Bulletin of the American Physical Society
74th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics
Volume 66, Number 17
Sunday–Tuesday, November 21–23, 2021; Phoenix Convention Center, Phoenix, Arizona
Invited Speakers
Arratia, Paulo E University of Pennsylvania |
Session R01.00001 Life in Complex Fluids: Swimming with polymers Room: North 120 AB |
Bharadwaj, Sachin Satish New York University (NYU) |
Session P02.00001 From CFD to QCFD Room: North 120 CD |
Bouchet, Freddy CNRS |
Session H02.00005 New ways for dynamical prediction of extreme heat waves: rare event simulations and stochastic process-based machine learning. Room: North 120 CD |
Brandao, Rodolfo Imperial College London |
Session S01.00001 Spontaneous dynamics of Leidenfrost drops Room: North 120 AB |
Bush, John W Massachusetts Institute of Technology MI |
Session P01.00001 Symmetry-breaking instabilities in the bouncing droplet system Room: North 120 AB |
Cenedese, Claudia Woods Hole Ocean Inst |
Session M02.00001 Submarine melting of glaciers and its effect on climate Room: North 120 CD |
Cenedese, Claudia Woods Hole Ocean Inst |
Session H02.00004 Small and large scale driving icebergs and glaciers melting Room: North 120 CD |
Chan, Wai Hong Ronald University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session S02.00001 Locality in the turbulent bubble breakup cascade Room: North 120 CD |
Colonius, Tim Caltech |
Session B01.00003 Stanley Corrsin Award Talk: Turbulence Structure and Modeling in the Frequency Domain Room: North 120 ABCD |
Fauci, Lisa Tulane University |
Session P01.00003 Time flies and memory lingers: altering the stability of synchronized states in hydrodynamically coupled oscillators. Room: North 120 AB |
Ghil, Michael University of California, Los Angeles |
Session H02.00001 Climate Variability and Climate Change: A Unified Framework Room: North 120 CD |
Giannakis, Dimitrios New York University |
Session P02.00004 Quantum compiler for classical dynamics Room: North 120 CD |
Givi, Peyman University of Pittsburgh |
Session P02.00002 Quantum-Ready and Quantum-Inspired Computing for Fluid Dynamics Room: North 120 CD |
Govindarajan, Rama Tata Inst of Fundamental Res |
Session J02.00001 The waltz of tiny droplets and the fluid they live in Room: North 120 CD |
Howland, Michael Caltech |
Session F01.00004 Wind farm flow control: Demonstrating potential at utility-scale Room: North 120 AB |
Julien, Keith A University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session D02.00001 Rotationally constrained convection in extreme parameter regimes Room: North 120 CD |
Kanso, Eva University of Southern California |
Session J01.00001 Cilia powered flows Room: North 120 AB |
Liu, Jin-Peng University of Maryland |
Session P02.00003 Efficient quantum algorithm for dissipative nonlinear differential equations Room: North 120 CD |
Livescu, Daniel Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session R02.00001 Turbulence with large density variations due to thermal and compositional fluctuations Room: North 120 CD |
McKeon, Beverley J Caltech |
Session P01.00005 Symmetry, spatio-temporal self-similarity and scaling in wall turbulence Room: North 120 AB |
Meneveau, Charles Johns Hopkins University |
Session F01.00002 Big wind power: open questions for turbulence research Room: North 120 AB |
Molaei, Mehdi University of Chicago |
Session E02.00001 Surfactants and fundamental flow fields at interfaces Room: North 120 CD |
Noakes, Catherine |
Session D01.00001 Ventilation and Infection Transmission: lessons from COVID-19 and challenges for research Room: North 120 AB |
Quere, David College de France |
Session B01.00002 Otto Laporte Lecture: Of the Surface of Things Room: North 120 ABCD |
Schumacher, Joerg Tech Univ Ilmenau |
Session P02.00006 Quantum reservoirs for simple fluid flows Room: North 120 CD |
Shaw, Tiffany |
Session H02.00002 The response of the general circulation of the atmosphere to increased CO2 Room: North 120 CD |
Stone, Howard A Princeton University |
Session P01.00002 Symmetry breaking due to surface tension and geometry Room: North 120 AB |
Tang, Sindy Stanford University |
Session K02.00001 Order and Chaos: Collective Behavior of Crowded Drops in Microfluidic Systems Room: North 120 CD |
Techet, Alexandra Massachusetts Institute of Technology MI |
Session K01.00001 Three-dimensional Experimental Investigations in Extreme Fish Performance Room: North 120 AB |
Thomas, Leif Department of Earth System Science, Stanford University |
Session H02.00003 Energy transfers across scales facilitated by the interaction of wind-driven internal waves and ocean fronts Room: North 120 CD |
Villermaux, Emmanuel Aix-Marseille University |
Session P01.00006 Chiral symmetry avoidance through a cascade of wrinkles Room: North 120 AB |
Weidman, Patrick D University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session P01.00004 Symmetric Fluid Flows and Similarity Variables Room: North 120 AB |
Wiebe, Nathan Pacific Northwest Natl Lab |
Session P02.00005 Quantum Machine Learning for Computational Fluid Dynamics Room: North 120 CD |
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