Bulletin of the American Physical Society
65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
Monday–Friday, October 30–November 3 2023; Denver, Colorado
Session Index
Session NP11: Poster Session V:
Poster Session
Show Abstracts |
Wednesday, November 1, 2023 Room: Plaza ABC |
NP11.00002: Upgrading DIII-D to Close the Gaps to Future Fusion Reactors Richard J Buttery | |
NP11.00003: Measurement of Stark-split beam and Carbon charge exchange emissions for simultaneous B-field and temperature/rotation analysis at DIII-D Ryan Albosta, Benedikt Geiger, George R McKee, Filipp Khabanov, Daniel J Den Hartog, Ralph Dux | |
NP11.00004: Turbulence-driven Transport and Spreading at the Edge of DIII-D L and H-Mode Plasmas. Jose A Boedo, Renato Perillo, Dmitry L Rudakov, Charles J Lasnier, Aveek S Kapat, Claudio Marini | |
NP11.00005: Status of the HFS LHCD System on DIII-D Mirela Cengher, Samuel Pierson, Mohamed Mohamed, Ivan Garcia, Yijun Lin, James Ridzon, Evan Leppink, Grant Rutherford, Andrew Seltzman, Alexandre Dupuy, Alexander Nagy, Robert I Pinsker, Stephen J Wukitch | |
NP11.00006: Internal measurements of magnetic and density fluctuations from magneto-hydro-dynamic (MHD) to sub-ion cyclotron frequency range using radial interferometer-polarimeter in DIII-D Jie Chen, David L Brower, Thomas E Benedett, Gaurav Prabhudesai | |
NP11.00007: Top Launch ECCD Experiments in High-qmin AT Scenario Plasmas on the DIII-D Tokamak Xi Chen, Craig C Petty, Christopher T Holcomb, Brian S Victor, Max Austin | |
NP11.00008: Doppler backscattering measurements of radio frequency plasma waves at DIII-D Satyajit Chowdhury, Neal A Crocker, William A Peebles, Lei Zeng, Terry L Rhodes, Roman Lantsov, Bart v Compernolle, Shawn X Tang, Robert I Pinsker, Alexandre Dupuy, Rushabh Rupani, Raymond O'Neill, Antonio C Torrezan, Jared Squire, Cornwall H Lau | |
NP11.00009: Effect of helicon RF injection on turbulence and transport in the pedestal and SOL regions of the DIII-D Tokamak* Julius Damba, Rongjie Hong, Satyajit Chowdhury, Lei Zeng, Terry L Rhodes, Shawn X Tang, Neal A Crocker, William A Peebles | |
NP11.00010: Overview of DIII-D Helicon Program Robert I Pinsker, Bart Van Compernolle, Shawn X Tang, Alexandre Dupuy, Jeff B Lestz, Craig C Petty, Levi McAllister, Miklos Porkolab | |
NP11.00011: Power deposition measurements during high-power helicon experiments in DIII-D L-mode and H-mode plasmas Bart G Van Compernolle, Jeff B Lestz, Robert I Pinsker, Shawn X Tang, Alexandre Dupuy, Andrea M. Garofalo, Levi McAllister, Charles Moeller, Craig C Petty, Miklos Porkolab | |
NP11.00012: Time-dependent integrated modeling of high power helicon experiments on DIII-D Jeff B Lestz, Bart G Van Compernolle, Andrea M. Garofalo, Robert I Pinsker, Craig C Petty | |
NP11.00013: Parametric instabilities during high power helicon wave injection in DIII-D. Miklos Porkolab, Robert I Pinsker, Shawn X Tang, Seung Gyou Baek, Bart van van Compernolle, Kenneth R Gage | |
Withdrawn |
NP11.00014: First Results of Thermal Helium Beam and Impurity Spectroscopy at the DIII-D Helicon Antenna Aysia Demby, Aysia Demby, Santiago Vargas Giraldo, Gilson Ronchi, Barret Elward, Alexandre Dupuy, Shawn X Tang, Bart v Compernolle, Robert I Pinsker, Edward T Hinson, Oliver Schmitz | |
NP11.00015: Effects of antenna misalignment and density turbulence on helicon and slow wave propagation in DIII-D Eun-Hwa Kim, Masayuki Ono, Matthew J Poulos, Alessandro Bortolon, Syun'ichi Shiraiwa, Nicola Bertelli, Seung Hoe Ku, Bart Van Compernolle | |
NP11.00016: Feedback control of helicon current drive power on the DIII-D tokamak Michael Ross, Esteban Bagdy, Antonio C Torrezan, Levi McAllister, Shawn X Tang, Alexandre Dupuy, Bart G Van Compernolle, Robert I Pinsker | |
NP11.00017: High-Power Helicon System Upgrades at DIII-D Alexandre Dupuy, Bart Van Compernolle, Shawn X Tang, Charles Moeller, Robert I Pinsker, Craig C Petty, Alexander Nagy, George Sips, Marc Barsanti, Michael P Ross, Antonio C Torrezan, Esteban Bagdy, Levi McAllister, Miklos Porkolab | |
NP11.00018: Reducing tungsten plasma-material interactions with boron and boron nitride powders in the DIII-D V-shaped divertor Florian Effenberg, Alessandro Bortolon, Tyler W Abrams, Igor Bykov, Rui Ding, Florian M. Laggner, Ulises Losada, Rajesh Maingi, Alexander Nagy, Matthew S Parsons, Zana Popovic, Jun Ren, Filippo Scotti, Gregory Sinclair, Dan M Thomas, Dinh Truong, Huiqian Wang | |
NP11.00019: Multi-Chord Upgrade for UV Spectroscopic Profile Measurements in the DIII-D Lower Divertor David A Ennis, Ulises Losada, Dane Z Van Tol, Stuart D Loch, Adam McLean, Douglas Taussig, Curtis A Johnson, Tyler W Abrams, Suk-Ho Hong, Zana Popovic, Robert S Wilcox, Jonathan H Yu | |
NP11.00020: An overview of the atomic data and spectroscopy of low charge states of W for use in Plasma Facing Component studies Stuart D Loch, David A Ennis, Ulises Losada, Andrew White, Dane Z Van Tol, Noah Kim, Curtis A Johnson, Tyler W Abrams, Connor Ballance, Michael McCann | |
NP11.00021: Atomic calculations and comparison to experiment for Si+ and W2+ erosion diagnostics Andrew P White, Stuart D Loch, Connor Ballance, David A Ennis, Michael McCann, Ulises Losada, Dmitry L Rudakov | |
NP11.00022: Fluctuation Measurements of Neoclassical Tearing Mode using Imaging Neutral Particle Analyzer on DIII-D Kenneth R Gage, Xiaodi Du, William W Heidbrink, Javier Gonzalez-Martin, Deyong Liu | |
NP11.00023: Identification of Alfvén eigenmodes using recurrent neural networks, a labelled database and CO2 interferometer data on DIII-D Alvin V Garcia, Azarakhsh Jalalvand, Peter Steiner, Andy Rothstein, Michael Van Zeeland, William W Heidbrink, Egemen Kolemen | |
NP11.00024: Effect of divertor conditions on ionization and neutral density profiles in the edge and SOL in DIII-D Raul G Gerru Miguelanez, Theresa M Wilks, Laszlo Horvath, Alessandro Bortolon, Jerry W Hughes, Matthias Knolker, Huiqian Wang, Anthony W Leonard | |
NP11.00025: Magnetic field pitch angle measurement using Beam Emission Spectroscopy (BES) diagnostic on DIII-D Xiang Han, George McKee, Zheng Yan, Filipp Khabanov, David R Smith, Benedikt Geiger, Samuel Stewart, Xijie Qin, Raymond J Fonck | |
NP11.00026: Analysis of beam-driven instabilities near the ion cyclotron frequency in DIII-D plasmas William W Heidbrink, Shelley Tong, Jeff B Lestz, Genevieve H DeGrandchamp, James W Cook, Stephen T Vincena | |
NP11.00027: Stationary I-modes in multiple configurations in the DIII-D tokamak Amanda E Hubbard, Adrianna Angulo, Max Austin, Amelia Cavallaro, Jie Chen, Colin Chrystal, Tim Happel, Shaun R Haskey, Rongjie Hong, Jerry W Hughes, George R McKee, Andrew Oakleigh O Nelson, Thomas H Osborne, Aaron M Rosenthal, Terry L Rhodes, Theresa M Wilks, Guanying Yu, Shawn A Zamperini, Yilun Zhu | |
NP11.00028: Deep neural network based real-time ELM prediction and reconstruction of turbulent flow based on the DIII-D BES measurement Semin Joung, David R Smith, Benedikt Geiger, Kevin Gill, George R McKee, Zheng Yan, Jeffrey Zimmerman, Ryan Coffee, Finn H O'Shea, Azarakhsh Jalalvand, Egemen Kolemen | |
NP11.00029: Integrated modeling of Core, Edge pedestal and SOL using super H-mode experiments in DIII-D Kyungjin Kim, J.M. Park, Morgan W Shafer, Robert S Wilcox, Jeremy Lore, Philip B Snyder, Theresa M Wilks, Tom Osborne | |
NP11.00030: Study of the halo current region resistivity on the DIII-D tokamak Andrey Lvovskiy, Nicholas Eidietis, Grant M Bodner | |
NP11.00031: Divertor dissipation in the DIII-D V-shaped slot divertor with strong external heating Xinxing Ma, Dan M Thomas, Roberto Maurizio, Adam McLean, Jun Ren, Morgan W Shafer, Filippo Scotti, Huiqian Wang, Jonathan H Yu, Jonathan G Watkins, Dinh Truong | |
NP11.00032: Impact of the Isotope Mass on Divertor Detachment and Pedestal Fueling in DIII-D Ray Mattes, Livia Casali, Tom Osborne, Anthony W Leonard, Florian M. Laggner, Mathias Groth, Charlie Lasnier, Adam McLean | |
NP11.00033: Experiments on plasma detachment in the DIII-D V-shaped slot divertor Roberto Maurizio, Dan M Thomas, Jonathan H Yu, Tyler W Abrams, Alan Hyatt, Jeffrey L Herfindal, Anthony W Leonard, Xinxing Ma, Adam McLean, Jun Ren, Filippo Scotti, Morgan W Shafer, Gregory Sinclair, Huiqian Wang, Jonathan G Watkins | |
NP11.00034: Comparison of divertor performance dependence on geometric configuration in DIII-D and MAST-U Anthony W Leonard, Roberto Maurizio, Jonathan H Yu, Adam McLean, Morgan W Shafer, Himank Anand, Will Wehner, Livia Casali, James R Harrison, Kevin Verhaegh | |
NP11.00035: Achieving Low-Collisionalty Small/Grassy ELMs in DIII-D High-Performance Hybrid Scenario Plasmas Zeyu Li, Huiqian Wang, Xueqiao Xu, Raffi Nazikian, Xi Chen, Vincent S Chan, Tom Osborne, Theresa M Wilks, Qiming Hu, Filipp Khabanov, Guanying Yu, Lei Zeng, Nami Li | |
NP11.00036: Measurement of sawtooth induced fast ion transport on DIII-D with a suite of imaging energetic particle diagnostics Deyong Liu, Xiaodi Du, Javier Gonzalez-Martin, Claudio Marini, Kenneth R Gage, Michael Van Zeeland, William W Heidbrink | |
NP11.00037: Measurement of bursting behavior at sub-ion cyclotron frequencies in DIII-D using Radial Interferometer Polarimeter (RIP) diagnostic Gaurav Prabhudesai, Jie Chen, David L Brower | |
NP11.00038: X-ray Fluorescence analysis of global tungsten transport inside DIII-D tokamak during tungsten-coated, V-shaped Small Angle Slot divertor campaign Tyler E Ray, Gregory Sinclair, Tyler W Abrams, Igor Bykov, Karl Schultz | |
NP11.00039: Spatial Heterodyne Spectroscopy for Motional Stark Effect measurements at DIII-D Michael J Richardson, Benedikt Geiger, Ryan Albosta, Raymond J Fonck, George R McKee, Xiang Han | |
NP11.00041: Overview of Research Results from the SciDAC Partnership for Simulation of Fusion Relevant RF Actuators Paul T Bonoli, Donald B Batchelor, Nicola Bertelli, Davide Curreli, Cory D Hauck, Tzanio Kolev, Jeremy Lore, David N Smithe, Robert W Harvey, James R Myra, Mark S Shephard, Maxim Umansky | |
NP11.00042: Benchmarking 1- and 2-D fluid plasma transport solutions in MAPS (MFEM Anisotropic Transport Solver) Rhea L Barnett, Cory D Hauck, Olena Burkovska, Jeremy Lore, Mark L Stowell, Chris J Vogl, Benjamin Dudson, Stefan Schnake, Lin Mu | |
NP11.00043: RF rectified sheath calculations in 3D RF full wave simulations with the Petra-M framework Nicola Bertelli, Syun'ichi Shiraiwa | |
NP11.00044: GPU-Accelerated Modeling of RF Propagation in a Full Tokamak Plasma Daniel S Main, David N Smithe, John R Cary, Thomas G Jenkins, Carl Bauer | |
NP11.00045: Beyond Maxwell-Boltzmann electrons for RF microscale sheath modeling James R Myra, Haruhiko Kohno | |
NP11.00046: Application of MCGO-TORIC coupled codes to modeling of HHFW heating in NSTX Yuri V Petrov, Yuri V Petrov, R.W. Harvey, N. Bertelli, M. Podestà | |
NP11.00047: Analytical, numerical, and experimental investigation of nonlinear radio-frequency sheaths Matthew J Poulos, Nicola Bertelli, Syun'ichi Shiraiwa | |
NP11.00048: Development of surrogate models for the TORIC ICRF spectrum solver using ML algorithms Álvaro Sánchez Villar, Zhe Bai, Nicola Bertelli, E. W. Bethel, Julien Hillairet, Talita Perciano, Syun'ichi Shiraiwa, Gregory M Wallace, John C Wright | |
NP11.00049: 2nd order differential operator for plasma dielectric to include all-order finite Larmor radius effects Syun'ichi Shiraiwa, Nicola Bertelli, Álvaro Sánchez Villar | |
NP11.00050: Multi-Pronged Applications of RF Sheath and Ponderomotive Force Modeling with the Time-Domain Plasma Model in Vorpal/VSim David N Smithe, Thomas G Jenkins, James R Myra, Maxim Umansky, Benjamin Dudson, Davide Curreli, Mikhail Rezazadeh, Michael W Brookman | |
NP11.00051: Coupling between the Fokker-Planck code CQL3D and the Monte-Carlo neutral particle code pyFIDASIM Juan F Caneses Marin, Robert W Harvey, Yuri V Petrov, Benedikt Geiger | |
NP11.00052: Investigation of materials for radio frequency antenna plasma facing components John B Caughman, Curtis A Johnson, E.A. Unterberg, Kaitlyn Butler, David C Donovan, Andrea A Gonzalez Galvan, Davide Curreli | |
NP11.00053: Development of an integrated modeling framework for plasma-material interaction and its application on tungsten erosion and transport from the RF antenna structures in the WEST tokamak Atul Kumar, Abdou Diaw, Curtis A Johnson, Chris K Klepper, Cornwall H Lau, Jeremy Lore, Wouter Tierens, Timothy R Younkin, E.A. Unterberg, Jon T Drobny, Davide Curreli, Nicola Bertelli, Syun'ichi Shiraiwa, Masayuki Ono, Laurent Colas, James Paul Gunn, Christophe Guillemaut, Julien Hillairet | |
NP11.00054: Adaptive Simulation of Cold Plasma in RF Heaters Aditya Yogesh Joshi, Mark S Shephard, Syun'ichi Shiraiwa | |
NP11.00055: ICRF Antenna – Plasma Edge Interaction in Alcator C-Mod: Comparison Between Experimental Results and 3D Full Wave Simulations Raymond Diab, Seung Gyou Baek, Yijun Lin, Earl Marmar, James L Terry, Stephen J Wukitch, Adam Q Kuang, Syun'ichi Shiraiwa, Aditya Yogesh Joshi, Mark S Shephard, Sajidah Ahmed, Gregor Decristoforo | |
NP11.00056: Two-dimensional kinetic full wave analysis of ICRF waves using integral form of dielectric tensor Atsushi Fukuyama | |
NP11.00057: Physics-based modeling of RF-assisted start-up in tokamaks: effect of magnetic field on impact-ionization Panagiotis Papagiannis, Kyriakos Hizanidis, Giorgos Anastassiou, Christos Tsironis, Abhay K Ram | |
NP11.00058: Comparing Current Drive Efficiencies from Empirical Models and Higher‐Fidelity Ray‐Tracing Codes for Various Heating Sources Andrew M Irvin, Ehab M Hassan, Rhea L Barnett | |
NP11.00059: Improved local helicity injection efficiency by the equilibrium field predicted from 0-D power balance model Taekyoung Kim, Seongcheol Kim, Y.S. Hwang, JongYoon Park | |
NP11.00060: Helicon Wave Experiments on the LArge Plasma Device (LAPD) Joshua J Larson, Troy A Carter, Bart G Van Compernolle, Robert I Pinsker | |
NP11.00061: Modelling Microwave Start-up in Spherical Tokamaks Felicity L Maiden, Bodhi Biswas, Erasmus du Toit, Simon Freethy, Lou Holland, Hyun-Tae Kim, Vladimir Shevchenko, Roddy Vann | |
NP11.00062: Plasma startup by electron cyclotron waves in magnetic mirrors Abhay K Ram, Kyriakos Hizanidis | |
NP11.00063: RF absorption in presence of fast particles using AORSA coupled with MCGO Jacob G van de Lindt, John C Wright, Steve Wukitch | |
NP11.00064: Investigation of Density Fluctuation Influence on ECH Microwave Propagation in LHD Ryoma Yanai, Toshiki Kinoshita, Kenji Tanaka, Hikona Sakai, Shin Kubo | |
NP11.00065: Simulation of lower hybrid wave in fusion plasma using FullWave Liangji Zhao, Nikolai Barov, Jin-Soo Kim | |
NP11.00066: Fast particle trajectories, quadratic flux-minimizing maps, and integrability in quasiaxisymmetric and quasihelical stellarators Amelia Chambliss, Elizabeth J Paul, Stuart R Hudson | |
NP11.00067: Single Particle Modeling of Electron Diffusion in Magnetized Plasmas with Magnetic Islands Jessica Eskew, Dmitri Orlov, Bradley Andrew, Evan Bursch, Mark E Koepke, Fred N Skiff, Max Austin, Tyler B Cote, Francesca Turco, Claudio Marini, Eva G Kostadinova | |
NP11.00068: Orbits of energetic particles near rational flux surfaces in stellarators Thomas E Foster, Felix I Parra, Roscoe B White | |
NP11.00069: Alfvén Eigenmodes mediate benign fast ion transport in ITER steady state scenario without microturbulence Nikolai N Gorelenkov, Vinicius N Duarte, Marina V Gorelenkova, Zhihong Lin, Simon D Pinches | |
NP11.00070: Optimization of Monte-Carlo NBI NUBEAM code for GPU: success and challenges Marina V Gorelenkova, Mariya Goliyad, Francesca M Poli, Gopan Perumpilly, Alexei Y Pankin, Stephane Ethier | |
NP11.00071: Investigating Energetic Particle Transport in LHD using Gyrokinetic Simulations Ethan M Green, Javier H Nicolau, Hiroyuki Yamaguchi, Wataru H Hayashi, William W Heidbrink, Xishuo Wei, Zhihong Lin | |
NP11.00072: Gyrokinetic simulation of Alfvén Wave-Energetic Particle Interplay in Spherical Tokamaks MAST-U and ST40 Handi Huang, Nikolai N Gorelenkov, Xishuo Wei, Henry Hingyin Wong, Zhihong Lin | |
NP11.00073: Kinetic-MHD simulation of mode frequency chirping in tokamaks and stellarators using M3D-C1 Chang Liu, Stephen C Jardin, Nathaniel M Ferraro, Mario L Podesta, Hao Wang | |
NP11.00074: Application of FIDA as a charge exchange loss measurement for NB-produced fast ions in small or medium-size devices Shin Nishimura, Hiroyuki Yamaguchi, Shinji Kobayashi, Shin-ichiro Kado, Takashi Minami, Shinsuke Ohshima, Yuji Nakamura, Kazunobu Nagasaki | |
NP11.00075: Fast ion transport in quasisymmetric equilibria in the presence of a resonant Alfv'{e}nic perturbation Elizabeth J Paul, Harry E Mynick, Amitava Bhattacharjee | |
NP11.00076: Experimental Evidence of Ion Acceleration at Internal Reconnection Events in the MAST-U Spherical Tokamak Garrett Prechel, Edward Parr, William W Heidbrink, Mads Rud Larsen, Ken G McClements, Clive A Michael | |
NP11.00077: First principles kinetic simulations of observed ion cyclotron emission driven by energetic ion-beams injected into LAPD Omstavan Samant, Richard O Dendy, Sandra C Chapman, Shreekrishna Tripathi, Troy A Carter, Bart G Van Compernolle | |
NP11.00078: Verification of electromagnetic fully-kinetic-ion simulations of high-frequency waves in toroidal geometry Yangyang Yu, Xishuo Wei, Pengfei Liu, Zhihong Lin | |
NP11.00080: Divertor-safe Nonlinear Burn Control Using a Reference Governor Based on a Core-edge Model with ITER-SOLPS Scalings Vincent R Graber, Eugenio Schuster | |
NP11.00081: Tungsten neoclassical transport in ITER pedestal for non-axisymmetric perturbations Victor Tribaldos, Jose Miguel Reynolds-Barredo, Alberto Loarte, Alexei R Polevoi, Masanori Hosokawa, Raul Sanchez | |
NP11.00082: Fueling modeling and control for ITER first plasma operation David Weldon, Rémy Nouailletas, Philippe Moreau, Luca Zabeo, Peter C de Vries | |
NP11.00083: Progress in extending the DIII-D high-βP scenario to long pulse on EAST Andrea M. Garofalo, Wilkie Choi, Siye Ding, Xianzu Gong, Juan Huang, Bin Zhang, Paul T Bonoli, Seung Gyou Baek, Gregory M Wallace | |
NP11.00084: Autoencoding and noise reduction of plasma diagnostics in Tokamak Max Curie, Joe Abbate, Azarakhsh Jalalvand, Egemen Kolemen | |
NP11.00085: Vertical instability growth rate studies with rigid and deformable plasma models and proximity controller development in the TCV tokamak Stefano Marchioni, Federico felici, Cristian Galperti, Antoine Merle, Olivier Sauter, Alessandro Pau, Fabio Villone, Sergei Medvedev | |
NP11.00086: Incorporating Gas Puffing Delays into Density Control Synthesis in Tokamak Reactors By Combining Optimal Control and Reinforcement Learning Techniques Sai Tej Paruchuri, Eugenio Schuster | |
NP11.00087: HBT-EP Program: MHD Dynamics and Active Control through 3D Fields and Currents Gerald A Navratil, David A Arnold, Anson Braun, Rian N Chandra, Nigel J DaSilva, Christopher J Hansen, Jeffrey P Levesque, Boting Li, Michael E Mauel, Matthew N Notis, Carlos A Paz-Soldan, Yumou Wei | |
NP11.00088: FPGA-based microsecond-latency MHD mode tracking using high-speed cameras and deep learning on HBT-EP Yumou Wei, David A Arnold, Rian N Chandra, Nigel J DaSilva, Christopher J Hansen, Jeffrey P Levesque, Boting Li, Matthew N Notis, Michael E Mauel, Gerald A Navratil, Ryan F Forelli, Giuseppe Di Guglielmo, Nhan V Tran | |
NP11.00089: Observation of sawtooth suppression by flux pumping on HBT-EP Boting Li, Jeffrey P Levesque, Yumou Wei, Rian N Chandra, Nigel J DaSilva, Gerald A Navratil, Michael E Mauel | |
NP11.00090: Preparations and Plans for Runaway Electron Mitigation Coil (REMC) Studies on HBT-EP Michael E Mauel, Jeffrey P Levesque, Anson Braun, Carlos A Paz-Soldan, Gerald A Navratil, David A Arnold, Rian N Chandra, Nigel J DaSilva, Christopher J Hansen, Boting Li, Matthew N Notis, Yumou Wei | |
NP11.00091: Observing Coupled Mode Dynamics Across Independent Diagnostics on HBT-EP Rian N Chandra, Jeffrey P Levesque, Boting Li, Nigel J DaSilva, Yumou Wei, David A Arnold, Christopher J Hansen, Gerald A Navratil, Michael E Mauel | |
NP11.00092: Development of non-axisymmetric resistive wall models for MHD simulations of HBT-EP and other tokamaks David A Arnold, Rian N Chandra, Christopher J Hansen, Jeffrey P Levesque, Boting Li, Michael E Mauel | |
NP11.00093: The role of blob-filament turbulence on biased H-mode transition thresholds in HBT-EP Nigel J DaSilva, Jeffrey P Levesque, Matthew N Notis, Rian N Chandra, Boting Li, Yumou Wei, Michael E Mauel, Gerald A Navratil | |
NP11.00094: Scrape-Off-Layer Currents in HBT-EP Investigated Using High-Field-Side Tiles and Magnetic Sensors Matthew N Notis, Jeffrey P Levesque, Nigel J DaSilva, Boting Li, Rian N Chandra, Yumou Wei, Michael E Mauel, Gerald A Navratil | |
NP11.00095: Scrape-off-layer current measurements during disruptions in HBT-EP Jeffrey P Levesque, Matthew N Notis, Nigel J DaSilva, Boting Li, Yumou Wei, David A Arnold, Rian N Chandra, Christopher J Hansen, Michael E Mauel, Gerald A Navratil | |
NP11.00097: Zeeman Polarization Spectroscopy on Gas Puff Z-Pinches Jay S Angel, Euan Freeman, William M Potter, Dave Hammer | |
NP11.00098: Radiometry and Phase Contrast Imaging Diagnostics on COBRA’s Gas Puff Z-Pinch Plasmas* Sydney Billingsley, Mark Gilmore, Thomas Schmidt, Sydney Billingsley | |
NP11.00099: Electron probing of electromagnetic fields generated by intense laser pulses interacting with a liquid jet target Paul T Campbell, Mario Balcazar, Hai-En Tsai, Tobias Ostermayr, Qiang Chen, Benjamin Greenwood, Matthew Trantham, Sahel Hakimi, Robert E Jacob, Yong Ma, Paul M King, Raspberry Simpson, Elizabeth S Grace, Brendan Kettle, Eva E Los, Felicie Albert, Jeroen van Tilborg, Stuart P.D. Mangles, John Nees, Eric H Esarey, Cameron Geddes, Alexander G Thomas, Carolyn C Kuranz | |
NP11.00100: Developing an experimental platform to benchmark x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy as a temperature diagnostic for high-energy-density plasmas Tanner Cordova, Edward V Marley, Richard A London, Howard A Scott, Tilo Doeppner, Farhat Beg, Farhat Beg, David A Chin, Federica Coppari, James Emig, Stephanie B Hansen, Carolyn C Kuranz, Philip M Nilson, Michael Springstead, Philip A Sterne, Mike J MacDonald | |
NP11.00101: Optical Thomson Scattering and the Motivation for a 5ω Beamline at the NIF James M Edmiston, George F Swadling | |
NP11.00102: Implementation of a Faraday Rotation Diagnostic on Gas-Puff Z-Pinch Implosions at 1-MA Euan Freeman, David A Hammer, Eric S Lavine, William M Potter | |
NP11.00103: Single Hit CCD Spectrometers for X-ray conversion efficiencies Matthias Geissel, Tommy Ao, Quinn Looker, Patrick K Rambo, Christopher T Seagle, Jonathon E Shores, Robert J Speas, Chi Yang, John L Porter | |
NP11.00104: Phase Contrast Imaging and Radiometry for Power Balance Studies of Magnetized Pinches Mark Gilmore, Sydney Billingsley, Salvador Portillo | |
NP11.00105: High-repetition-rate diagnostics and analysis techniques for HED experiments Matthew P Hill, Blagoje Z Djordjevic, Eric Folsom, Elizabeth S Grace, Derek Mariscal, Anna Murphy, Dean R Rusby, Graeme G Scott, Matthew P Selwood, Raspberry Simpson, Kelly K Swanson, Franziska S Treffert, Jackson G Williams, Warren L York, Ghassan Zeraouli, Tammy Ma | |
NP11.00106: Ultrafast Pixel Array Camera: Initial measurement results for a Compact 96 channel 10GSa/s data recorder for HEDS applications Isar Mostafanezhad, Luca Macchiarulo, Ryan Pang, Marcus Luck, John Porter, Quinn Looker, Precious Cantu, Mitchell Matsumori-Kelly, Kahiwa Hoe | |
NP11.00107: Creating observable QED collective plasma effects Kenan Qu, Nathaniel J Fisch | |
NP11.00108: An implicit particle code with exact energy and charge conservation for electromagnetic studies of dense plasmas Justin R Angus, William A Farmer, Alex Friedman, Debojyoti Ghosh, Dave Grote, David Larson, Anthony J Link | |
NP11.00109: Particle-in-cell simulations of shockwaves in plasma Jinyuan Dun, Justin R Angus, William A Farmer, Alex Friedman, Vasily I Geyko, Debojyoti Ghosh, Frank R Graziani, David P Grote, David Larson, Anthony J Link, George B Zimmerman | |
NP11.00110: SPECT3D, Imaging and Spectral Analysis Package Igor E Golovkin, Joseph MacFarlane, Ming F Gu | |
NP11.00111: 2-D Kinetic Simulations of Biermann-battery Magnetic Field Generation and Current Sheet Formation in Laser-Solid Interactions Huws Y Landsberger, William R Fox, Kirill Lezhnin, Samuel R Totorica | |
NP11.00112: A recovery-based discontinous Galerkin scheme for the Fokker-Planck collision operator. John Rodman, James L Juno, Bhuvana Srinivasan | |
NP11.00113: Self-Consistent Non-LTE Radiation Transport in High Energy Density Plasmas Howard A Scott, Hai P Le | |
NP11.00115: Observation of High Frequency Emission from the MST Tokamak Plasma in the Presence of Runaway Electrons Abdulgader F Almagri, Mark A Thomas, Allyson M Sellner, Brett E Chapman, Luis F Delgado-Aparicio, Steve F Oliva, Alex A Squitieri, Paul L Wilhite, Cary B Forest | |
NP11.00116: X-ray Diagnosis of Runaway Electron Distributions During Whistler-Wave Scattering Events in MST Tokamak Plasmas Benjamin R Antognetti, Noah C Hurst, Abdulgader F Almagri, Aubrey V Houser, Brett E Chapman, Karsten J McCollam, John S Sarff, Cary B Forest | |
NP11.00117: Development of fast ionization gauge for studying neutral flow dynamics in the BRB. Miguel E Castelan Hernandez, Shreya Dwivedi, Joseph Olson, Jeremiah Kirch, Cary B Forest, Ellen Zweibel, Hui Li | |
NP11.00118: Magnetically driven plasma jet experiment on the Big Red Ball Shreya Dwivedi, Joseph Olson, Jeremiah Kirch, Miguel Castlen, Cary B Forest, Ellen Zweibel, Hui Li | |
NP11.00119: Equilibrium reconstructions of tokamak and RFP plasmas above the Greenwald density limit in MST Joseph B Flahavan, Noah C Hurst, Brett E Chapman, John S Sarff, Karsten J McCollam, Abdulgader F Almagri, Daniel J Den Hartog, Cary B Forest, Jay K Anderson | |
NP11.00120: Rotating magnetic field system to emulate a pulsar magnetosphere in BRB Rene Flores Garcia, Karsten J McCollam, Jeremiah Kirch, Steven P Oliva, Cary B Forest | |
NP11.00121: Compact toroid injection for the MST experiment Nivedan Vishwanath, Karsten J McCollam, Joseph Olson, John P Wallace, Cary B Forest | |
NP11.00122: Relaxed-state Modeling of RFP and Low-q Tokamak Plasma Formation with Programmable Power Supplies Carlos I Ortiz-Salguero, John S Sarff, Brett E Chapman, Donald J Holly, Noah C Hurst, Karsten J McCollam, Alex A Squitieri | |
NP11.00123: Overview of Wisconsin Plasma Physics Laboratory research Joseph Olson, Abdulgader F Almagri, Jan Egedal, Noah C Hurst, Karsten J McCollam, John S Sarff, Cary B Forest | |
NP11.00124: Measurements and modeling of runaway electron radial transport in quiescent, low-density MST tokamak plasmas Aubrey V Houser, Noah C Hurst, Benjamin R Antognetti, Luis F Delgado-Aparicio, Abdulgader F Almagri, Augustus Azelis, Brett E Chapman, Karsten J McCollam, John S Sarff, Cary B Forest | |
Withdrawn |
NP11.00125: The Lundquist number scaling of nonlinear MHD fluctuations and transition from quasi-continuous to discrete reconnection activity in MST RFP plasmas Steph Z Kubala, D. J. Den Hartog, C. M. Jacobson, K. J. McCollam, J. S. Sarff | |
NP11.00126: Data driven discovery of system equilibration THOMAS M CHUNA, Michael S Murillo, Frank R Graziani, Leland Ellison | |
NP11.00127: High-Resolution Three-Dimensional Particle-In-Cell Simulations of Two-Dimensional Bernstein-Greene-Kruskal Modes Matthew Franciscovich, James McClung, Kai Germaschewski, Chung-Sang Ng | |
NP11.00128: Particle-In-Cell Simulations of Two-Dimensional Bernstein-Greene-Kruskal Modes using Exact Analytic Distributions as Initial Conditions James McClung, Matthew Franciscovich, Kai Germaschewski, Chung-Sang Ng | |
NP11.00129: Local Kinetic Analysis for the Instability Observed in Particle-In-Cell Simulations of Two-Dimensional Bernstein-Greene-Kruskal Modes Chung-Sang Ng, James McClung, Matthew Franciscovich, Kai Germaschewski | |
NP11.00130: Simulated annealing of reduced magnetohydrodynamics by mixed Hamiltonian and artificial dynamics Masaru Furukawa, Philip J Morrison | |
NP11.00131: Freestanding Crossed-Field Plasma Rotation with Suppressed Dissipation Elijah J Kolmes, Ian E Ochs, Nathaniel J Fisch | |
NP11.00132: A canonical vorticity probe formed by four tetrahedral clusters of Mach and magnetic probes to measure the evolution of ion canonical vorticity during RFP relaxation Jason Sears, Jens Von Der Linden, Karsten J McCollam, Abdulgader F Almagri, Constance C Rouda, Allyson M Sellner, Mikhail Reyfman, Mikhail Reyfman, John S Sarff, Haruhiko Himura, Setthivoine You | |
NP11.00133: Relaxation of current-carrying flux tubes and flux rope formation Young Dae Yoon | |
NP11.00134: Relative Rydberg Atom Formation Rates as a Function of Electron Magnetization in Ultracold Neutral Plasmas Ryan Baker, Bridget O'Mara, Jacob L Roberts | |
NP11.00135: Numerical Investigation of Ionization Dynamics in Intense Laser-heated Argon Plasmas using the NLTE Model Min Sang Cho, Avram Milder, Wojciech Rozmus, Hai P Le, Howard A Scott, Mark E Foord | |
NP11.00136: Experimental Measurement of Refilling Rates in the High-Energy Tail of the Thermal Electron Distribution of Ultracold Neutral Plasmas Bridget O'Mara, Ryan Baker, Jacob L Roberts | |
NP11.00137: Opacity calculations: including more and more states Jean-Christophe Pain | |
NP11.00138: Inelastic and thermodynamic processes in dense plasma Erik Shalenov, Askhat Nuraly, Madina Seisembayeva, Karlygash Dzhumagulova | |
NP11.00139: Unification of Gravity and Electromagnetism Mohammed A El-Lakany | |
NP11.00141: Ubiquitous Plasma Motions in Magnetized Plasma Arcades with Different Experimental Configurations Darren J Craig, Wes McAuley | |
Withdrawn |
NP11.00142: Investigation of Shear-Driven Wave Generation at Dipolarization Fronts Landry Horimbere, Bill E Amatucci, Carl L Enloe, Erik M Tejero | |
NP11.00143: Acceleration of relativistic particles and gamma-ray emission in standing Alfvén waves Takayoshi Sano, Shogo Isayama, Shuichi Matsukiyo, Kaoru Sugimoto, Yasuhiko Sentoku | |
NP11.00144: Determining wave fields from perturbed particle orbits. Fred N Skiff, Gregory G Howes | |
NP11.00145: Two-fluid Gkeyll Simulations of Alfven Wave Reflection From an Alfven Speed Gradient in LAPD Jason M TenBarge, Sayak Bose, James Juno | |
NP11.00146: Helicity dependence in interactions between pairs of arched, laboratory plasma loops Eve V Stenson, Bao N Ha, Paul M Bellan | |
NP11.00147: Tokamak Energy selected for U.S. DOE Milestone-Based Fusion Development Program Mark Koepke, David Kingham, Jack Astbury, Steven McNamara, Daniel Buckley, Michael Porton | |
NP11.00149: Optimization of a Diagnostic Suite for Magnetized Target Fusion Experiments Filiberto G Braglia, Akbar Rohollahi, Patrick Carle, Stephen J Howard, Matt Herunter, Calum MacDonald, Andrea Tancetti, Curtis Gutjahr, Simon Coop, Xiande Feng, Henry Gould, Reid Tingley, Ryan Zindler, Aaron Froese | |
NP11.00150: Characterizing the Performance of a Cylindrical Electrostatic Analyzer for Measurements of Ion Beam Energy Peter J Fimognari, Diane R Demers, Thomas P Crowley | |
NP11.00151: A novel spectral filtering technique to improve incoherent Thomson scattering diagnostics Wayne Goodman | |
NP11.00152: Observation of Supersonic FRC Merging Process using Wide-View Visible-Light Tomographic Camera Reiji Hayata, Keisuke Hirama, Taichi Seki, Daichi Kobayashi, Tsutomu Takahashi, Tomohiko Asai | |
NP11.00153: Development and Test Results of a Modified Crystal Cathode Pressure Gauge for KSTAR Hoiyun Jeong, Hyungho Lee, Myungkyu Kim, Uwe Wenzel, Young-chul Ghim | |
NP11.00154: Absolute electron density fluctuation reconstruction for two-dimensional Hydrogen-beam diagnostics Mate Lampert, Sandor Zoletnik, Ors Asztalos | |
NP11.00155: Overview and Benchtop Testing of 2D Fiber Optic Bolometer Array Seungsup Lee, Morgan W Shafer, Xiaoli Wang, Andrew Dvorak, Qiwen Sheng, Musaddeque Syed, Ming Han | |
NP11.00156: Pop-up divertor Langmuir Probe diagnostic in the High Heat Flux (HHF) divertor of Wendelstein 7-X (W7‑X) Arun Pandey, Andre Carls, Cornelia Cordes, Michael Endler, Joris Fellinger, Stefan Freundt, Kirk Gallowski, Kenneth C Hammond, Dag Hathiramani, Georg Isberner, Johannes P Kallmeyer, Sören Klose, Marco Krause, Jörn Kügler, Matthias Otte, Dirk Rondeshagen, Jacob Ruhnau, T. Sunn Pedersen, Thomas Sieber, Jens P Weller, Jörg Wendorf | |
Withdrawn |
NP11.00157: Commissioning of the Synthetic Aperture Microwave Imager-2 (SAMI-2) diagnostic system on MAST-U for edge magnetic pitch angle measurements Ben Pritchard, Roddy Vann, Joe O Allen | |
NP11.00158: Conceptual design for real-time measurement of isotope ratio and RF electric field and in the scrape-off layer Gilson Ronchi, Elijah H Martin, C. Christopher Klepper | |
NP11.00159: real-time analysis of signals from an array of Langmuir probes in a tokamak divertor Dennise Valadez, David Eldon Eldon | |
NP11.00160: Plasma Density Imaging using a 2-Dimensional, Second-Harmonic, Dispersion Interferometer Frank J Wessel, Andrew Egly, Cameron Chavez | |
NP11.00161: Quasi-optical design for the cross-polarization scattering diagnostic on the HL-2M tokamak Yu Zhou, Ruihai Tong, Wulyu ZHONG, Yi Tan, Min Jiang | |
NP11.00162: Surface composition of advanced W materials during high-flux plasma exposure Robert D Kolasinski, Antonio Cruz |
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