Bulletin of the American Physical Society
57th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
Volume 60, Number 19
Monday–Friday, November 16–20, 2015; Savannah, Georgia
Invited Speakers
Adams, Colin Los Alamos National Laboratory \& University of New Mexico |
Session BI3.00006 Observation of Rayleigh--Taylor-instability growth in a plasma regime with magnetic and viscous stabilization Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
An, Xin Univ of California - Los Angeles |
Session NI2.00003 Excitation of chirping whistler waves in a laboratory plasma Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Anderegg, Francois University of California San Diego |
Session NI2.00004 Bounce-harmonic Landau Damping of Plasma Waves Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Anderson, Jay University of Wisconsin |
Session DI2.00002 Dynamics of a reconnection-driven runaway ion tail in a reversed field pinch plasma Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Arefiev, Alexey Institute for Fusion Studies, The University of Texas at Austin |
Session TI3.00002 Novel aspects of direct laser acceleration of relativistic electrons Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Bailey, James Sandia Natinal Laboratories |
Session FR1.00001 Measuring the opacity of stellar interior matter in terrestrial laboratories Room: Chatham Ballroom AB |
Banon Navarro, Alejandro University of California, Los Angeles |
Session NI3.00002 Gyrokinetic studies of core turbulence features in ASDEX Upgrade: Can gyrokinetic simulations match the fluctuation measurements? Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Barrios, Maria Alejandra Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session GI3.00002 Characterizing Hohlraum Plasma Conditions at the National Ignition Facility (NIF) Using X-ray Spectroscopy Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Beaudoin, Brian Univ of Maryland-College Park |
Session TI3.00001 Long-path-length experimental studies of longitudinal phenomena in intense beams Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Bhattacharjee, Amitava Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University |
Session CT2.00001 Recent Developments in Reconnection Theory: the Plasmoid Instability, Self-Generated Turbulence, and Implications for Laboratory and Space Plasmas Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Bulanov, Stepan Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session TI3.00004 Enhancing proton acceleration by using composite targets Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Burch, James Southwest Research Institute |
Session DI2.00001 The Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission: New Data on Magnetic Reconnection Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Burrell, Keith General Atomics |
Session YI2.00004 \textbf{Discovery of Stationary Operation of Quiescent H-mode Plasmas with Net-Zero NBI Torque and High Energy Confinement on DIII-D} Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Candy, J.M. General Atomics |
Session GI2.00001 Unification of Plasma Fluid and Kinetic Theory via Gaussian Radial Basis Functions Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Chen, Yang University of Colorado at Boulder |
Session PI3.00005 Gyrokinetic Simulation of Low-n Tearing Modes Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Christopherson, A.R. Fusion Science Center and Laboratory for Laser Energetics, U. of Rochester |
Session CI3.00006 Alpha Heating and Burning Plasmas in Inertial Confinement Fusion Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Clark, Daniel Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session CI3.00001 High-resolution, detailed simulations of low foot and high foot implosion experiments on the National Ignition Facility Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Collins, Cami UW Madison (presently UC Irvine) |
Session QI2.00001 Spinning Unmagnetized Plasma for Laboratory Studies of Astrophysical Accretion Disks {\&} Dynamos Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Cui, Lang University of California, San Diego/Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session BI3.00005 Spontaneous Profile Self-Organization in a Simple Realization of Drift-Wave Turbulence Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Cziegler, Istvan UC San Diego |
Session BI2.00004 The Role of Nonlinear Interactions in Causing Transitions into Edge Transport-Barrier Regimes Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Dasgupta, Arati Plasma Physics Division, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC 20375 |
Session UI3.00001 Analyzing non-LTE Kr plasmas produced in high energy density experiments: from the Z machine to the National Ignition Facility Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Davis, A.K. Laboratory for Laser Energetics, U. of Rochester |
Session GI3.00004 Quantifying the Growth of Cross-Beam Energy Transfer in Polar-Direct-Drive Implosions at the Omega Laser and National Ignition Facilities Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Desjardins, Tiffany University of New Mexico |
Session BI3.00001 Dynamics of Fluctuations, Flows and Global Stability Under Electrode Biasing in a Linear Plasma Device Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Dorf, Mikhail Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session GI2.00002 Continuum Kinetic Modeling of the Tokamak Plasma Edge Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Ennever, Paul MIT |
Session NI3.00005 The Impact of Nitrogen Seeding on Turbulent Transport in Ohmic Plasmas in Alcator C-Mod and Gyrokinetic Simulations Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Ernst, D. MIT |
Session NI3.00003 Role of Density Gradient Driven Trapped Electron Modes in the H-Mode Inner Core with Electron Heating Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Faust, I.C. MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center |
Session VI2.00003 Lower Hybrid wave edge power loss quantification on the Alcator C-Mod tokamak Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Ferraro, N.M. General Atomics |
Session GI2.00005 Free-Boundary 3D Equilibria and Resistive Wall Instabilities with Extended-MHD Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Ferron, J.R. GA |
Session KI2.00002 High Internal Inductance for High $\beta_N$ Steady-State Tokamak Operation Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Fratanduono, Dayne Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session JI3.00006 Rankine-Hugoniot experiments with unsteady waves: A new technique to measure the material sound speed and Gruneisen parameter Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Frenje, Johan MIT-PSFC |
Session JI3.00004 Measurements of Ion Stopping around the Bragg Peak in High-Energy-Density Plasmas Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Fujioka, Shinsuke Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University |
Session GI3.00006 Fast Ignition Realization Experiment with High-Contrast Kilo-Joule Peta-Watt Laser ``LFEX'' and Strong External Magnetic Field Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Fulton, Daniel Tri Alpha Energy, UC Irvine |
Session YI2.00003 Gyrokinetic simulation of driftwave instability in field-reversed configuration Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Gates, David Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session GI2.00006 The tokamak density limit: A thermo-resistive disruption mechanism Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Glenzer, Siegfried SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, 2575 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025 |
Session JI3.00001 High-Energy Density science with an ultra-bright x-ray laser Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Grismayer, Thomas GoLP/IPFN Instituto Superior Tecnico |
Session UI3.00006 QED-PIC Simulations: from the Breakdown of Classical Physics to the Schwinger Limit Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Guo, Fan Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session DI2.00004 Magnetic Reconnection: A Powerful Cosmic Particle Accelerator Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Halpern, Federico Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Centre de Recherches en Physique des Plasmas (CRPP), CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland |
Session VI2.00004 Turbulence simulations of the narrow heat flux feature in inner-wall limited tokamaks Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Harvey-Thompson, Adam Sandia National Labs |
Session GI3.00005 Investigating the laser heating of underdense plasmas at conditions relevant to MagLIF Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Haskey, Shaun Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (previously with the Australian National University) |
Session TI2.00005 Beta induced Alfven eigenmode excitation in the strongly shaped H-1NF stellarator Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Higginson, Drew Laboratoire d'Utilisation des Lasers Intenses |
Session YI3.00005 Laboratory Study of the Shaping and Evolution of Magnetized Episodic Plasma Jets Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Hillesheim, Jon CCFE |
Session BI2.00003 Direct evidence of stationary zonal flows and critical gradient behavior for E$_{r}$ during formation of the edge pedestal in JET* Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Howard, N.T. Oak Ridge Institute for Science Education (ORISE) |
Session NI3.00001 The Role of ITG/TEM/ETG Cross-Scale Coupling in Explaining Experimental Electron Heat Flux and Profile Stiffness Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Hubbard, Amanda MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center |
Session KI2.00003 Access conditions, energy and particle confinement of the I-mode regime on Alcator C-Mod Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Hurst, Noah University of California - San Diego |
Session NI2.00005 Vortex dynamics of electron plasmas in externally imposed $E \times B$ flows Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Jardin, Stephen Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session GI2.00004 Self-organized stationary states of tokamaks Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Jenko, Frank Univ of California - Los Angeles |
Session MR1.00001 Turbulence in laboratory and natural plasmas: Connecting the dots Room: Chatham Ballroom AB |
Kaganovich, Igor D. Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session TI3.00003 Acceleration of plasma electrons by intense nonrelativistic ion and electron beams propagating in background plasma due to two-stream instability Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Kar, Satyabrata Queen's University Belfast |
Session YI2.00005 Laser energized traveling wave accelerator -- a novel scheme for simultaneous focusing, energy selection and post-acceleration of laser-driven ions Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Kasahara, Hiroshi National Institute for Fusion Science |
Session TI2.00004 Critical particle circulation caused by high-performance steady-state plasma discharge Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Kline, John Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session CI3.00003 First Beryllium Capsule implosions on the National Ignition Facility Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Kluge, Thomas Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf |
Session YI2.00006 Nanometer-scale characterization of laser-driven plasmas, compression, shocks and phase transitions, by coherent small angle x-ray scattering. Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Kotschenreuther, Mike University of Texas at Austin |
Session BI2.00006 Gyrokinetic Simulations of the ITER Pedestal Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Krasheninnikov, Sergei UCSD |
Session UT2.00001 Divertor detachment Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
le Pape, Sebastien Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session GI3.00001 The Near Vacuum Hohlraum Campaign at the NIF: A New Approach Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Li, Chikang MIT-PSFC |
Session YI3.00003 Exploration of the Kinked Jet in the Crab Nebula with Scaled Laboratory Experiments Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Link, Anthony Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session UI3.00005 Particle-In-Cell Modeling for MegaJoule Dense Plasma Focus Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Logan, Nikolas PPPL |
Session BI2.00005 Observation, Identification, and Impact of Multi-Modal Plasma Responses to Applied Magnetic Perturbations Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Loizu, Joaquim Max-Planck-Princeton Center for Plasma Physics |
Session YI3.00002 A new class of three-dimensional ideal-MHD equilibria with current sheets Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Loureiro, Nuno Instituto de Plasmas e Fusao Nuclear, IST, Portugal |
Session YI2.00001 A new magnetic reconnection paradigm: Stochastic plasmoid chains Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Mahajan, Swadesh Univ of Texas, Austin |
Session UI3.00003 Towards an effective nonlinear Quantum Mechanics for High Energy-density (HED) Matter Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Mailloux, Joelle CCFE, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, OX14 3DB, UK |
Session KI2.00001 On the continuous confinement transition between ``baseline'' and ``hybrid'' plasmas in JET with an ITER-Like Be/W Wall Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Marmar, Earl Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session JT2.00001 Considerations of the high magnetic field tokamak path on the approach to fusion energy Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Martinez, David Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session QI2.00002 Experimental Observation of Nonlinear Mode Coupling In the Ablative Rayleigh-Taylor Instability on the NIF Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Mauel, Michael Columbia University |
Session AR1.00001 The Physics of the Laboratory Magnetosphere Room: Chatham Ballroom AB |
McKee, G.R. University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session NI3.00004 Turbulence Decorrelation via Controlled $E$x$B$ Shear in High-Performance Plasmas Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
McLean, A.G. LLNL |
Session VI2.00001 Drift-driven divertor asymmetries in the transition from attached to fully detached conditions Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Meneghini, O. GA |
Session GI2.00003 Validation of a coupled core-transport, pedestal-structure, current-profile and equilibrium model Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Montgomery, David S. Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session PT2.00001 Two Decades of Progress in Understanding and Control of Laser Plasma Instabilities in Indirect Drive Inertial Fusion Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Mori, Warren B. Departments of Physics and Astronomy and of Electrical Engineering, Univ of California - Los Angeless |
Session XR1.00001 Synergy Between Experiments and Simulations in Laser and Beam-Driven Plasma Acceleration and Light Sources Room: Chatham Ballroom AB |
Munaretto, Stefano Univ of Wisconsin, Madison |
Session PI3.00004 Effect of Resonant Magnetic Perturbations on 3D equilibria in the MST RFP Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Myers, Clayton E. Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session YI3.00001 Laboratory identification of MHD eruption criteria in the solar corona Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Ng, Andrew University of British Columbia |
Session JI3.00003 Non-equilibrium Warm Dense Gold: Experiments and Simulations Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Opher, Merav Boston University |
Session YI3.00004 Magnetized Jets Driven By the Sun: The Structure of the Heliosphere Revisited Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Park, Jong-Kyu Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session PI3.00003 Torque-consistent 3D force balance and optimization of non-resonant fields in tokamaks Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Parke, E. UCLA |
Session YI2.00002 Characterization of beam-driven instabilities and current redistribution in MST plasmas Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Peterson, Kyle Sandia National Laboratories |
Session QI2.00003 Modeling, measuring, and mitigating instability growth in liner implosions on Z Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Ping, Yuan LLNL |
Session JI3.00002 Thermal transport measurements in high-energy-density matter Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Podesta, Mario PPPL |
Session NI3.00006 Phase space effects on fast ion transport modeling in tokamaks Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Radha, P.B. Laboratory for Laser Energetics, U. of Rochester |
Session CI3.00004 Polar Direct Drive---Simulations and Results from OMEGA and the National Ignition Facility Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Regan, S.P. Laboratory for Laser Energetics, U. of Rochester |
Session CI3.00005 Demonstration of $55\pm 7\mbox{-Gbar}$ Hot-Spot Pressure in Direct-Drive Layered DT Cryogenic Implosions on OMEGA Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Ren, Q. ASIPP |
Session KI2.00004 Progress Toward Steady State Tokamak Operation Exploiting the high bootstrap current fraction regime Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Rice, John MIT PSFC |
Session PI3.00002 Effects of the q Profile on Toroidal Rotation in Alcator C-Mod LHCD Plasmas Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Robey, Harry Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session CI3.00002 Performance of Indirectly-Driven Capsule Implosions on NIF Using Adiabat-Shaping Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Sasaki, Koichi Hokkaido University |
Session TI2.00001 Cavitations induced by plasmas, plasmas induced by cavitations, and plasmas produced in cavitations Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Schaffner, David Bryn Mawr College |
Session BI3.00002 The End of the Turbulent Cascade?: Exploring possible signatures of MHD turbulent dissipation beyond spectra in a magnetically-dynamic laboratory plasma Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Schoeffler, Kevin Inst Superior Tecnico (IST) |
Session QI2.00004 The generation of Biermann battery fields in laser-plasma interactions and the interplay with the Weibel instability Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Schroeder, J.W.R. University of Iowa |
Session YI3.00006 Laboratory Measurements of Linear Electron Acceleration by Inertial Alfv\'en Waves Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Shiraki, D. ORNL |
Session TI2.00006 Optimization of Massive Impurity Injection Techniques for Thermal Quench Mitigation and Current Quench Control on DIII-D Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Shulenburger, Luke Sandia National Laboratories |
Session JI3.00005 Properties of MgO to 1.2 TPa from high-precision experiments on Sandia's Z machine and first-principles simulations using QMC and DFT Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Siddiqui, M. Umair West Virginia University |
Session TI2.00003 Models, assumptions, and experimental tests of flows near magnetized boundaries Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Solomon, Wayne PPPL |
Session BI2.00001 Access to a New Super H-mode Regime By Manipulation of Pedestal Stability Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Steinke, Sven Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session TI3.00006 Staging of laser-plasma accelerators Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Swadling, George Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session UI3.00004 Thomson scattering measurements of ion interpenetration in cylindrically converging, supersonic magnetized plasma flows Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Sydorenko, Dmytro University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada |
Session TI2.00002 Generation of anomalously energetic suprathermal electrons by an electron beam interacting with a nonuniform plasma Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Tejero, Erik Naval Research Lab |
Session NI2.00002 Demonstration of Electrostatic to Electromagnetic Conversion through Induced Nonlinear Scattering by Thermal Plasma Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Thaury, Cedric LOA, CNRS-ENSTA-Ecole Polytechnique |
Session TI3.00005 Plasma shaping in laser-plasma accelerators: injection, energy boost and beam collimation Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Thomas, Edward Auburn University |
Session NI2.00001 Summary of initial results from the Magnetized Dusty Plasma Experiment (MDPX) device Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Tobias, B.J. PPPL |
Session PI3.00001 Collapse of core toroidal angular momentum due to the coupling of rotating magnetic islands in tokamaks Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Tripathi, Shreekrishna Univ of California - Los Angeles |
Session NI2.00006 Resonant excitation of waves by a spiraling ion beam on the large plasma device Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Turnbull, David Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session GI3.00003 Scattered and Reflected Light Polarimetry as a Diagnostic of Multibeam Hohlraum Physics Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Van Compernolle, Bart University of California, Los Angeles |
Session BI3.00004 Laboratory study of avalanches in a magnetized plasma Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Vijvers, Wouter FOM Institute DIFFER - Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research, the Netherlands, www.differ.nl |
Session VI2.00002 Evidence for enhanced cross-field transport mechanisms in the TCV Snowflake divertor Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Werner, Gregory University of Colorado |
Session DI2.00003 Nonthermal Particle Acceleration and Radiation in Relativistic Magnetic Reconnection Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Xu, Xueqiao Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session BI2.00002 Toward integrated multi-scale simulations for a full ELM cycle with ELM dynamics Room: Chatham Ballroom C |
Yamada, Masaaki Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University |
Session SR1.00001 Study of Magnetic Reconnection in Plasma: how it works and energizes plasma particles Room: Chatham Ballroom AB |
Yu, Edmund Sandia National Laboratories |
Session UI3.00002 Using 1D theory to understand 3D stagnation of a wire-array Z pinch in the absence of radiation Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Yun, Gunsu Pohang University of Science and Technology |
Session PI3.00006 Quasi-steady multiple flux tubes induced by localized current perturbation in toroidal plasma Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
Zhdankin, Vladimir JILA, University of Colorado at Boulder |
Session BI3.00003 Intermittent Energy Dissipation in Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence: Applications to the Solar Corona and Solar Wind Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium |
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