50th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics APS Meeting
Volume 64, Number 4
Monday–Friday, May 27–31, 2019;
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Session H09: Collisions with Biomolecules
8:00 AM–10:00 AM,
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Wisconsin Center
Room: 103DE
Chair: James Colgan, LANL
Abstract: H09.00004 : An independent-atom-model-based description of ion collisions with complex biomolecules*
9:30 AM–10:00 AM
Preview Abstract
Tom Kirchner
(York University)
Collisions with biomolecules have generated a lot of interest and
scientific activity lately, in large parts because of their
relevance in a number
of applications, specifically in the context of ion-beam
cancer therapy.
For ion-impact collisions, both experimental and theoretical
efforts have largely focused on relatively small systems, such as DNA
nucleobases and their precursors. While on the experimental side the
technique of electrospray ionization holds the promise to make a
systematic investigation of more complex systems feasible [1],
it does not look like ab-initio theoretical methods
can be pushed to deal with a much larger number of target nuclei
and electrons anytime soon. There is therefore a role to be
played by (sophisticated) modeling. This talk will report on
our recent progress in this area.
We have developed an independent-atom-like model that is capable
of dealing, in principle, with arbitrarily large target systems.
It is based on a geometrical interpretation of a cross section
as an effective area composed of overlapping circular disks which
represent the cross sections of the atomic constituents of the
system under study. The latter are calculated using a well-tested
time-dependent density-functional theory framework, and a
pixel-counting method is used to carry out the
effective-area calculation for any target molecule
orientation of interest [2,3].
Orientation-averaged proton-impact net ionization and electron transfer
cross sections will be presented for a number of target systems
ranging from structural analogues of DNA building blocks,
such as pyrimidine and purine, to a select set of
amino acids and nucleotides.
We will also discuss a recent extension of the model that
allows for {\it multiple}-ionization calculations.
$^1$D. Egorov {\it et al.}, J. Phys.: Conf. Series {\bf 635}, 112083 (2015).
$^2$H. J. L\"udde {\it et al.}, Eur. Phys. J. D {\bf 70}, 82 (2016).
$^3$H. J. L\"udde {\it et al.}, Eur. Phys. J. B {\bf 91}, 99 (2018).
*Work supported by NSERC, Canada.