John, Kevin Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session B16.00001 Targeted Alpha Therapy: The US DOE Tri-Lab (ORNL, BNL, LANL) Research Effort to Provide Accelerator-Produced $^{\mathrm{\mathbf{225}}}$\textbf{Ac for Radiotherapy} Room: Washington 3 |
Jones, Michelle L'Archeveque U.S. Agency for International Development |
Session S7.00003 S&T in Development: Ending Extreme Poverty Room: Delaware A |
Jones, William Vernon NASA Headquarters |
Session K4.00001 Evolution of NASA Scientific Ballooning and Particle Astrophysics Research Room: Virginia A |
Joo, Balint Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility |
Session S8.00002 Lattice QCD Calculations in Nuclear Physics towards the Exascale Room: Delaware B |
Kane, Gordon University of Michigan |
Session S10.00005 Sakurai Prize: Why the Higgs Boson data implies an M-theory world Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Kaplan, David Johns Hopkins University |
Session J14.00001 TBD Room: Washington 1 |
Kearns, Ed Boston University |
Session J10.00003 3-flavor oscillations with current and future atmospheric experiments Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Kelly, Angela Stony Brook University |
Session M8.00001 A Sociocognitive Perspective of Women's Participation in Physics: Improving Accessibility throughout the Pipeline Room: Delaware B |
Kelly, Cynthia Atomic Heritage Foundation |
Session R7.00002 Welcome to the Manhattan Project National Historical Park! Room: Delaware A |
Kevles, Daniel Yale University Emeritus |
Session M7.00001 Legacies of the Manhattan Project Room: Delaware A |
Kim, Yeongduk Institute for Basic Science |
Session Y7.00002 The Underground Laboratory in South Korea : facilities and experiments Room: Delaware A |
Kirshner, Robert Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and Harvard-Smithsonian CFA |
Session K15.00001 Supernova 1987A: The Supernova of a Lifetime Room: Washington 2 |
Kislyak, Sergei Embassy of the Russian Federation |
Session X7.00001 Science and Technology Cooperation as an Effective Bridge for Strengthening Relations Between Russia and the US Room: Delaware A |
Kiuchi, Kenta Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University |
Session U14.00003 Simulations of binary neutron star mergers Room: Washington 1 |
Koseki, Tadashi J-PARC center, KEK and JAEA |
Session M10.00002 Accelerator-based neutrino program in Japan Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Kovetz, Ely Johns Hopkins University |
Session U5.00001 The LIGO Discovery and Primordial Black Hole Dark Matter Room: Virginia B |
Langford, Thomas Yale University |
Session R10.00002 The search for sterile neutrinos at reactors and underground laboratories Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Lattimer, James Stony Brook University |
Session M16.00001 The Nuclear Symmetry Energy and the Mass-Radius Relation of Neutron Stars Room: Washington 3 |
Ledoux, Robert Passport Systems |
Session H16.00002 Nuclear Detection for Homeland Security Room: Washington 3 |
Lehner, Christoph Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session H10.00002 First-principles calculation of hadronic contributions to the muon anomalous magnetic moment Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Linden, Tim The Ohio State University |
Session R5.00001 The GeV Excess in the Galactic Center Room: Virginia B |
Lonardoni, Diego NSCL-MSU and LANL |
Session M16.00003 Strangeness in nuclei and neutron stars Room: Washington 3 |
Lopez, Laura Ohio State University |
Session K15.00002 X-ray studies of Remnants of Core-Collapse Supernovae Room: Washington 2 |
Lovato, Alessandro |
Session U16.00003 Neutrino-nucleus interaction: an ab-initio perspective Room: Washington 3 |
Lovelace, Geoffrey California State University, Fullerton |
Session U14.00001 Simulations of binary black hole mergers Room: Washington 1 |
Lubell, Michael The City College of CUNY |
Session J7.00003 Physics in Populist Cultures: The Hard Lessons We Need To Learn Room: Delaware A |
Ma, Chung-Pei UC Berkeley |
Session W1.00002 The Most Massive Black Holes in the Local Universe Room: Ballroom Salon 2/3 |
MacDonald, Brandi Lee University of Missouri Research Reactor Center |
Session B16.00003 The Application of Neutron and X-Ray Techniques to Analyze Works of Art: Examples from The Unvarnished Truth Project Room: Washington 3 |
Machleidt, Ruprecht University of Idaho |
Session R15.00001 Historical perspective and future prospects for nuclear interactions Room: Washington 2 |
MacLeod, Morgan Institute for Advanced Study |
Session E15.00003 Social Stars: Modeling the Interactive Lives of Stars in Dense Clusters Room: Washington 2 |
Mahn, Kendall Michigan State University |
Session S16.00002 Progress and Challenges of Neutrino-Nuclear Cross Sections in the GeV Regime Room: Washington 3 |
Martel, Philippe Johannes Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz |
Session U12.00001 Polarized Compton Scattering Experiments at the Mainz Microtron Room: Roosevelt 4 |
Martin, Joseph Consortium for History of Science, Technology, and Medicine |
Session B10.00001 Before New Big Science: Alfred O. C. Nier and the Resurrection of Mass Spectrometry Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Massey, Charles D. International Atomic Energy Agency |
Session S7.00001 Physics and Its Multiple Roles in the International Atomic Energy Agency Room: Delaware A |
Matis, Howard Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab |
Session C8.00001 Contemporary Physics Education Project (CPEP) -- an organization dedicated to presenting the latest physics discoveries in an understandable and colorful style. Room: Delaware B |
Mattoni, Carlo QVT Financial LP |
Session H16.00003 Nuclear Physicists in Finance Room: Washington 3 |
Mazza, Anne-Marie The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine |
Session S7.00002 Science Policy: A World of Opportunities Room: Delaware A |
McCutchan, Elizabeth Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session E16.00002 Precision lifetime measurements in light exotic nuclei Room: Washington 3 |
McCutchan, Elizabeth Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session J8.00001 Overview of Nuclear Physics Data: Databases, Web Applications and Teaching Tools Room: Delaware B |
McKinsey, Daniel Univ of California - Berkeley |
Session B13.00001 Detecting Neutrons, Neutrinos and Dark Matter Room: Roosevelt 5 |
Meltzer, David E. Arizona State Univ |
Session R8.00001 Historical Survey of Research in Physics Teacher Preparation Room: Delaware B |
Mereghetti, Emanuele Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session C16.00001 Electric dipole moments of light nuclei Room: Washington 3 |
Meyers, Patrick Univ of Minnesota - Twin Cities |
Session H14.00003 Searching for the stochastic gravitational-wave background in Advanced LIGO's first observing run Room: Washington 1 |
Mezzacappa, Anthony Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Tennessee, Knoxville |
Session M14.00003 Modeling Core Collapse Supernovae Room: Washington 1 |
Michaels, Robert Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility |
Session M16.00002 Measurements of neutron skin in calcium and lead Room: Washington 3 |
Morrissey, David Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, Michigan State Univ. |
Session E14.00002 Isotope Harvesting Opportunities at FRIB Room: Washington 1 |
Mösta, Philipp University of California at Berkeley |
Session M14.00001 (Extreme) Core-collapse Supernova Simulations Room: Washington 1 |
Mostafa, Miguel Pennsylvania State Univ |
Session E4.00001 Results and prospects in multi-messenger particle astrophysics Room: Virginia A |
Mtingwa, Sekazi K. Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session E10.00005 Robert R. Wilson Prize III: Applications of Intrabeam Scattering Formulae to a Myriad of Accelerator Systems Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Mueller, Bernhard Queen's University Belfast/Monash University |
Session M14.00002 Core-collapse supernova simulations Room: Washington 1 |
Mueller, Guido Univ of Florida - Gainesville |
Session R14.00003 The path to a gravitational-wave detector in space Room: Washington 1 |
Murray, Cherry DOE Office of Science |
Session A1.00001 TBD Room: Ballroom Salon 2/3 |
Murray-Clay, Ruth University of California, Santa Cruz |
Session X15.00002 Multi-Planet Dynamics as a Tracer of Planet Formation Room: Washington 2 |
Navarro Perez, Rodrigo Nuclear and Chemical Sciences Division, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session R15.00002 (Im)precise nuclear forces: From experiment to model Room: Washington 2 |
Neill, Duff LANL |
Session K13.00001 Beyond Collinear Factorization Room: Roosevelt 5 |
Nord, Brian Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session U15.00003 Our warped universe: the power of gravitational lensing for probing the cosmos Room: Washington 2 |
Orford, Rodney McGill University |
Session U13.00001 Mass Measurements with the Canadian Penning Trap at CARIBU Room: Roosevelt 5 |
Pascalutsa, Vladimir University of Mainz |
Session E13.00001 Chiral effective-field theory of the nucleon spin structure Room: Roosevelt 5 |
Patej, Anna University of Arizona |
Session E15.00001 Distributions of Gas and Galaxies from Galaxy Clusters to Larger Scales Room: Washington 2 |
Patrignani, Claudia Universita' di Bologna and INFN Bologna |
Session K10.00002 Exotic Hadrons at the LHC Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Perdrisat, Charles F Perdrisat |
Session X16.00002 Bonner Prize: The Elastic Form Factors of the Nucleon Room: Washington 3 |
Piarulli, Maria Argonne National Laboratory |
Session R15.00003 Local chiral potentials with $\Delta$-intermediate states and the structure of light nuclei Room: Washington 2 |
Piwinski, Anton Retired |
Session E10.00003 Robert R. Wilson Prize I : Intrabeam Scattering and Touschek Effect Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Prescod-Weinstein, Chanda MIT |
Session B7.00001 German scientists and complicity in Nazi Germany Room: Delaware A |
Principato, Cristiana University of Virginia |
Session Y9.00001 Searching for Dark Matter using the NOvA upward-going muon trigger Room: Roosevelt 1 |
Qiang, Ji Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session H7.00002 High Resolution Beam Modeling and Optimization with IMPACT Room: Delaware A |
Ramirez-Ruiz, Enrico University of California, Santa Cruz |
Session J15.00002 Edward A. Bouchet Award: Heavy element synthesis in the Universe Room: Washington 2 |
Read, Jocelyn California State University, Fullerton |
Session H14.00002 Searches for all types of binary mergers in the first Advanced LIGO observing run. Room: Washington 1 |
Reed, Cameron Alma College |
Session R7.00001 The Manhattan Project: An Overview Room: Delaware A |
Rees, Martin Cambridge University |
Session J15.00001 Lilienfeld Prize Talk: How do massive black holes grow? Room: Washington 2 |
Rees, Martin University of Cambridge |
Session F2.00001 From Mars to the Multiverse Room: Salon Ballroom 2/3 |
Riegle-Crumb, Catherine University of Texas at Austin |
Session M8.00002 Communities, Classrooms, and Peers: Examining How Local Contexts Shape Female Students' STEM Intentions Room: Delaware B |
Roberts, Luke Michigan State University |
Session B15.00003 Radioactive powered transients from compact object mergers Room: Washington 2 |
Robinson, Ann University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session B10.00003 An Attempt to Solve the Controversies Over Elements 104 and 105: A Meeting in Russia, 23 September 1975 Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Rodriguez, Carl MIT |
Session S14.00003 Binary Black Holes from Dense Star Clusters Room: Washington 1 |
Romalis, Michael Princeton University |
Session H15.00002 Magnetometer Searches for Ultra Low Mass Fields Room: Washington 2 |
Romanenko, Alex FNAL |
Session K7.00003 Advances in SCRF technology for high power electron beams Room: Delaware A |
Roos, Kelly Bradley University |
Session E8.00002 The Partnership for Integration of Computation into Undergraduate Physics (PICUP): A Community-Building Prototype for Positively Affecting the Undergraduate Physics Curriculum Room: Delaware B |
Rosa, Katemari Federal University of Campina Grande |
Session X14.00003 Educational pathways of Black women physicists: Stories of experiencing and overcoming obstacles in life. Room: Washington 1 |
Ruiz, Neil George Washington University |
Session U7.00001 Where do Foreign Student STEM graduates work after they graduate? Room: Delaware A |
Sampson, Laura Northwestern University |
Session R14.00002 Pulsar timing arrays: closing in on low- frequency gravitational waves. Room: Washington 1 |
Sayre, Eleanor Kansas State Univ |
Session E8.00003 Research-based resources on PhysPort Room: Delaware B |
Schaan, Emmanuel Princeton University |
Session S15.00001 Understanding the large-scale structure from the cosmic microwave background: shear calibration with CMB lensing; gas physics from the kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect. Room: Washington 2 |
Schindler, Matthias University of South Carolina |
Session C16.00003 Parity violation in few-nucleon systems Room: Washington 3 |
Scholberg, Kate Duke University |
Session S16.00003 Neutrino Cross Sections at Supernova Energies Room: Washington 3 |
Schuster, Philip SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session K7.00001 Theory and Motivations of Dark Sector Dark Matter and Forces Room: Delaware A |
Seaton, Daniel Harvard University |
Session K8.00002 Big Data Meets Physics Education Research: From MOOCs to University-Led High School Programs Room: Delaware B |
Seestrom, Susan Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session K16.00001 Accelerator Based Tools of Stockpile Stewardship Room: Washington 3 |
Semertzidis, Yannis KAIST/IBS |
Session B8.00002 The axion dark matter search at CAPP: a comprehensive approach. Room: Delaware B |
Sessoms, Allen Georgetown University |
Session J7.00002 Physics and Diplomacy: A True Story Room: Delaware A |
Shaffer, Peter S. Dept., of Physics, University of Washington |
Session C8.00003 30 years of Physics Education Research at the University of Washington Room: Delaware B |
Shapiro, Stuart Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session J15.00003 Hans A. Bethe Prize: Cosmic Collisions Online -- Compact Binary Mergers, Gravitational Waves and Gamma-Ray Bursts Room: Washington 2 |
Skwarnicki, Tomasz Syracuse University |
Session Y16.00003 Exotic heavy-quark spectroscopy. Room: Washington 3 |
Slatyer, Tracy |
Session C15.00002 Exploring the Dark Sector with the Multiwavelength Sky Room: Washington 2 |
Smith, Jeremy QuarkNet |
Session J8.00003 Using Data from the Large Hadron Collider in the Classroom Room: Delaware B |
Smith, Robert University of Alberta |
Session B10.00002 Across the Divide: From the One Galaxy Universe to the Expanding Universe Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Soares-Santos, Marcelle Fermilab |
Session M3.00001 Searches for electromagnetic signatures of gravitational wave sources Room: Maryland C |
Somers, Garrett Vanderbilt Univ |
Session E15.00002 Exploring non-standard stellar physics with lithium depletion Room: Washington 2 |
Stassun, Keivan Vanderbilt University |
Session U2.00003 Advancing Minorities and Women to the PhD in Physics and Astronomy Room: Maryland B |
Steinbrecher, Patrick Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session S8.00003 Lattice QCD at finite temperature and density from Taylor expansion Room: Delaware B |
Stevens, Justin College of William and Mary |
Session Y16.00002 Light quark meson spectroscopy: First results from GlueX Room: Washington 3 |
Stoiber, Carlton U.S. Department of State (Retired) |
Session M7.00003 The History of Atoms for Peace Room: Delaware A |
Stone, Nicholas Columbia University |
Session S14.00002 Dynamical Formation and Merger of Binary Black Holes Room: Washington 1 |
Strigari, Louis Texas A&M University |
Session S16.00001 Neutrino Cross Sections at Solar Energies Room: Washington 3 |
Surman, Rebecca University of Notre Dame |
Session B15.00001 Nucleosynthesis and neutrino physics in compact object mergers Room: Washington 2 |
Terrano, William Technical University of Munich |
Session H15.00003 Torsion-balance experiments and ultra-low-mass fields Room: Washington 2 |
Thaler, Jesse MIT |
Session J13.00001 New Frontiers in Dark Matter Detection Room: Roosevelt 5 |
Timbie, James Retired |
Session J7.00001 Leo Szilard Lectureship Award: Science Matters -- Technical Dimensions of Arms Control and Non-Proliferation Agreements Room: Delaware A |
Toups, Matthew Fermilab |
Session R10.00001 Sterile Neutrino Experiments I: Accelerator-based Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Traxler, Adrienne Wright State University |
Session X14.00001 Enriching gender in physics education research: A binary past and a complex future Room: Washington 1 |
Trimble, Virginia University of California, Irvine |
Session U8.00001 WIRED BY WEBER: The Story of the First Searcher and Searches for Gravitational Waves Room: Delaware B |
Turekian, Vaughan Science and Technology Advisor to the Secretary of State, U.S. Dept of State |
Session X7.00002 From Science, Engineering and Innovation to Sustainable Development: The Path Forward Room: Delaware A |
Turok, Neil Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Session U7.00003 Wheatley Award 2017 Winner: How Physics Can Help Africa Transform, from a Problem to an Opportunity Room: Delaware A |
Vay, Jean-Luc Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session H7.00003 WARP-X: a new exascale computing platform for Beam-Plasma Simulations Room: Delaware A |
Venkatesan, Thirumalai National University of Singapore |
Session U7.00002 Bridging the Divide- Adventures of an academic entrepreneur Room: Delaware A |
Vilakazi, Zeblon University of Witwatersrand, South Africa |
Session Y7.00003 The Case for an Underground Neutrino Facility in South Africa Room: Delaware A |
Virdee, Tejinder Imperial College London |
Session E10.00001 W.K.H. Panofsky Prize: The Long Journey to the Higgs Boson: CMS Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Wald, Robert University of Chicago |
Session H14.00001 Black Holes, Thermodynamics, and Quantum Theory Room: Washington 1 |
Wang, Mei-Yu Texas A&M University |
Session C10.00001 Dark Matter Searches in Milky Way Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies Room: Roosevelt 2 |
White, Susan American Institute of Physics |
Session H16.00001 Mid-Career PhD Physicists: Academia {\&} Beyond Room: Washington 3 |
Whitehead, Lisa Univ of Houston |
Session J10.00001 Intense and exciting: current and future accelerator-based measurements of neutrino oscillation Room: Roosevelt 2 |
(with all speakers), Panel Discussion Multiple Institutions |
Session M8.00004 Panel Discussion: How communities can better support women in physics Room: Delaware B |
Wittmann, Michael Univ of Maine |
Session C8.00002 What do we mean by knowledge when teaching physics? Room: Delaware B |
Wolf, Rachel University of Pennsylvania |
Session J14.00002 Lessons for the Scientist-Communicator: Education \& Public Outreach in The Dark Energy Survey Room: Washington 1 |
Xie, Si California Institute of Technology |
Session U10.00001 Higgs and Standard Model Physics at the LHC Room: Roosevelt 2 |
Zegers, Remco FRIB/NSCL, Michigan State University |
Session H13.00001 A High Rigidity Spectrometer for the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams. Room: Roosevelt 5 |
Zerbo, Lassina Dr Mr |
Session C7.00003 The CTBT's International Monitoring System and On-Site Inspection Capabilities: a Status Report Room: Delaware A |
Ziemer, John JPL |
Session K5.00001 Gravitational Wave Science Interest Group Room: Virginia B |
Zimmermann, Frank CERN |
Session R16.00002 Progress towards next generation hadron colliders: FCC-hh, HE-LHC, and SPPC. Room: Washington 3 |
Zucca, Jay Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session C7.00002 Nuclear Weapon Testing Limitations and Monitoring Low Level Radioactivity Room: Delaware A |
Zwickl, Benjamin Rochester Institute of Technology |
Session K8.00003 Applied Physics Education: PER focused on Physics-Intensive Careers Room: Delaware B |
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