50th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics
Volume 53, Number 14
Monday–Friday, November 17–21, 2008;
Dallas, Texas
Session UI1: Basic Plasma Experiments
2:00 PM–5:00 PM,
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Room: Landmark A
Chair: Thomas Sunn Pedersen, Columbia University
Abstract ID: BAPS.2008.DPP.UI1.3
Abstract: UI1.00003 : Electron Acoustic Waves in Pure Ion Plasmas*
3:00 PM–3:30 PM
Preview Abstract
Francois Anderegg
(University of California, San Diego)
Electron Acoustic Waves (EAWs) are the low frequency
branch of electrostatic plasma waves; these waves exist
in neutralized plasmas,\footnote{D.S. Montgomery {\it et al.},
Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 87}, 155001 (2001).}
pure electrons,\footnote{A.A. Kabantsev, F. Valentini, and C.F.
AIP Conf. Proc. {\bf 862}, 13 (2006).}
and pure ion plasmas.
The EAWs typically have a phase velocity
$V_{\mathrm{phase}} / V_{\mathrm{th}} \sim 1.4$,
quite low compared to typical plasma waves.
Linear Landau damping would suggest that such
slow phase velocity waves are strongly damped;
but at finite wave amplitudes,
trapping of particles at the phase velocity effectively flattens
the distribution function, resulting in
a ``BGK-like'' state with weak damping.
Our experiments on standing $m_z = 1$,
$m_\theta = 0$ waves show that the small-amplitude dispersion
relation for
both fast Trivelpiece-Gould (TG) and slow (EAW) plasma modes
is in close agreement with the ``thumb-shaped'' dispersion relation
predicted by kinetic theory neglecting damping.\footnote{J.P.
and J.J. Dorning, Phys. Rev. A {\bf 44},
3856 (1991).}$^,$\footnote{F. Valentini, T.M. O'Neil and D.H.E.
Phys. Plas. {\bf 13}, 052303 (2006).}
However, the surprise here is that a
moderate amplitude ``off-resonant'' drive readily modifies
the velocity distribution so as to make the plasma mode resonant
with the drive frequency.
We have observed the plasma adjusting its velocity distribution
so as to
become resonant with a 100 cycle drive ranging from 10 kHz to 30 kHz.
With a chirped frequency
drive,\footnote{W. Bertsche, J. Fajans, L. Friedland, Phys. Rev.
Lett. {\bf 91},
265003 (2003); F. Peinetti {\it et al.}, Phys. Plas. {\bf 12},
062112 (2005).}
the particle velocity distribution
suffers extreme distortion,
and the resulting plasma wave is almost undamped with $\gamma /
\omega \sim 10^{-5}$.
Laser-Induced-Fluorescence measurements of the wave-coherent
particle distribution ${f} (\mathrm{v}_z , t)$, clearly
show particle trapping in the EAW, with trapping
widths as expected from theory considering two non-interacting
traveling waves forming the standing wave.
The coherent $ f (\mathrm{v}_z , t )$
measurement also shows that particles slower than the wave phase
$\mathrm v_{\mathrm{ph}}$
oscillate in phase with the wave, contrasting with the 180$^\circ$
out-of-phase response of the particles moving faster than
$\mathrm v_{\mathrm{ph}}$.
The differing response of the fast and slow particles
results in a small net fluid velocity, because the electrostatic
restoring force is almost totally balanced by the kinetic pressure,
consistent with the low frequency nature of EAW.
*Supported by National Science Foundation grant PHY-0354979.
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2008.DPP.UI1.3