50th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics
Volume 53, Number 14
Monday–Friday, November 17–21, 2008;
Dallas, Texas
Session QI1: Shocks and Shock-Driven Phenomena in High-Energy Density Plasmas
3:00 PM–4:30 PM,
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Room: Landmark A
Chair: Vladimir Smalyuk, University of Rochester
Abstract ID: BAPS.2008.DPP.QI1.2
Abstract: QI1.00002 : A High Energy Density Shock Driven Kelvin-Helmholtz Shear Layer Experiment
3:30 PM–4:00 PM
Preview Abstract
Omar Hurricane
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
In 2002, a high energy density Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) instability experiment
was designed (O.A. Hurricane, \textit{High Energy Density Phys.}, 2008) for the National Ignition Facility
(NIF) Early Light experiment. However, the long backlighter delay, required
for the experiments success, could not be accommodated by NIF at that time.
In early 2008, this experiment proposal was resurrected by our team, the
target was fabricated at Livermore with final assembly at the University of
Michigan, and then fielded at the Omega laser facility. The data return from
the four shots of the experiment series exceeded expectation.
In this paper, we describe the theory and simulation behind the experiment
design, the unusual target construction, and present the radiographic data
from the Omega experiment in raw form and a preliminary analysis of the
data. Discussion of the target design theory and simulations focuses on the
key role played by baroclinic vorticity production in the functioning of the
target and also illuminates the key design parameters.
The data shows the complete evolution of large distinct KH eddies, from
formation to turbulent break-up. The data appears to graphically confirm a
theoretical fluid dynamics conjecture about the existence of supersonic
bubbles over the vortical structure [transonic convective Mach numbers (D.
Papamoschou and A. Roshko, \textit{J. Fluid Mech.}, \textbf{197}, 1988)] that support localized
shocks (shocklets) not extending into the free-stream$^{ }$(P.E. Dimotakis,
\textit{AIAA 91-1724}, Proc. 22$^{nd}$ Fluid Dyn., Plasma Dyn., {\&} Lasers Conf., 1991).
The consequences of these observations on understanding the turbulent
transition, growth-rates and mixing in compressible supersonic turbulent
shear layers will be discussed.
This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy
by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344.
A National Laser Users Facility grant also supported this work.
Collaborators: J.F. Hansen$^{\ast }$, E.C. Harding$^{\# }$, R.P. Drake$^{\#
}$, H.F. Robey$^{\ast }$, C.C. Kuranz$^{\# }$, B.A. Remington$^{\ast }$, and
M.J. Bono$^{\ast }$ ($^{\ast }$Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, P.O.
Box 808, Livermore, California, 94551 $^{\# }$U. of Mich., Dept. of
Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences, 2455 Hayward St., Ann Arbor,
Michigan, 48109-2143)
To cite this abstract, use the following reference: http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2008.DPP.QI1.2