Bulletin of the American Physical Society
57th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
Volume 60, Number 19
Monday–Friday, November 16–20, 2015; Savannah, Georgia
Nov 16 2015 8:00AM, Monday
Invited Session
Review: The Physics of the Laboratory Magnetosphere
Room: Chatham Ballroom AB
Chair: Earl Scime, West Virginia University
Invited Speakers: Michael Mauel
Nov 16 2015 9:30AM, Monday
Invited Session
Room: Chatham Ballroom C
Chair: Masayuki Ono, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Invited Speakers: Wayne Solomon, Xueqiao Xu, Jon Hillesheim, Istvan Cziegler, Nikolas Logan, Mike Kotschenreuther
Invited Session
Turbulent Fluctuations at Large and Small Scales
Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium
Chair: Mike Brown, Swarthmore College
Invited Speakers: Tiffany Desjardins, David Schaffner, Vladimir Zhdankin, Bart Van Compernolle, Lang Cui, Colin Adams
Inertial Confinement Fusion I
Room: 105/106
Chair: Dan Clark, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Strongly Coupled Plasmas
Room: 200
Chair: Scott Baalrud, University of Iowa
Waves, Oscillations, and Instabilities
Room: 201/202
Chair: Ilya Dodin, Princeton University
Shocks, Reconnection, Emission
Room: 203
Chair: Will Fox, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Laser and Plasma Wakefield Accelerators
Room: 103/104
Chair: Sven Steinke, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Poster Session
Poster Session I (FRC, Spheromak, Mirror)
Room: Exhibit Hall A
Nov 16 2015 2:00PM, Monday
Invited Session
Tutorial: Recent Developments in Reconnection Theory: the Plasmoid Instability, Self-Generated Turbulence, and Implications for Laboratory and Space Plasmas
Room: Chatham Ballroom C
Chair: Paul Cassak, West Virginia University
Invited Speakers: Amitava Bhattacharjee
Invited Session
ICF Stagnation and Burn
Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium
Chair: Max Karasik, Naval Research Laboratory
Invited Speakers: Daniel Clark, Harry Robey, John Kline, P.B. Radha, S.P. Regan, A.R. Christopherson
Equation of State
Room: 105/106
Chair: Luke Shulenburger, Sandia National Laboratories
Turbulence and Transport
Room: 200
Chair: Matthew Landreman, University of Maryland-College Park
Room: 201/202
Chair: Earl Marmar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Plasma Sources & Technologies
Room: 203
Chair: Mark Gilmore, University of New Mexico
Laser Plasma Sources of X Rays and Neutrons
Room: 103/104
Chair: Cedric Thaury, Ecole Polytechnique
Mini-Conference: Plasma Energization - Interactions Between Fluid and Kinetic Scales I
Room: 100/101
Chair: John Sarff, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Poster Session
Poster Session II (C-Mod, MST, RFP, Stellarator; Waves, Shocks, and Instabilities; Shock Wave and Discontinuity)
Room: Exhibit Hall A
Nov 16 2015 3:00PM, Monday
Invited Session
Reconnection from Lab to Space
Room: Chatham Ballroom C
Chair: Paul Cassak, West Virginia University
Invited Speakers: James Burch, Jay Anderson, Gregory Werner, Fan Guo
Nov 16 2015 5:15PM, Monday
Women in Plasma Physics Reception
Room: Westin Hotel, Savannah Grand Ballroom B
Chair: Arati Dasgupta, Naval Research Laboratory
Nov 16 2015 7:00PM, Monday
University Fusion Association General Meeting
Room: Chatham Ballroom C
Chair: Uri Shumlak, University of Washington
Nov 17 2015 8:00AM, Tuesday
Invited Session
Review: Measuring the Opacity of Stellar Interior Matter in Terrestrial Laboratories
Room: Chatham Ballroom AB
Chair: Stephanie Hansen, Sandia National Laboratories
Invited Speakers: James Bailey
Nov 17 2015 9:30AM, Tuesday
Invited Session
MFE Model Development and Simulation
Room: Chatham Ballroom C
Chair: Andris Dimits, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Invited Speakers: J.M. Candy, Mikhail Dorf, O. Meneghini, Stephen Jardin, N.M. Ferraro, David Gates
Invited Session
ICF Preheat and Drive
Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium
Chair: Felicie Albert, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Invited Speakers: Sebastien le Pape, Maria Alejandra Barrios, David Turnbull, A.K. Davis, Adam Harvey-Thompson, Shinsuke Fujioka
C-Mod, ADX, Lockheed Martin CFR
Room: 105/106
Chair: George McKee, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Hydrodynamic Instability I
Room: 200
Chair: Paul Bradley, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Fundamental High-Energy Density Science
Room: 201/202
Chair: Johan Frenje, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Laser Plasma Ion Acceleration
Room: 203
Chair: Louise Willingale, University of Michigan
Beam, Source and Pinch Physics
Room: 103/104
Chair: Igor Kaganovich, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Mini-Conference: Plasma Energization - Interactions Between Fluid and Kinetic Scales II
Room: 100/101
Chair: Hui Li, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Mini-Conference: Nonlinear Effects in Geospace Plasmas I
Room: 102
Chair: Evgeny Mishin, Air Force Research Laboratory
Poster Session
Poster Session III (Plasma Accelerators and Radiation: NSTX-U, ST, and International MFE)
Room: Exhibit Hall A
Nov 17 2015 12:45PM, Tuesday
GPAP Business Meeting
Room: 203
Nov 17 2015 1:00PM, Tuesday
Town Meeting on Concerns of Junior Scientists
Room: Chatham Ballroom C
Chair: Richard Magee, Tri Alpha Energy
Nov 17 2015 2:00PM, Tuesday
Invited Session
Tutorial: Considerations of the High Magnetic Field Tokamak Path on the Approach to Fusion Energy
Room: Chatham Ballroom C
Chair: Steven Scott, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Invited Speakers: Earl Marmar
Invited Session
Fundamental HED Science
Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium
Chair: Robert Cauble, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Invited Speakers: Siegfried Glenzer, Yuan Ping, Andrew Ng, Johan Frenje, Luke Shulenburger, Dayne Fratanduono
Hydrodynamic Instability II
Room: 105/106
Chair: Radha Bahukutumbi, University of Rochester
Laser Plasma Interactions I
Room: 200
Chair: David Turnbull, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Magnetized Inertial Confinement Fusion I
Room: 201/202
Chair: Kyle Peterson, Sandia National Laboratories
Short Pulse Laser Plasma Interactions
Room: 203
Chair: Alex Arefiev, University of Texas at Austin
Mini-Conference: Plasma Energization - Interactions Between Fluid and Kinetic Scales III
Room: 100/101
Chair: Anatoly Spitkovsky, Princeton University
Mini-Conference: Nonlinear Effects in Geospace Plasmas II
Room: 102
Chair: Vladimir Sotnikov, Air Force Research Laboratory
Mini-Conference: Measuring and Modeling of Plasma Material Interactions I
Room: 103/104
Chair: Davide Curreli, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Brian Wirth, University of Tennessee Knoxville
Poster Session
Poster Session IV (Education and Outreach; Undergraduate/High School Research; DIII-D I, Diagnostics and Simulation Methods; Low Temperature Plasmas, Breakdown, Thrusters, and Sheaths)
Room: Exhibit Hall A
Nov 17 2015 3:00PM, Tuesday
Invited Session
MFE Regime Optimization
Room: Chatham Ballroom C
Chair: Steven Scott, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Invited Speakers: Joelle Mailloux, J.R. Ferron, Amanda Hubbard, Q. Ren
Nov 17 2015 5:00PM, Tuesday
Meet the Editors of the APS Journals
Room: Georgia International Gallery
Nov 17 2015 6:00PM, Tuesday
Student Appreciation Reception
Room: Westin Harbor A
Chair: Paul Miller, West Virginia University
Nov 18 2015 8:00AM, Wednesday
Invited Session
Review: Turbulence in Laboratory and Natural Plasmas: Connecting the Dots
Room: Chatham Ballroom AB
Chair: Paul Bellan, California Institute of Technology
Invited Speakers: Frank Jenko
Nov 18 2015 9:30AM, Wednesday
Invited Session
Waves and Instabilities
Room: Chatham Ballroom C
Chair: Seth Dorfman, University of California, Los Angeles
Invited Speakers: Edward Thomas, Erik Tejero, Xin An, Francois Anderegg, Noah Hurst, Shreekrishna Tripathi
Invited Session
MFE Transport and Turbulence
Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium
Chair: Lothar Schmitz, University of California, Los Angeles
Invited Speakers: N.T. Howard, Alejandro Banon Navarro, D. Ernst, G.R. McKee, Paul Ennever, Mario Podesta
Magnetized Inertial Confinement Fusion II
Room: 105/106
Chair: Dan Sinars, Sandia National Laboratories
Laser Plasma Interactions II
Room: 200
Chair: Amanda Davis, University of Rochester
Plasma-Material Interactions & Boundary
Room: 201/202
Chair: Tom Rognlien, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
High-Energy Density Hydrodynamics
Room: 203
Chair: Harry Robey, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Mini-Conference: Plasma Energization - Interactions Between Fluid and Kinetic Scales IV
Room: 100/101
Chair: Greg Howes, University of Iowa
Mini-Conference: Measuring and Modeling of Plasma Material Interactions II
Room: 103/104
Chair: Blas Uberuaga, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Karl Hammond, University of Missouri
Poster Session V (MHD, Heating, Current Drive, HBT-EP; Magnetic Reconnection; Astrophysical and Space Plasmas)
Room: Exhibit Hall A
Nov 18 2015 1:00PM, Wednesday
Town Meeting on Plasma Physics at the National Science Foundation
Room: Chatham Ballroom C
Chair: Vyacheslav Lukin, National Science Foundation
Nov 18 2015 2:00PM, Wednesday
Invited Session
Tutorial: Two Decades of Progress in Understanding and Control of Laser Plasma Instabilities in Indirect Drive Inertial Fusion
Room: Chatham Ballroom C
Chair: Dustin Froula, University of Rochester
Invited Speakers: David S. Montgomery
Invited Session
MHD and Rotation
Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium
Chair: Guo-yong Fu, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Invited Speakers: B.J. Tobias, John Rice, Jong-Kyu Park, Stefano Munaretto, Yang Chen, Gunsu Yun
Inertial Confinement Fusion II
Room: 105/106
Chair: John Kline, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Baryonic Mix & Neutron Diagnostics
Room: 200
Chair: Leslie Welser Sherrill, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Pegasus, NSTX-U, and International Experiments
Room: 201/202
Chair: Ted Strait, General Atomics, Inc.
High Field Physics and Relativistic Plasmas
Room: 203
Chair: Thomas Grismayer, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
Mini-Conference: Measuring and Modeling of Plasma Material Interactions III
Room: 103/104
Chair: David Ruzic, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, John Canik, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Poster Session
Poster Session VI (Mini-Conference: Plasma Energization-Interactions Between Fluid and Kinetic Scales, Turbulence and Transport, Transport, Transients, ITER and Next-Steps)
Room: Exhibit Hall A
Nov 18 2015 3:00PM, Wednesday
Invited Session
Rosenbluth Award, ICF Instabilities and Astrophysics
Room: Chatham Ballroom C
Chair: Dustin Froula, University of Rochester
Invited Speakers: Cami Collins, David Martinez, Kyle Peterson, Kevin Schoeffler
Nov 18 2015 5:15PM, Wednesday
DPP Business Meeting
Room: 203
Chair: Riccardo Betti, University of Rochester
Nov 18 2015 6:30PM, Wednesday
DPP Reception and Banquet
Room: Westin Hotel Grand Ballroom Foyer and Grand Ballroom
Chair: Riccardo Betti, University of Rochester
Nov 19 2015 8:00AM, Thursday
Invited Session
James Clerk Maxwell Prize Address: Study of Magnetic Reconnection in Plasma: How It Works and Energizes Plasma Particles
Room: Chatham Ballroom AB
Chair: Clifford Surko, University of California, San Diego
Invited Speakers: Masaaki Yamada
Nov 19 2015 9:30AM, Thursday
Invited Session
Low Temperature Plasmas, Stellarator, and Disruptions
Room: Chatham Ballroom C
Chair: Dennis Whyte, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Invited Speakers: Koichi Sasaki, Dmytro Sydorenko, M. Umair Siddiqui, Hiroshi Kasahara, Shaun Haskey, D. Shiraki
Invited Session
Particle Beams
Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium
Chair: Cameron Geddes, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Invited Speakers: Brian Beaudoin, Alexey Arefiev, Igor D. Kaganovich, Stepan Bulanov, Cedric Thaury, Sven Steinke
X-Ray Sources and Diagnostics
Room: 105/106
Chair: Arati Dasgupta, Naval Research Laboratory
Solar Wind, Turbulence, Particle Motion
Room: 200
Chair: Bart Van Compernolle, University of California, Los Angeles
Research in Support of ITER
Room: 201/202
Chair: Amanda Hubbard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Dusty Plasma, Multi-Phase Media, and Anti-Matter Plasma
Room: 203
Chair: Edward Thomas, Auburn University
Warm Dense Matter
Room: 103/104
Chair: Dayne Fratanduono, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Poster Session VII (ICF, Mathematical and Simulation Methods, Basic Theory, DIII-D II, Boundary and Plasma-Material Interactions)
Room: Exhibit Hall A
Nov 19 2015 2:00PM, Thursday
Invited Session
Tutorial: Divertor Detachment
Room: Chatham Ballroom C
Chair: David Hill, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Invited Speakers: Sergei Krasheninnikov
Invited Session
Quantum & HED Plasmas
Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium
Chair: Alec Thomas, University of Michigan
Invited Speakers: Arati Dasgupta, Edmund Yu, Swadesh Mahajan, George Swadling, Anthony Link, Thomas Grismayer
Inertial Confinement Fusion III
Room: 105/106
Chair: Brian Spears, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
MHD and Transport
Room: 200
Chair: Nathaniel Ferraro, General Atomics
Laboratory Astrophysics
Room: 201/202
Chair: David Martinez, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Hohlraum and X-Ray Cavity Physics
Room: 203
Chair: Sebastien Lapape, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Poster Session VIII (Pinches, Diagnostics, Codes and Modeling, One Component, Laser-Plasma Ions, Strongly Coupled and Dusty Plasmas)
Room: Exhibit Hall A
Nov 19 2015 3:00PM, Thursday
Invited Session
Divertor and Boundary
Room: Chatham Ballroom C
Chair: David Hill, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Invited Speakers: A.G. McLean, Wouter Vijvers, I.C. Faust, Federico Halpern
Nov 19 2015 7:30PM, Thursday
Town Meeting on the Fusion Energy Science Workshops
Room: 105/106
Chair: Mark Foster, U.S. Department of Energy
Nov 20 2015 8:00AM, Friday
Invited Session
Review: Synergy Between Experiments and Simulations in Laser and Beam-Driven Plasma Acceleration and Light
Room: Chatham Ballroom AB
Chair: Riccardo Betti, University of Rochester
Invited Speakers: Warren B. Mori
Nov 20 2015 9:30AM, Friday
Invited Session
Stix Award, RFP, FRC, and Postdeadline Invited
Room: Chatham Ballroom C
Chair: Mark Koepke, West Virginia University
Invited Speakers: Nuno Loureiro, E. Parke, Daniel Fulton, Keith Burrell, Satyabrata Kar, Thomas Kluge
Invited Session
Eruptions and Jets
Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium
Chair: Auna Moser, General Atomics
Invited Speakers: Clayton E. Myers, Joaquim Loizu, Chikang Li, Merav Opher, Drew Higginson, J.W.R. Schroeder
Z-Pinches and Dense Plasma Focus
Room: 105/106
Chair: George Swadling, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Computer Simulation Methods
Room: 200
Chair: Gian Luca Delzano, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Fast Ignition and Electron Transport
Room: 201/202
Chair: Chris McGuffey, University of California, San Diego
Poster Session
Poster Session IX (Supplemental and Postdeadline)
Room: Exhibit Hall A
Nov 16 2015 8:00AM, Monday
Invited Session
Review: The Physics of the Laboratory Magnetosphere
Room: Chatham Ballroom AB
Chair: Earl Scime, West Virginia University
Invited Speakers: Michael Mauel
Nov 16 2015 9:30AM, Monday
Invited Session
Room: Chatham Ballroom C
Chair: Masayuki Ono, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Invited Speakers: Wayne Solomon, Xueqiao Xu, Jon Hillesheim, Istvan Cziegler, Nikolas Logan, Mike Kotschenreuther
Invited Session
Turbulent Fluctuations at Large and Small Scales
Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium
Chair: Mike Brown, Swarthmore College
Invited Speakers: Tiffany Desjardins, David Schaffner, Vladimir Zhdankin, Bart Van Compernolle, Lang Cui, Colin Adams
Inertial Confinement Fusion I
Room: 105/106
Chair: Dan Clark, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Strongly Coupled Plasmas
Room: 200
Chair: Scott Baalrud, University of Iowa
Waves, Oscillations, and Instabilities
Room: 201/202
Chair: Ilya Dodin, Princeton University
Shocks, Reconnection, Emission
Room: 203
Chair: Will Fox, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Laser and Plasma Wakefield Accelerators
Room: 103/104
Chair: Sven Steinke, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Poster Session
Poster Session I (FRC, Spheromak, Mirror)
Room: Exhibit Hall A
Nov 16 2015 2:00PM, Monday
Invited Session
Tutorial: Recent Developments in Reconnection Theory: the Plasmoid Instability, Self-Generated Turbulence, and Implications for Laboratory and Space Plasmas
Room: Chatham Ballroom C
Chair: Paul Cassak, West Virginia University
Invited Speakers: Amitava Bhattacharjee
Invited Session
ICF Stagnation and Burn
Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium
Chair: Max Karasik, Naval Research Laboratory
Invited Speakers: Daniel Clark, Harry Robey, John Kline, P.B. Radha, S.P. Regan, A.R. Christopherson
Equation of State
Room: 105/106
Chair: Luke Shulenburger, Sandia National Laboratories
Turbulence and Transport
Room: 200
Chair: Matthew Landreman, University of Maryland-College Park
Room: 201/202
Chair: Earl Marmar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Plasma Sources & Technologies
Room: 203
Chair: Mark Gilmore, University of New Mexico
Laser Plasma Sources of X Rays and Neutrons
Room: 103/104
Chair: Cedric Thaury, Ecole Polytechnique
Mini-Conference: Plasma Energization - Interactions Between Fluid and Kinetic Scales I
Room: 100/101
Chair: John Sarff, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Poster Session
Poster Session II (C-Mod, MST, RFP, Stellarator; Waves, Shocks, and Instabilities; Shock Wave and Discontinuity)
Room: Exhibit Hall A
Nov 16 2015 3:00PM, Monday
Invited Session
Reconnection from Lab to Space
Room: Chatham Ballroom C
Chair: Paul Cassak, West Virginia University
Invited Speakers: James Burch, Jay Anderson, Gregory Werner, Fan Guo
Nov 16 2015 5:15PM, Monday
Women in Plasma Physics Reception
Room: Westin Hotel, Savannah Grand Ballroom B
Chair: Arati Dasgupta, Naval Research Laboratory
Nov 16 2015 7:00PM, Monday
University Fusion Association General Meeting
Room: Chatham Ballroom C
Chair: Uri Shumlak, University of Washington
Nov 17 2015 8:00AM, Tuesday
Invited Session
Review: Measuring the Opacity of Stellar Interior Matter in Terrestrial Laboratories
Room: Chatham Ballroom AB
Chair: Stephanie Hansen, Sandia National Laboratories
Invited Speakers: James Bailey
Nov 17 2015 9:30AM, Tuesday
Invited Session
MFE Model Development and Simulation
Room: Chatham Ballroom C
Chair: Andris Dimits, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Invited Speakers: J.M. Candy, Mikhail Dorf, O. Meneghini, Stephen Jardin, N.M. Ferraro, David Gates
Invited Session
ICF Preheat and Drive
Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium
Chair: Felicie Albert, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Invited Speakers: Sebastien le Pape, Maria Alejandra Barrios, David Turnbull, A.K. Davis, Adam Harvey-Thompson, Shinsuke Fujioka
C-Mod, ADX, Lockheed Martin CFR
Room: 105/106
Chair: George McKee, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Hydrodynamic Instability I
Room: 200
Chair: Paul Bradley, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Fundamental High-Energy Density Science
Room: 201/202
Chair: Johan Frenje, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Laser Plasma Ion Acceleration
Room: 203
Chair: Louise Willingale, University of Michigan
Beam, Source and Pinch Physics
Room: 103/104
Chair: Igor Kaganovich, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Mini-Conference: Plasma Energization - Interactions Between Fluid and Kinetic Scales II
Room: 100/101
Chair: Hui Li, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Mini-Conference: Nonlinear Effects in Geospace Plasmas I
Room: 102
Chair: Evgeny Mishin, Air Force Research Laboratory
Poster Session
Poster Session III (Plasma Accelerators and Radiation: NSTX-U, ST, and International MFE)
Room: Exhibit Hall A
Nov 17 2015 12:45PM, Tuesday
GPAP Business Meeting
Room: 203
Nov 17 2015 1:00PM, Tuesday
Town Meeting on Concerns of Junior Scientists
Room: Chatham Ballroom C
Chair: Richard Magee, Tri Alpha Energy
Nov 17 2015 2:00PM, Tuesday
Invited Session
Tutorial: Considerations of the High Magnetic Field Tokamak Path on the Approach to Fusion Energy
Room: Chatham Ballroom C
Chair: Steven Scott, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Invited Speakers: Earl Marmar
Invited Session
Fundamental HED Science
Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium
Chair: Robert Cauble, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Invited Speakers: Siegfried Glenzer, Yuan Ping, Andrew Ng, Johan Frenje, Luke Shulenburger, Dayne Fratanduono
Hydrodynamic Instability II
Room: 105/106
Chair: Radha Bahukutumbi, University of Rochester
Laser Plasma Interactions I
Room: 200
Chair: David Turnbull, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Magnetized Inertial Confinement Fusion I
Room: 201/202
Chair: Kyle Peterson, Sandia National Laboratories
Short Pulse Laser Plasma Interactions
Room: 203
Chair: Alex Arefiev, University of Texas at Austin
Mini-Conference: Plasma Energization - Interactions Between Fluid and Kinetic Scales III
Room: 100/101
Chair: Anatoly Spitkovsky, Princeton University
Mini-Conference: Nonlinear Effects in Geospace Plasmas II
Room: 102
Chair: Vladimir Sotnikov, Air Force Research Laboratory
Mini-Conference: Measuring and Modeling of Plasma Material Interactions I
Room: 103/104
Chair: Davide Curreli, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Brian Wirth, University of Tennessee Knoxville
Poster Session
Poster Session IV (Education and Outreach; Undergraduate/High School Research; DIII-D I, Diagnostics and Simulation Methods; Low Temperature Plasmas, Breakdown, Thrusters, and Sheaths)
Room: Exhibit Hall A
Nov 17 2015 3:00PM, Tuesday
Invited Session
MFE Regime Optimization
Room: Chatham Ballroom C
Chair: Steven Scott, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Invited Speakers: Joelle Mailloux, J.R. Ferron, Amanda Hubbard, Q. Ren
Nov 17 2015 5:00PM, Tuesday
Meet the Editors of the APS Journals
Room: Georgia International Gallery
Nov 17 2015 6:00PM, Tuesday
Student Appreciation Reception
Room: Westin Harbor A
Chair: Paul Miller, West Virginia University
Nov 18 2015 8:00AM, Wednesday
Invited Session
Review: Turbulence in Laboratory and Natural Plasmas: Connecting the Dots
Room: Chatham Ballroom AB
Chair: Paul Bellan, California Institute of Technology
Invited Speakers: Frank Jenko
Nov 18 2015 9:30AM, Wednesday
Invited Session
Waves and Instabilities
Room: Chatham Ballroom C
Chair: Seth Dorfman, University of California, Los Angeles
Invited Speakers: Edward Thomas, Erik Tejero, Xin An, Francois Anderegg, Noah Hurst, Shreekrishna Tripathi
Invited Session
MFE Transport and Turbulence
Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium
Chair: Lothar Schmitz, University of California, Los Angeles
Invited Speakers: N.T. Howard, Alejandro Banon Navarro, D. Ernst, G.R. McKee, Paul Ennever, Mario Podesta
Magnetized Inertial Confinement Fusion II
Room: 105/106
Chair: Dan Sinars, Sandia National Laboratories
Laser Plasma Interactions II
Room: 200
Chair: Amanda Davis, University of Rochester
Plasma-Material Interactions & Boundary
Room: 201/202
Chair: Tom Rognlien, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
High-Energy Density Hydrodynamics
Room: 203
Chair: Harry Robey, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Mini-Conference: Plasma Energization - Interactions Between Fluid and Kinetic Scales IV
Room: 100/101
Chair: Greg Howes, University of Iowa
Mini-Conference: Measuring and Modeling of Plasma Material Interactions II
Room: 103/104
Chair: Blas Uberuaga, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Karl Hammond, University of Missouri
Poster Session V (MHD, Heating, Current Drive, HBT-EP; Magnetic Reconnection; Astrophysical and Space Plasmas)
Room: Exhibit Hall A
Nov 18 2015 1:00PM, Wednesday
Town Meeting on Plasma Physics at the National Science Foundation
Room: Chatham Ballroom C
Chair: Vyacheslav Lukin, National Science Foundation
Nov 18 2015 2:00PM, Wednesday
Invited Session
Tutorial: Two Decades of Progress in Understanding and Control of Laser Plasma Instabilities in Indirect Drive Inertial Fusion
Room: Chatham Ballroom C
Chair: Dustin Froula, University of Rochester
Invited Speakers: David S. Montgomery
Invited Session
MHD and Rotation
Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium
Chair: Guo-yong Fu, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Invited Speakers: B.J. Tobias, John Rice, Jong-Kyu Park, Stefano Munaretto, Yang Chen, Gunsu Yun
Inertial Confinement Fusion II
Room: 105/106
Chair: John Kline, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Baryonic Mix & Neutron Diagnostics
Room: 200
Chair: Leslie Welser Sherrill, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Pegasus, NSTX-U, and International Experiments
Room: 201/202
Chair: Ted Strait, General Atomics, Inc.
High Field Physics and Relativistic Plasmas
Room: 203
Chair: Thomas Grismayer, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
Mini-Conference: Measuring and Modeling of Plasma Material Interactions III
Room: 103/104
Chair: David Ruzic, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, John Canik, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Poster Session
Poster Session VI (Mini-Conference: Plasma Energization-Interactions Between Fluid and Kinetic Scales, Turbulence and Transport, Transport, Transients, ITER and Next-Steps)
Room: Exhibit Hall A
Nov 18 2015 3:00PM, Wednesday
Invited Session
Rosenbluth Award, ICF Instabilities and Astrophysics
Room: Chatham Ballroom C
Chair: Dustin Froula, University of Rochester
Invited Speakers: Cami Collins, David Martinez, Kyle Peterson, Kevin Schoeffler
Nov 18 2015 5:15PM, Wednesday
DPP Business Meeting
Room: 203
Chair: Riccardo Betti, University of Rochester
Nov 18 2015 6:30PM, Wednesday
DPP Reception and Banquet
Room: Westin Hotel Grand Ballroom Foyer and Grand Ballroom
Chair: Riccardo Betti, University of Rochester
Nov 19 2015 8:00AM, Thursday
Invited Session
James Clerk Maxwell Prize Address: Study of Magnetic Reconnection in Plasma: How It Works and Energizes Plasma Particles
Room: Chatham Ballroom AB
Chair: Clifford Surko, University of California, San Diego
Invited Speakers: Masaaki Yamada
Nov 19 2015 9:30AM, Thursday
Invited Session
Low Temperature Plasmas, Stellarator, and Disruptions
Room: Chatham Ballroom C
Chair: Dennis Whyte, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Invited Speakers: Koichi Sasaki, Dmytro Sydorenko, M. Umair Siddiqui, Hiroshi Kasahara, Shaun Haskey, D. Shiraki
Invited Session
Particle Beams
Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium
Chair: Cameron Geddes, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Invited Speakers: Brian Beaudoin, Alexey Arefiev, Igor D. Kaganovich, Stepan Bulanov, Cedric Thaury, Sven Steinke
X-Ray Sources and Diagnostics
Room: 105/106
Chair: Arati Dasgupta, Naval Research Laboratory
Solar Wind, Turbulence, Particle Motion
Room: 200
Chair: Bart Van Compernolle, University of California, Los Angeles
Research in Support of ITER
Room: 201/202
Chair: Amanda Hubbard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Dusty Plasma, Multi-Phase Media, and Anti-Matter Plasma
Room: 203
Chair: Edward Thomas, Auburn University
Warm Dense Matter
Room: 103/104
Chair: Dayne Fratanduono, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Poster Session VII (ICF, Mathematical and Simulation Methods, Basic Theory, DIII-D II, Boundary and Plasma-Material Interactions)
Room: Exhibit Hall A
Nov 19 2015 2:00PM, Thursday
Invited Session
Tutorial: Divertor Detachment
Room: Chatham Ballroom C
Chair: David Hill, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Invited Speakers: Sergei Krasheninnikov
Invited Session
Quantum & HED Plasmas
Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium
Chair: Alec Thomas, University of Michigan
Invited Speakers: Arati Dasgupta, Edmund Yu, Swadesh Mahajan, George Swadling, Anthony Link, Thomas Grismayer
Inertial Confinement Fusion III
Room: 105/106
Chair: Brian Spears, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
MHD and Transport
Room: 200
Chair: Nathaniel Ferraro, General Atomics
Laboratory Astrophysics
Room: 201/202
Chair: David Martinez, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Hohlraum and X-Ray Cavity Physics
Room: 203
Chair: Sebastien Lapape, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Poster Session VIII (Pinches, Diagnostics, Codes and Modeling, One Component, Laser-Plasma Ions, Strongly Coupled and Dusty Plasmas)
Room: Exhibit Hall A
Nov 19 2015 3:00PM, Thursday
Invited Session
Divertor and Boundary
Room: Chatham Ballroom C
Chair: David Hill, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Invited Speakers: A.G. McLean, Wouter Vijvers, I.C. Faust, Federico Halpern
Nov 19 2015 7:30PM, Thursday
Town Meeting on the Fusion Energy Science Workshops
Room: 105/106
Chair: Mark Foster, U.S. Department of Energy
Nov 20 2015 8:00AM, Friday
Invited Session
Review: Synergy Between Experiments and Simulations in Laser and Beam-Driven Plasma Acceleration and Light
Room: Chatham Ballroom AB
Chair: Riccardo Betti, University of Rochester
Invited Speakers: Warren B. Mori
Nov 20 2015 9:30AM, Friday
Invited Session
Stix Award, RFP, FRC, and Postdeadline Invited
Room: Chatham Ballroom C
Chair: Mark Koepke, West Virginia University
Invited Speakers: Nuno Loureiro, E. Parke, Daniel Fulton, Keith Burrell, Satyabrata Kar, Thomas Kluge
Invited Session
Eruptions and Jets
Room: Oglethorpe Auditorium
Chair: Auna Moser, General Atomics
Invited Speakers: Clayton E. Myers, Joaquim Loizu, Chikang Li, Merav Opher, Drew Higginson, J.W.R. Schroeder
Z-Pinches and Dense Plasma Focus
Room: 105/106
Chair: George Swadling, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Computer Simulation Methods
Room: 200
Chair: Gian Luca Delzano, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Fast Ignition and Electron Transport
Room: 201/202
Chair: Chris McGuffey, University of California, San Diego
Poster Session
Poster Session IX (Supplemental and Postdeadline)
Room: Exhibit Hall A
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