Bulletin of the American Physical Society
65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
Monday–Friday, October 30–November 3 2023; Denver, Colorado
Oct 26 2023 4:00PM, Thursday
Poster Session
Virtual Only
DPP Meeting 2023 Orientation Virtual Poster Session (4:00 PM - 6:00 PM, MT)
Chair: Anton Kananovich, Appalachian State University; Matthew Beidler, Oak Ridge National Lab; Rameswar Singh, University of California, San Diego
Oct 29 2023 1:00PM, Sunday
Student Day
Room: Grand I (Tower Building)
Oct 30 2023 8:00AM, Monday
Invited Session
Review: The James Webb Space Telescope Mission
Room: Plaza DEF
Chair: Cameron Geddes, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Invited Speakers: John C Mather
Oct 30 2023 9:00AM, Monday
Coffee Break I
Oct 30 2023 9:30AM, Monday
Invited Session
Particles, Beams and Coherent Radiation
Room: Plaza F
Chair: Brett Keenan, Los Alamos Natl Lab
Invited Speakers: Maxence Gauthier, Jessica Shaw, Charles D Arrowsmith, Zheng Gong, Tanner T Simpson, Pablo J Bilbao
Invited Session
MFE: Divertor and Core-Edge Integration Physics
Room: Plaza D/E
Chair: Livia Casali, University of Tennessee Knoxville
Invited Speakers: Matthias Bernert, Sophie Gorno, Qiming Hu, Marcos Xavier X Navarro, Dennis P Boyle, Darin R Ernst
HED Warm Dense Matter; EOS - Theory
Room: Governor's Square 10
Chair: Georges Jaar, University of Nevada, Reno
Plasma Astrophysics I
Room: Governor's Square 11
Chair: Prayash Sharma Pyakurel, University of California, Berkeley
MFE: Diagnostics, Heating, and Current Drive
Room: Governor's Square 14
Chair: Mirela Cengher, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Magneto-Inertial Fusion, Z-pinches, X-pinches & Pulsed Power-Driven Plasmas
Room: Governor's Square 15
Chair: David Strozzi, Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab
ICF/HED/FPS/Beams: Machine Learning
Room: Grand Ballroom I
Chair: Jeph Wang, Los Alamos National Laboratory
MFE: Low Aspect Ratio Tokamaks
Room: Grand Ballroom II
Chair: Mate Lampert, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Mini-Conference: Gatekeeper Workshop 2: Eliminating barriers to entry for plasma physics
Room: Governor's Square 16
Chair: Eli Parke, TAE Technologies, Inc.
Mini-Conference: Magnetized Turbulence I
Room: Governor's Square 17
Chair: Gary Zank, University of Alabama in Huntsville
Poster Session
Poster Session I:
Fundamental: Magnetic Reconnection; Dusty plasmas & Nanoparticle synthesis
ICF measurement and analysis
Space plasma physics
MFE: Disruptions avoidance and mitigation; Whole device modeling and reactor technologies
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Room: Plaza ABC
Oct 30 2023 12:30PM, Monday
Virtual Only
Physical Review Tutorial for Authors and Referees
Chair: Dirk Jan Bukman, American Physical Society
Lunch Break I
Oct 30 2023 12:45PM, Monday
Connect Lunch
Room: Windows (Tower Building)
Oct 30 2023 2:00PM, Monday
Invited Session
Fundamental Plasma Physics I – Shocks, Dusty Plasmas and Magnetized Plasmas
Room: Plaza F
Chair: Chung-Sang Ng, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Invited Speakers: Jessica J Pilgram, Alex Fletcher, Hubertus Thomas, Richard D Sydora, Rishabh Datta, Ziyan Zhu
Invited Session
Tutorial: Inertial Confinement Fusion
Room: Plaza D/E
Chair: Michael Rosenberg, University of Rochester
Invited Speakers: Pierre A Michel
Low-temperature Plasmas and Applications
Room: Governor's Square 10
Chair: Ken Hara, Stanford University
Fundamental Plasmas: Modeling and Machine Learning
Room: Governor's Square 11
Chair: Jens Von Der Linden, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics
HED Atomic Physics, Nonlinear Optics, and Extreme Conditions
Room: Governor's Square 14
Chair: William Farmer, Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab
Mini-Conference: The Stellarator Path to an FPP - a Public & Private Endeavor
Room: Governor's Square 15
Chair: Diane Demers, Xantho Technologies, LLC; Benedikt Geiger, University of Wisconsin - Madison
MFE: Research in Support of ITER Burning Plasma Physics
Room: Grand Ballroom I
Chair: Charles Greenfield, General Atomics - San Diego
Coherent radiation and secondary particle generation
Room: Grand Ballroom II
Chair: Anatoly Maksimchuk, University of Michigan
MFE: Computational Techniques and Whole Device Modeling
Room: Governor's Square 16
Chair: Syun'ichi Shiraiwa, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Mini-Conference: Magnetized Turbulence II
Room: Governor's Square 17
Chair: Hui Li, LANL
Poster Session
Poster Session II:
Machine learning in fundamental, low temperature, HED, and beams
Science Education, Public Engagement and DEI
High School
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Room: Plaza ABC
Oct 30 2023 3:00PM, Monday
Coffee Break II
Invited Session
Inertial Confinement I
Room: Plaza D/E
Chair: Ann Satsangi, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Invited Speakers: David P Turnbull, Mordecai D Rosen, Brian M Haines
Oct 30 2023 5:30PM, Monday
Student Reception
Room: Tower A (Tower Building)
Oct 30 2023 7:30PM, Monday
University Fusion Association General Meeting
Room: Plaza D/E
Chair: Carlos Paz-Soldan, Columbia University
Oct 31 2023 8:00AM, Tuesday
Invited Session
Review: Magnetic Confinement Fusion I
Room: Plaza DEF
Chair: Jerry Hughes, MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center
Invited Speakers: John E Rice
Oct 31 2023 9:00AM, Tuesday
Coffee Break III
Oct 31 2023 9:30AM, Tuesday
Invited Session
MFE: Core Transport Modeling and Characterization
Room: Plaza F
Chair: Alessandro Bortolon, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Invited Speakers: Pablo Rodriguez-Fernandez, Christopher G Holland, Klara Höfler, Carl Friedrich Benedikt Zimmermann, Quinn Pratt, Per Helander
Invited Session
Space and Astrophysical Plasmas I
Room: Plaza D/E
Chair: Emily Lichko, University of Chicago
Invited Speakers: Allison Jaynes, Julia Stawarz, Prayash Sharma Pyakurel, Sayak Bose, Fan Guo, Philipp Kempski
Public Engagement and Education
Room: Governor's Square 10
Chair: Arturo Dominguez, Princeton Plasma Physics Lab
Invited Speakers: claudia fracchiolla lopez
HED Warm Dense Matter; EOS - Experiment
Room: Governor's Square 11
Chair: Paul Campbell, University of Michigan
Fundamental Plasmas: Turbulence, Transport, and Reconnection
Room: Governor's Square 14
Chair: Vadim Roytershteyn, Space Science Institute
MFE: KSTAR Tokamak
Room: Governor's Square 15
Chair: James Yang, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Invited Session
NIF Invited Special Session
Room: Grand Ballroom I
Chair: Denise Hinkel, LLNL
Invited Speakers: Andrea Kritcher, Arthur E Pak, Michael M Marinak, Joseph D Kilkenny, Otto L Landen, Riccardo Betti
Laser-wakefield and direct laser acceleration
Room: Grand Ballroom II
Chair: Isabella Pagano, University of Texas at Austin
MFE: Detachment, Power Handling, and Divertor Physics
Room: Governor's Square 16
Chair: Tess Bernard, General Atomics - San Diego
Mini-Conference: Magnetized Turbulence III
Room: Governor's Square 17
Chair: Lingling Zhao, The university of Alabama in Huntsville
Poster Session
Poster Session III:
LTP: Measurement, analysis and control of low temperature plasmas
Fundamental: Waves, instabilities, and turbulence
MFE: Stellarators: W7-X, LHD, HSX, CTH, Others; Divertor physics
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Room: Plaza ABC
Oct 31 2023 12:30PM, Tuesday
Lunch Break II
Women+ in Plasma Physics Luncheon
Room: Majestic Ballroom (Tower Building)
Oct 31 2023 12:45PM, Tuesday
GPAP Business Meeting
Room: Governor's Square 17
Oct 31 2023 1:00PM, Tuesday
Public Engagement Networking Session
Room: Tower A (Tower Building)
Oct 31 2023 2:00PM, Tuesday
Invited Session
Lab Astro and Extreme Physics
Room: Plaza F
Chair: Ka Ho Yuen, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Invited Speakers: Kenan Qu, Robert VanDervort, Patricia B Cho, Hantao Ji, Simon Bolaños, David A Chin
Invited Session
MFE Tutorial: Power Exhaust Workflow
Room: Plaza D/E
Chair: Anurag Maan, PPPL
Invited Speakers: Tom Looby
Plasma Sources and Plasma Propulsion
Room: Governor's Square 10
Chair: Chen Cui, University of Southern California
Plasma Astrophysics II
Room: Governor's Square 11
Chair: Mel Abler, Space Science Institute
Fundamental Plasmas: Waves and Nonlinear Phenomena
Room: Governor's Square 14
Chair: Stephen Vincena, UCLA
Laser-Plasma Instabilities
Room: Governor's Square 15
Chair: Pierre Michel, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
ICF: Compression and Burn I
Room: Grand Ballroom I
Chair: Reuben Epstein, University of Rochester
MFE: DIII-D Tokamak
Room: Grand Ballroom II
Chair: Dmitriy Orlov, University of California, San Diego
MFE: MHD, Control, and Machine Learning
Room: Governor's Square 16
Chair: Steve Sabbagh, Columbia University
Mini-Conference: Magnetized Turbulence IV
Room: Governor's Square 17
Chair: Luca Comisso, Columbia University
Poster Session
Poster Session IV:
BEAMS: Laser- and beam-plasma interactions
Fundamental: Measurements and analysis in fundamental plasma physics; Plasma Sheaths, Sources, and Shocks
MFE: Turbulence and transport in fusion plasmas; High Field Tokamaks
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Room: Plaza ABC
Oct 31 2023 3:00PM, Tuesday
Coffee Break IV
Invited Session
MFE: Energetic Particles and Fast Ions
Room: Plaza D/E
Chair: Don Spong, ORNL
Invited Speakers: Phillip J Bonofiglo, Jacobo Varela Rodriguez, Genevieve H DeGrandchamp, Samuel Frank
Oct 31 2023 5:00PM, Tuesday
Meet the Editors of the Physical Review Journals
Room: South Convention Lobby (Tower Building)
Oct 31 2023 5:30PM, Tuesday
Women+ in Plasma Physics Reception
Room: Windows (Tower Building)
Nov 1 2023 8:00AM, Wednesday
Invited Session
Review: Fundamental Plasma Physics
Room: Plaza DEF
Chair: George Morales, University of California, Los Angeles
Invited Speakers: Paul A Cassak
Nov 1 2023 9:00AM, Wednesday
Coffee Break V
Nov 1 2023 9:30AM, Wednesday
Invited Session
Invited: WDM & HED Materials Physics
Room: Plaza F
Chair: Nicholas Hartley, SLAC - Natl Accelerator Lab
Invited Speakers: Alexander J White, Jan Vorberger, Sheng Jiang, Grigoriy Tabak, Pat Kalita, Margaret F Huff
Invited Session
Fundamental Processes in Plasmas: Low temperature to Fusion
Room: Plaza D/E
Chair: Dmitriy Orlov, University of California, San Diego
Invited Speakers: Yang Cao, John W Brooks, Marco D Acciarri, Martin Singer, Siye Ding, Fatima Ebrahimi
Fundamental Plasmas: Dusty Plasmas
Room: Governor's Square 10
Chair: Taylor Hall, Sandia National Laboratories
MFE: Turbulence and Transport
Room: Governor's Square 11
Chair: Manaure Francisquez, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
MFE: SPARC Tokamak and High Magnetic Field Devices
Room: Governor's Square 14
Chair: Florian Laggner, North Carolina State University
Hohlraum and X-ray cavity physics
Room: Governor's Square 15
Chair: Yan Yang, University of Delaware
ICF: Compression and Burn II
Room: Grand Ballroom I
Chair: Maria Gatu Johnson, MIT
Beams: Experimental and computational techniques
Room: Grand Ballroom II
Chair: Mario Manuel, General Atomics
Mini-conference: Collisionless and Weakly Collisional Shocks in Laboratory and Space Plasmas I
Room: Governor's Square 16
Chair: Nikolai Pogorelov, University of Alabama, Huntersville
Mini-Conference: Plasma and Quantum Information Science - Applications
Room: Governor's Square 17
Chair: Nuno Loureiro, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Poster Session
Poster Session V:
MFE:DIII-D and conventional tokamaks I;Heating and energetic particles;ITER, HBT-EP, and tokamak control
HED: Measurements and analysis in HED plasmas
Fundamental: Fundamental processes in plasmas
Mini Conference:Experiments in Lab and Space
MFE: Measurement and diagnostics techniques
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Room: Plaza ABC
Nov 1 2023 12:30PM, Wednesday
Lunch Break III
Nov 1 2023 12:45PM, Wednesday
Pride Lunch
Room: Windows (Tower Building)
Nov 1 2023 1:00PM, Wednesday
Virtual Only
Creating Thriving Physics Programs: EP3 Office Hours for Faculty
Chair: Kathryn Svinarich, Kettering University
Nov 1 2023 2:00PM, Wednesday
Invited Session
MFE: H-mode, Pedestal, and Fueling
Room: Plaza F
Chair: Ben Dudson, LLNL
Invited Speakers: Shaun R Haskey, Ryan A Chaban, George J Wilkie, Jason F Parisi, Matthias Knolker, Kyle Callahan
Invited Session
Tutorial: Astrophysical Plasmas
Room: Plaza D/E
Chair: Jacobo Varela Rodriguez
Invited Speakers: Chris Hamilton
HED Hydro
Room: Governor's Square 10
Chair: Maria Pia Valdivia Leiva, UCSD
ICF: Measurement and Diagnostic Techniques
Room: Governor's Square 11
Chair: Michael Kruse, Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab
HED Short Pulse Laser Plasma Interaction
Room: Governor's Square 14
Chair: Sasikumar Palaniyappan, Los Alamos National Laboratory
ICF: Compression and Burn III
Room: Governor's Square 15
Chair: Brian Haines, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Mini-conference: Collisionless and Weakly Collisional Shocks in Laboratory and Space Plasmas II
Room: Governor's Square 16
Chair: Derek Schaeffer, University of California, Los Angeles
Mini-Conference: Plasma and Quantum Information Science - Sensing & Hardware
Room: Governor's Square 17
Chair: Yuan Shi, University of Colorado Boulder
Poster Session
Poster Session VI:
MFE:DIII-D and conventional tokamaks II;MHD and stability; Analytic techniques in MFE;
ICF: Pinches and hohlraum physics
SPACE: Astrophysical plasmas
LTP:Low temperature plasma applications
MC:Miniconference: Shocks
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Room: Plaza ABC
Nov 1 2023 3:00PM, Wednesday
Coffee Break VI
Invited Session
Invited: Fundamental Plasma Physics 2 – theoretical methods
Room: Plaza D/E
Chair: Noah Reddell, Zap Energy Inc.
Invited Speakers: Frank M Lee, Michael L Nastac, Elijah J Kolmes, Jeff B Lestz
Nov 1 2023 5:15PM, Wednesday
DPP Business Meeting
Room: Governor's Square 14
Nov 1 2023 6:30PM, Wednesday
DPP Reception
Room: South Convention Lobby (Tower Building)
Nov 1 2023 7:30PM, Wednesday
DPP Banquet
Room: Grand Ballroom (Tower Building)
Nov 2 2023 8:00AM, Thursday
Invited Session
James Clerk Maxwell Prize for Plasma Physics: Adjoint Methods in Plasma Physics and Charged Particle Dynamics
Room: Plaza DEF
Chair: Amitava Bhattacharjee, Princeton University
Invited Speakers: Thomas M Antonsen
Nov 2 2023 9:00AM, Thursday
Coffee Break VII
Nov 2 2023 9:30AM, Thursday
Invited Session
MFE: Disruptions and Equilibria
Room: Plaza F
Chair: Valerie Izzo, Fiat Lux LLC
Invited Speakers: Laszlo Bardoczi, Noah C Hurst, Matthew T Beidler, Chen Zhao, Istvan Pusztai, Cihan Akcay
Invited Session
Inertial Confinement II
Room: Plaza D/E
Chair: Radha Bahukutumbi, Laboratory for Laser Energetics - Rochester; Dave Schlossberg, Lawrence Livermore National Lab
Invited Speakers: Jim A Gaffney, Luke A Ceurvorst, Riccardo Tommasini, Benjamin Reichelt, Patrick J Adrian, Wolfgang R Theobald
Magnetized HED and Laboratory Astrophysics
Room: Governor's Square 10
Chair: Jack Hare, MIT PSFC
Space Plasmas within the Heliosphere
Room: Governor's Square 11
Chair: Jason Shuster, University of New Hampshire; Jonathan Ng, University of Maryland
Fundamental Plasmas: Laboratory, Nonneutral, and Strongly Coupled Plasmas
Room: Governor's Square 14
Chair: Derek Thuecks, Washington College
Plasma Wakefield Acceleration, Relativistically Intense Science, and Laser driven x-ray sources
Room: Governor's Square 15
Chair: Yang Cao, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
MFE: Negative Triangularity and I-mode
Room: Grand Ballroom I
Chair: Christopher Hansen, Columbia University
MFE: Plasma-Material Interactions
Room: Grand Ballroom II
Chair: Erin Tinacba, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Mini-Conference: ELASP I
Room: Governor's Square 16
Chair: Mark Koepke, West Virginia University
Mini-Conference: Plasma and Quantum Information Science - Algorithms
Room: Governor's Square 17
Chair: Scott Parker, University of Colorado, Boulder
Poster Session
Poster Session VII:
FUND:Nonneutral plasmas
BEAMS: ZEUS, radiography, and measurements of beams
MFE: Edge and pedestal physics; Self-organized configurations I: FRC, RFP, Spheromak
MC: Miniconference: Plasma and quantum information science
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Room: Plaza ABC
Nov 2 2023 12:30PM, Thursday
Lunch Break IV
Nov 2 2023 1:00PM, Thursday
Virtual Only
APS Innovation Design Strategies
Chair: Tremaine Brittian, American Physical Society (APS)
Nov 2 2023 2:00PM, Thursday
Invited Session
Inertial Confinement III
Room: Plaza F
Chair: Radha Bahukutumbi, Laboratory for Laser Energetics - Rochester
Invited Speakers: William A Farmer, David P Turnbull, Adam Harvey-Thompson, Mikhail Mlodik, Enac Gallardo Diaz, Katarina A Nichols
Invited Session
MFE Tutorial: Bayesian Analysis
Room: Plaza D/E
Chair: Diego Del-Castillo-Negrete, Oak Ridge National Lab
Invited Speakers: Scott E Kruger
HED Diagnostic, Analytical, and Computational Techniques
Room: Governor's Square 10
Chair: Sophia Rocco, LLNL
Plasma Astrophysics III
Room: Governor's Square 11
Chair: Jimmy Juno, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
DEIA and Energy Justice
Room: Governor's Square 14
Chair: Saikat Chakraborty Thakur, Auburn University
MFE: Stellarators
Room: Governor's Square 15
Chair: Eduardo Rodriguez, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics - Greifswald
ICF: Hydrodynamic Instability
Room: Grand Ballroom I
Chair: Stefano Atzeni, Focused Energy GmbH
MFE: Disruptions, Runaway Electrons, and Energetic Particles
Room: Grand Ballroom II
Chair: Xianzhu Tang, Los Alamos Natl Lab
Mini-Conference: ELASP II
Room: Governor's Square 16
Chair: Mark Johnston, University of New Mexico
Invited Session
Rosenbluth Awardee and Processes in Extreme Plasmas
Room: Governor's Square 17
Chair: Vikram Dharodi, Auburn University
Invited Speakers: Ian E Ochs, Zaarah Mohamed, David J Strozzi, Feng Chu, Kurt Anthony Thompson
Poster Session
Poster Session VIII:
HED:High Energy Density Plasma Science
MFE: Superconducting Tokamaks; Self-organized configurations II: FRC, RFP, Spheromak; Machine learning techniques in MFE
ICF: Machine learning techniques in ICF
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Room: Plaza ABC
Nov 2 2023 3:00PM, Thursday
Coffee Break VIII
Invited Session
MFE: Negative Triangularity
Room: Plaza D/E
Chair: Carlos Paz-Soldan, Columbia University
Invited Speakers: Andrew O Nelson, Colin Chrystal, Filippo Scotti, William Boyes
Nov 2 2023 6:30PM, Thursday
ITER Town Hall
Room: Governor's Square 10
Nov 3 2023 8:00AM, Friday
Invited Session
Review: Magnetic Confinement Fusion II
Room: Plaza DEF
Chair: Karl Krushelnick, University of Michigan
Invited Speakers: Richard J Groebner
Nov 3 2023 9:00AM, Friday
Coffee Break IX
Nov 3 2023 9:30AM, Friday
Invited Session
MFE: Stellarators and 3D Physics
Room: Plaza F
Chair: Elizabeth Paul, Columbia University
Invited Speakers: Masaki Nishiura, José M García-Regaña, Priyanjana Sinha, Erik R Flom, Michael J Gerard, Rogerio Jorge
HED Laboratory Astrophysics
Room: Governor's Square 10
Chair: Andrew Longman, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Space and Atmospheric Plasmas
Room: Governor's Square 11
Chair: Jongsoo Yoo, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
MFE: Edge Instabilities, Transport, and Helium Exhaust
Room: Governor's Square 14
Chair: Alessandro Bortolon, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Laser-plasma ion accelerators
Room: Governor's Square 15
Chair: Stepan S Bulanov, LBNL
MFE: Alternate Configurations and Magnetized Target Fusion
Room: Grand Ballroom II
Chair: Peter Stoltz, Zap Energy
Mini-Conference: ELASP III
Room: Governor's Square 16
Chair: Paul Bellan, Caltech
Poster Session
Poster Session IX:
ICF: Burn, ignition, fusion concepts
MFE: Low Aspect Ratio Tokamaks
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Room: Plaza ABC
Nov 3 2023 12:35PM, Friday
Door Prize Drawing
Room: Plaza F
Oct 26 2023 4:00PM, Thursday
Poster Session
Virtual Only
DPP Meeting 2023 Orientation Virtual Poster Session (4:00 PM - 6:00 PM, MT)
Chair: Anton Kananovich, Appalachian State University; Matthew Beidler, Oak Ridge National Lab; Rameswar Singh, University of California, San Diego
Oct 29 2023 1:00PM, Sunday
Student Day
Room: Grand I (Tower Building)
Oct 30 2023 8:00AM, Monday
Invited Session
Review: The James Webb Space Telescope Mission
Room: Plaza DEF
Chair: Cameron Geddes, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Invited Speakers: John C Mather
Oct 30 2023 9:00AM, Monday
Coffee Break I
Oct 30 2023 9:30AM, Monday
Invited Session
Particles, Beams and Coherent Radiation
Room: Plaza F
Chair: Brett Keenan, Los Alamos Natl Lab
Invited Speakers: Maxence Gauthier, Jessica Shaw, Charles D Arrowsmith, Zheng Gong, Tanner T Simpson, Pablo J Bilbao
Invited Session
MFE: Divertor and Core-Edge Integration Physics
Room: Plaza D/E
Chair: Livia Casali, University of Tennessee Knoxville
Invited Speakers: Matthias Bernert, Sophie Gorno, Qiming Hu, Marcos Xavier X Navarro, Dennis P Boyle, Darin R Ernst
HED Warm Dense Matter; EOS - Theory
Room: Governor's Square 10
Chair: Georges Jaar, University of Nevada, Reno
Plasma Astrophysics I
Room: Governor's Square 11
Chair: Prayash Sharma Pyakurel, University of California, Berkeley
MFE: Diagnostics, Heating, and Current Drive
Room: Governor's Square 14
Chair: Mirela Cengher, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Magneto-Inertial Fusion, Z-pinches, X-pinches & Pulsed Power-Driven Plasmas
Room: Governor's Square 15
Chair: David Strozzi, Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab
ICF/HED/FPS/Beams: Machine Learning
Room: Grand Ballroom I
Chair: Jeph Wang, Los Alamos National Laboratory
MFE: Low Aspect Ratio Tokamaks
Room: Grand Ballroom II
Chair: Mate Lampert, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Mini-Conference: Gatekeeper Workshop 2: Eliminating barriers to entry for plasma physics
Room: Governor's Square 16
Chair: Eli Parke, TAE Technologies, Inc.
Mini-Conference: Magnetized Turbulence I
Room: Governor's Square 17
Chair: Gary Zank, University of Alabama in Huntsville
Poster Session
Poster Session I:
Fundamental: Magnetic Reconnection; Dusty plasmas & Nanoparticle synthesis
ICF measurement and analysis
Space plasma physics
MFE: Disruptions avoidance and mitigation; Whole device modeling and reactor technologies
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Room: Plaza ABC
Oct 30 2023 12:30PM, Monday
Virtual Only
Physical Review Tutorial for Authors and Referees
Chair: Dirk Jan Bukman, American Physical Society
Lunch Break I
Oct 30 2023 12:45PM, Monday
Connect Lunch
Room: Windows (Tower Building)
Oct 30 2023 2:00PM, Monday
Invited Session
Fundamental Plasma Physics I – Shocks, Dusty Plasmas and Magnetized Plasmas
Room: Plaza F
Chair: Chung-Sang Ng, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Invited Speakers: Jessica J Pilgram, Alex Fletcher, Hubertus Thomas, Richard D Sydora, Rishabh Datta, Ziyan Zhu
Invited Session
Tutorial: Inertial Confinement Fusion
Room: Plaza D/E
Chair: Michael Rosenberg, University of Rochester
Invited Speakers: Pierre A Michel
Low-temperature Plasmas and Applications
Room: Governor's Square 10
Chair: Ken Hara, Stanford University
Fundamental Plasmas: Modeling and Machine Learning
Room: Governor's Square 11
Chair: Jens Von Der Linden, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics
HED Atomic Physics, Nonlinear Optics, and Extreme Conditions
Room: Governor's Square 14
Chair: William Farmer, Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab
Mini-Conference: The Stellarator Path to an FPP - a Public & Private Endeavor
Room: Governor's Square 15
Chair: Diane Demers, Xantho Technologies, LLC; Benedikt Geiger, University of Wisconsin - Madison
MFE: Research in Support of ITER Burning Plasma Physics
Room: Grand Ballroom I
Chair: Charles Greenfield, General Atomics - San Diego
Coherent radiation and secondary particle generation
Room: Grand Ballroom II
Chair: Anatoly Maksimchuk, University of Michigan
MFE: Computational Techniques and Whole Device Modeling
Room: Governor's Square 16
Chair: Syun'ichi Shiraiwa, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Mini-Conference: Magnetized Turbulence II
Room: Governor's Square 17
Chair: Hui Li, LANL
Poster Session
Poster Session II:
Machine learning in fundamental, low temperature, HED, and beams
Science Education, Public Engagement and DEI
High School
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Room: Plaza ABC
Oct 30 2023 3:00PM, Monday
Coffee Break II
Invited Session
Inertial Confinement I
Room: Plaza D/E
Chair: Ann Satsangi, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Invited Speakers: David P Turnbull, Mordecai D Rosen, Brian M Haines
Oct 30 2023 5:30PM, Monday
Student Reception
Room: Tower A (Tower Building)
Oct 30 2023 7:30PM, Monday
University Fusion Association General Meeting
Room: Plaza D/E
Chair: Carlos Paz-Soldan, Columbia University
Oct 31 2023 8:00AM, Tuesday
Invited Session
Review: Magnetic Confinement Fusion I
Room: Plaza DEF
Chair: Jerry Hughes, MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center
Invited Speakers: John E Rice
Oct 31 2023 9:00AM, Tuesday
Coffee Break III
Oct 31 2023 9:30AM, Tuesday
Invited Session
MFE: Core Transport Modeling and Characterization
Room: Plaza F
Chair: Alessandro Bortolon, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Invited Speakers: Pablo Rodriguez-Fernandez, Christopher G Holland, Klara Höfler, Carl Friedrich Benedikt Zimmermann, Quinn Pratt, Per Helander
Invited Session
Space and Astrophysical Plasmas I
Room: Plaza D/E
Chair: Emily Lichko, University of Chicago
Invited Speakers: Allison Jaynes, Julia Stawarz, Prayash Sharma Pyakurel, Sayak Bose, Fan Guo, Philipp Kempski
Public Engagement and Education
Room: Governor's Square 10
Chair: Arturo Dominguez, Princeton Plasma Physics Lab
Invited Speakers: claudia fracchiolla lopez
HED Warm Dense Matter; EOS - Experiment
Room: Governor's Square 11
Chair: Paul Campbell, University of Michigan
Fundamental Plasmas: Turbulence, Transport, and Reconnection
Room: Governor's Square 14
Chair: Vadim Roytershteyn, Space Science Institute
MFE: KSTAR Tokamak
Room: Governor's Square 15
Chair: James Yang, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Invited Session
NIF Invited Special Session
Room: Grand Ballroom I
Chair: Denise Hinkel, LLNL
Invited Speakers: Andrea Kritcher, Arthur E Pak, Michael M Marinak, Joseph D Kilkenny, Otto L Landen, Riccardo Betti
Laser-wakefield and direct laser acceleration
Room: Grand Ballroom II
Chair: Isabella Pagano, University of Texas at Austin
MFE: Detachment, Power Handling, and Divertor Physics
Room: Governor's Square 16
Chair: Tess Bernard, General Atomics - San Diego
Mini-Conference: Magnetized Turbulence III
Room: Governor's Square 17
Chair: Lingling Zhao, The university of Alabama in Huntsville
Poster Session
Poster Session III:
LTP: Measurement, analysis and control of low temperature plasmas
Fundamental: Waves, instabilities, and turbulence
MFE: Stellarators: W7-X, LHD, HSX, CTH, Others; Divertor physics
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Room: Plaza ABC
Oct 31 2023 12:30PM, Tuesday
Lunch Break II
Women+ in Plasma Physics Luncheon
Room: Majestic Ballroom (Tower Building)
Oct 31 2023 12:45PM, Tuesday
GPAP Business Meeting
Room: Governor's Square 17
Oct 31 2023 1:00PM, Tuesday
Public Engagement Networking Session
Room: Tower A (Tower Building)
Oct 31 2023 2:00PM, Tuesday
Invited Session
Lab Astro and Extreme Physics
Room: Plaza F
Chair: Ka Ho Yuen, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Invited Speakers: Kenan Qu, Robert VanDervort, Patricia B Cho, Hantao Ji, Simon Bolaños, David A Chin
Invited Session
MFE Tutorial: Power Exhaust Workflow
Room: Plaza D/E
Chair: Anurag Maan, PPPL
Invited Speakers: Tom Looby
Plasma Sources and Plasma Propulsion
Room: Governor's Square 10
Chair: Chen Cui, University of Southern California
Plasma Astrophysics II
Room: Governor's Square 11
Chair: Mel Abler, Space Science Institute
Fundamental Plasmas: Waves and Nonlinear Phenomena
Room: Governor's Square 14
Chair: Stephen Vincena, UCLA
Laser-Plasma Instabilities
Room: Governor's Square 15
Chair: Pierre Michel, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
ICF: Compression and Burn I
Room: Grand Ballroom I
Chair: Reuben Epstein, University of Rochester
MFE: DIII-D Tokamak
Room: Grand Ballroom II
Chair: Dmitriy Orlov, University of California, San Diego
MFE: MHD, Control, and Machine Learning
Room: Governor's Square 16
Chair: Steve Sabbagh, Columbia University
Mini-Conference: Magnetized Turbulence IV
Room: Governor's Square 17
Chair: Luca Comisso, Columbia University
Poster Session
Poster Session IV:
BEAMS: Laser- and beam-plasma interactions
Fundamental: Measurements and analysis in fundamental plasma physics; Plasma Sheaths, Sources, and Shocks
MFE: Turbulence and transport in fusion plasmas; High Field Tokamaks
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Room: Plaza ABC
Oct 31 2023 3:00PM, Tuesday
Coffee Break IV
Invited Session
MFE: Energetic Particles and Fast Ions
Room: Plaza D/E
Chair: Don Spong, ORNL
Invited Speakers: Phillip J Bonofiglo, Jacobo Varela Rodriguez, Genevieve H DeGrandchamp, Samuel Frank
Oct 31 2023 5:00PM, Tuesday
Meet the Editors of the Physical Review Journals
Room: South Convention Lobby (Tower Building)
Oct 31 2023 5:30PM, Tuesday
Women+ in Plasma Physics Reception
Room: Windows (Tower Building)
Nov 1 2023 8:00AM, Wednesday
Invited Session
Review: Fundamental Plasma Physics
Room: Plaza DEF
Chair: George Morales, University of California, Los Angeles
Invited Speakers: Paul A Cassak
Nov 1 2023 9:00AM, Wednesday
Coffee Break V
Nov 1 2023 9:30AM, Wednesday
Invited Session
Invited: WDM & HED Materials Physics
Room: Plaza F
Chair: Nicholas Hartley, SLAC - Natl Accelerator Lab
Invited Speakers: Alexander J White, Jan Vorberger, Sheng Jiang, Grigoriy Tabak, Pat Kalita, Margaret F Huff
Invited Session
Fundamental Processes in Plasmas: Low temperature to Fusion
Room: Plaza D/E
Chair: Dmitriy Orlov, University of California, San Diego
Invited Speakers: Yang Cao, John W Brooks, Marco D Acciarri, Martin Singer, Siye Ding, Fatima Ebrahimi
Fundamental Plasmas: Dusty Plasmas
Room: Governor's Square 10
Chair: Taylor Hall, Sandia National Laboratories
MFE: Turbulence and Transport
Room: Governor's Square 11
Chair: Manaure Francisquez, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
MFE: SPARC Tokamak and High Magnetic Field Devices
Room: Governor's Square 14
Chair: Florian Laggner, North Carolina State University
Hohlraum and X-ray cavity physics
Room: Governor's Square 15
Chair: Yan Yang, University of Delaware
ICF: Compression and Burn II
Room: Grand Ballroom I
Chair: Maria Gatu Johnson, MIT
Beams: Experimental and computational techniques
Room: Grand Ballroom II
Chair: Mario Manuel, General Atomics
Mini-conference: Collisionless and Weakly Collisional Shocks in Laboratory and Space Plasmas I
Room: Governor's Square 16
Chair: Nikolai Pogorelov, University of Alabama, Huntersville
Mini-Conference: Plasma and Quantum Information Science - Applications
Room: Governor's Square 17
Chair: Nuno Loureiro, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Poster Session
Poster Session V:
MFE:DIII-D and conventional tokamaks I;Heating and energetic particles;ITER, HBT-EP, and tokamak control
HED: Measurements and analysis in HED plasmas
Fundamental: Fundamental processes in plasmas
Mini Conference:Experiments in Lab and Space
MFE: Measurement and diagnostics techniques
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Room: Plaza ABC
Nov 1 2023 12:30PM, Wednesday
Lunch Break III
Nov 1 2023 12:45PM, Wednesday
Pride Lunch
Room: Windows (Tower Building)
Nov 1 2023 1:00PM, Wednesday
Virtual Only
Creating Thriving Physics Programs: EP3 Office Hours for Faculty
Chair: Kathryn Svinarich, Kettering University
Nov 1 2023 2:00PM, Wednesday
Invited Session
MFE: H-mode, Pedestal, and Fueling
Room: Plaza F
Chair: Ben Dudson, LLNL
Invited Speakers: Shaun R Haskey, Ryan A Chaban, George J Wilkie, Jason F Parisi, Matthias Knolker, Kyle Callahan
Invited Session
Tutorial: Astrophysical Plasmas
Room: Plaza D/E
Chair: Jacobo Varela Rodriguez
Invited Speakers: Chris Hamilton
HED Hydro
Room: Governor's Square 10
Chair: Maria Pia Valdivia Leiva, UCSD
ICF: Measurement and Diagnostic Techniques
Room: Governor's Square 11
Chair: Michael Kruse, Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab
HED Short Pulse Laser Plasma Interaction
Room: Governor's Square 14
Chair: Sasikumar Palaniyappan, Los Alamos National Laboratory
ICF: Compression and Burn III
Room: Governor's Square 15
Chair: Brian Haines, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Mini-conference: Collisionless and Weakly Collisional Shocks in Laboratory and Space Plasmas II
Room: Governor's Square 16
Chair: Derek Schaeffer, University of California, Los Angeles
Mini-Conference: Plasma and Quantum Information Science - Sensing & Hardware
Room: Governor's Square 17
Chair: Yuan Shi, University of Colorado Boulder
Poster Session
Poster Session VI:
MFE:DIII-D and conventional tokamaks II;MHD and stability; Analytic techniques in MFE;
ICF: Pinches and hohlraum physics
SPACE: Astrophysical plasmas
LTP:Low temperature plasma applications
MC:Miniconference: Shocks
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Room: Plaza ABC
Nov 1 2023 3:00PM, Wednesday
Coffee Break VI
Invited Session
Invited: Fundamental Plasma Physics 2 – theoretical methods
Room: Plaza D/E
Chair: Noah Reddell, Zap Energy Inc.
Invited Speakers: Frank M Lee, Michael L Nastac, Elijah J Kolmes, Jeff B Lestz
Nov 1 2023 5:15PM, Wednesday
DPP Business Meeting
Room: Governor's Square 14
Nov 1 2023 6:30PM, Wednesday
DPP Reception
Room: South Convention Lobby (Tower Building)
Nov 1 2023 7:30PM, Wednesday
DPP Banquet
Room: Grand Ballroom (Tower Building)
Nov 2 2023 8:00AM, Thursday
Invited Session
James Clerk Maxwell Prize for Plasma Physics: Adjoint Methods in Plasma Physics and Charged Particle Dynamics
Room: Plaza DEF
Chair: Amitava Bhattacharjee, Princeton University
Invited Speakers: Thomas M Antonsen
Nov 2 2023 9:00AM, Thursday
Coffee Break VII
Nov 2 2023 9:30AM, Thursday
Invited Session
MFE: Disruptions and Equilibria
Room: Plaza F
Chair: Valerie Izzo, Fiat Lux LLC
Invited Speakers: Laszlo Bardoczi, Noah C Hurst, Matthew T Beidler, Chen Zhao, Istvan Pusztai, Cihan Akcay
Invited Session
Inertial Confinement II
Room: Plaza D/E
Chair: Radha Bahukutumbi, Laboratory for Laser Energetics - Rochester; Dave Schlossberg, Lawrence Livermore National Lab
Invited Speakers: Jim A Gaffney, Luke A Ceurvorst, Riccardo Tommasini, Benjamin Reichelt, Patrick J Adrian, Wolfgang R Theobald
Magnetized HED and Laboratory Astrophysics
Room: Governor's Square 10
Chair: Jack Hare, MIT PSFC
Space Plasmas within the Heliosphere
Room: Governor's Square 11
Chair: Jason Shuster, University of New Hampshire; Jonathan Ng, University of Maryland
Fundamental Plasmas: Laboratory, Nonneutral, and Strongly Coupled Plasmas
Room: Governor's Square 14
Chair: Derek Thuecks, Washington College
Plasma Wakefield Acceleration, Relativistically Intense Science, and Laser driven x-ray sources
Room: Governor's Square 15
Chair: Yang Cao, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
MFE: Negative Triangularity and I-mode
Room: Grand Ballroom I
Chair: Christopher Hansen, Columbia University
MFE: Plasma-Material Interactions
Room: Grand Ballroom II
Chair: Erin Tinacba, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Mini-Conference: ELASP I
Room: Governor's Square 16
Chair: Mark Koepke, West Virginia University
Mini-Conference: Plasma and Quantum Information Science - Algorithms
Room: Governor's Square 17
Chair: Scott Parker, University of Colorado, Boulder
Poster Session
Poster Session VII:
FUND:Nonneutral plasmas
BEAMS: ZEUS, radiography, and measurements of beams
MFE: Edge and pedestal physics; Self-organized configurations I: FRC, RFP, Spheromak
MC: Miniconference: Plasma and quantum information science
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Room: Plaza ABC
Nov 2 2023 12:30PM, Thursday
Lunch Break IV
Nov 2 2023 1:00PM, Thursday
Virtual Only
APS Innovation Design Strategies
Chair: Tremaine Brittian, American Physical Society (APS)
Nov 2 2023 2:00PM, Thursday
Invited Session
Inertial Confinement III
Room: Plaza F
Chair: Radha Bahukutumbi, Laboratory for Laser Energetics - Rochester
Invited Speakers: William A Farmer, David P Turnbull, Adam Harvey-Thompson, Mikhail Mlodik, Enac Gallardo Diaz, Katarina A Nichols
Invited Session
MFE Tutorial: Bayesian Analysis
Room: Plaza D/E
Chair: Diego Del-Castillo-Negrete, Oak Ridge National Lab
Invited Speakers: Scott E Kruger
HED Diagnostic, Analytical, and Computational Techniques
Room: Governor's Square 10
Chair: Sophia Rocco, LLNL
Plasma Astrophysics III
Room: Governor's Square 11
Chair: Jimmy Juno, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
DEIA and Energy Justice
Room: Governor's Square 14
Chair: Saikat Chakraborty Thakur, Auburn University
MFE: Stellarators
Room: Governor's Square 15
Chair: Eduardo Rodriguez, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics - Greifswald
ICF: Hydrodynamic Instability
Room: Grand Ballroom I
Chair: Stefano Atzeni, Focused Energy GmbH
MFE: Disruptions, Runaway Electrons, and Energetic Particles
Room: Grand Ballroom II
Chair: Xianzhu Tang, Los Alamos Natl Lab
Mini-Conference: ELASP II
Room: Governor's Square 16
Chair: Mark Johnston, University of New Mexico
Invited Session
Rosenbluth Awardee and Processes in Extreme Plasmas
Room: Governor's Square 17
Chair: Vikram Dharodi, Auburn University
Invited Speakers: Ian E Ochs, Zaarah Mohamed, David J Strozzi, Feng Chu, Kurt Anthony Thompson
Poster Session
Poster Session VIII:
HED:High Energy Density Plasma Science
MFE: Superconducting Tokamaks; Self-organized configurations II: FRC, RFP, Spheromak; Machine learning techniques in MFE
ICF: Machine learning techniques in ICF
2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Room: Plaza ABC
Nov 2 2023 3:00PM, Thursday
Coffee Break VIII
Invited Session
MFE: Negative Triangularity
Room: Plaza D/E
Chair: Carlos Paz-Soldan, Columbia University
Invited Speakers: Andrew O Nelson, Colin Chrystal, Filippo Scotti, William Boyes
Nov 2 2023 6:30PM, Thursday
ITER Town Hall
Room: Governor's Square 10
Nov 3 2023 8:00AM, Friday
Invited Session
Review: Magnetic Confinement Fusion II
Room: Plaza DEF
Chair: Karl Krushelnick, University of Michigan
Invited Speakers: Richard J Groebner
Nov 3 2023 9:00AM, Friday
Coffee Break IX
Nov 3 2023 9:30AM, Friday
Invited Session
MFE: Stellarators and 3D Physics
Room: Plaza F
Chair: Elizabeth Paul, Columbia University
Invited Speakers: Masaki Nishiura, José M García-Regaña, Priyanjana Sinha, Erik R Flom, Michael J Gerard, Rogerio Jorge
HED Laboratory Astrophysics
Room: Governor's Square 10
Chair: Andrew Longman, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Space and Atmospheric Plasmas
Room: Governor's Square 11
Chair: Jongsoo Yoo, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
MFE: Edge Instabilities, Transport, and Helium Exhaust
Room: Governor's Square 14
Chair: Alessandro Bortolon, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Laser-plasma ion accelerators
Room: Governor's Square 15
Chair: Stepan S Bulanov, LBNL
MFE: Alternate Configurations and Magnetized Target Fusion
Room: Grand Ballroom II
Chair: Peter Stoltz, Zap Energy
Mini-Conference: ELASP III
Room: Governor's Square 16
Chair: Paul Bellan, Caltech
Poster Session
Poster Session IX:
ICF: Burn, ignition, fusion concepts
MFE: Low Aspect Ratio Tokamaks
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Room: Plaza ABC
Nov 3 2023 12:35PM, Friday
Door Prize Drawing
Room: Plaza F
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