Bulletin of the American Physical Society
55th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
Monday–Friday, June 3–7, 2024; Fort Worth, Texas
Invited Speakers
Agostino, Marinelli SLAC - Natl Accelerator Lab |
Session P05.00004 Attosecond x-ray free-electron lasers Room: 202AB |
Aidelsburger, Monika Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU-Munich) |
Session F02.00001 Quantum simulation with bosonic atoms in optical lattices under the microscope Room: Ballroom C |
Aidelsburger, Monika Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU-Munich) |
Session 1A.00002 Quantum simulation – Engineering & understanding quantum systems atom-by-atom Room: 202AB |
Andersen, Lars Henrik Aarhus University |
Session F10.00001 Excited-State Photo Physics of Cryogenically Cooled Molecular Ions Room: 204AB |
Andersen, Ulrik Lund Technical University of Denmark |
Session J05.00002 Quantum error correction in continuous variable measurement-based quantum computing Room: 202AB |
Asenjo Garcia, Ana Columbia University |
Session B02.00002 Universal scaling laws for correlated decay of many-body quantum systems Room: Ballroom B |
Baker, Robert Ohio State University |
Session C05.00004 Probing Ultrafast Spin Dynamics at Surfaces Using Circularly Polarized XUV Light Room: 202AB |
Biagioni, Giulio University of Florence |
Session X10.00001 Exploring the supersolid phase of matter with dipolar quantum gases Room: 204AB |
Biswas, Souvik Stanford University |
Session N04.00002 Scalable semiconductor quantum photonic systems Room: 201BC |
Bland, Thomas University of Innsbruck |
Session X10.00002 Observation of vortices in a dipolar supersolid Room: 204AB |
Bluvstein, Dolev Harvard University |
Session J05.00001 Logical quantum processor based on reconfigurable atom arrays Room: 202AB |
Bohn, John L University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session 1A.00004 Ultracold Molecules: Collisions and Interactions Room: 202AB |
Borschevsky, Anastasia Univ of Groningen |
Session 2A.00008 Testing the Standard Model with Molecules Room: 202CD |
Boshier, Malcolm G Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session N10.00001 A Moving Waveguide Saganc Atom Interferometer Room: 204AB |
Brown, Erika American Physical Society (APS) |
Session R07.00001 Erika Brown - Considering Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging in DAMOP Room: 203A |
Budker, Dmitry Johannes Gutenberg University and UC Berkeley |
Session J10.00001 Parity violation: from cosmos and vapor cells to atomic and molecular beams and nuclear magnetic resonance tubes Room: 204AB |
Carroll, Annette N University of Colorado Boulder |
Session G02.00004 Tunable Spin Dynamics with Ultracold Polar Molecules Room: Ballroom C |
Chakraborty, Himadri S Northwest Missouri State University |
Session F10.00002 Impact spectroscopy of fullerene molecules: diffraction, plasmon excitation and time-delay Room: 204AB |
Chapman, Michael S Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session B10.00004 Long-lived spin squeezed states in a Bose-Einstein condensate Room: 204AB |
Chen, Xing-Yan Max-Planck Institute of Quantum Optics |
Session C02.00001 FINALIST: Microwave-shielded ultracold polar molecules Room: Ballroom B |
Chen, Zhongzhou University of Central Florida |
Session J02.00001 Three initial attempts at Re-imagining STEM education in the era of Generative AI Room: Ballroom C |
Chin, Cheng University of Chicago |
Session Y02.00001 Do Fermions mediate pairing of bosons? Room: Ballroom C |
Choi, Jae-yoon KAIST |
Session B10.00003 Far from equilibrium dynamics and quantum Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in a strongly ferromagnetic spinor condensate Room: 204AB |
Chou, Chin-wen NIST-Boulder |
Session 2A.00014 Quantum state control and precision spectroscopy of a single molecular ion Room: 202CD |
Cornell, Eric A University of Colorado and NIST |
Session 2A.00015 Electron EDM measurements in molecules: What current limits mean, and how we are moving forward. Room: 202CD |
Cornish, Simon L Durham University |
Session N05.00002 Ultracold RbCs molecules in magic traps and optical tweezers Room: 202AB |
Cote, Robin University of Massachusetts Boston |
Session C10.00001 Resonant collisions in many-body and complex systems Room: 204AB |
Darkwah Oppong, Nelson JILA, University of Colorado at Boulder and NIST |
Session N02.00002 Engineering many-body dynamics of Rydberg atoms for quantum-enhanced metrology Room: Ballroom C |
DeMille, David University of Chicago |
Session A01.00003 Ramsey Prize Talk: The ACME search for the electron's electric dipole moment (EDM) and a new effort to detect hadronic "EDMs" using a quantum gas of radioactive molecules Room: Ballroom B |
DeMille, David University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory |
Session 2A.00003 Probing parity- and time-reversal violating physics with diatomic molecules Room: 202CD |
Deutsch, Ivan H University of New Mexico |
Session 1A.00006 Quantum Computing with Neutral Atoms Room: 202AB |
Diaz-Tendero, Sergio Departamento de Química, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 28049 Madrid, Spain |
Session C10.00002 When ionizing radiation elicits unforeseen processes: dynamics beyond the coulomb explosion. Room: 204AB |
Donnelly, Vincent University of Houston |
Session A01.00005 Will Allis Prize Talk: Plasma Etching of Silicon: 50 Years and Still Surprises Room: Ballroom B |
Doyle, John M Harvard University |
Session J10.00004 Ultracold Polyatomic Molecules Room: 204AB |
Doyle, John M Harvard University |
Session 2A.00010 Searches for beyond the Standard Model physics using molecules – Grapes and Pears Room: 202CD |
Doyle, John M Harvard University |
Session A01.00002 Ramsey Prize Talk: Searching for the Electric Dipole Moment of the Electron: Ramsey, ACME and the future Room: Ballroom B |
Fan, Xing Northwestern University |
Session C02.00002 FINALIST: New Measurement of the Electron Magnetic Moment and a New Dark Photon/Axion Search Room: Ballroom B |
Folpini, Giulia National Research Council (NRC) |
Session G10.00001 High-order harmonic generation in a microfluidic device for the investigation of ultrafast dynamics in organic perovskites Room: 204AB |
Forbes, Ruaridh SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session Y05.00001 Investigating Ultrafast Dynamics in Polyatomic Molecules with Inner-shell Ionization Room: 202AB |
Gabrielse, Gerald Northwestern University |
Session A01.00004 Ramsey Prize Talk: New Generation Measurements of the Electron's Electric and Magnetic Dipole Moments Room: Ballroom B |
Gadway, Bryce Penn State University |
Session F02.00003 Many-level Rydberg atoms: strongly correlated dynamics in a synthetic dimension Room: Ballroom C |
Garcia Ruiz, Ronald Fernando MIT Laboratory for Nuclear Science |
Geraci, Andrew A Northwestern University |
Session P02.00002 Quantum sensing and precision measurement for fundamental physics with levitated optomechanics Room: Ballroom C |
Golubev, Nikolay University of Arizona |
Session B05.00004 Characterizing electronic coherence in molecules in phase space Room: 202AB |
Gorshkov, Alexey V National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) |
Session N02.00003 Many-body physics and technology with Rydberg atoms Room: Ballroom C |
Green, Dermot G Queen's University Belfast |
Session F10.00004 Many-body theory of positron-molecule interactions Room: 204AB |
Greiner, Markus Harvard University |
Session P10.00001 06.09 FOCUS SESSION: Hubbard SimulatorsHubbard Quantum Simulations - from Dipolar Quantum Solids to Kinetic Magnetism Room: 204AB |
Groß, Christian University of Tuebingen |
Session N02.00004 Designing spin models in Rydberg arrays Room: Ballroom C |
Guha, Saikat University of Arizona |
Session Y10.00002 Entangling quantum memories at channel capacity Room: 204AB |
Haeffner, Hartmut University of California, Berkeley |
Session J04.00001 3D-Printed Micro Ion Trap Technology for Scalable Quantum Information Processing Room: 201BC |
Hassan, Mohammed T University of Arizona |
Session R05.00001 Imaging the electron motion dynamics in graphene Room: 202AB |
Holland, Murray J University of Colorado Boulder |
Session R10.00001 Methods for developing new kinds of inertial sensors with optical cavities and optical lattices Room: 204AB |
Hudson, Eric R UCLA |
Session J10.00002 Laser excitation of the thorium-229 nuclear isomeric transition in a solid-state host Room: 204AB |
Hutson, Jeremy M. Durham University |
Session G02.00001 2-molecule bound states in shielded collisions of ultracold molecules Room: Ballroom C |
Jayich, Andrew UC Santa Barbara |
Session X05.00001 Radium ions and radium-bearing molecules for precision measurement Room: 202AB |
Joshi, Manoj K Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Innsbruck, Austria |
Session B02.00004 Studying many-body physics models with engineered spins in a trapped ion platform Room: Ballroom B |
Ketterle, Wolfgang Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session X02.00001 Controlling chemistry with magnetic fields: Feshbach resonances for NaLi molecules Room: Ballroom C |
Kling, Matthias F Stanford University |
Session R05.00004 Lightwave controlled band engineering of quantum materials Room: 202AB |
Kobayashi, Yuki SLAC - Natl Accelerator Lab |
Session F05.00001 Coherent electronic phenomena in atoms, molecules, and two-dimensional materials Room: 202AB |
Kotochigova, Svetlana Temple |
Session 2A.00004 Relativistic study towards photoassociative formation of metastable lanthanide dimers Room: 202CD |
Kovachy, Tim Northwestern University |
Session N10.00002 Thousandfold Phase Amplification in a Resonant Atom Interferometer via Applying Robust Quantum Control to Multipath Interference Room: 204AB |
Kuleff, Alexander I Heidelberg University |
Session B05.00001 Manipulating ultrafast charge migration in molecules with light Room: 202AB |
LeBlanc, Lindsay J University of Alberta Department of Physics |
Session R07.00002 Considering Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging in DAMOP Room: 203A |
Lee, Patricia J Quantinuum |
Session 1A.00008 Path to Scale QCCD Architecture for Trapped Ion Quantum Computers Room: 202AB |
Leibrandt, David UCLA |
Session 2A.00011 Scaling up quantum-logic spectroscopy: prospects for precision measurements with polyatomic molecules Room: 202CD |
Lev, Benjamin L Stanford University |
Session B10.00001 A vector spin glass made of atoms and photons Room: 204AB |
Levine, Benjamin Stony Brook University |
Session Y05.00005 Ultrafast Dynamics on Many Electronic States Room: 202AB |
Lewis-Swan, Robert J The University of Oklahoma |
Session P02.00001 Exploiting nonclassical motion of a trapped ion crystal for quantum-enhanced metrology of global and differential spin rotations Room: Ballroom C |
L'Huillier, Anne Lund Univ/Lund Inst of Tech |
Session E01.00001 Nobel Lecture - The route to attosecond pulses Room: Ballroom B |
Li, Siqi SLAC National Lab |
Session B05.00003 Angular streaking with attosecond x-ray pulses Room: 202AB |
Li, Xiaopeng Fudan University |
Session N02.00001 Quantum optimization through atomic quantum simulations of spin glasses Room: Ballroom C |
Lipson, Michal Columbia University |
Session N04.00001 Revolution in Silicon Photonics Room: 201BC |
Liu, Qi Tsinghua University |
Session R10.00002 Quantum enhanced sensing with nonlinear readout in spinor Bose-Einstein condensate Room: 204AB |
Liu, Yingmei Oklahoma State University-Stillwater |
Session B10.00002 Nonequilibrium Dynamics in a Three-dimensional Spinor Bose-Hubbard Model Quantum Simulator Room: 204AB |
Luo, Xin-Yu Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik |
Session G02.00002 From microwave-shielded dimers to field-linked tetramers Room: Ballroom C |
Makhija, Varun S Univ of Mary Washington |
Session F05.00006 Imagaing Ultrafast Molecular Dynamics wirh Quantum Tomography Room: 202AB |
Mavalvala, Nergis Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT |
Session M01.00001 Listening to the universe above the quantum din Room: Ballroom C |
Mehta, Karan Cornell University |
Session J04.00002 Enhanced trapped-ion laser cooling and quantum gate operations in spatially tailored light fields Room: 201BC |
Merkt, Frederic ETH Zurich |
Session 2A.00002 Precision Rydberg spectroscopy in the H atom, the He atom and the H 2 molecule Room: 202CD |
Mueller, Holger University of California at Berkeley |
Session N10.00003 Atom interferometry in an optical lattice Room: 204AB |
Nagashima, Yasuyuki Department of Physics, Tokyo University of Science |
Session R04.00001 Atomic and molecular ion desorption from solid surfaces via positron annihilation Room: 201BC |
Ni, Kang-Kuen Harvard University |
Session X02.00003 Harnessing Chemical Reactions for Quantum Science? Room: Ballroom C |
Northup, Tracy E Univ of Innsbruck |
Session Y10.00001 Entanglement of trapped-ion qubits separated by 230 meters Room: 204AB |
Ospelkaus, Christian University Hannover and PTB Braunschweig |
Session J04.00004 Integrating ion control at the chip level for a scalable quantum computer "core" Room: 201BC |
Pagano, Guido Rice University; Smalley-Curl Institute |
Session F02.00002 Quantum Simulation of Electron Transfer Models with Trapped Ions Room: Ballroom C |
Patterson, David University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session 2A.00012 A General Method for High Precision Single Molecule Spectroscopy Room: 202CD |
Peik, Ekkehard Physik-Tech Bundesanstalt |
Session Y02.00004 Laser Excitation of the Th-229 Nucleus Room: Ballroom C |
Quéméner, Goulven Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, Laboratoire Aimé Cotton |
Session G02.00003 Electroassociation of ultracold dipolar molecules into long-range tetramer states Room: Ballroom C |
Robinson, John M University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session P02.00003 Direct comparison of two spin-squeezed optical clock ensembles at the 10-17 level Room: Ballroom C |
Safronova, Marianna U Delaware |
Session X05.00002 Atomic theory in the 21st century: breakthrough advances, new applications, and neural networks Room: 202AB |
Schindler, Philipp University of Innsbruck |
Session J04.00003 2D trapped ion quantum information processing Room: 201BC |
Schlippert, Dennis Leibniz University Hannover |
Session N10.00004 Very Long Baseline Atom Interferometry Room: 204AB |
Schuster, Thomas California Institute of Technology |
Session C02.00003 FINALIST: Many-body quantum information dynamics Room: Ballroom B |
Shagam, Yuval Technion |
Session 2A.00006 Trapped chiral molecular ions for precision sensing of parity violation - a new experiment Room: 202CD |
Shaw, Adam L Caltech |
Session B02.00001 Quantum Science with Tweezer Arrays Room: Ballroom B |
Slaughter, Daniel S Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session R04.00002 02.04 FOCUS SESSION: Antimatter and electron collisionsDissociation dynamics of transient carboxylic acid anions formed by electron attachment Room: 201BC |
Thomas, Richard D Stockholm University |
Session Y02.00003 Probing molecular mutual neutralization reactions of atmospheric importance using the ion storage facility DESIREE Room: Ballroom C |
Thompson, James K JILA, CU Boulder |
Session X04.00002 Observing dynamical phases of BCS superconductors in a cavity QED simulator Room: 201BC |
Tomza, Michal University of Warsaw |
Session X02.00002 Quantum-chemical insights into molecular few-body complexity Room: Ballroom C |
Tretiak, Sergei Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session C05.00001 Probing dynamics of chemical bonds in organic chromophores by X-ray spectroscopies Room: 202AB |
Tscherbul, Timur V University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada, 89557, USA |
Session X02.00004 Numerically exact quantum dynamics and control of ultracold atom-molecule collisions: Magnetic Feshbach resonances Room: Ballroom C |
Vuletic, Vladan Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session X04.00001 Atom-cavity interaction for spin squeezing and entanglement generation Room: 201BC |
Watanabe, Noboru Institute of Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku University |
Session F10.00003 Angle-resolved (e, e+ion) spectroscopy: stereodynamics in electron impact ionization of molecules Room: 204AB |
Weld, David M UC Santa Barbara |
Session F02.00004 Exotic localization in driven cold-atom quasicrystals Room: Ballroom C |
West, Colin G University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session J02.00002 Colin West - Impacts of AI on Physics EducationLarge Language Models and Conceptions of Reasoning in Introductory Physics Room: Ballroom C |
Will, Sebastian Columbia University |
Session N05.00001 Creating and Exploring Bose-Einstein Condensates of Dipolar Molecules Room: 202AB |
Yan, Jiawei EuXFEL |
Session P05.00001 High-power Attosecond Hard X-ray Pulse Generation at the European XFEL Room: 202AB |
Yan, Zoe Z University of Chicago |
Session P10.00002 Observation of Magnetic Polarons in a Triangular Hubbard Model with Kinetic Frustration Room: 204AB |
Yao, Norman University of California, Berkeley |
Session B02.00003 Spin liquids in a dipolar Rydberg array Room: Ballroom B |
Young, Aaron W Harvard |
Session C02.00004 Deborah Jin Award for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Research in Atomic, Molecular, or Optical Physics Recipient: Programmable arrays of alkaline earth atoms: qubits, clocks, and the Bose-Hubbard model Room: Ballroom B |
Young, Nicholas University of Georgia |
Session R07.00003 Toward a More Equitable and Effective Physics Graduate Admissions Process Room: 203A |
Zhang, Chi California Institute of Technology |
Session J10.00003 New methods for quantum control of polar molecules for fundamental symmetry-violation searches Room: 204AB |
Zhang, Chuankun University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session Y02.00002 Connecting a narrow Th-229 nuclear clock transition with Sr optical clock via a VUV frequency comb Room: Ballroom C |
Zhuang, Quntao University of Southern California |
Session P02.00004 Quantum machine learning with quantum sensors and beyond Room: Ballroom C |
Zuerch, Michael University of California, Berkeley |
Session G10.00005 Solid-state high harmonic generation spectroscopy of quantum materials in complex environments Room: 204AB |
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