50th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics
Volume 53, Number 14
Monday–Friday, November 17–21, 2008;
Dallas, Texas
Session VI2: Current Drive
3:00 PM–5:00 PM,
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Room: Landmark B
Chair: Nathaniel Fisch, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Abstract ID: BAPS.2008.DPP.VI2.3
Abstract: VI2.00003 : An assessment of full-wave effects on the propagation and absorption of lower hybrid waves*
4:00 PM–4:30 PM
Preview Abstract
John Wright
Lower hybrid (LH) waves have the attractive property of
damping strongly via electron Landau resonance on relatively fast
tail electrons. Consequently these waves are well-suited to
driving current in the plasma periphery where the electron
temperature is lower, making LH current drive (LHCD) a
promising technique for off--axis (r/a$\sim $0.60) current
profile control in reactor grade plasmas. Established modeling
techniques use WKB expansions with non-Maxwellian self-consistent
distributions. Higher order WKB expansions have shown some
effects on the parallel wavenumber evolution and
consequently on the damping due to diffraction [1]. A massively
parallel version of the TORIC full-wave electromagnetic field
solver valid in the LH range of frequencies has been developed
[2] and applied to scenarios at the density and magnetic field
characteristic of devices such as Alcator C-Mod
and ITER [B0$\approx $5 T, ne$\approx 1\times10^{20}$ m$^{-3}$].
We find that retaining full wave effects due to diffraction and
focusing has a strong effect on the location of wave absorption.
Diffraction occurs at caustic surfaces and in resonance cones
resulting in a large upshift of the parallel wavenumber and
localized power deposition. For some values of density and
magnetic field when the waves are fully accessible to
the center of the plasma, the full wave description predicts all
power being damped at larger radii (r/a $\sim $ 0.7) in contrast
to ray tracing which shows more central power absorption. By
incorporating a Fokker-Planck code for self-consistent treatment
of the electron distribution and using an synthetic hard X-ray
diagnostic we compare the code predictions by both full wave and
ray tracing methods with recent Alcator C-Mod experiments. We
will compare full-wave and ray tracing for low and high single
pass damping regimes.
[1] G. Pereverzev, Nucl. Fusion 32 1091 (1991).
[2] J. C. Wright, E. J. Valeo, C. K. Phillips and P. T.
Bonoli, Comm. in Comput. Physics 4 545 (2008).
*Work supported by the U.S. DOE under Contract No. DE-FC02-01ER54648.
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2008.DPP.VI2.3