B01.00001: Photodissociation Dynamics of SO2 from the Electronically Excited C State
Paul B Diss, Christopher R Lukowski, Andrew J Pommersheim, Amy S Mullin
B01.00002: The Intrinsic Density of a Nanoconfined Liquid
Samuel R Cohen, John S Bender, Benoit Coasne, John T Fourkas
B01.00003: A colloidal lithography route to zero mode waveguides.
Ryan M. Jamiolkowski, Kevin Y. Chen, Shane A. Fiorenza, Alyssa M. Tate, Shawn H. Pfeil, Yale E. Goldman
B01.00004: Variation of Parameters in Metal-Assisted Catalytic Etching
Joseph D Swanson, Benjamine M Roe, Teresa Lee, Kurt Wolfgeng Kolasinski, Shawn H Pfeil, Konstantin Tamarov
B01.00005: Stereo-chemical Analysis of Surface Functionalized C60 and Radiotracers Used in Detection of Tumor Cells and Alzheimer’s Disease
Mia Moon, Amanda Kyung
B01.00006: Stereo-chemical Analysis of Nano-scaled Biomolecules and Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) in Cancer Disease
Lauren Chung, Ho Jeong Kwon
B01.00007: Stereochemical and thermodynamic analysis of functionalized chocolate molecules and their derivatives: Applications in food and molecular chemistry
Richard Kyung, Jiho Song
B01.00008: On the reversibility of granular rotations and translations
Zackery A Benson, Anton Peshkov, Michelle Girvan, Derek C. Richardson, Wolfgang Losert
B01.00009: Broadband terahertz time domain spectroscopy with a femtosecond oscillator laser
Jimmy Iannone, Dogeun Jang, Ki-Yong Kim
B01.00010: Ultrafast response of thin film vanadium dioxide grown on titanium dioxide doped with niobium
Scott E Madaras, Jason Creeden, Douglas Beringer, Irina Novikova, R. Ale Lukaszew
B01.00011: Towards an in situ, full-power intensity profiler for petawatt-class lasers
Calvin Z He, Wendell Talbot Hill
B01.00012: Single Photons for a Modular Ion Trap Quantum Network
Sophia Scarano, Martin Lichtman, Clayton Crocker, Ksenia Sosnova, Allison Carter, Christopher Monroe
B01.00013: Creating and imaging atomic wave functions beyond the diffraction limit
Tsz-Chun Tsui, Sarthak Subhankar, Yang Wang, Przemyslaw Bienias, Mateusz Lacki, Mikhail Baranov, Alexey Gorshkov, Peter Zoller, James V Porto, Steven L Rolston
B01.00014: Optimization of Polarization Self-Rotation Squeezing in Rubidium Vaporvia Spatial Optimization of the Pump Beam
Austin Kalasky, Eugeniy Mikhailov
B01.00015: Optical Angular Momentum manipulations in a Four Wave Mixing process
Nikunj Prajapati, Nathan P Super, Robert N Lanning, Irina Novikova, Jonathan P Dowling
B01.00016: Design of Magneto-Ellipsometer with Vortex Beam Capability
K. Watt, Z. Oertel, T. N. Stanislavchuk, A. A. Sirenko
B01.00017: Dispersion Enhanced Laser Frequency Response via Four-wave Mixing in an Active Cavity
Savannah Cuozzo, Eugeniy Mikhailov
B01.00018: The Unruh Effect: Insight from the Laws of Thermodynamics
Stephen J Crothers, Pierre-Marie L Robitaille
B01.00019: Lattice Simulation of Gravitational Wave Spectra from Varying Reheating Models
Gibson H Porter IV, Jeffrey M Hyde
B01.00020: Application of a Retired Burst Gravitational Wave Data Analysis Method to Investigate the Origin of the Blip Glitch
Sarah Choate, Amber Stuver
B01.00021: Biomedical Analysis of Amine Compounds Causing Cancer Using Computational and Chemical Simulations
Yeon Su Park, Elise Kang
B01.00022: Diffusive and Deterministic Transport in Gels
Nathalya Ramirez, Mark E Reeves
B01.00023: Nanoprobe Diffusion in Concentrated Polyethylene Glycol Solutions
Keyanna Ryan, Julius Allen, Hacene Boukari
B01.00024: Electrotaxis and actin wave dynamics across cell types
Abby L Bull, Qixin Yang, Leonard J Campanello, Matt Hourwitz, John T Fourkas, Wolfgang Losert
B01.00025: Comparison of Dark-Field Microscopic and Fluorescence Spectral Studies on the Interaction of AuNPs/AgNPs with GUVs
Sanna Kamara, Tiana Cooks, Qi Lu
B01.00026: Comparison of 440 Hz vs. 432 Hz Tuning through EEG of Human Brain Waves
Romuald Kenmegne, Qi Lu
B01.00027: Nanoprobe Diffusion in Concentrated Polyethylene Glycol Solutions
Keyanna Ryan, Julius Allen, Hacene Boukari
B01.00028: Feedback and Learning: Lessons from the pocket guitar
Adebanjo A Oriade
B01.00029: Developing new experimental techniques to understand neuronal networks
Samira Aghayee, Patrcik Kanold, Wolfgang Losert
B01.00030: Collective dynamics over long time scales and large length scales reveals distinct cell migration phenotypes
Rachel Lee, Haicen Yue, Christina Stuelten, Wouter-Jan Rappel, Carole Parent, Wolfgang Losert
B01.00031: A Method for the Large-Scale Production of Nanotopographical Surfaces for Cellular Studies
Matt J Hourwitz, Xiaoyu Sun, Eleni M Baker, Sebastian Schmidt, Wolfgang Losert, John T Fourkas
Tiana Cooks, Timothy Chaya, Alex Nedo, Kun Huang, Ramona Neunuebel, Jeffrey Caplan
B01.00033: Long-term Brillouin imaging of live cells with reduced photodamage at 660nm wavelength
Milos Nikolic, Giuliano Scarcelli
B01.00034: Folding Kinetics of Human Telomeric G Quadruplex (HTG) Sequence
Abbas M Husain, Shawn H Pfeil
B01.00035: Comparative Studies of the Superparamagnetic Properties of Engineered H-rich and L-rich Human Ferritins Reconstituted with 500 57Fe-atoms / Protein
Thomas Longo, Lauren Hurley, Kaixuan Ji, Lara Varden, Britannia Smith, Fadi Bou-Abdallah, Paolo Arosio, Arthur Viescas, Georgia Papaefthymiou
B01.00036: Combinatorial Synthesis & High Throughput Characterization of Shape Memory Alloy Thin Film Libraries for Thermoelastic Cooling
Naila Al Hasan
B01.00037: Determination of the Nonlinear Photocurrent Response of AlGaN via 2-Beam Action Spectroscopy
Daniel Jovinelli, Nikolaos Liaros, John T. Fourkas
B01.00038: Probing the Superconducting Energy Gaps of an Assymetrical all-MgB2 Josephson Junction
Joseph Lambert, Masahito Sakoda, Michio Naito, Roberto C Ramos
B01.00039: Characterizing the Nonlinear Optical Properties of CsPbBr3 Nanocrystals Using Two-Beam Action Spectroscopy and Nonlinear Fluorescence Excitation
Renee A Stover, Nikolaos Liaros, Xiuquan Zhou, Efrain E Rodriguez, John T Fourkas
B01.00040: Size and Fluorescence characterization of Silicon Nanoparticles for Sensing Applications.
Benjamin M Roe, Teresa Lee, Joseph D Swanson, Shawn H Pfeil, Kurt Wolfgeng Kolasinski
B01.00041: On the nature of cosmic ray spectrum hardening at 230 GV
Hongyi Wu, Vladimir Ptuskin, Eun-Suk Seo
B01.00042: Performance of the ISS-CREAM Calorimeter
Zhiyu Yin
B01.00043: The Physics of Light and Food: Enabling a Physics Summer Camp for Middle School Girls
Kristiana Ramos, Roberto C Ramos
B01.00044: Transient Magnesium-Based Color Pixels
Thomas G Farinha, Marina Leite
B01.00045: Electric fields influence the propagation of electrical activity in primary neurons and in neuron-like cells
Sylvester J Gates, Kate O'Neill, Phillip Alvarez, Samira Aghayee, Yuan Wang, Houpu Li, Quan Qing, Gloria Ortiz, Evan Miller, Stephan Brenowitz, Wolfgang Losert
B01.00046: Metal Halide Perovskite Dynamics Driven by Water and Light
John M. Howard, Marina S. Leite
B01.00047: Studying Supernova Remnants at High Energies with the High Altitude Water Cherenkov Observatory
Leah M Hunt, Miguel A Mostafa
B01.00048: Point Contact Spectroscopy of Iron Pnictides: Probing Superconductors to Observe the Gap Structures of Phosphorus Doped Iron Pnictides
Brett A Conti, Roberto C Ramos, Oberon O Wackwitz, Luke A Conover, Pengcheng Dai, Chengling Zhang, Yu Song, Guotai Tan