Bulletin of the American Physical Society
54th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
Volume 68, Number 7
Monday–Friday, June 5–9, 2023; Spokane, Washington
Invited Speakers
Ahn, Jaewook Korea Adv Inst of Science and Technology |
Session S04.00001 Quantum programming of non-deterministic polynomial-time problems with Rydberg atom graphs Room: Conference Theater |
Allain, Rhett Southeastern Louisiana University |
Session M02.00001 Science Communication with MacGyver and Mythbusters Room: Ballroom 111 A |
Anderegg, Loic Harvard University |
Session Q04.00002 Laser Cooled Polyatomic Molecules for Fundamental Physics and Quantum Science Room: Conference Theater |
Anderson, Neil Cold Quanta |
Session M02.00003 Communicating Science and Technology Effectively in Industry: Aiming for High Impact Results Room: Ballroom 111 A |
Argenti, Luca Central Florida |
Session C04.00005 Coherence Survival in Resonant Attosecond Ionization Processes Room: Conference Theater |
Bakr, Waseem S Princeton University |
Session C03.00001 Measuring quantum correlations in a many-body system of polar molecules Room: Ballroom 111 B |
Ballance, Connor Queen's University of Belfast |
Session E03.00001 A Dirac-R-matrix approach in support of the interpretation of spectra from magnetically-confined plasmas and kilonovae. Room: Ballroom 111 B |
Bao, Yicheng Harvard University |
Session C03.00003 Dipolar spin-exchange and entanglement between molecules in an optical tweezer array Room: Ballroom 111 B |
Bartschat, Klaus Drake University |
Session K04.00001 The legacy of Don Madison – electron-atom collisions. Room: Conference Theater |
Bayliss, Sam L University of Chicago |
Session C03.00004 Host-matrix control for improving spin coherence in molecular color centers Room: Ballroom 111 B |
Bohn, John L University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session Z03.00002 You shall not pass! Shielding and control of ultracold collisions Room: Ballroom 111 B |
Boll, Rebecca European XFEL |
Session U04.00005 X-ray Induced Coulomb Explosion Imaging of Complex Molecules Room: Conference Theater |
Bothwell, Tobias University of Colorado, Boulder |
Session E02.00001 A Wannier-Stark Optical Lattice Clock with Extended Coherence Times Room: Ballroom 111 A |
Branca, Rosa T University of North Carolina |
Session E03.00002 Defying Boltzmann Equilibrium: Recent Advances in Nuclear Spin Hyperpolarization Room: Ballroom 111 B |
Bucksbaum, Philip H |
Session 1A.00008 Filming and viewing ultrafast motion inside molecules: What do we see and what can we learn? Room: Ballroom 111 C |
Cheuk, Lawrence W Princeton University |
Session Q02.00001 Preparing and Entangling Laser-cooled Molecules in a Reconfigurable Optical Tweezer Array Room: Ballroom 111 A |
Colgan, James LANL |
Session K04.00004 The legacy of Don Madison – electron ionizing collisions with molecules Room: Conference Theater |
Covey, Jacob UIUC |
Session Q02.00003 Quantum science with nuclear spin qubits in ytterbium-171 atom arrays Room: Ballroom 111 A |
DeMille, David P University of Chicago |
Session 1A.00002 Seeking new physics at multi-TeV energies by searching for the electron's electric dipole moment Room: Ballroom 111 C |
DiMauro, Louis F Ohio State Univ - Columbus |
Session K03.00001 High-order harmonic generation from a dielectric in the presence of a quasi-static field Room: Ballroom 111 B |
Di Pumpo, Fabio University Ulm |
Session X03.00001 Testing local position invariance with atom interferometry Room: Ballroom 111 B |
Fletcher, Richard J Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session X02.00004 Quantum Hall physics in a quantum Foucault pendulum Room: Ballroom 111 A |
Gabrielse, Gerald Northwestern University |
Session X03.00002 New Measurement of the Electron Magnetic Moment and a New Dark Photon Limit Room: Ballroom 111 B |
Geraci, Andrew A Northwestern University |
Session A01.00005 Francis M. Pipkin Award: Searching for new physics with optically levitated sensors Room: Ballroom 100 AB |
Goldman, Nathan Universite libre de Bruxelles |
Session X02.00001 Strongly-correlated topological matter with quantum gases Room: Ballroom 111 A |
Hadzibabic, Zoran Univ of Cambridge |
Session H02.00003 Wave turbulence in box-trapped Bose gases Room: Ballroom 111 A |
Hartke, Thomas R Massachusetts Institute of Technology MI |
Session E02.00002 Fermion pairing and thermodynamics under a bilayer microscope Room: Ballroom 111 A |
Ho, Tin-Lun Ohio State University |
Session Z02.00001 Quantum Droplet Meta-Materials Room: Ballroom 111 A |
Home, Jonathan |
Session X04.00007 Quantum error correction with motional states of trapped ions Room: Conference Theater |
Hung, Chen-Lung Purdue University |
Session H02.00002 Quench dynamics of tunable Bose gases in an optically painted 2D box Room: Ballroom 111 A |
Hutzler, Nicholas R Caltech |
Session U03.00001 Precision Measurement with Polyatomic Molecules Room: Ballroom 111 B |
Hvizdos, David Purdue University |
Session H03.00001 Progress in theoretical descriptions of dissociative recombination and other electron scattering processes in diatomic ions Room: Ballroom 111 B |
Jiang, Liang University of Chicago |
Session X04.00001 Hardware-Aware Quantum Error Correction Room: Conference Theater |
Kaufman, Adam M JILA,CU Boulder |
Session A01.00003 I.I. Rabi Prize in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics: Quantum science with microscopically-controlled arrays of alkaline-earth atoms Room: Ballroom 100 AB |
Kawall, David M UMass, Amherst |
Session 1A.00006 The Muon g-2 Experiment: A Precision Test of the Standard Model and Search for New Physics Room: Ballroom 111 C |
Khemani, Vedika Stanford University |
Session U02.00001 Quantum Information Dynamics in Monitored Systems Room: Ballroom 111 A |
Kocharovskaya, Olga Texas A&M University |
Session A01.00002 Norman F. Ramsey Prize in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, and in Precision Tests of Fundamental Laws and Symmetries: Quantum Optics with ultra-narrow nuclear transitions Room: Ballroom 100 AB |
Koll, Lisa-Marie Max Born Institute, Berlin |
Session E04.00001 Control of ion+photoelectron entanglement in attosecond experiments Room: Conference Theater |
Kreckel, Holger Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics |
Session H03.00002 Atomic and Molecular Physics at the Cryogenic Storage Ring Room: Ballroom 111 B |
Laarmann, Tim Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY |
Session H04.00005 Electronic quantum coherence in glycine molecules probed with ultrashort x-ray pulses in real time Room: Conference Theater |
Laburthe-Tolra, Bruno Université Paris 13, Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, F-93430 Villetaneuse, France |
Session K02.00001 Quantum thermalization of long-range interacting spins Room: Ballroom 111 A |
Langen, Tim University of Stuttgart |
Session U03.00002 Laser cooling of barium monofluoride molecules Room: Ballroom 111 B |
Lasner, Zack Harvard University |
Session U03.00003 Progress toward an ultracold trap of SrOH molecules to probe fundamental constant variations and the electron electric dipole moment Room: Ballroom 111 B |
LeBlanc, Lindsay J University of Alberta Department of Physics |
Session 1A.00004 Absorb, store, and re-emit: Quantum memory via coherent light-matter interactions and collective atomic excitations Room: Ballroom 111 C |
Leonard, Julian TU Vienna |
Session U02.00004 Quantum simulations with optical lattices: avalanche thermalization and fractional quantum Hall states Room: Ballroom 111 A |
Loh, Huanqian National University of Singapore |
Session S04.00002 An enhanced toolbox for larger and more versatile Rydberg atom arrays Room: Conference Theater |
Lu, Zheng-Tian University of Science and Technology of China |
Session X03.00003 Measurement of the Electric Dipole Moment of 171Yb Atoms in an Optical Dipole Trap Room: Ballroom 111 B |
Lucchese, Robert R LBL |
Session C04.00001 Molecular frame photoemission time delay Room: Conference Theater |
Machacek, Josh R Australian Natl Univ |
Session E03.00004 Positron Collisions with Cold Atoms Room: Ballroom 111 B |
Maciejko, Joseph Univ of Alberta |
Session C02.00001 Hyperbolic quantum matter Room: Ballroom 111 A |
Monroe, Christopher R Duke University |
Session K02.00004 Quantum Simulations and Computations with Ion Trap Systems Room: Ballroom 111 A |
Moritz, Henning University of Hamburg |
Session H02.00004 Fermionic superfluids in two and three dimensions Room: Ballroom 111 A |
Mukamel, Shaul University of California, Irvine |
Session Q03.00005 Novel Ultrafast X-ray Probes of Elementary Molecular Events Room: Ballroom 111 B |
Nascimbene, Sylvain Laboratoire Kastler Brossel |
Session U02.00003 Spatial partition of an atomic quantum Hall system Room: Ballroom 111 A |
Navon, Nir Yale |
Session H02.00001 Fermions in an Optical Box - Tales of Stability Room: Ballroom 111 A |
Oberthaler, Markus Heidelberg |
Session C02.00002 Quantum Field Simulator – Relativistic scalar field in curve spacetime Room: Ballroom 111 A |
Ordonez, Carlos R University of Houston |
Session A01.00004 Edward A. Bouchet Award: "Caminante, no hay camino, se hace el camino al andar..."(Antonio Machado, Spanish poet), or the brief tale of my parallel physics and advocacy paths Room: Ballroom 100 AB |
Palacios, Alicia Univ Autonoma de Madrid |
Session H04.00001 XUV and X-ray induced ultrafast electron dynamics in gas-phase targets Room: Conference Theater |
Parzuchowski, Kristen M JILA, University of Colorado |
Session S02.00001 Setting Experimental Bounds on Entangled Two-Photon Absorption Cross Sections Room: Ballroom 111 A |
Pfeifer, Thomas Max Planck Inst Kernphys |
Session E04.00005 Ultrafast Phase Control: Quantum Coherence in Helium Atoms, and Entangled States in Hydrogen Molecules, Modified by Attosecond Delays Room: Conference Theater |
Pichler, Hannes University of Innsbruck |
Session M04.00001 Quantum Optimization with Rydberg Atom Arrays beyond Unit Disk Graphs Room: Conference Theater |
Pikovski, Igor Stevens Institute of Technology |
Session X03.00004 Testing quantum theory on curved space-time with quantum networks and proper time interference Room: Ballroom 111 B |
Ptasinska, Sylwia University of Notre Dame |
Session H03.00004 Dissociation and dynamics of electron attachment to specific intramolecular structures. Room: Ballroom 111 B |
Pustelny, Szymon Jagiellonian University |
Session M03.00004 Optical Atomic Comagnetometry for Tests of Fundamental Physics Room: Ballroom 111 B |
Rey, Ana Maria UC Boulder/JILA |
Session X02.00003 Strongly interacting fermionic atoms in a synthetic flux ladder Room: Ballroom 111 A |
Richerme, Philip Indiana University Bloomington |
Session K02.00002 Quantum Computation of Hydrogen Bond Dynamics and Vibrational Spectra Room: Ballroom 111 A |
Rolles, Daniel Kansas State |
Session X05.00001 Ultrafast Diffraction and Spectroscopy Studies of Gas-Phase Photochemistry Room: 205 |
Romalis, Michael V Princeton University |
Session M03.00001 Two approaches for nuclear spin co-magnetometry Room: Ballroom 111 B |
Ruskuc, Andrei |
Session S03.00004 Single rare-earth ions in solid state hosts: a testbed for quantum networks and nuclear spin physics Room: Ballroom 111 B |
Sandhu, Arvinder S University of Arizona |
Session Q03.00001 Quantum control of electron dynamics in the continuum Room: Ballroom 111 B |
Selton, Charlotte |
Session M02.00002 Voice for Physics: Communicating with Policymakers Room: Ballroom 111 A |
Semeghini, Giulia Harvard University |
Session M04.00002 Towards new frontiers of quantum science with dual-species atom arrays Room: Conference Theater |
Sension, Roseanne J University of Michigan |
Session K03.00004 Visualizing excited state structural and electronic dynamics Room: Ballroom 111 B |
Sheng, Dong University of Science and Technology of China |
Session M03.00002 Search for new physics using a 129Xe-131Xe-Rb comagnetometer Room: Ballroom 111 B |
Singh, Kevin University of Chicago |
Session Q02.00002 A dual-species Rydberg array of rubidium and cesium atoms Room: Ballroom 111 A |
Spielman, Ian University of Maryland, College Park |
Session U02.00002 Topology in time-evolving quantum systems Room: Ballroom 111 A |
Stamper-Kurn, Dan M University of California, Berkeley |
Session Q02.00004 Integrating strong-coupling cavity QED with atomic tweezer arrays Room: Ballroom 111 A |
Suleymanzade, Aziza University of Chicago |
Session E02.00003 Deborah Jin Award for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Research in Atomic, Molecular, or Optical Physics Recipient: Millimeter-wave to optical transduction with Rydberg atoms in a hybrid cavity-QED platform Room: Ballroom 111 A |
Sundar, Bhuvanesh U Colorado |
Session K02.00003 Scalable spin squeezing using multilevel atoms in an optical cavity Room: Ballroom 111 A |
Tarbutt, Michael Imperial College London |
Session U03.00004 Towards an infrared frequency standard using CaF molecules in a lattice Room: Ballroom 111 B |
Thomas, Richard D Stockholm University |
Session H03.00003 Probing charge-transfer neutralization reactions of atmospheric importance using the ion storage facility DESIREE Room: Ballroom 111 B |
Thompson, Jeff D Princeton University |
Session S03.00003 Indistinguishable single photon emission from single Er3+ ions Room: Ballroom 111 B |
Thywissen, Joseph H Toronto |
Session Z02.00003 Orbital interactions between strongly confined fermions Room: Ballroom 111 A |
Truppe, Stefan Imperial College London |
Session Q04.00001 Laser cooling alkaline-earth-like diatomic molecules Room: Conference Theater |
Tzallas, Paraskevas |
Session Z02.00004 Generation of optical Schrödinger "cat" and entangled states using strongly laser driven atoms Room: Ballroom 111 A |
U'Ren, Alfred UNAM Mexico |
Session S02.00002 Progress in the assessment and certification of entangled two-photon absorption in organic compounds. Room: Ballroom 111 A |
Vutha, Amar C Univ of Toronto |
Session S03.00002 Precision measurements in solids: challenges and opportunities Room: Ballroom 111 B |
Weinacht, Thomas Stony Brook University |
Session U04.00001 Pulse Shape Dependent Strong Field Molecular Ionization Studied with Covariance Velocity Map Imaging Room: Conference Theater |
Weinstein, Jonathan D University of Nevada, Reno |
Session S03.00001 Optical and spin properties of alkali atoms in cryogenic solids Room: Ballroom 111 B |
Wickenbrock, Arne Johannes Gutenberg University |
Session M03.00003 Polarization dynamics in a nuclear spin gyroscope Room: Ballroom 111 B |
Wieman, Carl Stanford University |
Session P02.00002 Having more students learning to think like physicists Room: Ballroom 111 AB |
Wolf, Thomas J SLAC - Natl Accelerator Lab |
Session Z04.00001 New perspectives on electrocyclic photochemistry using ultrafast diffraction probes Room: Conference Theater |
Wörner, Hans Jakob ETH Zurich |
Session K03.00003 Bridging the phase gap: directly comparing ultrafast dynamics in the gas and liquid phases Room: Ballroom 111 B |
Wright, Katherine Physics Magazine |
Session M02.00004 Communicating Science to Those Outside of the Lab Room: Ballroom 111 A |
Ye, Jun CU Boulder |
Session Z02.00002 A new bound on the electron's electric dipole moment Room: Ballroom 111 A |
Yuan, Zhen-Sheng University of Science and Technology of China |
Session X02.00002 Simulating Lattice Gauge Theories with Ultracold Atoms Room: Ballroom 111 A |
Yue, Lun |
Session K03.00002 High-harmonic spectroscopy in solids: multiband effects and anomalous currents Room: Ballroom 111 B |
Zammit, Mark C LANL |
Session E03.00003 Atomic and Molecular Collision Models and Data for Plasma Modeling Room: Ballroom 111 B |
Zelevinsky, Tanya Columbia University |
Session Z03.00001 Quantum-state manipulation and magic trapping of molecules for metrology Room: Ballroom 111 B |
Zhang, Jessie T Harvard University |
Session C03.00002 Optical tweezer arrays of molecules from the bottom-up for quantum science Room: Ballroom 111 B |
Zhou, Hengyun Harvard University |
Session E02.00004 Quantum Many-Body Physics and Quantum Metrology with Floquet-Engineered Interacting Spin Systems Room: Ballroom 111 A |
Zhou, Qi Purdue University |
Session C02.00003 Tailoring synthetic curved spacetimes Room: Ballroom 111 A |
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