Bulletin of the American Physical Society
66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
Monday–Friday, October 7–11, 2024; Atlanta, Georgia
Session Index
Session PI02: Invited: DEIA II and Inertial Confinement Fusion III
Chair: Owen Mannion, Sandia National LaboratoriesRoom: Hyatt Regency Centennial III
Session PT03: Active Learning Tutorial: Nonlinear Alfvenic Physics
Chair: James Juno, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL)Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 2:00PM - 3:00PM |
PT03.00001: Active Learning Tutorial: Nonlinear Alfvénic Physics Invited Speaker: Seth Dorfman |
Session PM10: Mini-Conference: Multi-Petawatt Physics I
Chair: Karl Krushelnick, University of MichiganRoom: Hyatt Regency International North
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 2:00PM - 2:10PM |
PM10.00001: Opening Remarks | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 2:10PM - 2:40PM |
PM10.00002: Offering high-performance Laser Science at the Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) Daniele Margarone | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 2:40PM - 3:10PM |
PM10.00003: Abstract Withdrawn | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 3:10PM - 3:40PM |
PM10.00004: NSF OPAL Midscale Research Infrastructure (RI-1) Design and Prototyping Project Jonathan Zuegel, Antonino Di Piazza, Franklin J Dollar, Ani Aprahamian, Eva D Zurek, Elizabeth Hill, Jonathan Zuegel | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 3:40PM - 4:10PM |
PM10.00005: Progress Report on the Commissioning of the ZEUS Facility Anatoly M Maksimchuk, John Nees, Bixue Hou, Richard Anthony, Franko Bayer, Milos Burger, Paul T Campbell, Galina Kalinchenko, Sallee Rae Klein, Yong Ma, Gregg Sucha, Richard Van Camp, Lauren Weinberg, Grant Young, Qing Zhang, Junwoo Bae, Jason A Cardarelli, Veronica Contreras, Nicholas P Ernst, Joshua L Latham, William Likes, Tanner Nutting, Igor Jovanovic, Carolyn C Kuranz, Alexander Thomas, Louise Willingale, Karl Michael Krushelnick | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 4:10PM - 4:40PM |
PM10.00006: Experimental demonstration of nonlinear inverse Compton scattering using the 4 PW laser at CoReLS Calin I Hojbota, Mohammad Mirzaie, Do Yeon Kim, Vishwa Bandhu Pathak, Tae Gyu Pak, Chul Min Kim, Hwang Woon Lee, Jin Woo Yoon, Seong Ku Lee, Yong Joo Rhee, Marija Vranic, Óscar L Amaro, Ki-Yong Kim, Jae Hee Sung, Chang H Nam | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 4:40PM - 5:00PM |
PM10.00007: Abstract Withdrawn |
Session PM11: Mini-Conference: Topological Plasma Physics II
Chair: Ziyan Zhu, Stanford UniversityRoom: Hyatt Regency International South
Session PO05: MFE:Technology
Chair: Shawn Tang, General AtomicsRoom: Hyatt Regency Hanover AB
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 2:00PM - 2:12PM |
PO05.00001: Spatially-resolved TALIF measurements of atomic hydrogen density, temperature, and velocity in the Upgraded Pilot-PSI linear device Kaden Loring, E.A.L Visser, C.J.D. Robben, K. Schutjes, J.W.M. Vernimmen, H.J. van der Meiden, I.G.J Classen, Siegfried H Glenzer | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 2:12PM - 2:24PM |
PO05.00002: Development and experimental results of a synthetic dispersion interferometer for air dispersion measurement Hugo Uittenbosch, Oliver Kliebisch, Raoul-Amadeus Lorbeer, Peter Mahnke, Tobias Janke, Thomas Dekorsy | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 2:24PM - 2:36PM |
PO05.00003: Wisconsin In Situ Penning (WISP) gauge at DIII-D; installed, commissioned, and first experiments Kole Rakers, Barret Elward, Oliver Schmitz | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 2:36PM - 2:48PM |
PO05.00004: Future Directions of Monolithic Additive Manufactured LHCD Launchers in DIII-D Andrew Seltzman, Stephen James Wukitch | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 2:48PM - 3:00PM |
PO05.00005: New Configurations for High-Field Tokamak ICRF Antenna Couplers David N Smithe, Thomas G Jenkins, Andrea Galvan, Davide Curreli | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 3:00PM - 3:12PM |
PO05.00006: Oscillation of negative ion beamlet and effect on beam focusing for neutral beam injection Kenichi Nagaoka, Haruhisa Nakano, Taiga hamajima, Ryoya Nakamoto, Katsuyoshi Tsumori, Masaki Osakabe, Kenji Miyamoto, Kazunori Takahashi, Ursel E Fantz, Masashi Kisaki, Katsunori Ikeda, Katsunori Ikeda | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 3:12PM - 3:24PM |
PO05.00007: Recent Results from the Actively Pumped Open-surface Lithium Loop (APOLLO) Daniel O'Dea, Brady Moore, Aleksandr Khomiakov, Peter Buxton, Konstantin Moshkunov, David Neil Ruzic | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 3:24PM - 3:36PM |
PO05.00008: Designing a Lithium Evaporator for a Lithium Vapor Divertor in a Short-Pulse Tokamak Matthew S Parsons, Eric D Emdee, Margaret H Porcelli, Robert Goldston | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 3:36PM - 3:48PM |
PO05.00009: Demonstration of low recycling and NBI fueling with liquid lithium walls in the Lithium Tokamak Experiment-β (LTX-β) Dennis P Boyle, Anurag Maan, Richard Majeski, Shota Abe, Santanu Banerjee, William J Capecchi, Drew B Elliott, Manaure Francisquez, Christopher J Hansen, Euichan Jung, Shigeyuki Kubota, Rajesh Maingi, Adam G McLean, Evan T Ostrowski, Vlad A Soukhanovskii, George J Wilkie, Leonid Zakharov | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 3:48PM - 4:00PM |
PO05.00010: Plasma core fueling by NBI and discovery of Li doping effect on beam capturing on LTX-β Leonid Zakharov, Richard Majeski, Anurag Maan, Dennis P Boyle, Marina Gorelenkova | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 4:00PM - 4:12PM |
PO05.00011: Unexpected large radiation back-flux from neutron irradiation of materials in fusion power reactors Michael Aaron LIvely, Danny Perez, Blas Pedro Uberuaga, Yanzeng Zhang, Xianzhu Tang | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 4:12PM - 4:24PM |
PO05.00012: Exhaust operational space for the European Volumetric Neutron Source (EU-VNS) Sven Wiesen, Christian Bachmann, Mattia Siccinio, Jean Boscary, Clarisse Bourdelle, Matti Coleman, Gianfranco Federici, Francesco Maviglia, Rudolf Neu | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 4:24PM - 4:36PM |
PO05.00013: Advances in Technology, Material Science and Physics for the Basis of the Ignitor Program Piero Ferraris, Bruno Coppi, Gilberto Faelli, Edoardo Boggio-Sella, Alessandro Cardinali, Cristina Mazzotta, Gianluca Pucella, Ignitor Program Members | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 4:36PM - 4:48PM |
PO05.00014: Abstract Withdrawn |
Session PO06: MFE:Plasma Material Interfaces
Chair: Xavier Navarro Gonzalez, University of Wisconsin-MadisonRoom: Hyatt Regency Hanover DE
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 2:00PM - 2:12PM |
PO06.00001: Recent DiMES PMI research in the DIII-D tokamak Dmitry L Rudakov, Eric M Hollmann, Tyler W Abrams, Igor Bykov, Gregory Sinclair, Shawn Zamperini, Shota Abe, Florian Effenberg, Jonathan D Coburn, Robert D Kolasinski, William Raymond Wampler, Ulises Losada, Maria Morbey, Lauren Nuckols, Zana Popovic, Jun Ren | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 2:12PM - 2:24PM |
PO06.00002: Impurity screening in hybrid scenario plasmas in JET-ILW Cameron Olde, Anthony R Field, Damian Bryan King, Francis J Casson, Clive D Challis, Jörg Hobrik, Athina Kappatou, David Keeling, Ernesto Lerche, Carine Giroud, Lorenzo Frassinetti, Hongjuan Sun, Sven Wiesen, Pedro Carvalho, Sheena Menmuir, Evie Litherland-Smith, Agata Chomiczewska, Ewa Pawelec | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 2:24PM - 2:36PM |
PO06.00003: Modeling and predictions of the effects of plasma characteristics on D-supersaturation induced defects formation in tungsten-based materials Tatyana S Sizyuk, Zana Popovic, Tyler W Abrams, Ahmed Hassanein | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 2:36PM - 2:48PM |
PO06.00004: Time-dependent simulation of erosion and migration of tungsten during ELMs with GITR Timothy Younkin, Atul Kumar, Alyssa L Hayes, Harry Hughes, Brian D Wirth | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 2:48PM - 3:00PM |
PO06.00005: Heat load distribution on castellated W/Cu plasma facing components for divertor target in EAST Dahuan Zhu | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 3:00PM - 3:12PM |
PO06.00006: Performance of pure tungsten and tungsten fiber-reinforced tungsten composites exposed to various simulated ELMing conditions Tyler E Ray, Jack C Johnson, Jitendra K Tripathi, Marius Wirtz, Jan W Coenen, Ahmed Hassanein | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 3:12PM - 3:24PM |
PO06.00007: Deuterium retention and thermal stability of oxygen-containing boron films on polycrystalline tungsten Zihan Lin, Shota Abe, Camilo Jaramillo-Correa, Bruce E Koel | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 3:24PM - 3:36PM |
PO06.00008: Effect of boronization on impurity migration and particle balance in WEST long pulse operation Alberto Gallo, Mathilde Diez, Etienne Hodille, Eleonore Geulin, Jonathan Gaspar, Pierre Manas, Paulo Puglia, Nicolas Rivals | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 3:36PM - 3:48PM |
PO06.00009: Initial characterization of boron migration in the main chamber of WEST using the impurity collector probe Sean Robert Kosslow, Alex GROSJEAN, David C Donovan, Curtis A Johnson, Abdourahmane Diaw, Robert A. Lunsford, Alberto Gallo, Elodie Bernard, Jonah Duran, Kevin B Woller, Nicolas Fedorczak, James Paul Gunn, Ezekial A Unterberg | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 3:48PM - 4:00PM |
PO06.00010: Analysis of boron powder injection experiments on WEST with interpretive modelling suite Kirill Afonin, Alberto Gallo, Robert A. Lunsford, Sayak Bose, Yannick Marandet, Philippe Moreau, Grant M Bodner, Hugo Bufferand, Guido Ciraolo, Corinne Desgranges, Pascal Devynck, Ahmed Diallo, Jonathan Gaspar, Christophe Guillemaut, Remy Guirlet, James Paul Gunn, Nicolas Fedorczak, Yann Corre, Federico Nespoli, Nicolas Rivals, Patrick Tamain, E.A. Unterberg | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 4:00PM - 4:12PM |
PO06.00011: On mechanisms of energy/angular distribution of charge-exchange neutrals on the first wall in EAST Jin Guo, Niuxian Liu, Lei Mu, Rui Ding | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 4:12PM - 4:24PM |
PO06.00012: Amorphization and siliconization of silicon carbide as a first wall material Aritra De, Jerome Guterl, Zachary J Bergstrom, Tyler W Abrams, Dmitry L Rudakov, David Elder, Gregory Sinclair | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 4:24PM - 4:36PM |
PO06.00013: An insight view of Helium trapping and diffusion in plasma-facing materials through molecular dynamics study Enes Ercikan, Ahmed Hassanein | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 4:36PM - 4:48PM |
PO06.00014: Advancing Understanding of Plasma Facing Component Erosion in Fusion Devices: Insights from Optical Diagnostics and Reflections Curtis A Johnson, Abdourahmane Diaw, E.A. Unterberg, C. Christopher Klepper, Nicolas Fedorczak, Christophe Guillemaut, Patrick Tamain, Alex GROSJEAN | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 4:48PM - 5:00PM |
PO06.00015: Predictive Outlook for Experiments Resolving Prompt vs Local Redeposition of High-Z Materials in Tokamaks Davis C Easley, Curtis A Johnson, Abdourahmane Diaw, Timothy Younkin, David C Donovan, Ezekial A Unterberg |
Session PO07: Fundamental Plasma Physics: Computation and machine learning
Chair: Yuan Shi, StudentRoom: Hyatt Regency Hanover FG
Session PO08: Laboratory Space and Astrophysics
Chair: Will Fox, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL)Room: Hyatt Regency The Learning Center (Fixed)
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 2:00PM - 2:12PM |
PO08.00001: Laboratory study of Alfvén wave reflection from an Alfvén-speed gradient relevant to coronal holes Sayak Bose, Jason M TenBarge, Troy A Carter, Michael Hahn, Hantao Ji, Jimmy Juno, Daniel Wolf Savin, Shreekrishna Tripathi, Steve Vincena | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 2:12PM - 2:24PM |
PO08.00002: Scaled ICME through a Gradient Magnetic Field Khalil Jorel Bryant, Joseph R Olson, Heath Joseph LeFevre, Cameron Kuchta, Karsten J McCollam, Carolyn C Kuranz, Cary B Forest | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 2:24PM - 2:36PM |
PO08.00003: Observations of high beta kinetic turbulence in Biermann-battery driven magnetized shocks in experiments at OMEGA Tim M Johnson, Graeme D Sutcliffe, Daniel Groselj, Jacob A Pearcy, Gabriel Rigon, Andrew Birkel, Benjamin Reichelt, Justin H Kunimune, Skylar G Dannhoff, Nuno F Loureiro, Chikang Li | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 2:36PM - 2:48PM |
PO08.00004: Studying astrophysical collisionless shocks in the laboratory Hye-Sook Park, Eleanor R Tubman, F. Fiuza, Colin Bruulsema, Anna Grassi, Drew P Higginson, David Jeffrey Larson, Mario J Manuel, Kassie Moczulski, Michael Pokornik, Bradley B Pollock, George F Swadling, Petros Tzeferacos | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 2:48PM - 3:00PM |
PO08.00005: Background separation in the upstream of a magnetised, collisionless shock. Ellie Tubman, David Jeffrey Larson, Michael Pokornik, Kassie Moczulski, Bradley B Pollock, George F Swadling, Colin Bruulsema, Mario J Manuel, Drew P Higginson, Frederico Fiuza, Petros Tzeferacos, Hye-Sook Park | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 3:00PM - 3:12PM |
PO08.00006: Magnetized Collisionless Shocks on the Z Machine: First Results Derek B Schaeffer, Katherine Chandler, Hannah R Hasson, Matthew R Trantham, Mirielle H Wong, Philip W Moloney, Matthias Geissel, Jack D Hare, David Schneidinger, Jacob Evans, Jeremy P Chittenden, William Fox, Peter V Heuer, B. Frances Kraus, Carolyn C Kuranz, Sergey V Lebedev | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 3:12PM - 3:24PM |
PO08.00007: A decision tree algorithm for calculating dielectronic recombination rates in low temperature astrophysical plasmas Joseph Isaac Garcia, Stuart David Loch, Michael Fogle, Clayton Chilen, Phillip C Stancil, Evan Garbe | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 3:24PM - 3:36PM |
PO08.00008: Magnetic field mixing and forbidden line emission in magnetized plasmas Haritha Kayampilly Thundi Hariharan, Roberto Claudio Mancini, Vladimir V. Ivanov | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 3:36PM - 3:48PM |
PO08.00009: Dynamics and Stability of Magnetically Driven High Energy Density Astrophysical Laboratory Plasma Jets on the 1-MA COBRA Generator Dalton A Lund, Euan Freeman, Chiatai Chen, Bruce R Kusse, Charles E Seyler, Eric S Lavine | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 3:48PM - 4:00PM |
PO08.00010: Suppression of pair beam instabilities in a laboratory analogue of blazar jets Charles D Arrowsmith, Francesco Miniati, Pablo Jaime Bilbao, Pascal Simon, Archie F.A. Bott, Stephane Burger, Hui Chen, Filipe D Cruz, Tristan Davenne, Anthony Dyson, Ilias Efthymiopoulos, Dustin H Froula, Alice Marie Goillot, Jon Tomas Gudmundsson, Daniel J Haberberger, Jack WD Halliday, Tom Hodge, Brian Todd Huffman, Sam Iaquinta, Subir Sarkar, Alexander A Schekochihin, Luis O Silva, Raspberry Simpson, Vasiliki Stergiou, Raoul M Trines, Thibault Vieu, Brian Reville, Nikolaos Charitonidis, Robert Bingham, Gianluca Gregori | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 4:00PM - 4:12PM |
PO08.00011: A direct measurement of a relativistic pair-plasma beam instability at The HiRadMat Facility (CERN) Jack WD Halliday, Charles D Arrowsmith, Alice Marie Goillot, Pascal Simon, Vasiliki Stergiou, Fiona Zhang, Pablo Jaime Bilbao, Emily M Andersen, Archie F.A. Bott, Stephane Burger, Hui Chen, Filipe D Cruz, Tristan Davenne, Ilias Efthymiopoulos, Dustin H Froula, Jon Tomas Gudmundsson, Daniel J Haberberger, Tom Hodge, Todd Huffman, Sam Iaquinta, Eva E Los, Francesco Miniati, Brian Reville, Panayiota Rousiadou, Subir Sarkar, Alexander A Schekochihin, Luis O Silva, Raspberry Simpson, Raoul M Trines, Thibault Vieu, Nikolaos Charitonidis, Robert Bingham, Gianluca Gregori | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 4:12PM - 4:24PM |
PO08.00012: Stochastic Ion Acceleration in a Laser-driven Turbulent Plasma at the GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research Joshua Chu, Jack WD Halliday, Charles Heaton, Kassie Moczulski, Abel Blazevic, Martin Metternich, Haress Nazary, Dennis Schumacher, Han Wen, Thomas I Campbell, Anthony Scopatz, Charlotte A Palmer, Archie F.A. Bott, Charles D Arrowsmith, Vincent Bagnoud, Scott Feister, Oliver Karnbach, Paul Neumayer, Adam Reyes, Edward C Hansen, Christopher Spindloe, Subir Sarkar, Anthony R Bell, Robert Bingham, Francesco Miniati, Alexander A Schekochihin, Brian Reville, Don Q Lamb, Petros Tzeferacos, Gianluca Gregori | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 4:24PM - 4:36PM |
PO08.00013: Investigating heat transport properties of turbulent, magnetised plasmas via Thomson scattering and X-ray emission Hannah Poole, Archie F.A. Bott, Petros Tzeferacos, Charlotte A Palmer, Kassie Moczulski, Dustin H Froula, Joseph D Katz, Timothy Filkins, Steven Ross, Hye-Sook Park, Adam Reyes, George F Swadling, Colin Bruulsema, Alexander A Schekochihin, Don Q Lamb, Sean P Regan, Gianluca Gregori | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 4:36PM - 4:48PM |
PO08.00014: Experimental studies of dust charging in laser-plasma experiments at the Orion facility Charlotte Stuart, Alexis Casner, Charlotte A Palmer, Gabriel Rigon, Victorien Bouffetier, Luke A Ceurvorst, Philip BRADFORD, Gianluca Gregori, Michel Koenig, Christopher Spindloe, Paul Mabey, Bruno Albertazzi, John Foster, Charles D Arrowsmith, Charles Heaton, Archie F.A. Bott, Tom Hodge, Colin Danson, Steve Pitt, Pawala Ariyathilaka | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 4:48PM - 5:00PM |
PO08.00015: FLASH Simulations of Laser-driven Laboratory Astrophysics Experiments to Study Jets in Common-envelope Evolution of Binary Stars Yangyuxin (Amy) Zou, Kassie Moczulski, Petros Tzeferacos |
Session PO09: High Energy Density Science: Magnetized Plasmas
Chair: Matthew Gomez, Sandia National LaboratoriesRoom: Hyatt Regency Regency V
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 2:00PM - 2:12PM |
PO09.00001: Electromagnetic Spokes in Laser-Solid Interactions Chris A Walsh, Eleanor R Tubman, Mark W Sherlock, Paul T Campbell, Brandon K Russell, Louise Willingale | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 2:12PM - 2:24PM |
PO09.00002: Detailed benchmarking of the Nernst effect in magnetized HED plasma Sophia Malko, Chris A Walsh, Jesse Griff-McMahon, Colin Bruulsema, Vicente Valenzuela-Villaseca, Derek B Schaeffer, Gennady Fiksel, Aaron Hansen, Adam J Harvey-Thompson, Daniel E Ruiz, Matt R Weis, Cameron Alexander Frank, Arijit Bose, William Fox | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 2:24PM - 2:36PM |
PO09.00003: Measurement of Magnetic Cavitation Driven by Heat Flow in a Plasma Christopher Arran, Philip Bradford, Adam Dearling, George S Hicks, Saleh Al Atabi, Luca Antonelli, Oliver C Ettlinger, Matthew Khan, Martin Read, Kevin Glize, Margaret Notley, Chris A Walsh, Robert J Kingham, Zulfikar Najmudin, Christopher P Ridgers, Nigel C Woolsey | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 2:36PM - 2:48PM |
PO09.00004: Observation of a magnetic dynamo driven by heat flow in a laser-heated plasma Jonathan R Davies, Daniel H Barnak, Peter V Heuer, Jonathan L Peebles, Chris A Walsh | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 2:48PM - 3:00PM |
PO09.00005: Ultra-high magnetic field generation driven by high-intensity laser implosion Hiroki Morita, King Fai Farley Law, Yuki Abe, Ryunosuke Takizawa, Hiroki Matsubara, Yuga Karaki, Masakatsu Murakami, Shinsuke Fujioka | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 3:00PM - 3:12PM |
PO09.00006: Experimental investigation of late-time nonlinear evolution of ion-Weibel filaments Graeme D Sutcliffe, Niels Vanderloo, George F Swadling, Colin Bruulsema, Muni Zhou, Chikang Li, James S Ross, John D Moody | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 3:12PM - 3:24PM |
PO09.00007: Onset, Subsistence, and Decay of Magnetic Fields in Subsonic and Supersonic Turbulence Petros Tzeferacos, Archie F.A. Bott, Hannah Poole, Charlotte A Palmer, Kassie Moczulski, Thomas A Vincent, Dustin H Froula, Tim M Johnson, Joseph D Katz, Chikang Li, Hye-Sook Park, Richard David Petrasso, Brian Reville, Adam Reyes, Steven Ross, Anthony Scopatz, Yangyuxin (Amy) Zou, Alexander A Schekochihin, Don Q Lamb, Gianluca Gregori | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 3:24PM - 3:36PM |
PO09.00008: Achieving Strong Magnetization with the Convergence of Subcritical Density Plasma Flows Irem Nesli Erez, Jonathan R Davies, Jonathan L Peebles, Peter V Heuer, Daniel H Barnak, Riccardo Betti, Pierre-Alexandre Gourdain | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 3:36PM - 3:48PM |
PO09.00009: Investigation of >10 kT magnetization of hot dense plasmas in cylindrical implosions through x-ray dopant spectroscopy and benchmarked simulations Edoardo Rovere, Ricardo Florido, Gabriel Pérez-Callejo, Chris A Walsh, Christopher S McGuffey, Joao J Santos, Francisco Suzuki-Vidal, Christos Vlachos, Marco A Gigosos, Nicolas Fefeu, Philip Bradford, Roberto Claudio Mancini, Russell K Follett, Farhat N Beg, Mathieu Bailly-Grandvaux | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 3:48PM - 4:00PM |
PO09.00010: Experimental Study of Magnetic Field Effects on Cylindrically Convergent Plasma Flows Jergus Strucka, Katherine Marrow, Stefano Merlini, Lee G Suttle, Thomas R Mundy, Jeremy P Chittenden, Simon N Bland, Sergey V Lebedev | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 4:00PM - 4:12PM |
PO09.00011: Studies of the dynamic process of an exploding silicon rod Che-Yu Liu, Jui-Che Wang, Fu-Yu Tsai, Po-Yu Chang | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 4:12PM - 4:24PM |
PO09.00012: Studies of Electron Heat Transport and Ion Stopping in Magnetized Shock-Driven Implosions at OMEGA Matthew John Cufari, Enac Gallardo-Diaz, Cameron Alexander Frank, Robert Spiers, Patrick J Adrian, Tucker E Evans, Cody Wu Chang, Arijit Bose, Johan A Frenje | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 4:24PM - 4:36PM |
PO09.00013: Modeling direct-drive OMEGA implosions with externally-imposed magnetic fields Cameron Alexander Frank, Robert Spiers, Arijit Bose, Igor V Igumenshchev, Matthew John Cufari, Johan A Frenje | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 4:36PM - 4:48PM |
PO09.00014: Transport and energy deposition of laser-driven relativistic electrons in magnetized dense plasma Joohwan Kim, Mathieu Bailly-Grandvaux, Simon Bolaños, Christopher S McGuffey, Farhat N Beg | |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 4:48PM - 5:00PM |
PO09.00015: Evolution and Breakup of Current Sheets in Laser-Driven Magnetic Reconnection Jesse Griff-McMahon, Vicente Valenzuela-Villaseca, Sophia Malko, Gennady Fiksel, Michael J Rosenberg, Derek B Schaeffer, William Fox |
Session PP12: Poster Session VI:
MFE Analytical, Computational and Data Science Techniques and Machine Learning
MFE Active Control and Whole Device Modelings
MFE MHD and Stability
DIII-D and Conventional Tokamaks II
Warm Dense Matter
Particle acceleration, beams and relativistic plasmas: Laser-plasma wakefield or direct laser accelerators
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Room: Hyatt Regency Grand Hall West
PP12.00001: Accelerating extended-MHD simulation for the CETOP SciDAC project Jacob R King, Cody J Balos, Natalie Beams, Marc Day, Fatima Ebrahimi, David J Gardner, Eric D Held, Andrew Spencer, Carol S Woodward | |
PP12.00002: Benchmarking of NIMSTELL for tearing modes in stellarators and preconditioner improvements* Sanket Anandrao Patil, Carl R Sovinec | |
PP12.00003: Enhancing Iterative Solver Capabilities and GPU Utilization in M3D-C1 Benjamin J Sturdevant, Jin Chen, Mark F Adams, Chang Liu, Fatima Ebrahimi | |
PP12.00004: Flexible and precise equilibrium optimization with the Plasma Equilibrium Toolkit. Justin Walker, Benjamin J Faber, Chris C Hegna | |
PP12.00005: Enhancing Boundary Plasma Simulations: Key Advances from the ABOUND SciDAC Project xueqiao xu, Benjamin Dudson, Nami Li, Ben Zhu, Yang Chen, Junyi Cheng, Livia Casali, Tate Taczak, Xianzhu Tang, Yuzhi Li, Yanzeng Zhang, Patrick H Diamond, Huiqian Wang, Zeyu Li, Giorgis Georgakoudis, Steven B Roberts, Daniel Reynolds, Mustafa Aggul, Norbert Podhorszki, Dave L Pugmire | |
PP12.00006: Fully implicit coupling of fluid plasma and kinetic neutral models using differentiable Monte-Carlo methods Greg J Parker, Maxim V Umansky, Benjamin Dudson | |
PP12.00007: Tools to Support Geometry and Meshing Needs for Fusion Energy System Simulation Codes Mark S. Shephard, Jacob Merson, Onkar Sahni, Cameron W Smith, Mark W Beall, Saurabh Tendulkar, Ottmar Klaas | |
PP12.00008: Analytical particle pusher for electrostatic particle-in-cells including electric field shear Xin Zhi Tan, Davide Curreli | |
PP12.00009: Functional Improvements and Technical Developments of a Community-driven and Physics-informed Numerical Library for Disruption Studies Gregorio Luigi Trevisan, Cristina Rea, Joshua A Lorincz, Yumou Wei, Alex R Saperstein, Amos Decker, Robert S Granetz | |
PP12.00010: Physics validation of parameter methods in DisruptionPy Yumou Wei, Gregorio Luigi Trevisan, Cristina Rea, Joshua A Lorincz, Alex R Saperstein, Amos Decker, Robert S Granetz | |
PP12.00011: Conservation of plasma quantities during the evolution of 2D edge/SOL grid in ITER diverted plasmas Jaegon Lee, Sun Hee Kim, Florian Koechl, Romain Futtersack, Francis J Casson, Maksim Dubrov, Guillermo Suárez López, Simon D Pinches, Alberto Loarte, Ziga Stancar, Peter Knight | |
PP12.00012: Enhancing stellarator accessibility through port size optimization Antoine Baillod, Elizabeth J Paul, Todd Elder | |
PP12.00013: Basis Dispersionlet Bispectral Analysis in 3D systems Derek A Baver, Qian Xia | |
PP12.00014: Studies of single-particle motion in an FRC using the TriForce code Eugene S Evans, Michael J Lavell, Ayden J Kish, Andrew Todd Sexton, Adam B Sefkow | |
PP12.00015: Kinetic full wave analysis in magnetized plasmas using the integral form of dielectric tensor Atsushi Fukuyama | |
PP12.00016: Structure-preserving particle-in-cell simulations of ponderomotive barriers Alexander S Glasser, Tal Rubin, Ian E Ochs, Elijah J Kolmes, Mikhail Mlodik, Hong Qin, Nathaniel J Fisch | |
PP12.00017: Cylindrical Viscous Boundary Layer For Transonic Equilibrium Luca Guazzotto, Riccardo Betti | |
PP12.00018: Particle-in-Cell simulations of intra-ELM and inter-ELM ion impact energy-angle distributions using the hPIC2 code and coupling to SOLPS, F-TRIDYN, and Xolotl Joshua Michael Hoffman, Ane Lasa Esquisabel, Jeremy Lore, Davide Curreli | |
PP12.00019: Non-thermal advanced fuel fusion: phase space engineering and geometric algorithms Hong Qin | |
PP12.00020: Accelerated Main-Ion Charge Exchange Recombination analysis leveraging Machine Learning Adrianna Angulo, Azarakhsh Jalalvand, Shaun R Haskey | |
PP12.00021: A pseudo-reversible normalizing flow method for plasma kinetic simulations Diego Del-Castillo-Negrete, minglei yang, Guannan Zhang | |
PP12.00022: Machine learning control of DIII-D profiles using a linear profile predictor Hiro Josep Farre Kaga, Joseph A Abbate, Keith Erickson, Andrew Rothstein, Egemen Kolemen | |
PP12.00023: Physics-Informed Neural-Network Surrogate Model for the Inverse Equilibrium Solution in the EAST Tokamak. Franco A Galfrascoli, Zibo Wang, Eugenio Schuster | |
PP12.00024: Active learning of turbulent transport predictions towards robust generalized surrogate models Aaron Ho, Lorenzo Zanisi, Andreas Kirsch, Bram de Leeuw, Nathaniel Howard, Pablo Rodriguez-Fernandez | |
PP12.00025: Data Labeling for Machine Learning Applications in Fusion Energy Craig Michoski, Matthew Waller, Zeyu Li, Brian Sammuli, Raffi M Nazikian, Ruqi Pei, David Orozco, Venkitesh Ayyar | |
PP12.00026: Abstract Withdrawn | |
PP12.00027: Open and FAIR Fusion for Machine Learning Applications Cristina Rea, Gregorio Luigi Trevisan, Joshua A Stillerman, Yumou Wei, Stephen Lane-Walsh, Mark Winkel, Aleksandar Jelenak, Saskia Mordijck, Eva G Kostadinova, Stephanie J Diem, Nathan Cummings, Jonathan Hollocombe, Nicholas A Murphy, Alessandro Pau | |
PP12.00028: Reinforcement Learning-Based Control of the Safety Factor Profile and Normalized Beta in Tokamaks Nicholas J Rist, Sai T Paruchuri, Eugenio Schuster | |
PP12.00029: Spatiotemporal forecasting of the tokamak edge instability using neural networks Anirban Samaddar, Qian Gong, Sandeep Madireddy, Christopher J Hansen, Semin Joung, David R Smith, Fatima Ebrahimi | |
PP12.00030: Enhancing fusion AI/ML research with the Fusion Data Platform Brian Sammuli, Erik Olofsson, Tom F Neiser, Mitchell Clark, Cihan Akcay, Javier H Nicolau, Fabio Andrijauskas, Annmary J Koomthanam, Aalap Tripathy, Rishabh Sharma, Matthew Waller, Ruqi Pei, Amitava Majumdar, Rose Yu, Sicun Gao, Frank Wuerthwein, Raffi M Nazikian, Martin Foltin, Craig Michoski, David P Schissel | |
PP12.00031: Evaluating Neural Network Architectures and Signal Processing Techniques for Diagnostic Reconstruction in DIII-D Peter Steiner, Max Curie, Azarakhsh Jalalvand, Egemen Kolemen | |
PP12.00032: A machine learning Normalizing Flow method for Uncertainty Quantification with applications to Runaway Electron Dissipation. minglei yang, Diego Del-Castillo-Negrete, Guannan Zhang | |
PP12.00033: Real-Time Machine-Learning Enabled Emission Front Control at DIII-D NATHANIEL CHEN, Azarakhsh Jalalvand, SangKyeun Kim, Filippo Scotti, Egemen Kolemen, Andrew Rothstein | |
PP12.00034: Multi-input multi-output model predictive heat flux controller based on a time-dependent scrape-off layer simulation Anchal Gupta, David Eldon, KyuBeen Kwon, Jeremy Lore, Jae-Sun Park, Nan Shi | |
PP12.00035: Exploration of plasma vertical position control with three dimensional non-axisymmetric coils Yongtae Ko, Shizuo Inoue, Shinichiro Kojima, Hajime Urano, Yoshiaki Miyata, Takahiro Suzuki, Nobuyuki Aiba | |
PP12.00036: Vertical instability studies and novel real-time metrics applications for proximity controller development in the TCV and DIII-D tokamaks Stefano Marchioni, Federico Felici, Jayson L Barr, Cristian Galperti, Antoine Merle, Erik Olofsson, Olivier Sauter, Alessandro Pau | |
PP12.00037: Assessing Model-based and Learning-based Strategies for Active Density Regulation in ITER Sai Tej Paruchuri, Hassan R Al Khawaldeh, Vincent R Graber, Zibo Wang, Nicholas Rist, Ian Ward, Tariq Rafiq, Eugenio Schuster, Andres Pajares, June-woo Juhn | |
PP12.00038: Real-time estimation and control of the electron density with a novel multi-rate observer on TCV Francesco Pastore, Olivier Sauter, Federico Felici, Daniela Kropackova, Ondrej Kudlacek, N. M. T. Vu, Alessandro Pau, Cristian Galperti, Timo Ravensbergen, Simon Van Mulders, Kenneth Lee, Benjamin Vincent | |
PP12.00039: Preemptive tearing mode suppression using real-time ECH steering machine learning stability predictions on DIII-D Andy Rothstein, Hiro Farre, Rohit Sonker, SangKyeun Kim, Azarakhsh Jalalvand, Jeff Schneider, Egemen Kolemen | |
PP12.00040: A medium fidelity CESOL (Core-Edge-Scrape Off Layer) workflow for fast analysis of Fusion Pilot Plant designs. Rhea L Barnett, Jin Myung Park, Cami S Collins, Jeremy Lore, Ehab M Hassan, Katarzyna Borowiec, Gary M Staebler | |
PP12.00041: Predictions of heat and neutron loads onto FPP first walls in FUSE Giacomo Dose | |
PP12.00042: Risk minimization as a novel optimization objective for fusion power plant design in FUSE Adriana G Ghiozzi, Orso-Maria OM Meneghini, Tim Slendebroek, Galina Avdeeva, Tyler B Cote, Giacomo Dose, Brian A Grierson, Jerome Guterl, Jackson Harvey, Brendan C Lyons, Joseph T McClenaghan, Tom F Neiser, Nan Shi, David B Weisberg | |
PP12.00043: Magnetohydrodynamic and Electromagnetic Capabilities of the FUSE Integrated-Modeling Framework Brendan C Lyons, Orso-Maria OM Meneghini, Adriana G Ghiozzi, Tim Slendebroek, Tyler B Cote, Luke Stagner, Erik Olofsson | |
PP12.00044: FUSE: digital twin for tokamak fusion power plant design and operations Orso Meneghini, Tim Slendebroek, Brendan C Lyons, Adriana G Ghiozzi, Tom F Neiser, Jackson Harvey, Joseph T McClenaghan, Giacomo Dose, Jerome Guterl, Nan Shi, Luke Stagner, David B Weisberg, Tyler B Cote, Galina Avdeeva, Mitchell Clark, Himank Anand, Nicholas W Eidietis, Sterling P Smith, Earl W DeShazer, Jeff Candy, Raffi M Nazikian, Brian A Grierson | |
PP12.00045: Transforming TRANSP with IMAS Interfaces, GPU optimization, and embedded turbulence for predictive simulations Alexei Y Pankin, Joshua Adam Breslau, Mariya Goliyad, Marina Gorelenkova | |
PP12.00046: Progress in coupling T3D transport solver with gyro-kinetic GX model with TRANSP Marina Gorelenkova, Mariya Goliyad, Alexei Y Pankin, Jason F Parisi, Noah R Mandell, Jai S Sachdev, William D Dorland (Deceased) | |
PP12.00047: Trinity3D: a time dependent turbulent profile predictor for stellarators and tokamaks Jai S Sachdev, William D Dorland (Deceased), Noah R Mandell, Tony M Qian | |
PP12.00048: The Open FUSION Toolkit: An open-source suite of fusion modeling tools for engineering, analysis, and education Christopher J Hansen, Alexander F Battey, Anson E Braun, Daniel Alexander Burgess, Jessica Fu, Sophia Guizzo, Rohan Lopez, Sander J. Miller, Andrew O Nelson, Matthew Christopher Pharr, Andrea Vergara, Carlos Alberto Paz-Soldan | |
PP12.00049: Comparing Particle Transport Modulation Study Methodology Jarred Loughran, Saskia Mordijck, Aaron M Rosenthal, Ryan A Chaban, Shaun R Haskey, Jerry W Hughes, Florian M. Laggner, Tom Osborne, Theresa M Wilks | |
PP12.00050: Doubling Fusion Power with Volumetric Optimization in Magnetic Confinement Fusion Device Jason F Parisi, Jack W Berkery, alsu sladkomedova, Sophia Guizzo, michael R hardman, Justin Ball, Andrew O Nelson, Stanley Martin Kaye, Michail Anastopoulos-Tzanis, Steven McNamara, Julien Dominski, Salomon Janhunen, Michele Romanelli, David Dickinson, Ahmed Diallo, aleksei dnestrovskii, Walter Guttenfelder, Christopher J Hansen, Omkar Myatra, Howard R Wilson | |
PP12.00051: Integrated core-SOL modelling of JET baseline plasmas: the role of ELMs on Tungsten sputtering Rachele Cicioni, Luca Garzotti, Lidia Piron, Vito Konrad Zotta, Vassili Parail, Dirk Van Eester, Fernanda Rimini, Domenico Frigione | |
PP12.00052: Advancing novel group theoretical algorithms for the evaluation of MHD stability in complex 3D geometry Caira Anderson, Adelle M Wright, David S Bindel, Benjamin J Faber | |
PP12.00053: Formally Reducing the Large Aspect Ratio Magnetohydrodynamic Equations Finny Valorz, Joshua W Burby | |
PP12.00054: Numerical calculation of 3D free-boundary MHD equilibria Gabriel Shane Woodbury Saudeau, Andrew Simon Ware, James David Hanson, Mark R Cianciosa, Dr Stuart Hudson, John C Schmitt, David Alan Maurer, Dario Panici | |
PP12.00055: Theory of non-linear non-resonant ideal MHD instabilities and application to the seeding of NTMs Jonathan P Graves | |
PP12.00056: Nonlinear Saturation and Metastability of Ballooning Modes in Stellarators Xu Chu, Steven Charles Cowley, Felix I Parra | |
PP12.00057: New Capabilities for Stellarator Modeling with M3D-C1 Nathaniel Mandrachia Ferraro, Daniel W Dudt, Chang Liu, Mike F Martin, Saurabh Saxena, Adelle M Wright, Yao Zhou | |
PP12.00058: Tearing Stability Prediction Combining Toroidal Calculations With a Two-Fluid Slab Layer Approximation Daniel Alexander Burgess, Nikolas C Logan, Carlos Alberto Paz-Soldan, Jong-Kyu Park | |
PP12.00059: Multi-Modal analysis of linear MHD response to resonant magnetic perturbations in DIII-D plasmas Brent L Ford, Chris C Hegna, Tyler B Cote, Brendan C Lyons, Shuai Gu | |
PP12.00060: Two Fluid Free-Boundary Tokamak Equilibria with Flows Ian F Gustafson, Luca Guazzotto | |
PP12.00061: Development of a Multispecies Model for RMP Simulations in NIMROD Eric C Howell, Dmitriy M Orlov, Jacob R King, Tyler B Cote, M.J. Choi, Jinyoung Heo, SangKyeun Kim, SeongMoo Yang, Vasilii Khavin, Jonathan Morgan Van Blarcum | |
PP12.00062: Abstract Withdrawn | |
PP12.00063: Alfven MHD spectrum distortions caused by the presence of magnetic islands Raul Sanchez, Jose-Miguel Reynolds-Barredo | |
PP12.00064: The Effect of Bootstrap Current on Ideal Magnetohydrodynamic Equilibrium State of Snake Structure. Lin Shih, Wilfred A Cooper | |
PP12.00065: Development of coupled extended-MHD and gyrokinetic simulation capabilities for edge stability in spherical tokamaks Andreas Kleiner, Fatima Ebrahimi, Robert Hager, Alexei Y Pankin, Nathaniel Mandrachia Ferraro, Jacob R King, Chen Zhao, Yueqiang Liu | |
PP12.00066: Self-Consistent Bootstrap Current Modeling with M3D-C1 Saurabh Saxena, Nate M ferraro, Mike F Martin | |
PP12.00067: Physics Conclusions of the PI3 Spherical Tokamak Program Patrick Carle, Stephen James Howard, Andrea Tancetti, Abetharan Antony, Celso Ribeiro, Simon Coop, Filiberto G. Braglia, Akbar Rohollahi, Xiande Feng, Allison Radich, Henry Gould, Ryan Zindler, Emily Love, Calum MacDonald, Brendan Posehn, Zahra Moghadam, Adrian Wong, Wade Zawalski, Kelly Epp | |
PP12.00068: Expected MHD Stability and Error Field Penetration in LM26 Magnetized Target Fusion Experiment at General Fusion Aaron Froese, Meritt Reynolds, Victoria Suponitsky, Jean-Sebastien Dick, Raphael Segas, Ivan Khalzov, Nick Sirmas, Darren Ross, David Roberts, Dylan Brennan | |
PP12.00069: Upgrading DIII-D to Close the Gaps to Future Fusion Reactors Craig C Petty | |
PP12.00070: The DIII-D Wall Change-Out Project Tyler W Abrams, Richard J Buttery, Florian Effenberg, Andrea M. Garofalo, Suk-Ho Hong, Ane Lasa Esquisabel, Adam G McLean, Christopher Murphy, Morgan Shafer, Greg Sinclair, George Sips, Ezekial A Unterberg, Huiqian Wang, Brian D Wirth, Robert S Wilcox, Jonathan H Yu, Shawn Zamperini | |
PP12.00071: Design and initial measurements from the Shape and Volume Rise Divertor in DIII-D Robert S Wilcox, Andreas Michael Holm, Morgan W Shafer, Theresa M Wilks, Tyler Elsey, Ryan T Hood, Christopher Murphy, Tom Osborne, Cedric K Tsui | |
PP12.00072: Strategies for reaching high density and opacity conditions leveraging the Shape and Volume Rise divertor on DIII-D Theresa M Wilks, Thomas H Osborne, Julio Jose Balbin Arias, Genevieve H DeGrandchamp, Darin R Ernst, Christopher T Holcomb, Andreas Michael Holm, Qiming Hu, Jerry W Hughes, Minseok Kim, Matthias Knolker, Xinxing Ma, Andrew O Nelson, Morgan W Shafer, Philip B Snyder, Francesca Turco, Huiqian Wang, Robert S Wilcox | |
PP12.00073: Physical Requirements and Implementation of SETC for Heat Flux Measurement in the Shape and Volume Rise Divertor of DIII-D Jun Ren, Bingzhe Zhao, Robert S Wilcox, Morgan W Shafer, Tyler Elsey, Christopher Murphy, Huiqian Wang, Suk-Ho Hong, Ryan T Hood, Cedric K Tsui, David C Donovan | |
PP12.00074: Constraints on divertor heat flux width at high power and plasma density in DIII-D H-mode plasmas Anthony W Leonard, Auna Louise Moser, Roberto Maurizio, Adam G McLean, Thomas H Osborne, Jonathan H Yu | |
PP12.00075: Insights from the DIII-D Small Angle Slot Divertor Program: Experiment-Modeling Comparisons and Conundrums Dan M Thomas, Rui Ding, David C Donovan, Florian Effenberg, Jeffery Herfindal, Anthony W Leonard, Xinxing Ma, Roberto Maurizio, Jun Ren, Morgan Shafer, Dinh Truong, Huiqian Wang, Jon Watkins, Jonathan H Yu | |
PP12.00076: Simulations of a DIII-D dissipative divertor design using mid-leg particle pumping to enhance divertor neutral compression Jonathan H Yu, Robert S Wilcox, Andreas Michael Holm, Roberto Maurizio, Steven L Allen, Wilkie Choi, Max Edward Fenstermacher, Mathias Groth, Anthony W Leonard, Adam G McLean, Filippo Scotti, Morgan Shafer | |
PP12.00077: Impact of solving a separate atom energy equation in UEDGE on predictions of a dissipation-focused divertor in DIII-D Andreas Michael Holm, Robert S Wilcox, Jonathan H Yu, Thomas Dale Rognlien, Menglong Zhao, Marvin E Rensink, Filippo Scotti, Roberto Maurizio, Steven L Allen, Wilkie Choi, Anthony W Leonard, Morgan W Shafer, Mathias Groth, Adam G McLean | |
PP12.00078: Turbulent particle and energy fluxes to the first wall in DIII-D L-mode plasmas Aveek S Kapat, Jose Armando Boedo, Renato Perillo, Charles J Lasnier, Anthony W Leonard, Claudio Marini | |
PP12.00079: Impact of 3D error fields on toroidal asymmetries and consequent erosion, deposition patterns on the divertor in DIII-D Anurag Maan, Stefano Munaretto, Alessandro Bortolon, Adam G McLean, Charles J Lasnier, Florian Effenberg, Shota Abe, Claudio Marini, Zana Popovic, Fenton Glass | |
PP12.00080: A synthetic diagnostic framework for measuring the detachment front in a close divertor slot on DIII-D Gilson Ronchi, Robert S Wilcox, Jonathan H Yu, Andreas Michael Holm, Filippo Scotti, Adam G McLean, Morgan W Shafer | |
PP12.00081: Investigation of high-n Balmer lines and D2-Fulcher band during high-recycling and detached divertor DIII-D plasma Nandini Yadava, Dan M Thomas, Anthony W Leonard, Filippo Scotti, Adam G McLean, Mathias Groth, Claudio Marini, Igor Bykov, Gilson Ronchi, Robert S Wilcox, Eric Matthias Hollmann, Kevin Verhaegh, Nick Osborne | |
PP12.00082: Suppression of high-Z leakage from closed slot divertor via precise tailoring of scrape-off layer forces Gregory Sinclair, Tyler W Abrams, David C Donovan, John D Elder, Alyssa L Hayes, Jeffrey L Herfindal, Jeremy D Mateja, Roberto Maurizio, Adam G McLean, Seth Harrison Messer, Tomas Odstrcil, Matthew S Parsons, Jun Ren, Dmitry L Rudakov, Dan M Thomas, Dinh Truong, Jon Watkins, Robert S Wilcox, Shawn Zamperini | |
PP12.00083: Ultraviolet measurements of tungsten gross-erosion and re-deposition rates during ELMs in the DIII-D tokamak Ulises Losada, David A Ennis, Stuart David Loch, Dane Van Tol, Tyler W Abrams, Adam G McLean, Dinh Truong, Zana Popovic, Robert S Wilcox, Jeffrey L Herfindal, William Raymond Wampler, Dmitry L Rudakov | |
PP12.00084: Atomic data and UV spectroscopy of low charge states of W for use in Plasma Facing Component studies Stuart David Loch, David A Ennis, Ulises Losada, Andrew White, Dane Van Tol, David Dougan, Michael McCann, Connor Ballance, Curtis A Johnson | |
PP12.00085: Atomic calculations, including S/XB values, and comparison to experiment for Si+ and W2+ erosion diagnostics Andrew Phillip White, Stuart David Loch, David A Ennis, Connor Ballance, Ulises Losada, Michael McCann, Dmitry L Rudakov | |
PP12.00086: Turbulence-driven Transport and Spreading at the Edge of DIII-D L- and H-mode Plasmas Jose Armando Boedo, Renato Perillo, Dmitry L Rudakov, Charles J Lasnier, Aveek S Kapat, Claudio Marini | |
PP12.00087: The Effect of Recycling C Ion Impact Energy and Angle on C/W Material Mixing and Intra-ELM W Erosion Predictions on the Small Angle Slot V-Shaped W Divertor at DIII-D Alec Cacheris, Tyler W Abrams, Davis C Easley, Daisuke Shiraki, Robert S Wilcox, Jeffery Herfindal, David C Donovan | |
PP12.00088: Effect on OSP location and Bx▽B drift direction on W erosion and migration in the DIII-D SAS-VW divertor using GITR and optical spectroscopy Alyssa L Hayes, Greg Sinclair, Timothy Younkin, Tyler W Abrams, Ane Lasa Esquisabel, Robert S Wilcox, Brian D Wirth | |
PP12.00089: New Retarding Field Energy Analyzer for Ion Temperature and Energy Distribution Measurements at the DIII-D Lower Divertor Bingzhe Zhao, Jun Ren, David C Donovan, Mason D Phillips | |
PP12.00090: Integration of X-Point Radiator Divertor Operation with High Beta Core Plasmas in DIII-D Huiqian Wang, Zeyu Li, Andrea M. Garofalo, Siye Ding, Xi Chen, Xinxing Ma, Dan M Thomas, Roberto Maurizio, Anthony W Leonard, Donggui Wu, Liang Wang, Xianzu Gong, Rui Ding, Filippo Scotti, Qiming Hu | |
PP12.00091: Core Impurity Spectroscopy in a Complex Mixed-Species Environment Dinh Truong, Brian S Victor, Adam G McLean, Steven L Allen, Igor Bykov, Austin Keller, KyuBeen Kwon, Benjamin Penaflor, Filippo Scotti, Shengyu Shi, Peter J Traverso, Dan M Thomas, Nandini Yadava | |
PP12.00092: Core to Edge Tokamak Impurity Transport Modeling Using Surrogate-Based Optimization Ivan James Marshall, Nathan T Howard, Rebecca L Masline, Marco Andrés Miller, Leonardo Corsaro, Michael Robert Knox Wigram, Pablo Rodriguez-Fernandez | |
PP12.00093: . | |
PP12.00094: Sandia National Laboratories Boundary Physics Research at DIII-D Ryan T Hood, Cedric K Tsui, Jonathan D Coburn, William Raymond Wampler, Antonio J Cruz | |
PP12.00095: Accelerating DIII-D Analyses with the Integrated Research Infrastructure Sterling P Smith, Torrin B Amara, Zichuan A Xing, Tom F Neiser, Christine Simpson, Andrew O Nelson, Severin S Denk, Juan Diego Colmenares, Earl W DeShazer, Oscar Antepara, Akshay Deshpande, Mitchell Clark, Nick Tyler, Pengfei Ding, Mark Kostuk, Eli Dart, Raffi M Nazikian, Thomas H Osborne, Samuel W Williams, Thomas Uram, David P Schissel | |
PP12.00096: Development of ECE-I and ECE synthetic diagnostics in NIMROD Vasilii Khavin, Dmitriy M Orlov, Eric C Howell, Guanying Yu, Xiaoliang Li, Fatima Ebrahimi | |
PP12.00097: Large database validation of TGLF on DIII-D and MAST-U plasmas Tom F Neiser, Orso Meneghini, Tim Slendebroek, Sterling P Smith, Joseph T McClenaghan, Adriana G Ghiozzi, Bhavin S Patel, Andrew O Nelson, Galina Avdeeva, Colin M Roach, Francis J Casson, Harry G Dudding, Gary M Staebler, Joseph Hall, Brendan C Lyons, Emily A Belli, Jeff Candy, Rose Yu, Brian Sammuli, Raffi M Nazikian, Thomas H Osborne | |
PP12.00098: Modeling of QH-mode DIII-D plasmas with an extended MHD code Jesus Jose Dominguez Palacios Duran, Jacob R King, Valerie Izzo, Xi Chen, Alexei Y Pankin, Fatima Ebrahimi, Oak A Nelson | |
PP12.00099: Characterization of Operational Phase Space and Pedestal Structure of Quiescent and ELMing H-modes in DIII-D and Comparison to EPED Jeremy Alan Fleishhacker, Theresa M Wilks, Thomas H Osborne, Adrianna Angulo, Jerry W Hughes, Earl S Marmar | |
PP12.00100: Simulating feedback-controlled error field correction Jeremy M Hanson, Alexander F Battey | |
PP12.00101: Nonlinear Coupling of Core Tearing Modes and Edge Density Fluctuations in QH-Mode Plasmas in DIII-D Rachel Ann Myers, Brett Edward Chapman, Karsten J McCollam, Mihir D Pandya, John S Sarff, Ruifeng Xie, Thomas E Benedett, David L Brower, Jie Chen, Weixing Ding | |
PP12.00102: The role of fast ion redistribution leading to loss of differential rotation and concomitant onset of disruptive m/n=2/1s Ashton C Brown, Laszlo Bardoczi, William Walter Heidbrink, Phillip J Bonofiglo, Mario L Podesta | |
PP12.00103: Error field measurements with rotating RMP fields Yanzheng Jiang, Edward J Strait, Qiming Hu | |
PP12.00104: Initial Modelling of a Novel Actuator for the Entrainment of Fast MHD Modes by Slow 3D Field Coils Nathan J Richner, Edward J Strait | |
PP12.00105: Summary of dispersive shell pellet injection experiments on DIII-D Grant M Bodner | |
PP12.00106: Advanced Density Regulation for ITER-emulated Scenarios on DIII-D via Adaptive Control Techniques Hassan R Al Khawaldeh, Sai Tej Paruchuri, Vincent R Graber, Tariq Rafiq, Eugenio Schuster, Andres Pajares, June-woo Juhn | |
PP12.00107: A Neural Network Version of the Multi-Mode Model for Fast Simulations in DIII-D Khadija Shabbir, Brian Robert Leard, Sai Tej Paruchuri, Tariq Rafiq, Eugenio Schuster | |
PP12.00108: Radial Magnetic Compression of DIII-D Plasmas Celso Ribeiro, Dmitriy M Orlov, Alan W Hyatt, Jayson L Barr, Max E Austin, Charles Mark Greenfield, Georgy Subbotin, Eduard Khayrutdinov, Maxim Nurgaliev | |
PP12.00109: NSFsim Validation as a DIII-D Plasma Equilibrium Simulator Randall Clark, Dmitriy M Orlov, Maxim Nurgaliev, Eduard Khayrutdinov, Georgy Subbotin, Anders S Welander | |
PP12.00110: Examining Fringe Distortions in Spatial Heterodyne Spectroscopy for Motional Stark Effect Measurements Michael J Richardson, Benedikt Geiger, Raymond John Fonck, Ryan Albosta, George R McKee, Xiang Han | |
PP12.00111: Why Can’t We Understand Basic SOL Interchange Turbulence? Kenneth W Gentle | |
PP12.00112: Real-time Feedback Control of the Impurity Powder Dropper in KSTAR Paula V Alarcon, Florian M Laggner, David Eldon, Erik P Gilson, Hanna Schamis, Hyungho Lee, Sanghee Hahn | |
PP12.00113: Simulation of KSTAR ITER scenarios with the RAPTOR code William Boyes, Olivier Sauter, N. Eidietis, Jayson L Barr, Cassandre Contre, Wilkie Choi | |
PP12.00114: Implementation of a radiative emission front position controller in KSTAR with W divertors CheolSik Byun, Seungtae Oh, SangKyeun Kim, Boseong Kim, Azarakhsh Jalalvand, Yoonseong Han, Hyungho Lee, Sanghee Hahn, Youngho Lee, Minseok Kim, Egemen Kolemen | |
PP12.00115: Design of a PID controller for the pedestal top electron density at KSTAR Minseok Kim, SangKyeun Kim, Keith Erickson, Andrew Rothstein, Ricardo Shousha, SangHee Han, Junewoo Juhn, Boseong Kim, CheolSik Byun, Jalal Butt, SeongMoo Yang, Qiming Hu, David Eldon, Hyunsun Han, Nikolas C Logan, Azarakhsh Jalalvand, Egemen Kolemen | |
PP12.00116: SOLPS-ITER modeling study on the impact of mixed impurity seeding on KSTAR tungsten divertor plasma Kyu Been Kwon, David Eldon, Anthony W Leonard, Dan M Thomas | |
PP12.00117: Extended database of 2D UEDGE simulations for KSTAR detachment control with variations of plasma currents Menglong Zhao, Ben Zhu, Thomas Dale Rognlien, xueqiao xu, William H. Meyer, Nami Li, Xinxing Ma, KyuBeen Kwon, David Eldon, Hyungho Lee, Junghoo Hwang | |
PP12.00118: Real-time Toroidal Velocity (rtVphi) Diagnostic on KSTAR Jongsoo Yoo, Kieth Erickson, Steven Anthony Sabbagh, Wonha Ko, Young-Seok Park | |
PP12.00119: Improvements to Shape Control Using Real-Time Optimization of Feedforward Coil Current Trajectories Shira Morosohk, Jayson L Barr, Michael L Walker, Nicholas W Eidietis, Andrea M. Garofalo, Sang-hee Hahn, Bingjia Xiao, Zhengping Luo, Qiping Yuan | |
PP12.00120: Full-orbit particle modeling of erosion and redeposition of mixed-material PFC targets on the WEST divertor and first wall Ananthi Renganathan, Davide Curreli | |
PP12.00121: A multi-energy soft x-ray diagnostic for Te measurements and W transport studies on the WEST tokamak Tullio Barbui, Luis F Delgado-Aparicio, Julien Dominski, Brentley C Stratton, Remi J Dumont, Kenneth W Hill, Novimir A Pablant | |
PP12.00122: Calculating Transport Coefficients in Warm Dense Matter with the Strongly Coupled Transport (SCOUT) Code Lucas J Babati, Nathaniel R Shaffer, Scott D Baalrud | |
PP12.00123: Electrical Conductivity of Warm Dense Nickel Studied by Single-Shot Terahertz Spectroscopy Megan M Ikeya, Edna Rebeca R Toro Garza, Siegfried H Glenzer, Benjamin K Ofori-Okai | |
PP12.00124: Probing the conductivity of compressed plastic using THz time-domain spectroscopy Eric R Sung, Edna Rebeca R Toro Garza, Suzanne J Ali, Trevor M Hutchinson, Luke B Fletcher, Philipp T May, Gaia Righi, Dominik Kraus, Siegfried H Glenzer, Benjamin K Ofori-Okai | |
PP12.00125: Developing community engagement for RM3FD: Repository, Management, and Modeling for Materials Fundamental Data Mark E Koepke | |
PP12.00126: ROCSTAR: an LTE Opacity Code for High-Energy-Density Plasmas Nathaniel R Shaffer, Kaan Aytekin, Suxing Hu, Ming Feng Gu, Igor E Golovkin | |
PP12.00127: Abstract Withdrawn | |
PP12.00128: A Systematic Study of Plasma Screening on High Energy Density Plasmas Ming F Gu, Igor E Golovkin | |
PP12.00129: Investigating preplasma dynamics with x-ray spectroscopy Dimitri Khaghani, Paul Neumayer, Eric C Galtier, Olga Rosmej, Gilliss Dyer, Hae Ja Lee, Bob Nagler | |
PP12.00130: Study of Discrepancies in Deuterium Sound Speed Near 200 GPa Sara Gomez-Ramirez, Xuchen Gong, Michael J Lavell, Margaret F Huff, Austin Schunke, Adam B Sefkow, Ryan Rygg | |
PP12.00131: Equation of state measurements of isochorically-heated polymer foams with x-ray Thomson scattering and fluorescence Willow Moon Martin, Siegfried H Glenzer, Arianna E Gleason, Luke B Fletcher, Dominik Kraus, Nicholas John Hartley, Maitrayee Ghosh, Danielle Brown, Toma Toncian, Alejandro Laso Garcia, Thomas E Cowan, Megan M Ikeya, Stefano Faubel | |
PP12.00132: Intense laser interactions at grazing incidence for attosecond photon and electron pulse generation Jeremy M Rebenstock, Brandon K Russell, Karl Michael Krushelnick | |
PP12.00133: Particle-in-cell study of the time evolving focal characteristics of relativistic plasma mirrors David Stark | |
PP12.00134: Particle-in-cell analysis of time dependencies of high intensity relativistic transparency thresholds Chester P Zimmerman, David Stark | |
PP12.00135: High-Density Positron Beam Generation via Breit-Wheeler Process Using Ultra-Intense Lasers. Sachin N Chintalwad | |
PP12.00136: Status of the magnetized cross beam energy transfer (MagCBET) campaign Bradley B Pollock, Luis S Leal, Graeme D Sutcliffe, Hong Sio, John D Moody, David Jerome Strozzi, Yuan Shi | |
PP12.00137: Measuring simultaneous Biermann battery and Weibel instability generated magnetic fields Audrey Farrell, Mitchell Sinclair, Chaojie Zhang, Kenneth A Marsh, Chandrashekhar Joshi | |
PP12.00138: Abstract Withdrawn | |
PP12.00139: X-ray Line Ratio Study of Bulk Plasma Heating by Laser-induced Relativistic Electrons B. Frances Kraus, Shawn Patrick McPoyle, Kemal Atay, Ester Kriz, Subish Nandhana Benjamin, Reed C Hollinger, Sophia Malko, Kenneth Wayne Hill, Lan Gao, Philip Charles Efthimion, Adam Patricio-Moreau, Ryan Nedbailo, Shoujun Wang, James King, Sina Zahedpour Anaraki, Jorge J Rocca | |
PP12.00140: Abstract Withdrawn | |
PP12.00141: Measuring magnetic field generation in laser-heated gas jet experiments through the Biermann battery Sam Thomas Jack O'Neill, Christopher Arran, Adam Dearling, Louis Ingle, Luca Antonelli, Chris D Murphy, Nigel C Woolsey, Christopher P Ridgers, George S Hicks, Oliver C Ettlinger, Rakesh Yembadi, Zulfikar Najmudin, Philip W Moloney, Jeremy P Chittenden, Robert J Kingham, Christopher Baird | |
PP12.00142: Radiation hydrodynamics simulations of the accretion-powered objects photoionized plasmas experiment on Z Isaac D Huegel, Patricia B Cho, Heath Joseph LeFevre, Matthew R Trantham, Guillaume P Loisel, Roberto Claudio Mancini, Don E Winget, Michael Houston Montgomery, Carolyn C Kuranz | |
PP12.00143: Measuring the Thermal Conductivity of Warm Dense Iron at the Omega Laser Facility Cameron H Allen, Laurent Divol, Ryan Enoki, Dirk Gericke, Landon Morrison, Matthew Oliver, Yuan Ping, Nathaniel R Shaffer, Jaya Sicard, Trevor Smith, Christopher Spindloe, Tilo Doeppner, Thomas G White, Sarah Shores Prins | |
PP12.00144: Design of experiments on the Orion Laser to measure thermal transport in high-𝜷, weakly collisional plasma Thomas A Vincent | |
PP12.00145: Nonlinear Effects in Near-Critical Density Laser Wakefield Acceleration Ernesto Barraza-Valdez, Toshiki Tajima | |
PP12.00146: Third harmonic generation for two-color ionization injection in laser-plasma accelerators Liona Fan-Chiang, Anthony J Gonsalves, Alex Picksley, Davide Terzani, Carlo Benedetti, Samuel Barber, Curtis Berger, Jeroen Van Tilborg, Carl B Schroeder, Cameron Robinson Geddes, Eric Esarey | |
PP12.00147: Soft X-ray Betatron Radiation from Laser Wakefield Acceleration Victor Flores, Danny W Attiyah, Christopher Gardner, Joshua Donovan Lewis, Joseph T To, Franklin J Dollar | |
PP12.00148: Pulse Compression in Staged Laser Wakefield Acceleration Christopher Gardner, Victor Flores, Danny W Attiyah, Franklin J Dollar | |
PP12.00149: Optimizing plasma-downramp profiles and beam transport for emittance preservation in multi-stage plasma accelerators Marco Garten, Remi Lehe, Carlo Benedetti, Ryan T Sandberg, Olga Shapoval, Axel Huebl, Jean-Luc Vay | |
PP12.00150: Impact of target density on direct laser acceleration in hollow core tubes. Carolina Herrera Hernandez, Izzy Thomas, Mihail O Cernaianu, Alexey Arefiev | |
PP12.00151: Optimizing Channel Formation with a Co-Propagating Pre-Pulse to Improve Direct Laser Acceleration of Electrons Nicolas Kalem, Veronica Contreras, Hongmei Tang, Alexey Arefiev, Louise Willingale | |
PP12.00152: Extreme manifestations of phase- and polarization-dependent electron in the ultra-relativistic regime of LWFA Jihoon Kim, Frederic Girard, Shvets Gennady | |
PP12.00153: Investigation of spectral phase fluctuations on the performance of an LPA-driven FEL Finn Kohrell, Samuel Barber, Kyle Jensen, Christopher E Doss, Curtis Berger, Anthony J Gonsalves, Kei Nakamura, Hai-En Tsai, Florian Gruener, Carl B Schroeder, Eric Esarey, Jeroen Van Tilborg | |
PP12.00154: Laser spot control via plasma lensing in optically formed plasma channels Joshua Stackhouse, Alex Picksley, Hai-En Tsai, Kei Nakamura, Raymond Li, Jeroen Van Tilborg, Carl B Schroeder, Cameron Robinson Geddes, Eric Esarey, Anthony J Gonsalves | |
PP12.00155: Optimization of a hollow-core fiber based nonlinear pulse compressor for a compact kHz laser wakefield accelerator Hongmei Tang, Hao Ding, Armando V Felicio Zuffi, Alex Picksley, Tong Zhou, Jeroen Van Tilborg, Carl B Schroeder, Eric Esarey, Cameron Robinson Geddes, Anthony J Gonsalves | |
PP12.00156: Characterizing Direct Laser Acceleration in the Radiation Friction Attractor Regime Kavin Tangtartharakul, Ilin Yeh, Alexey Arefiev | |
PP12.00157: A Study of Diffraction of Probe Electron Beams by Relativistic Plasma Waves Ronald L Williams, Arnesto Bowman, Dorian Corey Moore, Roselyn Williams, Charles Albert Weatherford | |
PP12.00158: Experimental platform for dephasingless laser wakefield acceleration studies Manfred Virgil Ambat, Isabelle Alaine LaBelle, Isabelle A Settle, Hans G Rinderknecht, Jeremy J Pigeon, John P Palastro, Kyle Glen Miller, Joshua Kendrick, Mervin Lim Pac Chong, Dustin H Froula, Jessica L Shaw | |
PP12.00159: Fast-ion phase-space tailoring with RF wave fields to minimize AE transport Pablo Oyola Dominguez, Phillip J Bonofiglo, Vinicius N Duarte, Mario L Podesta, Nicola Bertelli, Eric D Fredrickson, Roscoe B White |
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