Bulletin of the American Physical Society
65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
Monday–Friday, October 30–November 3 2023; Denver, Colorado
Session Index
Session YP11: Poster Session IX:
Poster Session
Show Abstracts |
Friday, November 3, 2023 Room: Plaza ABC |
YP11.00002: Modeling experiments that probe beam spray thresholds in ICF-relevant plasmas Thomas Chapman, David Turnbull, Mikhail Belyaev, Richard L Berger, Mark W Sherlock | |
YP11.00003: On parallel laser beam merger in plasmas Kirill Lezhnin, Kenan Qu, Nathaniel J Fisch, Sergei V Bulanov | |
YP11.00004: Laser-Plasma Instabilities of Frequency Doubled Pulses at the Extreme Light Infrastructure's L4 Beamline Margarita E Rivers, Florian Wasser, Sero Zähter, Florian P Condamine, Wolfgang Theobald, Stefan Weber, Markus Roth, Todd Ditmire | |
YP11.00005: Statistical Theory of the Broadband Two Plasmon Decay Instability Rusko T Ruskov, Ramy Aboushelbaya, Robert Bingham, Peter A Norreys | |
YP11.00006: Particle-in-cell simulations high-frequency hybrid instability (HFHI) dominated rescattering relevant to inertial fusion energy (IFE) Frank S Tsung, Warren Mori, Benjamin J Winjum, Roman Lee, Han Wen, John P Palastro | |
Withdrawn |
YP11.00007: Influence of mass ablation on ignition and burn propagation in layered implosions and implications for capsule design Brian J Albright, William S Daughton, Brian M Haines, Nelson M Hoffman, John J Kuczek, Kevin D Meaney, Joshua P Sauppe | |
YP11.00008: Influence of hard x-rays on the ignition threshold in layered inertial fusion capsules William S Daughton, Brian J Albright, Brian M Haines, Nelson M Hoffman, John J Kuczek, Kevin D Meaney, Joshua P Sauppe | |
YP11.00009: Phase contrast imaging to study ablation front stability and shock propagation in the ablator in an indirect drive capsule implosion Alexandre Do, Chris R Weber, Eduard L Dewald, Otto L Landen, Daniel S Clark, Marius Millot, Vladimir A Smalyuk | |
YP11.00010: An experiment to study impact of non-Maxwellian ion velocity distributions in ICF-relevant conditions Maria Gatu Johnson, Timothy M Johnson, Benjamin Reichelt, Graeme D Sutcliffe, Dana H Edgell, Sarah Fess, Chad J Forrest, Vladimir Glebov, Peter V Heuer, Joe Katz, Dino Mastrosimone, Kyle R McMillen, Hans G Rinderknecht, Katharine Knolker | |
YP11.00011: Effects of Alpha-ion Stopping on Ignition and Ignition Criteria in Inertial Confinement Fusion Experiments Benjamin Reichelt, Richard D Petrasso, Chikang Li | |
YP11.00012: Hot/Thick – A high radiation temperature path to higher compression Daniel T Casey, Riccardo Tommasini, Christopher V Young, Annie Kritcher, Alex Zylstra, Kevin Baker, Laurent Divol, Darwin D Ho, Paul F Schmit, Paul T Springer, Shaun M Kerr, Omar Hurricane, Vladimir A Smalyuk, Otto L Landen | |
YP11.00013: Degradation of performance in ICF implosions due to Rayleigh--Taylor instabilities: a Hamiltonian perspective Daniel E Ruiz | |
YP11.00014: Exploring gradient layer sensitivities in double shell ICF designs David Stark, Eric N Loomis, Sasi Palaniyappan, Nomita Vazirani, Harry F Robey, Brian M Haines, Alexander M Rasmus, Joshua P Sauppe, Ryan F Sacks, Paul A Keiter, Zaarah Mohamed, Irina Sagert | |
YP11.00015: Design of Planar Heterogeneous Ablation Experiment on OMEGA Blake A Wetherton, Mark J Schmitt, Brian M Haines, Rebecca A Roycroft, Zaarah Mohamed, Kirk A Flippo, Rick E Olson, Cliff A Thomas, Michael J Rosenberg | |
YP11.00016: Pulse shaping for optimal ion heating in fast ignition Henry Fetsch, Nathaniel J Fisch | |
YP11.00017: Fusion Burn and Target Design Criteria for the Proton-Boron Fuel Cycle Driven by Short Pulse Lasers Thomas A Mehlhorn, Dale R Welch, Carsten H Thoma, Max Tabak, Igor E Golovkin | |
YP11.00018: Magnetic Collimation of Relativistic Electron Beams through Resistivity Gradients William Riedel, Drew Higginson, Andreas J Kemp, Scott C Wilks, Max Tabak, Steve A MacLaren | |
YP11.00019: VUV Spectroscopy for the Plasma Liner Experiment (PLX) Adam E Brown, Glen A Wurden, Samuel Langendorf, Feng Chu, Andrew L LaJoie | |
YP11.00020: Refinement and characterization of the magnetized target guns for PLX liner-on-target experiments Andrew Case, Marco Luna, Robert Becker, Franklin D Witherspoon | |
YP11.00021: Validation of Three Dimensional Simulations against Integrated Experiments for Plasma-Jet Driven Magneto-Inertial Fusion Jason Cassibry, Aalap C Vyas, Samuel J Langendorf, Franklin D Witherspoon | |
YP11.00022: Study of Plasma Liner Formation for Plasma-Jet-Driven Magneto-Inertial Fusion (PJMIF) using Interferometry and Fast Imaging Feng Chu, Andrew L LaJoie, Samuel J Langendorf, Adam E Brown | |
YP11.00023: Computational Scaling Laws for Fusion Yield in Plasma-Jet Magneto-Inertial Fusion Aalap C Vyas, Jason Cassibry, Samuel J Langendorf | |
YP11.00024: Spectral Measurements to Determine Liner Compressive Performance on the Plasma Liner Experiment (PLX) Andrew Lajoie, Feng Chu, Samuel J Langendorf, Adam E Brown, Glen A Wurden, Mark Gilmore | |
YP11.00025: PLX-BETHE: Target Formation and Integrated Experiments for Plasma-Jet Driven Magneto-Inertial Fusion (PJMIF) Samuel J Langendorf, Feng Chu, John P Dunn, Adam E Brown, Glen A Wurden, Andrew L LaJoie, Mark Gilmore, Franklin D Witherspoon, Andrew Case, Jason Cassibry, Aalap C Vyas | |
YP11.00026: Status of the magnetized indirect drive implosion project on the NIF John D Moody, Hong Sio, David J Strozzi, Bradley B Pollock, Chris A Walsh, Brandon J Lahmann, Gareth Hall, Sergei O Kucheyev, Bernard Kozioziemski, Benjamin Bachmann, Yuan Shi, Jeremy Kroll, Rhyan Reynolds, Suhas D Bhandarkar, Jon Fry, Alexander P Povilus, Lisle Hagler, Nobuhiko Izumi, Jay Javedani, Shahab Khan, Abbas Nikroo, Nicholas L Orsi, Nicholas L Orsi, Ken Piston, Chris Provencher, James Sater, Ken Skulina, William Stygar, Scott E Winters, Jeremy P Chittenden, Brian Appelbe, Aidan C Crilly, Sam T O'Neill, Jonathan R Davies, Jonathan L Peebles | |
YP11.00027: Studies of preheat-induced mix in MagLIF targets Jaela C Whitfield, Carolyn C Kuranz, Jeffrey Fein, Matthew R Gomez, Michael Weir, Taylor Phipps, Matthew R Weis, Adam Harvey-Thompson, Julie Fooks, Marissa B Adams | |
YP11.00029: Progress and Plans for Solenoid-Free Startup in the Pegasus-III Experiment Joshua A Reusch, Mary W Aslin, Michael W Bongard, Stephanie J Diem, Abigail Louise L Ferris, John A Goetz, Armand K Keyhani, Mark D Nornberg, Jilliann K Peery, Christopher Pierren, Cuauhtemoc Rodriguez Sanchez, R. K Sassella, Carolyn E Schaefer, Aaron C Sontag, Timothy N Tierney, Justin D Weberski | |
YP11.00030: Commissioning of the Pegasus-III Experiment John A Goetz, Mary W Aslin, Michael W Bongard, Michael T Borchardt, Stephanie J Diem, Abigail Louise L Ferris, Armand K Keyhani, Benjamin A Kujak-Ford, Benjamin T Lewicki, Mark D Nornberg, Jilliann K Peery, Christopher Pierren, Joshua A Reusch, Cuauhtemoc Rodriguez Sanchez, R. K Sassella, Carolyn E Schaefer, Aaron C Sontag, Timothy N Tierney, Justin D Weberski, Gregory R Winz | |
YP11.00031: Commissioning of Pegasus-III CODAC and Power Systems Michael W Bongard, Mary W Aslin, Michael T Borchardt, Stephanie J Diem, Abigail Louise L Ferris, John A Goetz, Armand K Keyhani, Benjamin A Kujak-Ford, Benjamin T Lewicki, Mark D Nornberg, Jilliann K Peery, Christopher Pierren, Joshua A Reusch, Cuauhtemoc Rodriguez Sanchez, R. K Sassella, Carolyn E Schaefer, Aaron C Sontag, Timothy N Tierney, Justin D Weberski | |
YP11.00032: Plasma Initiation by Local Helicity Injection (LHI) on the Pegasus-III Experiment Aaron C Sontag, Mary W Aslin, Michael W Bongard, Michael T Borchardt, Stephanie J Diem, Abigail Louise L Ferris, John A Goetz, Armand K Keyhani, Benjamin A Kujak-Ford, Benjamin T Lewicki, Mark D Nornberg, Jilliann K Peery, Christopher Pierren, Anupama S Rajendra, Joshua A Reusch, Cuauhtemoc Rodriguez Sanchez, R. K Sassella, Carolyn E Schaefer, Timothy N Tierney, Justin D Weberski, Gregory R Winz | |
YP11.00033: Relationship Between Cathode Spot Formation and Injector Properties During Local Helicity Injection on the Pegasus-III Experiment Anupama S Rajendra, Stephanie J Diem, Benjamin T Lewicki, Aaron C Sontag, Kumar Sridharan, Justin D Weberski | |
YP11.00034: Characterization of Neutral Fueling During LHI in the Pegasus-III Experiment Abigail Louise L Ferris, Michael W Bongard, Stephanie J Diem, John A Goetz, Benjamin A Kujak-Ford, Benjamin T Lewicki, Mark D Nornberg, Christopher Pierren, Joshua A Reusch, Alexander T Rhodes, Cuauhtemoc Rodriguez Sanchez, Aaron C Sontag, Justin D Weberski, Gregory R Winz | |
YP11.00035: Diagnostic Overview for Non-Solenoidal Startup Experiments on Pegasus-III Mark D Nornberg, Mary W Aslin, Michael W Bongard, Michael T Borchardt, Stephanie J Diem, Abigail Louise L Ferris, John A Goetz, Armand K Keyhani, Benjamin A Kujak-Ford, Benjamin T Lewicki, Jilliann K Peery, Christopher Pierren, Joshua A Reusch, Cuauhtemoc Rodriguez Sanchez, R. K Sassella, Carolyn E Schaefer, Aaron C Sontag, Timothy N Tierney, Justin D Weberski, Gregory R Winz | |
YP11.00036: Effects of Injected Current Streams on MHD Equilibrium Reconstruction of Local Helicity Injection Plasmas in Pegasus-III Justin D Weberski, Michael W Bongard, Stephanie J Diem, John A Goetz, Christopher Pierren, Joshua A Reusch, Carolyn E Schaefer, Aaron C Sontag | |
YP11.00037: Application of Wall Current Modeling on the Pegasus-III Experiment Mary W Aslin, Michael W Bongard, Stephanie J Diem, Mark D Nornberg, Christopher Pierren, Joshua A Reusch, R. K Sassella, Aaron C Sontag, Justin D Weberski, Gregory R Winz | |
YP11.00038: Characterization of Magnetic Turbulence on the Pegasus-III Experiment R. K Sassella, Michael W Bongard, Stephanie J Diem, Mark D Nornberg, Joshua A Reusch, Carolyn E Schaefer | |
YP11.00039: EBW Emission Measurements for Development of a Microwave Heating System on the Pegasus-III Experiment Jilliann K Peery, Michael W Bongard, Stephanie J Diem, John A Goetz, Joshua A Reusch, Aaron C Sontag, Tim S Bigelow, Theodore M Biewer, Robert W Harvey, Yuri V Petrov, Felicity L Maiden, Benjamin A Pritchard, Roddy Vann | |
YP11.00040: Installation of the Multi-Point Thomson Scattering System for the Pegasus-III Experiment Timothy N Tierney, Michael W Bongard, Stephanie J Diem, Mark D Nornberg, Roger Raman, Joshua A Reusch | |
YP11.00041: Numerical Simulation of Local and Coaxial Helicity Injection in Pegasus-III Andrew D Ingram, Stephanie J Diem, Joshua A Reusch, Aaron C Sontag, Carl R Sovinec | |
YP11.00042: Overview of recent results and future plans in the Lithium Tokamak Experiment-β Dennis P Boyle, Shota Abe, Santanu Banerjee, Ronald E Bell, William J Capecchi, Luis F Delgado-Aparicio, Drew B Elliott, Manaure Francisquez, Kaifu F Gan, Christopher J Hansen, Euichan Jung, Bruce E Koel, Predrag S Krstic, Shigeyuki Kubota, Mate Lampert, Benoit P LeBlanc, Anurag Maan, Rajesh Maingi, Dick Majeski, Adam McLean, Jonathan E Menard, Javier J Morales, Evan T Ostrowski, Vlad Soukhanovskii, Kevin L Tritz, George J Wilkie, Leonid Zakharov | |
YP11.00043: Link between tearing mode activity and flat temperature profiles via edge cooling by neutral inventory in LTX-β Santanu Banerjee, Dennis P Boyle, Anurag Maan, Nathaniel M Ferraro, Priyanjana Sinha, George J Wilkie, Dick Majeski, Mario L Podesta, Ronald E Bell, Mate Lampert, C. Hansen, William J Capecchi, Drew B Elliott | |
YP11.00044: Status of neutral beam and supporting diagnostics on LTX-β William J Capecchi, Jay K Anderson, Santanu Banerjee, Dennis P Boyle, Anurag Maan, Dick Majeski, Mate Lampert, Christopher J Hansen, Drew B Elliott | |
YP11.00045: Improvements to Interferometry and Far-Forward Scattering Measurements on LTX-β Shigeyuki Kubota, Richard Majeski, Santanu Banerjee, Dennis P Boyle, Anurag Maan, Roman Lantsov, Terry L Rhodes, Christopher J Hansen | |
YP11.00046: Electron Cyclotron Heating (ECH) for Plasma Startup in the Lithium Tokamak eXperiment β (LTX-β) Javier J Morales, Richard Majeski, Dennis P Boyle, Anurag Maan | |
YP11.00047: Comparative recycling analysis of discharges with varying lithium deposition on the Lithium Tokamak eXperiment-β Anurag Maan, Dennis P Boyle, George J Wilkie, Dick Majeski, Manaure Francisquez, Santanu Banerjee, Euichan Jung, Shota Abe, Luis F Delgado-Aparicio, Evan T Ostrowski, Drew B Elliott, William J Capecchi, Christopher J Hansen, Shigeyuki Kubota, Adam McLean, Vlad Soukhanovskii, Kevin L Tritz | |
YP11.00048: Edge and scrape-off layer temperature studies in the LTX-beta tokamak with lithium walls. Vlad Soukhanovskii, Adam McLean, Filippo Scotti, Edward Magee, Peter Beiersdorfer, Dennis P Boyle, Anurag Maan, Ronald E Bell, Dick Majeski, Shigeyuki Kubota, William J Capecchi | |
YP11.00049: 2D imaging of Li and O impurity emissions in LTX-β Adam McLean, Filippo Scotti, Vlad Soukhanovskii, Dennis P Boyle, W. Capecchi, Shigeyuki Kubota, Anurag Maan, Dick Majeski | |
YP11.00050: Incident Ion Angle and Redeposition Measurement on Plasma Facing Surface Using Micro-Engineered Target on Lithium Tokamak eXperiment-β Euichan Jung, Shota Abe, Anurag Maan, Jhovanna Garcia, Evan T Ostrowski, Richard Majeski, Bruce E Koel | |
YP11.00051: Evolution of the Chemical Content of the Oxidized Li Surface Under Hydrogen Bombardment Predrag S Krstic | |
YP11.00052: Response of a Diamond detector to Energetic Alpha particles and Protons Ashgan Aboutaleb, Werner Boeglin | |
YP11.00053: SOLPS-ITER simulation of MAST neutral penetration Yi-Cheng Chuang, Saskia Mordijck, Richard Fitzpatrick, Richard Reksoatmodjo | |
YP11.00054: Study of detachment and the processes involved in its dynamics in MAST-U with the IRVB diagnostic Fabio Federici, Bruce Lipschultz, Matthew L Reinke, Jack J Lovell, Kevin Verhaegh, Tijs A Wijkamp, Peter Ryan, Andrew J Thornton | |
YP11.00055: The impact of magnetic flux expansion on heat flux width estimation in NSTX Kaifu F Gan, Rajesh Maingi, Travis Gray, Brian Wirth, Adam McLean | |
YP11.00056: Full kinetic equilibrium reconstruction of NSTX plasmas using the OMFIT workflow Galina Avdeeva, Kathreen E Thome, Sterling P Smith, Orso-Maria O Meneghini, Tomas Odstrcil, Stanley M Kaye | |
YP11.00057: Measurement of low and intermediate-k internal density and magnetic field turbulence and turbulence flow velocity to understand confinement in NSTX-U plasmas* Kshitish Barada, Tanmay Macwan, Roman Lantsov, Shigeyuki Kubota, Terry L Rhodes, William A Peebles, Neal A Crocker, Larry Bradley, Quinn Pratt, Jonathan Wisniewski, John Dong, Brentley C Stratton | |
YP11.00058: Effects of GAEs on the beam ions in NSTX-U Elena Belova, Eric D Fredrickson, Neal A Crocker | |
YP11.00059: Design of NSTX-U Radial Polarimeter- Interferometer David L Brower, Jie Chen, Paul Li, Brentley C Stratton | |
YP11.00060: Use of Machine Learning Techniques to Evaluate TORIC Generated Profiles on NSTX in the start-up/ramp-up regime Doménica Corona, Nicola Bertelli, Álvaro Sánchez Villar, Syun'ichi Shiraiwa, Mark D Boyer | |
YP11.00061: Plans for investigating HHFW Edge Plasma Interactions in NSTX-U Ricardo A De Levante Rodriguez, Seung Gyou Baek, Syun'ichi Shiraiwa, Paul T Bonoli | |
YP11.00062: Upgrade of the FIDA Spectroscopy system at the NSTX-U Tokamak Aidan J Edmondson, Ryan Albosta, David R Smith, Benedikt Geiger, William W Heidbrink, Deyong Liu, Mario L Podesta, Brentley C Stratton | |
YP11.00063: Reversed Magnetic Shear Scenario Development in NSTX-U using TRANSP Matthew E Galante, Mark D Boyer, Ilker U Uzun-Kaymak, Elizabeth (Jill) L Foley, Fred M Levinton | |
YP11.00064: Integration of MMMNet for NSTX-U into COTSIM to Enable Fast and Accurate Predictions for Scenario Planning and Control Applications Brian R Leard, Tariq Rafiq, Shira Morosohk, Zibo Wang, Eugenio Schuster | |
YP11.00065: Physics design of a Spherical Tokamak Advanced Reactor (STAR) Jonathan E Menard, Jack Berkery, Tom Brown, Nicola Bertelli, Eric D Emdee, Walter Guttenfelder, Andrei Khodak, Andreas Kleiner, Brian Linn, Rajesh Maingi, Masayuki Ono, Jason F Parisi, Chirag Rana, Peter Titus, Yuhu Zhai | |
YP11.00066: Developing a Database for a Machine Learning Algorithm utilizing Multi-Point Motional Stark Effect (MSE) Diagnostic Ilker U Uzun-Kaymak, Matthew E Galante, Elizabeth (Jill) L Foley, Fred M Levinton | |
YP11.00067: Gyrokinetic investigation of pedestal transport on NSTX Joseph M Schmidt | |
YP11.00068: Time-dependent 2D modeling of the X-I ECH and ECCD for solenoid-free start-up of a compact pilot plant Masayuki Ono, Nicola Bertelli, Syun'ichi Shiraiwa, Luis F Delgado-Aparicio, Jack Berkery, Álvaro Sánchez Villar | |
YP11.00069: Power Exhaust and Particle Balance Studies on ST40 Travis Gray, Chris Marsden, Matteo Moscheni, Erin Tinacba, Otto Asunta, Patrick Bunting, Bart Lomanowski, Ivan Perez-Paradela, Jeremy Lore, Steven McNamara, Adrian Rengle, Marco Sertoli, Ezekial A Unterberg | |
YP11.00070: Formation Efficiency Studies on the PI3 Spherical Tokamak Plasma Stephen J Howard, Wade Zawalski, Adrian Wong, Kathryn Leci, Blake Rablah, Andrea Tancetti, Celso Ribeiro, Patrick Carle, Akbar Rohollahi, Xiande Feng, Filiberto G Braglia, Simon Coop, Reid Tingley, Allison Radich, Kenneth Martens, Ryan Zindler, Aaron Froese, Matt Herunter, Calum MacDonald, Meritt Reynolds | |
YP11.00071: Variable Frequency Doppler and cross-polarization scattering Systems for MAST-U Tri H Luong, Terry L Rhodes, Roman Lantsov, Troy A Carter, Neal A Crocker, Julius Damba, Sean Lyons, Clive A Michael, Quinn Pratt, Rory Scannell, Peng Shi | |
YP11.00072: Turbulent flow, velocity shear, and neutral beam injection on the MAST-U spherical tokamak Terry L Rhodes, Clive A Michael, Peng Shi, Rory Scannell, T H Luong, Quinn Pratt, Valerian H Hall-Chen, Neal A Crocker, William A Peebles | |
YP11.00073: The Small Aspect Ratio Tokamak SMART: status and plans Mario L Podesta, Eleonora Viezzer, Manuel Garcia-Munoz, Juan M Ayllon-Guerola, Jack Berkery, Diego J Cruz-Zabala, Luis F Delgado-Aparicio, Ahmed Diallo, Jesus Dominguez-Palacios, Fernando Fuentes del Pozo, Joaquin Galdon-Quiroga, Manjit Kaur, John A Labbate, Alessio Mancini, Kiera A McKay, Stefano Munaretto, Francesca M Poli, Alfonso Rodriguez, Jesus Salas, J. Segado-Fernandez, Mykyta Varavin, Lina Velarde-Gallardo, Pablo Vicente Torres, James J Yang | |
YP11.00074: SUPPLEMENTAL | |
YP11.00075: Nonlinear Staturation of Ballooning Modes in Stellarators Xu Chu, Steven C Cowley, Felix I Parra | |
YP11.00076: Recent advancements of microwave imaging diagnostic at the DIII-D tokamak Calvin W Domier, Guanying Yu, Ying Chen, Xiaoliang Li, Suk-Ho Hong, Gerrit J Kramer, Yilun Zhu, Neville C Luhmann | |
YP11.00077: Numerical survey of EMIC wave propagation using the Petra-M Eun-Hwa Kim, Jay R Johnson, Syun'ichi Shiraiwa, Nicola Bertelli, Sung Jun Noh, Mark J Engebretson, Khan-Hyuk Kim, Hyomin Kim | |
YP11.00078: On plasma distribution in a NS magnetosphere Mikhail V Medvedev | |
YP11.00079: Helical Coil Optimization in DESC Dario Panici, Rory Conlin, Todd M Elder, Tal Shpigel, Rahul Gaur, Daniel W Dudt, Egemen Kolemen | |
Withdrawn |
YP11.00080: Plasma Guided Compton Source Ishay Pomerantz, Talia Meir, Tamir Cohen, Itamar Cohen, Kavin Tangtartharakul, Lior perelmutter, Michal Elkind, Asaf Levanon, Alexey V Arefiev | |
YP11.00081: Analysis of Feed Gas Expansion in a High-Speed Rotating Cylinder Dr. Sahadev Pradhan | |
YP11.00082: Analysis of Internal Flow Phenomena in a High Speed Rotating Cylinder Using Double Parabolic Axial Flow Model Dr. Sahadev Pradhan | |
YP11.00083: DSMC Simulation of Axial and Radial Spreading of the Feed Gas in a High Speed Rotating Cylinder. Dr. Sahadev Pradhan | |
YP11.00084: Analysis of Scoop System in a Mechanically Driven Gas Centrifuge. Dr. Sahadev Pradhan | |
YP11.00085: Ultrafast Ionization, Heating, Thermalization and Constriction of High-Pressure Nanosecond Pulsed Discharge Plasmas Marien Simeni Simeni, Alexandros Gerakis, Peter Bruggeman | |
YP11.00086: Collisional deactivation of N2(C3Pu) and N2+(B2S+u) by hydrocarbon molecules in afterglow of the picosecond discharge Andrey Starikovskiy | |
YP11.00087: Absolute calibration of hydrogen atoms measurement by femtosecond two-photon laser induced fluorescence Andrey Starikovskiy, Arthur Dogariu | |
YP11.00088: Scramjet engine ignition by ns aperiodic discharge Andrey Starikovskiy, Yiguang Ju, Michael Klassen | |
YP11.00089: Calculations of integrated reflectivity for selected bent crystals used in x-ray spectrometers at the National Ignition Facility Lucas Webster, Stanislav Stoupin, Maylis M Dozieres, Matthew S Wallace, Christine M Mariscal, Robert F Heeter | |
YP11.00090: Abstract Withdrawn | |
YP11.00091: Leveraging redundant information in wavelet transforms to measure plasma dispersion processes otherwise unresolved by Fourier analysis Jeffery Zielinski |
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