E1.00001: Using LLNL's EBIT-I and two Crystal Spectrometers to Search for the Solution to the Iron Emission Problem with Mo XXXIII
Tessie Lumabao, Peter Beiersdorfer, Greg Brown, Natalie Hell, Tom Lockard, David Vogel
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E1.00002: Lack of Radio-Emission in Quasars with Extremely High Velocity Outflows
Carla Quintero, Sean Haas, Paola Rodriguez Hidalgo, Abdul Khatri, Patrick Hall
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E1.00003: Search for Correlations Between Gamma-Ray Flux Variability and Optical Spectral Features in Blazars
Nicolas Vazquez, Caitlin Johnson, Oliviet Hervet, David Williams
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E1.00004: The Effects of Superfluidity on the Oscillation Modes of Compact Stars.
Raphael Monroy, Prashanth Jaikumar
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E1.00005: Tracking Buoyant Magnetic Loops in a 3D Stellar Dynamo Simulation
Jose Luis Baranda, Austin Pollard, Jared Sweatman, Nicholas Nelson
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E1.00006: A Northern Census for Bow Shocks via the PALFA Survey
Diego Tapia Silva, Jim Cordes, Shami Chatterjee
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E1.00007: Optimizing the HH-\textgreater bbtautau analysis to measure the strength of the tri-linear Higgs self-coupling~
Mark Samuel Abbott
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E1.00008: Hybrid-PIC modeling of high energy x-ray generation by laser-accelerated fast electrons
Tyler Daykin, Hiroshi Sawada, Bruno Bauer, Farhat Beg
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E1.00009: Integration of the Fast TracKer (FTK) Trigger for CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
Juan Solorio
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E1.00010: TrackJet Number Identification in HHbbtautau Boosted Channel
Valentina Lee
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E1.00011: Abstract Withdrawn
E1.00012: Performance and Operation of the Diamond Beam Monitor at the ATLAS Experiment
Alexander Stafford
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E1.00013: Speed of Cosmic Ray Muon Using Silicon Photomultipliers
Jefferson Quiambao
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E1.00014: Tests of Gravity Below Fifty Microns
N. Hernandez, Z.D. Comden, N.K. Dunkley, H. Isachsen, J.S. Johnson, G.D. Martinez, A.E. Sanchez, C.D. Hoyle
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E1.00015: Simulating Black Hole-Neutron Star Mergers
Denyz Melchor, Jennifer Sanchez
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E1.00016: Discovered ``Angel Particle'', which is Both Matter and Antimatter, as a New Experimental Proof of Unmatter
Florentin Smarandache, Dmitri Rabounski
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E1.00017: Instant displacements of particles
Dmitri Rabounski, Florentin Smarandache, Larissa Borissova
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E1.00018: Breaking Into the Nuclear and Nucleosynthesis Codes
Eugene B. Pamfiloff
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E1.00019: Production of the ALICE Inner Tracking System
Berenice Garcia
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E1.00020: A Study of Photon-Hadron Correlations in Heavy Ion Collisions
Fernando Iniguez
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E2.00001: Macroscopic Cavity Optomechanics
Jacob Pate, Alessandro Castelli, Luis Martinez, Johnathon Thompson, Raymond Chiao, Jay Sharping
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E2.00002: Frequency-tunable Conically-shaped Stub Cavities for Microwave Optomechanics
Jay Sharping, Jacob Parker, Jake Pate
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E2.00003: Optoelectronic Microwave Oscillator
Jay Sharping, Jeff Miller, Nabin Raut
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E2.00004: Resonance Threshold and Bistability in a Parametrically-Driven Pendulum
Alison Huff, Johnathon Thompson, Jacob Pate, Hannah Kim, Raymond Chiao, Jay Sharping
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E2.00005: Writing as a Mediator for Critical Thinking and Conceptual Change: A Targeted Activity to Help Students Uncover Their Misconceptions in an Introductory Physics Class.
Antoinette Stone
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E2.00006: Single-core and Dual-core Fiber Optical Parametric Oscillators
Deepak Sapkota, Jay E Sharping
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E2.00007: Guiding High-Energy, Pulsed-Laser Light through Hollow-Core Optical Fibers
William Mixter, Jason Mickel, Joseph Pechkis, Anna Petrova-Mayor, Hyewon Pechkis
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E2.00008: Progress Towards Construction of A Magneto-Optical Trap to Study the Spinor Dynamics of a Bose Thermal Gas
Michael Doris, Carissa Leveille, Joseph Levine, Joseph Pechkis, Anna Petrova-Mayor, Hyewon Pechkis
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E2.00009: Numerical Analyses of the Landau-Zener Transition with a Finite Sweeping Time
Blaz Serna, Lin Tian
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E2.00010: Density-functional theory calculations of hybrid perovskites for photovoltaics
Kuntal Talit, David A. Strubbe
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E2.00011: Charge noise in InAs/GaAs coupled quantum dot devices
Cameron Jennings, Parveen Kumar, Cyprian Czarnocki, Allan Bracker, Samuel Carter, Daniel Gammon, Michael Scheibner
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E2.00012: Power-Law Statistics in Jammed Disordered Solids
Jacob Hass, Nathan Keim
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E2.00013: Using Python to Automate Electron Transport Experiments and Provide Real-Time Data Visualization
Ryan Reno, Claudia Ojeda-Aristizabal
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E2.00014: Muon-bonding site search in MgO: possible implications for earthquake-precursor detection
I Lin, M Dam, S Welch, Carolus Boekema
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E2.00015: Simulated Annealing of Nanowire Structures using a Quantum-Based Model
Andrew Fruneaux, Jerome Burki
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E2.00016: Development of a New Pressure Measuring Technique for Examining Pressure Gradients in Solids
Aleksandar Tadic, Michael Ray
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E2.00017: Experimental measurements of pressures exerted by bimetallic shells due to thermal stress
Melanie Goble, Edward Banuelos, Nathan Heston, Matthew Moelter
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E2.00018: Translocation dynamics of pre-packaged polymers through a pore
Chandra Bergmann, Ajay Gopinathan
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E2.00019: Self-Assembly of Colloidal Particles by Optical Binding
Dominique Davenport
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E3.00001: Hall Effect Calibration of Silicon Doped GaAs Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE
Joseph Spinuzzi, Robin McCown, Christopher Schuck, Carlos Perdomo, Paul Simmonds
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E3.00002: Functionalization of Graphene Oxide by Atomic Layer Deposition using Titanium Oxide for Improving Electrocatalysis
Angela Macedo Andrade, Simranjit Grewal, Alireza Karimaghaloo, Min Hwan Lee
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E3.00003: Computational generation of void-rich hydrogenated amorphous silicon
Enrique Guerrero, David A. Strubbe
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E3.00004: Exploring Defects in Topological Insulators Using X-ray Diffraction and Atomic Force Microscopy
Maeve O'Brien, Dr. Anthony Richardella, Timothy Pillsbury, Professor Nitin Samarth
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E3.00005: Assessment of Thermodynamic Properties of Carbon Nanotubes(CNTs) and Hydrated C60 Fullerenes(C60HyFn) as Potential Agents to Suppress Reactive Oxygen Species
Christy Yoon, Richard Kyung
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E3.00006: Experimental measurement of the temperature dependence of high purity single-walled carbon nanotube networks.$\backslash $pard
Erica Happe, Roberto Abril Valenzuela, Leo A. Browning, Dr. Natalie O. V. Plank, Dr. Colleen A. Marlow
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E3.00007: A Study on the Soccer Ball Mechanics and Dynamics Using Physical and Computational Simulations
Joon Young Park, Richard Kyung
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E3.00008: Memory loss in a particle swelling model
Natasha Proctor, Nathan Keim
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E3.00009: Thermal Reflow Method for the Fabrication of PDMS Molds to investigate of Microtubule Tracking
Dimitrius Khaladj
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E3.00010: Physical and Thermodynamic Analysis of Nano-scaled Aryl Azo Molecules Causing Dermal Disease
Jae Hyung Lee, Richard Kyung
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E3.00011: A microbeam scanning method to determine the x-ray attenuation of the soft tissue in an L-shell x-ray fluorescence lead detection in a soft tissue and bone phantom assembly
Summer Al-Hamdani, Mihai Gherase
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E3.00012: Reversibility in a Contact Line
Jeanette Smit, Brian Kroger, Aidan McGuckin, Alfredo Medina, Nathan Keim
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E3.00013: Spectroscopic Modeling of X-Ray Spectra for Xe High Energy Density Plasmas
A.K. Gill, E.E. Petkov, A.S. Safronova, V.L. Kantsyrev, R. Childers, K.A. Schultz, V.V. Shlyaptseva, I.K. Shrestha, M.C. Cooper
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E3.00014: Experimental study of the conductive properties of high purity single-walled carbon nanotube networks
Roger Martinez Reyes
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