Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS April Meeting 2013
Volume 58, Number 4
Saturday–Tuesday, April 13–16, 2013; Denver, Colorado
Invited Speakers
Ajello, Marco University of California, Berkeley |
Session B4.00003 AGN and the Origin of the Isotropic Gamma-ray Background Room: Plaza F |
Alexander, Stephon Dartmouth College |
Session R4.00001 Edward A. Bouchet Award Talk: Theoretical and Observational Consequences of a Parity Violating Universe Room: Plaza F |
Ames, Ben University of Innsbruck |
Session D5.00003 The Flame Challenge and Communicating Science Room: Governor's Square 14 |
Arrington, John Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory |
Session Q5.00003 What electron (and muon) scattering tell us about the proton radius Room: Governor's Square 14 |
Babu, Kaladi Oklahoma State University |
Session R2.00002 Theoretical Status of Charged Lepton Flavor Physics Room: Plaza D |
Baranger, Elizabeth University of Pittsburgh |
Session C6.00003 Remembrances of Maria Goeppert Mayer and the Nuclear Shell Model. Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Barsotti, Lisa Massachusetts Institute of Technology, LIGO Laboratory |
Session G5.00002 Beyond Advanced Gravitational Wave Detectors: Beating the Quantum Limit with Squeezed States of Light Room: Governor's Square 14 |
Baylor, Martha-Elizabeth Carleton College |
Session L7.00002 A Random Walk into Optical Signal Processing and Integrated Optofluidics Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Bazarov, Ivan CLASSE, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY |
Session H5.00003 New Electron Source for Energy Recovery Linacs Room: Governor's Square 14 |
Beacom, John Ohio State University |
Session Q4.00003 The Mysterious Neutrinos -- Clues from Astrophysics and Cosmology Room: Plaza F |
Bean, Rachel Cornell University |
Session H4.00001 Dark Energy Theory Room: Plaza F |
Bernstein, Jeremy Stevens Institute of Technology, retired |
Session B6.00001 Joseph A. Burton Forum Award Talk Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Blum, Thomas University of Connecticut |
Session B3.00003 Lattice QCD calculation of $K\to\pi\pi$ decays Room: Plaza E |
Bzdak, Adam RIKEN BNL Research Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session Q9.00001 LPV and Chiral Magnetic Effect: status and open questions Room: Governor's Square 11 |
Cabrera, Blas Stanford University |
Session L2.00002 W. K. H. Panofsky Prize Talk: The Search for WIMP Dark Matter: CDMS Detectors Room: Plaza D |
Canelli, Florencia ETH Zurich |
Session W1.00002 Results from the CERN Large Hadron Collider Room: Plaza ABC |
Caprioli, Damiano Princeton University |
Session C4.00001 Understanding particle acceleration at supernova shocks Room: Plaza F |
Catastini, Pierluigi Harvard University |
Session R2.00003 Review of top, W\&Z and other precision measurements from ATLAS and CMS Room: Plaza D |
Chen, Jinhui Chinese Academy of Science |
Session T3.00002 George E Valley Prize Talk: Measurements of phi-meson production and the observation of antihypertriton in Au$+$Au collisions at RHIC Room: Plaza E |
Christy, M. Eric Hampton University |
Session R11.00004 Electron Scattering Measurements applied to Neutrino Interactions on Nuclei Room: Governor's Square 17 |
Coderre, Daniel Forschungszentrum J\"ulich |
Session J5.00001 Light Meson Decays at WASA-at-COSY Room: Governor's Square 14 |
Colglazier, E. William Science and Technology Adviser to the Secretary of State, U.S. Department of State |
Session H7.00003 Science and Diplomacy Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Coppi, Paolo Yale University |
Session B4.00001 Particle Acceleration and Gamma-Rays from AGN Jets Room: Plaza F |
Crawford, Heather Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session C3.00003 First Results from GRETINA at the S800 Spectrometer Room: Plaza E |
Cumming, Andrew McGill University |
Session J4.00002 X-Ray Bursts and the Neutron Star Crust Room: Plaza F |
Dafermos, Mihalis Cambridge University |
Session C5.00002 The black hole stability problem Room: Governor's Square 14 |
da Silva, Cesar L. LANL |
Session J3.00001 Open Heavy Flavor in the QGP at RHIC and LHC Room: Plaza E |
Davidson, Jane University of Minnesota |
Session J6.00002 SUNgas: Thermochemical Approaches to Solar Fuels Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Davoudiasl, Hooman Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session Q2.00003 Theory perspective (other than SUSY) Room: Plaza D |
DeMille, David Yale University |
Session Y3.00002 The ACME electron electric dipole moment search Room: Plaza E |
Djurcic, Zelimir Argonne National Laboratory |
Session D2.00001 Theta-13 Measurements Room: Plaza D |
Draper, Patrick University of California, Santa Cruz |
Session H2.00002 Theoretical Implications of the Higgs Data Room: Plaza D |
Drlica-Wagner, Alex Stanford University |
Session G2.00002 Recent Results from Indirect Searches for Dark Matter Room: Plaza D |
Dugger, Michael Arizona State University |
Session X3.00001 Latest results from the CLAS N* polarization program Room: Plaza E |
Dusling, Kevin North Carolina State University |
Session H3.00003 Theory of Initial State Fluctuations, Thermalization and CGC Room: Plaza E |
Erler, Jochen University of Tennessee Knoxville |
Session L3.00003 The limits of the nuclear landscape Room: Plaza E |
Evans, William Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session L7.00001 My Path Into X-Ray, Optics and Pressure: Experiences and Achievements Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Farr, Will Northwestern University and CIERA |
Session L5.00003 Gravitational waves from binaries and dense stellar clusters Room: Governor's Square 14 |
Fetter, Steve University of Maryland |
Session D6.00003 Physicists as Science Advisors Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Fields, Brian University of Illinois, Urbana-Chapaign |
Session Y4.00003 When Stars Attack! Effects and Signatures of Near-Earth Supernova Room: Plaza F |
Fragile, Patrick C. College of Charleston |
Session B5.00003 General Relativistic Radiation Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Black Hole Accretion Room: Governor's Square 14 |
Fryer, Chris Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session L5.00001 Gravitational Waves: Probes of Stellar Collapse Room: Governor's Square 14 |
Fujii, Keisuke KEK |
Session H2.00003 Higgs e+e- Future Facilities Room: Plaza D |
Fuller, George University of California, San Diego |
Session Q3.00002 Hans A. Bethe Prize Talk: Nuclear and Neutrino Astrophysics: The Weak Interaction and the Origin of the Elements Room: Plaza E |
Galayda, John SLAC |
Session H5.00001 Robert R. Wilson Prize Talk: The Linac Coherent Light Source Room: Governor's Square 14 |
Gan, Liping University of North Carolina Wilmington |
Session J5.00003 PrimEx Experiments and the Prospects of Rare Meson Decays at GlueX Room: Governor's Square 14 |
Garvey, Gerald Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session B7.00001 The Early Experiments Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Gates, Jacklyn Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session Q3.00003 The Quest for New Elements Room: Plaza E |
Gates, Sylvester James PCAST and University of Maryland |
Session T6.00001 Transformation \& Opportunity: The Future of the US Research Enterprise -- PCAST Report Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Gezari, Suvi University of Maryland |
Session D4.00001 Observations of tidal disruptions by black holes Room: Plaza F |
Giacomazzo, Bruno University of Colorado |
Session B5.00002 General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Compact Binary Mergers Room: Governor's Square 14 |
Giddings, Steven University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session R5.00003 Quantum information transfer from black holes: violent vs. nonviolent nonlocality Room: Governor's Square 14 |
Gilmore, Rudy UC Santa Cruz |
Session B4.00002 Gamma-ray Opacity and Measurements of the EBL Room: Plaza F |
Gladding, Gary University of Illinois |
Session C7.00001 Excellence in Physics Education Award Talk: Initiating and Sustaining Reform in Introductory Physics Instruction: The Illinois Experience Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Goldhaber, Alfred Scharff Stony Brook University |
Session X7.00001 Niels Bohr and the Third Quantum Revolution Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Guler, Nevzat Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session G3.00001 Spin structure functions of the proton and the neutron at low to moderate Q$^2$ Room: Plaza E |
Habib, Salman Argonne National Laboratory |
Session G6.00002 Computational Cosmology at the Bleeding Edge Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Hall, Carter University of Maryland |
Session D2.00002 Status and Future of Double Beta Decay Room: Plaza D |
Halzen, Francis Wisconsin IceCube Particle Astrophysics Center |
Session Q4.00001 Particle Physics Beyond Laboratory Energies Room: Plaza F |
Hanson, Duncan McGill University Physics |
Session T4.00003 The Planck Lensing Map Room: Plaza F |
Hao, Jiangang Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session H4.00002 Dark Energy Survey: understanding the acceleration of the Universe Room: Plaza F |
Harding, Alice NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Session C4.00002 The Crab Pulsar: An Old Friend Full of Surprises Room: Plaza F |
Harris, John W. Yale University |
Session A1.00001 Creating the Primordial Quark-Gluon Plasma at the LHC Room: Plaza ABC |
Harrison, Fiona Cal Inst of Tech (Caltech) |
Session T4.00001 First results from NuStar Room: Plaza F |
Hashimoto, Shoji KEK |
Session B3.00001 Precision lattice QCD: challenges and prospects Room: Plaza E |
Hays, Elizabeth NASA GSFC |
Session X4.00001 Gamma-ray and X-ray views of the energetic sky from a multimessenger perspective Room: Plaza F |
Heeger, Karsten M. University of Wisconsin |
Session B7.00002 Precision Studies at the Neutrino Frontier Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Heilbron, John University of California, Berkeley and Oxford University |
Session P1.00001 Bohr's Creation of his Quantum Atom Room: Plaza ABC |
Henderson, Stuart Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session L6.00001 Near Term Prospects at FNAL and Project X Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Hertzog, David University of Washington |
Session R2.00001 Precison Muon Physics Room: Plaza D |
Hoffman, Calem Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory |
Session C3.00001 Nuclear Spectroscopy with HELIOS Room: Plaza E |
Honsberg, Christiana Arizona State University |
Session H6.00003 Advances in Solar Energy Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Howard, Don University of Notre Dame |
Session X7.00003 What Is Complementarity? Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Ikeda, Yujiro J-PARC Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency |
Session L6.00003 J-PARC Future Plans Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Isaacs, Eric ANL |
Session J2.00002 The role of HEP in the National Research Infrastructure Room: Plaza D |
Janssen, Michel University of Minnesota |
Session Q6.00003 How to make judicious use of current physics in reconstructing its history Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Jaros, John SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session X2.00003 The Experimental Search for Hidden Sector Photons Room: Plaza D |
Jentschura, Ulrich Missouri University of Science and Technology; Heidelberg University |
Session Q5.00001 Proton Radius, Darwin-Foldy Term and Radiative Corrections Room: Governor's Square 14 |
Jimenez-Delgado, Pedro Jefferson Lab, Newport News, VA |
Session G3.00003 First JAM results on the determination of polarized parton distributions Room: Plaza E |
Jin, Deborah Univ of Colorado - Boulder |
Session P1.00003 Cold Atoms Room: Plaza ABC |
Johnson, Karen E. St. Lawrence University |
Session C6.00002 Maria Goeppert Mayer and the Nobel Prize Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Jones, Brian Colorado State University |
Session Q7.00001 The Little Shop of Physics: Lessons from Informal Science Education for the College Classroom Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Jones, Christine Harvard/Smithsonian CfA |
Session L4.00001 X-ray cluster science Room: Plaza F |
Junk, Thomas Fermilab |
Session H2.00001 Higgs Boson Results from the Tevatron Room: Plaza D |
Karp, Joel University of Pennsylvania |
Session T3.00003 Novel Developments in Instrumentation for PET Imaging Room: Plaza E |
Kasliwal, Mansi Carnegie Institution for Science \& Princeton University |
Session J4.00003 Observing Core-Collapse Supernovae Room: Plaza F |
Kaspi, Victoria McGill University |
Session Y4.00001 Magnetars Storm the Earth Room: Plaza F |
Katori, Teppei Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session T2.00003 Henry Primakoff Award Talk: Tests of Lorentz and CPT violation with neutrinos Room: Plaza D |
Keisler, Ryan University of Chicago |
Session R4.00003 CMB Observations with the South Pole Telescope Room: Plaza F |
Kesden, Michael New York University |
Session T5.00003 New astrophysical probes of black-hole spin Room: Governor's Square 14 |
Kirby, Kate Executive Officer, American Physical Society |
Session T6.00003 The U.S. Science Enterprise as viewed by the APS Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Klainerman, Sergiu Princeton University |
Session C5.00001 On the dynamic formation of trapped surfaces in vacuum Room: Governor's Square 14 |
Klute, Markus Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session B2.00002 Status of the Higgs Searches at the LHC: Properties and Beyond the Standard Model Searches Room: Plaza D |
Knox, Lloyd University of California, Davis |
Session A1.00003 The Universe According to Planck Room: Plaza ABC |
Koffas, Thomas Carleton University |
Session B2.00001 Status of the Higgs Searches at the LHC: The Channels Room: Plaza D |
Kubis, Bastian HISKP, University of Bonn |
Session J5.00002 What Can We Learn from Hadronic and Radiative Decays of Light Mesons? Room: Governor's Square 14 |
Kumar, Jason University of Hawaii |
Session G2.00003 Dark Matter: Theory and Synthesis Room: Plaza D |
Kusnezov, Dimitri Chief Scientist, National Nuclear Security Administration, Washington DC |
Session D13.00001 DOE's Minority Serving Institutions Partnership Program: Building a Sustainable Pipeline Room: Plaza Court 2 |
Lee, Sungwon Texas Tech University |
Session Q2.00001 Review of New Particle Searches from ATLAS and CMS Room: Plaza D |
Leslie-Pelecky, Diandra West Virginia University |
Session D5.00002 Oh, The Places You'll Go! Communicating Science in Some Surprising Venues Room: Governor's Square 14 |
Lewandowski, Heather University of Colorado / JILA |
Session G7.00001 Using a Research-based Approach to Transform Upper-division Laboratory Courses Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Lipton, Ronald Fermilab |
Session J2.00001 Particle Physics and Instrumentation - Physics and Technology Room: Plaza D |
Lisa, Michael Ohio State University |
Session D3.00002 Condensed matter approach to a partonic system - The energy scan at RHIC Room: Plaza E |
Littenberg, Tyson CIERA -- Northwestern University |
Session R14.00003 A stroll with eLISA through the mHz gravitational-wave zoo Room: Plaza Court 3 |
Litvinova, Elena National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory at Michigan State University |
Session L3.00001 Recent Developments in Extended Density Functional Theories Room: Plaza E |
Longland, Richard Univerisat Polit\`ecnica de Catalunya |
Session L3.00002 Reaction rate of the s-process neutron source 22Ne + alpha Room: Plaza E |
Lu, Zheng-Tian Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory; Department of Physics and Enrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago |
Session B7.00003 Laser Trapping of Radioactive Atoms Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Lucibella, Mike American Physical Society |
Session G4.00003 Media Interview Workshop Room: Plaza F |
Luth, Vera SLAC |
Session Y2.00001 Heavy Quark Flavor Physics Room: Plaza D |
MacFadyen, Andrew New York University |
Session B5.00001 High-Resolution Simulations of Relativistic Hydrodynamic and MHD Turbulence Room: Governor's Square 14 |
Mai, Trieu National Renewable Energy Laboratory |
Session H6.00002 Renewable Electricity Futures: Exploration of a U.S. Grid with 80{\%} Renewable Electricity Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Majumdar, Arun University of California, Berkeley |
Session H6.00001 Low Carbon Electricity Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Markoff, Sera API, University of Amsterdam |
Session C4.00003 Quasars in miniature: new insights into particle acceleration from X-ray binaries Room: Plaza F |
Marolf, Donald UCSB |
Session R5.00001 Are there surprising quantum gravity effects near the horizons of large black holes? Room: Governor's Square 14 |
Martinez, Alberto University of Texas at Austin |
Session Q6.00002 How History Helped Einstein in Special Relativity Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Martinez-Vidal, Fernando IFIC, Universitat de Valencia-CSIC Apdo. 22085 E-46071 Valencia, Spain |
Session L2.00003 Observation of time-reversal violation in B meson transitions at BABAR Room: Plaza D |
McGovern, Judith University of Manchester |
Session Q5.00002 Proton polarisability contribution to the Lamb shift in muonic hydrogen at fourth order in chiral perturbation theory Room: Governor's Square 14 |
McKeown, Robert Jefferson Lab |
Session R3.00001 Latest Results from the Daya Bay Experiment Room: Plaza E |
McNamara, Paul European Space Agency |
Session R14.00001 The LISA Pathfinder Mission Room: Plaza Court 3 |
Melott, Adrian University of Kansas |
Session Y4.00002 Intermittent Astrophysical Radiation Sources and Terrestrial Life Room: Plaza F |
Meyer, Stephan University of Chicago |
Session Q4.00002 The Holometer: A Measurement of Planck Scale Quantum Geometry Room: Plaza F |
Mezzacappa, Anthony University of Tennessee |
Session G6.00001 Computational Astrophysics at the Bleeding Edge: Simulating Core Collapse Supernovae Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Mironov, Camelia LLR/Ecole polytechnique |
Session J3.00002 Quarkonium at RHIC and LHC Room: Plaza E |
Mitchell, Ryan Indiana University |
Session C2.00003 Prospects for Future Studies of the XYZ: BESIII, GlueX, Panda Room: Plaza D |
Mittig, Wolfgang Michigan State University-NSCL |
Session C3.00002 Active Target-Time Projection Chambers for Reactions Induced by Rare Isotope Beams: Physics and Technology Room: Plaza E |
Moe, Michael University of California, Irvine |
Session T3.00001 Bonner Prize Talk -- First Laboratory Observation of Double Beta Decay Room: Plaza E |
Mokeev, Victor Jefferson Lab |
Session X3.00002 $\gamma_{v}NN^*$ Transition Amplitudes and Excited Baryon Structure from CLAS Room: Plaza E |
Morgan, John US Department of Defense |
Session D6.00002 Physicists as Science Advisors Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Moszkowski, Steven Department of Physics and Astronomy, UCLA |
Session C6.00001 Maria Goeppert Mayer's work on beta-decay and pairing, and its relevance today Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Mukherjee, Swagato Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session D3.00001 Lattice QCD results at non-zero temperatures and densities Room: Plaza E |
Murphy, Tom University of California, San Diego |
Session T5.00002 Lunar Laser Ranging: A Playground for Gravitational Physics Room: Governor's Square 14 |
Nahar, Sultana The Ohio State University |
Session R6.00001 John Wheatley Award Talk: Promoting Under-Represented Physicists in Asian and Arab Countries and Muslim Women in Science Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Nahrgang, Marlene Duke University, Durham |
Session D3.00003 New advances in the hydrodynamic description of the QCD critical point in heavy-ion collisions Room: Plaza E |
Newman, Jeffrey University of Pittsburgh and PITT PACC |
Session H4.00003 Dark Energy Experiments: The Road Ahead Room: Plaza F |
Nomura, Yasunori University of California, Berkeley |
Session R5.00002 Black hole complementarity and the emergence of classical worlds Room: Governor's Square 14 |
Nygren, David Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session J2.00003 High-pressure Xenon Gas Electroluminescent TPC Concept for Simultaneous Searches for Neutrino-less Double Beta Decay {\&} WIMP Dark Matter Room: Plaza D |
O'Reilly, Brian Caltech LIGO |
Session G5.00001 Status of Large Scale Gravitational Wave Detectors Room: Governor's Square 14 |
Otero, Valerie University of Colorado Boulder |
Session J7.00001 Learning Assistant Alliance for Promoting and Sustaining Transformation of Physics Education Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Ouellette, Jennifer Author |
Session R7.00002 The Mixology of Cocktail Party Physics: Tools and Tips for Broad-Based Science Communication Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Page, Dany Instituto de Astronomia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico |
Session J4.00001 Superfluidity in the Core of Neutron Stars Room: Plaza F |
Pasero, Spencer Fermilab |
Session Y7.00001 Particle Physics Outreach for Secondary Education Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Peccei, Roberto University of California at Los Angeles |
Session T2.00002 J. J. Sakurai Prize: Axions: Expectations and Prospects Room: Plaza D |
Peggs, Steve European Spallation Source |
Session L6.00002 European Spallation Source Progress Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Perdue, Gabriel University of Rochester |
Session R11.00002 Recent Results from Neutrino Experiments Room: Governor's Square 17 |
Perkowitz, Sidney Candler Professor of Physics Emeritus, Emory University |
Session D5.00001 Talking Physics to Regular People: The Why and the How Room: Governor's Square 14 |
Peskin, Michael SLAC, Stanford University |
Session B2.00003 Introducing the Higgs Boson Room: Plaza D |
Peter, Annika University of California, Irvine; The Ohio State University |
Session X2.00001 Non-WIMP dark matter in cosmology Room: Plaza D |
Petreczky, Peter Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session J3.00003 Recent Theoretical Progress in Studying Quarkonia in Quark Gluon Plasma Room: Plaza E |
Plait, Philip None |
Session R7.00001 Bringing the Heavens Down to Earth: How to Talk to Normal People About Science Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Pohl, Randolf Max-Planck-Institute of Quantum Optics |
Session C12.00007 Francis M. Pipkin Award Talk: Proton structure from laser spectroscopy of muonic hydrogen Room: Plaza Court 1 |
Pollock, Steven University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session G7.00002 Using a Research-based Approach to Transform Upper-division Courses in Classical and Quantum Mechanics and E\&M Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Preskill, John Caltech |
Session P1.00002 Quantum computing and the entanglement frontier Room: Plaza ABC |
Price, Edward California State University San Marcos |
Session J7.00002 Building an undergraduate physics program with Learning Assistants Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Quinn, Helen SLAC |
Session T2.00001 J. J. Sakurai Prize: Astrophysics, Cosmology and PQ Symmetry--Linking the Very Small and the Very Large Room: Plaza D |
Ramirez-Ruiz, Enrico University of California Santa Cruz |
Session D4.00002 Simulations of tidal disruptions Room: Plaza F |
Ramsey-Musolf, Michael U. Wisconsin-Madison |
Session Y3.00003 EDMs and the LHC: Implications of Recent Results Room: Plaza E |
Randall, Lisa Harvard University |
Session T6.00004 Communicating with the public to build support for the Future of U.S. Research Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Ratner, Daniel SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session H5.00002 Doctoral Thesis Research in Beam Physics Award Talk: High Energy Ion Cooling from Microbunched Electrons Room: Governor's Square 14 |
Raupp, Marco A. Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of Brazil |
Session H7.00001 Science in Brazil Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Read, Jocelyn California State University Fullerton |
Session L5.00002 Learning about dense matter from gravitational waves Room: Governor's Square 14 |
Reece, Matt Harvard University |
Session Q2.00002 Theory perspective (SUSY) Room: Plaza D |
Renner, Dru Jefferson Lab |
Session B3.00002 Nonperturbative QCD corrections to the muon g-2 Room: Plaza E |
Richards, David Jefferson Laboratory |
Session C2.00002 Light-Quark Spectroscopy on the Lattice Room: Plaza D |
Riordon, James American Physical Society |
Session G4.00002 Talking to Journalists about Your Research Room: Plaza F |
Ritchie, Jack University of Texas at Austin |
Session Y2.00002 The Future of Quark Flavor Physics Room: Plaza D |
Rosenberg, Leslie University of Washington |
Session X2.00002 Axion and Axion-Like Particle Dark Matter Room: Plaza D |
Rozo, Eduardo SLAC |
Session L4.00002 Cluster Cosmology from Large Optical Surveys Room: Plaza F |
Sadoulet, Bernard University of California at Berkeley |
Session L2.00001 W.K.H. Panofsky Prize Talk: The Search for Weakly Interacting Massive Particle Dark Matter: Science Motivation and CDMS strategy Room: Plaza D |
Sanford, David California Institute of Technology |
Session L2.00004 The Heart of Darkness: Dark Matter Searches for Supersymmetry with Heavy Scalars Room: Plaza D |
Sarantsev, Andrey HISKP Bonn University \& PNPI, Gatchina |
Session X3.00003 The Bonn-Gatchina PWA: Search for New States and Study of Resonance Properties Room: Plaza E |
Sargsian, Misak Florida International University, Miami FL 33193 |
Session R11.00003 Neutrino interactions in the nuclear environment Room: Governor's Square 17 |
Sauer, B.E. Imperial College London |
Session Y3.00001 New results from the YbF EDM experiment Room: Plaza E |
Sawatzky, Brad Jefferson Lab |
Session G3.00002 Probing the Spin Structure of the Nucleon: New Experimental Results on $d_2$ and $A_1$ for both Neutron and Proton from JLab Room: Plaza E |
Scerri, Eric University of California, Los Angeles |
Session Q3.00001 Moseley Centennial Lecture: The Works of Henry Moseley, 1887-1915 Room: Plaza E |
Scholberg, Kate Duke University |
Session D2.00003 Neutrinos: the next steps Room: Plaza D |
Sehgal, Neelima Stony Brook University |
Session L4.00003 SZ Cluster Surveys and Cosmology Room: Plaza F |
Selen, Mats University of Illinois |
Session C7.00003 Pedagogy meets Technology: Optimizing Labs in Large Enrollment Introductory Courses Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Seo, Eun-Suk University of Maryland |
Session X4.00002 Current and Future Cosmic Ray Observatories in Space Room: Plaza F |
Sessler, Andrew Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session R6.00002 International Aspects of Particle Accelerators Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Seth, Suman Cornell University |
Session X7.00002 Memories of Crisis: Bohr, Kuhn, and the Quantum Mechanical ``Revolution'' Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Shapiro, Irwin Harvard University |
Session T5.00001 Einstein Prize Talk: The Anatomy of a Test of General Relativity Room: Governor's Square 14 |
Shropshire, Steven Idaho State University |
Session Y7.00002 Impact of Outreach on Physics Enrollment in Idaho Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Shutt, Tom Case Western |
Session G2.00001 Review of Direct Detection of Dark Matter Room: Plaza D |
Smith, Nathan University of Arizona |
Session T4.00002 Identifying supernovae before they happen Room: Plaza F |
Smith-Lefebvre, Nicolas California Institute of Technology |
Session G5.00003 Strategies for Thermal Noise Reduction in Future Gravitational Wave Detectors Room: Governor's Square 14 |
Snellings, Raimond National Institute for Nuclear Physics and High Energy Physics, Amsterdam |
Session H3.00002 Measurement of Initial State Fluctuations at LHC Room: Plaza E |
Sobel, Dava Playwright |
Session N1.00001 A Staged Reading of the Play: And the Sun Stood Still: A Play about Nicolaus Copernicus Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Sorensen, Paul Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session H3.00001 Measurement of initial state fluctuations at RHIC Room: Plaza E |
Steigman, Gary The Ohio State University |
Session R3.00003 Neutrinos And Big Bang Nucleosynthesis Room: Plaza E |
Steinhardt, Paul Princeton University |
Session R7.00005 Capturing Science in Action: From Exploring the Origin of the Universe to a Journey to the Ends of the Earth Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Stelzer, Tim University of Illinois |
Session C7.00002 Transforming the lecture experience at the University of Illinois Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Strubbe, Linda Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics |
Session D4.00003 Beller Lectureship: Predictions for Observational Signatures of the Tidal Disruption of Stars Room: Plaza F |
Stuewer, Roger H. University of Minnesota |
Session Q6.00001 Abraham Pais Prize Talk: The Joy of History Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Suntzeff, Nicholas Texas A&M University |
Session H7.00002 Science Foreign Policy at the State Department: Why Would They Need a Cosmologist? Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Swanson, Eric Univ of Pittsburgh |
Session C2.00001 Review of XYZ States Room: Plaza D |
Tait, Tim University of California, Irvine |
Session W1.00003 Life post - Higgs Room: Plaza ABC |
Tamor, Michael Ford Motor Company |
Session J6.00001 Electricity as Transportation ``Fuel'' Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Tang, William Princeton University/Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session G6.00003 Computational Plasma Physics at the Bleeding Edge: Simulating Kinetic Turbulence Dynamics in Fusion Energy Sciences Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Tarawneh, Hamed Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session R6.00003 Status of SESAME Synchrotron Light Source Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Thomas, Valerie Georgia Inst of Tech |
Session D6.00001 Physicists as Science Advisors Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Thompson, John University of Maine |
Session G7.00003 Physics Education Research at the Upper Division at the University of Maine Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Thompson, Rebecca American Physical Society |
Session G4.00001 Physics for the People: Talking to the Press and the Public about Popular Physics Topics Room: Plaza F |
Thorne, Robert Cornell University |
Session J7.00003 Physics Undergraduate TA Programs in Research Universities: A Low-Cost Sustainable Model Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Thorpe, James NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Session X4.00003 The Science of Gravitational Waves with Space Observatories Room: Plaza F |
Valsecchi, Francesca CIERA and Northwestern University |
Session R4.00002 Towards Synchronism Through Dynamic Tides in J0651: the ``Antiresonance'' Locking Room: Plaza F |
van Bibber, Karl University of California Berkeley |
Session L7.00003 Opportunities in Research in Nuclear Science at MSI Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Verzocchi, Marco FNAL |
Session Y2.00003 Tevatron Legacy Measurements Room: Plaza D |
Wald, Robert University of Chicago |
Session C5.00003 Dynamic and Thermodynamic Stability of Black Holes Room: Governor's Square 14 |
Wargo, Richard University of California, San Diego |
Session R7.00003 Science For The Public: Collaboration and Humor Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Wascko, Morgan Imperial College London |
Session R11.00001 Overview of and motivations for studying neutrino interactions Room: Governor's Square 17 |
Wayne, Michell University of Notre Dame |
Session Y7.00003 Quarknet Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Weitz, David Harvard University |
Session R7.00004 The Physics of Cooking Room: Governor's Square 16 |
West, Geoffrey Santa Fe Institute |
Session F4.00001 Universal Scaling Laws from Cells to Cities; A Physicist's Search for Quantitative, Unified Theories of Biological and Social Structure and Dynamics Room: Plaza F |
West, Geoffrey Santa Fe Institute |
Session B6.00002 Leo Szilard Lectureship Award Talk: From Reductionism to Complexity; A Theoretical Physicist's Journey into Biology and the Social Sciences Room: Governor's Square 15 |
West, Todd Sandia National Laboratories |
Session J6.00003 Biofuels and technology/policy tradeoffs for light-duty vehicles Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Wineland, David NIST |
Session A1.00002 Superposition, Entanglement, and Raising Schroedinger's Cat Room: Plaza ABC |
Yang, Liang University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session R3.00002 Results and Prospects of Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Search with EXO Room: Plaza E |
Yoder, Theodore Franklin and Marshall College |
Session T2.00004 LeRoy Apker Award Talk: Applying the Standard-Model Extension to hydrogen Room: Plaza D |
Yokoya, Kaoru KEK |
Session D7.00002 Linear Collider Plans Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Zeller, Geralyn Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session W1.00001 Recent Results and Future Opportunities in Neutrino Physics Room: Plaza ABC |
Zimmer, Robert President, University of Chicago |
Session T6.00002 Partnerships between Universities \& National Labs Room: Governor's Square 15 |
Zimmermann, Frank CERN |
Session D7.00003 Options for Very High Energy Room: Governor's Square 16 |
Zimmermann, Frank CERN |
Session D7.00001 LHC Performance and Upgrade Plans Room: Governor's Square 16 |
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