Bulletin of the American Physical Society
50th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics APS Meeting
Volume 64, Number 4
Monday–Friday, May 27–31, 2019; Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Invited Speakers
Aidelsburger, Monika Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich |
Session K06.00001 Synthetic gauge fields with ultracold atoms in periodically-driven lattices Room: Wisconsin Center 102DE |
Alexander, Rafael N. Center for Quantum Information and Control, the University of New Mexico |
Session H08.00003 Towards Scalability and Fault Tolerance in Continuous-Variable Quantum Computation Room: Wisconsin Center 103C |
Andersen, Mikkel Dodd-Walls Centre for Photonic and Quantum Technologies, Department of Physics, University of Otago |
Session Q06.00004 Interaction driven dynamics of few atoms in an optical tweezer Room: Wisconsin Center 102DE |
Antypas, Dionysios Helmholtz Institut Mainz |
Session C02.00002 Searching for light scalar dark matter in the acoustic and radio-frequency range with atomic spectroscopy Room: Wisconsin Center 101AB |
Bakr, Waseem Princeton University |
Session J06.00001 Probing dynamical properties of Fermi-Hubbard systems with a quantum gas microscope Room: Wisconsin Center 102DE |
Bartschat, Klaus Drake University |
Session N09.00003 Electron Collisions with Atoms and Ions: Current Status and Future Prospects Room: Wisconsin Center 103DE |
Ben-Itzhak, Itzik J. R. Macdonald Laboratory, Physics Department, Kansas State University |
Session J03.00004 Native frames: Separating sequential from concerted three-body fragmentation by coincidence three-dimensional momentum imaging Room: Wisconsin Center 101CD |
Bigelow, Nicholas University of Rochester |
Session C10.00004 The Consortium for Ultra Cold Atoms in Space. Room: Wisconsin Center Ballroom A |
Bohn, John University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session C09.00004 Rocky Mountain High: The Physics of Baseball at Elevation Room: Wisconsin Center 103DE |
Bouyer, Philippe CNRS - IOGS |
Session J02.00002 Airborne and underground matter-wave interferometers: geodesy, navigation and general relativity Room: Wisconsin Center 101AB |
Cappellaro, Paola Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session K08.00002 Error correction strategies for quantum sensing with ancillary qubits Room: Wisconsin Center 103C |
Carr, Lincoln Colorado School of Mines |
Session A01.00002 Quantum Simulator Package (QuSP): A Robust and Flexible Integrated Modeling Environment for Entangled Quantum Dynamics Room: Wisconsin Center 202C |
Cederbaum, Lorenz Heidelberg University |
Session W03.00001 Is an efficient intermolecular energy transfer from vibrations to electronic motion possible ? Room: Wisconsin Center 101CD |
Chou, Chin-Wen NIST |
Session W02.00002 Quantum-Logic Control and High-Resolution Spectroscopy of a Single Molecular Ion Room: Wisconsin Center 101AB |
Cohen, Oren Technion - Israel Institute of Technology |
Session C03.00003 Symmetries and Symmetry-Breaking in High Harmonic Generation: Controlled Polarization and Ultrafast Spectroscopy Room: Wisconsin Center 101CD |
Cornell, Eric JILA, NIST, University of Colorado |
Session M03.00002 The Three-Legged Stool Room: Wisconsin Center Ballroom A/B |
Cornish, Simon Durham University |
Session P06.00002 Coherences and collisions of ultracold RbCs molecules. Room: Wisconsin Center 102DE |
Cryan, James PULSE Institute, Linac Coherent Light Source, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session H03.00002 Attosecond X-ray Experiments at Free Electron Laser Facilities Room: Wisconsin Center 101CD |
Demler, Eugene Harvard University |
Session D06.00004 Exploring Polarons in Ultracold Atoms Room: Wisconsin Center 102DE |
DiMauro, Louis The Ohio State University, Columbus |
Session A01.00006 Semi-classical & quantum view of an intense laser-atom interaction Room: Wisconsin Center 202C |
Dorn, Alexander Max Planck Institut for Nuclear Physics |
Session H09.00001 Electron Impact Ionization and Fragmentation of Bio-Relevant Molecules: Hydration Dependence Room: Wisconsin Center 103DE |
Doumy, Gilles Argonne National Laboratory |
Session H03.00001 Probing ultrafast x-ray induced inner-shell processes. Room: Wisconsin Center 101CD |
Doyle, John Harvard University |
Session P06.00001 Trapped laser-cooled molecules: From quantum simulation to particle physics to chemistry Room: Wisconsin Center 102DE |
Eiles, Matthew Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems |
Session D10.00004 Highly excited states of small molecules and negative atomic ions Room: Wisconsin Center Ballroom A |
Ferlaino, Francesca University of Innsbruck & Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) of the Austria Academy of Sciences |
Session H04.00002 The quantum phases of ultracold dipolar gases near a Roton excitation Room: Wisconsin Center 102AB |
Forrey, Robert Penn State University, Berks Campus |
Session B01.00001 Faculty Member for Research in an Undergraduate Institution Prize Talk: Theoretical AMO Physics at an Undergraduate Institution Room: Wisconsin Center Ballroom A/B |
Gabrielse, Gerald Northwestern University |
Session C02.00001 Testing the Standard Model with Electron Dipole Moments Room: Wisconsin Center 101AB |
Gadway, Bryce University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session K06.00004 Engineering synthetic lattices with driven optical lattices Room: Wisconsin Center 102DE |
Gay, T.J. University of Nebraska - Lincoln |
Session C09.00003 Football Physics Room: Wisconsin Center 103DE |
Girvin, Steven Yale Univ |
Session H08.00002 Bosonic Codes for Continuous Variable Quantum Information Processing: Theory and Experiment Room: Wisconsin Center 103C |
Gordon, Iouli Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics |
Session N09.00002 Spectroscopy meets data science to aid planetary remote sensing: the HITRAN and HITEMP databases Room: Wisconsin Center 103DE |
Gorfinkiel, Jimena The Open University |
Session H09.00002 Resonance formation in biological molecules Room: Wisconsin Center 103DE |
Gorshkov, Alexey Joint Quantum Institute |
Session V08.00004 Nondestructive Rydberg-interaction-mediated cooling of neutral atoms Room: Wisconsin Center 103C |
Greiner, Markus Harvard University |
Session J06.00002 Ultracold atom quantum simulations: Exploring low temperature Fermi-Hubbard phases Room: Wisconsin Center 102DE |
Gross, Christian Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics |
Session J06.00004 From spin-charge separation to magnetic polarons in Hubbard systems Room: Wisconsin Center 102DE |
Guan, Qingze University of Oklahoma |
Session Q06.00002 Density oscillations induced by individual ultracold two-body collision Room: Wisconsin Center 102DE |
Hanneke, David Amherst College |
Session N02.00004 Optical clocks based on molecular vibrations as probes of time-varying mass ratios Room: Wisconsin Center 101AB |
Hassan, Mohammed University of Arizona |
Session Q09.00001 Attosecond Electron Imaging. Room: Wisconsin Center 103DE |
Hernandez-Garcia, Carlos University of Salamanca |
Session C03.00002 Attosecond pulses and high-order harmonics with controllable spin and orbital angular momentum. Room: Wisconsin Center 101CD |
Hessels, E. A. York University |
Session N02.00001 A high-precision measurement of the $n$=2 atomic hydrogen Lamb shift Room: Wisconsin Center 101AB |
Hogan, Jason Stanford University |
Session C10.00003 MAGIS-100 and Large Momentum Transfer Clock Atom Interferometry in Strontium Room: Wisconsin Center Ballroom A |
Hu, Shui-Ming University of Science and Technology of China |
Session K02.00004 Cavity-enhanced Lamb-dip spectroscopy of HD at 1.39 $\mu$m with $10^{-10}$ precision Room: Wisconsin Center 101AB |
Hudson, Eric UCLA |
Session N02.00002 Laser spectroscopy of a nucleus: The search for the isomeric transition in thorium-229 Room: Wisconsin Center 101AB |
Kaufman, Adam JILA, University of Colorado Boulder |
Session Q06.00003 Microscopic control and detection of ultracold strontium for many-body physics and metrology Room: Wisconsin Center 102DE |
Kedar, Dhruv University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session P02.00001 Three optical frequency ratios and a clock network below the $10^{-17}$ level Room: Wisconsin Center 101AB |
Killian, Thomas Rice University and Rice Center for Quantum Materials |
Session D06.00002 Probing Quantum Statistics and Spatial Correlations with Ultralong-Range Rydberg Molecules Room: Wisconsin Center 102DE |
King, Steven Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt |
Session W02.00004 Quantum Logic Spectroscopy of an Optical Clock Transition in a Cold Highly Charged Ion Room: Wisconsin Center 101AB |
Kirchner, Tom York University |
Session H09.00004 An independent-atom-model-based description of ion collisions with complex biomolecules Room: Wisconsin Center 103DE |
Kling, Nora University of Connecticut |
Session W03.00002 Ultrafast Dynamics of Single and Double Hydrogen Migration in Ethanol Room: Wisconsin Center 101CD |
Kollar, Alicia University of Maryland, Princeton University |
Session Q08.00004 Band Engineering for Quantum Simulation in Circuit QED Room: Wisconsin Center 103C |
Kozyryev, Ivan Columbia University |
Session D10.00002 Laser Cooling and Inelastic Collisions of the Polyatomic Radical SrOH Room: Wisconsin Center Ballroom A |
Kramida, Alexander National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session N09.00004 NIST's atomic databases for applied and fundamental science Room: Wisconsin Center 103DE |
Lawler, James University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session N09.00001 Progress in Quantitative Atomic Spectroscopy and the Connection to Astrophysics Room: Wisconsin Center 103DE |
Maniscalco, Sabrina University of Turku |
Session H08.00004 Bosonic Complex Quantum Networks: What, when and why. Room: Wisconsin Center 103C |
Marroux, Hugo J.B. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, UC Berkeley |
Session P03.00004 Wave mixing with attosecond pulses: Multidimensional and transient grating spectroscopies Room: Wisconsin Center 101CD |
Mauger, Francois Louisiana State University |
Session J03.00001 Time-resolving electron dynamics in molecules using strong laser fields: coherent probes of charge migration Room: Wisconsin Center 101CD |
Morigi, Giovanni Theoretical Physics, Saarland University, Saarbruecken, Germany |
Session A01.00008 Collective dynamics of atomic ensembles due to long-range optomechanical forces Room: Wisconsin Center 202C |
Mueller, Holger University of California, Berkeley |
Session J02.00001 Measurement of the fine-structure constant as a test of the Standard Model Room: Wisconsin Center 101AB |
Nez, Francois Laboratoire Kastler Brossel/CNRS |
Session N02.00003 1S-3S hydrogen spectroscopy with cw laser Room: Wisconsin Center 101AB |
Ngoko Djiokap, Jean Marcel University of Nebraska - Lincoln |
Session C03.00004 Dynamical Electron Vortices in Attosecond Double Photoionization of H$_2$$^*$ Room: Wisconsin Center 101CD |
Ni, Kang-Kuen Harvard University |
Session B01.00003 I.I. Rabi Prize in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics talk: Bringing together Chemistry and Physics with Ultracold Polar Molecules Room: Wisconsin Center Ballroom A/B |
Omran, Ahmed Harvard University |
Session V08.00003 Many-body dynamics and entanglement in Rydberg atom arrays Room: Wisconsin Center 103C |
Ourmazd, Abbas University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee |
Session P03.00003 Dynamics from data with extreme timing uncertainty Room: Wisconsin Center 101CD |
Peik, Ekkehard Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt |
Session P02.00002 Frequency comparisons of individual Yb+ ions Room: Wisconsin Center 101AB |
Pfau, Tilman 5. Physikalisches Institut and Center for Integrated Quantum Science and Technology, Universitaet Stuttgart |
Session V08.00001 Novel quantum devices based on atomic vapor cells Room: Wisconsin Center 103C |
Pfister, Olivier University of Virginia |
Session H08.00001 Large-Scale Quantum Simulators and Quantum Computers over Continuous Variables: Theory and Experiment Room: Wisconsin Center 103C |
Phillips, William D. NIST |
Session U01.00003 A new measure: the reform of the International System of Units Room: Wisconsin Center Ballroom CD |
Preiss, Philipp Heidelberg University |
Session Q06.00001 Quantum Optics with Ultracold Fermions Room: Wisconsin Center 102DE |
Preskill, John Caltech |
Session K08.00001 Improving the precision of quantum metrology using quantum error correction Room: Wisconsin Center 103C |
Pronin, Oleg Helmut Schmidt University (University of the German Federal Armed Forces, Hamburg) |
Session P03.00002 Nonlinear optical effects in all-bulk multipass cells and their applications Room: Wisconsin Center 101CD |
Ptasinska, Sylwia University of Notre Dame |
Session H09.00003 Dissociative Electron Attachment to Biomolecules. Room: Wisconsin Center 103DE |
Puchalski, Mariusz AM University in Poznan |
Session K02.00003 Quantum Electrodynamics of the hydrogen molecule Room: Wisconsin Center 101AB |
Rasel, Ernst Leibniz Universität Hannover |
Session C10.00002 Space-borne matter-wave interferences Room: Wisconsin Center Ballroom A |
Rey, Ana Maria JILA, NIST and University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session Q08.00001 Observation of a Dynamical Phase Transition in a Quantum Degenerate Fermi Gas Room: Wisconsin Center 103C |
Rost, Jan M Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems |
Session D06.00003 Rydberg excitation in random and regular environments Room: Wisconsin Center 102DE |
Saffman, Mark University of Wisconsin - Madison and ColdQuanta, Inc. |
Session D06.00001 Quantum information with Rydberg excited atoms Room: Wisconsin Center 102DE |
Schleier-Smith, Monika Stanford University |
Session A01.00004 Quantum Engineering with Atoms and Photons Room: Wisconsin Center 202C |
Schleier-Smith, Monika Stanford University |
Session H04.00001 Controlling Quantum Spin Dynamics with Light Room: Wisconsin Center 102AB |
Schmidt, Bruno few-cycle Inc. |
Session P03.00001 Concepts for scaling peak power {\&} average power of few-cycle laser sources Room: Wisconsin Center 101CD |
Schneble, Dominik Department of Physics \& Astronomy, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794-3800 |
Session Q08.00003 Exploring spontaneous-emission phenomena with matter waves Room: Wisconsin Center 103C |
Shao, Hua-Chieh University of Nebraska - Lincoln |
Session Q09.00002 Imaging electronic and molecular motions by ultrafast electron diffraction and impact ionization Room: Wisconsin Center 103DE |
Sipahigil, Alp Caltech |
Session D10.00003 Indistinguishability, coherence and entanglement of atom-like systems in nanophotonic devices Room: Wisconsin Center Ballroom A |
Smirnova, Olga Max Born Institute for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Spectorscopy |
Session C03.00001 Synthetic chiral light for extremely efficient laser-controlled chiral discrimination. Room: Wisconsin Center 101CD |
Thompson, Rob Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Session C10.00001 The Coolest Spot in the Universe: A Facility for Cold Atom Experiments Aboard the ISS. Room: Wisconsin Center Ballroom A |
Thumm, Uwe Kansas State University |
Session V03.00001 Photoemission from solid surfaces and nanoparticles with attosecond-nanometer spatiotemporal resolution. Room: Wisconsin Center 101CD |
Ubachs, Wim Vrije Universiteit |
Session K02.00001 Physics beyond the Standard Model from hydrogen molecules Room: Wisconsin Center 101AB |
Vampa, Giulio Stanford PULSE Institute |
Session V03.00002 Nanoscale control of high-harmonic generation from solids Room: Wisconsin Center 101CD |
Van Bibber, Karl University of California, Berkeley |
Session H02.00002 Quantum Advances in the Search for Dark Matter Axions Room: Wisconsin Center 101AB |
van Bijnen, Rick Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Innsbruck, Austria |
Session Q08.00002 Self-Verifying Variational Quantum Simulation of Lattice Models Room: Wisconsin Center 103C |
Vishveshwara, Smitha University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session C09.00002 Quantum Voyages, Cosmic Journeys: Exploring Physics through the Arts Room: Wisconsin Center 103DE |
von der Wense, Lars Ludwig Maximilians Universität München |
Session W02.00003 The challenge of a nuclear clock: Recent progress and perspectives Room: Wisconsin Center 101AB |
Walsworth, Ronald Harvard University and Smithsonian Institution |
Session W02.00001 Quantum diamond sensors Room: Wisconsin Center 101AB |
Wang, Chiao-Hsuan Yale University |
Session D10.00001 Photon Thermalization in Driven Open Quantum Systems Room: Wisconsin Center Ballroom A |
Weitenberg, Christof University of Hamburg |
Session K06.00002 New approaches to topological phases with ultracold atoms Room: Wisconsin Center 102DE |
Weitz, David Harvard University |
Session C09.00001 Science and Cooking: From Haute Cuisine to Soft Matter Science Room: Wisconsin Center 103DE |
Weld, David University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session K06.00003 Lattice-trapped lithium as tunable Floquet matter Room: Wisconsin Center 102DE |
Wickenbrock, Arne Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz |
Session H02.00001 Progress and results from the Cosmic Axion Spin Precession Experiment (CASPEr) Room: Wisconsin Center 101AB |
Wineland, David J. University of Oregon |
Session M03.00001 50 years of DEAP and DAMOP Room: Wisconsin Center Ballroom A/B |
Xu, Wenchao Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session V08.00002 Strong interactions between photons in a Rydberg medium Room: Wisconsin Center 103C |
Yamanouchi, Kaoru The University of Tokyo |
Session K02.00002 Molecules in intense laser fields: Ultrafast dynamics and high-resolution spectroscopy Room: Wisconsin Center 101AB |
Ye, Jun JILA, University of Colorado and National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session B01.00002 Norman F. Ramsey Prize Talk: Quantum matter and atomic clocks Room: Wisconsin Center Ballroom A/B |
Zelevinsky, Tanya Columbia University |
Session B01.00004 Francis M. Pipkin Award Talk: Molecular lattice clock with long vibrational coherence Room: Wisconsin Center Ballroom A/B |
Zwierlein, Martin Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session J06.00003 Quantum transport in strongly interacting Fermi gases Room: Wisconsin Center 102DE |
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