57th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
Volume 60, Number 19
Monday–Friday, November 16–20, 2015;
Savannah, Georgia
Session PI3: MHD and Rotation
2:00 PM–5:00 PM,
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium
Chair: Guo-yong Fu, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Abstract ID: BAPS.2015.DPP.PI3.3
Abstract: PI3.00003 : Torque-consistent 3D force balance and optimization of non-resonant fields in tokamaks
3:00 PM–3:30 PM
Preview Abstract
Jong-Kyu Park
(Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)
A non-axisymmetric magnetic perturbation in tokamaks breaks the toroidal
symmetry and produces toroidal torque, which is well known as neoclassical
toroidal viscosity (NTV) effects. Although NTV torque is second order, it is
the first-order change in the pressure anisotropy that drives currents
associated with local torques and thereby modifies the field penetration in
force balance. The force operator becomes non-Hermitian, but can be directly
solved using parallel, toroidal, and radial force balance, leading to a
modified Euler-Lagrange equation. The general perturbed equilibrium code
(GPEC), which has been successfully developed to solve the modified
Euler-Lagrange equation, gives the torque-consistent 3D force balance as
well as self-consistent NTV torque. The self-shielding of the torque becomes
apparent in the solutions in high $\beta $, which was implied in recent
MARS-K applications [1]. Furthermore, the full response matrix including the
torque in GPEC provides a new and systematic way of optimizing torque and
non-resonant fields. Recently the optimization of 3D fields for torque has
been actively studied using the stellarator optimizing tools [2], but the
efficiency and accuracy can be greatly improved by directly incorporating
the torque response matrix. There are salient features uncovered by response
with the torque, as the response can become invisible in amplitudes but only
significant in toroidal phase shift. A perturbation in backward helicity [3]
is an example, in which NTV can be induced substantially but quietly without
measurable response in amplitudes. A number of other GPEC applications will
also be discussed, including the multi-mode responses in high-$\beta $
tokamak plasmas and the new non-axisymmetric control coil (NCC) design in
NSTX-U. This work was supported by DOE Contract DE-AC02-09CH11466.
[1] Z. R. Wang, M. Lanctot, Y. Liu, J.-K. Park et al., Phys. Rev. Lett.
\textbf{114,} 145005 (2015)\\[0pt]
[2] S. Lazerson, J.-K. Park et al., Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion, in Press
[3] J.-K. Park, Y. M. Jeon et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{111}, 095002
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