Bulletin of the American Physical Society
65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
Monday–Friday, October 30–November 3 2023; Denver, Colorado
Session Index
Session PP11: Poster Session VI:
Poster Session
Show Abstracts |
Wednesday, November 1, 2023 Room: Plaza ABC |
PP11.00002: Ion orbit losses and tokamak improved confinement in negative and positive triangularity Linda E Sugiyama | |
PP11.00003: Role of neutral particles on pedestal structure for H-mode experiments in DIII-D Julio J Balbin Arias, Saskia Mordijck, Theresa M Wilks, Laszlo Horvath, Tomas Odstrcil, Ryan A Chaban, Aaron M Rosenthal, Jerry W Hughes, Alessandro Bortolon, Florian M. Laggner | |
PP11.00004: Measurement of edge turbulence in negative triangularity plasmas with phase contrast imaging on DIII-D Jon C Rost, Alessandro Marinoni, Kathreen E Thome, Miklos Porkolab | |
PP11.00005: Controlled low-Z melting experiment in DIII-D tokamak Dmitry L Rudakov, Tyler W Abrams, Igor Bykov, Gregory Sinclair, Jonathan D Coburn, Robert D Kolasinski, Dinh Truong, Charles J Lasnier, Adam McLean, Filippo Scotti, Konstantinos Paschalidis, Svetlana Ratynskaia, Panagiotis Tolias, Richard A Pitts, Zana Popovic, Jun Ren, Robert S Wilcox | |
PP11.00006: Observations of energetic ion driven ion cyclotron emission and high frequency Alfvén eigenmodes in negative triangularity plasmas in DIII-D Jesus J Serrano, Neal A Crocker, Troy A Carter, Kathreen E Thome, Shawn X Tang | |
PP11.00007: Radiation Dependence of Divertor Leg Length in Detachment on DIII-D Morgan W Shafer, Adam McLean, Anthony W Leonard, Filippo Scotti | |
PP11.00008: Turbulence and Transport Dependence on rho* and Isotope Mass in H-Mode Plasmas on DIII-D George R McKee, Elizabeth Perez, Colin Chrystal, Kathreen E Thome, Rongjie Hong, Nathan T Howard, Filipp Khabanov, Xijie Qin, Terry L Rhodes, Lothar Schmitz, Zheng Yan | |
PP11.00009: Analysis on the Effect of Main Ion Density on High-Z Impurity Transport in the Scrape-off Layer of DIII-D Using Collector Probes Seth H Messer, Jeremy D Mateja, Jake H Nichols, Jonah D Duran, Shawn A Zamperini, Gregory Sinclair, David C Donovan, Tyler W Abrams, Tomas Odstrcil, Jun Ren, Ezekial A Unterberg, Peter C Stangeby, Dmitry L Rudakov, David Elder | |
PP11.00010: Deuterium retention in Li-D co-deposits in the DIII-D tokamak Maria Morbey, Florian Effenberg, Shota Abe, Alexander Nagy, Tyler W Abrams, Alessandro Bortolon, Dmitry L Rudakov, Ryan T Hood, Laszlo Horvath, Jun Ren, Michael Simmonds, Dinh Truong, Thomas W Morgan | |
PP11.00011: Simultaneous Regulation of the Electron Temperature and Safety Factor Profiles for DIII-D using Optimal Control Methods Shira Morosohk, Zibo Wang, Sai Tej Paruchuri, Tariq Rafiq, Eugenio Schuster | |
PP11.00012: Heat flux width scaling and detachment in high heat flux experiments on DIII-D Auna L Moser, Alan W Hyatt, Charles J Lasnier, Anthony W Leonard, Adam McLean, Tom Osborne, Filippo Scotti, Morgan W Shafer, Huiqian Wang, Theresa M Wilks, Jonathan H Yu | |
PP11.00013: Identification of Multimode Interactions of Magnetic Fluctuations by Faraday-effect Polarimetry in DIII-D QH-mode Plasmas Rachel A Myers, Brett E Chapman, Karsten J McCollam, Mihir D Pandya, John S Sarff, Ruifeng Xie, Thomas E Benedett, David L Brower, Jie Chen, Weixing Ding | |
PP11.00014: 2023 Status of the ECH System on DIII-D Perry Nesbet, Nikolai de Boucaud, Yuri A Gorelov, Clayton Gray, William Grosnickle, Rigo Brambila, Antonio C Torrezan, Michael P Ross, Esteban Bagdy, Xi Chen, Jared Squire, Marc Barsanti, Adrianus C Sips | |
PP11.00015: Upgrading DIII-D to Close the Gaps to Future Fusion Reactors Craig C Petty | |
PP11.00016: Flow, Mode Effects That Seed Neoclassical Tearing Modes James D Callen, Robert J La Haye, Ted Strait | |
PP11.00017: Manipulating density pedestal structure to improve core-edge integration towards low collisionality Huiqian Wang, Rongjie Hong, Xiang Jian, Terry L Rhodes, Lei Zeng, Anthony W Leonard, Xinxing Ma, Jon Watkins, Jun Ren, Brian A Grierson, Morgan W Shafer, Filippo Scotti, Tom Osborne, Dan M Thomas, Saskia Mordijck, Florian M. Laggner, Laszlo Horvath | |
PP11.00018: Characterization of the radiated power operational space in negative triangularity plasmas at DIII-D Austin Welsh, Livia Casali, David Eldon, Tomas Odstrcil, Andrew O Nelson, Ray Mattes, Tyler B Cote, Carlos A Paz-Soldan, Hang Si, Kathreen E Thome | |
PP11.00019: Measurements and SOLPS-ITER Modelling of Pumping Experiments in DIII-D Robert S Wilcox, Morgan W Shafer, John M Canik, Shaun R Haskey, Jeremy Lore, Huiqian Wang | |
PP11.00020: Limiting factors for achieving peeling-limited pedestals in present devices Theresa M Wilks, Thomas H Osborne, Matthias Knolker, Philip B Snyder, Morgan W Shafer, Florian M. Laggner, Jerry W Hughes | |
PP11.00021: Overview of High Field Side Lower Hybrid Current Drive Experiment at DIII-D Stephen J Wukitch, Mirela Cengher, Ivan Garcia, Jeff Doody, Rick Leccacorvi, Evan Leppink, Yijun Lin, Mohamed Mohamed, Sam Pierson, James Ridzon, Grant Rutherford, Andrew Seltzman, Rui Vieira, Tom Guzman, Dan Kellman, Chris Murphy, Robert I Pinsker, Kyle Teixeira | |
PP11.00022: Analysis of Final Loss Events due to Vertically Unstable Runaway Electron Beams in DIII-D Jamie L Xia, Alexander F Battey, Hari P Choudhury, Oak A Nelson, Carlos A Paz-Soldan, Jayson L Barr, Nicholas Eidietis, Eric M Hollmann, Andrey Lvovskiy, Daisuke Shiraki | |
PP11.00023: Emulation of ITER Axisymmetric Control Characteristics on DIII-D Zichuan A Xing, Jayson L Barr, SangKyeun Kim, Michael L Walker | |
PP11.00024: Dependence of EC toroidal injection angle on effective EC assisted startup James J Yang, Adrianus C Sips, Michael L Walker, Peter C de Vries, Joyeeta Sinha, Hyun-Tae Kim, Fenton Glass, Max Austin, Michael Van Zeeland, Jeffrey L Herfindal, Morgan W Shafer, Andrew O Nelson, Claudio Marini, Alan W Hyatt, Francesca Turco, Robert I Pinsker | |
PP11.00025: Modeling dissipative divertor designs for DIII-D with variations in wall baffling and pump location Jonathan H Yu, Roberto Maurizio, Robert S Wilcox, Andreas M Holm, Steven L Allen, Wilkie Choi, Max E Fenstermacher, Anthony W Leonard, Adam McLean, Filippo Scotti, Morgan W Shafer | |
PP11.00026: Investigating the dependence of a Long-Leg, Dissipative Low-Field Side Divertor on High-Field Side Divertor Leg Length in DIII-D Using UEDGE Simulations Including Drift Flows Andreas M Holm, Jonathan H Yu, Robert S Wilcox, Filippo Scotti, Thomas D Rognlien, Marvin E Rensink, Menglong Zhao, Roberto Maurizio, Steven L Allen | |
PP11.00027: Density turbulence measurements by using fast sweep reflectometry in DIII-D Lei Zeng, Terry L Rhodes, William A Peebles, George R McKee | |
PP11.00028: Pellet Fueling Research on DIII-D Daisuke Shiraki, Larry R BAYLOR, Andrew Dvorak, Steve Meitner, John B Caughman | |
PP11.00029: Connecting DIII-D and NERSC to support DIII-D Operations through Kinetic Equilibrium Analysis Sterling P Smith, Torrin A Bechtel, Severin Denk, Earl W DeShazer, Andrew O Nelson, Laurie Stephey, Zichuan A Xing, Oscar Antepara, Eli Dart, Raffi Nazikian, Samuel W Williams | |
PP11.00030: Error Field Identification through Torque Balance on a Saturated Island Edward J Strait, Yanzheng Jiang, Qiming Hu, Jeremy M Hanson, Nikolas C Logan, Carlos A Paz-Soldan | |
PP11.00031: Overview of Results from the DIII-D Negative Triangularity Campaign Kathreen E Thome, Max Austin, Alan W Hyatt, Alessandro Marinoni, Andrew O Nelson, Carlos A Paz-Soldan, Filippo Scotti, Jayson L Barr, William Boyes, Livia Casali, Colin Chrystal, Tyler B Cote, Siye Ding, Xiaodi Du, David Eldon, Darin R Ernst, Andrea M. Garofalo, Rongjie Hong, Filipp Khabanov, Gerrit J Kramer, Charles J Lasnier, Priyansh Lunia, George R McKee, Adam McLean, Saskia Mordijck, Michio Okabayashi, Olivier Sauter, Lothar Schmitz, Daisuke Shiraki, Samuel Stewart, Yuki Takemura, Dinh Truong, Tom Osborne, Huiqian Wang, Theresa M Wilks, Menglong Zhao | |
Withdrawn |
PP11.00032: Spectroscopic Neutral Density Measurements of the DIII-D Divertor and Comparison to Modeling Dinh Truong, Filippo Scotti, Adam McLean, Fenton Glass, Robert S Wilcox, Jeffrey L Herfindal, Menglong Zhao, Galen G Burke, Andreas M Holm, Steven L Allen | |
PP11.00033: Temperature fluctuation measurements in negative triangularity plasmas in ASDEX Upgrade Rachel Bielajew, Branka Vanovac, Michael G Dunne, Thomas Pütterich, Tim Happel, Dirk Stieglitz, Davide Silvagni, Garrard D Conway, Jörg Hobrik, Nathan T Howard, Pablo Rodriguez-Fernandez, Matthias Bernert, Christian Yoo, Anne White | |
PP11.00034: ECE-Imaging characterization of edge magnetic islands affecting pedestal transport and stability in a net-zero torque plasma Calvin W Domier, Guanying Yu, Zeyu Li, Tyler B Cote, Gerrit J Kramer, Yilun Zhu, Neville C Luhmann | |
PP11.00035: Wall current compensation for rotating magnetic perturbations through the magnetic diagnostic response function Yanzheng Jiang, Mattew J Overton, Edward J Strait, Qiming Hu | |
PP11.00036: Bayesian inference of axisymmetric plasma equilibria Sehyun Kwak, Jakob Svensson, Oliver P Ford, Lynton Appel, Young-chul Ghim | |
PP11.00037: Enhancing Machine Learning of the Grad-Shafranov Equation with EFIT's Green's Function Tables Joseph T McClenaghan, Cihan Akcay, Torrin A Bechtel, Xuan Sun, Lang L Lao, Sandeep Madireddy, Scott E Kruger, Orso-Maria O Meneghini | |
PP11.00038: Towards a high fidelity tokamak pulse simulator Jin Myung Park, Gary M Staebler, Kyungjin Kim, Rhea L Barnett, John Canik, Cami S Collins, Ehab M Hassan, Jeremy Lore, Phil. B Snyder, Robert S Wilcox | |
PP11.00039: Multi-fidelity neural network representation of gyrokinetic turbulence Tom F Neiser, Orso Meneghini, Sterling P Smith, Joseph T McClenaghan, Tim Slendebroek, David Orozco, Brian Sammuli, Gary M Staebler, Joseph B Hall, Emily A Belli, Jeff Candy | |
PP11.00040: Prediction of kinetic profiles of D-T plasma using the TGYRO transport code in the JET DTE2 discharges Nan Shi, Gary M Staebler, Emily A Belli, Joseph T McClenaghan, Hyun-Tae Kim, Fulvio Auriemma, Krassimir Kirov | |
PP11.00042: Developing novel group theoretical algorithms for evaluating MHD stability in complex geometry Caira Anderson, Adelle M Wright, David S Bindel, Benjamin J Faber | |
PP11.00043: Equilibrium β-limits dependence on bootstrap current in classical stellarators Antoine Baillod, Joaquim Loizu, Zhisong Qu, Hugo P Arbez, Jonathan P Graves | |
PP11.00044: FIRST tokamak in progress Marty Chou, Lin Shih, C. T. Hsu, K. C. Shaing, H. K. Lee | |
PP11.00045: FLIPEC, an Ideal MHD free-boundary equilibrium solver for plasma with flows in axisymmetric geometries. Gonzalo Fernandez-Torija Daza, Jose Miguel Reynolds Barredo, Raul Sanchez, Victor Tribaldos Macía, Alberto Loarte | |
PP11.00046: Multi-Modal analysis of linear MHD response to resonant magnetic perturbations in DIII-D plasmas Brent L Ford, Tyler B Cote, Chris C Hegna, Brendan C Lyons, Shuai Gu | |
PP11.00047: Gyrokinetic modeling of neoclassical tearing modes using the electromagnetic X-point Gyrokinetic Code (XGC) Thomas Gade, Robert Hager, Choongseok Chang | |
PP11.00048: Non-linear saturation of non-resonant ideal long wavelength instabilities and application to sustained hybrid operational regimes Jonathan P Graves, Margot Coste-Sarguet, Isabel Krebs | |
PP11.00049: Fluctuation-induced electromotive forces in current-driven tokamak sawtooth relaxation Karsten J McCollam, Brett E Chapman, John S Sarff, Carl R Sovinec, Rachel A Myers, Mihir D Pandya, Ruifeng Xie | |
PP11.00050: Error field predictability and consequences for ITER Matthew C Pharr, Carlos A Paz-Soldan, Nikolas C Logan, Nils Leuthold, Jong-Kyu Park | |
PP11.00051: Improving SIESTA numerical convergence Jose-Miguel Reynolds-Barredo, Raul Sanchez | |
PP11.00052: Investigation of changes induced in the MHD spectrum by the presence of magnetic islands/stochastic regions with the SIESTA 3D MHD equilibrium code Raul Sanchez, Jose-Miguel Reynolds-Barredo | |
PP11.00053: Analysis of Kelvin-Helmholtz-like instabilities in strongly rotating tokamak plasmas Celine Schaumans, Jonathan P Graves, Howard R Wilson | |
PP11.00054: Status and overview of the Wisconsin HTS Axisymmetric Mirror experiment Dmitry Yakovlev, Jay K Anderson, Michael R Brown, Jan Egedal, Benedikt Geiger, R.W. Harvey, Mykola Ialovega, Jeremeiah J Kirch, Ethan E Peterson, Yuri V Petrov, Jonathan D Pizzo, Tony Qian, Kunal Sanwalka, Oliver Schmitz, John P Wallace, Mason Yu, Cary B Forest | |
PP11.00055: Bifurcation of radial electric field in tokamak edge pedestal in response to resonant magnetic perturbations Ping Zhu, Fangyuan Ma, Jiaxing Liu, Xingting Yan | |
PP11.00057: Adjoint methods for Transport Equations Ian G Abel, Rahul Gaur | |
PP11.00058: Basis Dispersionlet Bispectral Analysis Derek A Baver | |
PP11.00059: GPU-capable RF Ray tracing using a domain-specific compiler Mark R Cianciosa, Donald B Batchelor, Wael Elwasif | |
PP11.00060: Numerical near-axis expansion of weakly quasisymmetric MHS equilibria to all orders Lanke Fu, Amitava Bhattacharjee, Eduardo Rodriguez | |
PP11.00061: Implementation of the logical sheath boundary condition in the COGENT code Vasily I Geyko, Ilon Joseph, Mikhail Dorf | |
PP11.00062: ThinCurr, TokaMaker and friends: Open-source fusion modeling tools for engineering, analysis, and education Christopher J Hansen, Alexander F Battey, Anson Braun, Francois Logak, Sophia Guizzo, Sander Miller, Daniel A Burgess, Carlos A Paz-Soldan | |
PP11.00063: An anisotropic hybrid structured-unstructured mesh approach enabling PIC simulations of the Scrape-Off-Layer Md Fazlul Huq, Logan T Meredith, Onkar Sahni, Davide Curreli | |
PP11.00064: GITRm: A 3D Unstructured Mesh-based Particle Tracking Code for Global Impurity Transport in Fusion Devices Dhyanjyoti D Nath, Vignesh V Srinivasaragavan, Timothy R Younkin, Md Fazlul Huq, Davide Curreli, Zachary J Bergstrom, Aritra De, Jerome Guterl, Mark S Shephard, Onkar Sahni | |
PP11.00065: Contour Method for Resistive Evolution of Grad-Shafranov Plasma Equilibrium and Its Application to MTF Studies at General Fusion Ivan Khalzov, Victoria Suponitsky | |
PP11.00066: Testing multispecies MHD algorithms within the accelerator-enabled NIMROD code Jacob R King, Eric C Howell | |
PP11.00067: Modeling neoclassical impurity transport with the full-f gyrokinetic code COGENT Alexey R Knyazev, Mikhail Dorf, Sergei I Krasheninnikov | |
PP11.00068: Implementing general moment equations for parallel closures in NIMROD Hankyu Lee, J. Andrew Spencer, Eric D Held, Jeong-Young Ji | |
PP11.00069: High-order finite element arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian resistive magnetohydrodynamics coupled to a multi-physics code Philip Mocz | |
PP11.00070: A Grad-Shafranov-like equation for quasisymmetric stellarators Nikita Nikulsin, Wrick Sengupta, Rahul Gaur, Amitava Bhattacharjee | |
PP11.00071: Plasma control system design and disruption forces modelling with the open-source platform ERMES Ruben Otin, Tim C Hender, Xia Guoliang, Oliver Bardsley, James Paterson | |
PP11.00072: Time-resolved biphase signatures of quadratic nonlinearity observed in coupled eigenmodes on the DIII-D tokamak Gregory Riggs, Mark E Koepke, William W Heidbrink, Michael Van Zeeland, Donald A Spong | |
PP11.00073: Finding Magnetic Surfaces via a Single Trajectory Max Ruth, David S Bindel | |
PP11.00074: On Magnetic Compression in Gyrokinetic Field Theory Bruce D Scott | |
PP11.00075: Unstructured Mesh tools for Fusion Energy System Simulation Codes Mark S Shephard, Cameron W Smith, Jacob Merson, Usman Riaz, Aditya Yogesh Joshi | |
PP11.00076: Kinetic effects on plasma flow in the magnetic mirror Mikhail Tyushev, Andrei Smolyakov, Peter Yushmanov, Ales Necas, Roelof Groenewald | |
PP11.00077: Scenario Planning in Tokamaks by Integrating Free-boundary Equilibrium and Fast Transport Solvers into a Model-based Optimization Scheme Xiao Song, Zibo Wang, Brian R Leard, Tariq Rafiq, Eugenio Schuster | |
PP11.00078: Electromagnetic gyrokinetic mode simulations in XGC with an improved finite-grid stable implicit particle-in-cell algorithm Benjamin J Sturdevant, Luis Chacon, Seung-Hoe Ku, Mark F Adams, Choongseok Chang | |
PP11.00080: Magnetic field distribution estimations with Zeeman splitting spectroscopy at the radial phase of the PF-400J device Gonzalo Avaria, Miguel Escalona, Cristian Pavez, Gonzalo Jimenez, Julio Valenzuela, Hugo M Ruiz, Leopoldo Soto | |
PP11.00081: X-ray Spectroscopic Studies of Multi-material Twisted Wire Hybrid X-pinches Nathaniel G Chalmers, Mouad Damir, Joshua Luoma, Ahmed T Elshafiey, David A Hammer | |
PP11.00082: Upgrades To LLNL's MJOLNIR Dense Plasma Focus (DPF) Power Flow Region and Mounting Structure James K Walters, Luis Frausto, Michael Anderson, Paul M Campbell, Christopher Cooper, Andrea Schmidt | |
PP11.00083: Yield scaling and operating conditions for highest observed neutron yield shots above 3.5 MA on MJOLNIR DPF Christopher Cooper, Anthony J Link, Clement S Goyon, Enrique Anaya, Paul M Campbell, Steven F Chapman, Owen B Drury, Don Max, Jaebum Park, Sophia V Rocco, Kurt Walters, Amanda Youmans, Andrea Schmidt | |
PP11.00084: Neutron Anisotropy Measurements on MJOLNIR Dense Plasma Focus Clement S Goyon, Anthony J Link, Amanda Youmans, Rick Anaya, Justin R Angus, Paul Campbell, Steven F Chapman, Christopher Cooper, Owen B Drury, Drew Higginson, Luis Frausto, Sheng Jiang, Matthew M McMahon, Jaebum Park, Sophia V Rocco, James K Walters, Andrea Schmidt | |
PP11.00085: Anode Implosion Radius Effects on Dense Plasma Focus Performance Anthony J Link, Enrique Anaya, Justin R Angus, Paul Campbell, Steven F Chapman, Christopher Cooper, Owen B Drury, Clement S Goyon, Drew Higginson, Luis Frausto, Sheng Jiang, Don Max, Matthew M McMahon, Jaebum Park, Sophia V Rocco, Kurt Walters, Amanda Youmans, Andrea Schmidt | |
PP11.00086: Meeting Flash Neutron Radiography Requirements with the MegaJoule Neutron Imaging Radiography (MJOLNIR) DPF Andrea Schmidt, Enrique Anaya, Michael Anderson, Justin R Angus, Steven F Chapman, Christopher Cooper, Owen B Drury, Luis Frausto, Clement S Goyon, Drew Higginson, Sheng Jiang, Anthony J Link, Don Max, Matt McMahon, Jaebum Park, Sophia V Rocco, James K Walters, Amanda Youmans, Paul C Campbell | |
PP11.00087: Optimization of the Neutron Source Size for Dense Plasma Focus using Particle-In-Cell Simulations Sheng Jiang, Anthony J Link, Enrique Anaya, Justin R Angus, Paul Campbell, Steven F Chapman, Christopher Cooper, Owen B Drury, Clement S Goyon, Drew Higginson, Luis Frausto, Don Max, Matthew M McMahon, Jaebum Park, Sophia V Rocco, Kurt Walters, Amanda Youmans, Andrea Schmidt | |
PP11.00088: FLASH Simulations of a Gas-Puff Xe Liner Staged Z-Pinch Edward C Hansen, Fernando Garcia Rubio, Marissa B Adams, Milad Fatenejad, Kasper Moczulski, Paul Ney, Hafiz U Rahman, Adam Reyes, Emil Ruskov, Victor Tranchant, Petros Tzeferacos | |
PP11.00089: Simulation of X-Ray Spectra in Multi-Material Micro-Pinches Joshua Luoma, Ahmed T Elshafiey, Nate Chalmers, David A Hammer | |
PP11.00090: Comparison of hydrodynamic and kinetic simulations of an ICF hohlraum surrogate Steven Anderson, Luis Chacon, Andrei N Simakov | |
PP11.00091: Nonlocal non-Maxwellian electron distributions in radiating laser-plasmas Kevin H Ma, Mehul V Patel, Eric Johnsen | |
PP11.00092: Abstract Withdrawn | |
PP11.00093: Delayed shock breakout from aluminum samples in a halfraum due to hot electron beaming from the LEH window Mordecai D Rosen, Alastair S Moore, William A Farmer, Michael S Rubery, Peter M Celliers, Matthew P Hill, Marius Millot, Matthias Hohenberger, Mordecai ( E Rosen, Steven Ross, Weston Montgomery, Clay Henning, Otto L Landen | |
PP11.00095: Evidence of suppressed beam-plasma instabilities in a laboratory analogue of blazar-induced pair jets Charles D Arrowsmith, Gianluca Gregori, Francesco Miniati, Subir Sarkar, Brian T Huffman, Alexander A Schekochihin, Archie F Bott, Jack W Halliday, Sam Iaquinta, Nikolaos Charitonidis, Pascal Simon, Alice Marie Goillot, Ilias Efthymiopoulos, Vasiliki Stergiou, Stephane Burger, Robert Bingham, Raoul M Trines, Tristan Davenne, Tom Hodge, Pablo J Bilbao, Filipe D Cruz, Luis O Silva, Nelson Lopes, Daniel J Haberberger, Dustin H Froula, Hui Chen, Raspberry Simpson, Tammy Ma, Brian Reville, Thibault Vieu, Jon Tomas Gudmundsson | |
PP11.00096: Extended Magnetohydrodynamic Effects on Dynamics and Stability of Magnetically Driven High Energy Density Plasma Jets Dalton A Lund, Eric S Lavine, Charles E Seyler | |
PP11.00097: The electron cyclotron maser instability in laser ionized plasmas Thales Silva, Pablo J Bilbao, Luis O Silva | |
PP11.00098: Characterization of the nonaxisymmetric MHD mode in the Princeton magnetorotational instability experiment using simultaneous velocity and magnetic field measurements Yin Wang, Erik P Gilson, Fatima Ebrahimi, Jeremy Goodman, Hantao Ji | |
PP11.00099: Advancing Multi-Scale Physics Modeling in Strongly Magnetized Relativistic Plasmas: A Sub-Cycling Approach of Analytic Particle Pusher Guangye Chen, Federico Fraschetti, Fan Guo, Chengkun Huang, Patrick Kilian, Nicole L Ronning | |
PP11.00100: Discontinuous-Galerkin Representation of the Maxwell-Juttner Distribution Grant R Johnson, James Juno, Ammar Hakim | |
PP11.00101: The Large Scale Impact of Localized Cosmic Ray Injection Roark S Habegger, Ellen Zweibel | |
Withdrawn |
PP11.00102: Saturation of the Tayler instability in a rotating, stratified plasma Adrian E Fraser, Evan H Anders, Jim Fuller, Suoqing Ji, Laurène Jouve, Daniel Lecoanet, Ellen Zweibel | |
PP11.00103: Entity: Architecture-agnostic General Coordinate (QED)(GR)PIC Code for Simulating Astrophysical Plasmas Hayk Hakobyan, Benjamin Crinquand, Alisa Galishnikova, Jens F Mahlmann, Alexander A Philippov, Arno Vanthieghem, Muni Zhou | |
PP11.00104: Neutral-charged-particle Collisions as the Mechanism for Accretion Disk Angular Momentum Transport Yang Zhang, Paul M Bellan | |
PP11.00105: The Structure of the Beginning of the Universe - Point Circle Structure Han y yong Quan | |
PP11.00106: The Effect of Heat Transport on Compressible Fluctuation Dynamo in Multi-temperature Plasmas Abigail Armstrong, Adam Reyes, Edward C Hansen, Ananya Mohapatra, Eric Blackman, Archie F Bott, Petros Tzeferacos | |
PP11.00107: Whistler Lion Roars within Mirror Modes in Galaxy Clusters Francisco Ley, Ellen Zweibel, Drake Miller, Mario A Riquelme | |
PP11.00108: Wave Interactions and Turbulence in High-β Collisionless Plasmas Stephen P Majeski, Matthew W Kunz, Jonathan Squire | |
PP11.00109: MHD turbulence and the dynamo problem John V Shebalin | |
PP11.00110: Turbulent nonlinear dynamics of magnetic flux ropes in reduced magnetohydrodynamics Alexander Velberg, Lucas Shoji, Muni Zhou, Nuno F Loureiro | |
PP11.00111: Simulations of the Radiative Collapse of Plasmoids in Extreme Astrophysical Environments Simran Chowdhry, Rishabh Datta, Jack D Hare, Nuno F Loureiro | |
PP11.00112: Simulation study of energy partition in non-relativistic collisionless shocks Jhonnatan Gama Vazquez, Alexis Marret, Frederico Fiuza | |
PP11.00113: Spectral studies of the Weibel turbulence via PIC simulations Michael C Sitarz, Mikhail V Medvedev, Alexander A Philippov | |
PP11.00115: Spectral characterization of the Hall Effect thruster operation on argon propellant Oleg Batishchev, Alexander Hyde, James Szabo | |
PP11.00116: Evaluation of Plasma Flow and Acceleration Effect Using Rotating Magnetic Field Current Driving Method in Magnetic Nozzle Takeru Furukawa, Daisuke Kuwahara, Shunjiro Shinohara | |
PP11.00117: Preliminary concept for an electrodeless Magnetic Reconnection Thruster (e-MRT) Kush Maheshwari, Jungkyun Kim, Hantao Ji, Yevgeny Raitses, Jongsoo Yoo, Fatima Ebrahimi, Masaaki Yamada | |
PP11.00118: Nanosecond dielectric barrier discharge aircraft ice protection system Andrey Starikovskiy, Manny Rios | |
PP11.00119: Development and Analysis of a Multiscale Numerical Model for Ionic Electrospray Emission Amin Taziny, Iain D Boyd | |
PP11.00120: Investigation of Plasma-Induced Magnetic Flux Compression on Induced Current in a Stator Coil Within Different Magnetic Field Configurations Ian Wagner, Gabe Xu | |
PP11.00121: Laser produced plasma expansion into high magnetic field gradients. Zachary K White, Gabe Xu, Saikat Chakraborty Thakur, Edward Thomas | |
PP11.00122: Gas-Bubble Mixing Improves Liquid Treatment with Cold Atmospheric Plasma Ha Nguyen, Haoyu Cheng, Yuting Wu, Yoann Choy, Benjamin B Minkoff, Thao T Nguyen, Mark P Richards, Michael R Sussman, Hau D Le, J. Leon Shohet | |
PP11.00123: Enhanced Neutron-Induced Damage Testing through Plasma Window Technology Joshua Blatz, Ross F Radel, Tye T Gribb, Preston J Barrows, Todd Kile | |
PP11.00124: Optimizing UV/VUV Transmission Through Capillary-array Windows From Utilizing Statistical Experimental Designs Haoyu Cheng, Ha Nguyen, Leon J Shohet | |
PP11.00125: Understanding the effect of magnetic field configuration on preferential transport of impurities in PISCES-RF Gayatri D Dhamale, Matthew J Baldwin, MD SHAHINUL ISLAM, Atul Kumar, Marlene I Patino, Wouter Tierens, Juergen Rapp | |
PP11.00126: Ion Velocity Distribution Function Effects on Atomic Layer Etching in a RF Discharge Brian Jensen, David B Graves | |
PP11.00127: Magnetohydrodynamics Modeling of Electrothermal Instability Development on Electrically Pulsed Conductors Seth E Kreher, Christopher L Rousculp, Bruno S Bauer, Aidan W Klemmer | |
PP11.00128: Measuring Tungsten Fuzz Growth with Transient Grating Spectroscopy Andrew T Lanzrath, Angus Wylie, Sara E Ferry, Kevin B Woller, Michael P Short | |
PP11.00129: Computational Investigation of Ion Energy Angle Distribution within Trench Structures using the hPIC2 Particle-in-Cell Code Andrew Liu, Logan T Meredith, Davide Curreli | |
PP11.00130: Sheath models for thermionically cooled surfaces in two-temperature plasmas Kal Monroe, Iain D Boyd | |
PP11.00131: Direct measurements and spectroscopic analysis of secondary electron emission from carbon foams Angelica Ottaviano, Yevgeny Raitses, Gary Wan, Evan T Ostrowski, Shota Abe, Bruce E Koel, Richard E Wirz | |
PP11.00132: Optimization of Additively Manufactured Plasma-facing Surfaces with Consideration of Plasma Infusion Effects Graeme T Sabiston, Richard E Wirz | |
PP11.00133: Effects of Oxides on Hydrogen Uptake and Release in Dispersion-Strengthened Tungsten Carli S Smith, Robert D Kolasinski, Martin Nieto-Pérez, Xing Wang | |
PP11.00134: Development of the Particle-Mesh, Material-Interaction Particle-In-Cell Code Package (PEMMICAN) for the Simulation of Plasma Facing Component Wall Effects Alex Somers, Leigh Winfrey, George K Larsen, Holly B Flynn | |
PP11.00136: A new hybrid: kinetic ions with parallel-kinetic-perpendicular-moment (pkpm) electrons James L Juno, Ammar Hakim, Jason M TenBarge, Gregory G Howes, Collin R Brown | |
PP11.00137: Investigation of the Ion Reflection Rate at Quasi-Perpendicular Shocks Eli D Monyek, Hadi Madanian, Narges Ahmadi, Karlheinz J Trattner | |
PP11.00138: Electron acceleration mechanisms in magnetic reconnection and flux ropes in the Earth's quasi-parallel bow shock Naoki Bessho, Li-Jen Chen, Michael Hesse, Jonathan Ng, Lynn B Wilson, Julia Stawarz | |
PP11.00139: Reconnection diffusion region in a shock ramp Li-Jen Chen, Jason R Shuster, Richard Denton, Yi Qi, Hadi Madanian, Jonathan Ng, Ari Le, Adam J Stanier, Naoki Bessho, Craig J Pollock, Daniel Gershman, James L Burch | |
PP11.00140: Conditions of structural transition from collisionless electrostatic shock to double-layer structure Minh N Ly, Takayoshi Sano, Youichi Sakawa, Yasuhiko Sentoku | |
PP11.00141: Hydrodynamic Shock Modifications by the Heat Flux of Non-Thermal Particles Colby C Haggerty, Damiano Caprioli, Paul A Cassak, Mahmud Hasan Barbhuiya, Lynn B Wilson, Drew L Turner | |
PP11.00142: Understanding the Breakdown of the Bell Instability in the Limit of High Cosmic Ray Current Density Emily R Lichko, Damiano Caprioli, Siddhartha Gupta | |
PP11.00143: Experimental Observations of Electrode Plasma-Surface Chemistry in Air-Breathing Gridded Ion Thrusters Patrick Crandall, Richard E Wirz | |
PP11.00144: Imaging Refractometry Technique Development Alexander Rososhek, Bruce R Kusse, William M Potter, Eric S Lavine, David A Hammer | |
PP11.00145: Characterization of Circular Arc Electron Source for Air Ionization in a Self-Neutralizing Air-Breathing Plasma Thruster Anmol Taploo, Vikas Soni, Halen Solomon, Marshal McCraw, Li Lin, Jake Spinelli, Steven P Shepard, Santiago Solares, Michael Keidar |
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