Bulletin of the American Physical Society
60th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
Volume 63, Number 11
Monday–Friday, November 5–9, 2018; Portland, Oregon
Session Index
Session NI2: Inertial Confinement Fusion
Chair: Maria Gatu-Johnson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology-MITRoom: OCC Oregon Ballroom 203
Session NI3: Flows, 3-D Tokamaks, Pinches
Chair: Chris Hegna, University of Wisconsin, MadisonRoom: OCC Oregon Ballroom 204
Session NO4: Physics of Warm Dense Matter and HEDP
Chair: Yuan Ping, Lawrence Livermore National LabRoom: OCC B110-112
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 9:30AM - 9:42AM |
NO4.00001: Investigating the insulator to metal transition in dense fluid hydrogen with dynamic compression on NIF P M Celliers, M Millot, A F Goncharov, P Loubeyre, S Brygoo, R S McWilliams, J H Eggert, J R Rygg, S Le Pape, D E Fratanduono, J L Peterson, N B Meezan, G W Collins, R Jeanloz, R J Hemley | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 9:42AM - 9:54AM |
NO4.00002: Free electron laser probing of warm dense matter created by a laser-driven proton beam Chris McGuffey, Mathieu Bailly-Grandvaux, Eric Galtier, Chandra Curry, Neil B Alexander, Nick Aybar, Krish Bhutwala, Eddie Del Rio, Maylis Dozieres, Brandon Edghill, Pierre Forestier-Colleoni, Maxence Gauthier, Rui Hua, Joohwan Kim, Jongjin B Kim, Haeja Lee, Joseph Strehlow, Yuan Ping, Mingsheng Wei, Siegfried H Glenzer, Gilliss Dyer, Farhat N Beg | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 9:54AM - 10:06AM |
NO4.00003: Time and spatially-resolved density measurement of Proton-heated Warm Dense Silica using Phase Contrast X-ray imaging Maxence Gauthier, Emma McBride, Eric Flint Cunningham, Chandra Curry, Adrien Descamps, Gilliss Dyer, Mungo Frost, Luke Fletcher, Eric Galtier, Griffin Glenn, Philip Heimann, Jongjin B Kim, Mianzhen Mo, Benjamin K Ofori-Okai, Frank Seiboth, Franziska Treffert, Siegfried Glenzer | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 10:06AM - 10:18AM |
NO4.00004: Progress towards characterizing large volumes of WDM heated with a monochromatic electron beam Joshua Coleman, Heidi E Morris, Heather L Andrews, James P Colgan, Payson Dieffenbach, Micah Jakulewicz, Dustin Offermann, John Perry, Nick Ramey, Thomas Schmidt, Dale Welch | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 10:18AM - 10:30AM |
NO4.00005: Melting dynamics of femtosecond laser-irradiated tungsten with non-intrinsic defects Mianzhen Mo, Samuel Murphy, Zhijiang Chen, Paul Fossati, Renkai Li, Yongqiang Wang, Xijie Wang, Siegfried Glenzer | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 10:30AM - 10:42AM |
NO4.00006: Clocking Femtosecond Collisional Dynamics via Resonant x-ray Spectroscopy Quincy van den Berg, Elisa V. Fernandez-Tello, Patrick Hollebon, Hyun-Kyung Chung, T. Burian, Ulf Zastrau, George Dakovski, Michael Minitti, Alberto de la Varga, Justin Stephen Wark, Vojtech Vozda, Jaromir Chalupsky, Richard Lee, Thomas Preston, Jacek Krzywinski, Pedro Velarde, Sam M Vinko | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 10:42AM - 10:54AM |
NO4.00007: Measurements of non-resonant inelastic X-ray scattering from warm dense Argon plasmas at the LCLS Luke Fletcher, Emma McBride, Bastian Witte, Thomas G White, Chandra Curry, Adrien Descamps, Maxence Gauthier, Sebastian Goede, Jongjin B Kim, Bob Nagler, Benjamin K Ofori-Okai, Alex Rigby, Peihao Sun, Ulf Zastrau, Gianluca Gregori, Siegfried Glenzer | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 10:54AM - 11:06AM |
NO4.00008: Ab initio data for the uniform electron gas at warm dense matter conditions Michael Bonitz, Tobias Dornheim, Simon Groth | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 11:06AM - 11:18AM |
NO4.00009: Checking the Salpeter enhancement of nuclear reactions in asymmetric mixtures Jean Clerouin, Nicolas Desbiens, Philippe Arnault, Alexander White, Christopher Ticknor, Joel David Kress, Lee A. Collins | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 11:18AM - 11:30AM |
NO4.00010: Fast Non-Adiabatic Warm Dense Matter Simulation Brett Larder, Scott Richardson, Dirk Gericke, Gianluca Gregori | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 11:30AM - 11:42AM |
NO4.00011: Investigation of coated surface ablation in the thick regime on pulsed-power drivers Matthew Evans, Roman V Shapovalov, Imani West-Abdallah, James Young, Pierre-Alexandre Gourdain | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 11:42AM - 11:54AM |
NO4.00012: The impact of surface coating on plasma ablation in magnetic anvil cells Pierre-Alexandre Gourdain, Marissa B Adams, Gilbert W Collins, Matthew T Evans, Siegfried Glenzer, Hannah R Hasson, Adam Sefkow, Charles E Seyler, Imani West-Abdallah, James R Young | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 11:54AM - 12:06PM |
NO4.00013: Considerations for verification, validation, and uncertainty quantification (VV&UQ) in high-energy-density physics simulations Aaron Koskelo, Brandon M Wilson, John L Kline, Joshua P Sauppe | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 12:06PM - 12:18PM |
NO4.00014: Towards designing high-energy-density physics experiments for model validation Brandon M Wilson, Aaron Koskelo, John L Kline, Joshua P Sauppe | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 12:18PM - 12:30PM |
NO4.00015: Scaling of High Energy Density Physics experiments John Kline, Aron M Wilson, Aaron Koskelo, Joshua P Sauppe, David Allen Osthus, Scott Alan Vander Wiel, Nelson M Hoffman, Gowri Srinivasan |
Session NO5: KSTAR
Chair: Jong-Kyu Park, Princeton Plasma Physics LabRoom: OCC B113-114
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 9:30AM - 9:42AM |
NO5.00001: Overview of recent KSTAR experimental results Si-Woo Yoon, Y. K. Oh, W. C. Kim, J. G. Kwak, Hyeon Keo Park | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 9:42AM - 9:54AM |
NO5.00002: Toward the universality of low-n RMP-driven, ELM-crash-suppression physics Yongkyoon In, Jong-Kyu Park, Todd E Evans, Young-Mu Jeon, Carlos Paz-Soldan, Dmitry Orlov, Theresa Wilks | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 9:54AM - 10:06AM |
NO5.00003: Contrasting non-axisymmetric field influences on L-H Transition in KSTAR Won Ha Ko, Yongkyoon In, H.S. Han, June woo Juhn, J.H. Lee, Young-Mu Jeon, J. Seol, Hyun Seok Kim, Hyungho Lee, Jayhyun Kim, Sang-hee Hahn, Katsumi Ida, Si-Woo YOON, Yeong-Kook Oh, Hyeon Keo Park | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 10:06AM - 10:18AM |
NO5.00004: Toward steady-state high beta-N operation based on low qmin approach in KSTAR YoungMu Jeon, Si-Woo Yoon, Jung-Hee Kim, Ji-Sung Kang, Hyun-Seok Kim, Tong-Yeol Rhee, Yeong-Soon Bae, J. G. Kwak, Yeong-Kook Oh | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 10:18AM - 10:30AM |
NO5.00005: High beta stability research on KSTAR at high non-inductive fraction Steven Anthony Sabbagh, Young-Seok Park, John W Berkery, Jaeheon Ahn, Yanzheng Jiang, Juan Riquezes, Jun-Gyo Bak, Sang-hee Hahn, Hyunsun Hahn, Young-Mu Jeon, Jayhyun Kim, Hyun Seok Kim, Jinseok Ko, Won Ha Ko, J.H. Lee, ByungHo Park, Laurent Terzolo, Si-Woo Yoon, Alan Herbert Glasser, Zhirui Wang | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 10:30AM - 10:42AM |
NO5.00006: Control of Alfvén eigenmodes and its impact on fast-ion confinement in KSTAR high poloidal beta discharges Junghee Kim, Tong-Nyeol Rhee, Minhao Yu, Ji-Sung Kang, Minjun J. Choi, Young-Mu Jeon, Jun-Gyo Bak, Jungmin Jo, Mun-Seong Cheon, Yong-Su Na, JeongWon Yoo, Hogun Jhang, Kouji Shinohara, C.Z. Frank Cheng | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 10:42AM - 10:54AM |
NO5.00007: Nature of Edge Harmonic Oscillation (EHO) and its Dynamics Jaehyun Lee, Jayhyun Kim, Young-Mu Jeon, Won Ha Ko, Gunsu Yun, Woochang Lee, Yong-Un Nam, Young-chul Ghim, Jaewook Kim, Gunyoung Park, Minwoo Kim, Hyeon Keo Park | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 10:54AM - 11:06AM |
NO5.00008: Long range avalanche-like electron heat transport events in the L-mode tokamak experiment Minjun J. Choi, Min Ho Woo, Jae-Min Kwon, Sehoon Ko, Lei Qi, Hogun Jhang, Hyeon Keo Park, Taik Soo Hahm, Hyun Seok Kim, Ji Sung Kang, Jaehyun Lee, Minwoo Kim, Gunsu Yun | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 11:06AM - 11:18AM |
NO5.00009: Characteristics of turbulence spreading and zonal flow near magnetic island in electrostatic gyrokinetic simulations E.S. Yoon, Jae-Min Kwon, Minjun J. Choi, Seung Hoe Ku, Choong Seock Chang | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 11:18AM - 11:30AM |
NO5.00010: Thermal energy transport modeling of KSTAR ITB discharge and performance projection to heating and current drive upgrade Jisung Kang, Jinil Chung, J. G. Kwak, Jin Myung Park, Young-Mu Jeon, Si-Woo Yoon | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 11:30AM - 11:42AM |
NO5.00011: Effects of momentum transport on error field threshold observed in KSTAR SeongMoo Yang, Jong-Kyu Park, Yongkyoon In, JeongWon Lee, Won Ha Ko, JeongWon Yoo, SeulChan Hong, KyuDong Lee, Yuejiang Shi, SangGon Lee, June woo Juhn, Si-Woo Yoon, Yong-Su Na | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 11:42AM - 11:54AM |
NO5.00012: ELM Suppression and Formation of Internal Transport Barrier by Krypton Gas Seeding in KSTAR Plasmas Juhyeok Jang, Joohwan Hong, Jayhyun Kim, Hyunsun Hahn, Kimin Kim, Jisung Kang, Byron Jay Peterson, Inwoo Song, Jae Sun Park, Seungtae Oh, Taemin Jeon, Suk-Ho Hong, Wonho Choe | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 11:54AM - 12:06PM |
NO5.00013: Discovery of a turbulent ExB mixing mechanism of the ohmic breakdown in a tokamak Min-Gu Yoo, Yong-Su Na, Jeongwon Lee, Young-Gi Kim, Jayhyun Kim |
Session NO6: Z-pinch, X-pinch, Exploding Wire Plasma, Dense Plasma Focus, and Magnetized Target Fusion
Chair: Farhat Beg, University of California, San DiegoRoom: OCC B115-116
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 9:30AM - 9:42AM |
NO6.00001: Charged particle acceleration experiments in a dense plasma focus driven by a high-inductance generator* S. L. Jackson, J. T. Engelbrecht, A. S. Richardson, E. E. Petkov, B. V. Weber, J. L. Giuliani, J. W. Schumer, A. A. Mamonau, A. Beresnyak, D. Klir, K. Rezac, J. Cikhardt, Y. Maron, E. Stambulchik | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 9:42AM - 9:54AM |
NO6.00002: Current disruption and electric field in dense plasma focus Andrey Beresnyak, John L Giuliani, Stuart L Jackson, Steve Richardson, Alexander L. Velikovich | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 9:54AM - 10:06AM |
NO6.00003: Radiation physics and particle beam research on a medium-class dense plasma focus generator with complex diagnostics Victor L Kantsyrev, Alla Safronova, Christopher Butcher, Jeff Rowland, Ishor Shrestha, Veronica Shlyaptseva, Austin Stafford, Amandeep Gill, Mahadevan Krishnan | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 10:06AM - 10:18AM |
NO6.00004: Electron Plasma Wave Thomson Scattering on Laboratory Plasma Jets Jacob Banasek, Sophia Rocco, William Potter, Tom Byvank, Bruce Kusse, David A Hammer | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 10:18AM - 10:30AM |
NO6.00005: Examining energy partitioning in gas-puff z-pinches using Thomson scattering Sophia Rocco, Jacob T Banasek, William Potter, Bruce Kusse, David A Hammer | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 10:30AM - 10:42AM |
NO6.00006: Study of Z-pinch Magnetic Fields and Sources of MeV Ions via Ion Deflectometry Vojtech Munzar, Daniel Klir, Jakub Cikhardt, Balzhima Cikhardtova, Josef Kravarik, Pavel Kubes, Karel Rezac, Alexandr Viktorovich Shishlov, Vladimir Alexeyevich Kokshenev, Rustam Koshalievich Cherdizov, Nikolay Alexadrovich Ratakhin, Karel Turek | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 10:42AM - 10:54AM |
NO6.00007: Experimental and Computational Exploration of the Effects of Non-Uniform Applied Axial Magnetic Field on Z-Pinch Imploding Cylindrical Foils Jeff M Woolstrum, Paul C Campbell, Stephanie M Miller, Akash P Shah, Nicholas B Ramey, Nicholas M Jordan, Charles E Seyler, Ryan D McBride | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 10:54AM - 11:06AM |
NO6.00008: Abstract Withdrawn. TBD TBD | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 11:06AM - 11:18AM |
NO6.00009: Power Modeling Using Perseus Extended-MHD Simulation Code For Hed Plasmas Nathaniel D Hamlin, Charles E Seyler | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 11:18AM - 11:30AM |
NO6.00010: The development of high repetition x-pinches using a fast, compact pulsed power driver Roman Shapovalov, Matthew Evans, Brandon Foy, Daniel Mager, Imani West-Abdallah, James Young, Pierre-Alexandre Gourdain | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 11:30AM - 11:42AM |
NO6.00011: General Fusion Overview Michel Laberge | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 11:42AM - 11:54AM |
NO6.00012: Developments in Compression of Magnetized Plasmas Peter O'Shea | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 11:54AM - 12:06PM |
NO6.00013: A New Pre-Ionization Technique for the HJ1 Coaxial Plasma Gun for PJMIF Y.C. F. Thio, E. Cruz, A. Case, S. Brockington, Ajoke Williams, F. Witherspoon, M. Luna |
Session NO7: Turbulence and Transport and Strongly Coupled Plasmas
Chair: Scott Baalrud, University of IowaRoom: OCC B117-119
Session NO8: Basic Plasma Studies of Low-temperature Plasmas
Chair: Truell Hyde, Baylor UniversityRoom: OCC C120-122
Session NM9: Mini-Conference on Plasma–Material Interactions in Fusion Devices: ITER and Beyond. III. Helium and Impurity Effects on PMI
Chair: Ane Lasa Esquisabel, University of TennesseeRoom: OCC C123
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 9:30AM - 9:55AM |
NM9.00001: Using 3He-containing plasma to track the motion of helium atoms in tungsten Russell Doerner, Sergei Krasheninnikov, Matthew Baldwin, Daisuke Nishijima, Marlene Patino | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 9:55AM - 10:15AM |
NM9.00002: Flux Effects on Helium-Induced Surface Evolution in Tungsten Karl D Hammond, Ian V Naeger, Wathsala Widanagamaachchi, Li-Ta Lo, Dimitrios Maroudas, Brian D. Wirth | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 10:15AM - 10:35AM |
NM9.00003: Effects of helium plasmas on tungsten surfaces characterized by helium ion microscopy, ion channeling, and in-situ spectroscopic ellipsometry Robert D Kolasinski, Dwaipayan Dasgupta, Josh A Whaley, Aaron Engel, Frances I Allen, Dean Alan Buchenauer, Dimitrios Maroudas, Brian Wirth | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 10:35AM - 11:00AM |
NM9.00004: Using Accelerated Molecular Dynamics Simulations to Understand Helium Bubble Evolution in Tungsten Blas Pedro Uberuaga, Xiang-Yang Liu, Luis Sandoval, Danny Perez, Arthur F. Voter | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 11:00AM - 11:25AM |
NM9.00005: Interaction of boron and nitrogen-rich plasmas with tungsten wall Yevgeny Raitses, Shurik Yatom, Vladislav Vekselman, Alexander Khrabry, Igor D Kaganovich | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 11:25AM - 11:45AM |
NM9.00006: Quantification on the Effect of Uncertainty On Impurity Migration In PISCES-A Simulated With GITR Tim Younkin, Khachick Sargsyan, Tiernan Casey, Habib Nasri Najm, Russ Doerner, Daisuke Nishijima, David L Green, John Canik, Ane Lasa, Philip C Roth, Davide Curreli, Jon T Drobny, Parker Forehand, Brian Wirth | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 11:45AM - 12:05PM |
NM9.00007: Applied Statistical Model of Surface Morphology for Plasma-Material Interactions Jon T Drobny, Davide Curreli, Ane Lasa, Sophie Blondel, John Canik, David L Green, Philip C Roth, Tim Younkin, Brian Wirth | |
Wednesday, November 7, 2018 12:05PM - 12:30PM |
NM9.00008: Modeling of Surface Morphological Evolution of Plasma-Facing Tungsten Dimitrios Maroudas, Dwaipayan Dasgupta, Robert D Kolasinski, Brian D Wirth |
Session NM10: Mini-Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Processes in Space Plasmas II
Chair: Gregory Howes, The University of IowaRoom: OCC C124
Session NP11: Poster Session V: Laser-plasma Particle Acceleration; HEDP; Turbulence and Transport; DIII-D Tokamak; Machine Learning, Data Science (9:30am-12:30pm)
Room: OCC Exhibit Hall A1&A
NP11.00001: Modeling of capillary discharge plasmas for laser- and beam-driven wakefield accelerators Nathan M Cook, Petros Tzeferacos, David L Bruhwiler, Stephen D Webb | |
NP11.00002: Effect of laser pulse shaping on ion acceleration via relativistic self induced transparency Shivani Choudhary | |
NP11.00003: Ultrafast Probing of Non-Equilibrium Plasmas Using Laser-Wakefield-Accelerated Electron Bunches Stephen DiIorio, Zhaohan He, John Nees, Bixue Hou, Archis Joglekar, Roy Clarke, Karl Michael Krushelnick, Alexander GR Thomas | |
NP11.00004: Wakefield manipulation via phase-matching of co-propagating laser modes in an underdense plasma channel Blagoje Zoran Djordjevic, Carlo Benedetti, Carl B Schroeder, Eric Esarey, Wim Pieter Leemans | |
NP11.00005: Enhancing Positron Production using Front Surface Target Structures Noah Zipper, Sheng Jiang, Gerald J Williams, Anthony J. Link, Shaun Kerr, Joohwan Kim, Hui Chen, Yalamanchili Sisir, Paul Kempler, Nathan Lewis | |
NP11.00006: Sub-Optical-Cycle Dynamics of Electron Nano-Bunches in Relativistic Laser-Plasma Interactions: Insights From Numerical Simulations Nicholas M Fasano, Matthew R Edwards, Julia Mikhailova | |
NP11.00007: Wakefield excitation via Compton scattering Fabrizio Del Gaudio, Thomas Grismayer, Ricardo Fonseca, Warren B Mori, Luis O Silva | |
NP11.00008: The impact of electron heating on laser-plasma ion acceleration mechanisms Jason Chou, Anna Grassi, Rohini Mishra, Siegfried Glenzer, Frederico Fiuza | |
NP11.00009: Coherent ultra-broadband laser-assisted injection radiation in a laser plasma accelerator Bo Miao, Linus Feder, Jared K Wahlstrand, Andrew J Goers, George A Hine, Fatholah Salehi, Howard Michael Milchberg | |
NP11.00010: 3d parametric studies using reduced models for self-modulation instability Anton Helm, Jorge M Vieira, Ricardo Fonseca, Luis O Silva, Patric Muggli | |
NP11.00011: Characterization of energy gain and efficiency for guided and unguided laser-plasma accelerator stages Carlo Benedetti, Carl B Schroeder, Timon J Mehrling, Eric Esarey, Wim Pieter Leemans | |
NP11.00012: Wakefield generation in near threshold and/or finite radius ionization plasmas Severin Diederichs, Timon J Mehrling, Carlo Benedetti, Carl B Schroeder, Eric Esarey, Jens Osterhoff, Wim Pieter Leemans | |
NP11.00013: Compact Kilohertz Laser Wakefield Acceleration Sahel Hakimi, Hunter Allison, Nick Beier, Deano Farinella, Tam Nguyen, Matthew Stanfield, Toshiki Tajima, Franklin J Dollar | |
NP11.00014: Relativistic laser-solid interaction: from near-infrared to mid-infrared Jinpu Lin, John Nees, Xuai Xiao, Igor Jovanovic, Karl Michael Krushelnick | |
NP11.00015: Multiple species laser-driven ion-shock acceleration Brandon K Russell, Peter R Kordell, Alexander GR Thomas, Louise Willingale | |
NP11.00016: High-intensity laser-driven electron beam and radiation generation from an underdense plasma in an axial magnetic field Anatoly M Maksimchuk, Brandon Russell, Peter R Kordell, Gennady Fiksel, Alexander GR Thomas, Karl Michael Krushelnick, Louise Willingale | |
NP11.00017: Laser system development towards a compact Thomson photon source Tobias M Ostermayr, Hai-En Tsai, Cameron GR Geddes, Jorge G Otero Munoz, Theo Larrieu, Jeroen Van Tilborg, Sam K Barber, Fumika Isono, Remi Lehe, Jean-Luc Vay, Anthony J Gonsalves, Kei Nakamura, Csaba Toth, Carl B Schroeder, Eric Esarey, Wim P Leemans | |
NP11.00018: High-order harmonic generation in an electron-positron-ion plasma Wenlong Zhang, Thomas Grismayer, Ricardo Fonseca, Luis O Silva | |
NP11.00019: Fast electrons from plasma channels for e-e+ pair production Martin Jirka, Marija Vranic, Thomas Grismayer, Luis O Silva | |
NP11.00020: High intensity laser interactions with near critical density target for shock ion acceleration. Peter R Kordell, Paul T Campbell, Brandon Russell, Anatoly M Maksimchuk, Karl Michael Krushelnick, Louise Willingale | |
NP11.00021: Electron Beam Probing of Plasma Structures in CO2 Laser Driven Wakefields Lígia Diana Amorim, Pietro Iapozzuto, Navid Vafaei-Najafabadi, Jiayang Yan, Michael C Downer, Rafal Zgadzaj, James R Welch, Mikhail Fedurin, Mikhail Polyanskiy, Mark A Palmer, Marcus Babzien, Christina Swinson, Igor Pogorelsky, Karl Kusche, Wei Lu, Chan Joshi | |
NP11.00022: Narrow bandwidth Laser-Plasma Accelerator driven Thomson photon source development C. G. R. Geddes, H.-E. Tsai, T.M. Ostermayr, G. Otero Munoz, T. Larrieu, J. Van Tilborg, Cs. Toth, J.-L. Vay, R. Lehe, C.B. Schroeder, A. Friedman, D.P. Grote, E. Esarey, W.P. Leemans | |
(Author Not Attending)
NP11.00023: Picosecond laser driven x-ray radiation enhanced by target normal sheath Wei Wang, Jun Xiong, Zhiheng Fang, Honghai An, Zhiyong Xie, Anle Lei, Chen Wang, Ruirong Wang, Zhao Liu, Xiuguang Huang, Wenbing Pei, Sizu Fu | |
NP11.00024: Proton acceleration from nano-engineered targets using high-intensity short pulse lasers George M Petrov, Maylis Dozieres, Pierre Forestier-Colleoni, Paul C Campbell, Karl Michael Krushelnick, Anatoly M Maksimchuk, Jorge Juan Rocca, Christopher S McGuffey, Farhat N Beg | |
NP11.00025: Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence For Custom Laser Plasma Accelerator Targets Liona Fan-Chiang, Hann-Shin Mao, Wim Pieter Leemans | |
NP11.00026: Investigation of CO2 Long Intense Laser Pulse Plasma Instabilities in LWFAs Jiayang Yan, Lígia Diana Amorim, Pietro Iapozzuto, Mael Flament, Yichao Jing, Vladimir N Litvinenko, Navid Vafaei-Najafabadi, Roman V. Samulyak, Prabhat Kumar, Igor Pogorelsky, Christina Swinson, Marcus Babzien, Karl Kusche, Mikhail Polyanskiy, Mikhail Fedurin, Mark A Palmer, Rafal Zgadzaj, James R Welch, Michael C Downer, Chan Joshi, Warren B Mori, Wei Lu | |
NP11.00027: Quasi-monoenergetic Laser Plasma Positron Accelerator using Particle-Shower Plasma-Wave Interactions Aakash Sahai | |
NP11.00028: Effects of Nonlinear Plasma Waves on the Initiation and Evolution of the Weibel Instability and Associated Anisotropic Velocity Distribution Function Phenomena in High Energy Density Plasmas Bedros Afeyan, Archis Joglekar, Richard Dwayne Sydora, Brad Shadwick | |
NP11.00029: Kinetic simulations of particle energization by magnetized collisionless shocks in expanding laboratory plasmas Kirill Lezhnin, William Fox, Jackson Matteucci, Derek Schaeffer, Kai Germaschewski, Amitava Bhattacharjee | |
NP11.00030: The effect of advected magnetic fields in jet propagation experiments Daniel R Russell, Sergey V Lebedev, Guy C Burdiak, Jack W D Halliday, Jack D Hare, Lee G Suttle, Francisco Suzuki-Vidal, Eleanor R Tubman | |
NP11.00031: Temporally Resolved Ion Fluorescence Measurement of the Interaction of a Field-Parallel Laser Produced Plasma and an Ambient Magnetized Plasma Robert Dorst, Peter V Heuer, Martin S. Weidl, Derek Schaeffer, Carmen G Constantin, Stephen T Vincena, Shreekrishna Tripathi, Walter N Gekelman, Dan Winske, David Jeffrey Larson, Christoph Niemann | |
NP11.00032: Long duration x-ray source for laboratory photoionized plasmas R. P. Schoenfeld, R. C. Mancini, D. C. Mayes, R. Heeter, D. Martinez, P. Celliers, S. P. Regan | |
NP11.00033: Complex Hydrodynamic Instabilities on Oblique Interfaces Codie Fiedler Kawaguchi, Alexander M Rasmus, Carlos Di Stefano, Forrest W Doss, Jonathon S Zingale, Kirk A Flippo | |
NP11.00034: Code comparison of cylindrical implosion experiments for deceleration phase Rayleigh-Taylor Nomita Vazirani, John L Kline, Sasikumar Palaniyappan, Joshua P Sauppe, Bhuvana Srinivasan | |
NP11.00035: 2D and 3D modeling of bright X-ray sources on LMJ Michel Primout, Laurent Maurice Jacquet, Laurent Videau | |
NP11.00036: New Prism EOS and Opacity Tables with NLTE Atomic Kinetics. Igor Golovkin, Joseph J MacFarlane | |
NP11.00037: Solenoid for Laser Induced Plasma Experiments at Janus Sallee R. Klein, Heath Joseph LeFevre, G. Elijah Kemp, Derek Mariscal, Gerald J Williams, Mario J.-E. Manuel, Carolyn C Kuranz, Paul A Keiter, R. Paul Drake | |
NP11.00038: Updated Simulations of a Molecular Cloud experiment using CRASH Matthew Trantham, Robert Vandervort, Paul A Keiter, Carolyn C Kuranz, R. Paul Drake | |
NP11.00039: A High Repetition Rate Target and Plasma Mirror Inserter Based on Liquid Crystal Films Nicholas Czapla, Anthony Zingale, Ginevra Cochran, Jordan Purcell, Douglass W Schumacher | |
NP11.00040: Plasma mirror reflectivity and focal spot quality for glass and aluminum mirrors for laser pulses up to 30 picoseconds Brandon Christian Edghill, Pierre Forestier-Colleoni, Jaebum Park, Sasha Rubenchik, Farhat N Beg, Tammy Yee Wing Ma | |
NP11.00041: Resistive Filamentation and Collimation of Relativistic Electron Beams in Collisional PIC Joshua J May, Christopher S McGuffey, Toshinori Yabuuchi, Mingsheng Wei, Farhat N Beg, Warren B Mori | |
NP11.00042: Photon kinetics and collective plasma dynamics in the presence of two populations of photons Luis Silva, Thomas Grismayer, Fabrizio Del Gaudio, Robert Bingham | |
NP11.00043: Effective Potential Theory in Hybrid Fluid/Kinetic Modeling Of Magnetized High Energy Density Plasmas David B Hansen, Eric Held, Jacob R King, Peter Stoltz, Robert L Masti, Bhuvana Srinivasan | |
NP11.00044: An HED-regime diagnostic to obtain supersonic radiation wavefront profiles using Ti-doped foams on OMEGA Todd Urbatsch, Heather M Johns, Nicholas Lanier, Chris Fryer, Christopher J Fontes, Colin RD Brown, John Morton | |
NP11.00045: Validation of Synthetic Proton Radiography for HED Experiments Kwyntero Van Kelso, Hui Li, Yingchao Lu, Shengtai Li, Andy Liao, Codie Y Fiedler Kawaguchi, Jordon T. Laune, Colin Wilburn, Kevin Meaney | |
NP11.00046: HYDRA Simulations of the Effect of External Magnetic Fields on Plasma Temperature and X-Ray Emission in Titanium-Doped Foam Targets Kurt Tummel, Gregory E Kemp, David Jerome Strozzi, Derek Mariscal | |
NP11.00047: Laser Backscatter and Propagation in Magnetized Low-Density SiO2 Foams Derek Mariscal, Gerald J Williams, Siddharth Patankar, Kurt Kenneth Tummel, Heath Joseph LeFevre, Joseph Levesque, Sallee Klein, Ted Roswitha Baumann, John D Moody, Pierre A Michel, Gregory E Kemp | |
NP11.00048: Modeling Kα emission with Spect3D for Short-Pulse Laser Experiments Timothy Walton, Igor E Golovkin, Joseph J MacFarlane | |
NP11.00049: Spectroscopic Diagnostics Using Line-Radiation in Laser Driven Non-equilibrium Plasmas in a Ti-doped Silica Aerogel Foam Target Arati Dasgupta, Nicholas David Ouart, Gregory Elijah Kemp, Heath Joseph LeFevre, John L Giuliani, Emil E. Petkov | |
NP11.00050: Strong-flow gyrokinetic simulations with a unified treatment of all length scales. Amil Yograj Sharma, Ben Fynney McMillan, Julien Dominski | |
NP11.00051: Gyrokinetic particle simulation of electrostatic drift wave turbulence in W7-X and LHD stellarators Hongyu Wang, Zhihong Lin, Ihor Holod, Jian Bao, Lei Shi, Sam Taimourzadeh | |
NP11.00052: GEM development for the spatial core-edge coupling of the PIC gyrokinetic codes GEM and XGC Junyi Cheng, Julien Dominski, Scott Edward Parker, Yang Chen, Choong Seock Chang | |
NP11.00053: Fully implicit particle-in-cell simulation of gyrokinetic electromagnetic modes in XGC1 without the cancellation issue Seung-Hoe Ku, Benjamin J Sturdevant, Robert Hager, Choong-Seock Chang, Luis Chacon, Guangye Chen | |
NP11.00054: Towards global electrostatic ion-scale turbulence simulations in stellarators with XGC Michael Cole, Robert Hager, Toseo Moritaka, Seung Hoe Ku, C-S Chang | |
NP11.00055: Gyrokinetic full-f study on the role of the X-point height on pedestal structure and L-H transition in tokamak Jugal Chowdhury, Robert Hager, Seung-Hoe Ku, Randy Michael Churchill, C-S Chang | |
NP11.00056: Global gyrokinetic PIC simulation of Alfven wave, ITG and KBM in GTS Chenhao Ma, Weixing Wang, Edward A. Startsev, Stephane Ethier | |
NP11.00057: Continuum Gyrokinetic Simulations of Turbulence in Model Tokamak Scrape-Off Layer Geometry Ammar Hakim, Eric Shi, Gregory W Hammett, Noah Mandell, Tess Bernard, Manaure Francisquez | |
NP11.00058: An energy- and momentum-conserving (gyro)kinetic Lenard-Bernstein collision operator in helical, open-field line continuum simulations Tess Bernard, Ammar Hakim, Manaure Francisquez, Gregory W Hammett, Eric Shi, Noah R Mandell, James L. Juno | |
NP11.00059: Electromagnetic Continuum Gyrokinetic Turbulence Simulations in the Tokamak Edge Noah Mandell, Gregory W Hammett, Ammar Hakim | |
NP11.00060: Exponential reconstructions and positivity for discontinuous Galerkin algorithms, and linear benchmarks of the Gkeyll gyrokinetic code Gregory W Hammett, Ammar Hakim, Tess Bernard, Henry Burns, Noah R Mandell, Eric Shi | |
NP11.00061: Regimes of weak ITG/TEM modes to enable strong transport barriers for fusion Michael T. Kotschenreuther, Xing Liu, David R Hatch, Swadesh Mitter Mahajan | |
NP11.00062: Analysis of Finite-β Ion Temperature Gradient Turbulence Saturation Paul Willis Terry, Garth Whelan, Moritz J Pueschel, Ping-Yu Li, Taweesak Jitsuk, Benjamin Faber | |
NP11.00063: Progress with the 5D continuum gyrokinetic code COGENT: moving toward an edge turbulence code M. Dorf, M. Dorr, A. Dimits, D. Martin, P. Colella | |
NP11.00064: Characterizing near-edge DIII-D L-mode plasmas with gyrokinetic GENE simulations Tom F Neiser, Frank Jenko, Troy A Carter, Lothar Schmitz, Paul Crandall, Gabriele Merlo, Daniel Told, Alejandro Banon Navarro, George R McKee, Zheng Yan | |
NP11.00065: Gyrokinetic Simulations of JET Pedestals David R Hatch, Michael T. Kotschenreuther, Swadesh Mitter Mahajan, Xing Liu, Samuli Saarelma, Jon C Hillesheim, Costanza Maggi, Carine Giroud, Anthony Field | |
NP11.00066: Conversion from Gyrokinetic to Full-Orbit Particles for Plasma Sheath Boundary Conditions Rishi Pandit, Davide Curreli, Jong Youl Choi, Robert Hager, Michael Churchill, C-S Chang | |
NP11.00067: Understanding the RMP and density pump-out physics from a coupled gyrokinetic-MHD simulation Robert Hager, Nathaniel Mandrachia Ferraro, C-S Chang, Raffi Nazikian | |
NP11.00068: Effects of RMP-Induced Changes of Radial Electric Fields on Microturbulence in DIII-D Pedestal Top Sam Taimourzadeh, Lei Shi, Zhihong Lin, Raffi Nazikian, Ihor Holod, Donald Spong | |
NP11.00069: Eulerian variational formulations and momentum balance equations for kinetic plasma systems Hideo Sugama, Masanori Nunami, Shinsuke Satake, Tomo-Hiko Watanabe | |
NP11.00070: Physics of Scale Selection for Mesoscale Patterns in Drift Wave Turbulence Guo Weixin | |
NP11.00071: Phase Dynamics and Energetics in Drift Wave-Zonal Flow Turbulence Hoony Kang, Patrick Henry Diamond | |
NP11.00072: Zonal Flow Dynamics and Shear Layer Collapse in High-Density regime Mikhail A Malkov, Reema Hajjar, Patrick Henry Diamond, Zhibin Guo | |
NP11.00073: A closer look at turbulence spreading: how bistability admits intermittent, propagating turbulence fronts Robin Heinonen, Patrick Henry Diamond | |
NP11.00074: What is the role of intermittency in determining the plasma profiles in the SOL? Edward Taylor, William L. Rowan, Wendell Horton | |
NP11.00075: Transition from weak to strong turbulence in magnetized plasmas Vasil Bratanov, Swadesh Mitter Mahajan, David R Hatch | |
NP11.00076: Turbulence and Transport in Strong Interchange-Type Turbulence Kenneth Gentle, Mark E Koepke, Samuel H Nogami | |
NP11.00077: Effects of imposed electric fields on turbulence-induced fluxes associated with strong interchange instabilities Samuel H Nogami, Mark E Koepke, Vladimir I. Demidov, Kenneth W Gentle | |
NP11.00078: Approaches to decomposing turbulence during an L-to-H mode transition in DIII-D tokamak Serdar A Bilgili, Samuel H Nogami, Mark E Koepke, Kenneth W Gentle | |
NP11.00079: Phase dynamics of edge transport bifurcation in plasma interchange turbulence Xueyun Wang, Yong Lang, Bo Li | |
NP11.00080: Analytical and numerical studies of electron-temperature-gradient-driven inverse cascade of energy Lucio M Milanese, Nuno F Loureiro, Alexander A Schekochihin, William Dorland | |
NP11.00081: Tornado-like transport in a heated magnetized plasma Matthew J Poulos, Suying Jin, Bart G.P. Van Compernolle, George J Morales | |
NP11.00082: Follow the Power – Pathways to Steady State Reactors Craig Petty | |
NP11.00083: Modeling Expansion of the DIII-D Steady-State Operating Regimes John R Ferron, Jin Myung Park | |
NP11.00084: Extrapolation of DIII-D Steady-State Scenarios to ITER Jin Myung Park, John Roderick Ferron, Craig Petty, Christopher T Holcomb, Francesca Turco | |
NP11.00085: Transport Variations in High qmin>1.5 Plasmas with Heating and Current Drive Actuators K.E. Thome, J.R. Ferron, C.C. Petty, B.S. Victor, C.T. Holcomb, E. Schuster, W Wehner, J.M. Park, B.A. Grierson, F.M. Poli | |
NP11.00086: Evolution of the current density profile in advanced tokamak scenario plasmas Brian S Victor, Christopher T Holcomb, Steven L Allen, K.E. Thome, John Roderick Ferron, C. Craig Petty, Jin Myung Park, Eugenio Schuster, Will Wehner, Brian A Grierson, Francesca M Poli | |
NP11.00087: Prospects for ITER Q=10 operation without harmful core MHD and without harmful ELMs Andrea M Garofalo, Carlos A Paz-Soldan, David B Weisberg, Jeremy M Hanson, Francesca Turco, Alessandro Bortolon, Raffi Nazikian, Theresa M Wilks | |
NP11.00088: Development and extension of the non-inductive high beta poloidal regime to ITER relevant dimensionless parameters on DIII-D David B Weisberg, Andrea M Garofalo, Xianzu Gong, Juan Huang, Joseph McClenaghan, Siye Ding | |
NP11.00089: Linear Gyrokinetic Analysis of High Poloidal Beta Discharge on DIII-D Siye Ding, Joseph McClenaghan, Andrea MV Garofalo, Gary Staebler, George McKee, Zheng Yan, Wenfeng Guo, Jinping Qian, Xianzu Gong, Chengkang Pan | |
NP11.00090: Confinement in DIII-D negative triangularity discharges M.E. Austin, M. Marinoni, G.R. McKee, C.C. Petty, S.P. Smith, K.E. Thome, C. Sung | |
NP11.00091: L-H Transition Dynamics in ITER-Similar Plasmas with Applied n=3 Resonant Magnetic Perturbations L. Schmitz, T.L. Rhodes, L. Zeng, M. Kriete, Z. Yan, G. R. McKee, R. Wilcox, C. Paz-Soldan, P. Gohil, C. C. Petty, A. Marinoni | |
NP11.00092: Turbulence in the Er well and diagnosing fast-timescale changes with Phase Contrast Imaging on DIII-D Jon Christian Rost, Alessandro Marinoni, Evan Davis, Miklos Porkolab, Keith Burrell | |
NP11.00093: Pedestal-to-SOL Transport by Intermittent Fluctuations During RMP ELM-Suppressed Plasmas George McKee, Zheng Yan, Carlos Paz-Soldan, Max E Austin, Terry L Rhodes | |
NP11.00094: Multiscale fluctuation measurements with a combined phase contrast imaging & interferometer diagnostic on DIII-D Evan M Davis, Jon Christian Rost, Miklos Porkolab, Alessandro Marinoni, Nathan T Howard | |
NP11.00095: Comparison of Spatiotemporal Turbulence Characteristics in HL-2A and DIII-D Plasmas Xijie Qin, George R McKee, Zheng Yan, Raymond John Fonck, Matt Kriete, Rui Ke, Ting Wu, Min Xu | |
NP11.00096: Ion-scale turbulence modified by applied magnetic islands in DIII-D Lucas Morton, Morgan W. Shafer, David M Kriete, Todd E Evans, Max E Austin, Daniel J Den Hartog, George R McKee | |
NP11.00097: Ion Thermal Turbulence Measurements with UF-CHERS in Plasmas with Electron Cyclotron Heating and Impurity Injection Dinh Truong, George R McKee, Zheng Yan, Raymond John Fonck, Choongki Sung, Terry L Rhodes | |
NP11.00098: First step towards a synthetic diagnostic for cross-polarization scattering measurements of magnetic turbulence on DIII-D Guiding Wang, Terry L Rhodes, Neal A Crocker, William A Peebles, Kshitish Barada | |
NP11.00099: Impact of electron heating on a turbulent transport of middle and high-Z impurities in DIII-D tokamak Tomas Odstrcil, Nathan T Howard, Francesco Sciortino, Pablo Rodriguez Fernandez, Kathreen Thome, Eric Matthias Hollmann | |
NP11.00100: Development of compact charge-exchange detectors and initial testing on DIII-D Dean Buchenauer, Joseph L Barton, Jonathan Watkins, Peter C Stangeby, Dmitry Rudakov, Alec Talin, Dan M Thomas, Ezekial Unterberg | |
NP11.00101: Role of ExB drift in impurity transport in radiative divertors Rongjie Hong, Thomas Petrie, Brent M Covele, Houyang Guo, Dan M Thomas | |
NP11.00102: Theory based prediction of tokamak energy confinement scaling Joseph T McClenaghan, Orso Meneghini, Andrea MV Garofalo, Sterling P Smith, Gary M Staebler, Lang Li Lao, Philip B Snyder | |
NP11.00103: Development of 1-D Pinhole Lyman-alpha Cameras for Neutral Fueling and Particle Transport Studies on DIII-D Aaron Rosenthal, Alessandro Bortolon, Jerry W Hughes, Rui F Vieira, Rick Leccacorvi, Shaun R Haskey | |
NP11.00104: Magnetic shear effect on plasma transport in ECH injected DIII-D plasma Maiko Yoshida, George R McKee, Andrea MV Garofalo, C Craig Petty, Motoki Nakata, B.A. Grierson, Darin R Ernst, Terry L Rhodes, Christopher T Holcomb, Makoto Ono | |
NP11.00105: IMAS Compatible Neural-Network Accelerated Core-Pedestal Simulations with Self-Consistent Transport of Impurities Orso Meneghini, Chieko Sarah Imai, Garud Snoep, Arsene Stephane Tema Biwole, Brendan C Lyons, Joseph McClenaghan, Sterling P Smith, Emily A Belli, Philip B Snyder, Gary M Staebler, Jeff Candy, Lang Li Lao | |
NP11.00106: Machine Learning-Based Real-time Plasma Control on DIII-D Yichen Fu, Egemen Kolemen, Mark Boyer, Qiming Hu | |
NP11.00107: Recent Developments in the DIII-D PCS for Integrated Plasma Control and Actuator Sharing Andres Pajares, William P. Wehner, Eugenio Schuster, Nicholas Eidietis, Jayson Barr, Anders Welander, Robert La Haye, Alan Hyatt, John Ferron, Michael Walker, David Humphreys | |
NP11.00108: Imaging Neutral Particle Analyzer Measurements of Alfvén Eigenmode (AE) Induced Fast Ion Transport in DIII-D Michael Van Zeeland, Xiaodi D Du, Cami S Collins, William Walter Heidbrink | |
NP11.00109: Validation of the “kick model” of Alfvén eigenmode induced fast-ion transport via Orbit Tomography Luke Stagner, William Walter Heidbrink, Cami S Collins, Mario Podesta | |
NP11.00110: Measurements of CAE mode structure in DIII-D and identification of intermediate frequency AEs Neal A Crocker, Kshitish K Barada, Shawn X Tang, Kathreen Thome, David C Pace, Robert I Pinsker, William Walter Heidbrink, Terry L Rhodes, Robert J La Haye, the DIII-D Team | |
NP11.00111: Analysis of compressional Alfvén eigenmode stability, frequency, and toroidal mode number on DIII-D Shawn X Tang, Neal A Crocker, Troy Carter, Kathreen Thome, Robert I Pinsker, David Carl Pace, William Walter Heidbrink | |
NP11.00112: Quantitative Modeling of Fast Ion Transport by NTMs in Integrated TRANSP Simulations Laszlo Bardoczi, Mario L. Podesta, William Walter Heidbrink, Michael A Van Zeeland | |
NP11.00113: Characterization of fast ion instabilities in DIII-D hybrid discharges D. Liu, W. W. Heidbrink, C. C. Petty, M. A. Van Zeeland, F. Turco | |
NP11.00114: Verification of the Imaging Neutral Particle Analyzer via Pitch Angle Scattering of Injected Beam Ions Daniel Jarway Lin, Xiaodi Du, William Walter Heidbrink, Michael A Van Zeeland | |
NP11.00115: Thermal load characterization during disruptions mitigated by shattered pellet injection on DIII-D Daisuke Shiraki, Jeffrey L Herfindal, Larry Robert Baylor, Charles J Lasnier, Eric Matthias Hollmann, Ryan M Sweeney | |
NP11.00116: Comparison of initial poloidal impurity distributions for MGI, SPI, and dual SPI plasma shutdowns. J. L. Herfindal, D. Shiraki, L. R. Baylor, E. M. Hollmann, R. A. Moyer, N. W. Eidietis, T. Odstrcil | |
NP11.00117: COMSOL Modeling of Plasma Disruption Induced Effects on the DIII-D Tokamak Systems Humberto Torreblanca, Melissa Medrano, Ben Fishler, Randy Nguyen, Terry Rhodes | |
NP11.00118: Whistler Waves Driven by Runaway Electrons Kenneth Gage, Xiaodi Du, William Walter Heidbrink, Carlos Alberto Paz-Soldan, Kathreen Thome, Michael A Van Zeeland, Donald Spong, Andrey Lvovskiy, Richard A Moyer, Max E Austin | |
NP11.00119: Current Profile Optimization for Tearing Mode Avoidance in DIII-D Steady-State Scenarios Kyungjin Kim, J.M. Park, David L Green, John Canik, John Roderick Ferron, Christopher T Holcomb, the DIII-D team | |
NP11.00120: Species mix and distribution function dependence of instabilities near ωci Genevieve H DeGrandchamp, William Walter Heidbrink, Xiaodi D Du, Kathreen Thome, Laszlo Bardoczi, Michael A Van Zeeland, Cami S Collins, Stephen T Vincena, Shawn Tang, Neal A Crocker, Sergei Sharapov, Mark E Koepke, Samuel H Nogami, Shreekrishna Tripathi | |
NP11.00121: Real-time Optimization of the q Profile Under Constraints for Avoidance of MHD Instability and Achievement of Stationary Conditions W.P. Wehner, E. Schuster, J.R. Ferron, C.T. Holcomb, D.A. Humphreys, A.W. Hyatt, K.E. Thome, B.S. Victor | |
NP11.00122: Rotating RMP stabilization of ``Neoclassical Tearing Modes'' Linda Sugiyama, Michio Okabayashi, Liqing Xu | |
NP11.00123: Tearing Mode Locking Avoidance by Applying Rotating External 3D Field Michio Okabayashi, Shizuo Inoue, Nathaniel Ferraro, Steve Jardin, Nikolas C Logan, Edward Strait, Zane Taylor | |
NP11.00124: Experimental Studies on low temperature Helium plasmas for investigations of Arc chamber failure on DIII-D Neutral Beam System Marielena Velasco Enriquez, Jasper P Beckers, Brendan J Crowley, Joe M Rauch, J Timothy Scoville, Tijs A Wijkamp | |
NP11.00125: Top Launch for Higher Off-axis Electron Cyclotron Current Drive Xi Chen, Ron Prater, C Craig Petty, John M Lohr, David Su, Matt Smiley, Lang Li Lao, Vincent S Chan | |
NP11.00126: Extension of the Density Range for Electron Cyclotron Heating (ECH) on DIII-D With 2nd Harmonic O-mode R.I. Pinsker, C.C. Petty, X. Chen, J.M. Lohr, M. Cengher, P.B. Snyder, M. Porkolab, M.E. Austin | |
NP11.00127: Helicon Antenna Diagnostic and Testing Program for DIII-D Tokamak Michael W Brookman, Robert I Pinsker, Alex Nagy, Charles Moeller, Humberto Torreblanca, Raymond O'Neill, Melissa Medrano | |
NP11.00128: COMSOL Modeling for the DIII-D Helicon Antenna Test Stand Experiment M. Medrano, M.W. Brookman, H. Torreblanca, C.P. Moeller, R. I. Pinsker | |
NP11.00129: High Field Side Lower Hybrid Current Drive for Efficient, Off-axis Current Drive in DIII-D Stephen James Wukitch, Andrew Seltzman, Syun'ichi Shiraiwa, Gregory Marriner Wallace, Paul Thaddeus Bonoli, John Christopher Wright, Christopher T Holcomb, Aaro E Jarvinen, Brian S Victor, Adam Mclean, Robert I Pinsker | |
NP11.00130: Coupling simulations for high field side lower hybrid antenna on DIII-D Gregory Wallace, Andrew Seltzman, Syun'ichi Shiraiwa, Stephen James Wukitch, Paul Thaddeus Bonoli, Walid Helou, Julien Hillairet, Christopher T Holcomb, Brian S Victor, John Roderick Ferron, Robert I Pinsker | |
NP11.00131: Simulation of a High Field Side Lower Hybrid Current Drive (LHCD) Coupler for DIII-D Andrew Seltzman, Syun'ichi Shiraiwa, Gregory Marriner Wallace, Stephen James Wukitch, Paul Thaddeus Bonoli | |
NP11.00132: Highlights from the community white paper “Enhancing US fusion science with data-centric technologies” David R Smith, Robert S Granetz, Martin J Greenwald, Julian Kates-Harbeck, Egemen Kolemen, Orso Meneghini, Lucas A Morton, Nicholas A Murphy, Cristina Rea, Steven A Sabbagh, Sterling P Smith, Joshua Stillerman, William M Tang, Kevin L Tritz, John C Wright | |
NP11.00133: Right answer for the wrong reasons: a cautionary tale from mix experimental modeling Alex Zylstra, Nelson M Hoffman, Hans Herrmann, Mark Jude Schmitt, Yongho Kim | |
NP11.00134: Machine Learning-Based Real-time Plasma Control of DIII-D Yichen Fu, Egemen Kolemen, Mark Boyer, Qiming Hu | |
NP11.00135: Inferring time resolved electron temperature of imploded capsules using Convolutional Neural Networks Ji Hoon Kang, Shahab Khan, John E Field, Jayson Dean Lucius Peterson, Ryan Nora, Pravesh K Patel | |
NP11.00136: A support vector regression method to efficiently determine neutral profiles from metastable-pumped laser induced fluorescence data Dustin M Fisher, Ralph F Kelly, Mark Gilmore | |
NP11.00137: Bayesian Parameter Estimation for Data Integration in ICF Experiments Patrick F Knapp, Michael E Glinsky, Matthew Evans, Stephanie Hansen, Christopher Jennings, Eric Harding, Matthew Weis, Stephen A Slutz, Matt Gomez, Kelly D Hahn, Matthew R Martin, Matthias Geissel, Ian C. Smith, Pierre-Alexandre Gourdain, Kyle J Peterson, Brent M Jones, Jens Schwarz, Gregory A. Rochau, Daniel B Sinars | |
NP11.00138: Using Machine Learning Based Moment Closures to Capture Kinetic Turbulence Akash Shukla, David R Hatch, Vasil Bratanov |
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