Bulletin of the American Physical Society
2024 APS April Meeting
Wednesday–Saturday, April 3–6, 2024; Sacramento & Virtual
Invited Speakers
Albrow, Michael G Fermilab |
Session P02.00002 Particles in Collision as Art with Music Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A2-3, Floor 2 |
Almaraz-Calderon, Sergio FSU |
Session J12.00001 The elusive Near-threshold resonance in 11B. Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B2, Floor 2 |
Anderson, John Stanford University |
Session R10.00002 Shock Formation for the Einstein–Euler System Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B1, Floor 2 |
Aschenauer, Elke-Caroline BNL |
Session L12.00002 Spin Physics with the Electron Ion Colliderpleae change to the Polarized Science program of the Electron Ion Collider Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B2, Floor 2 |
Asplund, Curtis T San Jose State University |
Session D04.00003 International efforts to reduce the increasing danger of nuclear weapons Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A5-6, Floor 2 |
Bah, Ibrahima Johns Hopkins |
Session B11.00002 TBA Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B9, Floor 2 |
Balik, Salim USC |
Session S02.00003 Radiologic motion tracing and adaption Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A2-3, Floor 2 |
Ballmer, Stefan W Syracuse University |
Session D10.00002 Beyond O4: What lies ahead for Terrestrial Gravitational-Wave Detectors Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B1, Floor 2 |
Banihashemi, Batoul University of California, Santa Cruz |
Session L10.00003 Quasilocal thermodynamics of de Sitter space Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B1, Floor 2 |
Barth-Cohen, Lauren University of Utah |
Session D01.00001 Methods of research design and analysis for identifying knowledge resources Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A1, Floor 2 |
Baumgarte, Thomas W Bowdoin College |
Session G10.00001 Critical Phenomena in Gravitational Collapse Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B1, Floor 2 |
Belomestnykh, Sergey A Fermilab |
Session H01.00002 R&D for Future Colliders Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A1, Floor 2 |
Bianchi, Eugenio Pennsylvania State University |
Session B10.00002 A Beginner's Guide to Quantum Gravity, Entanglement, and Information Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B1, Floor 2 |
Biscoveanu, Andrea S Northwestern |
Session C10.00001 Cosmic Explorer: The Gravitational Wave Messenger Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B1, Floor 2 |
Biscoveanu, Andrea S Northwestern |
Session B09.00001 From black holes to the Big Bang: astrophysics and cosmology with gravitational waves and their electromagnetic counterparts Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B10, Floor 2 |
Blaum, Klaus Max Planck Inst Kernphys |
Session S01.00001 Precision Tests of Fundamental Interactions and Their Symmetries using Exotic Ions in Penning Traps Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A1, Floor 2 |
Blecha, Laura University of Florida |
Session C09.00002 On the connection between PTAs and LISA Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B10, Floor 2 |
Bond, J. Richard R Univ of Toronto |
Session G09.00001 Hans A. Bethe Prize Lecture: Entropy in a Coherent Universe, Quantum Information in the Action of the Cosmic SuperWeb Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B10, Floor 2 |
Breuval, Louise Johns Hopkins University |
Session H04.00003 The Hubble Tension and JWST Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A5-6, Floor 2 |
Broekgaarden, Floor S Columbia University |
Session B09.00002 Gravitational Wave Paleontology: a New Frontier to Probe the Lives of Massive Binary Stars across Cosmic History Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B10, Floor 2 |
Brown, Erika American Physical Society |
Session G04.00002 Improving the Department Climate for Inclusivity Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A5-6, Floor 2 |
Bruun, Jesper University of Copenhagen, Department of Science Education |
Session B02.00001 The Accelerating Teaching project: Teaching accelerator physics and its uses in high school classrooms Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A2-3, Floor 2 |
Bryman, Douglas University of British Columbia |
Session R11.00002 Rare kaon decays Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B9, Floor 2 |
Budnitz, Robert J Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session J04.00002 Szilard Award Lecture - Why we have confidence that the design of nuclear power plants against earthquakes is adequate Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A5-6, Floor 2 |
Buras, Andrzej J Munich Technical University |
Session F10.00003 Sakurai Prize Talk: Hunting New Animalcula with Flavor Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B1, Floor 2 |
Burrows, Adam S Princeton University |
Session H10.00001 The Emerging Theory of Core-Collapse Supernova Explosions Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B1, Floor 2 |
Busza, Wit Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session H02.00002 From vacuum fluctuations to multiparticle production in collisions of ultra relativistic particles Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A2-3, Floor 2 |
Campanelli, Manuela Rochester Institute of Technology |
Session M10.00001 Exploring uncharted horizons of astrophysical binary black holes Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B1, Floor 2 |
Campos, Esmeralda University of Vienna |
Session D01.00002 Phenomenographic approach to understanding students' learning in physics education Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A1, Floor 2 |
Capote, Elenna Syracuse University |
Session D10.00001 The Performance of the LIGO Detectors during the Fourth Observing Run Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B1, Floor 2 |
Caverly, Dylan McGill Univ |
Session FF01.00002 Panelist: Dylan Caverly Room: Virtual Room 01 |
Charity, Robert J Washington University, St. Louis |
Session J12.00003 Nigrogen-9 - a ground-state five-proton emitter at the edge of the chart of nuclides Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B2, Floor 2 |
Chen, Hsin-Yu The University of Texas at Austin |
Session A01.00003 Cosmology in the Era of Multi-Messenger Astronomy Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A1, Floor 2 |
Chini, Jackie J University of Central Florida |
Session DE00.00001 Physics Education Research Networking Event Room: Virtual Room 01 |
Chini, Jackie J University of Central Florida |
Session D01.00003 Planning for participants' varying needs and abilities in qualitative research Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A1, Floor 2 |
Chu, Steven Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session G01.00001 Small Modular Nuclear Reactors and the potential for carbon-free energy Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A1, Floor 2 |
Combi, Luciano Perimeter Inst for Theo Phys |
Session M10.00002 Modeling Electromagnetic Radiation from Gravitational Wave Sources at Different Scales Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B1, Floor 2 |
Convery, Mary E Fermilab |
Session L08.00003 The LBNF/DUNE complex for neutrino science Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A10-11, Floor 2 |
Corsi, Alessandra Texas Tech University |
Session S10.00002 Cosmic Explorer: Pushing the gravitational-wave frontier across astronomy, physics, and cosmology Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B1, Floor 2 |
Cox, Ian C University of Tennessee |
Session B12.00002 Proton Shell Gaps in N=28 Nuclei from the First Complete Spectroscopy Study with the FRIB Decay Station Initiator Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B2, Floor 2 |
Craig, David Oregon State University |
Session CD00.00001 Don't Fall Off the Enrollment Cliff!: EP3 Office Hours for Faculty Room: Virtual Room 01 |
Craig, Nathaniel University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session H01.00001 Physics at next generation colliders Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A1, Floor 2 |
Dahl, Eric Northwestern University |
Session B07.00001 Re-inventing noble liquid detectors -- new techniques for the next generation Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A9, Floor 2 |
Davis, Derek LIGO Laboratory, Caltech |
Session M09.00003 Broad astrophysical impacts of LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA observations through the fourth observing run Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B10, Floor 2 |
Del Vecchio, Andrea L Rhode Island College |
Session G04.00003 Using the DAT/DALI Model for Inclusive Program Change at a Primarily Undergraduate HSI Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A5-6, Floor 2 |
de Rezende Gomide, João Pedro Instituto de Física Teórica - UNESP, Brazil |
Session FF01.00004 Panel: João Pedro de Rezende Gomide Room: Virtual Room 01 |
Diale, Mmantsea University of Pretoria |
Session AA01.00002 Bridging the divide between science and communities for sustainability Room: Virtual Room 01 |
Dick, Greg Perimeter Institute |
Session G02.00001 Perimeter Institute - Educational Outreach at Scale Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A2-3, Floor 2 |
Dick, Greg Perimeter Institute / Open Quantum Design |
Session G02.00006 Perimeter Institute - Educational Outreach at Scale (Panel) Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A2-3, Floor 2 |
Disconzi, Marcelo M Vanderbilt University |
Session R10.00001 General-Relativistic Viscous Fluids Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B1, Floor 2 |
Dodge, Gail E Old Dominion University |
Session K01.00001 New Challenges and Big Questions for Nuclear Physics Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A1, Floor 2 |
Downie, Evangeline J George Washington University |
Session C01.00001 Breaking Barriers in the 2023 Long Range Plan for Nuclear Science Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A1, Floor 2 |
Draghis, Paul University of Michigan |
Session P09.00003 EM Observations Overview: Electromagnetic probes of Black Hole rotation Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B10, Floor 2 |
Dressing, Courtney UC Berkeley |
Session H04.00002 Exploring the Diversity of Planetary Systems Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A5-6, Floor 2 |
Duarte, Javier M University of California, San Diego |
Session F10.00002 Exploring Higgs bosons at high energies: From jets as graphs to fast machine learning on FPGAs Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B1, Floor 2 |
El Fassi, Lamiaa Mississippi State University |
Session R12.00001 Probing Hadronization Dynamics and Diquarks Structure via Lambda Production off Nuclei Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B2, Floor 2 |
Eser, Johannes University of Chicago |
Session H09.00001 The Snowmass UHECR white paper: A community roadmap for the next 2 decades Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B10, Floor 2 |
Esquivel, Jessica N Fermilab |
Session P02.00003 TBD Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A2-3, Floor 2 |
Everson, Rosa W University of California, Santa Cruz |
Session J09.00003 Rethinking Thorne-Żytkow Object Formation: Compelling Connections in the Time-Domain Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B10, Floor 2 |
Ewing, Becca Pennsylvania State University |
Session D10.00003 Public Results in O4 from All-Sky Searches Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B1, Floor 2 |
Fan, Wenqing LBNL |
Session F12.00002 Jet Substructure Studies from Proton-Proton to Heavy Ion Collisions at the LHC Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B2, Floor 2 |
Farooq, Midhat APS |
Session L02.00001 PANEL: Meet Your Future: A Conversation about Career Pathways Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A2-3, Floor 2 |
Figueras, Pau Queen Mary University of London |
Session G10.00002 The Non-Linear Dynamics of Higher Dimensional Black Holes Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B1, Floor 2 |
Fish, Dave Perimeter Institute |
Session G02.00004 Perimeter Institute Classroom Resources Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A2-3, Floor 2 |
Fong, Wen-fai Northwestern University |
Session J10.00003 Coupling Gravitational Waves and Light: A Review of Electromagnetic Signals and Future Prospects Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B1, Floor 2 |
Foyle, Kelly Perimeter Institute |
Session G02.00002 Perimeter Institute Student Workshops Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A2-3, Floor 2 |
Freedman, Wendy L University of Chicago |
Session S01.00002 New JWST Results: Is the Current Tension in Ho Signaling New Physics Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A1, Floor 2 |
Fulsom, Bryan G Pacific Northwest Natl Lab |
Session G11.00001 An experimental overview of new states at Belle II/LHC Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B9, Floor 2 |
Fuyuto, Kaori LANL |
Session H08.00001 Searching for New Physics in the Lepton Sector Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A10-11, Floor 2 |
Gallegos-Garcia, Monica Northwestern University |
Session P09.00001 From 1D to 3D simulations: the pursuit to model the spins and tilts of stellar-mass black holes Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B10, Floor 2 |
Gamba, Rossella Penn State University and UC Berkeley |
Session P12.00003 Neutron Star Equation of State Measurements from Binary Mergers Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B2, Floor 2 |
Ghosh, Atreyie University of Pittsburgh, University of Chicago |
Session F04.00001 Axion fields in Plasmonic Vortices Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A5-6, Floor 2 |
Gianfelice-Wendt, Eliana Fermilab |
Session H01.00003 Higgs factories Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A1, Floor 2 |
Glick-Magid, Ayala University of Washington |
Session M02.00001 Search for new physics with allowed and forbidden beta decays Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A2-3, Floor 2 |
Gori, Stefania University of California, Santa Cruz |
Session D11.00001 Dark Matter at accelerators, from MeV to TeV Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B9, Floor 2 |
Grant, Christopher P Boston University |
Session H15.00001 Directions in Detector Development Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B6-7, Floor 2 |
Gray, Timothy Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session B12.00003 Microsecond Isomer at the N=20 Island of Shape Inversion Observed at FRIB Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B2, Floor 2 |
Gronlund, Lisbeth D Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session L04.00003 Panelist Biography Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A5-6, Floor 2 |
Gueye, Paul Facilty for Rare Isotope Beams, Michigan State University |
Session J02.00002 Broadening participation in nuclear physics through target programs Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A2-3, Floor 2 |
Gutmann, Brianne San Jose State University |
Session C01.00004 Building community through centering ethics, society, policy, and activism in physics spaces Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A1, Floor 2 |
Guy, Julien Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session F01.00002 The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument First Year Results: Baryon Acoustic Oscillations in the Lyman-alpha Forests of High Redshift Quasars Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A1, Floor 2 |
Hall, Cassandra |
Session KK03.00001 Protoplanetary accretion discs, planet formation, and gravitational instability. Room: Virtual Room 03 |
Halpern, Paul H Saint Joseph's University |
Session C02.00001 Oppenheimer, Wheeler, and the Golden Age of General Relativity Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A2-3, Floor 2 |
Harris, Robert M Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) |
Session F10.00001 Narain Mentoring Award: Career Mentoring for Postdoctoral Researchers at Fermilab Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B1, Floor 2 |
Hegde, Vinay Texas Tech University |
Session H11.00001 Searches for New Physics - Innovation and Anomalies Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B9, Floor 2 |
Held, Alexander University of Wisconsin–Madison |
Session C11.00001 Evolution of Analysis Techniques and Statistical Treatment Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B9, Floor 2 |
Hernandez, Andrew M UC Davis Health |
Session S02.00001 The Power of Ultra-High-Resolution CT & Deep Learning in Modern Medical Imaging Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A2-3, Floor 2 |
Heron, Paula R University of Washington |
Session P08.00001 The "International Handbook of Physics Education Research:" Insights, Themes, and Future Directions Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A10-11, Floor 2 |
Hertel, Scott University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session D11.00002 Direct detection of Dark Matter, from axions to WIMPs Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B9, Floor 2 |
Holmbeck, Erika M LLNL |
Session L09.00003 The Fission Fragments in Our Stars Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B10, Floor 2 |
Horstman, Katelyn A California Institute of Technology |
Session C02.00003 Virginia Trimble: A Scholar of the Past Guiding the Future Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A2-3, Floor 2 |
Huang, Shengli Stony Brook University |
Session G08.00002 O+O at RHIC Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A10-11, Floor 2 |
Humensky, Thomas Goddard Space Flight Center |
Session H12.00001 Physics of the Cosmos and PhysPAG Overview Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B2, Floor 2 |
Inuyomi, Samuel North-West University, South Africa |
Session FF01.00001 Panelist: Samuel Inuyomi Room: Virtual Room 01 |
Irwin, Kent D Stanford University |
Session H07.00002 Status and Future of Quantum Sensors for High Energy Physics Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A9, Floor 2 |
Ishak, Mustapha University of Texas at Dallas |
Session F01.00003 The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument First Year Results: Cosmological Parameters from the Baryon Acoustic Oscillations Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A1, Floor 2 |
Jacak, Barbara V University of California, Berkeley |
Session Q01.00001 How RHIC changed the way we think in Physics Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A1, Floor 2 |
Jeanloz, Raymond University of California, Berkeley |
Session L04.00004 Panelist Biography Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A5-6, Floor 2 |
Jensen, Mikkel H California State University, Sacramento |
Session B04.00002 Incorporating environmental issues in the curriculum through a laboratory course-based authentic learning experience with upper- and lower-division physics classes. Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A5-6, Floor 2 |
Jin, Luchang UConn / RBRC |
Session J01.00002 The hadronic contributions to muon g-2 from lattice QCD Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A1, Floor 2 |
Jones, Gerceida New York Univ NYU |
Session P02.00001 Connecting the Universe to the Community Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A2-3, Floor 2 |
Jones, Kate University of Tennessee |
Session J12.00002 Structure of 13Be studied through the 12Be(d,p)13Be reaction Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B2, Floor 2 |
Kagan, Michael SLAC - Natl Accelerator Lab |
Session F14.00001 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Particle Physics Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B3, Floor 2 |
Kalogera, Vicky Northwestern University |
Session S10.00001 NSF MPSAC NextGenGW Report Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B1, Floor 2 |
Kamaha, Alvine C University of California, Los Angeles |
Session J02.00001 Bouchet Award Talk: The making of the biggest and cleanest xenon TPC for dark matter searches Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A2-3, Floor 2 |
Kamaletdinov, Airat University of Cambridge, UK |
Session FF01.00005 Panelist: Airat Kamaletdinov Room: Virtual Room 01 |
Kawall, David M University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Session S01.00003 Measurements of the muon magnetic moment Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A1, Floor 2 |
Keintzel, Jacqueline CERN |
Session L08.00002 FCC-ee Higgs and Electroweak Factory - Design Progress and Outlook Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A10-11, Floor 2 |
Kelley, Luke Z |
Session C09.00001 Constraints on supermassive black hole binaries from NANOGrav Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B10, Floor 2 |
Kolb, Edward W University of Chicago |
Session P11.00001 Lilienfeld Prize TalkThe Quantum and the Cosmos Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B9, Floor 2 |
Küchemann, Stefan Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München |
Session B16.00001 Opportunities and challenges of large language models in physics education Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B5, Floor 2 |
Kuchera, Michelle P Davidson College |
Session B06.00001 Recent advances in machine learning for nuclear and particle physics Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A8, Floor 2 |
Larson, Shane L Northwestern University |
Session E01.00001 The Shaking Cosmos: Observing the Universe in Gravitational Waves with LISA Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A1, Floor 2 |
Leach, Kyle G Colorado School of Mines |
Session M02.00003 Nuclear Decay as a Probe of Physics Beyond the Standard Model Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A2-3, Floor 2 |
Leane, Rebecca |
Session D11.00003 New ideas for indirect detection of Dark Matter Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B9, Floor 2 |
Leja, Joel Penn State University |
Session H04.00001 The Exciting First Years and the Upcoming Long Legacy of the James Webb Space Telescope Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A5-6, Floor 2 |
Leney, Katharine Southern Methodist University |
Session H11.00003 Run 3 and HL-LHC: New Exploration Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B9, Floor 2 |
Levesque, Emily |
Session J09.00001 The Weirdest Stars in the Universe: Exploring the Evolution of Thorne-Zytkow Objects Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B10, Floor 2 |
Lewis, Charles M Donostia |
Session M11.00002 Particle physics in the sub-keV energy regime Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B9, Floor 2 |
Lin, Huey-Wen Michigan State University |
Session C01.00002 Women who help shape the future of US particle and nuclear physics Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A1, Floor 2 |
Lin, JiaZhao Rice University |
Session D12.00001 Illuminating Nuclear Structure with Photons in Ultraperipheral Heavy-Ion Collisions Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B2, Floor 2 |
Longfellow, Brenden R Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session T06.00001 Precision Measurements of 8B Beta Decay with the Beta-decay Paul Trap Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A8, Floor 2 |
Lopez, Jorge A University of Texas at El Paso |
Session J02.00003 The Role of Undergraduate Research in Physics Education Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A2-3, Floor 2 |
Lubna, Rebeka Sultana FRIB |
Session B12.00001 Identification of a β-decaying isomer in 36Al and studying the structure of neutron-rich Mg and Al isotopes in the first FRIB experiment. Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B2, Floor 2 |
Lueck, Harald Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute) |
Session S10.00003 The Einstein Telescope Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B1, Floor 2 |
Macpherson, Hayley J University of Chicago |
Session G10.00003 Einstein's Universe: Cosmological Structure Formation in Numerical Relativity Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B1, Floor 2 |
Mähring, Rebecka |
Session J11.00003 Negotiating Presence, Crafting Memory: The Elusive Life and Legacy of Hilde Levi Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B9, Floor 2 |
Mangano, Michelangelo |
Session Q01.00002 How LHC changed the way we think in Physics Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A1, Floor 2 |
Marcotulli, Lea Yale University |
Session F11.00002 15-years of discoveries with the Fermi-LAT Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B9, Floor 2 |
Markoff, Diane M North Carolina Central University |
Session M12.00003 Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering (CEvNS) – From Observation to Impact Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B2, Floor 2 |
Marshall, Christopher University of Rochester |
Session L11.00001 Future large-scale neutrino experiments Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B9, Floor 2 |
Matthews, John N University of Utah |
Session D09.00001 Twenty Years of UHECR Discoveries in the Era of Giant Arrays Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B10, Floor 2 |
Mattioli, Kara Laboratoire Leprince Ringuet, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) |
Session G08.00003 Results from Fixed-Target Collisions at LHCb Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A10-11, Floor 2 |
McLaughlin, Gail C North Carolina State University |
Session H02.00001 Herman Feshbach Prize in Theoretical Nuclear Physics: the role of neutrinos in element synthesis Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A2-3, Floor 2 |
McLaughlin, Gail C North Carolina State University |
Session L09.00001 Unraveling Nucleosynthesis in the Multi-messenger Era Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B10, Floor 2 |
Metcalfe, Jessica E Argonne National Laboratory |
Session L07.00001 The Landscape of Future Detector Technologies for Accelerator Based Experiments Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A9, Floor 2 |
Micallef, Jessie NSF Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Fundamental Interactions |
Session D02.00003 Finding Neutrinos: ML Aiding in the Hunt for the Ghost Particle Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A2-3, Floor 2 |
Miller, Alexandra Sonoma State University |
Session C04.00003 Collaborations Between Emerging Research and R1 Institutions: A Success Story! Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A5-6, Floor 2 |
Miller, Gerald A University of Washington |
Session C08.00003 Theoretical Predictions for Proton Color Transparency II: Advanced Theoretical Approaches Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A10-11, Floor 2 |
Milton, Stephen V Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session J08.00002 Commercialization of Advanced Accelerator Systems and their Applications Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A10-11, Floor 2 |
Mitchell, Ryan Indiana Univ - Bloomington |
Session G11.00003 An experimental overview of new states from JLab/BES-III Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B9, Floor 2 |
Moreno, Jorge Pomona College |
Session G09.00002 From excursion sets to today: a random walk through the history of cosmological simulations Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B10, Floor 2 |
Moric, Igor Princeton University |
Session D04.00002 Advances in Earth Observation Capabilities and their Impact on Nuclear Stability Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A5-6, Floor 2 |
Moult, Ian Yale |
Session B11.00001 Conformal Colliders Meet the LHC Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B9, Floor 2 |
Moult, Ian Yale |
Session F12.00001 Jet Theory and Phenomenology Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B2, Floor 2 |
Mueller, Holger University of California at Berkeley |
Session S01.00004 High-precision measurements of fundamental constants, and testing for physics beyond the Standard Model Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A1, Floor 2 |
Muryama, Hitoshi UC Berkeley |
Session K01.00002 New Challenges and Big Questions for High Energy Physics: Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel (P5) Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A1, Floor 2 |
Myles, Justin T |
Session B09.00003 Combining Spectroscopic And Imaging Galaxy Surveys For Improved Measurements Of Large-Scale Structure Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B10, Floor 2 |
Nagaitsev, Sergei Jefferson Lab |
Session L08.00001 Outlook and progress of the Electron Ion Collider design and construction Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A10-11, Floor 2 |
Neelin, J David University of California, Los Angeles |
Session B01.00003 What can critical processes tell us about climate extremes? Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A1, Floor 2 |
Newby, Jason Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session F15.00001 Low Energy Neutrino Science and Applications Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B6-7, Floor 2 |
Nice, David J Lafayette Coll |
Session F02.00001 The NANOGrav 15 Year Data Set: Observing Program and Millisecond Pulsar Timing Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A2-3, Floor 2 |
Niemela, Joseph J ICTP |
Session B02.00002 Helping to build global communities through research, education and outreach Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A2-3, Floor 2 |
Niida, Takafumi University of Tsukuba |
Session L12.00001 Experimental progress on particle polarization in heavy-ion collisions Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B2, Floor 2 |
Noronha-Hostler, Jacquelyn University of Illinois at Urbana-Champai |
Session G08.00001 Theory Overview of Accessing Nuclear Structure in Heavy-Ion Collisions Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A10-11, Floor 2 |
O'Grady, Anna J Carnegie Mellon University |
Session J09.00002 Cool, Luminous, and Highly Variable Stars in the Magellanic Clouds: Implications for Thorne-Żytkow Objects and Super-asymptotic Giant Branch Stars Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B10, Floor 2 |
Olesko, Kathryn M Georgetown University |
Session J11.00001 Sharing Data with Russia: Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel and the Geopolitics of Prussian Territorial Data Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B9, Floor 2 |
Ostroumov, Peter N Michigan State University |
Session J08.00004 The technical advances enabling the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A10-11, Floor 2 |
O'Sullivan, Erin Uppsala University |
Session C10.00002 IceCube-Gen2: A new frontier in detecting the elusive neutrino messenger Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B1, Floor 2 |
Parks, Beth Colgate University |
Session B04.00001 Teaching about Climate Change and Sustainability in the Physics Classroom: Ideas from the American Journal of Physics Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A5-6, Floor 2 |
Pate, Monica I New York University |
Session L10.00002 On the Role of Massive Particles in Celestial Holography Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B1, Floor 2 |
Pate, Monica I New York University |
Session B11.00003 Celestial Holography Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B9, Floor 2 |
Patterson, Ritchie Cornell University |
Session J08.00003 Advances and opportunities in electron sources and superconducting acceleration Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A10-11, Floor 2 |
Paul, Sebouh J University of California, Riverside |
Session R12.00003 Predictions for proton and lambda baryon interactions in cold nuclear matter - results from the GiBUU event generator Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B2, Floor 2 |
Pedro, Kevin J Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session C11.00002 Evolution of Generation and Simulation Techniques in the AI/ML Era Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B9, Floor 2 |
Piekarewicz, Jorge Florida State University |
Session L09.00002 Unraveling the Nuclear Equation of State in the Multi-messenger Era Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B10, Floor 2 |
Pilloni, Alessandro Jefferson Lab |
Session G11.00002 Theoretical overview of new hadronic states Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B9, Floor 2 |
Plenz, Dietmar National Institute of Mental Health, USA |
Session B01.00001 Parabolic avalanche scaling in the organization of complex brain functions Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A1, Floor 2 |
Plunkett, Cailin Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Amherst College |
Session R09.00001 LeRoy Apker Award: Protoplanet Population Properties: a new method to compute survey sensitivity Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B10, Floor 2 |
Pope, Damian Perimeter Institute |
Session G02.00003 Perimeter Institute Teacher Workshops Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A2-3, Floor 2 |
Pretorius, Frans Princeton University |
Session B10.00001 A Beginner's Guide to Numerical Relativity Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B1, Floor 2 |
Pribram-Jones, Aurora University of CA, Merced |
Session C04.00002 Building High Energy Density Science Capacity at an Emerging Research Institution Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A5-6, Floor 2 |
Psihas, Fernanda Fermilab |
Session C11.00003 Evolution of Event Reconstruction Techniques in the AI/ML Era Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B9, Floor 2 |
Puglisi, Andrea Institute of Complex Systems, CNR & Sapienza University |
Session B01.00002 Granular systems: the complexity of non-equilibrium Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A1, Floor 2 |
Quider, Anna M The Quider Group |
Session C04.00001 Emerging Research Institutions: Broadening participation in STEM education, research, and economic impact Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A5-6, Floor 2 |
Radice, David Pennsylvania State University |
Session J10.00001 Connecting Kilonovae and Merger Dynamics with Numerical Relativity Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B1, Floor 2 |
Ramana, M. V. School of Public Policy and Global Affairs, University of British Columbia |
Session G01.00003 Can Small Modular Reactors really help mitigate climate change? Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A1, Floor 2 |
Ramirez-Ruiz, Enrico University of California, Santa Cruz |
Session J02.00004 The Lamat Institute: Re-Imagining Leadership and Mentorship in Astronomy Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A2-3, Floor 2 |
Rand, Lindsay University of Maryland |
Session D04.00001 Schrodinger's Technology is Here and Not: Quantum Technology Implications for Nuclear Deterrence Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A5-6, Floor 2 |
Read, Jocelyn S CSU Fullerton |
Session M09.00002 Nuclear astrophysics using the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA gravitational-wave network Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B10, Floor 2 |
Reitze, David H Caltech |
Session Q01.00003 How LIGO and Virgo changed the way we think in Physics Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A1, Floor 2 |
Roberts, Christina University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session J11.00002 NASA's Other Science Diplomacy - Spacemobile Goes Abroad in the 1960s Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B9, Floor 2 |
Robertson, R G Hamish University of Washington |
Session M12.00001 Direct Probes of Neutrino Mass Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B2, Floor 2 |
Rosenberg, Leslie J University of Washington |
Session R08.00001 The ADMX Dark-Matter Axion Search and Beyond Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A10-11, Floor 2 |
Rudolf, Petra Univ of Groningen |
Session B02.00003 Networking and teamworking Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A2-3, Floor 2 |
Sachmpazidi, Diana University of Maryland - College Park |
Session G04.00001 Making Graduate Programs more inclusive: An AGEP Pilot in Physics Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A5-6, Floor 2 |
Salazar, Farid LBNL/INT |
Session D12.00003 Overview of J/psi Production in UPCs Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B2, Floor 2 |
Sargsyan, Grigor H FRIB/Michigan State University |
Session M02.00002 Improved Limit on Tensor Currents in the Weak Interaction from 8Li and 8B Beta Decays Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A2-3, Floor 2 |
Sarrao, John L Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session J08.00001 Enabling accelerators for materials physics Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A10-11, Floor 2 |
Scarlat, Raluca UC Berkeley |
Session G01.00002 Elements needed in the development of the next generation of reactors. Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A1, Floor 2 |
Scherr, Rachel E University of Washington, Bothell |
Session B04.00003 Energy in Its Material and Social Context: Power Plants Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A5-6, Floor 2 |
Schroeder, Carl B Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session L08.00004 Promise and challenges for plasma-based accelerators for science applications Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A10-11, Floor 2 |
Schutz, Bernard F Cardiff Univ of Wales |
Session M10.00003 What We Can Learn from History As We Plan the Coming 3G Detectors Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B1, Floor 2 |
Schwartz, Stephen I Bulletin the Atomic Scientists |
Session L04.00002 Panelist Biography Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A5-6, Floor 2 |
Sclafani, Stephen J University of Maryland |
Session F11.00001 Results from the IceCube Neutrino Observatory Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B9, Floor 2 |
Seo, Hee-Jong Ohio University |
Session F01.00001 The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument First Year Results: Baryon Acoustic Oscillations from Galaxies and Quasars at z <2 Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A1, Floor 2 |
Seryi, Andrei A Jefferson Lab/Jefferson Science Associat |
Session K01.00003 New Challenges and Big Questions for Accelerator Physics Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A1, Floor 2 |
Shah, Karan Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf |
Session FF01.00006 Panelist: Karan Shah Room: Virtual Room 01 |
SHEIKH, ASHIK IKBAL Kent State University |
Session D12.00002 Vector meson photoproduction and interference effects in Ultra Peripheral Collisions at STAR Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B2, Floor 2 |
Sheng, Xin-Li INFN |
Session GG03.00001 Spin in Heavy Ion Collisions: Theoretical Progress Room: Virtual Room 03 |
Sheth, Kartik NASA |
Session J04.00003 Reflections on Advancing Science through Inclusion Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A5-6, Floor 2 |
Siemens, Xavier Oregon State University |
Session F02.00002 NANOGrav: The search for a stochastic background of gravitational waves Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A2-3, Floor 2 |
Sieverding, Andre Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session B15.00001 Nucleosynthesis with multi-dimensional supernova simulations Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B6-7, Floor 2 |
Singer, Leo P NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Session J10.00002 Gravitational Wave Alerts: What We Know and When We Know It Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B1, Floor 2 |
Soares-Furtado, Melinda Santa Cruz Inst for Part Phys |
Session R09.00002 Devoured Worlds: The Observational Signatures of Planetary Engulfment Events Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B10, Floor 2 |
Soldin, Dennis University of Utah |
Session H09.00002 Particle Physics with UHECRs at the Cosmic Frontier Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B10, Floor 2 |
Somov, Alexander Jefferson Lab/Jefferson Science Associate |
Session H06.00001 Lead tungstate calorimeters at Jefferson Lab and perspectives for the Electron–Ion Collider Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A8, Floor 2 |
Song, Minghao Brookhaven National Laboratories |
Session M11.00003 DPB Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Research in Beam Physics Award: Advanced methods for storage ring nonlinear lattice optimization and correction. Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B9, Floor 2 |
Spaulding, Dylan K Union of Concerned Scientists |
Session L04.00001 PANEL: Physicists and Arms Control – The Role of Science in Global Security Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A5-6, Floor 2 |
Stefkova, Sally KIT |
Session R11.00001 Rare B decays in Belle II and LHCb Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B9, Floor 2 |
Stelzer, Tim J University of Illinois at Urbana-Champai |
Session F08.00001 Emerging Methods in PER: Observations from Working on the Statistical Modeling Review Committee Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A10-11, Floor 2 |
Surman, Rebecca A University of Notre Dame |
Session A01.00001 The Nuclear Physics of Multi-Messenger Astrophysics Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A1, Floor 2 |
Sushkov, Alexander Boston University |
Session F04.00002 The CASPEr Experiment and Searches for Axions using Atoms, Molecules, and Solids Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A5-6, Floor 2 |
Szumila-Vance, Holly Jefferson Lab/Jefferson Science Associates |
Session C08.00001 Experimental searches for the onset of color transparency in protons Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A10-11, Floor 2 |
Tanner, David B University of Florida |
Session R08.00002 Panofsky Prize Presentation—The search for the invisible axion Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A10-11, Floor 2 |
Temim, Tea Princeton University |
Session H10.00002 What Supernova Remnants Reveal About Stellar Explosions Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B1, Floor 2 |
Terao, Kazuhiro SLAC |
Session D02.00002 Enhancing simulation and reconstruction for particle physics experiment with differentiable programming Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A2-3, Floor 2 |
Ting, Samuel C MIT |
Session F11.00003 Latest Results from the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station. Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B9, Floor 2 |
Tishchenko, Vladimir Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session J01.00001 Experimental results for muon g-2 Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A1, Floor 2 |
Tompkins, Lauren Stanford University |
Session C01.00003 Mid-Act: A report from the workshop on mid career women in large physics collaborations Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A1, Floor 2 |
Treu, Tommaso University of California, Los Angeles |
Session G09.00003 JWST's First Glimpses of Early Galaxies and Implications for Cosmology Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B10, Floor 2 |
Trimble, Virginia University of California, Irvine |
Session C02.00002 Does It Count as History if I Can Still Remember? Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A2-3, Floor 2 |
Tsang, Chun Yuen Kent State University |
Session P12.00001 Neutron Star Equation of State from Crust to Core Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B2, Floor 2 |
Turiaci, Gustavo J University of Washington: Seattle |
Session L10.00001 New Insights on the Extremal Limit of Black Holes Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B1, Floor 2 |
Venanzoni, Graziano University of Liverpool and INFN Pisa |
Session J01.00003 Hadronic contribution to muon g-2 using dispersive approach Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A1, Floor 2 |
Venters, Tonia M NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Session H09.00003 Astrophysics with UHECRs at the Energy Frontier Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B10, Floor 2 |
Vigeland, Sarah J University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee |
Session B10.00003 A Beginner's Guide to Gravitational Wave Detection with Pulsar Timing Arrays Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B1, Floor 2 |
Violini, Galileo Centro Internacional de Física |
Session J04.00001 Burton Award Talk - Title TBA: Challenges to foster science in developing countries. Learning from lost opportunities Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A5-6, Floor 2 |
Vitale, Salvatore Massachusetts Institute of Technology MI |
Session P09.00002 The spins of stellar-mass black holes measured with gravitational waves Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B10, Floor 2 |
Walsh, Joseph Michican State University |
Session L11.00003 Combining long-baseline neutrino measurements: Recent results from NOvA and T2K Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B9, Floor 2 |
Wan, Linyan Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) |
Session L11.00002 Astrophysical Neutrinos with Large Neutrino Experiments Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B9, Floor 2 |
Wang, Lei Stanford University |
Session S02.00002 Robotics in high-precision radiation treatment Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A2-3, Floor 2 |
Wang, Xin-Nian Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session L12.00003 Spinning heavy-ion collisions Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B2, Floor 2 |
Weinstein, Lawrence B Old Dominion University |
Session D17.00001 Novel Experimental Results in Nucleon-Nucleon Short Range Correlations in Nuclei Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B4, Floor 2 |
Welliver, Bradford C UC Berkeley |
Session M12.00002 Neutrinoless double beta decay overview and recent results Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B2, Floor 2 |
Westbury, Silvana |
Session AA01.00001 Lightsources.org: Engaging the global light source community Room: Virtual Room 01 |
Williams, Tonia Perimeter Institute |
Session G02.00005 Perimeter Institute Outreach: Teacher Nework and Programming Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A2-3, Floor 2 |
Witt, Caitlin A Northwestern University |
Session F02.00003 The NANOGrav 15-year Data Set: Implications for Supermassive Black Hole Binaries Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A2-3, Floor 2 |
Wittmann, Michael American Physical Society |
Session S04.00001 Using the EP3 Guide as a call for education research on systemic change Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A5-6, Floor 2 |
Wood, Darien R Northeastern University |
Session H11.00002 Precision Standard Model Physics including Top Physics Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B9, Floor 2 |
Wrede, Christopher L Michigan State University |
Session D02.00001 Applications of machine learning at FRIB Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A2-3, Floor 2 |
Wu, Hangyi Syracuse University |
Session R11.00003 Rare D decays Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B9, Floor 2 |
Yarza, Ricardo University of California, Santa Cruz |
Session R09.00003 Modeling Planetary Engulfment Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B10, Floor 2 |
Yokoya, Kaoru KEK |
Session R08.00003 Wilson Prize Presentation Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A10-11, Floor 2 |
Yu, Zhite Michigan State University |
Session M11.00001 Sakurai Prize: QCD Factorization of Hard Exclusive Processes and Tomographic Image of Proton Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B9, Floor 2 |
Yuan, Feng Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session F12.00003 Jets at the Electron-Ion Collider Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B2, Floor 2 |
Yunes, Nicolas University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session A01.00002 Fundamental Physics When Gravity Waves and Light Shines Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom A1, Floor 2 |
Zegers, Remco G Michigan State University |
Session C10.00003 FRIB400: Creating Neutron-Rich Dense Matter, Messengers from Earth Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B1, Floor 2 |
Zevin, Michael J Adler Planetarium |
Session M09.00001 New Results from the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Gravitational-wave Observatory Network Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B10, Floor 2 |
Zhang, Yiyue University of California, Irvine |
Session R10.00003 Initial data sets with zero mass are contained in plane wave spacetimes Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B1, Floor 2 |
Zheng, Yanyan Missouri University of Science & Technology |
Session H10.00003 Detecting gravitational waves from core-collapse supernovae Room: SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Ballroom B1, Floor 2 |
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