Bulletin of the American Physical Society
66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
Monday–Friday, October 7–11, 2024; Atlanta, Georgia
Session BP12: Poster Session I:
DIII-D and Conventional Tokamaks 1
Space Plasmas
ICF1: Analytical and Computational Techniques; Machine learning and data science techniques in inertially confined plasmas; Z-pinch, X-pinch, exploding wire plasma, and dense plasma focus; Compression and burn; Magneto-inertial fusion
High Energy Density Physics
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Monday, October 7, 2024
Hyatt Regency
Room: Grand Hall West
Abstract: BP12.00150 : Active optimization of sheath field accelerated proton beams from intense, high-repetition-rate laser-solid interactions*
Matthew P. Hill
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Matthew P. Hill
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Martin Adams
(Frauenhofer Institue for Laser Technology)
Rushil Anirudh
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Benjamin Bachmann
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Josef Cupal
(ELI Beamlines)
Blagoje Z Djordjevic
(Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab)
Eric Folsom
Lorenzo Giuffrida
(ELI Beamlines)
Elizabeth S Grace
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Filip Grepl
(ELI Beamlines)
Arsenios Hadjikyriacou
(ELI Beamlines)
Radek Horálek
(ELI Beamlines)
Valeriia Istokskaia
(ELI Beamlines)
Pavel Koupil
(ELI Beamlines)
Moritz Kröger
(Frauenhofer Institue for Laser Technology)
Derek A Mariscal
(Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab)
Tomáš Mazanec
(ELI Beamlines)
Petr Mazůrek
(ELI Beamlines)
James McLoughlin
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Isabella M Pagano
(University of Texas at Austin)
Birgit Plötzeneder
(ELI Beamlines)
Izzy Rodger
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Abhik Sarkar
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Matthew Peter Selwood
(Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab)
Michal Sestak
(ELI Beamlines)
Francesco Schillaci
(ELI Beamlines)
Raspberry Simpson
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Stanislav Stanček
(ELI Beamlines)
Petr Szotkowski
(ELI Beamlines)
Jayaraman J Thiagarajan
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Franziska S Treffert
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Maksym Tryus
(ELI Beamlines)
Andriy Velyhan
(ELI Beamlines)
Johannes Weitenberg
(Frauenhofer Institue for Laser Technology)
Daniele Margarone
(ElI Beamlines)
Constantin Haefner
(Frauenhofer Institue for Laser Technology)
Tammy Ma
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Jackson G Williams
(Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab)
During this experiment over 3500 shots were fired onto 10 µm thick copper foils, irradiated at >1021 W/cm2 with 30 fs, 8 J pulses of 800 nm light at a shot rate of 0.2 Hz, generating relativistic electrons, a broad spectrum of (predominantly bremsstrahlung) x-rays and an intense electric sheath field which accelerated protons to peak energies of ~20 MeV. In addition to the spectrally-resolved proton beam spatial profile provided by PROBIES, proton time-of-flight and Thomson parabola spectrometer diagnostics were run for cross-calibration, a Rep-rated Electron Positron Proton Spectrometer (REPPS) was used for correlation against the fast electron output and the x-ray radiographic properties of the source were tested utilizing a micro-scale test object fabricated through focused ion beam milling. We present some early results of the analysis of this experiment and discuss options for future development of the technique.
*This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344 and was supported by the LLNL-LDRD Program under Project No. 24-ERD-041.
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