50th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics
Volume 53, Number 14
Monday–Friday, November 17–21, 2008;
Dallas, Texas
Session CI1: Magnetic Confinement I
2:00 PM–5:00 PM,
Monday, November 17, 2008
Room: Landmark A
Chair: Piero Martin, Consorzio RFX - Associazione EURATOM-ENEA sulla fusione, Padova (Italy)
Abstract ID: BAPS.2008.DPP.CI1.5
Abstract: CI1.00005 : Integrated plasma control extending the Advance Tokamak regime in JT-60U
4:00 PM–4:30 PM
Preview Abstract
Kiyoshi Itami
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
In order to realize the economical fusion reactor, high confinement
(H$_{98}$ factor), high normalized beta ($\beta _{N})$, high bootstrap
current fraction (f$_{BS})$, i.e. the Advanced Tokamak (AT) plasma must be
sustained. In the recent experimental campaigns from November in 2007 to
August in 2008, the operational regime and pulse lengths of AT plasmas has
been significantly extended and the various control techniques toward steady
state both in the core plasmas and in the boundary plasmas were steadily
improved in JT-60U.
The optimization of the beam heating profile for sustaining ITB and the
enhanced wall conditioning successfully extended the high $\beta _{N}$
$\sim $ 2.6 for 28 seconds (25 seconds for H$_{98}$
{\smash{\scriptstyle=}\vphantom{_x}}$}} $ 1) in the positive shear (PS)
plasma without increase in particle recycling level in the divertor. Because
of high G-factor ($\beta _{N}$ H$_{98}$/ q$_{95}^{2})$ of 0.25, this
plasma is relevant for ITER hybrid operation scenario.
While the reversed shear (RS) plasma with high f$_{BS}$ and high H$_{98}$
factor accompanied with the strong ITB is attracting for the ITER advanced
operation scenario and DEMO, the safety factor q$_{95} \quad <$ 8 has not been
accessible for f$_{BS} \quad \mathbin{\lower.3ex\hbox{$\buildrel>\over
{\smash{\scriptstyle=}\vphantom{_x}}$}} $ 0.7 due to low beta limit in the
previous campaigns. In this experimental campaign, the b$_{N}$ limit is
significantly improved and $\beta _{N} \quad \sim $ 2.7 and f$_{BS} \quad \sim $
0.9 was achieved at q$_{95} \quad \sim $ 5.3, by utilizing large volume
configuration close to the conductive wall for stabilization of RWM.
The real-time control for the power exhaust to the divertor was intensely
investigated. Total radiation fraction of P$_{rad}$ / P$_{heat}$ = 0.8-0.9,
was maintained continuously up to 13 seconds with H$_{98}$ = 0.77-0.84 by
utilizing radiation feedback for Ar gas seeding.
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2008.DPP.CI1.5