Bulletin of the American Physical Society
54th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics
Volume 57, Number 12
Monday–Friday, October 29–November 2 2012; Providence, Rhode Island
Invited Speakers
Anderson, Jay University of Wisconsin |
Session JI2.00004 Fast Ion Confinement and Stability of an NBI-heated RFP Room: Ballroom DE |
Anderson, K.S. Laboratory for Laser Energetics, U. of Rochester |
Session UI2.00005 NIF Target Designs and OMEGA Experiments for Shock-Ignition Inertial Confinement Fusion Room: Ballroom DE |
Ang, Lay Kee (Ricky) Singapore University of Technology and Design |
Session CI2.00002 Modeling of ultrafast laser induced electron emission from a sharp tip Room: Ballroom DE |
Avinash, Khare Department of Physics and Astrophysics University of Delhi, Delhi India |
Session GI3.00003 Dust cluster explosion Room: Ballroom BC |
Baylor, L.R. Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session TI3.00001 Reduction of ELM Intensity on DIII-D by On-demand Triggering With High Frequency Pellet Injection and Implications for ITER Room: Ballroom BC |
Bernhardt, Paul Naval Research Laboratory |
Session GI3.00005 Electron Acceleration by High Power Radio Waves in the Ionosphere Room: Ballroom BC |
Bortolon, Alessandro University of California, Irvine |
Session JI2.00002 Interplay between coexisting MHD instabilities mediated by energetic ions in NSTX H-mode plasmas Room: Ballroom DE |
Briesemeister, Alexis HSX Plasma Lab, University of Wisconsin, Madison |
Session NI3.00006 Measurement and Modeling of Large Helical Flows in the HSX Stellarator Room: Ballroom BC |
Candy, J. General Atomics |
Session CT3.00001 Theory, Verification and Validation of Finite-Beta Gyrokinetics Room: Ballroom BC |
Cerjan, Charles Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session BI3.00002 Integrated Diagnostic Analysis of ICF Capsule Performance Room: Ballroom BC |
Chapman, Ian EURATOM/CCFE Fusion Association |
Session TI3.00004 Towards understanding ELM mitigation by resonant magnetic perturbations in MAST Room: Ballroom BC |
Chen, Francis F. UCLA |
Session PI2.00004 New insights into the experimental behavior of magnetized gas discharges Room: Ballroom DE |
Chen, Liu Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Irvine |
Session SR1.00001 James Clerk Maxwell Prize for Plasma Physics Talk: On Nonlinear Physics of Shear Alfv\'en Waves Room: Ballroom ADE |
Chen, Yu-hsin Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics, University of Maryland, College Park |
Session UI2.00001 Marshall N. Rosenbluth Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award Talk: The Ultrafast Nonlinear Response of Air Molecules and its Effect on Femtosecond Laser Plasma Filaments in Atmosphere Room: Ballroom DE |
Clark, Daniel Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session BI3.00001 Detailed Implosion Modeling of DT-Layered Experiments on the National Ignition Facility Room: Ballroom BC |
Cohen, Bruce Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session YI3.00003 BOUT Simulations of Drift Resistive Ballooning L-mode Turbulence in the Edge of the DIII-D Tokamak Room: Ballroom BC |
Collins, Cami University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session BI2.00006 Stirring An Unmagnetized Plasma for Magnetorotational Instability Studies Room: Ballroom DE |
Crabtree, Chris Naval Research Laboratory |
Session TI2.00005 Weak Turbulence Effects in Space Plasmas Room: Ballroom DE |
Cziegler, Istvan Center for Momentum Transport and Flow Organization, UCSD |
Session YI3.00005 Fluctuating Zonal Flows in I-mode in Alcator C-Mod Room: Ballroom BC |
Den Hartog, D.J. Department of Physics and Center for Magnetic Self-Organization in Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas, University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session BI2.00002 Ion energization during magnetic reconnection in the RFP laboratory plasma Room: Ballroom DE |
Ding, Weixing University of California, Los Angeles |
Session NI3.00001 Direct Evidence of Magnetic Fluctuation-Driven Intrinsic Flow in a Toroidal Plasma Room: Ballroom BC |
Dodin, I.Y. PPPL |
Session TI2.00001 Quantum physics of classical waves in plasma Room: Ballroom DE |
Doeppner, Tilo Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session NI2.00003 Mix mitigation experiments on cryogenic DT layered implosions on the NIF Room: Ballroom DE |
Dollar, Franklin University of Michigan, Ann Arbor |
Session UI2.00003 Investigations of High Intensity, High Contrast Laser Solid with Short Pulses Room: Ballroom DE |
Doron, Ramy Faculty of Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science |
Session GI3.00002 The structure of a magnetic field propagating through low-resistivity, multi-ion species plasma Room: Ballroom BC |
Doveil, Fabrice CNRS |
Session GI3.00001 Lyman-alpha radiation of a probing metastable hydrogen beam to measure electric fields in diluted fluids and plasmas Room: Ballroom BC |
Edwards, John Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session MR1.00001 Progress Towards Ignition on the National Ignition Facility Room: Ballroom ADE |
Egedal, Jan MIT |
Session BI2.00001 Large-Scale Electron Acceleration by Parallel Electric Fields During Magnetic Reconnection Room: Ballroom DE |
Ernst, D.R. Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session DI3.00004 Nonlinear Upshift of Trapped Electron Mode Critical Density Gradient: Simulation and Experiment Room: Ballroom BC |
Felici, Federico Eindhoven University of Technology |
Session VI3.00001 Advances in tokamak control: from multi-actuator MHD control to model-based current profile tailoring Room: Ballroom BC |
Ferron, J.R. General Atomics |
Session VI3.00002 Progress Toward Fully Noninductive Discharge Operation in DIII-D Using Off-axis Neutral Beam Injection Room: Ballroom BC |
Fiuza, Frederico GoLP/Instituto de Plasmas e Fusao Nuclear - LA, Instituto Superior Tecnico |
Session BI3.00006 Collisionless shocks and particle acceleration in laser-driven laboratory plasmas Room: Ballroom BC |
Fletcher, Luke University of California Berkeley |
Session NI2.00005 X-ray Thomson scattering measurements of temperature and density from multi-shocked CH capsules Room: Ballroom DE |
Friedman, Brett University of California, Los Angeles |
Session TI2.00003 Energy dynamics in a simulation of LAPD turbulence Room: Ballroom DE |
Fu, Guoyong Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session JI2.00003 M3D-K Simulations of Beam-Driven Alfven Modes in DIIID Room: Ballroom DE |
Garcia, Odd Erik Department of Physics and Technology, University of Troms{\o}, N-9037 Troms{\o}, Norway |
Session YI3.00001 Intermittent fluctuations in the Alcator C-Mod scrape-off layer Room: Ballroom BC |
Gilson, Erik Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session GI3.00006 Excitation of Transverse Dipole and Quadrupole Modes in a Pure Ion Plasma in a Linear Paul Trap to Study Collective Processes in Intense Beams Room: Ballroom BC |
Grim, Gary Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session BI3.00003 Nuclear imaging of implosions at the National Ignition Facility Room: Ballroom BC |
Henestroza, Enrique Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session UI2.00006 The X-Target: A novel high gain target with single-sided heavy-ion beam illumination Room: Ballroom DE |
Highcock, E.G. University of Oxford |
Session YI2.00006 Comparison of the Zero Turbulence Manifold with results from the JET and MAST tokamaks Room: Ballroom DE |
Hillesheim, J.C. University of California Los Angeles |
Session DI3.00003 Observation of a Critical Gradient Threshold for Electron Temperature Fluctuations in the DIII-D Tokamak Room: Ballroom BC |
Howes, Gregory University of Iowa |
Session KI3.00004 Constraints on the Dissipation of Solar Wind Turbulence using Gyrokinetic Simulations Room: Ballroom BC |
Huang, Yi-Min Center for Integrated Computation and Analysis of Reconnection and Turbulence and Center for Magnetic Self-Organization, University of New Hampshire |
Session BI2.00005 Plasmoid Instability in High-Lundquist-Number Magnetic Reconnection Room: Ballroom DE |
Hughes, Jerry MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center |
Session TI3.00003 Advancing the predictive capability for pedestal structure through experiment and modeling Room: Ballroom BC |
Izzo, V.A. University of California San Diego |
Session PI2.00003 Impurity Mixing, Radiation Asymmetry, and Runaway Electron Confinement in MGI Simulations of DIII-D and ITER Room: Ballroom DE |
Ji, Hantao Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University |
Session JT3.00001 Laboratory Study of Fundamental Plasma Processes in Astrophysics: Progress and Opportunities Room: Ballroom BC |
K\"ahlert, Hanno Heinrich-Heine University Duesseldorf |
Session GI3.00004 Effective magnetization of the dust particles in a complex plasma Room: Ballroom BC |
Kaganovich, Igor PPPL |
Session PI2.00001 Plasma-Wall Interaction in Presence of Intense Electron Emission from Walls Room: Ballroom DE |
Keidar, Michael George Washington University |
Session PI2.00005 Cold Atmosphere Plasma in Cancer Therapy Room: Ballroom DE |
Kishek, Rami IREAP, University of Maryland |
Session CI2.00001 Ping-Pong Modes and Higher-Periodicity Multipactor Room: Ballroom DE |
Kline, John Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session NI2.00001 Inertial confinement fusion implosions at 500 TW laser drive on NIF Room: Ballroom DE |
Knauer, J.P. Laboratory for Laser Energetics, U. of Rochester |
Session BI3.00004 Neutron Spectroscopy on the National Ignition Facility Room: Ballroom BC |
Krauland, Christine University of Michigan |
Session KI3.00002 Radiative Reverse Shock Laser Experiments Relevant to Accretion Processes in Cataclysmic Variables Room: Ballroom BC |
Kugland, Nathan Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session KI3.00003 Visualizing electromagnetic fields in laser-produced counterstreaming plasma experiments for collisionless shock laboratory astrophysics Room: Ballroom BC |
Kuranz, Carolyn University of Michigan |
Session BI3.00005 The evolution of a radiative shock system in a high-energy-density regime Room: Ballroom BC |
Lesur, Maxime Itoh Research Center for Plasma Turbulence, Kyushu University |
Session TI2.00004 Nonlinear instabilities driven by coherent phase-space structures Room: Ballroom DE |
Liu, Yi-Hsin Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session BI2.00003 The structure of the magnetic reconnection exhaust boundary Room: Ballroom DE |
Majeski, Dick Princeton Plasma Physics Lab |
Session GI2.00004 Particle Control and Confinement in the Lithium Tokamak eXperiment (LTX) with Lithium-Coated Walls Room: Ballroom DE |
Manuel, Mario Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session QI3.00003 Measurements of Rayleigh-Taylor-Induced Magnetic Fields in the Linear and Non-linear Regimes Room: Ballroom BC |
McBride, Ryan D. Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM |
Session QI3.00001 Beryllium liner implosion experiments on the Z accelerator in preparation for Magnetized Liner Inertial Fusion (MagLIF)* Room: Ballroom BC |
McKee, G.R. University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session XR1.00001 Turbulence in Magnetically Confined Plasmas Room: Ballroom ADE |
Meezan, Nathan Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session NI2.00004 Inflight Properties of NIF Ignition Capsules Inferred from Convergent Ablator Experiments Room: Ballroom DE |
Michel, D.T. Laboratory for Laser Energetics, University of Rochester |
Session YI2.00002 Experimental validation of the two-plasmon-decay common-wave process Room: Ballroom DE |
Michel, Pierre Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session YI2.00001 Saturation of multi-beams laser plasma interactions by turbulent ion heating Room: Ballroom DE |
Moyer, R.A. University of California San Diego |
Session TI3.00006 Plasma Rotation and Radial Electric Field Response to Resonant Magnetic Perturbations in DIII-D Room: Ballroom BC |
Mueller, Dennis Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session UT3.00001 Physics of Tokamak Plasma Start-up Room: Ballroom BC |
Myra, J.R. Lodestar Research Corporation |
Session YI3.00002 Edge Sheared Flows and Blob Dynamics Room: Ballroom BC |
Nagaoka, Kenichi National Institute for Fusion Science |
Session NI3.00004 3D effects on viscosity and generation of toroidal and poloidal flows in LHD Room: Ballroom BC |
Neu, Rudolf JET-EFDA, Culham Science Centre, OX14 3DB, Abingdon, UK |
Session GI2.00002 First Operation with the JET ITER-Like Wall Room: Ballroom DE |
Ohia, Obioma MIT |
Session BI2.00004 Demonstration of Anisotropic Fluid Closure Capturing the Kinetic Structure of Magnetic Reconnection Room: Ballroom DE |
Olynyk, Geoff MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center |
Session PI2.00002 Disruption mitigation experiments with multiple gas jets on Alcator C-Mod Room: Ballroom DE |
Pace, D.C. General Atomics |
Session JI2.00005 Energetic Ion Transport and Neutral Beam Current Drive Reduction Due to Microturbulence in Tokamaks Room: Ballroom DE |
Pak, Arthur Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session KI3.00001 Supernova dynamics in the laboratory: Radiative shocks produced by ultra-high pressure implosion experiments on the National Ignition Facility Room: Ballroom BC |
Palaniyappan, Sasi Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session CI2.00005 Dynamics of Relativistic Transparency and Optical Shuttering in Expanding Overdense plasma Room: Ballroom DE |
Parker, Scott Deptartment of Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session YI3.00006 Global Gyrokinetic Simulations of the Dominant High-n and Intermediate-n Instabilities in the H-Mode Tokamak Edge Pedestal Room: Ballroom BC |
Peterson, Kyle Sandia National Laboratories |
Session QI3.00002 Experiments and simulations studying electrothermal instabilities in magnetically accelerated implosion systems Room: Ballroom BC |
Piovesan, Paolo Consorzio RFX, EURATOM/ENEA Association |
Session NI3.00002 RFX-MOD: A Multi-Configuration Fusion Facility for 3D Physics Studies Room: Ballroom BC |
Poli, Francesca Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton, NJ, 08543, USA |
Session VI3.00003 Heating and current drive requirements for ideal MHD stability and ITB sustainment in ITER steady state scenarios Room: Ballroom BC |
Radha, P.B. Laboratory for Laser Energetics, U. of Rochester |
Session NI2.00006 Polar-Drive--Implosion Physics on OMEGA and the NIF Room: Ballroom DE |
Ram, Abhay MIT, Plasma Science and Fusion Center |
Session JI2.00006 Scattering of waves by blobs in tokamak plasmas: venturing beyond geometric optics Room: Ballroom DE |
Reinke, Matthew MIT - Plasma Science and Fusion Center |
Session GI2.00006 Poloidal variation of high-Z impurity density in Alcator C-Mod ICRF-heated plasmas Room: Ballroom DE |
Ridgers, Christopher University of Oxford |
Session CI2.00004 Dense Electron-Positron Plasmas Generated by 10PW Lasers in the QED-Plasma Regime Room: Ballroom DE |
Roth, Markus Technical University of Darmstad, Germany |
Session YI2.00004 A Bright Neutron Source Driven by a Short Pulse Laser Room: Ballroom DE |
Sakai, Osamu Kyoto University |
Session PI2.00006 Novel functional composites of plasmas and metamaterials Room: Ballroom DE |
Sangster, T.C. Laboratory for Laser Energetics, U. of Rochester |
Session NI2.00002 Improving Cryogenic-DT Implosion Performance on OMEGA Room: Ballroom DE |
Satake, Shinsuke National Institute for Fusion Science |
Session NI3.00005 Simulation Study on Neoclassical Poloidal Viscosity in Helical Plasmas Room: Ballroom BC |
Sawada, Hiroshi University of California San Diego |
Session UI2.00004 Spectra of laser generated relativistic electrons using cone-wire targets Room: Ballroom DE |
Schaffner, David UCLA |
Session TI2.00002 Observation of improved and degraded confinement with driven flow on the LAPD Room: Ballroom DE |
Schlutt, Mark University of Wisconsin, Madison |
Session NI3.00003 Self-consistent simulations of nonlinear MHD and profile evolution in stellarator configurations Room: Ballroom BC |
Schmit, Paul Princeton University |
Session UI2.00002 New wave effects in nonstationary plasma Room: Ballroom DE |
Schmitt, Mark J. Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session YI2.00005 Recent results from the first polar direct drive plastic capsule implosions on NIF Room: Ballroom DE |
Schroeder, Carl B. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session CI2.00003 Self-modulated plasma wakefield accelerators Room: Ballroom DE |
Scotti, Filippo Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session GI2.00005 Modifications of impurity transport and divertor sources with lithium wall conditioning in NSTX Room: Ballroom DE |
Smith, David University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session YI3.00004 Assessing low wavenumber pedestal turbulence in NSTX with measurements and simulations Room: Ballroom BC |
Srinivasan, Bhuvana Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session QI3.00004 The mitigating effect of self-generated magnetic field on Rayleigh-Taylor unstable inertial confinement fusion plasmas Room: Ballroom BC |
Stangeby, P.C. University of Toronto |
Session GI2.00001 Reduction of Net Erosion of High-Z Divertor Surface by Local Redeposition in DIII-D Room: Ballroom DE |
Tharp, Tim Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory |
Session TI2.00006 Guide Field Effects on Hall Reconnection in a Laboratory Plasma Room: Ballroom DE |
Turnbull, A.D. General Atomics |
Session TI3.00005 Comparisons of Linear and Nonlinear Plasma Response Models for Non-Axisymmetric Perturbations Room: Ballroom BC |
Tzoufras, Michail Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Los Angeles |
Session YI2.00003 A Novel Multi-Dimensional Vlasov-Fokker-Planck Code for Modeling Electron Transport in High Energy Density Plasmas Room: Ballroom DE |
Umstadter, Donald University of Nebraska, Lincoln |
Session CI2.00006 Bright MeV-energy x-ray beams from a compact all-laser-driven inverse-Compton-scattering source Room: Ballroom DE |
Velikovich, A.L. Plasma Physics Division, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC |
Session PT3.00001 Magnetic Flux Compression in Plasmas Room: Ballroom BC |
Waltz, R.E. General Atomics |
Session DI3.00002 Search for the Missing L-mode Edge Transport and Possible Breakdown of Gyrokinetics Room: Ballroom BC |
Wang, Ge Institute for Fusion Studies, University of Texas at Austin |
Session JI2.00001 Simulation and Theory of Long Range Frequency Sweeping of TAE Modes Room: Ballroom DE |
White, A.E. MIT-PSFC |
Session DI3.00001 Multichannel Transport in L-mode and I-mode Plasmas at Alcator C-Mod and Comparison with Gyrokinetic Simulations Room: Ballroom BC |
Whyte, Dennis MIT PSFC |
Session FR1.00001 The role of the boundary plasma in defining the viability of a magnetic fusion reactor: A review Room: Ballroom ADE |
Wright, G.M. Plasma Science and Fusion Center, MIT, 77 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, USA, 02139 |
Session GI2.00003 Comparison of Tungsten Fuzz Growth in Alcator C-Mod and Linear Plasma Devices Room: Ballroom DE |
Wukitch, Stephen MIT PSFC |
Session VI3.00004 Field-Aligned ICRF Antenna Characterization and Performance in Alcator C-Mod Room: Ballroom BC |
Xu, X.Q. LLNL |
Session TI3.00002 Gyro-Landau-Fluid Theory and Simulations of Edge-Localized-Modes Room: Ballroom BC |
Zweibel, Ellen University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session AR1.00001 One Hundred Years of Cosmic Rays: Going to Extremes Room: Ballroom ADE |
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