Bulletin of the American Physical Society
51st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
Volume 54, Number 15
Monday–Friday, November 2–6, 2009; Atlanta, Georgia
Invited Speakers
Ampleford, David Sandia National Laboratories |
Session UI3.00005 Astrophysically relevant radiatively cooled hypersonic bow shocks in nested wire arrays Room: Centennial II |
Baalrud, Scott D. Department of Engineering Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session GI2.00003 Kinetic Theory of Instability-Enhanced Collisional Effects Room: Centennial I |
Barnes, Michael University of Oxford |
Session DI3.00001 Direct multi-scale coupling of a transport code to gyrokinetic turbulence codes, with comparisons to tokamak experiments Room: Centennial II |
Barrios, M.A. Laboratory for Laser Energetics, U. of Rochester |
Session JI2.00002 High-Precision Measurements of the Equation of State of Polymers at 100 to 1000 GPa Using Laser-Driven Shock Waves Room: Centennial I |
Bass, E.M. General Atomics |
Session XI3.00002 Gyrokinetic Simulations of Enhanced Alpha Transport by De-stabilized Alfv\`en Turbulence Room: Centennial II |
Beg, Farhat University of California San Diego |
Session UI2.00005 Generation and Transport of Hot Electrons in Cone-Wire Targets Room: Centennial I |
Bell, R.E. Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session NI3.00003 Comparison of poloidal velocity measurements to neoclassical theory on NSTX Room: Centennial II |
Berk, Herbert Univerisity of Texas at Austin |
Session XI3.00001 Marginal Stability Dynamics for Energetic Particles Room: Centennial II |
Berkery, John W. Columbia University |
Session GI3.00005 The Role of Kinetic Effects, Including Plasma Rotation and Energetic Particles, in Resistive Wall Mode Stability Room: Centennial II |
Betti, R. Laboratory for Laser Energetics and FSC, U. of Rochester |
Session PT3.00001 ICF Ignition, the Lawson Criterion, and Comparison with MFE Ignition Room: Centennial II |
Brower, David L. University of California, Los Angeles |
Session KI3.00004 Fluctuation-Induced Particle Transport and Density Relaxation in a Stochastic Magnetic Field Room: Centennial II |
Callen, J.D. University of Wisconsin |
Session NI3.00001 Transport Equations In Tokamak Plasmas Room: Centennial II |
Candy, J. General Atomics |
Session DI3.00002 Predictive Gyrokinetic Transport Simulations and Application of Synthetic Diagnostics Room: Centennial II |
Carter, Troy Department of Physics and Astronomy, UCLA |
Session TI2.00005 Modification of turbulence and turbulent transport associated with a confinement transition in LAPD Room: Centennial I |
Choi, M. General Atomics |
Session TI3.00001 Iterated Finite Orbit Monte Carlo Simulation with Full Wave Fields for Tokamak ICRF Wave Heating Experiments Room: Centennial II |
Coppi, Bruno MIT |
Session UI3.00004 High Energy Plasmas in the Surroundings of Black Holes: Composite Disk Structures and Characteristic Modes$*$ Room: Centennial II |
Cothran, Christopher Swarthmore College |
Session XI3.00006 Observation of a nonaxisymmetric MHD self-organized state Room: Centennial II |
Cziegler, Istvan MIT PSFC |
Session BI3.00005 Turbulence Structures and Velocities in the Edge of Alcator C-Mod Room: Centennial II |
DeBoo, J.C. General Atomics |
Session KI3.00003 Probing Plasma Turbulence by Modulating the Electron Temperature Gradient Room: Centennial II |
de la Luna, Elena Laboratorio Nacional de Fusion, Asociacion EURATOM/CIEMAT, Madrid-28040, Spain |
Session PI2.00002 ELM mitigation studies in JET and implications for ITER Room: Centennial I |
Diamond, P.H. Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093-0424 USA |
Session TI2.00006 A second look at zonal flows Room: Centennial I |
Dimits, Andris Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session DI3.00004 Gyrokinetic Models for Edge Plasmas Room: Centennial II |
Drewsen, Michael QUANTOP - Danish Research Foundation Center for Quantum Optics, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Aarhus, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark |
Session UI3.00002 Noninvasive technique for studying plasma modes of ion Coulomb crystals using cavity quantum electrodynamics Room: Centennial II |
Driscoll, C. Fred University of California at San Diego |
Session UI3.00001 Measurements of Correlation-Enhanced Collision Rates Room: Centennial II |
Eggert, Jon Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session UI3.00003 Shock Experiments on Pre-Compressed Fluid Helium Room: Centennial II |
Fiksel, Gennady University of Wisconsin-Madison and Center for Magnetic Self-Organization in Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas |
Session BI2.00005 Investigation of ion heating due to reconnection in the MST reversed-field pinch Room: Centennial I |
Forest, Cary University of Wisconsin, Madison |
Session CT3.00001 Flow Driven MHD instabilities in Weakly Magnetized Laboratory Experiments: Dynamos and MRI Room: Centennial II |
Frenje, Johan MIT |
Session NI2.00004 Measurements of the down-scattered and TT-neutron spectrum using the Magnetic Recoil Spectrometer Room: Centennial I |
Friedman, Alex LLNL \& Heavy Ion Fusion Science VNL |
Session CI2.00001 Beam dynamics of NDCX-II, a novel pulse-compressing ion accelerator Room: Centennial I |
Froula, Dustin Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session QI3.00002 Experimental basis for laser-plasma interaction predictions on the National Ignition Facility ignition designs Room: Centennial II |
Fundamenski, Wojciech Euratom/UKAEA Fusion Association |
Session BI3.00002 Power and particle exhaust: recent progress on JET and implications for ITER Room: Centennial II |
Gilson, Erik Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session CI2.00003 Studies of Emittance Growth and Halo Particle Production in Intense Charged Particle Beams Using the Paul Trap Simulator Experiment Room: Centennial I |
Gonsalves, Anthony Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session UI2.00001 Controlled electron injection in laser wakefield accelerators using axially tailored plasmas Room: Centennial I |
Graves, Jonathan Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Centre de Recherches en Physique des Plasmas, Association EURATOM-Confederation Suisse, 1015 Lausanne |
Session GI3.00002 Theoretical and JET experimental evidence of a new sawtooth control mechanism by off-axis toroidally propagating ICRF waves Room: Centennial II |
Gray, Tim Swarthmore College |
Session BI2.00006 Evolution to a minimum energy Taylor state in multiple flux conserving boundaries in SSX Room: Centennial I |
Greenwald, Martin MIT-Plasma Science \& Fusion Center |
Session JT3.00001 Verification and Validation for Magnetic Fusion: Moving Toward Predictive Capability Room: Centennial II |
Habara, Hideaki Osaka University |
Session XI2.00003 Measurement of fast electrons inside the dielectric material via observation of its Cherenkov radiation Room: Centennial I |
Harding, E.C. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 USA |
Session XI2.00002 Observations of subsonic and supersonic shear flows in laser driven high-energy-density plasmas Room: Centennial I |
Hayashi, Nobuhiko Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Fusion Research and Development Directorate |
Session BI3.00001 Advanced Tokamak Research with Integrated Modeling in JT-60U Room: Centennial II |
Hollmann, E.M. UCSD |
Session XI3.00004 Experiments in DIII-D Toward Achieving Rapid Shutdown with Runaway Electron Suppression Room: Centennial II |
Hopwood, Jeffrey Tufts University |
Session GI2.00004 Cold microplasmas at one atmosphere: Simulation and characterization Room: Centennial I |
Huang, Yi-Min Center for Integrated Computation and Analysis of Reconnection and Turbulence, University of New Hampshire |
Session BI2.00001 Effects of Line-tying on Magnetohydrodynamic Instabilities and Current Sheet Formation Room: Centennial I |
Hughes, Jerry MIT PSFC |
Session BI3.00004 Pedestal regulation techniques for enhanced confinement regimes on Alcator C Mod Room: Centennial II |
Hutchinson, Ian H. Plasma Science and Fusion Center, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA |
Session TI2.00001 How ions really flow to objects in magnetized plasmas Room: Centennial I |
Jackson, G.L. General Atomics |
Session TI3.00004 Understanding and Predicting the Dynamics of Tokamak Discharges during Startup and Rampdown Room: Centennial II |
Jennings, Christopher Sandia National Laboratories |
Session JI2.00004 Validated, 3-dimensional, magneto-hydrodynamic simulations of optimized single and nested wire array z-pinches with detailed circuit coupling Room: Centennial I |
Kaganovich, Igor PPPL |
Session CI2.00002 Physics of neutralization of intense charged particle beam pulses by a background plasma Room: Centennial I |
Karasik, Max Plasma Physics Division, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC |
Session JI2.00005 Acceleration to High Velocities and Heating by Impact Using Nike KrF laser Room: Centennial I |
Keidar, Michael George Washington University |
Session GI2.00006 Exploring Plasma Mechanisms of Carbon Nanostructures Synthesis in Arc Discharge Room: Centennial I |
Kemp, Andreas Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session UI2.00006 Integrated Kinetic Simulation of Laser-Plasma Interactions, Fast-electron Generation and Transport in Fast Ignition Room: Centennial I |
Knauer, J.P. Laboratory for Laser Energetics, U. of Rochester |
Session XI2.00001 Compressing Magnetic Fields with High-Energy Lasers Room: Centennial I |
Knudson, Marcus Sandia National Laboratories |
Session JI2.00001 Hugoniot Measurements of Diamond and $\alpha$-Quartz in the TPa Regime: Implications for Astrophysics, ICF, and HED Physics Room: Centennial I |
Kobayashi, Masahiro NIFS |
Session PI2.00004 Detached divertor plasma physics with a stochastic magnetic field Room: Centennial I |
Krasheninnikova, Natalia LANL |
Session BI3.00006 Kinetic simulations of plasma sheath with parallel to the wall magnetic field Room: Centennial II |
Krushelnick, Karl University of Michigan |
Session FR1.00001 Ion acceleration using ultra-high intensity lasers Room: Centennial I-II |
La Haye, R.J. General Atomics |
Session GI3.00003 Islands in the Stream: The Effect of Plasma Flow on Tearing Stability Room: Centennial II |
Landen, Otto Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session NI2.00001 Capsule Performance Optimization for the National Ignition Facility Room: Centennial I |
Lawrence, Eric University of California, Los Angeles |
Session BI2.00002 Experimental measurement of quasi-separatrix layers in magnetic flux ropes Room: Centennial I |
Le, Ari MIT |
Session BI2.00004 Equations of State in Collisionless Reconnection Room: Centennial I |
Lepape, Sebastien Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session JI2.00003 X-ray Radiography and Scattering Diagnosis of Dense Shock-Compressed Matter Room: Centennial I |
Li, Jiangang Institute of Plasma Physics,CAS |
Session BI3.00003 Recent Progress on EAST Superconducting Tokamak Room: Centennial II |
Lin, Liang MIT/UCLA |
Session KI3.00002 Comparison of experimental measurements and gyrokinetic turbulent electron transport models in Alcator C-Mod plasmas Room: Centennial II |
Loomis, Eric Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session NI2.00006 Investigations into the Seeding of Instabilities due to X-ray Preheat in Beryllium-Based Inertial Confinement Fusion Targets Room: Centennial I |
Lore, Jeremy HSX - UW Madison |
Session NI3.00006 Internal Electron Transport Barrier due to Neoclassical Ambipolarity in the HSX Stellarator Room: Centennial II |
Luce, T.C. General Atomics |
Session AR1.00001 Realizing Steady State Tokamak Operation for Fusion Energy Room: Centennial I-II |
Maingi, Rajesh Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session PI2.00003 Modification of Edge Profiles and Stability with Lithium Wall Coatings in NSTX Room: Centennial I |
Martin, Piero Consorzio RFX - Associazione EURATOM-ENEA sulla fusione, Padova, Italy |
Session NI3.00005 Transport barriers in helical equilibria: structural change in the reversed field pinch Room: Centennial II |
Martins, Samuel GoLP, Instituto de Plasmas e Fusao Nuclear - Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, Portugal \& University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, USA |
Session UI2.00003 Boosted frame PIC simulations of LWFA: ultra-fast modeling of current experiments and first studies of acceleration towards the energy frontier Room: Centennial I |
McLean, Adam |
Session PI2.00005 Quantification of Chemical Erosion in the DIII-D Divertor Room: Centennial I |
Meezan, Nathan Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session QI3.00001 National Ignition Campaign Hohlraum Energetics Room: Centennial II |
Michel, Pierre Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session QI3.00003 Multi-laser beams scattering processes in ignition targets Room: Centennial II |
Park, Hye-Sook Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session NI2.00005 Strong viscous stabilization of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability at Mbar pressures Room: Centennial I |
Parra, Felix I. Plasma Science \& Fusion Center, MIT |
Session DI3.00003 Limitations of the gyrokinetic quasineutrality equation Room: Centennial II |
Perez, Jean C. University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session TI2.00004 Strong magnetohydrodynamic turbulence with cross helicity Room: Centennial I |
Porkolab, Miklos MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center, Cambridge, MA 02139 |
Session SR1.00001 Taming Magnetically Confined Plasmas with RF Waves: A Historical Perspective Room: Centennial I-II |
Ralph, Joseph Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session UI2.00002 Laser Wakefield Acceleration in the Self-Guided Regime Room: Centennial I |
Robey, Harry F. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session XI2.00004 High Performance Capsule Implosions on the Omega Laser Facility with Rugby Hohlraums Room: Centennial I |
Rochau, Gregory Sandia National Laboratories |
Session WR1.00001 Applied Spectroscopy in Pulsed Power Plasmas Room: Centennial I-II |
Roytershteyn, Vadim Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session BI2.00003 Influence of Coulomb Collisions on the Dynamics of Magnetic Reconnection in Space and Laboratory Plasmas Room: Centennial I |
Sakai, Osamu Kyoto University |
Session GI2.00001 Microplasma assembly for novel electromagnetic media Room: Centennial I |
Sangster, T.C. Laboratory for Laser Energetics, U. of Rochester |
Session NI2.00002 Shock-Tuned Cryogenic DT Implosion Performance on OMEGA Room: Centennial I |
Sarff, John S. University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session MR1.00001 Physics progress of Reversed Field Pinch magnetic confinement Room: Centennial I-II |
Scime, Earl West Virginia University |
Session TI2.00003 Increased Upstream Ionization Due to Spontaneous Formation of a Double Layer in an Expanding Plasma Room: Centennial I |
Shiraiwa, Syun'ichi PSFC, MIT |
Session TI3.00003 Plasma wave simulation based on a versatile FEM solver on Alcator C-Mod Room: Centennial II |
Slutz, Stephen Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, USA 87185 |
Session JI2.00006 Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion Room: Centennial I |
Smolyakov, Andrei CEA Cadarache/University of Saskatchewan, Canada |
Session TI3.00005 Kinetic theory of geodesic acoustic modes Room: Centennial II |
Solomon, W.M. Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session NI3.00002 Generation and Sustainment of Rotation in Tokamaks Room: Centennial II |
Speirs, David Department of Physics, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, G4 0NG, U.K. |
Session UI3.00006 Experimental and numerical investigation of auroral cyclotron maser processes Room: Centennial II |
Stephens, Hillary University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session GI3.00004 Electron thermal transport within magnetic islands in the RFP Room: Centennial II |
Stratakis, Diktys Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session CI2.00004 Generalized Phase-Space Tomography for Intense Beams Room: Centennial I |
Sugiyama, Linda E. M.I.T. |
Session PI2.00001 ELMs, Magnetic X-points, and Chaotic Fields Room: Centennial I |
Sydorenko, Dmytro University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada |
Session GI2.00002 Kinetic effects in low-pressure discharges with secondary electron emission Room: Centennial I |
Taylor, Gary Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University |
Session TI3.00002 Advances in High-Harmonic Fast Wave Physics in the National Spherical Torus Experiment Room: Centennial II |
Thomas, Alec University of Michigan |
Session UI2.00004 Measurements and modeling of radiation from laser wakefield accelerators Room: Centennial I |
Turnbull, A.D. General Atomics |
Session GI3.00001 A New View of Internal Kink Modes and Their Relation to the Sawtooth Instability Room: Centennial II |
Vaughan, Kelly Atomic Weapons Establishment |
Session NI2.00003 Asymmetrically-Driven Implosions Room: Centennial I |
Vlasov, Alexander Naval Research Laboratory |
Session CI2.00005 Advances in Modeling of Beam-Wave Interaction in Multi-Megawatt Gyrotrons Room: Centennial I |
Weber, T.R. University of California, San Diego |
Session GI2.00005 Tailored Positron Beams from Trapped Single-component Plasmas Room: Centennial I |
Werner, Gregory University of Colorado |
Session CI2.00006 Wakefields in Photonic Crystal Accelerator Cavities Room: Centennial I |
White, A.E. UCLA (presently at ORISE) |
Session KI3.00001 Marshall N. Rosenbluth Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award Talk: Simultaneous Measurement of Electron Temperature and Density Fluctuations in the Core of DIII-D Plasmas Room: Centennial II |
White, Roscoe Princeton University |
Session XI3.00005 Beam particle distribution modification by low amplitude modes Room: Centennial II |
Whyte, Dennis MIT-PSFC |
Session PI2.00006 Runaway Electron Transport and Disruption Mitigation Optimization on Alcator C-Mod Room: Centennial I |
Widmann, Klaus |
Session QI3.00004 Hohlraum Performance at $>$ 100 TW on the National Ignition Facility Room: Centennial II |
Wong, Alfred Nonlinear Ion Dynamics, LLC |
Session TI2.00002 Plasma Experiments and the Environment Room: Centennial I |
Zarnstorff, Michael Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session NI3.00004 Three-dimensional shaping of tokamak plasmas Room: Centennial II |
Zhang, W.L. UC Irvine |
Session XI3.00003 Energetic Particle Transport by Microturbulence Room: Centennial II |
Zheng, L.J. University of Texas at Austin, Institute for Fusion Studies |
Session GI3.00006 Kinetic Analysis of Resistive Wall Modes in ITER Advanced Tokamak Scenario Room: Centennial II |
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