Bulletin of the American Physical Society
50th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics
Volume 53, Number 14
Monday–Friday, November 17–21, 2008; Dallas, Texas
Invited Speakers
Albright, Brian Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session KI2.00005 Ab Initio Petaflop-scale Particle-in-Cell Simulation of Laser-Plasma Interaction Room: Landmark B |
Anderegg, Francois University of California, San Diego |
Session UI1.00003 Electron Acoustic Waves in Pure Ion Plasmas Room: Landmark A |
Arefiev, Alexey Institute for Fusion Studies, The University of Texas at Austin |
Session NI2.00002 Collisionless plasma expansion into vacuum: two new twists on an old problem Room: Landmark B |
Bailey, James Sandia National Laboratories |
Session PT2.00001 Experimental investigation of opacity models for stellar interiors, inertial fusion, and high energy density plasmas Room: Landmark B |
Belli, E.A. General Atomics |
Session TI2.00006 Drift-Kinetic Simulations of Neoclassical Transport Room: Landmark B |
Boehly, T.R. Laboratory for Laser Energetics, U. of Rochester |
Session QI1.00003 Timing of Multiple Shock Waves in Cryogenic-Deuterium Targets Room: Landmark A |
Boozer, Allen H. Columbia University, New York, NY 10027 |
Session UT2.00001 Use of Non-Axisymmetric Shaping in Magnetic Fusion Room: Landmark B |
Burrell, K.H. General Atomics |
Session NI1.00003 Edge Pedestal Control in Quiescent H-Mode Discharges in DIII-D Using Co Plus Counter Neutral Beam Injection Room: Landmark A |
Callahan, Debra Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session BI1.00001 Developing an optimal ignition hohlraum for the National Ignition Facility (NIF) Room: Landmark A |
Cassak, Paul West Virginia University |
Session JI1.00004 Scaling of Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection Room: Landmark A |
Chang, Choong-Seock New York University and KAIST |
Session NI1.00005 Radially compressed full-f ITG turbulence dynamics across the pre-transition L-mode edge pedestal in magnetic separatrix geometry Room: Landmark A |
Chen, Francis F. UCLA |
Session TI1.00001 Permanent-magnet helicon sources and arrays: a new type of RF plasma Room: Landmark A |
Chen, Li-Jen University of New Hampshire |
Session JI1.00003 Multi-satellite observations of the electron diffusion region, neighboring islands, and electron acceleration Room: Landmark A |
Correll, Donald Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session QI2.00003 Helping Teachers Teach Plasma Physics Room: Landmark B |
Danielson, J.R. University of California, San Diego |
Session TI1.00005 Plasma Tools for Physics with Antimatter Room: Landmark A |
Davidson, Ronald Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session SR0.00001 James Clerk Maxwell Prize Talk: Collective Interaction Processes and Nonlinear Dynamics of Nonneutral Plasmas and Intense Charged Particle Beam Room: Landmark A/B |
Davies, Jonathan GoLP/IPFN, Instituto Superior T\'ecnico |
Session YI1.00003 Magnetic Collimation of Fast Electrons in Laser-Solid Interactions and Fast Ignition Room: Landmark A |
Den Hartog, D.J. Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin--Madison, and Center for Magnetic Self-Organization in Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas |
Session CI1.00004 Improved confinement at high current in the MST RFP Room: Landmark A |
Drake, R. Paul University of Michigan |
Session XR0.00002 Perspectives on High-Energy-Density Physics Room: Landmark A/B |
Edlund, Eric MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center |
Session GI1.00003 Observation of Revered Shear Alfv{\'e}n Eigenmodes During the Sawtooth Cycle in Alcator C-Mod Room: Landmark A |
Egedal, Jan MIT, PSFC |
Session JI1.00002 Experimental Investigation of Spontaneous Magnetic Reconnection in the Laboratory Room: Landmark A |
Ernst, Darin Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session YI2.00003 Role of Zonal Flows in Trapped Electron Mode Turbulence through Nonlinear Gyrokinetic Particle and Continuum Simulation Room: Landmark B |
Fitzpatrick, Richard IFS, UT Austin |
Session MR0.00002 Magnetic Islands in Plasmas Room: Landmark A/B |
Garofalo, A.M. General Atomics |
Session BI2.00002 Plasma Rotation Driven by Static Nonresonant Magnetic Fields Room: Landmark B |
Germaschewski, Kai University of New Hampshire |
Session GI1.00004 Nonlinear evolution of the cylindrical tearing mode and its diamagnetic stabilization Room: Landmark A |
Gorelenkov, Nikolai PPPL, Princeton University |
Session GI1.00002 Beta-induced Alfv\'{e}n-Acoustic Eigenmodes in NSTX and DIII-D Driven by Beam Ions Room: Landmark A |
Gregori, Gianluca University of Oxford |
Session KI2.00002 Probing the dynamic structure of warm dense matter Room: Landmark B |
Grierson, B.A. Columbia University |
Session UI1.00004 Global and Local Characterization of Turbulent and Chaotic Structures in a Dipole-Confined Plasma Room: Landmark A |
Gurnett, Donald University of Iowa |
Session MR0.00001 Waves in Space Plasmas Room: Landmark A/B |
Hanson, Jeremy Columbia University |
Session BI2.00004 Feedback Suppression of Rotating External Kink Modes in the Presence of Noise Room: Landmark B |
Herrmann, Hans Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session BI1.00003 Effects of $^{3}$He Addition on Implosion of DT Capsules on OMEGA Room: Landmark A |
Hicks, Damien Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session BI1.00002 Time-resolved Measurements of ICF Capsule Ablator Properties by Streaked X-Ray Radiography Room: Landmark A |
Hidaka, Yoshiteru MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center |
Session NI2.00004 Observations of Regular Filamentary Plasma Arrays in High-Pressure Gas Breakdown by 1.5 MW, 110 GHz Gyrotron Pulses Room: Landmark B |
Holcomb, C.T. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session CI1.00003 Optimizing Stability, Transport, and Divertor Operation Through Plasma Shaping for Steady-state Scenario Development in DIII-D Room: Landmark A |
Hurricane, Omar Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session QI1.00002 A High Energy Density Shock Driven Kelvin-Helmholtz Shear Layer Experiment Room: Landmark A |
Hyde, Truell CASPER - Baylor University |
Session QI2.00002 Complex Plasma Physics and Rising Above the Gathering Storm Room: Landmark B |
Ida, Katsumi National Institute for Fusion Science |
Session CI1.00001 Observation of an impurity hole in a plasma with an ion internal transport barrier in the Large Helical Device Room: Landmark A |
Itami, Kiyoshi Japan Atomic Energy Agency |
Session CI1.00005 Integrated plasma control extending the Advance Tokamak regime in JT-60U Room: Landmark A |
Jenko, Frank IPP Garching |
Session NI1.00006 Gyrokinetic turbulence under near-separatrix or non-axisymmetric conditions Room: Landmark A |
Kagan, Grigory Mass. Inst. of Technology |
Session NI1.00004 Finite drift orbit effects in a tokamak pedestal Room: Landmark A |
Kim, Ki-Yong University of Maryland at College Park |
Session NI2.00003 Coherent control of intense terahertz radiation in laser-produced plasmas Room: Landmark B |
Koepke, Mark Department of Physics, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV 26506 |
Session GI2.00002 Experimental Verification of the Stationary Inertial Alfven Wave and its Relevance to Auroral Plasma Physics Room: Landmark B |
Krasik, Yakov Physics Department Technion |
Session TI1.00004 Pulsed Plasma Electron Sources Room: Landmark A |
Kritcher, Andrea UC Berkeley, LLNL |
Session KI2.00003 Ultra-fast x-ray Thomson scattering measurements on dense shock-compressed plasmas Room: Landmark B |
Kuranz, Carolyn University of Michigan |
Session QI1.00001 Laboratory blast wave driven instabilities Room: Landmark A |
Kuritsyn, Alexey University of Wisconsin-Madison and the Center for Magnetic Self-Organization in Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas |
Session JI1.00006 Momentum transport during reconnection events in the MST reversed field pinch Room: Landmark A |
Kushner, Mark J. University of Michigan |
Session FR0.00002 Predictability in Low Temperature Plasmas: From Laboratory to Technology Room: Landmark A/B |
Lancaster, Kathryn STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Session KI2.00004 Energy transport in laser-plasma interactions: a UK perspective Room: Landmark B |
Lei, Anle Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201800, China |
Session YI1.00006 Study of ultra-intense laser propagation in overdense plasmas for fast ignition Room: Landmark A |
Li**, C.K. MIT |
Session BI1.00005 Proton Radiography of Electromagnetic Fields Associated with Imploded ICF capsules and Laser-Irradiated Hohlraums* Room: Landmark A |
Lin, Yijun MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center |
Session BI2.00006 Observation of ICRF Mode Conversion Plasma Flow Drive on Alcator C-Mod Room: Landmark B |
Lipschultz, Bruce MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center |
Session TI2.00001 A study of hydrogenic retention in a tokamak with reactor-like plasma-facing surfaces; Alcator C-Mod Room: Landmark B |
Liu, Y. Euratom/UKAEA Fusion Association |
Session BI2.00003 Progress in Physics and Control of the Resistive Wall Mode in Advanced Tokamaks Room: Landmark B |
Lorenzini, Rita Consorzio RFX, Associazione EURATOM-ENEA sulla Fusione, Padova, Italy |
Session CI1.00002 Improvement of the magnetic configuration in the RFP through successive bifurcations Room: Landmark A |
Malka, V. Laboratoire d'Optique Appliqu\'ee, \'Ecole Nationale Sup\'erieure de Techniques Avanc\'ees, \'Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS, France |
Session DI2.00001 Laser plasma accelerator: Control of electron beam parameters in colliding laser pulses scheme Room: Landmark B |
Mancini, Roberto Physics Department, Univ. of Nevada, Reno |
Session BI1.00004 Core temperature and density profile measurements for inertial confinement fusion Room: Landmark A |
Maqueda, Ricardo Nova Photonics, Inc. |
Session TI2.00003 ELM filament structure in the National Spherical Torus Experiment Room: Landmark B |
Markevich, Darlene U.S. Dapartment of Energy |
Session QI2.00001 Office of Fusion Energy Sciences/Division of Plasma Physics Partnership in Education and Outreach Room: Landmark B |
Marksteiner, Quinn Columbia University |
Session UI1.00002 Observations of a Parallel Force Balance Breaking Instability in Non-neutral Plasmas Confined on Magnetic Surfaces Room: Landmark A |
Marler, Joan University of Aarhus |
Session TI1.00006 Positron transport and thermalization - the plasma-gas interface Room: Landmark A |
Matzen, Keith Sandia National Laboratories |
Session FR0.00001 Inertial Confinement Fusion: progress through close coupling of theory and experiment Room: Landmark A/B |
Mauel, M.E. Columbia University |
Session CI1.00006 Improved Confinement During Magnetic Levitation in LDX Room: Landmark A |
McDermott, R.M. PSFC, MIT |
Session NI1.00002 Edge Radial Electric Field Structure on Alcator C-Mod and its Connection to H-Mode Confinement Room: Landmark A |
Meiss, James University of Colorado |
Session XR0.00001 Building on the Legacy of John Greene: The Transition to Chaos in Volume-Preserving Maps Room: Landmark A/B |
Mordovanakis, Aghapi Center for Ultrafast Optical Science, 2200 Bonisteeel Blvd., Ann Arbor, MI, 48109 |
Session DI2.00002 Relativistic Electron Beams from Laser-Solid Interactions at 0.5 kHz Room: Landmark B |
More, Richard Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session KI2.00001 A new approach to understanding Warm Dense Matter Room: Landmark B |
Nornberg, M.D. PPPL |
Session GI2.00003 First MHD Results of the Princeton MRI Experiment Room: Landmark B |
O'Neil, Thomas M. University of California, San Diego |
Session AR0.00002 Nonneutral Plasmas and the Wider World of Physics Room: Landmark A/B |
Pace, David University of California, Los Angeles |
Session NI2.00001 Exponential Frequency Spectrum and Lorentzian Pulses in Magnetized Plasmas Room: Landmark B |
Papadopoulos, Konstantinos University of Maryland |
Session CT2.00001 Using Space as a Nonlinear Plasma Laboratory Room: Landmark B |
Park, J.M. Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session VI2.00002 Validation of On- and Off-axis Neutral Beam Current Drive Against Experiment in DIII-D Room: Landmark B |
Park, Jong-kyu Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session GI1.00005 3D perturbed tokamak equilibria and the importance of plasma response Room: Landmark A |
Patel, Pravesh Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session YI1.00005 Hot electron temperature scaling at $I\lambda ^2>10^{20}\mbox{Wcm}^{-2}$ and implications for fast ignition Room: Landmark A |
Podesta, Mario UC Irvine |
Session GI1.00001 Experimental studies on fast-ion transport by Alfv\'{e}n waves on NSTX Room: Landmark A |
Prager, Stewart University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session AR0.00001 Magnetic Confinement: Establishing the Principles through Experiment Room: Landmark A/B |
Raitses, Yevgeny Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session TI1.00003 Non-self-sustained regimes of Hall thruster discharges Room: Landmark A |
Ren, Yang Center for Magnetic Self-Organization in Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton Univ., Princeton, NJ |
Session JI1.00001 Marshall N. Rosenbluth Dissertation Award Talk: Identification of the Electron Diffusion Region during Magnetic Reconnection in a Laboratory Plasma Room: Landmark A |
Ricci, Paolo Centre de Recherches en Physique des Plasmas - Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Association EURATOM - Confederation Suisse |
Session UI1.00006 Simulations of L and H confinement regimes in the simple magnetized plasma TORPEX and comparisons with experiments Room: Landmark A |
Rice, John MIT PSFC |
Session BI2.00001 Spontaneous Toroidal Rotation Profiles and Observations of Momentum Pinch in Alcator C-Mod Plasmas Room: Landmark B |
Sanchez, Raul Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN |
Session YI2.00001 On the nature of transport across sheared zonal flows in electrostatic ion-temperature-gradient turbulence gyrokinetic simulations Room: Landmark B |
Schmitz, L. UCLA |
Session YI2.00004 Reduction of TEM/ETG-scale Density Fluctuations in the Core and Edge of H-mode DIII-D Plasmas Room: Landmark B |
Sefkow, Adam Sandia National Laboratories |
Session NI2.00005 Simulations and experiments of intense ion beam current density compression in space and time Room: Landmark B |
Shadwick, B.A. Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nebraska -- Lincoln |
Session DI2.00003 Nonlinear Depletion and Dephasing in Laser Wakefield Accelerators Room: Landmark B |
Shinohara, Shunjiro Kyushu Univ., Japan |
Session TI1.00002 Development of High-Density Helicon Plasma Source and Its Applications Room: Landmark A |
Shvets, Gennady The University of Texas at Austin |
Session GI2.00004 Merger of super-Alfvenic current filaments during collisionless Weibel instability of relativistic electron beams Room: Landmark B |
Simakov, Andrei N. LANL |
Session JI1.00005 A quantitative, comprehensive analytical model for ``fast'' magnetic reconnection in Hall MHD Room: Landmark A |
Smalyuk, V.A. Laboratory for Laser Energetics, U. of Rochester |
Session BI1.00006 Cryogenic Target Performance on OMEGA Room: Landmark A |
Smith, David PPPL |
Session YI2.00005 Electron gyro-scale fluctuations in NSTX plasmas Room: Landmark B |
Snyder, P.B. General Atomics |
Session NI1.00001 Development and Validation of a Predictive Model for the Pedestal Height Room: Landmark A |
Solodov, A. Laboratory for Laser Energetics, U. of Rochester |
Session YI1.00002 Integrated Simulations of Hot-Electron Transport and Ignition for Direct-Drive, Fast-Ignition Targets Room: Landmark A |
Sontag, Aaron University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session VI2.00001 Non-solenoidal Plasma Startup in the Pegasus Toroidal Experiment Room: Landmark B |
Stoeckl, C. Laboratory for Laser Energetics, U. of Rochester |
Session YI1.00001 Advanced Ignition Experiments on OMEGA Room: Landmark A |
Stoneking, M.R. Lawrence University, Department of Physics, Appleton, WI 54912 |
Session UI1.00001 Experimental Realization of Nearly Steady-State Toroidal Electron Plasmas Room: Landmark A |
Sugama, Hideo National Institute for Fusion Science |
Session YI2.00002 Turbulent Transport Regulation by Zonal Fows in Helical Systems with Radial Electric Fields Room: Landmark B |
Sykes, Alan UKAEA |
Session JT2.00001 The Science of Spherical Tokamak Plasmas: Progress and Promise Room: Landmark B |
Tatsuno, Tomoya University of Maryland |
Session GI2.00005 Phase-space turbulent cascade of entropy in magnetized weakly collisional plasmas Room: Landmark B |
Tonge, John UCLA |
Session YI1.00004 Fast Ignition with Ultra-High Intensity Lasers Room: Landmark A |
Trines, Raoul STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK |
Session GI2.00006 Spontaneous generation of self-organized zonal flows in turbulent plasma Room: Landmark B |
Tzoufras, Michail UCLA |
Session DI2.00004 Beam loading in the nonlinear regime of plasma-based acceleration Room: Landmark B |
Valanju, Prashant Institute for Fusion Studies |
Session TI2.00002 Super-X Divertor High Power Density Devices Room: Landmark B |
Varma, Sanjay University of Maryland |
Session NI2.00006 Trapping and destruction of long range high intensity optical/plasma filaments by molecular quantum wakes in air Room: Landmark B |
Volpe, F. ORAU, presently at IPP-Garching |
Session VI2.00004 Advanced Techniques for Neoclassical Tearing Mode Control by Electron Cyclotron Current Drive in DIII-D Room: Landmark B |
Waelbroeck, Fran\c{c}ois Inst. for Fusion Studies, Univ. Texas |
Session BI2.00005 Penetration of Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in Rotating Plasma Room: Landmark B |
Wang, Weixing Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session YI2.00006 Gyrokinetic Turbulence Driven Toroidal Momentum Transport and Comparison to Experimental Observations Room: Landmark B |
Wright, John PSFC-MIT |
Session VI2.00003 An assessment of full-wave effects on the propagation and absorption of lower hybrid waves Room: Landmark B |
Yin, Lin Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session GI2.00001 Katherine E. Weimer Award Talk: Instabilities and magnetic reconnection in space plasma and the physics of laser-plasma interactions Room: Landmark B |
Yu, J.H. University of California, San Diego |
Session TI2.00004 Fast Imaging of Transients and Coherent MHD Modes in DIII-D Room: Landmark B |
Yuh, Howard Nova Photonics |
Session TI2.00005 Suppression of turbulent transport in NSTX internal transport barriers Room: Landmark B |
Zhang, Yang UC Irvine |
Session UI1.00005 Basic Physics of Fast Ions and Shear Alfv\'en Waves Room: Landmark A |
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