Bulletin of the American Physical Society
15th APS Topical Conference on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter
Volume 52, Number 8
Sunday–Friday, June 24–29, 2007; Kohala Coast, Hawaii
Invited Speakers
Ahrens, Thomas J. Seismological Laboratory MS 252-21, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 |
Session M4.00002 Impact Cratering Physics al Large Planetary Scales Room: Fairmont Orchid Hotel Plaza II |
Alexander, C. Scott Sandia National Laboratories |
Session B2.00006 Dynamic Response of Soda-Lime Glass Room: Fairmont Orchid Hotel Amphitheater |
Asay, James Sandia National Laboratories |
Session Q3.00001 Compressive strength of aluminum under high-rate loading Room: Fairmont Orchid Hotel Plaza I |
Bolme, Cindy Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session L5.00001 Single Shot Dynamic Ellipsometry Measurements of Laser-Driven Shock Waves Room: Fairmont Orchid Hotel Plaza III |
Bonev, Stanimir Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada |
Session C4.00001 Ab initio studies of electronic and structural transitions in low-Z liquids under extreme conditions Room: Fairmont Orchid Hotel Plaza II |
Celliers, Peter Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session L3.00005 Dynamic compression of diamond across the melt transition Room: Fairmont Orchid Hotel Plaza I |
Correa, Alfredo A. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Physics Department, University of California at Berkeley |
Session L3.00006 Mulitphase equation of state of Carbon from first principles simulations and applications to shock wave experiments and design Room: Fairmont Orchid Hotel Plaza I |
Dreger, Zbigniew A. Washington State University |
Session B5.00001 Optical Response of Molecular Crystals to Non-hydrostatic Compression in a Diamond Anvil Cell Experiments Room: Fairmont Orchid Hotel Plaza III |
Duffy, Thomas Princeton University |
Session M3.00003 Strength of materials in the diamond anvil cell to 1 Mbar Room: Fairmont Orchid Hotel Plaza I |
Dwivedi, S.K. Institute for Shock Physics, Washington State University |
Session L7.00003 2D Mesoscale Simulations of Quasielastic Reloading and Unloading in Shock Compressed Aluminum Room: Fairmont Orchid Hotel Promenade III |
Germann, Timothy C. Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session D2.00001 Multibillion-atom Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Plasticity, Spall, and Ejecta Room: Fairmont Orchid Hotel Amphitheater |
Grady, Dennis Applied Research Associates |
Session N1.00001 The Shock Wave Profile: Causes and Effects Room: Fairmont Orchid Hotel Salon I/II |
Gump, Jared Indian Head Division - Naval Surface Warfare Center |
Session H7.00004 Phase Stability of Epsilon and Gamma HNIW (CL-20) at High-Pressure and Temperature Room: Fairmont Orchid Hotel Promenade III |
Hawreliak, James LLNL |
Session C3.00002 In-situ probing of lattice response in shock compressed materials using x-ray diffraction Room: Fairmont Orchid Hotel Plaza I |
Hayes, Dennis B. Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque NM 87185 |
Session F1.00001 Analyzing Isentropic Compression Wave Experiments Room: Fairmont Orchid Hotel Salon I/II |
Hooks, Daniel Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session Q6.00001 Dislocations and Dynamic Yield of RDX Single Crystals Room: Fairmont Orchid Hotel Promenade I/II |
James, Hugh AWE, Aldermaston |
Session U6.00001 The Puzzle of Explosive Response to Shock: Complexity to Simplicity by Changing the Observational Scale. Room: Fairmont Orchid Hotel Promenade I/II |
Joshi, Vasant NSWC, Indian Head, Maryland |
Session G6.00003 Recent Developments In Shear Ignition Of Energetic Materials Using Hybrid Drop Weight-Hopkinson Bar Room: Fairmont Orchid Hotel Promenade I/II |
Kubota, Alison Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session Q2.00003 Single Crystal Plasticity in Ramp- and Cyclically-Loaded Aluminum Room: Fairmont Orchid Hotel Amphitheater |
Mashimo, Tsutomu Kumamoto University |
Session G2.00003 Shock compression properties of hard materials Room: Fairmont Orchid Hotel Amphitheater |
Mattsson, Thomas R. Sandia National Laboratories |
Session H2.00002 Density Functional Theory in High Energy Density Physics: phase-diagram and electrical conductivity of water Room: Fairmont Orchid Hotel Amphitheater |
Militzer, Burkhard Carnegie Instition of Washington |
Session B3.00003 Simulations of Shocked Hydrogen and Helium and Implications for Giant Planet Interiors Room: Fairmont Orchid Hotel Plaza I |
Nagayama, Kunihito Kyushu University |
Session C5.00005 Gr\"{u}neisen Equation of State for Condensed Media and Shock Thermodynamics Room: Fairmont Orchid Hotel Plaza III |
Norman, Genri Joint Institute for High Temperatures of RAS, Moscow, Russia |
Session M7.00004 Atomistic simulation of plasticity, spall damage and fracture of crystalline and polycrystalline metals under high strain rate Room: Fairmont Orchid Hotel Promenade III |
Orlikowski, Daniel Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of California, P.O. Box 808, Livermore, CA 94550 |
Session F1.00003 New experimental capabilities and theoretical insights of high pressure compression waves Room: Fairmont Orchid Hotel Salon I/II |
Patterson, Jeremy Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session G4.00001 Making and Characterizing Off-Hugoniot States in Gas Gun Experiments Room: Fairmont Orchid Hotel Plaza II |
Plaksin, Igor LEDAP-Lab of Energetics and Detonics, Univ. of Coimbra |
Session Q6.00004 Shear Induced Reaction Localizations and Mechanisms of Energy Dissipation in PBX Subjected to Strong Shock Room: Fairmont Orchid Hotel Promenade I/II |
Proud, William Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge |
Session B2.00003 The Dynamic Compaction of Sand and Related Porous Systems Room: Fairmont Orchid Hotel Amphitheater |
Ravelo, Ramon University of Texas-El Paso, Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session J2.00001 Interatomic Potentials for Large-Scale Simulations of High-Pressure, High-Temperature Phenomena Room: Fairmont Orchid Hotel Amphitheater |
Rigg, Paulo Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session H4.00003 Direct Shock-Density Measurements using Plate Impact and Proton Radiography Room: Fairmont Orchid Hotel Plaza II |
Sandusky, Harold NAVSEA Indian Head Division |
Session V6.00001 Violent Reactions from Non-Shock Stimuli Room: Fairmont Orchid Hotel Promenade I/II |
Schultz, Peter H. Department of Geological Sciences, Brown University, Providence, RI 02912-1846 |
Session M4.00001 The Deep Impact Oblique Impact Experiment Room: Fairmont Orchid Hotel Plaza II |
Sewell, Thomas Theoretical Division, Los Alamos |
Session M2.00003 Atomistic Studies of Energetic Materials Under Shock Wave Loading Room: Fairmont Orchid Hotel Amphitheater |
Smith, Raymond Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session F1.00002 Laser-driven Shockless Compression Room: Fairmont Orchid Hotel Salon I/II |
Strand, Oliver Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session J4.00001 Using the Heterodyne Method to Measure Velocities on Shock Physics Experiments Room: Fairmont Orchid Hotel Plaza II |
Takayama, Kazuyoshi Tohoku University Biomedical Engineering Research Organization |
Session A1.00001 Applications of Shock Wave Research to Developments of Therapeutic Devices. Room: Fairmont Orchid Hotel Salon I/II |
Tappan, Alexander S. Sandia National Laboratories |
Session B6.00001 Microenergetics: Combustion and Detonation at Sub-Millimeter Scales Room: Fairmont Orchid Hotel Promenade I/II |
Thadhani, Naresh Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session C6.00001 Mechanochemical Aspects of Shock-Induced Reactions: Time-Resolved Experiments and Meso-Scale Simulations Room: Fairmont Orchid Hotel Promenade I/II |
Weihs, Timothy Johns Hopkins University |
Session H7.00001 Reactive Nanolaminates as Model Materials for Controlling Initiation Thresholds under Shock and Electrical Loading Room: Fairmont Orchid Hotel Promenade III |
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