Bulletin of the American Physical Society
66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
Monday–Friday, October 7–11, 2024; Atlanta, Georgia
Session BP12: Poster Session I:
DIII-D and Conventional Tokamaks 1
Space Plasmas
ICF1: Analytical and Computational Techniques; Machine learning and data science techniques in inertially confined plasmas; Z-pinch, X-pinch, exploding wire plasma, and dense plasma focus; Compression and burn; Magneto-inertial fusion
High Energy Density Physics
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Monday, October 7, 2024
Hyatt Regency
Room: Grand Hall West
Abstract: BP12.00040 : Design & Characterization of the RF Matching Network for the LUPIN Ion Source*
Keanu J Ammons
(NC State University, Department of Nuclear Engineering)
Keanu J Ammons
(NC State University, Department of Nuclear Engineering)
Florian M. Laggner
(North Carolina State University)
Steven C Shannon
(North Carolina State University)
Nathaniel T Rogalski
(NC State University, Department of Nuclear Engineering)
Arthur G Mazzeo
(NC State University, Department of Nuclear Engineering)
Mohammad S Hossain
(NC State University, Department of Nuclear Engineering)
Kirtan M Davda
(North Carolina State University)
Miral A Shah
(NC State University, Department of Nuclear Engineering)
Amanda M Lietz
(North Carolina State University)
Evan Kallenberg
(General Atomics)
Brendan J Crowley
(General Atomics)
Liam K King
(NC State University, Department of Nuclear Engineering)
Tim Scoville
(General Atomics)
for the Large, Uniform Plasma for Ionizing Neutrals (LUPIN), an RF inductively coupled plasma
using a single strap, four turn (SSFT) coil and a multi-strap, single turn (MSST) coil. To match
power densities of the full-scale ion source, LUPIN will drive 10 kW RF power at 2 MHz
through a tunable L-type MN composed of 20 - 2000 pF capacitors placed in series and shunt.
LUPIN reaches electron densities (ne) ranging between 1014 and 1017 m-3 between 1 and 2 Pa.
Transformer equivalent circuit modeling is used to determine plasma inductance and resistance
for the SSFT coil. The SSFT coil has a nominal impedance of 105 Ω. A minimum 20% increase
in the load impedance is observed as ne increased from 1014 to 1017 m-3. Moreover, frequency
tuning across the generator range 1.80 - 2.17 MHz enabled an additional 15% change in the load
impedance with fixed electron density. Future research will use a vector network analyzer to
experimentally validate the MN design and build a matching network for the MSST coil.
*This work is supported by the U.S DOE under awards DE-SC0024523 and DE-C02-04ER54698.
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