Bulletin of the American Physical Society
66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
Monday–Friday, October 7–11, 2024; Atlanta, Georgia
Session Index
Session BP12: Poster Session I:
Poster Session
Show Abstracts |
Monday, October 7, 2024 Room: Hyatt Regency Grand Hall West |
BP12.00001: DIII-D to Close Critical Gaps to Fusion Energy Richard J Buttery | |
BP12.00002: Confinement and performance trends in DIII-D negative triangularity discharges Max E Austin, Kathreen E Thome, Fenton Glass, Alessandro Marinoni, Oak A Nelson, Carlos Alberto Paz-Soldan | |
BP12.00003: Edge turbulence in DIII-D plasmas with strong negative triangularity shaping Guiding Wang, Terry L Rhodes, Quinn Pratt, Rongjie Hong, Julius Damba, William A Peebles, Max E Austin, Kathreen E Thome | |
BP12.00004: Experimental and modeling studies of scrape-off-layer impurity velocity stagnation points in negative triangularity plasmas on DIII-D Marcus Galen Burke, Filippo Scotti, Steven L Allen, Livia Casali, Menglong Zhao, Andreas Michael Holm | |
BP12.00005: Characterization of Turbulence in Negative Triangularity DIII-D Plasmas using Beam Emission Spectroscopy Samuel Stewart, George R McKee, Colin Chrystal, Benedikt Geiger, Filipp O Khabanov, Andrew Oakleigh Nelson, Carlos Alberto Paz-Soldan, Lothar W Schmitz, Kathreen E Thome | |
BP12.00006: Interplay of Turbulence, MARFE Dynamics, and Density Limit in Negative Triangularity Plasmas on DIII-D Rongjie Hong | |
BP12.00007: Simulation of negative triangularity plasmas on DIII-D using SOLPS-ITER Jeremy Lore, Filippo Scotti, Alessandro Marinoni, Kathreen E Thome, Charles J Lasnier, Huiqian Wang, Dinh Truong, Morgan W Shafer | |
BP12.00008: Design of a new closed divertor for negative triangularity operation in DIII-D Filippo Scotti, Kathreen E Thome, Wilkie Choi, Alan Hyatt, Jeremy Lore, Alessandro Marinoni, Xinxing Ma, Andrew Oakleigh Nelson, Morgan W Shafer, Menglong Zhao | |
BP12.00009: SOLPS-ITER modeling of a new divertor for negative triangularity plasmas in DIII-D tokamak Xinxing Ma, Filippo Scotti, Kathreen E Thome, Huiqian Wang, Dan M Thomas, Anthony W Leonard, Adam G McLean, Morgan Shafer | |
BP12.00010: Pursuit of high performance, small ELM, high-qmin plasmas with stronger shaping Genevieve H DeGrandchamp, Christopher T Holcomb, Brian S Victor, Zeyu Li, Tom Osborne, Jin Myung Park, Qiming Hu, SeongMoo Yang, James J Yang, Siye Ding | |
BP12.00011: DIII-D high beta hybrid with high frequency ELMs Brian S Victor, Zeyu Li, Huiqian Wang, Craig C Petty, Andrea M. Garofalo, Siye Ding, Christopher T Holcomb | |
BP12.00012: Experimental studies of the interaction between fast ions, Alfvén eigenmodes and fishbones, microturbulence, and zonal flows in the DIII-D tokamak William Walter Heidbrink, Xiaodi Du, Deyong Liu, Michael A Van Zeeland, Rongjie Hong, Lothar W Schmitz, George R McKee, Guillaume Richard Brochard | |
BP12.00013: Progress in Developing Spin-Polarized Fusion Fuels for Enhanced Reactor Performance Alvin V Garcia, William Walter Heidbrink, Larry Robert Baylor, Markus Büscher, Ralf Engels, Adriana G Ghiozzi, G. W Miller, Andrew M J Sandorfi, Xiangdong Wei | |
BP12.00014: Spin Polarized LiD and 3He injector development at ORNL for a SPF test on the DIII-D National Fusion Facility Larry Robert Baylor, Steve Meitner, William D McGinnis, Andrew Dvorak, William Walter Heidbrink, Xiangdong Wei, G. W Miller | |
BP12.00015: The Role of Island Bifurcation on Deconfinement of Energetic Electrons Jessica Eskew, Dmitriy M Orlov, Evan Maxwell Bursch, Mark E Koepke, Fred N Skiff, Max E Austin, Tyler B Cote, Claudio Marini, Eva G Kostadinova | |
BP12.00016: The ECE radiation signature of runaway electrons in optically thick and thin plasmas Guanying Yu, Gerrit J Kramer, Yilun Zhu, Xiaoliang Li, Xinhang Xu, Max E Austin, Ruifeng Xie, Zeyu Li, Bingzhe Zhao, Ying Chen, Xianzi Liu, shasha qiu | |
BP12.00017: Characterization of Startup Runaway Electrons in DIII-D Plasmas Ruifeng Xie, Brett Edward Chapman, Mihir D Pandya, Andrey Lvovskiy, Peter de Vries, Alexander F Battey, Hari Paul Choudhury, Thomas E Benedett, David L Brower, Jie Chen | |
BP12.00018: The Role and Impacts of Isotope Mass on Burning Plasma Performance from DIII-D Similarity Experiments George R McKee, Kathreen E Thome, Kyle Callahan, Nils Leuthold, Tomas Odstrcil, Thomas H Osborne, Elizabeth Perez, Lothar W Schmitz, Michael A Van Zeeland | |
BP12.00019: Radial Propagation of Turbulence Signals in DIII-D Kenneth R Gage, Terry L Rhodes, Nia Noelle Simeon-Nachmann, Quinn Pratt | |
BP12.00020: Gyrokinetic simulations of high-performance wide pedestal quiescent H-mode at DIII-D Saeid Houshmandyar, David R Hatch, Filipp O Khabanov, Lei Zeng | |
BP12.00021: Isotope dependence of the radial electric field in the DIII-D tokamak Kyle Callahan, Lothar W Schmitz, Troy A Carter, Quinn Pratt, Kathreen E Thome, Emily A Belli, Shaun R Haskey, Adrianna Angulo, Colin Chrystal, Arash Ashourvan, Tom F Neiser, Brian A Grierson, Filipp O Khabanov, George R McKee, Zheng Yan, Christopher G Holland, Alessandro Bortolon, Matthias Knolker, Filippo Scotti, Andreas Michael Holm, Dinh Truong, Robert S Wilcox, Gary M Staebler, Raul Gerru Miguelanez | |
BP12.00022: Advancements in full-wave synthetic diagnostic modeling of Doppler back-scattering Quinn Pratt, Valerian H Hall-Chen, Christopher G Holland, Terry Rhodes, Troy A Carter | |
BP12.00023: Density Fluctuation Statistics and Turbulence Spreading Dynamics at the Edge-SOL Interface on DIII-D Filipp O Khabanov, Rongjie Hong, Zheng Yan, Patrick H. Diamond, George R Tynan, George R McKee, Colin Chrystal, Filippo Scotti, Guanying Yu | |
BP12.00024: Multi-scale Interaction for Edge-Localized-Mode Suppression in Turbulent Pedestal in DIII-D plasmas Zeyu Li, Xi Chen, Patrick H. Diamond, Filipp O Khabanov, xueqiao xu, Christopher M Muscatello, Lei Zeng, Guanying Yu, Rongjie Hong, Terry Rhodes, George R McKee, Zheng Yan, Max E Austin | |
BP12.00025: DIII-D High Field Side Lower Hybrid Current Drive Experiment Status Stephen James Wukitch, Mirela Cengher, Jeff Doody, Ivan Garcia, Malcolm Gould, Rick Leccacorvi, Evan Leppink, Yijun Lin, Samuel Pierson, James Ridzon, Grant Rutherford, Andrew Seltzman, William Wright, Christopher Murphy, Robert I Pinsker, Kyle Teixeira | |
BP12.00026: Predictions of HFS LHCD Absorption in DIII-D LH Commissioning Targets Grant Rutherford, Mirela Cengher, Ivan Garcia, Malcolm Gould, Evan Leppink, Yijun Lin, Samuel Pierson, James Ridzon, Andrew Seltzman, Will Wright, Stephen James Wukitch | |
BP12.00027: DIII-D Electron Cyclotron Heating and Current Drive Systems Status and Plans for Expansion to 10 Gyrotrons Jared Philip Squire | |
BP12.00028: Experimental study of coupling 476 MHz helicon power to DIII-D plasmas Robert I Pinsker, Bart G.P. Van Compernolle, Shawn X Tang, Miklos Porkolab, Jeff B Lestz, Alexandre Dupuy | |
BP12.00029: Parametric instabilities associated with helicon wave injection in DIII-D* Miklos Porkolab, Robert I Pinsker, Shawn X Tang, Seung Gyou Baek, Bart G.P. Van Compernolle, D R Chow, Kenneth R Gage | |
BP12.00030: Thermal Helium Beam Spectroscopy at the DIII-D Helicon Antenna Aysia Demby, Santiago Vargas Giraldo, Gilson Ronchi, Barret Elward, Alexandre Dupuy, Shawn X Tang, Bart G.P. Van Compernolle, Robert I Pinsker, Edward T Hinson, Oliver Schmitz | |
BP12.00031: Conditioning Process of the Helicon Radiofrequency Traveling Wave Antenna Shawn X Tang, Bart G.P. Van Compernolle, Levi McAllister, Alexandre Dupuy, Robert I Pinsker, Charles Moeller, Michael Ross, Antonio C Torrezan, Perry Nesbet | |
BP12.00032: High-Power Helicon System Upgrades and Repairs at DIII-D Alexandre Dupuy, Bart G.P. Van Compernolle, Shawn X Tang, Jeff B Lestz, Robert I Pinsker, Levi McAllister, Michael Ross, Antonio C Torrezan, Miklos Porkolab, George Sips, Alexander Nagy, Charles Moeller | |
BP12.00033: Spatial Distribution of Helicon Wave Amplitude Using Turbulence-induced Doppler Backscattering Measurements at DIII-D Satyajit Chowdhury, Neal A Crocker, William A Peebles, Quinn Pratt, Lei Zeng, Terry Rhodes, Bart v Compernolle, Shawn X Tang, Robert I Pinsker, Perry Nesbet, Antonio C Torrezan | |
BP12.00034: High-fidelity simulations of helicon wave coupling in DIII-D H-mode plasmas Eun-Hwa Kim, Alessandro Bortolon, Syun'ichi Shiraiwa, Seung-Hoe Ku, Bart G.P. Van Compernolle, Masayuki Ono, Nicola Bertelli, Robert I Pinsker | |
BP12.00035: Real-time Charge Exchange Recombination Spectroscopy at DIII-D Colin Chrystal, Shaun R Haskey, Richard Joseph Groebner, Erik H Linsenmayer, Benjamin Penaflor | |
BP12.00036: Overview: RF ICP Ion Source Developments for the DIII-D NBI System Florian M. Laggner, Keanu J Ammons, Kirtan M Davda, Mohammad S Hossain, Evan Kallenberg, Arthur G Mazzeo, Miral A Shah, Amanda M Lietz, Tim Scoville, Steven C Shannon, Brendan J Crowley | |
BP12.00037: First Plasmas and Initial Characterization with the RISE and SupRISE Test Devices for the DIII-D Neutral Beam System Upgrade Evan Kallenberg, Brendan J Crowley, Tim Scoville, Florian M. Laggner, Arthur G Mazzeo, Keanu J Ammons, Mohammad S Hossain, Kirtan M Davda, Miral A Shah, Amanda M Lietz, Steven C Shannon | |
BP12.00038: Development and Testing of LUPIN: A High-Density RF Ion Source for Enhanced NBI on DIII-D Arthur G Mazzeo, Florian M. Laggner, Keanu J Ammons, Mohammad S Hossain, Evan Kallenberg, Kirtan M Davda, Miral A Shah, Brendan J Crowley, J Timothy Scoville, Steven C Shannon, Amanda M Lietz | |
BP12.00039: Development of AMAROK: A prototype RF ICP source for the DIII-D NBI System Kirtan M Davda, Florian M Laggner, Keanu J Ammons, Arthur G Mazzeo, Md. Sazzad Hossain, Evan Kallenberg, Brendan J Crowley, J Timothy Scoville, Steven C Shannon, Amanda M Lietz, Miral A Shah | |
BP12.00040: Design & Characterization of the RF Matching Network for the LUPIN Ion Source Keanu J Ammons, Florian M. Laggner, Steven C Shannon, Nathaniel T Rogalski, Arthur G Mazzeo, Mohammad S Hossain, Kirtan M Davda, Miral A Shah, Amanda M Lietz, Evan Kallenberg, Brendan J Crowley, Liam K King, Tim Scoville | |
BP12.00041: Investigating core transport and confinement discrepancies between two high density H-mode DIII-D discharges Blake M Carter, Christopher G Holland, Matthias Knolker | |
BP12.00042: Exploring trends in Faraday-effect polarimetric measurements of the DIII-D tokamak core magnetic fields for future diagnostic and control applications Thomas E Benedett, Jie Chen, David L Brower, Weixing Ding | |
BP12.00043: HBT-EP program: MHD dynamics and active control through 3D fields and currents Gerald A Navratil, David A Arnold, Anson E Braun, Rian N Chandra, Javier Chiriboiga, Nigel James DaSilva, Christopher J Hansen, Jeffrey P Levesque, Boting Li, Michael E Mauel, Matthew Noah Notis, Carlos Alberto Paz-Soldan, Jamie Laveeda Xia, Yumou Wei | |
BP12.00044: Disruption current observations in HBT-EP with expanded tile sensor array Matthew Noah Notis, Jeffrey P Levesque, Nigel James DaSilva, Rian N Chandra, Michael E Mauel, Gerald A Navratil | |
BP12.00045: Experimental study of the toroidal distribution of energetic electron loss in the presence of a Runaway Electron Mitigation Coil (REMC) Nigel James DaSilva, Jeffrey P Levesque, Anson E Braun, Matthew Noah Notis, Jim A Andrello, Michael E Mauel, Gerald A Navratil, Carlos Alberto Paz-Soldan | |
BP12.00046: Electromagnetic modeling of the HBT-EP runaway electron mitigation coil Anson E Braun, Jeffrey P Levesque, Christopher J Hansen, Nigel James DaSilva, Jim A Andrello, Matthew Noah Notis, Alexander F Battey, Jamie Laveeda Xia, Carlos Alberto Paz-Soldan, Michael E Mauel, Gerald A Navratil | |
BP12.00047: Development of an n = 1 optical mode tracking feedback control system on HBT-EP using a deep learning neural network Javier Eduardo Chiriboga, Yumou Wei, Ryan F Forelli, Jeffrey P Levesque, Rian N Chandra, Christopher J Hansen, Michael E Mauel, Gerald A Navratil, Nhan V Tran | |
BP12.00048: Design and operation of the first Runaway Electron Mitigation Coil (REMC) Jeffrey P Levesque, Jim A Andrello, Anson E Braun, Nigel James DaSilva, Christopher J Hansen, Michael E Mauel, Gerald A Navratil, Matthew Noah Notis, Carlos Alberto Paz-Soldan, Jamie Laveeda Xia | |
BP12.00049: Development of non-axisymmetric resistive wall models for MHD simulations of HBT-EP and other tokamaks David A Arnold, Christopher J Hansen, Rian N Chandra, Nigel James DaSilva, Jeffrey P Levesque, Boting Li, Michael E Mauel, Gerald A Navratil, Matthew Noah Notis | |
BP12.00050: Dependence of wall stabilization and qa on sawtooth triggering of saturated 2/1 tearing modes from a coupled kink-tearing mode in HBT-EP Rian N Chandra, Jeffrey P Levesque, Nigel James DaSilva, Matthew Noah Notis, Javier E Chiriboga, David A Arnold, Christopher J Hansen, Michael E Mauel, Gerald A Navratil | |
BP12.00051: Parameterizing Wall Effects for Coupled Tearing Modes in HBT-EP Michael E Mauel, Rian N Chandra, Boting Li, Jeffrey P Levesque, Matthew Noah Notis | |
BP12.00052: Edge MHD Mode Regulation by Plasma-Wall Coupling and Sawtooth Suppression by Flux-Pumping Boting Li, Jeffrey P Levesque, Yumou Wei, Rian N Chandra, Nigel James DaSilva, Michael E Mauel, Gerald A Navratil | |
BP12.00053: Characterization of Fast Ion losses in various ELMy regimes on the TCV tokamak Jesús Poley Sanjuán, Anton Jansen van Vuuren, Alexander Karpushov, Samuele Mazzi, Umesh Kumar, Mykola Dreval, Joaquin Galdon-Quiroga, Basil P Duval, Benoit Labit, Luke Simons, Ambrogio Francesco Fasoli | |
BP12.00054: The TRACERS twin-spacecraft mission on magnetic reconnection and cusp dynamics David Miles, Li-Jen Chen | |
BP12.00055: Direct Radiation Resistance Measurement on a Loop Dipole Antenna from Excitation of Whistler Waves Jesus A Perez, Seth Dorfman, Quinn R Marksteiner, Patrick Pribyl, Troy A Carter, Gian Luca Delzanno | |
BP12.00056: Laboratory Experiments of Alfvén Wave Interactions through the Transition from the MHD to the Kinetic Range Samuel Greess, Christopher Chen, Mel Abler, Seth Dorfman, Steve Vincena, Marvin Drandell | |
BP12.00057: A novel discretization method of a hybrid parallel-kinetic-perpendicular-moment model James L. Juno, Ammar Hakim, Jason M TenBarge | |
BP12.00058: Benchmarking a Novel Hybrid Kinetic Model for Magnetized Plasmas Shreyas Seethalla, Jason Tenbarge, James L. Juno | |
BP12.00059: Reduced Kinetic Gkeyll Simulations of Alfven Wave Reflection From an Alfven Speed Gradient in LAPD Jason M TenBarge, Sayak Bose, Shreyas Seethalla, James L. Juno, Ammar Hakim | |
BP12.00060: The Kinetic Analog of the Pressure-Strain Interaction Sarah A Conley, James L. Juno, Jason M TenBarge, M. Hasan Barbhuiya, Paul A Cassak, Gregory Gershom Howes, Emily R Lichko | |
BP12.00061: 10-Moment, Multi-Fluid Simulations of Proton Firehose Instabilities with Electron Dynamics Jada Walters, Kristopher G Klein, James L. Juno, Emily R Lichko, Jason M TenBarge | |
BP12.00062: Ten-moment multifluid simulations of magnetic reconnection and current sheet instabilities Kolter Bradshaw, Ammar Hakim, Jimmy Juno, Jason Tenbarge, Amitava Bhattacharjee | |
BP12.00063: A Conservative Discontinuous Galerkin Algorithm for Particle Kinetics on Smooth Manifolds Grant R Johnson, Ammar Hakim, James L. Juno | |
BP12.00064: Comparison of Particle-in-Cell and Spectral Plasma Solver codes on weak whistler wave instability driven by temperature anisotropy Oleksandr Koshkarov, Kateryna Yakymenko, Vania K Jordanova, Misa Cowee | |
BP12.00065: Abstract Withdrawn | |
BP12.00066: Spacecraft surface charging as a function of material properties Pedro Alberto Resendiz Lira, Daniil Svyatsky, Roxanne M Tutchton | |
BP12.00067: Multiphysics simulations of E3 EMP using Topanga Mikhail A Belyaev, David Jeffrey Larson, Bruce I Cohen, Clifford Chen | |
BP12.00068: Measurements of Ionospherically Relevant Ion-Ion and Ion-Neutral Cross Sections George D Collier, Krishan Kumar, Earl E Scime | |
BP12.00069: Using Hybrid Simulations to Investigate Nonlinear Processes in Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron (EMIC) Wave Growth Gabriel Costanzo, Yu Lin | |
BP12.00070: Foreshock-magnetosphere coupling at Mercury in a global hybrid (kinetic ion/fluid electron) model Ari Le, Blake A Wetherton, Chuanfei Dong, Liang Wang, Adam J Stanier, Li-Jen Chen | |
BP12.00071: Evidence for Bending Modes of the Heliosphere's Current Density Disk Bruno Coppi | |
BP12.00072: Does the Coronal Heating Rate Depend on Microscopic Reconnection Physics? Yi-Min Huang, Amitava Bhattacharjee | |
BP12.00073: Studying 3D reconnection heating in the solar corona via gyrokinetic simulation Shu-Wei Andy Tsao, M.J. Pueschel, Anna Tenerani, David R Hatch | |
BP12.00074: A study of Alfvén Wave and Proton Beam Interactions with Expanding Box Hybrid Simulations Jarrod S Bianco, Anna Tenerani, Carlos Gonzalez | |
BP12.00075: MMS observations of non-gyrotropic distribution functions in a compressed current sheet Ami M DuBois, Chris E Crabtree, Guru Ganguli | |
BP12.00076: Acceleration of Particles by a Moving Magnetic Mirror Alberto Felix, Gregory Gershom Howes, Rui Huang | |
BP12.00077: The First Phase Diagram for the Dissipation of Astrophysical Plasma Turbulence Gregory Gershom Howes | |
BP12.00078: Deflection of Solar Energetic Protons by an Ion Thruster Robert D Loper | |
BP12.00079: Abstract Withdrawn | |
BP12.00080: Abstract Withdrawn | |
BP12.00081: Abstract Withdrawn | |
BP12.00082: 3-Dimensional Global Hybrid Simulation of the Magnetospheric Polar Cusp Region in Response to the Passage of a Solar Wind Rotational Discontinuity Xiaolei Li, XUEYI WANG | |
BP12.00083: Multi-scale Analysis of Magnetopause Reconnection Using ANGIE3D: Structure and Reconnection Rate Matheus Henry Przygocki, Yu Lin | |
BP12.00084: The Effects of Sub-Relativistic Magnetization on Reconnection X-Point Particle Acceleration Adam T Robbins, Anatoly Spitkovsky | |
BP12.00085: Abstract Withdrawn | |
BP12.00086: Simulating Shocks with Refined Semi-Implicit Kinetic Model FLEKS Hongyang Zhou, Chuanfei Dong, Yuxi Chen, Liang Wang | |
BP12.00087: Verification and Validation of Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics on Pulsed Plasma Accelerators Kirk Boehm, Jason Cassibry, Gabe Xu | |
BP12.00088: Cygnus: Simulating inertial confinement fusion physics in Julia Samuel C Miller | |
BP12.00089: A Coupled Vlasov-Rosenbluth-Fokker-Planck and Radiation Modeling of a NIF Polar Direct Drive Exploding Pusher Capsule William Taitano, Steven E Anderson, Luis Chacon, Hans R Hammer, Brett D Keenan, Andrei N. Simakov | |
BP12.00090: Fully Electro-magnetic Relativistic Drift-Kinetic Formulation in Particle-in-Cell Code Carsten H Thoma, Dale R Welch, Robert E Clark, Evstati G Evstatiev, Mark Harry Hess | |
BP12.00091: The roadmap towards scalable cross-beam energy transfer simulations Shuang Zhai, Willow Veytsman, Matthew Burns, Russell K Follett, Chen Ding, Adam B Sefkow | |
BP12.00092: Utility of differentiable simulators for innovative target design in ICF/IFE Aidan J Crilly, Archis S Joglekar | |
BP12.00093: Machine Learning-based 3D Reconstruction of ICF Capsules via Self-Emission Images Karin H Farajnejadi, Mariana Alvarado Alvarez, Bradley T Wolfe, Steven Howard Batha | |
BP12.00094: Application of physics-informed neural networks to modeling discontinuities in hydrodynamics and MHD* Varun Tangri, Benjamin Phrampus, Chris Bard, Arati Dasgupta, Alexander L Velikovich, Erik Tejero, Bill Amatucci | |
BP12.00095: Multi-modal radiographic imaging and tomography (MM-RadIT) through data fusion and deep neural networks Zhehui Wang, Ray T Chen, Dana M Dattelbaum, Mark A Foster, Zhenqiang Ma, Christopher Lee Morris, Robert E Reinovsky, David Staack, Renyuan Zhu, Mirza Riyaz Akhter, Mariana Alvarado Alvarez, John L. Barber, Christopher Campbell, Feng Chu, Pinghan Chu, Andrew Leong, Shanny Lin, Zhaowen Tang, Christina Wang, Bradley T Wolfe, Chun-Shang Wong, Liyuan Zhang | |
BP12.00096: Bringing non-destructive isotopic assay into the field with Dense Plasma Focus Nuclear Resonance Transmission Analysis Christopher M Cooper, Clement S Goyon, Andrea Elizabeth Schmidt, Sophia V Rocco, James K Walters, Amanda Youmans | |
BP12.00097: Investigating Stagnation Degradation Mechanisms in a Dense Plasma Focus Pinch Sophia V Rocco, Brian H Shaw, Clement S Goyon, Christopher M Cooper, Steven F Chapman, Sheng Jiang, Amanda Youmans, Jaebum Park, James K Walters, Luis Frausto, Andrew P Cigal, Paul C Campbell, Enrique Anaya, Donald Max, Anthony J. Link, Andrea Elizabeth Schmidt | |
BP12.00098: The MJOLNIR platform: a versatile MA pulsed power facility Jaebum Park, Clement S Goyon, Sophia V Rocco, Amanda Youmans, Paul C Campbell, Steven F Chapman, Christopher M Cooper, Owen B Drury, Luis Frausto, Dennis Han, Sheng Jiang, Aduragbemi A Jibodu, Brian H Shaw, Justin Sin, James K Walters, Enrique Anaya, Andrew P Cigal, Donald Max, Andrea Elizabeth Schmidt | |
BP12.00099: Sub-nanosecond Time-resolved X-ray Measurements of Multi-material Hybrid X-pinches Nathaniel Grant Chalmers, Ahmed T Elshafiey, David A Hammer | |
BP12.00100: Stability Analysis of Dynamic Screw-Pinch Driven Thin-Foil Liner Implosions Adam M Bedel, Joe Ming Ju Chen, Landon R Tafoya, Nicholas M Jordan, Ryan D McBride | |
BP12.00101: Direct comparison of pinch dynamics of noble gases (Neon, Argon, Krypton and Xenon)On Linear Transformer Driver CESZAR Robert Beattie-Rossberg | |
BP12.00102: Evidence of shock-reflected ions and azimuthal rotation in gas-puff z-pinch implosions on COBRA Eric S Lavine, Fabio Conti, Apsara Madonna Williams, David A Hammer, Bruce R Kusse, Farhat N Beg | |
BP12.00103: An Improved Analytical Model of the Dynamic Z-Pinch Alejandro Mesa Dame, Eric S Lavine, David A Hammer | |
BP12.00104: High-adiabat CH integrated designs for a high energy NIF upgrade Ginevra E Cochran, Paul F Schmit, Chris R Weber, Steve A MacLaren, Christopher V Young, Andrea L Kritcher | |
BP12.00105: Studying the fill tube interaction in double shell targets for inertial confinement fusion Margaret F Huff, Nikolaus S Christiansen, James F Dowd, Brian Michael Haines, Paul A Keiter, John J Kuczek, Eric N Loomis, Elizabeth Catherine Merritt, Zaarah Mohamed, Sasikumar Palaniyappan, Alexander M Rasmus, Ryan F Sacks, Irina Sagert, Joshua Paul Sauppe, Derek W Schmidt, Alexander G Seaton, Joseph Smidt, Samuel Stringfield, Harry Francis Robey, Chun-Shang Wong | |
BP12.00106: Measurements of the early time symmetry of delayed two shock pulse shapes relevant to double shell implosions Alexander M Rasmus, Eric N Loomis, Joshua Paul Sauppe, Irina Sagert, Harry Francis Robey, David Jerome Strozzi, Sasikumar Palaniyappan, Lynn Kot | |
BP12.00107: Integrated Hohlraum Simulations of Double Shell Implosions with the 2-Shock Laser Pulse Irina Sagert, Sara D Negussie, Blake A Wetherton, Harry Francis Robey, Eric N Loomis, Brian Michael Haines, Ryan S Lester, Ryan F Sacks, Joshua Paul Sauppe | |
BP12.00108: Evaluation of Non-Thermal Fusion Probability in Dense p¹¹B Plasmas Using Newly-Reported Fusion Cross Section Sota Hirose, Tomoyuki Johzaki, Shinsuke Fujioka, Wookyung Kim, Takuma Endo | |
BP12.00109: Ignition and burn characteristics of p11B+LiDT+DT fuel Tomoyuki Johzaki, Shinsuke Fujioka | |
BP12.00110: Aneutronic High-gain Target Design with Advanced Thermonuclear Fuels Atsushi Sunahara | |
BP12.00111: PLX-BETHE: Target Formation and Integrated Experiments for Plasma-Jet-Driven Magneto-Inertial Fusion (PJMIF) Feng Chu, Samuel J Langendorf, Andrew Lajoie, Adam E Brown, Glen A Wurden, John P Dunn, Franklin Douglas Witherspoon, Andrew Case, Jason Cassibry, Aalap C Vyas, Mark Allen Gilmore | |
BP12.00112: Mining magnetized liner inertial fusion data: trends in stagnation morphology William Edward Lewis, David A Yager-Elorriaga, Christopher Jennings, Jeffrey R Fein, Gabriel A Shipley, Andrew J Porwitzky, Thomas J Awe, Matthew R Gomez, Eric C Harding, Adam J Harvey-Thompson, Patrick F Knapp, Owen M Mannion, Daniel E Ruiz, Marc-Andre Schaeuble, Stephen A Slutz, Matthew R Weis, Jeffrey M Woolstrum, David J. Ampleford, Luke N Shulenburger | |
BP12.00113: Improvements to FLASH Transport Models for Simulating Magnetized HED Systems Kyle L Nguyen, Leland Ellison, Liam G. Stanton | |
BP12.00114: Studies of preheat-induced mix in MagLIF targets Jaela Cecilia Whitfield, Carolyn C Kuranz, Jeffrey R Fein, Matthew R Gomez, Matthew R Weis, Adam J Harvey-Thompson, Julie Fooks, Michael Weir, Taylor Phipps | |
BP12.00115: Dynamics of single-mode rippled shock in laser-irradiated targets using streaked optical pyrometry Nitish Acharya, Hadley Michelle Pantell, Danae N Polsin, Gilbert W Collins, Ryan Rygg, Peter M Celliers, Hussein Aluie, Jessica K Shang | |
BP12.00116: Utilizing the OMEGA High-Resolution Velocimeter (OHRV) to Quantify Shock-Front Non-Uniformities in Wetted Foams Audrey DeVault, Marius Millot, Maria Gatu Johnson, Suzanne J Ali, Ryan C Nora, Sonya C Dick, Eric Johnsen, Carolyn C Kuranz, Peter M Celliers, Steve A MacLaren, Johan A Frenje | |
BP12.00117: Abstract Withdrawn | |
BP12.00118: New regimes of frontier science on the National Ignition Facility laser Bruce Allen Remington | |
BP12.00119: Effect of pulse duration and coupling efficiency on laser generated shocks in multi-material targets Edoardo Rovere, Mathieu Bailly-Grandvaux, Eric Hahn, Tirtha Raj Joshi, Javier E Garay, Kalpani Werellapatha, Tanner Cordova, Ross E Turner, R. B Spielman, June Ki Wicks, Farhat N Beg | |
BP12.00120: Simulating bubble and microjet formation in high velocity plasma jets Imani Z West-Abdallah, Philip M Nilson, Adam B Sefkow | |
BP12.00121: Implementation of Short-Time-Scale Laser Deposition Physics in Radiation-Hydrodynamics code HELIOS-CR Igor E Golovkin, Joseph MacFarlane, Ming F Gu | |
BP12.00122: Thermodynamic Consistency and Monotonicity of Equations of State in Simulated Pulsed- Power-Driven Explosions of Cylindrical Conductors. Asher A Beck, Matthew James Carrier, William A Farmer, Bhuvana Srinivasan | |
BP12.00123: In-Flight Measurement of Ten-Fold Compression of Magnetic Field Jonathan L Peebles, Daniel H Barnak, Peter V Heuer, Irem Nesli Erez, Victor Zhang, Jonathan R Davies, Jonathan R Davies | |
BP12.00124: An overview of recent results from the PUFFIN group at MIT Jack D Hare, Katherine Chandler, Rishabh Datta, Samuel Engebretson, Emily R Neill, Thomas Varnish | |
BP12.00125: Experimental and synthetic shadowgraphy to diagnose a radiatively-cooled magnetic reconnection layer on Sandia's Z Machine Lansing Stephen Horan, Katherine Chandler, Rishabh Datta, David A Yager-Elorriaga, Jack D Hare | |
BP12.00126: Developing a Pulsed-Power-Driven Guide-Field Magnetic Reconnection Platform on MAIZE Thomas Varnish, Joe Ming Ju Chen, Simran Chowdhry, Rishabh Datta, George V Dowhan, Lansing S Horan, Nicholas M Jordan, Emily R Neill, Akash P Shah, Brendan J Sporer, Roman V Shapovalov, Ryan D McBride, Jack D Hare | |
BP12.00127: Development of experiments for shock waves in magnetic fields at the 1 MA pulsed power generator zachary J minaker, Vladimir V. Ivanov, Roberto Claudio Mancini, Jonathan R Davies, Peter V Heuer, John D Moody | |
BP12.00128: Measurments of the Magnetic Field Distribution in Gas-Puff Z-Pinch Implosions Using a Faraday Rotation Diagnostic Euan Freeman, David A Hammer, Eric S Lavine, Alexander Rososhek, William M Potter | |
BP12.00129: Implosion Dynamics and Instability Growth of Double and Triple Gas-Puff Z-Pinches with and without Axial Magnetic Fields on COBRA Kimberly Inzunza, Apsara Madonna Williams, Oren Yang, Robert Beattie-Rossberg, Eric S Lavine, Bruce R Kusse, David A Hammer, Farhat N Beg | |
BP12.00130: Study of Multi-Shell Gas Puff Z-Pinches with and without Axial Magnetic Field Oren Yang, Apsara Madonna Williams, Fabio Conti, Eric S Lavine, Robert Beattie-Rossberg, Kimberly Inzunza, Bruce R Kusse, David A Hammer, Farhat N Beg | |
BP12.00131: Kinetic study of dynamic Z-pinches with an energy-conserving particle code Vasily I Geyko, Justin R Angus | |
BP12.00132: Simulations of self-magnetization in expanding high-energy-density plasmas Kirill Lezhnin, Samuel Richard Totorica, Jesse Griff-McMahon, Vicente Valenzuela-Villaseca, Mikhail V. Medvedev, William Fox | |
BP12.00133: Design, Construction, and Characterization of a 1 kJ Solid-State Switched Pulsed Power System Discharged Through a Coaxial Plasma Gun Neil Phillip Laya, Kirk Boehm, Gabe Xu, Mark Bedford Moffett, David Lawrence Chesny | |
BP12.00134: Abstract Withdrawn | |
BP12.00135: Opposition Research: A novel platform on the Z Machine to study radiation flow in complex geometries Jeffrey R Fein, David J Bernstein, John L Kline, Sean M Finnegan, Todd J Urbatsch, Robert Ross Peterson, Carlos Aragon, Dustin Marshall, Nathan B Meezan, David J. Ampleford, Ginevra E Cochran, Adam J Harvey-Thompson, Brent M Jones, Joseph Lavelle, Kevin N Love, Gregory A. Rochau, Derek W Schmidt, Timothy J Webb, Roger A Vesey | |
BP12.00136: Laboratory study of magnetized collisionless shock formation in an oblique geometry and the effect of the ion-electron collisions Simon Bolaños, Mathieu Bailly-Grandvaux, Mario J Manuel, Tristan Bachmann, Ozgur Culfa, Robert S Dorst, Sallee Rae Klein, Alamgir Mondal, Edoardo Rovere, Petros Tzeferacos, Farhat N Beg | |
BP12.00137: Kinetic simulations of magnetized collisionless shock experiments on the Z Machine David Schneidinger, Matthew R Trantham, Mirielle H Wong, Carolyn C Kuranz, Frank S. Tsung, Paulo Alves, Derek B Schaeffer | |
BP12.00138: Laboratory Investigation of Coupling Between Explosive Piston Plasma and Partially Ionized, Magnetized Plasma Robert S Dorst, Shreekrishna Tripathi, Carmen G Constantin, Jia Han, Ari Le, David Jeffrey Larson, Stephen T Vincena, Lucas Rovige, Misa Cowee, Derek B Schaeffer, Christoph Niemann | |
BP12.00139: Measurements of Plasma Jet Velocity in Conical Wire Arrays Z-pinches Using Collective Thomson Scattering Luisa Fernanda Izquierdo, Felipe Veloso, Miguel Escalona, Julio Valenzuela, Gonzalo Avaria | |
BP12.00140: Designs of experiments for studies of strongly collimated magnetized laser-driven plasma Chung Hei Leung, Arijit Bose, Yigeng Tian, Luke A Ceurvorst, Peter V Heuer, Timothy Filkins, Dino Mastrosimone, Jonathan L Peebles | |
BP12.00141: Investigating radiative cooling and magnetic fields with x-ray driven plasma jets on the MAGPIE pulsed-power generator Katherine Marrow, Stefano Merlini, Jergus Strucka, Lee G Suttle, Thomas R Mundy, Nikita Chaturvedi, Benjamin Duhig, Jeremy P Chittenden, Simon N Bland, Sergey V Lebedev | |
BP12.00142: Simulations of collimated laser-plasma jets in the ambient low beta condition and astrophysical relevance Yigeng Tian, Chung Hei Leung, Arijit Bose | |
BP12.00143: 2-D Kinetic Simulations of Biermann-battery Magnetic Field Generation and Current Sheet Formation in High-Energy-Density Plasmas Huws Y Landsberger, Jesse Griff-McMahon, Kirill Lezhnin, Samuel Richard Totorica, Vicente Valenzuela-Villaseca, William Fox | |
BP12.00144: Investigation of the ion Weibel instability: hybrid kinetic simulations in support of laser-driven experiments at OMEGA Niels Vanderloo, Graeme D Sutcliffe, George F Swadling, Colin Bruulsema, Bradley B Pollock, Muni Zhou, James S Ross, John D Moody, Chikang Li | |
BP12.00145: High-energy-density Targets Fabricated by Michigan Target Research and Fabrication (MiTRF) Jill P Schell, Sallee Rae Klein, Dave Gillespie, Carolyn C Kuranz | |
BP12.00146: Basic Science User Programs at the Omega Laser Facility Mingsheng Wei | |
BP12.00147: Verification and Validation Testing of the FLEXO Extended-MHD Code Nathaniel D Hamlin, Alan K Stagg, Thomas E Voth, Brian N Granzow, Thomas A Gardiner, Stephen D Bond, Michael M Crockatt, Jeffrey M Woolstrum, Nedim Yusuf, Kyle R Cochrane, Matthew R Weis, Matthew R Martin | |
BP12.00148: Probing the deviation from the Braginskii heat transport model due to kinetic effects in HED-relevant conditions Bryan Chuanxin Foo, Steven E Anderson, Luis Chacon, Tucker E Evans, Hans R Hammer, Brett D Keenan, Andrei N. Simakov, William Taitano | |
BP12.00149: Computational Modeling of Pulsed Power Experiments Christopher L Rousculp | |
BP12.00150: Active optimization of sheath field accelerated proton beams from intense, high-repetition-rate laser-solid interactions Matthew P. Hill, Martin Adams, Rushil Anirudh, Benjamin Bachmann, Josef Cupal, Blagoje Z Djordjevic, Eric Folsom, Lorenzo Giuffrida, Elizabeth S Grace, Filip Grepl, Arsenios Hadjikyriacou, Radek Horálek, Valeriia Istokskaia, Pavel Koupil, Moritz Kröger, Derek A Mariscal, Tomáš Mazanec, Petr Mazůrek, James McLoughlin, Isabella M Pagano, Birgit Plötzeneder, Izzy Rodger, Abhik Sarkar, Matthew Peter Selwood, Michal Sestak, Francesco Schillaci, Raspberry Simpson, Stanislav Stanček, Petr Szotkowski, Jayaraman J Thiagarajan, Franziska S Treffert, Maksym Tryus, Andriy Velyhan, Johannes Weitenberg, Daniele Margarone, Constantin Haefner, Tammy Ma, Jackson G Williams | |
BP12.00151: Utilization of the MongoDB Repository for Information and Archiving (MORIA) framework to manage large data sets for machine-learning applications Mario J Manuel, Javier H Nicolau, Austin Keller, Gilbert W Collins, Sean M Buczek, Brian Sammuli, Raffi M Nazikian, Neil B Alexander | |
BP12.00152: Frequency Resolved Optical Gating Analysis with a Deep Neural Network for Ultrafast Pulse Characterization Sheng Jiang, Elizabeth S Grace, Derek A Mariscal, Jackson G Williams, Ghassan Zeraouli, Shoujun Wang, James King, Sina Zahedpour Anaraki, Reed C Hollinger, Bryan Sullivan, Ping Zhang, Jorge J Rocca, Rebecca L Daskalova, German Tiscareno, David Hanggi, Pedro Spingola, Brady Unzicker, Conrad Kuz, Douglass W Schumacher, Rick Trebino, Tammy Ma, Matthew P. Hill | |
BP12.00153: Tensor Networks Algorithms to Describe Strong Correlations in Heterogeneous, Non-ideal Plasmas Zach A Johnson, Pierson Guthrey, Luciano Germano Silvestri, Michael Sean Murillo | |
BP12.00154: Impact of profile effects on yield ratios from shock driven inertial confinement fusion implosions Maria Gatu Johnson, Johan A Frenje, Brian Appelbe, Aidan J Crilly, Chad Forrest, Neel Kabadi, Daniel T Casey, Matthias Hohenberger, Brandon J Lahmann, Charles B Yeamans, Alex Zylstra | |
BP12.00155: Asymptotic scaling laws for the stagnation conditions of Z-pinch implosions Connor Alexander Williams, Daniel E Ruiz, Roger A Vesey | |
BP12.00156: Onset of Detachment in the DIII-D Closed Divertor for an n = 3 Resonant Magnetic Perturbation Marcos Xavier X Navarro, Heinke G Frerichs, Jonathan Morgan Van Blarcum, Huiqian Wang, Qiming Hu, Oliver Schmitz |
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