Bulletin of the American Physical Society
38th Annual Meeting of the Division of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
Volume 52, Number 7
Tuesday–Saturday, June 5–9, 2007; Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Invited Speakers
Altman, Ehud Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session P1.00002 Interference and dephasing dynamics in low dimensional condensates. Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod D |
Baker, Sarah Imperial College London |
Session G3.00001 Probing proton dynamics in molecules on an attosecond timescale Room: TELUS Convention Centre Glen 201-203 |
Bartschat, Klaus Drake University |
Session J3.00001 High-Precision Calculations for Electron-Impact Excitation and Ionization of Complex Atoms Room: TELUS Convention Centre Glen 201-203 |
Batelaan, Herman University of Nebraska-Lincoln |
Session X1.00002 Electron Matter Optics Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod BC |
Becker, Wilhelm Max-Born-Institut |
Session B3.00004 Laser-induced nonsequential double and multiple ionization of atoms: what can be learned from models Room: TELUS Convention Centre Glen 201-203 |
Ben-Itzhak, Itzik J.R. Macdonald Laboratory, Department of Physics, Kansas State University |
Session B3.00003 Ionization and dissociation of molecular ion beams by intense ultrafast laser pulses Room: TELUS Convention Centre Glen 201-203 |
Bergquist, James APS |
Session A1.00002 Broida Prize Talk: Stable and Accurate Single-Atom Optical Clocks Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod BCD |
Bienfang, Joshua NIST |
Session P3.00002 Free-space quantum key distribution at GHz transmission rates Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod B |
Bigelow, Nicholas University of Rochester |
Session C1.00004 Creating and confining ultracold polar molecules Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod BC |
Blinov, Nikolay Department of Chemistry, University of Alberta |
Session H1.00002 Interplay between rotational dynamics, quantum solvation and superfluid response in doped helium clusters Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod BC |
Bouwmeester, Dirk Department of Physics, University of California Santa Barbara |
Session G2.00001 Multi-Photon Quantum Interferometry Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod D |
Boyd, Robert W. University of Rochester |
Session G2.00002 Quantum Imaging: Enhanced Image Formation Using Quantum States of Light Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod D |
Brumer, Paul University of Toronto |
Session B1.00001 Developments in the Coherent Control of Collisional Processes Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod BC |
Brune, Michel Ecole Normale Superieure |
Session X1.00005 Recording the Birth and Death of a Photon in a Cavity Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod BC |
Buckman, Stephen Centre for Anti-Matter Matter Studies, Australian National University |
Session Q3.00001 Low Energy Electron Molecule Collisions Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod B |
Childress, Lilian Harvard University |
Session X1.00003 Coherent manipulation of individual electronic and nuclear spin qubits in diamond Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod BC |
Chin, Jit Kee Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session G1.00004 Evidence for superfluidity of ultracold fermions in an optical lattice Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod BC |
Chou, James Chin-wen California Institute of Technology |
Session J1.00001 Real-time Manipulation of Entanglement between Remote Atomic Ensembles for a Scalable Quantum Network Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod BC |
Colgan, James Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session N3.00003 Differential cross sections for the photoionization of two-electron systems Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod B |
Constant, Eric CELIA, Universit\'e Bordeaux 1, CEA, CNRS, 351 Cours de la lib\'eration 33 4 05 Talence France |
Session G3.00004 Generation and control of attosecond pulses. Room: TELUS Convention Centre Glen 201-203 |
Corkum, Paul National Research Council of Canada |
Session N2.00002 Angle Dependent Ionization of Small Molecules Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod C |
D\"orner, Reinhard University Frankfurt |
Session N3.00002 Interference, Correlation and Entanglement in Molecular Double Ionization Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod B |
Deng, L. National Institute for Standards and Technology |
Session W2.00002 Observation of Quantum Destructive Interference in Inelastic Two-Wave Mixing. Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod D |
Ditmire, Todd University of Texas |
Session Q2.00001 High Energy Density Physics with the Texas Petawatt Laser and a Look Toward Exawatt Lasers Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod C |
Donnelly, Vincent University of Houston |
Session C3.00001 Experimental investigations of reactions in plasma etching of nanometer size structures Room: TELUS Convention Centre Glen 201-203 |
Dowling, Jonathan Louisiana State University |
Session G2.00003 Optical Quantum Imaging, Computing, and Metrology: What's New With N00N States? Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod D |
Esslinger, Tilman ETH Zurich |
Session B2.00002 Quantum gases out of balance. Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod D |
Fabrikant, Maya University of Nebraska-Lincoln |
Session H2.00001 New Active Feedback Scheme for Minimization of Instrumental Asymmetries Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod D |
Gabrielse, Gerald Harvard University |
Session X1.00001 New Measurement of the Electron Magnetic Moment and the Fine Structure Constant . Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod BC |
Glauber, Roy Harvard University |
Session E1.00002 Emission, Absorption and Scattering of Light by a Group of Atoms. Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod BC |
Gould, Phillip University of Connecticut |
Session C1.00002 Experiments with Ultracold KRb and Rb$_{2}$ Molecules Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod BC |
Graves, David University of California at Berkeley |
Session C3.00004 Nanoscale Challenges in Plasma-Surface Interactions Room: TELUS Convention Centre Glen 201-203 |
H\"ansch, Ted Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit\"at |
Session E1.00001 TBD Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod BC |
Hadzibabic, Zoran Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris |
Session P1.00001 Bose gas in Flatland Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod D |
Hall, John NIST/JILA |
Session E1.00003 TBD Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod BC |
Hecker Denschlag, Johannes Institut fuer Experimentalphysik, Universitaet Innsbruck |
Session G1.00003 Atomic and molecular quantum gases in an optical lattice Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod BC |
Hulet, Randall G. Rice University and Rice Quantum Institute |
Session Q1.00003 Pairing of Fermions with Unequal Spin Populations Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod D |
Jain, Jainendra The Pennsylvania State University |
Session P1.00003 Composite-fermionization of rapidly rotating bosons in two dimensions Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod D |
Janczak, Corey Denison University |
Session H2.00002 Photodetachment Spectroscopy of Ce$^{-\ast }$ Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod D |
Jin, Deborah JILA, NIST and University of Colorado |
Session Q1.00004 An atomic Fermi gas near a p-wave Feshbach resonance Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod D |
Jones, Robert Department of Physics, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA |
Session P2.00001 The Atomic Chameleons: Rydberg Wavepackets Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod C |
Khaneja, Navin Harvard University |
Session B1.00004 Fourier Synthesis and Robust Control of Quantum Dynamics Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod BC |
Kling, Matthias Max-Planck Institute for Quantum Optics |
Session B3.00002 Attosecond control of electron dynamics Room: TELUS Convention Centre Glen 201-203 |
Kortshagen, Uwe University of Minnesota |
Session C3.00002 Plasma-particle interactions and their role in nanocyrstal formation in plasmas Room: TELUS Convention Centre Glen 201-203 |
Kotochigova, Svetlana Temple University |
Session C1.00003 New theoretical findings on cold molecules in optical lattices Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod BC |
Kurtsiefer, Christian National University of Singapore |
Session P3.00004 Free-Space Quantum Key Distribution using Polarization Entangled Photons Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod B |
Legard, Anna St. Olaf College |
Session H2.00003 Determination of the Ps-He Momentum-transfer Cross-section Using Time Resolve Doppler Broadening Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod D |
Levis, Robert Temple University |
Session N2.00001 Photonic Reagents: Strong Field Laser Pulses for Controlling Chemical and Physical Processes Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod C |
Lieberman, Michael A. University of California, Berkeley |
Session A1.00003 Nanoelectronics and Plasma Processing --- The Next 15 Years and Beyond Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod BCD |
Liu, W. Vincent University of Pittsburgh |
Session G1.00002 Orbital phases of the lattice $p$-band bosons Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod BC |
Lower, Julian Centre for Antimatter-Matter Studies, RSPHYSSE, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, 0200, Australia |
Session J3.00005 Recent Progress in Electron-Atom Scattering Room: TELUS Convention Centre Glen 201-203 |
Lukin, Mikhail Physics Department, Harvard University |
Session W2.00001 Towards single photon nonlinear optics with confined photons and atoms Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod D |
Mabuchi, Hideo California Institute of Technology |
Session B1.00003 Frontiers in quantum feedback control Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod BC |
Madison, Don University of Missouri-Rolla |
Session N3.00001 Recent Theoretical Progress for Treating Charged Particle Ionization of Atoms and Molecules Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod B |
Mastroianni, Michael Union College |
Session H2.00004 Trapping Single Krypton Atoms for Radioactive Background Measurements Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod D |
Matsukevich, Dzmitry School of Physics, Georgia Tech |
Session J1.00002 Quantum Networking with Atomic Ensembles Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod BC |
McCurdy, C. William University of California, Davis and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session Q3.00005 Intrinsically Polyatomic Phenomena in Electron-Molecule Scattering Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod B |
Meijer, Gerard Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society |
Session C1.00001 Molecular collision studies with Stark-decelerated beams Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod BC |
Momose, Takamasa The University of British Columbia |
Session H1.00003 Spectroscopy of Hydrogen clusters : Non-rigidity of large parahydrogen clusters at low temperatures Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod BC |
Moshammer, Robert MPI for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg |
Session N3.00004 Fully Differential Studies on Atomic Few Body Problems Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod B |
Oberthaler, Markus Kirchhoff Institut f\"ur Physik , University of Heidelberg |
Session C2.00005 Two Weakly-Coupled Condensates Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod D |
Parke, Eli Kansas State University |
Session H2.00005 Isotopic effects in bond rearrangement caused by sudden ionization of ammonia and methane molecules Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod D |
Pillet, Pierre Laboratoire Aim\'e Cotton, CNRS, B\^at.505, Univ Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay, France |
Session P2.00002 Rydberg excitation of cold atoms: dipole blockade and ionization. Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod C |
Pupillo, Guido Austrian Academy of Sciences |
Session J2.00004 2D Self-Assembled Crystals with Polar Molecules Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod D |
Quint, Wolfgang GSI |
Session N1.00004 Precision Experiments with Single Particles in Ion Traps for Tests of Fundamental Interactions Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod D |
Raithel, Georg University of Michigan |
Session N1.00003 Interactions of cold Rydberg atoms Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod D |
Rangan, Chitra University of Windsor, ON, Canada |
Session B1.00002 Coherent control of infinite-dimensional quantum systems Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod BC |
Regal, Cindy JILA: NIST and the University of Colorado |
Session J1.00003 Experimental realization of BCS-BEC crossover physics with a Fermi gas of atoms Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod BC |
Rempe, Gerhard Max-Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, Hans-Kopfermann Str. 1, D-85748 Garching, Germany |
Session N1.00002 Cavity quantum electrodynamics: From one-atom maser to single-photon server Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod D |
Robicheaux, Francis Auburn University |
Session P2.00003 Rydberg atoms in Antihydrogen Experiments Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod C |
Sadeghpour, Hossein Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics |
Session P2.00004 Forming, trapping, and cooling neutral antimatter: strongly magnetized highly excited antihydrogen atoms Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod C |
Schmiedmayer, Joerg Atominstitut der Oesterreichischen Universitaeten, TU-Wien |
Session C2.00001 Interference and Coherence in 1-d Bose-Einstein-Condensates Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod D |
Scully, Marlan Texas A\&M and Princeton Universities |
Session N1.00001 QUANTUM CONTROL OF LIGHT: From Slow Light and FAST CARS to Nuclear $\gamma $-ray Spectroscopy Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod D |
Shlyapnikov, Gora LPTMS, Univ. Paris-Sud, Bat. 100, 91405, Orsay, France |
Session P1.00004 Bose-condensed states in 2D trapped gases Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod D |
Smirnova, Olga SIMS NRC |
Session G3.00002 Coulomb and polarization effects in dynamic imaging with strong laser fields Room: TELUS Convention Centre Glen 201-203 |
Spielman, Ian NIST |
Session G1.00001 Cold atoms and the 2D Bose-Hubbard model Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod BC |
Stapelfeldt, Henrik Department of Chemistry, University of Aarhus |
Session N2.00003 Controlling the rotational motion of asymmetric top molecules by laser pulses Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod C |
Staudte, Andr\'e National Research Council of Canada |
Session B3.00001 Recollision revisited: How far can we push the classical picture? Room: TELUS Convention Centre Glen 201-203 |
Steinberg, Aephraim CQIQC \& Physics, University of Toronto |
Session G2.00004 Mode-mashing and quantum interferometry with triphoton states Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod D |
Stolow, Albert National Research Council |
Session N2.00004 Non-perturbative Quantum Control via the Non-resonant Dynamic Stark Effect Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod C |
Suhm, Martin A. U. Goettingen |
Session H1.00004 Vibrational evidence for chiral recognition phenomena \textit{in vacuo} Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod BC |
Taylor, Jacob Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session J1.00004 Quantum Information Processing in Artificial Molecules Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod BC |
Taylor, Kenneth DAMTP, The Queen's University of Belfast |
Session G3.00003 Two-electron atomic response on the attosecond time-scale Room: TELUS Convention Centre Glen 201-203 |
Thomas, John Duke University |
Session Q1.00001 Thermodynamic Measurements in a Strongly Interacting Fermi Gas Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod D |
Tomita, Akihisa JST |
Session P3.00003 Stable operation of a Secure QKD system in the real-world setting Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod B |
Trivedi, Nandini The Ohio State University |
Session J2.00001 Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) Methods for strongly correlated Bose and Fermi Systems Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod D |
Umstadter, Donald University of Nebraska, Lincoln |
Session Q2.00005 First light from the Diocles laser: Relativistic laser-plasmas and beams Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod C |
Vilesov, Andrey University of Southern California |
Session H1.00001 Spectroscopy of molecular clusters in He droplets Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod BC |
Weihs, Gregor Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo, 200 University Ave W, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1, Canada |
Session P3.00001 Entanglement-Based Free Space Quantum Key Distribution Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod B |
Weiss, David S. The Pennsylvania State University |
Session B2.00001 Observation of a dimensional crossover from 1D to 3D gases Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod D |
Westbrook, Chris Laboratoire Charles Fabry de l'Institut d'Optique |
Session X1.00004 Producing and detecting correlated atoms in degenerate gases Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod BC |
Ye, Jun JILA and Physics Department, National Institute of Standards and Technology and University of Colorado |
Session A1.00001 Rabi Prize Talk: The Art of Light-based Precision Measurement Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod BCD |
Zhang, Ying IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA |
Session C3.00003 Plasma Etching of Nano-Scale Features Room: TELUS Convention Centre Glen 201-203 |
Zwerger, Wilhelm Physik Department TU Munich |
Session Q1.00002 Universality and novel phases in the BCS-BEC crossover Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod D |
Zwierlein, Martin MIT, Cambridge, USA and Johannes-Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany |
Session J1.00005 High-temperature superfluidity in an ultracold Fermi gas Room: TELUS Convention Centre Macleod BC |
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