Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS April Meeting 2018
Volume 63, Number 4
Saturday–Tuesday, April 14–17, 2018; Columbus, Ohio
Invited Speakers
Aprile, Elena Columbia Univ |
Session B02.00002 New Results from the XENON1T Dark Matter Experiment Room: A112-113 |
Archibald, Anne Universiteit van Amsterdam / ASTRON |
Session Q01.00002 Testing General Relativity Using a Pulsar in a Triple System Room: Union Ballroom BC |
Arzoumanian, Zaven NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Session G17.00001 A NICER View: Astrophysics and Exploration from the International Space Station Room: B234-235 |
Audience, Participation From Many |
Session H03.00003 Remembrances from Vera's Colleagues and Admirers Room: A114-115 |
Baker, John NASA |
Session Y04.00001 The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna: A space-based Gravitational Wave Observatory Room: A120-122 |
Banerjee, Swagato University of Louisville |
Session X02.00002 Higgs physics at LHC Room: A112-113 |
Barausse, Enrico Institut d'astrophysique de Paris / CNRS, Paris, France |
Session X04.00003 The quest for low frequency gravitational waves Room: A120-122 |
Barish, Barry Caltech |
Session W01.00003 LIGO and Gravitational Waves II Room: Union Ballroom BC |
Barnes, Jennifer Columbia University |
Session J07.00002 R-process production and transients from neutron star mergers Room: B131-132 |
Baryakhtar, Masha Perimeter Institute |
Session U02.00002 Searching for Ultralight Particles with Black Holes and Gravitational Waves Room: A112-113 |
Belloni, Alberto University of Maryland |
Session Y02.00003 Calorimetry at the HL-LHC Room: A112-113 |
Belmont, Ronald Univ of Colorado - Boulder |
Session S12.00001 The initial state and early time dynamics in heavy-ion collisions Room: A222-223 |
Benson, Bradford Fermilab |
Session H07.00003 The Hubble Constant from the Cosmic Microwave Background Room: B131-132 |
Betancourt-Martinez, Gabriele Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planetologie |
Session K07.00002 Understanding Charge Exchange through Laboratory Astrophysics Measurements using an Electron Beam Ion Trap Room: B131-132 |
Bevitt, Joseph Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation |
Session B04.00002 Dinosaurs, Neutrons and a little Alchemy -- revealing the secrets of a long-lost past. Room: A120-122 |
Bonga, Béatrice Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Session S04.00003 Surprising consequences of a positive cosmological constant Room: A120-122 |
Bonifazi, Carla IF-UFRJ & Fermilab |
Session D07.00003 New results from ultra-high energy cosmic ray physics Room: B131-132 |
Brill, Dieter Univ of Maryland-College Park |
Session Y06.00002 Chapel Hill, Wheeler, and I Room: B130 |
Bundy, Kevin University of California - Santa Cruz |
Session X07.00002 TBD Room: B131-132 |
Burns, Eric NASA/GSFC |
Session G07.00001 The First Unambiguous Electromagnetic Counterpart to a Gravitational-Wave Signal: GRB 170817A and GW170817 Room: B131-132 |
Caines, Helen Yale University |
Session H02.00003 Using the TPC to understand collisions between relativistic heavy ions Room: A112-113 |
Cairncross, William JILA & Univ of Colorado - Boulder |
Session J06.00001 A precision measurement of the electron's electric dipole moment using trapped molecular ions Room: B130 |
Cavanna, Flavio FERMILAB |
Session H02.00002 Liquid Argon TPCs for Neutrino Physics Room: A112-113 |
Centrella, Joan NASA/GSFC |
Session J03.00003 Binary Black Hole Mergers: Breakthroughs, Waveforms, Astrophysics, and Gravitational Waves Room: A114-115 |
Chaban, Ryan College of William and Mary |
Session G10.00001 Doublet Dudes: Shaping the Future of Fusion Room: A216 |
Chakraborty, Bipasha Jefferson Laboratory |
Session R06.00003 Studies of the pion and kaon in lattice QCD Room: B130 |
Chang, Chia Cheng Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab |
Session S05.00001 The axial coupling of the nucleon from Quantum Chromodynamics Room: A123-125 |
Chang, Chihway KICP |
Session Y07.00003 Mapping the Cosmos with the Dark Energy Survey: Y1 and Beyond Room: B131-132 |
Chini, Jacquelyn Univ of Central Florida |
Session K03.00001 Learning from Avatars: Developing Student-centered Teaching Skills in a Mixed-reality Simulator Room: A114-115 |
Cholis, Ilias Johns Hopkins University |
Session U02.00003 Primordial Black Holes as Gravitational Wave Sources Room: A112-113 |
Chomiuk, Laura Michigan State University |
Session B07.00003 Rethinking the Fundamentals of Classical Nova Explosions Room: B131-132 |
Cloet, Ian Argonne Natl Lab |
Session R06.00002 Partonic Structure of the Pion and Kaon Room: B130 |
Close, Eleanor Texas State Univ-San Marcos |
Session D03.00002 Developing physics teacher identity through Learning Assistant program participation Room: A114-115 |
Cole, Philip Lamar University |
Session B06.00001 Applications of Accelerators in Nuclear Science Room: B130 |
Conklin, John Univ of Florida - Gainesville |
Session B15.00001 The Physics of the Cosmos Multimessenger Science Analysis Group. Room: B230-231 |
Constantinou, Martha Temple Univ |
Session C05.00003 Lattice Generalized Parton Distributions and Form Factors of the Nucleon Room: A123-125 |
Cooley, Jodi Southern Methodist Univ |
Session J10.00001 Low Radioactivity Background Techniques Room: A216 |
Couder, Manoel University of Notre Dame |
Session G11.00001 Instrumentation Plans for FRIB and ReA Room: A220-221 |
Creighton, Jolien Univ of Wisconsin, Milwaukee |
Session C04.00001 Gravitational Waves from Compact Binary Coalescences Detected during the Second Advanced LIGO/Virgo Observing Run Room: A120-122 |
Crivelli, Paolo ETH Zurich, Institute for Particle Physics and Astrophysics |
Session C03.00003 NA64 searching for hidden sectors at the CERN SPS Room: A114-115 |
Cummings, A.C. Caltech |
Session X16.00001 Recent Observations of Galactic Cosmic Rays from Voyagers 1 and 2 Room: B232-233 |
D'Urso, Brian Montana State Univ |
Session H04.00001 Levitated Optomechanics for Precision Gravitational Measurements Room: A120-122 |
Dahl, Eric Northwestern University |
Session B02.00001 Henry Primakoff Award for Early-Career Particle Physics Talk: Tiny Bubbles in the Mine: Dark Matter Detection via Bubble Chamber Room: A112-113 |
de Gouvea, Andre Northwestern Univ |
Session K02.00001 Neutrino Mass - Origins Room: A112-113 |
de Groote, Ruben University of Jyväskylä |
Session K05.00001 Laser Spectroscopy as a Probe of Nuclear Structure in the Vicinity of $^{\mathrm{78}}$Ni Room: A123-125 |
de Vries, Jordy Nikhef |
Session Y05.00002 Searches for beyond-the-Standard Model physics with light nuclei Room: A123-125 |
Dine, Michael University of California, Santa Cruz |
Session G02.00002 J. J. Sakurai Prize Talk: Hierarchy of Hierarchies Room: A112-113 |
Dounas-Frazer, Dimitri University of Colorado Boulder |
Session R03.00002 Student engagement in modeling and metacognition while troubleshooting a circuit Room: A114-115 |
Driggers, Jennifer Caltech |
Session C04.00002 Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo Room: A120-122 |
Echenard, Bertrand Caltech |
Session R02.00001 Charged Lepton Flavor Violation and the new Mu2e and COMET experiments. Room: A112-113 |
Endrizzi, Andrea University of Trento |
Session K04.00001 Numerical Simulations of Binary Neutron Star Mergers: Gravitational Waves and Short Gamma-Ray Bursts Room: A120-122 |
Evans, Matthew Massachusetts Inst of Tech-MIT |
Session D04.00001 Third-generation gravitational-wave detectors - how we will reach the edge of the Universe Room: A120-122 |
Farr, Will Univ of Birmingham |
Session R04.00002 Uncovering the Formation of Compact Objects Through Gravitational Wave Observations Room: A120-122 |
Fatemi, Renee University of Kentucky |
Session R02.00002 Exploring new physics with Muon g-2 Room: A112-113 |
Feeney, Stephen Flatiron Institute |
Session H07.00002 Clarifying the Hubble Constant Tension Room: B131-132 |
Feynman, Joan Jet Propulsion Lab (Retired) |
Session A01.00001 Being Feynman’s Curious Sister Room: Union Ballroom BC |
Foucart, Francois University of New Hampshire |
Session K04.00003 Modeling kilonovae using neutron star merger simulations : current status and uncertainties Room: A120-122 |
Frazier, Njema Natl Nuclear Security Administration |
Session Q01.00001 Physics and the Government: Navigating Science Policy and Nuclear Security Room: Union Ballroom BC |
Frebel, Anna Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session C07.00001 Exploring the Universe with Metal-Poor Stars Room: B131-132 |
Fryer, Chris Los Alamos Natl Lab |
Session J07.00001 Sites of the r-process: supernovae and mergers: Recent Successes and Current Issues Room: B131-132 |
Fuwape, Ibiyinka Michael and Cecilia Ibru University, Delta State, Nigeria |
Session X06.00001 Marshak Lectureship: Women in Physics in Nigeria and other sub-Saharan African countries: Progress and Challenges Room: B130 |
Galley, Chad Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Session S04.00002 Gravitational waves from compact binaries in an effective field theory approach Room: A120-122 |
Galon, Iftah NHETC, Rutgers University |
Session D02.00002 Exploring dark sectors at FASER: ForwArd Search ExpeRiment at the LHC Room: A112-113 |
Gerosa, Davide Caltech |
Session R04.00001 What do LIGO’s Black Holes Remember? Room: A120-122 |
Geurts, Frank Rice University |
Session G05.00003 High Baryon Densities in Terrestrial Experiments Room: A123-125 |
Giannessi, Luca ENEA (Italy) |
Session G04.00003 Operational experience with the first seeded x-ray FEL producing spatially and temporally coherent light Room: A120-122 |
Godbole, Rohini Centre for High Energy Physics, Indian Institute of Science |
Session X06.00002 Women Physicists in India and other Asian Countries Room: B130 |
Goldberg, Joshua Syracuse University |
Session Y06.00004 US Air Force Support of General Relativity: Chapel Hill and Beyond Room: B130 |
Gray, Lindsey Fermilab |
Session Y02.00004 The Timing Frontier Room: A112-113 |
Grego, Laura Union of Concerned Scientists |
Session C06.00002 Missile Defense and Space Weapons Room: B130 |
Hallinan, Gregg California Institute of Technology |
Session G07.00002 The Radio Afterglow of GW170817 Room: B131-132 |
Halpern, Paul Univ of the Sciences in Phila |
Session S06.00001 Learning Through Teaching, Thinking By Drawing, And Distilling Truth From `Crazy Ideas:' John Wheeler's Lifelong Influence On Richard Feynman. Room: B130 |
Hanany, Shaul University of Minnesota |
Session Y16.00001 Update on CMB Mission Concepts Room: B232-233 |
Hanhart, Christoph Forschungszentrum Juelich, Juelich |
Session S02.00001 Heavy Exotics: Concepts, Insights and Perspectives Room: A112-113 |
Hemsing, Erik SLAC - Natl Accelerator Lab |
Session G04.00001 Beams by Design Room: A120-122 |
Henderson, Charles Western Michigan University |
Session R03.00003 Integrated Elements of an Action Plan Leading to Institutional Change Room: A114-115 |
Hergert, Heiko NSCL/FRIB, Michigan State University |
Session K05.00003 Nuclear Structure from First Principles in the ${}^{78}$Ni Region Room: A123-125 |
Hessels, E. A. York University |
Session J06.00003 Precision microwave measurements of n=2 states in simple atoms: Determination of the fine-structure constant and the charge radius of the proton Room: B130 |
Hezaveh, Yashar Stanford University |
Session Y07.00002 Measuring the mass function of dark matter subhalos with ALMA observations of strong gravitational lenses Room: B131-132 |
Hill, Richard U. Kentucky and Fermilab |
Session S05.00003 The nucleon axial radius, its determination and implications Room: A123-125 |
Hodapp, Theodore American Physical Society |
Session S03.00002 APS Guide to Effective Practices in Undergraduate Program Review: An example, and how to use it Room: A114-115 |
Hogan, Jason Stanford University |
Session H04.00003 TBD Room: A120-122 |
Horton, Renee NASA, Michoud Assembly Facility |
Session J17.00001 TBD Room: B234-235 |
Huber, Garth Univ of Regina |
Session R06.00001 The experimental determination of the pion and kaon form factors and structure functions Room: B130 |
Hui, Lam Columbia University |
Session U02.00001 Ultra-light axion dark matter Room: A112-113 |
Hunter, Deidre Lowell Observatory |
Session H03.00002 Personal reflections on Vera Rubin and her science Room: A114-115 |
Ivanyushenkov, Yury Argonne National Laboratory |
Session G04.00002 Superconducting undulators for an enhanced production of x-rays at the light sources Room: A120-122 |
Jackson, Michael Millersville Univ |
Session S03.00001 APS Guide to Effective Practices in Undergraduate Physics Programs: What it is and why you should care Room: A114-115 |
Jansen, Gustav R. Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session H06.00002 Coupled-cluster calculations of atomic nuclei Room: B130 |
Jauzac, Mathilde Durham University |
Session Y07.00001 Mapping Dark Matter from the Hubble Frontier Fields Clusters Room: B131-132 |
Jones, David University of California, Santa Cruz |
Session H07.00001 Crisis in Cosmology: Measuring The Local Value of the Hubble Constant Room: B131-132 |
Jurik, Nathan University of Oxford |
Session S02.00002 Mitsuyoshi Tanaka Dissertation Award Talk: Exotic states in B decays Room: A112-113 |
Kasen, Daniel Univ of California, Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory |
Session D16.00001 Invited Review: Status & Current Understanding of Optical counterparts to GW events Room: B232-233 |
Kerr, Matthew Naval Research Laboratory |
Session Y15.00001 GAMERA: a gamma-ray telescope for the gravitational wave astrophysics era Room: B230-231 |
Krnjaic, Gordan Fermilab |
Session D02.00001 New Accelerator Searches for Light Dark Matter Room: A112-113 |
Kuchimanchi, Ravi Association for India's Development |
Session R07.00001 Andrei Sakharov Prize Talk: Parity in Our World and in Physics Room: B131-132 |
Ladbury, Raymond NASA/GSFC |
Session B06.00003 Radiation Testing Electronics with Heavy Ions--The Best Way to Hit a Target Moving Ever Exponentially Faster Room: B130 |
Lazzati, Davide Oregon State University |
Session S07.00001 Cocoons, structured jets, and the non-thermal emission of binary neutron star mergers Room: B131-132 |
Lee, Dean Michigan State Univ |
Session H06.00003 Nuclear structure and quantum phase transitions with lattice effective field theory Room: B130 |
Lehner, Luis Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Session K04.00002 New vistas in binary black holes Room: A120-122 |
Lesher, Shelly R. Univ of Wisconsin, LaCrosse |
Session R07.00003 The Role of the Physicist in Human Rights Room: B131-132 |
Leung, Calvin Harvey Mudd College, Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information - Vienna |
Session K07.00005 LeRoy Apker Award Talk: Bell's Inequality and Beyond with Astronomical Photons Room: B131-132 |
Li, Shirley SLAC - Natl Accelerator Lab |
Session K07.00003 The Hunt for Astrophysical Neutrinos Room: B131-132 |
Lightman, Alan Paige MIT |
Session U07.00002 Henrietta Leavitt, Pioneer in measuring the distances to the stars Room: B131-132 |
Logan, Liz C. Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences, University of Texas at Austin |
Session U03.00003 Breaking the ice: an exploration of material behavior, boundary conditions, and (ice) failure in Antarctica. Room: A114-115 |
Lyman, Edwin Union of Concerned Scientists |
Session J16.00001 Leo Szilard Lectureship Award Talk: ``Recycling'' nuclear waste: risks and benefits Room: B232-233 |
Madurga Flores, Miguel University of Tennessee |
Session K05.00002 Decay Spectroscopy in the Region of $^{78}Ni$ Room: A123-125 |
Maerkisch, Bastian Technical University of Munich |
Session S05.00002 Precision determination of the ratio of axial-vector and vector coupling constants from neutron beta decay Room: A123-125 |
Mapelli, Michela University of Innsbruck |
Session R04.00003 Dynamics versus isolated binary evolution: place your bets Room: A120-122 |
Marder, Michael Univ of Texas, Austin |
Session D03.00001 Recruiting teachers in high-needs STEM fields Room: A114-115 |
McCullough, Laura University of Wisconsin-Stout |
Session K06.00003 The Sixth International Conference on Women in Physics Room: B130 |
McLaughlin, Gail North Carolina State Univ |
Session J07.00003 Nuclear and neutrino physics of the r-process Room: B131-132 |
McLaughlin, Maura West Virginia University |
Session Y04.00002 Pulsar Timing Arrays: Building a Low-Frequency Gravitational Wave Detector Room: A120-122 |
Metcalfe, Jessica Argonne Natl Lab |
Session Y02.00002 Tracking at the HL-LHC Room: A112-113 |
Metzger, Brian Columbia University |
Session S07.00002 Kilonova Emission from a Binary Neutron Star Merger Room: B131-132 |
Miller, Cole Univ of Maryland-College Park |
Session X04.00002 Arguments For and Against Intermediate-Mass Black Holes Room: A120-122 |
Mohammadi, Narges Iran |
Session R07.00002 Andrei Sakharov Prize Talk: Prisoners of Conscience in Iran (Presented on behalf of Narges Mohammadi by Nayereh Tohidi) Room: B131-132 |
Mohsen, Mona Ain Shams Univ Abbassia |
Session X06.00003 Beller Lectureship: The Status of Women Physicists in Egypt and the Middle East Room: B130 |
Mokeev, Victor Jefferson Lab |
Session C05.00002 New Results on the Nucleon Resonance Spectrum and Structure from Photo- and Electroproduction Experiments Room: A123-125 |
Monroe, Christopher University of Maryland and IonQ, Inc. |
Session A01.00002 Quantum Computing and Feynman’s Opportunity Room: Union Ballroom BC |
Mueller, Peter Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory |
Session Y05.00001 Precision measurements in light, weakly bound nuclei Room: A123-125 |
Mukherjee, Swagato Brookhaven Natl Lab |
Session G05.00002 Hot Lattice QCD at Moderately Large Baryon Densities Room: A123-125 |
Naiman, Jill Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics |
Session C07.00003 Chemical Evolution in Simulations of Galaxy Formation Room: B131-132 |
Natarajan, Priyamvada Yale Univ |
Session X04.00001 Unveiling the first black holes Room: A120-122 |
Nelson, Ann University of Washington |
Session G02.00001 J.J. Sakurai Prize Talk: Baryogenesis Room: A112-113 |
Nord, Brian Fermilab and University of Chicago |
Session R05.00003 AI in the Sky: The Application of Artificial Intelligence to Cosmological Questions Room: A123-125 |
Nygren, David University of Texas, Arlington |
Session H02.00001 Origins, Development, and Future of the TPC Idea Room: A112-113 |
Olive, Keith Univ of Minn - Minneapolis |
Session K07.00001 Hans A. Bethe Prize Talk: Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and probes beyond the Standard Model Room: B131-132 |
Orrell, John Pacific Northwest Natl Lab |
Session B02.00003 Backgrounds in WIMP direct detection dark matter experiments Room: A112-113 |
Paik, Ho Jung Univ of Maryland-College Park |
Session D04.00003 SOGRO: Superconducting Tensor Detector for Mid-Frequency Gravitational Waves Room: A120-122 |
Pal, Bilas Univ of Cincinnati and Brookhaven National Lab |
Session S02.00003 Exotic states in e+e- collisions (Belle and BESIII) Room: A112-113 |
Papenbrock, Thomas Univ of Tennessee, Knoxville |
Session D05.00001 Coupled-clusters and quantum computing Room: A123-125 |
Parker, Eugene Dept. of Physics, Dept of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois |
Session W01.00001 APS Medal for Excellence in Physics Talk: Magnetic dissipation and field-line topology Room: Union Ballroom BC |
Parno, Diana Carnegie Mellon University |
Session K02.00002 Neutrino-Mass Limits Through Beta Decay Room: A112-113 |
Perkins, Katherine University of Colorado Boulder |
Session G03.00001 Excellence in Physics Education Award Talk: PhET Interactive Simulations: Making physics engaging and accessible for all Room: A114-115 |
Peter, Annika Ohio State Univ - Columbus |
Session H03.00001 A Bright Vision for Dark Matter Room: A114-115 |
Piekarewicz, Jorge Florida State Univ |
Session B05.00003 Neutron skins and neutron stars in the multi-messenger era Room: A123-125 |
Piro, Anthony Carnegie Observatories |
Session G07.00003 Shedding Light on Gravitational Waves Room: B131-132 |
Plisch, Monica American Physical Society |
Session D03.00003 A multi-society partnership: Changing the conversation around STEM teacher recruitment. Room: A114-115 |
Plisch, Monica American Physical Society APS |
Session S03.00003 Open forum on Guide for Effective Practices and Program Review in Undergraduate Physics Programs Room: A114-115 |
Postol, Ted MIT |
Session C06.00001 North Korean Long-Range Ballistic Missiles and US Missile Defenses Room: B130 |
Preskill, John California Institute of Technology |
Session S06.00002 Feynman after 40 Room: B130 |
Prestemon, Soren Lawrence Berkeley Natl Lab |
Session J02.00003 High Field Magnet Technology Progress and Relevance for the Next HEP Machines Room: A112-113 |
Pyle, Matthew UC Berkeley |
Session D02.00003 Demonstration of Single Ionization Sensitive Cryogenic Calorimeters and Their Potential In Electron Recoil Dark Matter Searches Room: A112-113 |
Quaglioni, Sofia Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session H06.00001 Nuclear structure and reactions from ab initio calculations Room: B130 |
Quider, Anna Northern Illinois University |
Session B04.00001 From Natural Laws to Writing Laws: A Physicist Turned Policymaker Room: A120-122 |
Ramirez-Ruiz, Enrico University of California - Santa Cruz |
Session S07.00003 Fingerprints of Heavy Element Synthesis in the Universe Room: B131-132 |
Ramsey-Musolf, Michael Univ of Mass - Amherst |
Session J05.00001 Recent theoretical advances in electroweak baryogenesis Room: A123-125 |
Rankin, Patricia Univ of Colorado - Boulder |
Session K06.00002 It is not Rocket Science -- Keeping the Talented in Physics Room: B130 |
Read, Jocelyn Cal State Univ- Fullerton |
Session G05.00001 New Extraterrestrial Observations of the Dense Matter Equation of State Room: A123-125 |
Remmen, Grant UC Berkeley |
Session G02.00004 Sakurai Thesis Prize Talk: Quantum Gravity Constraints for Effective Field Theories Room: A112-113 |
Rickles, Dean University of Sydney |
Session Y06.00003 Behind the Scenes at Chapel Hill Room: B130 |
Riess, Adam Johns Hopkins University |
Session U07.00003 Cepheids and the Distance Ladder today Room: B131-132 |
Riordan, Seamus Argonne National Laboratory |
Session B05.00002 Measurements of Neutron Skins through Parity-Violating Electron Scattering Room: A123-125 |
Rivière, Colas Univ of Maryland-College Park |
Session D07.00002 Highlights from the HAWC Observatory Room: B131-132 |
Roche, Julie Ohio University |
Session H05.00001 Glimpses of gluons in spatial imaging through DVCS Room: A123-125 |
Rodrigues, Manuel ONERA |
Session H04.00002 The first results of the MICROSCOPE space test of the equivalence principle. Room: A120-122 |
Rogers, W.F. Indiana Wesleyan University |
Session U05.00001 The Value of Undergraduate Research Participation in Physics, and in National DNP Meetings via the Conference Experience for Undergraduates Room: A123-125 |
Romanenko, Alexander Fermilab |
Session J02.00002 Lastest SRF accelerator technology breakthroughs and progress toward ILC Room: A112-113 |
Rossi, Patrizia Jefferson Lab |
Session R02.00003 Physics reach at JLab with the 12 GeV upgrade Room: A112-113 |
Sakari, Charli University of Washington |
Session C07.00002 Understanding the Stellar Fossil Record Room: B131-132 |
Sampere, Sam Syracuse University |
Session J17.00004 Outreach outside the box or how to maximize your effort Room: B234-235 |
Saulson, Peter Syracuse Univ |
Session Y06.00001 How Felix Pirani launched the effort to detect gravitational waves Room: B130 |
Savage, Martin Institute for Nuclear Theory |
Session D05.00002 QCD: From the lattice to the quantum computer Room: A123-125 |
Sawtelle, Vashti Michigan State Univ |
Session G03.00003 Rethinking Physics for Biologists: A Design-Based Research Approach Room: A114-115 |
Schaefer, Douglas University of Chicago |
Session Y02.00001 Physics at the HL-LHC Room: A112-113 |
Schawinski, Kevin ETH Zurich |
Session R05.00001 Exploring the universe with artificial intelligence Room: A123-125 |
Scherr, Rachel Seattle Pacific Univ |
Session K03.00002 Fixed and growth mindsets in physics graduate admissions Room: A114-115 |
Schroeder, Dustin Stanford University |
Session U03.00002 Observing Antarctic Ice-sheet Conditions Using Ice-Penetrating Radar Room: A114-115 |
Schulte, Daniel CERN |
Session J02.00001 Future Circular Collider : Status and Plans Room: A112-113 |
Schwab, Josiah Univ of California-Santa Cruz |
Session K07.00004 The Long-Term Outcomes of Double White Dwarf Mergers Room: B131-132 |
Schwitters, Roy Univ of Texas, Austin |
Session C06.00003 US Nuclear Weapons Modernization Room: B130 |
Seidel, Ed Univ of Illinois - Urbana |
Session J03.00002 Numerical Relativity 1980-2000s: The era of sharpening our tools and exploring Einstein's physics Room: A114-115 |
Shanahan, Phiala Massachusetts Inst of Tech-MIT |
Session C05.00001 Lattice QCD and the gluonic structure of light nuclei Room: A123-125 |
Shelton, Jessie UIUC |
Session X02.00001 Long-lived Particles at the LHC Room: A112-113 |
Sherrill, Bradley Michigan State Univ |
Session U05.00003 Tom W. Bonner Prize in Nuclear Physics Talk: Hunting the Rarest Isotopes. Room: A123-125 |
Shuryak, Edward State Univ of NY- Stony Brook |
Session U05.00002 Herman Feshbach Prize in Theoretical Nuclear Physics Talk: The quest for Quark-Gluon Plasma Room: A123-125 |
Silverberg, Jesse Harvard Univ |
Session B04.00003 Transformers, Origami, and Physics: Communicating Science While Navigating the Attention Economy Room: A120-122 |
Smarr, Larry Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of California, San Diego |
Session J03.00001 The Pre-History of the Two Black Hole Collision Problem Room: A114-115 |
Snow, William Indiana Univ - Bloomington |
Session J05.00003 Searches for baryon number violation in proton decays and neutron-antineutron oscillations. Room: A123-125 |
Soares-Santos, Marcelle Brandeis Univ |
Session Q01.00003 Discovery, Characterization and Physics Implications of the electromagnetic signatures of GW170817 Room: Union Ballroom BC |
Sobel, Dava Penguin Random House |
Session U07.00001 Henrietta Leavitt, Cecilia Payne Gaposchkin and the women of Harvard Observatory Room: B131-132 |
Somalwar, Sunil Rutgers Univ |
Session X02.00003 Beyond Standard Model physics at the Large Hadron Collider Room: A112-113 |
Sousa, Alexandre Univ of Cincinnati |
Session K02.00003 Three-flavor Neutrino Mixing Room: A112-113 |
Springer, Roxanne Duke University |
Session A01.00003 Feynman's Footprints: Quantum Field Theory in Nuclear and Particle Physics Room: Union Ballroom BC |
Staats, Kai Embry-Riddle Aeronaut Univ |
Session R05.00002 Machine Learning in the LIGO-Virgo Era Room: A123-125 |
Stevenson, Nigel Serene, LLC |
Session B06.00002 Advances in the Global Use of Isotopes for Medicine, Industry and Environmental Science Room: B130 |
Sulak, Lawrence Boston University |
Session G02.00003 W.K. Panofsky Prize Talk: Directional Cherenkov Calorimetry: Birth Pangs, Adolescence, & Maturity Room: A112-113 |
Tanedo, Philip Univ of California - Riverside |
Session C03.00002 Light Mediators to Dark Sectors Room: A114-115 |
Taylor, Stephen California Institute of Technology |
Session Y04.00003 Pulsar Timing Arrays: New Advances Toward Detecting Low-frequency Gravitational Waves Room: A120-122 |
Tendulkar, Shriharsh McGill University |
Session B07.00001 Probing the Origins of Fast Radio Bursts Room: B131-132 |
Thompson, Becky American Physical Society |
Session J17.00003 Harnessing Curiosity and Storytelling to Engage the Public Room: B234-235 |
Trahms, Lutz PTB, Berlin |
Session C03.00001 Searches for ultralight dark matter Room: A114-115 |
Tribedy, Prithwish Brookhaven Natl Lab |
Session H05.00003 Glimpse on fluctuations in proton structure through heavy ion reactions Room: A123-125 |
Trimble, Virginia U. California, Irvine, & Queen Jadwiga Observatory, Rzepiennik Biskupi, Poland |
Session S06.00003 Richard Feynman in Song and Story Room: B130 |
Ulmer, Stefan RIKEN, Inst for Physical Sciences |
Session J06.00002 Challenging the Standard Model: High-Precision Comparisons of the Fundamental Properties of Protons and Antiprotons Room: B130 |
Van Raamsdonk, Mark University of British Columbia |
Session J04.00003 Gravitational physics from quantum information constraints Room: A120-122 |
Vitale, Salvatore Massachusetts Inst of Tech-MIT |
Session D04.00002 The scientific potential of third-generation gravitational-wave detectors Room: A120-122 |
Wald, Robert University of Chicago |
Session S04.00001 Black Holes Cannot be Over-Charged or Over-Spun Room: A120-122 |
Walkowicz, Lucianne The Library of Congress/The Adler Planetarium |
Session J17.00002 Meeting People Where They Are: Presence and Dialogue in Science Outreach Room: B234-235 |
Wall, Aron C. Stanford University |
Session J04.00002 How low can the energy density go? Room: A120-122 |
Walsh, Sinead Univ of Wisconsin, Milwaukee |
Session C04.00003 Searches for continuous gravitational waves from rotating neutron stars Room: A120-122 |
Wass, Peter Univ of Florida - Gainesville |
Session C14.00001 Free-fall performance for the LISA gravitational wave observatory: new results from LISA Pathfinder Room: A226 |
Watts, Daniel Univ of Edinburgh |
Session B05.00001 Illuminating nuclei for neutron stars Room: A123-125 |
Weber, Fridolin San Diego State Univ |
Session K10.00001 The Many Faces of Dense Baryonic Matter inside of Neutron Stars Room: A216 |
Wei, Jie Michigan State Univ |
Session C02.00003 FRIB Facility Goals, Status, and Plans Room: A112-113 |
Weiss, Rainer Massachusetts Inst of Tech-MIT |
Session W01.00002 LIGO and Gravitational Waves I Room: Union Ballroom BC |
Weiss, Rainier Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session F15.00001 Public Lecture: Exploring the Universe with Gravitational Waves Room: Union Ballroom BC |
Wheeler, Coral Caltech |
Session X07.00001 Sweating the small stuff: solving small-scale challenges to $\Lambda$CDM with dwarf galaxy simulations at the high resolution limit Room: B131-132 |
White Brahmia, Suzanne Univ of Washington |
Session G03.00002 Equity and inclusion by design in calculus-based introductory physics Room: A114-115 |
Wieland, Wolfgang Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Session J04.00001 Loop Quantum Gravity and the Quantization of Null Surfaces Room: A120-122 |
Wilkerson, J.F. Univ of North Carolina, Chapel Hill |
Session J05.00002 Neutrinoless double beta decay: present status and future prospects Room: A123-125 |
Willeke, Ferdinand Brookhaven Natl Lab |
Session C02.00001 EIC Design and Challenges for eRHIC Room: A112-113 |
Williams, Mike MIT |
Session D05.00003 Machine learning in particle physics Room: A123-125 |
Wisniewski, John University of Oklahoma |
Session B07.00002 Super-flaring stars Room: B131-132 |
Wissel, Stephanie Cal Poly - San Luis Obispo |
Session D07.00001 Cosmic Neutrino Searches at the Highest Energies Room: B131-132 |
Yang, Yi-Bo Michigan State Univ |
Session H05.00002 A glimpse of the proton spin through lattice Room: A123-125 |
Young, Gillian British Antarctic Survey |
Session U03.00001 The Microphysics of Antarctic Clouds: what we know and what we’re trying to discover Room: A114-115 |
Zhang, Xilin Univ of Washington |
Session Y05.00003 Effective field theory for halo nuclei Room: A123-125 |
Zhang, Yuhong Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility |
Session C02.00002 EIC Design and Challenges for JLEIC Room: A112-113 |
Zwolak, Justyna Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science, University of Maryland and National Institute of Standards and Technology |
Session R03.00001 Educational commitment and attitudes: The Social Network Perspective Room: A114-115 |
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