Bulletin of the American Physical Society
66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
Monday–Friday, October 7–11, 2024; Atlanta, Georgia
Invited Speakers
Abler, Mel Space Science Institute |
Session BI03.00003 First Laboratory Observations of Residual Energy Generation in Strong Alfvén Wave Interactions Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Adams, Colin S Zap Energy |
Session NI03.00005 Advances in Thermonuclear Fusion Yield Produced in Sheared-Flow-Stabilized Z Pinches Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Afshari, Arya S University of Iowa |
Session ZI03.00004 Direct observation of ion cyclotron damping of turbulence in Earth's magnetosheath plasma Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Albert, Felicie Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session AR01.00001 Review: LaserNetUS: The first five years of scientific discovery. Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial Ballroom I-III |
Anderson, Jay K University of Wisconsin Madison - Realta Fusion |
Session ZI03.00001 First physics results from the Wisconsin HTS Axisymmetric Mirror (WHAM) Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Barber, Sam Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session ZI03.00002 Reliable operation of a laser plasma accelerator driven free electron laser Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Battey, Alexander F Columbia University |
Session BI02.00005 The Effect of Externally Applied and Self-Excited Waves on Relativistic Electrons Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Bishel, David T University of Rochester |
Session UI02.00004 Atomic physics at atomic pressures: Line shifts of inner-shell transitions at electron density 1025 cm-3 Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Bruhaug, Gerrit Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session UI02.00003 Terawatt Pulsed THz Sources from Picosecond Laser-Solid Interactions Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Casey, Daniel T Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session GI02.00004 Physics and DT implosion results from the high-Trad hohlraum, thick-ablator, (“HiT”) experimental effort Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Chapman, Thomas D Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session DI03.00004 Past, current, and potential future measurements of backscatter from hohlraum targets at the National Ignition Facility Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Chen, Hui LLNL |
Session DI03.00001 Key advancements towards eliminating the 'drive-deficit' in ICF hohlraum simulations Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Chen, Li-Jen NASA/GSFC |
Session CI02.00001 Earth’s Alfvén wings driven by the April 2023 Coronal Mass Ejection Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Chen, Xi General Atomics |
Session VI03.00003 Intrinsically Grassy ELM Edge Near Peeling Boundary in High Beta Poloidal Regime on DIII-D Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Cho, Min Sang Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session TI03.00006 Surprises in the Ionization Dynamics of Intense Laser-Produced Plasmas Revealed by NLTE Modeling Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Choi, Wilkie General Atomics |
Session VI03.00001 Simulation and experiment of EC steering of LH deposition on EAST Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Churnetski, Kristen University of Rochester |
Session PI02.00003 Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of Inertial Confinement Fusion Hot-Spot Plasma from X-Ray and Nuclear Diagnostics on OMEGA Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Conlin, Rory Princeton University |
Session NI02.00006 Fast and Accurate Stellarator Optimization for Novel Physics Metrics Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Cote, Tyler B General Atomics |
Session TI02.00004 First observation, identification, and implication of edge instabilities in strongly shaped negative triangularly plasmas on DIII-D. Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Davidovits, Seth Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session PI02.00006 Assessing explanations for unexpected fuel-ablator mixing measurements in HDC implosions at the NIF Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Ding, Rui Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Session VI03.00002 Progress of joint ITER/EAST experiments with tungsten plasma-facing materials in support of the ITER new baseline Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Dorfman, Seth Space Science Institute |
Session PT03.00001 Active Learning Tutorial: Nonlinear Alfvénic Physics Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Dorst, Robert S University of California, Los Angeles |
Session TI03.00005 Laboratory Demonstration of Collisionless Blob Formation via Laser Produced Plasma Self-Focusing Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Dumont, Remi J CEA, IRFM |
Session KI03.00002 Long-duration plasma operation in WEST Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Elshafiey, Ahmed T LANL |
Session NI03.00004 Micropinch Formation Dynamics in Hybrid X-pinches Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Ewart, Robert University of Oxford |
Session ZI03.00003 Universal non-Maxwellian equilibria in near-collisionless plasmas Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Fernando, Don Lawrence Carl A Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching |
Session NI02.00005 Validation of a Comprehensive First-Principles-Based Framework for Predicting the Performance of Future Stellarators Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Garcia Olaya, Jeronimo CEA, IRFM |
Session YR01.00001 Review: Review of advances in the understanding of energetic ions and impact on plasma confinement in DT burning plasmas Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial Ballroom I-III |
Ginnane, Mary Kate University of Rochester |
Session NI03.00001 Compressibility, Structure, and Melting of Platinum to 500 GPa Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Gong, Xuchen Lab for Laser Energetics |
Session UI02.00006 The Impact of Long-Wavelength Collective Motion on the Electron Distribution Function and Transport in Warm Dense Plasmas Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Goodman, Alan Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Greifswald |
Session NI02.00004 Stable quasi-isodynamic stellarators with low turbulence as fusion reactor candidates Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Goyon, Clement S Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session NI03.00006 Improved current scaling and neutron yield for MJ-Class dense plasma focus (DPF) via simulation-guided design. Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Granetzny, Marcel D University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session QI03.00001 Exploration of Helicon Plasmas for Next-Generation Particle Accelerators at the Madison AWAKE Prototype (MAP) Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Greif, Robin University of Oxford |
Session ZI02.00003 AI-enhanced Large Eddy Simulation for plasma fluid turbulence Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Hammett, Gregory W Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) |
Session SR01.00001 Maxwell Prize: 35 years of Computer Simulations of 5D Plasma Turbulence in Tokamaks Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial Ballroom I-III |
Hara, Kentaro Stanford University |
Session QI03.00003 State and parameter estimation using data assimilation for plasma dynamics and chemistry Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Hatch, David R Institute for Fusion Studies, University of Texas at Austin |
Session TI02.00001 A strategy for core-edge integration leveraging low density and high temperature in the scrape-off layer Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Hatch, Maren W Sandia National Laboratories |
Session NI03.00003 Non-uniform Joule heating and plasma formation driven by machined 2D and 3D surface perturbations on dielectric coated and bare aluminum rods Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Heinrich, Paul Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching, Germany; Technical University of Munich (TUM), Garching, Germany |
Session BI02.00004 Overview of shattered pellet injection studies at ASDEX Upgrade Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Henneberg, Sophia A Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics |
Session GI03.00002 A Novel Compact Stellarator-Tokamak Hybrid Concept Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Higginson, Drew P Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session DI03.00003 Evidence of multi-species ion effects in National Ignition Facility hohlraums using a DT gas-filled platform Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Hohenberger, Matthias Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session GI02.00003 First demonstration of improved yield with increased compression in high-performance implosions on the National Ignition Facility Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Hu, Suxing Laboratory for Laser Energetics, University of Rochester |
Session UI02.00005 Extreme High-Energy-Density Matter Probed by High-Precision X-ray Spectroscopy* Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Ivanov, Plamen G University of Oxford |
Session ZI02.00001 Turbulence and sheared flows in fusion plasmas Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Izzo, Valerie Fiat Lux LLC |
Session BI02.00006 Predictive modeling for successful disruption mitigation on SPARC Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
James, Royce W US Coast Guard Academy |
Session JT03.00001 How do you work this "HTI" thing anyway; Leveraging the Merger of Healthy to Innovative (HTI) Workspaces and a Focus on People to Boost Outcomes and Discovery Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Joffrin, Emmanuel CEA-IRFM, Centre de Cadarache, Saint-Paul-lez-Durance, 13108 Cedex |
Session KI03.00001 Overview of the JET last D-T results in support of ITER and the reactor Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Kaganovich, Igor D Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session FR01.00001 Advanced plasma modeling tools that can simulate plasmas used for semiconductor processing Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial Ballroom I-III |
Kennedy, Daniel Thomas UK Atomic Energy Authority |
Session GI03.00003 Recent Progress in our Understanding of Electromagnetic Turbulence in a Conceptual Spherical Tokamak FPP (STEP) Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Kim, Eun-Jin Coventry University |
Session UT03.00001 Tutorial: Statistical approaches to self-organization and variability in magnetic confinement fusion plasmas Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Kim, SangKyeun Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session TI02.00003 Achieving ELM-suppressed Operation with the Highest Performance in DIII-D and KSTAR via Adaptive and Machine Learning Controls Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Kunimune, Justin H Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session PI02.00002 A robust reconstruction of three-dimensional asymmetries in ICF implosions at the NIF, using a physics model and neural networks applied to multiple heterogeneous data sources Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Kuroda, Kengoh Japan Coast Guard Academy |
Session GI03.00006 Experimental Demonstration of Transient CHI Startup Using a Floating Biased Electrode Configuration Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Lavell, Michael J University of Rochester |
Session TI03.00004 Development of a Monte Carlo collisions model for simulating laser-matter interaction, magnetically confined plasma, and inertially confined plasma Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Lees, Aarne University of Rochester |
Session GI02.00001 A path to a hydro-equivalent ignition demonstration for laser direct-drive on the OMEGA laser Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Li, Boting Princeton Plasma Physics Labratory |
Session BI02.00001 Sawtooth Suppression by Flux Pumping on HBT-EP Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Li, Zeyu General Atomics |
Session VI03.00004 Multi-scale Interaction for Edge-Localized-Mode Suppression in Turbulent Pedestal in DIII-D plasmas Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Loarte, Alberto ITER Organization |
Session KI03.00004 The new ITER baseline, research plan and open R&D issues Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Luda di Cortemiglia, Teobaldo Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik |
Session ZI02.00006 Full-radius integrated modelling of the H-mode confinement dependence on plasma size and predictions of ITER and DEMO Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Ludwig, Joshua Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session JI02.00005 A Laser-Based 100 GeV Electron Plasma Accelerator to Enable Compact Muon Sources Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Maris, Andrew Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session BI02.00002 Correlation of the tokamak density limit with edge collisionality Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Miller, Kayla Energy for the Common Good |
Session PI02.00001 Introducing fusion awareness to K-12 students and their communities through culturally relevant STEM education enrichment Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Moore, Christopher H Sandia National Laboratories |
Session QI03.00002 3D PIC-DSMC Simulation of Arc Initiation: A Cautionary Tale of Strongly Coupled Plasmas Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Muggli, Patric Max Planck Institute for Physics |
Session JI02.00002 AWAKE: proton-driven plasma wakefield acceleration for particle physics. Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Nilson, Philip M Lab for Laser Energetics |
Session UI02.00001 Flow Visualization in High-Energy-Density Laboratory Plasmas Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Novikau, Ivan Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session BI03.00006 Quantum algorithms for simulating dissipative linear and nonlinear dynamics of plasmas Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Ofori-Okai, Benjamin K SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session ZI03.00005 Experimental determination of the electrical conductivity of compressed matter using ultrafast terahertz radiation Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Oyola Dominguez, Pablo University of Seville |
Session TI02.00005 Mitigation of the toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes in negative triangularity plasmas in the TCV tokamak Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Pagano, Isabella M University of Texas at Austin |
Session JI02.00006 Tomographic reconstruction and x-ray phase contrast imaging of inertial confinment fusion capsules with betatron x-ray radiation from a laser wakefield accelerator Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Palaniyappan, Sasi Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session GI02.00005 First liquid DT-filled double shell implosions at the National Ignition Facility Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Perillo, Renato University of California, San Diego |
Session TI02.00002 Scrape-off Layer Transport for Large and Small Edge Localized Modes and Implications for First Wall Fluxes in Future Devices Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Philippov, Alexander A University of Maryland College Park |
Session BI03.00001 Stix Award: Extreme Plasmas around Neutron Stars and Black Holes Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Pueschel, M.J. Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research |
Session CT03.00001 Understanding Saturation and Turbulence: the Impact of Stable Modes Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Qin, Xijie University of California, Los Angeles |
Session ZI02.00002 Measurement of Turbulence-driven Reynolds Stress and Its Contribution to Toroidal Intrinsic Rotation in the DIII-D Tokamak Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Ramirez, Fredy R UC San Diego |
Session BI03.00002 Physics of Dynamic Profile Staircases Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Riconda, Caterina Sorbonne University |
Session ZI03.00006 Tailoring high amplitude plasma waves via autoresonant beat-wave excitation Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Rodriguez, Eduardo Princeton University |
Session NI02.00001 Rosenbluth Dissertation Award: Quasisymmetry: a modern perspective on the stellarator concept Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Romadanov, Ivan Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) |
Session QI03.00004 Enhancing Plasma Diagnostics with Structured Light and Wavelength Modulation Spectroscopy Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Rovige, Lucas University of California, Los Angeles |
Session CI02.00002 Electron-only magnetic reconnection in lunar-relevant laser-driven mini-magnetospheres Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Rubin, Tal Princeton University |
Session TI03.00002 Ponderomotive barriers in rotating mirror devices using static fields Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Samulski, Camille Virginia Tech/Los Alamos National Lab |
Session NI03.00002 A computational and experimental exploration of the effects of strong magnetic fields on the deceleration-stage Rayleigh-Taylor instability related to high energy density systems Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Sánchez Villar, Álvaro Princeton University / Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session ZI02.00005 On the development of robust real-time capable ICRF modeling via machine learning Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Scott, Ryan Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session GI02.00006 Detailed simulations of the first DT-filled double shell implosions on the National Ignition Facility Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Sengupta, Wrick Princeton University |
Session TI03.00001 Periodic Korteweg-de Vries Soliton Potentials Generate Magnetic Field Strength with Exact Quasisymmetry Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Shaffer, Nathaniel R Lab for Laser Energetics |
Session DI03.00002 The Langdon effect in laser plasmas: absorption, conduction, and beyond Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Shapovalov, Roman V. Laboratory for Laser Energetics |
Session PI02.00005 Voltage pre-pulse as a tool for lowering anode electron losses in magnetically insulated transmission line Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Shrock, Jaron E University of Maryland |
Session JI02.00001 Multi-GeV electron acceleration in meter-scale low density plasma waveguides Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Shukla, Akash The University of Texas at Austin |
Session GI03.00004 Comparison of Gyrokinetic and Fluid Axisymmetric Simulations of a Prospective Spherical Tokamak Pilot Plant Scrape-Off Layer Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Steinbrunner, Patrick University of Greifswald, Max Planck Inst. for Plasma Physics |
Session BI03.00005 Equilibrium and stability studies of non-neutral and pair plasmas in curved magnetic field geometries Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Stein-Lubrano, Benjamin MIT PSFC |
Session BI02.00003 Thermal energy mitigation and toroidal peaking effects in JET disruptions Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Storey, Douglas Wesley SLAC |
Session JI02.00003 Plasma Wakefield Acceleration and Astrophysical Instabilities at FACET-II Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Tang, Hongmei Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session JI02.00004 Laser and Plasma Parameter Optimization for Direct Laser Acceleration of Electron Beams Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Thomas, Alexander University of Michigan |
Session MR01.00001 Plasma physics in strong laser fields Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial Ballroom I-III |
Valdivia Leiva, Maria Pia University of California, San Diego |
Session UI02.00002 High-resolution characterization of HED shock dynamics in laser-irradiated foams: implementing advanced x-ray phase-contrast methods at the LCLS-MEC Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Valenzuela-Villaseca, Vicente Princeton University |
Session CI02.00003 Laboratory Modelling of Accretion Disks and Jets on Pulsed-Power Generators and Intense Lasers Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Verma, Aditi University of Michigan |
Session GI03.00001 A Vision for Public-Private-Community Partnerships for Fusion Energy Development Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Wakatsuki, Takuma National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology |
Session KI03.00003 Commencement of the plasma operation in JT-60SA: the world's largest test bed for ITER and DEMO Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Weberski, Justin Daniel University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session GI03.00005 Taylor Limit Studies for Local Helicity Injection Plasma Startup on Pegasus-III Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Weis, Matt R Sandia National Laboratories |
Session PI02.00004 Applying dielectric coatings and enhanced input parameters to generate a stable, high performing MagLIF configuration Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Wilms, Felix IPP |
Session NI02.00003 High-fidelity turbulence modeling of W7-X discharges: Novel insights into transport physics Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Wilson, Haley S Columbia University |
Session TI02.00006 Using integrated modeling to optimize fusion performance in MANTA, a negative triangularity fusion pilot plant concept Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Wolfmeister, Alexis Renee University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session NI02.00002 Recent Experimental and Modeling Results from the HSX Stellarator Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Yoo, Jongsoo Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session BI03.00004 First laboratory detection of anomalous resistivity and electron heating by lower hybrid drift waves inside reconnecting current sheets with a guide field Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Yoon, Young Dae Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics |
Session CI02.00006 Magnetogenesis via the canonical battery effect Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Young, Christopher V Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session GI02.00002 Improving target gain in inertial confinement fusion implosions on NIF with increased energy coupling and areal density Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Young, James R University of Rochester |
Session TI03.00003 Modeling laser-plasma interactions using extended magnetohydrodynamics Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial IV |
Yuen, Ka Ho Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session CI02.00004 Temporal properties of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence and Implications for Energetic Particle Transport Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Zhou, Muni Princeton University/IAS |
Session CI02.00005 Magnetogenesis in collisionless plasma: from Weibel instability to turbulent dynamo Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
Zhu, Ben Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session ZI02.00004 Latent Space Mapping: Revolutionizing Predictive Models for Divertor Plasma Detachment Control Room: Hyatt Regency Centennial III |
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