Bulletin of the American Physical Society
2006 APS April Meeting
Saturday–Tuesday, April 22–25, 2006; Dallas, TX
Invited Speakers
Abazajian, Kevork Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session Q1.00001 Cosmic Microwave Background and Large Scale Structure Measures of Neutrino Mass Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Adelberger, Eric University of Washington |
Session E6.00001 Tests of the Gravitational Inverse-Square Law at the Dark-Energy Length Scale Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland J |
Albrecht, Andreas Department of Physics, University of California, Davis |
Session G1.00002 Report from the Dark Energy Task Force Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Albright, David Institute for Science and International Security |
Session S4.00003 Burton Award Lecture: A.Q. Khan and Illicit Nuclear Trade Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Marsalis A |
Anderson, John D. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91109 |
Session E6.00003 Anomalous Acceleration of Pioneer 10 and 11 Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland J |
Antiochos, Spiro Naval Research Laboratory |
Session E3.00001 The Dynamics of Magnetic Reconnection in the Solar Atmosphere Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark C |
Apollinari, Giorgio Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session S1.00002 The proton driver proposals Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Arefiev, Alexey |
Session W16.00003 Ion acceleration in laser-irradiated micro-clusters Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark D |
Arkani-Hamed, Nima Harvard University |
Session I5.00002 Implications of the Accelerating Universe for Fundamental Physics Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Pegasus B |
Assamagan, Ketevi Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session H5.00002 Discovery prospects at the Large Hadron Collider Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Pegasus B |
Augustine, Norman |
Session 1A.00001 TBD Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark D |
Bai, Mei Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session L2.00001 RHIC: the world's first high energy polarized proton collider Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark B |
Baker, Oliver Hampton University and Jefferson Lab |
Session H5.00001 The Coming Revolution in Particle Physics Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Pegasus B |
Balantekin, A. Baha University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session P6.00001 What is a Post-Doc Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland J |
Barton, Elizabeth Center for Cosmology, University of California, Irvine |
Session B5.00002 The New Mysteries of the Cosmos Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Pegasus B |
Bathe, Stefan Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session X2.00002 Beacons of light--photon emission from hadronic collisions Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark B |
Baumgarte, Thomas Bowdoin College |
Session L3.00003 Neutron Stars in Compact Binaries Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark C |
Beier, Eugene University of Pennsylvania |
Session B1.00002 A Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory in the United States Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Bell, Nicole CalTech |
Session O1.00001 Highlights of Neutrinos in Cosmology Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Bellan, Paul Caltech |
Session L16.00005 Simulation of astrophysical jets in a laboratory experiment Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark D |
Bement, Arden Director, National Science Foundation |
Session C4.00002 Crossing Borders to Advance the Frontier: NSF's Role in International Outreach Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Marsalis A |
Berger, Bruce Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session P2.00003 KamLAND Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark B |
Berk, H.L. University of Texas at Austin |
Session H16.00002 Interpretation of frequency sweeping of $n=0$ mode in JET Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark D |
Bernstein, Gary University of Pennsylvania |
Session W1.00003 Weak Gravitational Lensing and Dark Energy Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Blue, Brent Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session B3.00002 Modeling Supernova Shocks with Intense Lasers. Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark C |
Bonoli, Paul Plasma Science and Fusion Center, MIT |
Session W16.00001 Nonlinear Evolution of Nonthermal Ion Distributions in the Presence of High Power Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark D |
Braaten, Eric Ohio State University |
Session C2.00001 The New Exotic Heavy Mesons Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark B |
Brady, Patrick University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee |
Session C6.00002 Results from LIGO observations I Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland J |
Brown, Michael Swarthmore College |
Session L16.00004 High velocity plasma jets and 3D magnetic structure in the Swarthmore reconnection experiment Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark D |
Buonanno, Alessandra University of Maryland |
Session P4.00002 Source-modeling, detection and science of gravitational waves from compact binaries Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Marsalis A |
Burchill, William Texas A\&M University |
Session X5.00003 Nuclear Power Now and in the Near Future Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Pegasus B |
Cahn, Robert Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session I1.00002 The New Charmonium Resonances Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Campbell, David Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session H4.00003 TBD Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Marsalis A |
Canelli, Florencia Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session B4.00001 Top Quarks and the High Energy Frontier Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Marsalis A |
Carlstrom, John University of Chicago |
Session B5.00003 The Future of Cosmic Microwave Background Observations Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Pegasus B |
Carroll, Sean University of Chicago |
Session B4.00003 Why Is the Universe Accelerating? Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Marsalis A |
Carroll, Sean University of Chicago |
Session C5.00003 The Future of Theoretical Cosmology Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Pegasus B |
Carter, Troy Dept. of Physics and Astronomy and Center for Multiscale Plasma Dynamics, UCLA |
Session S16.00006 Nonlinear interactions between shear Alfv\'{e}n waves in a laboratory plasma Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark D |
Casey, Brendan Brown University |
Session H1.00002 Rare Decays Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Chaikin, Paul Princeton University |
Session B4.00002 Ellipsoids beat Spheres: Experiments with Candies, Colloids and Crystals Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Marsalis A |
Chang, Choong-Seock Courant Institute-NYU |
Session W16.00002 How Good is a Quasilinear ICRH Operator? A New Method for ICRH Simulation in a Guiding Center Code Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark D |
Cohen, Marvin University of California, Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session M1.00002 APS Past President's Address: Looking Back on the World Year of Physics 2005 Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Colgate, Stirling Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session L16.00006 The Liquid Sodium Dynamo Experiment, NMTech and LANL Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark D |
Conrad, Janet Columbia University |
Session E5a.00003 Do left-handed neutrinos have rights too? Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Pegasus B |
Cook, Gregory Wake Forest University |
Session I11.00001 Status of Initial Data for Binary Black Hole Collisions Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland E |
Cornish, Neil Montana State University |
Session P11.00001 The LISA Observatory: Preparing for a bountiful harvest. Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland E |
Craig, Darren University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session S16.00001 Ion Heating During Reconnection Events in MST Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark D |
Cutler, Curt Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Session P4.00001 Overview of LISA Science Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Marsalis A |
Danielson, Dennis Univ. of British Columbia |
Session B5.00001 Why Aristotle took so long to die Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Pegasus B |
Day, Danny EPRIDA |
Session W5.00001 Negative Emissions Technology Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Pegasus B |
Dean, David Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session H2.00001 Nuclear structure theory with coupled-cluster techniques Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark B |
Decker, Robert Johns Hopkins Univ. Applied Physics Lab. |
Session S3.00001 Voyager at the Heliosphere's Termination Shock: Energetic Particle Observations Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark C |
Deshpande, Abhat SUNY Stony Brook \& RIKEN-BNL Research center |
Session J2.00002 Study of spin structure of the nucleon using a lepton-ion collider Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark B |
Dewar, Robert The Australian National University |
Session P16.00002 Piecewise-Beltrami MHD equilibria Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark D |
DeYoung, P.A. Hope College Department of Physics |
Session B2.00001 Studies of Neutron-Rich Nuclei with the MoNA/Sweeper System at the NSCL Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark B |
Dimopoulos, Savas Stanford University |
Session P1.00001 Theories beyond the standard model, one year before the LHC Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Diwan, Milind Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session S1.00001 Physics of a long and very long baseline neutrino program Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Dobbs, Matt McGill University |
Session C1.00001 Bolometer Array Systems for Detection of the Cosmic Microwave Background Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Dodin, Ilya Princeton University |
Session W16.00004 Nonadiabatic Ponderomotive Barriers Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark D |
Dorland, William Department of Physics, University of Maryland |
Session O1.00002 Plasma Turbulence in Astrophysics and in the Laboratory Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Drury, Luke Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies |
Session Q3.00002 Current Status of Shock Acceleration Theory Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark C |
Duguet, Thomas NSCL/Michigan State University |
Session C9.00001 Towards a Universal Density Functional Theory for nuclei : challenges to overcome Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland B |
Ebrahimi, Fatima University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session P16.00001 Momentum transport from magnetic reconnection in flowing plasmas Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark D |
Egedal, Jan MIT |
Session L16.00001 Spontaneous reconnection in a laboratory experiment. Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark D |
Eisenstein, Daniel University of Arizona |
Session J4.00003 Dark Energy and Cosmic Sound Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Marsalis A |
Epelbaum, Evgeny Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility |
Session Q4.00003 Three-nucleon forces: new developments Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Marsalis A |
Farkhondeh, Manouchehr Office of Nuclear Physics, Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy |
Session J2.00001 Design Considerations for a High Luminosity Lepton Ion Collider Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark B |
Feng, Jonathan UC Irvine |
Session L1.00003 Theoretical Prospects at the Energy Frontier Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Ferrara, Sergio CERN |
Session W10.00001 Current Topics in the Theory of Supergravity Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland C |
Fisk, Len University of Michigan |
Session S3.00003 The Mysteries Associated with the Acceleration of Energetic Particles at the Termination Shock of the Solar Wind Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark C |
Flatten, Amy American Physical Society |
Session L4.00001 What the Heck is Science Policy and Who Really Does It? Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Marsalis A |
Ford, William T. University of Colorado |
Session S6.00002 B meson decay and CP symmetry violation from e+e- experiments Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland J |
Forest, Cary University of Wisconsin, Madison |
Session J6.00002 Magnetic Field Generation in the Madison Dynamo Experiment Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland J |
Frame, Katherine Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session P6.00002 Experiences from a Varied Career in Physics Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland J |
Fredrickson, E.D. Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session S16.00002 Ion Heating by Alfven Waves and Reconnection in NSTX Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark D |
Freedman, Daniel |
Session W10.00002 SIM(2), CP, SUSY, and Gravity Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland C |
Frieman, Joshua |
Session J4.00002 Probing Dark Energy with Galaxy Clusters Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Marsalis A |
Furnstahl, Richard Ohio State University |
Session E9.00001 Density Functional Theory from Effective Field Theory Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland B |
Gallagher, Hugh Tufts University |
Session P2.00002 Recent Results from the MINOS Experiment Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark B |
Galloway, Gerald University of Maryland |
Session W5.00003 Lessons from Katrina: Flood Management Technology Strategies for the US. Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Pegasus B |
Garfinkle, David Oakland University |
Session L3.00004 Numerical simulations of generic singularities Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark C |
Gehrels, Neil NASA-GSFC |
Session W3.00001 Gamma Ray Burst Discoveries by the Swift Mission Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark C |
German, John American Honda Motor Co. |
Session X5.00002 Hybrid Vehicle Technologies and their potential for reducing oil use Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Pegasus B |
Giacalone, Joe University of Arizona |
Session Q3.00003 The Importance of magnetic-field angle in diffusive shock acceleration of cosmic rays Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark C |
Goldschmidt, Azriel Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session W2.00003 AMANDA \& IceCube: Status and Prospects Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark B |
Gonzalez, Gabriela Louisiana State University |
Session V1.00002 Searching for gravitational waves with LIGO Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Goodman, Jeremy |
Session J6.00001 Angular Momentum Transport in Accretion Flows Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland J |
Goree, John The University of Iowa, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy |
Session S16.00003 Wave Experiments in Dusty Plasmas: Linear and Nonlinear Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark D |
Gratta, Giorgio Stanford University |
Session W2.00001 Status and Prospects for the EXO experiment Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark B |
Grosnick, David Ball State University |
Session P3.00001 The Team Model of PhysTEC at Ball State University Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark C |
Hadizadeh, Hadi Ohio University |
Session L6.00003 Scholars at Risk: A Case Study Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland J |
Haglund, Richard Vanderbilt University |
Session H6.00002 Infrared Pulsed Laser Deposition: Applications in Photonics and Biomedical Technologies Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland J |
Halkiadakis, Eva Rutgers University |
Session J1.00001 Top at Run II and LHC Prospects Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Hallatschek, Klaus Max-Planck-Institute for Plasma Physics |
Session H16.00003 News from the Geodesic Acoustic Mode: Magnetic Shear-, q-, and Geometry Effect Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark D |
Haramundanis, Katherine |
Session J5.00002 Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin: A Stellar Pioneer (The Dorritt Hoffleit Lecture) Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Pegasus B |
Hardy, J.C. Texas A\&M University |
Session S2.00002 Superallowed Nuclear Beta Decay: a Window on the Weak Interaction Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark B |
Hartmann, Dieter Clemson University |
Session W3.00002 GRBs as probes of relativistic jet physics and cosmology Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark C |
Hartouni, Edward P. University of California, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session C10.00003 Science and National and International Security: the role of Physics in Non-proliferation and counter-terroism Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland C |
Hastings, Jerome Stanford Linear Accelerator Center |
Session I6.00003 Applications of X-ray FELs Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland J |
Hasty, Charles Oklahoma State University |
Session S10.00001 Assessing the Effectiveness of the HBL Pedagogy Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland C |
Heilbron, John UC Berkeley |
Session S4.00001 Pais Prize Lecture: History and Physics Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Marsalis A |
Heineman, Beate University of Liverpool |
Session L1.00001 Is Nature Supersymmetric? Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Helvajian, Henry The Aerospace Corporation |
Session H6.00003 Laser Microengineering and the Advances Gained by Use of a FEL Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland J |
Hinchliffe, Ian lawrence Berkely National Lab |
Session X1.00001 CDM and the LHC Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Hogstrom, Kenneth Department of Physics and Astronomy, Louisiana State University |
Session P6.00003 Postdoctoral Opportunities in Medical Physics Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland J |
Holloway, Ayana Harvard University |
Session H5.00003 Testing the top quark lifetime Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Pegasus B |
Horton-Smith, Glenn Kansas State University |
Session P6.00004 An Overseas Postdoctoral Experience: or There and Back Again Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland J |
Howell, Calvin Duke University and TUNL |
Session L2.00003 Upgrades of the Polarized High Intensity Gamma-ray Source at Duke Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark B |
Howell, D. Andrew University of Toronto |
Session W1.00001 Cosomolgy using Type Ia SNe from the Supernova Legacy Survey Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Hudson, Ralph P. National Institute of Standards and Technology (retired) |
Session P10.00001 The Question Answered Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland C |
Hurley, Kevin UC Berkeley Space Sciences Lab. |
Session X3.00001 Magnetars Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark C |
Ilieva, Yordanka The George Washington University |
Session Q4.00001 Two-Body Photodisintegration of ${^3\rm{He}}$ between 0.4 and 1.5 GeV Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Marsalis A |
Intrator, T. Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session L16.00002 Kinking and merging of flux ropes in the Relaxation Scaling Experiment Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark D |
Jacak, Barbara SUNY, Stony Brook |
Session A1.00002 Nature's First Liquid: The Quark Gluon Plasma Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Jacobs, Peter Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session X2.00003 Jet quenching and the opacity of matter Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark B |
Jaros, John Stanford Linear Accelerator Center |
Session S6.00001 Lifetime Measurements with Mark II's First Vertex Detector Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland J |
Jeffery, Duane Brigham Young University |
Session Q5.00003 Evolution of Biological Diversity Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Pegasus B |
Ji, Hantao Princeton University |
Session E3.00002 Magnetic Reconnection in a Laboratory Plasma Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark C |
Ji, J.-Y. Utah State University |
Session P16.00004 Parallel closures for transport applications Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark D |
Junk, Thomas University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session L1.00002 Higgs Hunting at Hadron Colliders Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Kachru, Shamit Stanford University |
Session I5.00001 String theory and cosmology Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Pegasus B |
Kagan, Harris Ohio State University |
Session C1.00002 Diamond Detectors Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Kanim, Stephen New Mexico State University |
Session X16.00001 Research-based modifications to traditional introductory laboratories Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark D |
Kasting, James Penn State University |
Session Q5.00002 Evolution of a Habitable Planet Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Pegasus B |
Kayser, Boris Fermilab |
Session Q1.00003 The Neutrino World Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Kelley, Michael J. Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility |
Session H6.00001 Materials Processing with FEL Radiation- An Overview Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland J |
Kidder, Lawrence |
Session L3.00002 Numerical Simulation of Binary Black Holes Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark C |
Kinsey, J.E. LeHigh University |
Session I16.00003 Parametric Dependencies of Transport Using Gyrokinetic Simulations Including Kinetic Electrons Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark D |
Kouzes, Richard Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
Session I2.00002 The Task of Detecting Illicit Nuclear Material: Status and Challenges Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark B |
Kragh, Helge |
Session C5.00001 Before the Microwave Background: Early Big Bang Cosmology (The J. Robert Oppenheimer Lecture) Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Pegasus B |
Kronfeld, Andreas Fermilab |
Session I1.00001 Lattice QCD: A Tool for Flavor Physics Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Lathrop, Daniel University of Maryland |
Session J6.00003 Magnetorotational and dynamo instabilities in liquid sodium experiments Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland J |
Lebedev, Sergey Imperial College London |
Session B3.00003 Modeling Astrophysical Jets in a Laboratory Experiment Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark C |
Lederman, Daniel Senior Economist, World Bank; Latin America \& the Caribbean Under Secondment to the World Bank Development Research Group |
Session E4.00002 The World Bank View of Science, Technology and Economic Development Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Marsalis A |
Lederman, Leon Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session E5a.00002 Cracks in the Mirror: Saga of a 36 Hour Experiment Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Pegasus B |
Lee, Tsung Dao Columbia University |
Session E5a.00001 New Insights to Old Problems Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Pegasus B |
Lee, W.W. Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session I16.00004 Long time simulations of microturbulence Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark D |
Lewis, Nathan California Institute of Technology |
Session X5.00001 Scientific challenges in sustainable energy technology Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Pegasus B |
Linder, Eric University of California - Berkeley |
Session W1.00002 Theoretical Overview of Dark Energy Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Liu, Haidong USTC/LBL/BNL |
Session W8.00001 Identified particle transverse momentum distributions upto 12 GeV/c from Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{_{NN}}} = 200$ GeV Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland A |
Lockyer, Nigel University of Pennsylvania |
Session S6.00003 Impact of the Long B-Lifetime on Other Areas of Particle Physics Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland J |
Lopez, Ramon |
Session H4.00002 New Models fro Graduate Education. Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Marsalis A |
Lykken, Joseph Fermilab |
Session G1.00001 Discovering the Quantum Universe Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Lyutikov, Maxim UBC |
Session X3.00003 Solar physics of magnetars Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark C |
M\"{o}bius, Eberhard Space Science Center and Department of Physics, University of New Hampshire |
Session S3.00002 Imaging the Global Interaction between the Heliosphere and the Interstellar Medium with IBEX Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark C |
Magill, Stephen Argonne National Laboratory |
Session C1.00003 Particle Flow Calorimetry for the ILC Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Majewski, Stan |
Session I2.00003 High Performance Organ-Specific Nuclear Medicine Imagers. Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark B |
Marino, Alysia Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session E12.00008 Tanaka Dissertation Award Talk: Evidence for Neutrino Flavor Oscillations in the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland F |
Marjoram, Tony UNESCO Senior Program Specialist |
Session E4.00001 UNESCO and the use of Science to Combat Poverty Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Marsalis A |
McMahan, Margaret Lawrence Berkeley National Lab |
Session C10.00001 Nuclear Science Outreach in the World Year of Physics Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland C |
Meltzer, David E. Department of Physics, University of Washington |
Session W6.00003 Addressing students' reasoning difficulties in thermal physics Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland J |
Mezzacappa, Anthony Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session Q1.00002 Neutrinos and Neutrino Physics: Still Center Stage in Core Collapse Supernovae Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Miller, Cole University of Maryland |
Session P4.00003 Gravitational Radiation from Intermediate-Mass Black Holes Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Marsalis A |
Miller, David University of Chicago |
Session P1.00003 Search for high energy axions with the CAST calorimeter Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Mori, Warren UCLA |
Session Q6.00002 Prospects for a TeV Laser Wakefield Accelerator Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland J |
Morii, Masahiro Harvard University |
Session H1.00003 Semileptonic B Decays Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Mueller, Berndt Duke University |
Session C2.00003 Jet Interactions with Dense Matter at RHIC Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark B |
Muggli, Patric Univeristy of Southern California |
Session Q6.00001 A Plasma Afterburner for the ILC Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland J |
Nagamiya, Shoji KEK, Japan |
Session S1.00003 J-PARC Project in Japan Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Natowitz, Joseph Texas A\&M University |
Session I8.00001 Low Density Clustering in Near Fermi-Energy Collisions Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland A |
Nemethy, Peter New York University |
Session C3.00002 Recent Results from Milagro Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark C |
Novodvorsky, Ingrid Univ. of Arizona |
Session P3.00002 Preparing Physics and Chemistry Teachers at the University of Arizona Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark C |
Olinto, Angela University of Chicago |
Session H3.00002 When Particle Physics Confronts Cosmic Ray Data Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark C |
Olsen, James Princeton University |
Session H1.00001 CP violation and the Unitarity Triangle Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Orlov, Yuri Laboratory for Elementary-Particle Physics, Cornell University |
Session L6.00002 Scholars at Risk in Russia Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland J |
Orlov, Yuri Laboratory for Elementary-Particle Physics, Cornell University |
Session S4.00004 Sakharov and the Grey Zone: Difficult Areas of Human Rights Activity Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Marsalis A |
Orr, Lynne University of Rochester |
Session J1.00003 Top Theory Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Otero, Valerie University of Colorado at Boulder |
Session P3.00003 The Learning Assistant Model for Science Teacher Recruitment and Preparation Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark C |
Owens, Joseph Florida State University |
Session P8.00001 The CTEQ Global Fitting Project and the Impact of PDF's at Large-x Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland A |
Owens, Tom U.S. Civilian Research \& Development Foundation |
Session C4.00001 Forging Partnership: CRDF in the FSU and the World Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Marsalis A |
Padamsee, Hasan Cornell University |
Session E1.00002 Superconducting RF R&D for the ILC Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Page, Lyman Princeton University |
Session J4.00001 Recent Results from WMAP Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Marsalis A |
Peaslee, Graham Hope College |
Session C10.00002 Bringing Nuclear Science into the Undergraduate Curriculum Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland C |
Pedersen, Thomas Sunn Columbia University |
Session P16.00003 Pure electron plasmas in a stellarator: Theory and experiment Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark D |
Pedlar, Todd Luther College |
Session I1.00003 Recent Results from CLEO-c Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Petreczky, Peter BNL |
Session P9.00001 Lattice simulations of strongly interacting matter under extreme conditions Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland B |
Phinney, Nan SLAC |
Session E1.00001 Accelerator Design and R{\&}D for the ILC Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Pitt, Mark Virginia Tech |
Session C2.00002 Strange Quarks in the Nucleon Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark B |
Poelker, Matt Jefferson Lab |
Session L2.00002 Probing Hadron Structure at Jefferson Lab using Polarized Electron Scattering. Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark B |
Pollock, Steven University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session X16.00003 Replicating Physics Education Reforms: How (and why) to keep a good thing going. Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark D |
Pretorius, Frans University of Alberta |
Session L3.00001 Simulations of Binary Black Hole Mergers Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark C |
Primack, Joel University of California, Santa Cruz |
Session Q5.00001 Evolution of the Universe Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Pegasus B |
Quinn, Robert Scholars at Risk Network |
Session L6.00001 Academic Solidarity: Scholars at Risk and the Defense of Academic Freedom Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland J |
Rajagopal, Krishna Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session Q2.00003 Probing the Properties of the Big Bang Quark Matter Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark B |
Ramsey-Musolf, M. California Institute of Technology |
Session P10.00003 Looking through the Mirror: Future Directions in Parity Violations Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland C |
Raymond, John Center for Astrophysics |
Session B3.00001 Structure of Supernova Remnant Shock Waves Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark C |
Reichart, Dan University of North Carolina |
Session W3.00003 Discovery and Identification of the Very High Redshift Afterglow of GRB 050908 and Prospects for the Future Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark C |
Richards, Paul Columbia University |
Session S4.00002 Szilard Prize Lecture: Seismic Monitoring of Nuclear Explosions Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Marsalis A |
Ritz, Steven Goddard Space Flight Center |
Session C3.00003 GLAST and the Future of High Energy Gamma-ray Astrophysics Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark C |
Rogachev, Grigory Department of Physics, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306 |
Session B2.00003 The Structure of $^9$C and $^7$He. Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark B |
Rosenfeld, Arthur California Energy Commission |
Session W5.00002 Cool Roofs to Save Money and Delay Global Warming Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Pegasus B |
Rosenzweig, James UCLA |
Session Q6.00003 Ultra-strong plasma lenses for final focus and other applications Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland J |
Saltzberg, David UCLA Dept. of Physics and Astronomy |
Session H3.00003 Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Neutrinos Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark C |
Sanchez, R. Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session I16.00002 Renormalization of plasma turbulence leading to fractional differential equations Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark D |
Sargsian, Misak Florida International University |
Session Q4.00002 Probing Short Range Nuclear Properties in Photodisintegration of Few-Nucleon Systems Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Marsalis A |
Savage, Martin University of Washington |
Session P9.00002 Lattice QCD and Nuclear Physics Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland B |
Schaaf, Peter University of Goettingen, II. Institute of Physics, 37077 Goettingen, Germany |
Session I6.00001 Free Electron Laser Nitriding of Metals: From basic physics to industrial applications Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland J |
Schleich, Wolfgang Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation and the University of Ulm |
Session C4.00003 The Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Marsalis A |
Scholberg, Kate Duke University |
Session B1.00001 Particle and Nuclear Physics at a Deep Underground Laboratory Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Schwienhorst, Reinhard Michigan State University |
Session J1.00002 Single Top Production Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Scoccimarro, Roman New York University |
Session I5.00003 Differentiating between Modified Gravity and Dark Energy Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Pegasus B |
Sheppard, Christal Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee |
Session L4.00002 A Capitol Hill Perspective Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Marsalis A |
Shifman, Mikhail University of Minnesota |
Session M1.00003 Lilienfeld Prize Talk: Persistent Challenges of Quantum Chromodynamics Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Shipsey, Ian Purdue University |
Session O1.00003 Bringing Hearing to the Deaf--Cochlear Implants: a Technical and Personal Account Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Shutt, Tom Case Western Reserve University |
Session X1.00002 Direct searches for dark matter: on the verge of something big Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Sikivie, Pierre U. of Florida and CERN |
Session X1.00003 Dark matter detection and galactic halo models Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Sinclair, David Carleton University and TRIUMF |
Session B1.00003 SNOLAB Status, Prospects Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Singh, Chandralekha University of Pittsburgh |
Session W6.00002 Improving Student Understanding of Quantum Mechanics Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland J |
Smirnova, Evgenya Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session P1.00002 Photonic Band Gap accelerator demonstration at Ku-band. Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Smith, David University of California, Santa Cruz |
Session Q3.00001 Observing Particle Acceleration with RHESSI Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark C |
Smith, Michael NASA |
Session I6.00002 Quality Carbon Nanotube Production in Quantity using FEL Radiation Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland J |
Smith, Michael S. ORNL Physics Division |
Session E2.00001 Light Elements on Fire: Nuclear Information for Big Bang Studies Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark B |
Smolin, Lee Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Session B11.00001 Emergence of the standard model from quantum gravity Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland E |
Souder, Paul Syracuse University |
Session I9.00001 Parity-violating electron scattering on hydrogen and helium and strangeness in the nucleon Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland B |
Spergel, David Princeton University |
Session C5.00002 The New Standard Cosmology Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Pegasus B |
Stambaugh, R.D. General Atomics |
Session H16.00001 Fusion Physics Toward ITER Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark D |
Stankus, Paul Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session Q2.00002 Hitchhiker's Guide to the Early Universe Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark B |
Steiner, Robert American Museum of Natural History |
Session E10.00001 Online Physics Education Resources from the American Museum of Natural History Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland C |
Stelzer, Tim University of Illinois |
Session X16.00002 Using Physics Education Research to Improve Student Learning in Large Enrollment Courses. Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark D |
Stenzel, Reiner UCLA |
Session L16.00003 Laboratory experiments on nonlinear Electron MHD phenomena Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark D |
Stone, Edward California Institute of Technology |
Session A1.00001 Exploring the Final Frontier of the Solar System Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Strait, E.J. General Atomics |
Session E3.00003 Magnetic Reconnection in the DIII-D Tokamak Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark C |
Strohmayer, Tod NASA |
Session X3.00002 Fast X-ray Oscillations During Magnetar Flares Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark C |
Sun, Xuan West Virginia University |
Session S16.00004 Spontaneous Double Layer Formation in Expanding Plasmas Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark D |
Sutton, Patrick California Institute of Technology |
Session C6.00003 Results from LIGO observations II Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland J |
Tanaka, Hirohisa Princeton University |
Session A1.00003 Accelerator-based Neutrino Oscillation Studies: Present and Future Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Tarter, Jill SETI Institute |
Session J5.00003 Never A Team Member; Suddenly A Team Leader! Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Pegasus B |
Teaney, Derek A. Department of Physics \& Astronomy, SUNY at Stony Brook |
Session X2.00001 Viscosity in Heavy Ion Collisions Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark B |
Thomas, Anthony Jefferson Lab |
Session H2.00003 The Role of Strangeness in Nuclear Matter Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark B |
Thompson, John Department of Physics and Astronomy and Center for Science and Mathematics Education Research, The University of Maine |
Session W6.00001 Investigations of Upper Division Student Understanding of Thermal Physics Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland J |
Towner, Ian Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6 |
Session S2.00001 Universality of the weak interaction Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark B |
Truran, James University of Chicago |
Session S2.00003 The Bethe Prize Talk Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark B |
Turner, Jean UCLA |
Session J5.00001 Henrietta Leavitt: Turn of the Century Trailblazer Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Pegasus B |
Turyshev, Slava G. NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology |
Session E6.00002 Science, Technology and Mission Design for the Laser Astrometric Test of Relativity Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland J |
Tytler, David UCSD |
Session E2.00002 Observations of the Light Element Abundances and the Cosmological Baryon Density Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark B |
Vagins, Mark University of California, Irvine |
Session W2.00002 SuprkamioKande Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark B |
van Nieuwenhuizen, Peter |
Session W10.00003 New aspects of old minimal supergravity Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland C |
Venugopalan, Raju Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session J2.00003 The glue that binds us all: probing gluonic matter with an electron-ion collider Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark B |
Vickers, Ken University of Arkansas |
Session H4.00001 Implementing an Industrial Approach into Physics Graduate Education Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Marsalis A |
Vincena, Stephen UCLA Department of Physics and Astronomy |
Session S16.00005 Laboratory Studies of Turbulence Associated with Localized Current Layers Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark D |
Vogel, Petr California Institute of Technology |
Session P2.00001 Next generation of neutrino-less double beta decay experiments and their reach Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark B |
Vogelsang, Werner Brookhaven National Laboratory, Nuclear Theory Group and RBRC |
Session E8.00001 The Spin Structure of the Nucleon -- Present Knowledge and Open Questions Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland A |
Wagner, Albrecht DESY |
Session V1.00003 Matter, Energy, Space and Time: The International Linear Collider Physics Prospects and International Aspects Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Wandelt, Benjamin University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session E2.00003 CMB-BBN complementarity Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark B |
Wang, Li-Bang Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session I2.00001 Laser spectroscopic determination of the $^{6}$He nuclear charge radius Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark B |
Weber, Thomas A. International Science and Engineering National Science Foundation |
Session E4.00003 NSF and Development Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Marsalis A |
Weerts, Harry Argonne National Laboratory |
Session E1.00003 ILC detector R{\&}D and design studies. Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Westerhoff, Stefan Columbia University |
Session H3.00001 Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays: Recent Results From Auger and HiRes Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark C |
Wiseman, Jennifer Johns Hopkins University |
Session L4.00003 Science Oversight from the Inside: Views from Service on Capitol Hill and NASA Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Marsalis A |
Wuosmaa, Alan H. Western Michigan University |
Session B2.00002 Nucleon transfer reactions with exotic light nuclei Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark B |
Yang, C. N. SUNY-Stony Brook, Emeritus |
Session E5b.00001 In which direction is the door? Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Pegasus B |
Yuan, Vincent Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session P10.00002 Chien-Shiung Wu as a Person and a Scientist Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland C |
Zahed, Ismail |
Session Q2.00001 TBD Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark B |
Zegers, Remco G.T. NSCL, The Department of Physics and Astronomy and The Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics, Michigan State University |
Session H2.00002 (t,$^{3}$He) and ($^{3}$He,t): complementary probes of spin strength for astrophysics and double beta decay. Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark B |
Zettl, Alex University of California, Berkeley; Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session V1.00001 The Science of Nanotubes Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Landmark A |
Zielinska-Pfabe, Malgorzata Smith College |
Session J8.00001 Mechanism of Isospin Equilibration in Semi-Peripheral Heavy Ion Reactions Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland A |
Zucker, Michael California Institute of Technology |
Session C6.00001 Status of LIGO Interferometers Room: Hyatt Regency Dallas Cumberland J |
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