Bulletin of the American Physical Society
66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
Monday–Friday, October 7–11, 2024; Atlanta, Georgia
Session Index
Session NP12: Poster Session V:
Poster Session
Show Abstracts |
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 Room: Hyatt Regency Grand Hall West |
NP12.00001: Measurement of 3D Wavenumber of High Frequency Emission in the Madison Symmetric Torus (MST) Tokamak Plasma Abdulgader F Almagri, Mark A Thomas, Constance Rouda, Paul L Wilhite, Cary B Forest | |
NP12.00002: The impact of stable eigenmodes on the merging dynamics of Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices Braden Buck, Bindesh Tripathi, Paul Willis Terry, Ellen Gould Zweibel | |
NP12.00003: Cold plasma waves expressed in terms of axisymmetric magnetic and current flux functions Paul Murray Bellan | |
NP12.00004: Phase-Space Energy Transfer of Waves and Instabilities from the Vlasov-Maxwell Dispersion Relation Collin Robert Brown, Gregory Gershom Howes, Kristopher G Klein, Jason M TenBarge, Chris E Crabtree | |
NP12.00005: Strong Non-linear Alfvén Wave Interactions in a Laboratory Experiment Christopher Chen, Seth Dorfman, Stanislav A Boldyrev, Alfred Mallet, Luca Franci, Mel Abler, Steve Vincena, Samuel Greess, Troy A Carter | |
NP12.00006: Orbital Debris Generated Nonlinear Plasma Structures Chris E Crabtree, Guru Ganguli, Alex Fletcher, Rualdo Soto-Chavez, Abhijit Sen | |
NP12.00007: Traversing the Slopes of Phase Space with ALPS: Linear Dispersion Relations for Arbitrary Plasma Distributions Kristopher G Klein, Daniel Verscharen | |
NP12.00008: Laboratory-Based Study of Seeded Alfven Wave Parametric Decay Instability in Low-Beta Plasma Feiyu Li, Seth Dorfman, Xiangrong Fu | |
NP12.00009: Measuring the Alfvén wave Parametric Decay Instability Growth Rate in the Laboratory Seth Dorfman, Feiyu Li, Xiangrong Fu, Steve Vincena, Troy A Carter, Patrick Pribyl | |
NP12.00010: Overview of the Basic Plasma Science Facility Jia Han, Mel Abler, Walter N Gekelman, Christoph Niemann, Patrick Pribyl, Shreekrishna Tripathi, Steve Vincena | |
NP12.00011: A platform for investigating Alfvén waves with large perpendicular wavenumbers Walter N Gekelman, Stephen T Vincena, Patrick Pribyl, George J Morales | |
NP12.00012: Characterizing Structural Modifications from Large Amplitude Alfven Waves in the LArge Plasma Device (LAPD) Yhoshua Wug, Walter N Gekelman, Patrick Pribyl, Troy A Carter | |
NP12.00013: Three-wave coupling observed between a shear Alfv\'en wave and a kink-unstable magnetic flux rope Stephen T Vincena, Shreekrishna Tripathi, Walter N Gekelman, Patrick Pribyl | |
NP12.00014: Evolution of Arched Magnetized Laboratory Plasma in a Strapping Field with Variable Decay-Index Garima Joshi, Shreekrishna Tripathi, Kamil Daniel Sklodowski | |
NP12.00015: Measurements of Ion Dynamics and Acoustic Wave Reflections in Dipole Magnetic Fields Jacob W McLaughlin, Fred N Skiff | |
NP12.00016: Particle-in-cell simulation: generation of soliton via debris-plasma interaction Vikram Singh Dharodi, Earl E Scime, Krishan Kumar | |
NP12.00017: Experimental investigation of precursor solitons in a flowing plasma Krishan Kumar, Gregory Lusk, Piyush Mehta, Thomas Rood, Earl E Scime | |
NP12.00018: An Introduction to the Wheaton Space Plasma Physics Laboratory (WSPPL) Jim Schroeder, Josh Meyer, Earl E Scime, Julia Nordstrom, Emma VanderKooi, Andrew Lamb, Katey J Stevenson, Sonu Yadav, Thomas Steinberger | |
NP12.00019: Integral Equation Approach for Electrostatic Waves in a Dipole Magnetic Field Patrick Alan Langer, Frederick Skiff | |
NP12.00020: Transient Chaos of Plasma Ions Near a Magnetic Dipole Field Daniel Vincent Pette, Fred N Skiff | |
NP12.00021: Electron holes in laboratory and space plasmas are quasi-stationary functions of the parallel adiabatic invariant Nicholas M Pham, Wrick Sengupta, Uddipan Banik, Amitava Bhattacharjee | |
NP12.00022: Non-linear microwave coupling experiments and simulations Kevin Ronald, Kieran James Wilson, Liam Selman, William Strachan, Bengt Eliasson, Colin G Whyte, Mark E Koepke, Alan D R Phelps, Robert Bingham, Robert Alan Cairns, Ruth Bamford, Craig W Robertson, Philip MacInnes, Adrian W Cross | |
NP12.00023: Experimental observation of Coexistence and Nonlinear Interactions of Low-Frequency Instabilities in a Magnetized Linear Plasma Device. Rosh Roy, Tanmay Karmakar, Lavkesh Lachhvani, Prabal k Chattopadhyay | |
NP12.00024: Direct Observation of Strong Wave/Particle Interactions in Electron-Beam Driven Plasma Wave Bursts Carl L Enloe, Erik M Tejero, Chris E Crabtree, Rualdo Soto-Chavez | |
NP12.00025: Landau Damping in Klein-Gordon-Poisson plasma Tianrun Wu, Yuan Shi | |
NP12.00026: Controlled axial density gradient formation for studies of modified, driven electromagnetic fluctuations in ALEXIS Jared C Powell, Eleanor N Williamson, Michael P Steurer, Saikat Chakraborty Thakur, Edward E Thomas | |
NP12.00027: Fast Imaging of Turbulent Modes in Linear Argon RF Plasma Michael P Steurer, Jared C Powell, Eleanor N Williamson, Saikat Chakraborty Thakur, Edward E Thomas | |
NP12.00028: The dynamics of non-thermal electrons generated during electron-only magnetic reconnection Ripudaman S Nirwan, Sonu Yadav, Krishan Kumar, Gustavo E Bartolo, Katey J Stevenson, Earl E Scime | |
NP12.00029: Fast Tomographic Arrays for Monitoring Reconnection and Flux Rope Dynamics in PHASMA Thomas Rood, Sonu Yadav, Gustavo E Bartolo, Earl E Scime | |
NP12.00030: PHAse Space MApping (PHASMA) Experiment – Upgrade Status and Frequency-Modulated Laser Induced Fluorescence Earl E Scime | |
NP12.00031: Direct observation of Wave Particle interaction in PHASMA Experiments Sonu Yadav, Thomas Rod, Katey Stewart, Krishan Kumar, Earl E Scime | |
NP12.00032: Progress of the Three-dimensional Torsional Magnetic Reconnection Experiment David Lawrence Chesny, Mark Bedford Moffett, Gabe Xu, Jason Cassibry, Neil Phillip Laya, Kaleb W Hatfield | |
NP12.00033: Investigating the Formation and Dynamics of Magnetic Islands in Radiatively-Cooled Reconnection Simran Chowdhry, Rishabh Datta, Jack D Hare, Nuno F Loureiro | |
NP12.00034: Theory and numerical simulations of electron-only magnetic reconnection Caio Augusto Siqueira da Silva, Zhuo Liu, Lucio M Milanese, Muni Zhou, Noah Mandell, Nuno F Loureiro | |
NP12.00035: Status and plan of the FLARE project as a collaborative research facility to study magnetic reconnection and related phenomena Hantao Ji, Jongsoo Yoo, Peiyun Shi, Sayak Bose, William Fox, Masaaki Yamada, William S Daughton, Adam J Stanier | |
NP12.00036: Preliminary Measurements of Non-Maxwellian Electron Energy Distributions During Magnetic Reconnection in a Laboratory Plasma Joshua Pawlak, Adam T Robbins, Byungkeun Na, Rachel Wang, Stephen P Majeski, Carlton G Passley, Jongsoo Yoo, William Fox, Hantao Ji | |
NP12.00037: Laboratory observation of parallel electrostatic electric field around X line in 3D guide field magnetic reconnection Peiyun Shi, Jongsoo Yoo, Hantao Ji, Sayak Bose, Rachel Wang, Masaaki Yamada | |
NP12.00038: Cylindrical Magnetic Reconnection Plane in Laser-Plasma Experiment Joshua L Latham, Tristan Bachmann, Brandon K Russell, Paul T Campbell, Louise Willingale, Louise Willingale, Gennady Fiksel, Philip M Nilson, Petros Tzeferacos, Karl Michael Krushelnick | |
NP12.00039: Manifestation of the ion-acoustic instability in magnetic reconnection Dion Li, Zhuo Liu, Nuno F Loureiro | |
NP12.00040: Study on a plasma jet experiencing MHD instabilities leading to ion heating at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Byonghoon Seo, Trevor Lewis Clevenger, Mario Avila, William C Baker, Xuanye Ma, Katariina Nykyri | |
NP12.00041: Self-driven magnetic reconnection in large-scale electron-positron plasmas Adam J Stanier, William S Daughton, Ari Le, Alexander Velberg, Nuno F Loureiro | |
NP12.00042: Experimental verification of Petschek’s double shock structure in a two-fluid magnetic reconnection layer Masaaki Yamada, Jongsoo Yoo | |
NP12.00043: Modulation of magnetic reconnection by the background plasma beta and guide field Young Dae Yoon, Thomas E Moore, Deirdre E Wendel, Modhuchandra Laishram, Gunsu Yun | |
NP12.00044: Physics-informed machine-learning to investigate spatiotemporal dynamics of coherent filamentary structures at high magnetic field in MDPX Jalaan Avritte, Elon Price, Edward E Thomas, Saikat Chakraborty Thakur | |
NP12.00045: Spatio-temporal dynamics of confined filaments in magnetized plasmas in the MDPX device Elon Price, Jalaan Avritte, Edward E Thomas, Saikat Chakraborty Thakur | |
NP12.00046: Force-Free Equilibria of a Magnetized Plasma Arcade Darren JG Craig, Daniel Humphrey, Nathaniel Tarullo | |
NP12.00047: Evolution of the Radiative Thermal Instability in a Confined Medium Henry Fetsch, Nathaniel J Fisch | |
NP12.00048: Commissioning of a multi-point Bdot-Mach probe to measure the evolution of ion canonical vorticity during RFP relaxation Richard M Reksoatmodjo, Jason Sears, Jens Von Der Linden, Karsten J McCollam, Abdulgader F Almagri, Constance Rouda, John S Sarff, Haruhiko Himura, Allyson M Sellner, Setthivoine You | |
NP12.00049: Runaway Electron Emission During Whistler-Wave Activity and Current Ramps in MST Tokamak Plasmas Benjamin Robert Antognetti, Mark A Thomas, Allyson M Sellner, Abdulgader F Almagri, Noah C Hurst, Aubrey Houser, Brett Edward Chapman, John S Sarff, Karsten J McCollam, Cary B Forest | |
NP12.00050: Finite element modeling of vacuum magnetic fields for the TREX drive cylinder using COMSOL Isaac Barnhill, Jan Egedal, Paul Gradney, Joseph R Olson, Cameron Kuchta, John P Wallace, Samuel Greess, Mike Clark, Cary B Forest | |
NP12.00051: Magnetically-driven plasma Jet experiments on the Big Red Ball Shreya Dwivedi, Joseph R Olson, Jeremiah Kirch, Paul Gradney, Miguel Eduardo Castelan Hernandez, Hui Li, Cary B Forest, Ellen Gould Zweibel | |
NP12.00052: Equilibrium Dynamics of Tokamak Plasmas above the Greenwald Density Limit in the Madison Symmetric Torus Joseph B Flahavan, Noah C Hurst, Brett Edward Chapman, John S Sarff, Karsten J McCollam, Abdulgader F Almagri, Daniel J Den Hartog, Cary B Forest, Jay K Anderson, Armand K Keyhani, Emi K Bell | |
NP12.00053: Rotating magnetic field to emulate a pulsar magnetosphere in BRB Rene Flores Garcia, Karsten J McCollam, Steve F Oliva, Jeremiah Kirch, Cary B Forest | |
NP12.00054: Computations of Macroscale Dynamics and Transport in the Ultra-low Safety Factor Regime Klissman H Franco, Carl R Sovinec, Noah C Hurst, John S Sarff | |
NP12.00055: The Road Towards Measuring Fermi Heating and an Investigation of a Magnetopause of order di Paul Gradney, Jan Egedal, Isaac Barnhill, Joseph R Olson, Xinyu Yu, Cameron Kuchta, Jack M Schroeder | |
NP12.00056: Helical structures in low-safety-factor toroidal plasmas near the Kruskal-Shafranov limit Noah C Hurst, Brett Edward Chapman, John S Sarff, Abdulgader F Almagri, Daniel J Den Hartog, Armand K Keyhani, Karsten J McCollam, Cary B Forest | |
NP12.00057: Anomalous Ion Heating of Ultra-low Safety Factor Tokamak Plasmas in the Madison Symmetric Torus Mark D Nornberg, Armand K Keyhani, Daniel J Den Hartog, Noah C Hurst, John S Sarff, Carl R Sovinec | |
NP12.00058: Toward Measurement of Electron Pressure Anisotropy during Guide Field Laboratory Reconnection Cameron Kuchta, Paul Gradney, Abhishek Mhatre, Xinyu Yu, Isaac Barnhill, Jan Egedal, Joseph R Olson, Cary B Forest | |
NP12.00059: Overview of Wisconsin Plasma Physics Laboratory Research Joseph R Olson, Jan Egedal, John S Sarff, Abdulgader F Almagri, Brett Edward Chapman, Noah C Hurst, Karsten J McCollam, Cary B Forest | |
NP12.00060: Unlocking the Continuum from Low-safety-factor Tokamak to RFP via Refined Inductive Control Carlos Ivan Ortiz-Salguero, John S Sarff, Donald J Holly, Brett Edward Chapman, Noah C Hurst, Karsten J McCollam, Alex A Squitieri, Brandon Schmall | |
NP12.00061: Characterization and stability of m=1, n=1 density snakes in Madison Symmetric Torus tokamak plasmas Brandon Schmall, Noah C Hurst, John S Sarff, Armand K Keyhani | |
NP12.00062: Compact Toroid Injection on the Madison Symmetric Torus Nivedan Vishwanath, Sam J Farrar, Joseph R Olson, Karsten J McCollam, John P Wallace, Cary B Forest | |
NP12.00063: 3D Magnetic Null Points Formation and Motion During Reconnection in the Laboratory Xinyu Yu, Jan Egedal, Paul Gradney, Cameron Kuchta, Cary B Forest | |
NP12.00064: Studies of axial pressure profiles and flows during gas-puff-fueled discharges in LAPD Thomas R Look, Walter N Gekelman, Troy A Carter | |
NP12.00065: Generation of energetic electrons in inductively coupled RF plasma Emma Devin, Yevgeny Raitses, Benjamin Rubin, Kirill Gutsol | |
NP12.00066: Computational Analysis of Hypervelocity Impact Iron Plasma Generation Dennis Dong, Raymond Lau, Nicolas Lee, Sigrid Elschot | |
NP12.00067: Measurements of a Pure Electron Plasma Confined in a High-Voltage Cross-Field Device Matthew J Affolter, Ellen Hayes, Vlad Podolsky, Augustus Helson, Andrew J Cole, Johan Carlsson, Alexander Gargone, Pallavi Trivedi, Robin Blair Langtry | |
NP12.00068: Ion Constants of Motion in the Orbitron Fusion Device Andrew J Cole, Johan Carlsson, Robin Blair Langtry, Daniel Merthe | |
NP12.00069: Collective Effects near the Ion Space-Charge Limit of the Orbitron Daniel Joseph Merthe, Sahel Hakimi, Ho San Ko, Ellen Hayes, Celena Michaud, Erik McKee, Nicola Van Moon, Ert McMullen, Ace Thompson, Robin Blair Langtry, Sara E Barczay | |
NP12.00070: Novel Energy Relaxation Properties of Strongly Magnetized Plasmas Scott D Baalrud, Louis Jose | |
NP12.00071: Reproducible Control of Laser-Cooled Pure-Ion Plasma Parameters Using the SDREVC Technique Kurt A Thompson, Maria B Gomes Goncalves, Nishant M Bhatt, Tom Robertson-Brown, Niels Madsen | |
NP12.00072: Development of a Penning-Malmberg Trap Plasma for use as a Gabor Lens William A Bertsche, Poram Ruksasakchai, Christopher Baker, Stefan Eriksson, Michael Charlton, Aled Isaac | |
NP12.00073: 2D ExB vortex dynamics in pure electrons plasmas subject to time-dependent strain flows. Swarnima Singh, James Robert Danielson, Noah C Hurst, D H Dubin, Clifford M Surko | |
NP12.00074: Temperature Relaxation Rates in Strongly Magnetized Plasmas Louis Jose, James Cornelius Welch, Tim D Tharp, Scott D Baalrud | |
NP12.00075: Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Ion-Electron Temperature Relaxation Rates for Strongly Magnetized Antimatter Plasmas James Cornelius Welch, Louis Jose, Tim D Tharp, Scott D Baalrud | |
NP12.00076: Observation of the effect of gravity on the motion of antimatter Tim D Tharp | |
NP12.00077: Be+ assisted accumulation of Antihydrogen Niels Madsen, Kurt A Thompson | |
NP12.00078: Magnetic field studies for precision measurements on antihydrogen in ALPHA Jaspal Singh, William A Bertsche | |
NP12.00079: A buffer-gas trap for the NEPOMUC positron beam: optimization studies with electrons. J. R Danielson, A. Deller, C. W Rogge, E. V Stenson, C. Hugenschmidt, C. M Surko | |
NP12.00080: Optimization and coil development for a tabletop HTS pair plasma stellarator Jason Smoniewski, Pedro F Gil, Paul Huslage, Elisa Buglione-Ceresa, Elizabeth von Schoenberg, Diego Orona, Dylan Schmeling, Diogo Mendonça, Robert Lürbke, Stefan Buller, Rogerio Jorge, Eve V Stenson | |
NP12.00081: Overview of recent progress from A Positron Electron eXperiment (APEX) Eve Virginia Stenson, V. C Bayer, E. Buglione-Ceresa, Alex Card, J. R Danielson, Adam Deller, Pedro F Gil, C. Hugenschmidt, Paul Huslage, Jens Von Der Linden, D. Mendonça, Stefan Nissl, Diego Orona, C. W. Rogge, Dylan Schmeling, Elizabeth von Schoenberg, Lutz Schweikhard, Martin Singer, Jason Smoniewski, Patrick Steinbrunner, Matthew Randall Stoneking, Clifford M Surko, A. Zettl | |
NP12.00082: First (Non-neutral) Plasma in the APEX Levitated Dipole Matthew Randall Stoneking, Alexander Card, Adam Deller, Veronika Bayer, Patrick Steinbrunner, Eve V Stenson | |
NP12.00083: Magnetically confined positrons forming positronium Jens Von Der Linden, Adam Deller, Stefan Nissl, Haruhiko Saitoh, Hiroyuki Higaki, Koji Michishio, Eve V Stenson | |
NP12.00084: Characteristics of electrostatic ion cyclotron waves in partially ionized plasmas Kenichiro Terasaka, Shinji Yoshimura, Mitsutoshi Aramaki | |
NP12.00085: Power Spectral Density Measurements of Turbulent Plasma and Flux Rope Merger with Fast Camera Gustavo E Bartolo, Sonu Yadav, Earl E Scime | |
NP12.00086: A Comprehensive Gyrokinetic Framework for Energetic Particles Ian G Abel, George J Wilkie, Alexander A Schekochihin | |
NP12.00087: Anisotropic Properties of Broadband Magnetic Fluctuations Generated with a Magnetized Plasma Gun Source Carlos A Cartagena-Sanchez | |
NP12.00088: Statistical Analyses of Gyrokinetic Microturbulence for Transport Modelling Evans Etrue Howard, Pieterjan Robbe, Ian G Abel, Bert Debusschere | |
NP12.00089: Whistler and Cyclotron Wave Evolution and Interaction in Incompressible Hall MHD Turbulence Erik Hansen, Akash Shukla, David R Hatch, Prerana Sharma, Justin Walker, Philip J Morrison, Swadesh Mitter Mahajan | |
NP12.00090: The Study of Multiscale Coupling in Turbulent High Energy Density Plasmas Jenna Hraki, James R Young, Irem N Erez, Pierre-Alexandre Gourdain | |
NP12.00091: The Effect of Micro-instabilities on Pedestal Profile Reconstruction in Spherical Tokamaks (ST) Ping-Yu Li, David R Hatch, Jason F Parisi, Swadesh Mitter Mahajan, Michael T Kotschenreuther | |
NP12.00092: Forced Vlasov-Poisson turbulence Michael L Nastac, Michael Barnes, Robert Ewart, Jimmy Juno, Alexander A Schekochihin | |
NP12.00093: Enhanced non-adiabatic dynamics in rotating mirrors Tal Rubin, Nathaniel J Fisch | |
NP12.00094: The effect of targets within the turbulent plasma wind tunnel studies on the Bryn Mawr Experiment (BMX) David A Schaffner, Anvita Deshpande, Lily Charlotte Muehlenhard, Can Somer, Carlos A Cartagena-Sanchez | |
NP12.00095: Gyrokinetic Study of the Interchange Instability and Associated Turbulence in Differentially Rotating Plasmas Zheng Yang Tan, Ian G Abel | |
NP12.00096: Measuring fluctuation-driven current and electromagnetic energy transport in a reversed-field pinch plasma Derek J Thuecks, Karsten J McCollam | |
NP12.00097: Status and Plans for the Ionizing Radiation Diagnostics on SPARC Matthew L Reinke, John Leland Ball, Matthew Cario, Justin Carmichael, Marco Dalla Rosa, Russell Gocht, Gieseppe Gorini, Alex Hoffmann, Ian Holmes, Shon Mackie, Massimo Nocente, Stanley Joseph Normile, Enrico Panontin, Conor J Perks, Joshua Raimond, Prasoon Raj, Marica Rebai, Davide Rigamonti, John Edward Rice, Inwoo Song, Marco Tardocchi, Roy Alexander Tinguely, Didier Vezinet, Xinyan Wang | |
NP12.00098: Overview of the in-vessel diagnostics systems on the SPARC tokamak Ella Fox-Widdows, Ivana Abramovic, Andrew Albert, Dan Boyer, Joel Brettingen, Daniel Cykman, Chris P Chrobak, Adam Fritch, Robert S Granetz, Michael O Hanson, Jessica Ilagan, Graeme Isaak, Cory Lafleur, Michael Lagieski, Rebecca Li, Adam Q Kuang, Randy Kulchy, Steven McKanas, Clayton E Myers, Joe Pentecost, Meghan Quinn, Meghan Quinn, Matthew L Reinke, Julia Witham | |
NP12.00099: SPARC Long Wavelength Diagnostics Overview Valentina Nikolaeva, Mattew Silva Sa, Joshua Nathaniel Hawke, Aaron M Rosenthal, Elizabeth Kowalski, Rafael Zubieta Lupo, Ivana Abramovic, Sean Ouellet, Matthew Cario, Jessica Ilagan, Madison Jean, Mikio LaCapra, Dan Hickson, Dan Cykman, Jon C Hillesheim, Mattew L Reinke, Ted Howell, Taylor Wender, James Irby, Jerry W hughes@mit.edu, Ke Yao, Yijun Lin, Daniel Hachmeister, Nathaniel Howard, Amanda E Hubbard, Brian Beachnau, Keith Coste, Kent Wallace, John M Rodgers, Jim Post | |
NP12.00100: Neutronics Design of Calibration Range Neutron Flux Monitors in SPARC Xinyan Wang, Russell Gocht, John Leland Ball, Shon Mackie, Enrico Panontin, Alex Tinguely, Prasoon Raj, Ian Holmes | |
NP12.00101: Fast ion driven instabilities, transport, and diagnostic opportunities in SPARC Roy Alexander Tinguely, Willy Burke, Arunav Kumar, marco muraca, Leon Nichols, Enrico Panontin, Pablo Rodriguez-Fernandez, John Christopher Wright, Javier Gonzalez-Martin, Joshua Nathaniel Hawke, Jon C Hillesheim, Steven McKanas, Clayton E Myers, Matthew L Reinke, Aaron M Rosenthal, Steven Douglas Scott, Matthew Silva Sa, Didier Vezinet, Phillip J Bonofiglo, Ian G Stewart, Massimo Nocente | |
NP12.00102: Prototyping activities supporting the design of the SPARC neutron camera John Leland Ball, Alex Tinguely, Shon Mackie, Xinyan Wang, Prasoon Raj, Russell Gocht, Ian Holmes, Enrico Panontin, Marco Tardocchi, Marica Rebai | |
NP12.00103: Investigating Alfven eigenmodes in ARC and SPARC scenarios using FAR3D Leon Nichols, Jon C Hillesheim, Arunav Kumar, Roy Alexander Tinguely | |
NP12.00104: High voltage insulation and operation of a runaway electron mitigation coil in SPARC John C Boguski, Ryan M Sweeney, Emily Mayoras, John Perella, Valeria Riccardo, Alex Tinguely | |
NP12.00105: Development of the SPARC Plasma Control System software and simulation framework Mark D Boyer, Panagiotis Stilianos Kaloyannis, Chris Woodall, Devon J Battaglia, Josiah Wai, Anna A Teplukhina, Christoph Hasse, Kevin Howarth, Josh Sulkin, Buddy Betts, Daniel Sontingco | |
NP12.00106: A machine-learning surrogate model for ion cyclotron heating in SPARC Gregory Marriner Wallace, John Christopher Wright, Nathan T Howard, marco muraca, Pablo Rodriguez-Fernandez, Devon J Battaglia, Mark D Boyer, Alexander J Creely | |
NP12.00107: Development of an Observer for Neoclassical Tearing Modes in SPARC Zander N Keith, Alex R Saperstein, Ryan M Sweeney, Cristina Rea | |
NP12.00108: Simultaneous optimisation of tokamaks for passive tearing stability and fusion power Stuart Royce Sands Benjamin, Cristina Rea, Cesar F Clauser, Arunav Kumar | |
NP12.00109: Modeling of SPARC Cold and Hot Vertical Displacement Events with M3D-C1 Cesar F Clauser, Ryan M Sweeney, Robert S Granetz, Nathaniel Mandrachia Ferraro, Stephen Charles Jardin, Cristina Rea, Andreas Kleiner | |
NP12.00110: Preferential Shielding of Magnetic Field Components on SPARC Disruption Mitigation System Patrick Byrne, Ryan M Sweeney, Justin Carmichael, Ben Post, Robert Davis | |
NP12.00111: Discerning Why Some High-Z UFOs in C-Mod Caused Immediate Disruptions while Others Did Not Henry Wietfeldt, Robert S Granetz, Alex R Saperstein, Ryan M Sweeney, Tom Looby, Earl S Marmar, Cristina Rea | |
NP12.00112: Implementation of a runaway electron module in HEAT Abigail Feyrer, Tom Looby, Ryan M Sweeney, Roy Alexander Tinguely | |
NP12.00113: Plans for managing accidental reattachment PFC heat loads in SPARC Tom Looby, Thomas Eich, Thomas Alfred John Body, Adam Q Kuang, Dan Boyer, Panagiotis Stilianos Kaloyannis, Devon J Battaglia, Aaron M Rosenthal, Michael O Hanson, Rebecca Li | |
NP12.00114: Impact of error field and error field correction on heat fluxes in SPARC Stefano Munaretto, Andreas Kleiner, Michael Churchill, Doménica Corona, Nathaniel Mandrachia Ferraro, Tom Looby, Manuel Scotto d'Abusco, Andreas Wingen | |
NP12.00115: In-Out Power and Temperature Asymmetries in SPARC Single-Null SOLPS-ITER Modeling Leonardo Corsaro, Michael Robert Knox Wigram, Sean B Ballinger, Rebecca L Masline, Marco Andrés Miller, Earl S Marmar, Haosheng Wu, Adam Q Kuang, Thomas Eich | |
NP12.00116: SOLPS-ITER Simulations of SPARC Q>1 L-Mode Scenarios with Neon Impurity Seeding Sean B Ballinger, Michael Robert Knox Wigram, Rebecca L Masline, Leonardo Corsaro, Haosheng Wu, Thomas Alfred John Body, Thomas Eich, Adam Q Kuang, Tom Looby, Marco Andrés Miller | |
NP12.00117: Helium enrichment and tritium burn efficiency in simulations of divertor plasmas Rebecca L Masline, Michael Robert Knox Wigram, Sean B Ballinger, Haosheng Wu, Dennis G Whyte | |
NP12.00118: 3D heat flux modelling of rotating error field correction applied to the SPARC tokamak with the HEAT code Manuel Scotto d'Abusco, Andreas Wingen, Tom Looby, Nathaniel Mandrachia Ferraro, Andreas Kleiner, Michael Churchill, Doménica Corona, Stefano Munaretto | |
NP12.00119: Shadow Masks Predictions in SPARC Tokamak Plasma-Facing Components Using HEAT code and Machine Learning Methods Doménica Corona, Stefano Munaretto, Michael Churchill, Manuel Scotto d'Abusco, Tom Looby, Andreas Wingen | |
NP12.00120: Experimental validation of HEAT on ASDEX Upgrade in support of SPARC Andreas Redl, Thomas Looby, Michael Faitsch, Thomas Eich, Thomas Alfred John Body, Ondrej Grover, Arne Kallenbach | |
NP12.00121: Towards time-dependent 1D models for detachment access and control Thomas Alfred John Body, Thomas Eich, Arne Kallenbach, Adam Q Kuang, Tom Looby, Mike Kryjak, Ondrej Grover, Matthew L Reinke | |
NP12.00122: Pulse Planning and Simulation for the First Campaign of SPARC Devon J Battaglia, Thomas Alfred John Body, Dan Boyer, Christoph Hasse, Panagiotis Stilianos Kaloyannis, Tom Looby, Ryan M Sweeney, Anna A Teplukhina, Josiah Wai, Christopher Woodall, Jonathan Citrin, Federico Felici, Alex R Saperstein, Allen Wang | |
NP12.00123: Using 3D simulations of currents in SPARC conducting structures to improve 2D scenario development and control Ian G Stewart, Christopher J Hansen, Clayton E Myers, Dan Boyer, Robert S Granetz, Carlos Alberto Paz-Soldan, Devon J Battaglia, Matthew L Reinke | |
NP12.00124: Developing an Uncertainty Aware Neural Network TGLF Surrogate Model for Fast Integrated Modeling of SPARC Vincent J Galvan, Nathaniel T Howard, Pablo Rodriguez-Fernandez, Aaron Ho, Jamal Johnson | |
NP12.00125: Finding Robust Operating Points for Burning Plasma Tokamaks Accounting for Empirical Model Uncertainty Audrey Saltzman, Pablo Rodriguez-Fernandez, Thomas Alfred John Body, Aaron Ho, Nathan T Howard | |
NP12.00126: Ramp-down Trajectory Optimization with Robustness to Physics Uncertainty with Reinforcement Learning Enabled by Scientific Machine Learning Allen Wang, Alessandro Pau, Oswin So, Olivier Sauter, Anna VU, Charles Dawson, Cristina Rea, Chuchu Fan, Yoeri Poels, Cristina Venturini | |
NP12.00127: Predictions of stiff core transport in inductive, burning-plasma devices utilizing the PORTALS core transport solver Pablo Rodriguez-Fernandez, Nathan T Howard, Audrey Saltzman, Christopher G Holland, Jeff Candy, Joe Hall, Aaron Ho, Jerry W Hughes | |
NP12.00128: Edge profiles in high power L-mode plasmas and extrapolation to SPARC Amanda E Hubbard, Devon J Battaglia, Amelia Jane Cavallaro, Nathaniel T Howard, Jerry W Hughes, Marco Andrés Miller, Pablo Rodriguez-Fernandez, Theresa M Wilks | |
NP12.00129: Resolving the diffusive and convective contributions to main ion particle transport during H-mode pedestal formation on Alcator C-Mod Jamie Dunsmore, Jerry W Hughes, Marco Andrés Miller, Richard Joseph Groebner, Saskia Mordijck, Tomas Odstrcil, Matthew L Reinke, Aaron M Rosenthal | |
NP12.00130: Soft quench of superconducting REBCO magnets at high fusion fields Linda E Sugiyama | |
NP12.00131: Steady operation of the Centrifugal Mirror Fusion Experiment with a High Voltage DC Power Supply Carlos A Romero-Talamas, Brian L Beaudoin, Nick R Schwartz, Artur Perevalov, Nathan Eschbach, Zachary D Short, Justin Ellis James, Pascal B Conroy | |
NP12.00132: Progress developing a Thomson scattering diagnostic for CMFX Artur Perevalov, Carlos A Romero-Talamas, Nathan Eschbach, Brian L Beaudoin, Nick R Schwartz, Zachary D Short | |
NP12.00133: Design of the CMFX Neutron Track Detector Array Wil Morrissey | |
NP12.00134: Diamagnetic Loop Diagnostics in CMFX Justin Ellis James, Carlos A Romero-Talamas | |
NP12.00135: Integrated modeling of axisymmetric mirrors Samuel J Frank, Jesse D Viola, Yuri V Petrov, Aaron Tran, Taosif Ahsan, Jay K Anderson, Bodhi Biswas, Paul Thaddeus Bonoli, Juan F Caneses Marin, Douglass A Endrizzi, Cary B Forest, R. W Harvey, Ari Le, Tony M Qian, Kunal Sanwalka, Adam J Stanier, Blake A Wetherton, John Christopher Wright | |
NP12.00136: Two-Color Heterodyne Interferometry for Electron Density Measurements in CMFX: Design, Implementation, and Drift Compensation Nathan Eschbach, Artur Perevalov, Carlos A Romero-Talamas, Nick R Schwartz, Zachary D Short, Brian L Beaudoin | |
NP12.00137: Laser Pre-Ionization of the Centrifugal Mirror Fusion Experiment (CMFX) Brian L Beaudoin, Carlos A Romero-Talamas, Nathan Eschbach, Neha Narayan, Nick R Schwartz, Zachary D Short, Alex David Zarta | |
NP12.00138: Electrically Insulating Materials Testing in the Centrifugal Mirror Fusion Experiment (CMFX) Nick R Schwartz, Carlos A Romero-Talamas, Artur Perevalov, Nathan Eschbach, Zachary D Short, Timothy W Koeth, Brian L Beaudoin | |
NP12.00139: Ion Rotational Velocity and Temperature Measurements on the Centrifugal Mirror Fusion Experiment Zachary D Short, Nathan Eschbach, Nick R Schwartz, Artur Perevalov, Brian L Beaudoin, Carlos A Romero-Talamas | |
NP12.00140: MaNTA: Nonlinear reaction-diffusion code applied to solution of transport equations for a rotating magnetic mirror Edward Tocco, Ian G Abel, Raymond J Sedwick | |
NP12.00141: Final Assembly and Experimental Qualification of the 7T ALPHA Bitter Magnet Ethan Daniel Bowers, Carlos A Romero-Talamas | |
NP12.00142: Stellarator Optimization for a reduced drift non-axisymmetric Mirror Djin Patch, Rogerio Jorge, Tony M Qian, Xu Chu | |
NP12.00143: Overcoming Rotation Limits in ExB Plasmas Elijah J Kolmes, Ian E Ochs, Jean-Marcel Rax, Nathaniel J Fisch | |
NP12.00144: First plasma experiments in the Wisconsin HTS Axisymmetric Mirror Dmitry Yakovlev, Jay K Anderson, Oscar Anderson, Dominick Bindl, Michael R Brown, Mike Clark, Elliot Claveau, Douglass A Endrizzi, Cary B Forest, Sam J Frank, Kieran Furlong, Toni Hofhine, Mykola Ialovega, Grant Kristofek, Everett Penne, Jonathan D Pizzo, Steve F Oliva, Tony M Qian, Kunal Sanwalka, Oliver Schmitz, Mary Severson, Benjamin Terranova, Jesse D Viola, Mason Yu | |
NP12.00145: Study of MHD instability in WHAM by imposed Flow Shear Tony M Qian, Jay K Anderson, Douglass A Endrizzi, Jonathan D Pizzo, Kunal Sanwalka, Aaron Tran, Dmitry Yakovlev, Mason Yu, Michael Zarnstorff, Cary B Forest | |
NP12.00146: The Effects of Intense Electron Cyclotron Heating on Fast Electrons and MHD in the WHAM Device Jonathan D Pizzo, Cary B Forest, Jay K Anderson, Dmitry Yakovlev, Mike Clark, Steve F Oliva, Kunal Sanwalka, Mason Yu, John P Wallace, James Anderson | |
NP12.00147: Design and Construction of Neutral Gas Handling Systems on WHAM Mason Yu, Douglass A Endrizzi, Kunal Sanwalka, Dmitry Yakovlev, Mykola Ialovega, Oscar Anderson, Steve F Oliva, Jay K Anderson, Cary B Forest | |
NP12.00148: The Development of Pleiades, a Plasma MHD Equilibrium Solver, for the Magnetic Mirror Jesse D Viola, Samuel J Frank, Douglass A Endrizzi, Cary B Forest | |
NP12.00149: Saturated Drift-Cyclotron Loss-Cone (DCLC) Instability in 3D Kinetic-Ion Simulations of WHAM Aaron Tran, Samuel J Frank, Ari Le, Adam J Stanier, Blake A Wetherton, Jan Egedal, Douglass A Endrizzi, Cary B Forest, Tony M Qian, Jesse D Viola, Ellen Gould Zweibel | |
NP12.00150: Fast ion physics with NBI on WHAM Kunal Sanwalka, Cary B Forest, Jay K Anderson, Douglass A Endrizzi, Samuel J Frank, Oscar Anderson, Dmitry Yakovlev, Steve F Oliva | |
NP12.00151: Powerflow Modeling for Pacific Fusion’s Demonstration System Anthony J. Link, Dave Rose, Dale R Welch, Keith R LeChien | |
NP12.00152: Imaging Refractometry Technique Development Alexander Rososhek, Bruce R Kusse, William M Potter, Eric S Lavine, David A Hammer |
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