Bulletin of the American Physical Society
APS April Meeting 2011
Volume 56, Number 4
Saturday–Tuesday, April 30–May 3 2011; Anaheim, California
Invited Speakers
Adams, Marvin Department of Nuclear Engineering, Texas A\&M |
Session R5.00002 Confidence in Nuclear Weapons as Numbers Decrease and Time Since Testing Increases Room: Royal AB |
Ahearne, John Sigma Xi/Duke |
Session J5.00002 Leo Szilard Lectureship Award Talk Room: Royal AB |
Alford, Mark Washington University, St Louis |
Session Y2.00002 Quark matter and neutron stars Room: Grand BCD |
Allen, Bruce Albert Einstein Institute, Germany/U. of Wisconsin - Milwaukee |
Session E4.00002 The Einstein@Home search for new neutron stars Room: Garden 4 |
Amann, George AAPT/PTRA |
Session G6.00001 Excellence in Physics Education Award Talk: AAPT/PTRA Leader and the Participant Perspectives Room: Terrace A-F |
Atcher, Robert Los Alamos National Lab |
Session X3.00003 New Developments in the DOE Isotope Production and Application Program Room: Garden 3 |
Bardeen, Marjorie Fermilab |
Session J13.00001 Modern Physics for Kids Room: Royal EF |
Barish, Barry C. California Institute of Technology |
Session Y5.00001 Science Diplomacy in Large International Collaborations Room: Royal AB |
Bartlett, James Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Session J3.00003 Herschel/Planck Room: Garden 3 |
Batalha, Natalie San Jose State University |
Session J3.00002 Catching Shadows: Kepler's Year-Two Transit Census Room: Garden 3 |
Baudis, Laura Univ. of Zurich |
Session Q3.00001 Xenon 100 Room: Garden 3 |
Bean, Rachel Cornell University |
Session Y1.00003 Vacuum Energy and Cosmology Room: Grand A |
Beichner, Robert North Carolina State University |
Session T6.00003 The impact of changing technologies on instruction Room: Terrace A-F |
Benbow, Wystan Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics |
Session L3.00003 Variability of Extragalactic Very High Energy Gamma-ray Emitters Room: Garden 3 |
Benczer-Koller, Noemie Rutgers University |
Session T5.00002 Nicholson Medal for Human Outreach Talk: Physics Outreach: Social Benefits Room: Royal AB |
Bern, Zvi University of California, Los Angeles |
Session C2.00002 QCD Backgrounds at Colliders Room: Grand BCD |
Bernauer, Jan MIT |
Session C4.00002 The Mainz high-precision proton form factor measurement Room: Garden 4 |
Bertolucci, Sergio CERN |
Session T1.00002 The LHC and Beyond Room: Grand A |
Blucher, Ed University of Chicago |
Session J1.00001 Measurements of Reactor Neutrinos at Short Distances Room: Grand A |
Bode, Tanja Georgia Tech |
Session E4.00001 Correlated Electromagnetic and Gravitational Waves from Supermassive Black Hole Binary Mergers Room: Garden 4 |
Bower, Geoffrey UC Berkeley |
Session C3.00002 Wide Field Radio Transient Surveys Room: Garden 3 |
Boyle, Kieran RIKEN BNL Research Center |
Session Y4.00003 Nucleon Spin Structure Room: Garden 4 |
Brewe, Eric Florida International University |
Session X1.00001 Building sustainable systems that support success of underrepresented students Room: Grand A |
Brodsky, Stanley J. SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford University |
Session Y1.00001 New Perspectives on Condensates in Quantum Chromodynamics and the Cosmological Constant Room: Grand A |
Brown, Benjamin University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Session R4.00003 Simulations of global-scale dynamo action in the Sun and other stars Room: Garden 4 |
Bryman, Douglas University of British Columbia |
Session H5.00003 W.K.H. Panofsky Prize in Experimental Particle Physics Talk: Kaons Redux- Seeking New Physics with Rare Decays of Kaons Room: Royal AB |
Busza, Wit Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session H2.00002 Initial results from the LHC Room: Grand BCD |
Butt, Yousaf Center for Astrophysics, Harvard University |
Session B5.00002 to be determined by speaker Room: Royal AB |
Callan, Curt Princeton University |
Session M1.00001 Past President's Address Room: Grand BCD |
Caprio, Mark A. University of Notre Dame |
Session T4.00002 Symmetries in nuclei: New methods and applications Room: Garden 4 |
Capstick, Simon Department of Physics, Florida State University |
Session B4.00001 The search for exotic hadrons, and the hadron spectrum Room: Garden 4 |
Casten, Richard Yale University |
Session T4.00001 Tom W. Bonner Prize in Nuclear Physics Talk: Symmetries and Simple Patterns in Nuclei Room: Garden 4 |
Cizewski, Jolie Rutgers University |
Session T4.00003 Probing simple patterns in complex nuclei with transfer reactions Room: Garden 4 |
Clark, Brian Schlumberger |
Session Q5.00001 Physics and the Quest for Hydrocarbons Room: Royal AB |
Clay, Kathryn Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers |
Session L6.00003 Grid for renewable energy Room: Terrace A-F |
Cohen-Tanugi, Johann Laboratoire Univers et Particules de Montpellier, Universit\'e Montpellier 2/IN2P3-CNRS |
Session Y3.00003 Fermi observation of Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies Room: Garden 3 |
Cole, K.C. USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism |
Session C13.00001 Categorically Not! Room: Royal EF |
Collar, Juan University of Chicago |
Session Q3.00002 Recent results from COUPP and CoGeNT Room: Garden 3 |
Corbitt, Thomas MIT |
Session G5.00002 Quantum Noise and Opto-mechanics in Advanced Gravitational-wave Detectors Room: Royal AB |
Cottrell, Roger SLAC, Stanford University |
Session J6.00003 Quantifying the Worldwide Digital Divide: The Emergence of Africa Room: Terrace A-F |
Crabtree, George Argonne Natl Lab |
Session L6.00002 Grid for renewable energy Room: Terrace A-F |
Craddock, Michael University of British Columbia \& TRIUMF |
Session E6.00001 Cyclotrons: From Science to Human Health Room: Terrace A-F |
Creighton, Teviet University of Texas at Brownsville |
Session T2.00003 Exploring the galactic neutron star population with gravitational waves Room: Grand BCD |
D'Incao, Jose P. JILA, University of Colorado and NIST |
Session Q6.00002 Universal Few-body Physics in Strongly Correlated Quantum Gases Room: Terrace A-F |
Davis, Jay The Hertz Foundation |
Session E5.00002 Issues for Future Nuclear Arms Control Room: Royal AB |
Demorest, Paul National Radio Astronomy Observatory |
Session G3.00002 Testing Fundamental Physics with Radio Pulsars Room: Garden 3 |
Dewey, Maynard NIST |
Session Q2.00003 Neutron Radiative Decay Room: Grand BCD |
Dinallo, Michael Sandia National Laboratories |
Session B5.00003 Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse Review Room: Royal AB |
Dotti, Massimo Max-Planck-Institut fur Astrophysik |
Session R3.00003 Spin-Induced Gravitational Recoil: Effect on the Evolution of Massive Black Holes Room: Garden 3 |
Drell, Sidney SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session R5.00001 What Happens to Deterrence as Nuclear Weapons Decrease Toward Zero? Room: Royal AB |
Dudek, Jozef Jefferson Lab / Old Dominion University |
Session G1.00001 The Meson Spectrum from Lattice QCD Room: Grand A |
Eads, Michael U Nebraska |
Session X6.00003 Beyond the Standard Model at the Tevatron Room: Terrace A-F |
Eichten, Estia Fermilab |
Session L1.00001 J. J. Sakurai Prize for Theoretical Particle Physics Talk: Collider Physics: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow Room: Grand A |
Ellison, Donald North Carolina State University |
Session B6.00003 Plasma Physics of Cosmic Ray Acceleration Room: Terrace A-F |
Erbacher, Robin Univ of California at Davis |
Session B2.00002 Top Quark Physics at the Tevatron Room: Grand BCD |
Etienne, Zachariah University of Illinois |
Session B3.00001 Numerical Simulations of Binary Systems with Matter Companions Room: Garden 3 |
Evans, Lyndon Imperial College/CERN |
Session E6.00003 Proton-Antiproton Colliders Room: Terrace A-F |
Everett, Lisa University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session G4.00001 Neutrino Theories Room: Garden 4 |
Feigelson, Eric D. Pennsylvania State University |
Session X5.00003 X-rays Flares and Protoplanetary Disks Room: Royal AB |
Feng, Jonathan University of California at Irvine |
Session X6.00001 Dark Particles Room: Terrace A-F |
Foley, Justin University of Utah |
Session G1.00002 The baryon spectrum from lattice QCD Room: Grand A |
Foley, Ryan Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics |
Session T3.00002 Weird Supernovae and Implications for their Progenitor Stars Room: Garden 3 |
Fomin, Nadia Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session E2.00001 New, High precision results on $x>1$ and the EMC Effect in Nuclei Room: Grand BCD |
Forest, Cary University of Wisconsin, Madison |
Session H1.00003 Plasma Dynamo Experiments Room: Grand A |
Formaggio, Joseph Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session J1.00003 Weighing Neutrinos Room: Grand A |
Foucart, Francois Cornell University |
Session R3.00002 Black hole-neutron star mergers: Effects of the orientation of the black hole spin Room: Garden 3 |
Friedman, Jerome I. Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session C1.00003 Rutherford's Legacy in Particle Physics Room: Grand A |
Fujikawa, Brian Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session J1.00002 Measurements of Reactor Neutrinos at Long Baselines: KamLAND and Beyond Room: Grand A |
Gabareen Mokhtar, Arafat SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session H2.00003 Charmonium-like States at the B-Factories Room: Grand BCD |
Garg, Umesh University of Notre Dame |
Session E3.00002 REU at Notre Dame: ``Experience'' over a Quarter Century Room: Garden 3 |
Gates, Jacklyn Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session C5.00001 Discovery of new superheavy element isotopes Room: Royal AB |
Gray, Kenneth University of Texas at Austin |
Session Q5.00002 An Introduction to Deepwater Drilling Room: Royal AB |
Gwinn, Elisabeth University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session L13.00001 School for Scientific Thought: Saturday sessions that bring high school and STEM graduate students together Room: Royal EF |
Hanna, Chad Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics |
Session B3.00003 Searching for gravitational waves from compact binary coalescence Room: Garden 3 |
Harding, Alice NASA Goddard Space Flight Center |
Session G3.00003 Millisecond Pulsars at Gamma-Ray Energies: Fermi Detections and Implications Room: Garden 3 |
Heckler, Andrew Ohio State University |
Session H6.00003 What causes the patterns in students' incorrect answers to physics questions? Room: Terrace A-F |
Heibron, John University of California, Berkeley |
Session C1.00001 Rutherford's Nuclear Model Room: Grand A |
Henderson, Stuart Spallation Neutron Source |
Session V1.00002 Accelerators across Physics and Society Room: Grand Ballroom A-D |
Hewett, JoAnne SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session Q1.00002 Supersymmetry Room: Grand A |
Hinchliffe, Ian Lawrence Berkeley National Lab |
Session L1.00002 J. J. Sakurai Prize for Theoretical Particle Physics Talk: Physics with Hadron colliders Room: Grand A |
Hirosky, Robert University of Virginia |
Session B2.00001 Searches for the Higgs Boson at the Tevatron Room: Grand BCD |
Hodapp, Theodore American Physical Society |
Session L5.00003 Minority PhDs in Physics: 20{\%} Representation and a Plan to Address This Room: Royal AB |
Hooper, Dan Fermilab/University of Chicago |
Session A1.00003 The Hunt For Dark Matter Room: Grand Ballroom A-D |
Hudson, Hugh UC Berkeley SSL |
Session L3.00001 Solar and Stellar Flares Room: Garden 3 |
Huessy, Peter National Defense University Foundation |
Session B5.00001 EMP Threats to US National Security: Congressional Responses Room: Royal AB |
Hulet, Randall Rice University |
Session Q6.00001 Universality in Three and Four-Body Efimov States Room: Terrace A-F |
Jansson, Andreas European Spallation Source ESS AB |
Session R6.00003 Responsible, Renewable, Recyclable: An Energy Management Strategy for Modern Accelerators Room: Terrace A-F |
Jenet, Frederick University of Texas, Brownsville |
Session G3.00001 Building a Galactic Scale Nano-Hertz Gravitational Wave Observatory Using Pulsar timing Techniques Room: Garden 3 |
Ji, Hantao PPPL, Princeton Univeristy |
Session H1.00001 Laboratory Studies of Magnetic Reconnection Room: Grand A |
Johnson, John Caltech |
Session P1.00001 Exoplanet Update Room: Grand Ballroom A-D |
Johnson, Rebecca ACRONYM Institute for Disarmament Diplomacy |
Session E5.00001 TBD by speaker Room: Royal AB |
Jose-Yacaman, Miguel University of Texas at San Antonio |
Session T5.00001 John Wheatley Award Talk: Picometer Resolution Electron Microscopy a New Tool to Tailor Materials at the Atomic Scale Room: Royal AB |
Kanim, Stephen New Mexico State University |
Session H6.00002 Physics Education Research: Adapting to new topics and student populations Room: Terrace A-F |
Karshenboim, Savely MPQ |
Session C4.00003 Theory of the Lamb shift in muonic hydrogen Room: Garden 4 |
Katz, Jonathan Washington U., St. Louis |
Session Q5.00003 Viscoelastic Muds---Top-Kill in Rapidly Flowing Wells Room: Royal AB |
Kester, Oliver GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung and Goethe-Universtitaet Frankfurt, Germany |
Session H4.00001 The Nuclear Frontier: Rare Isotope Facilities for Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics Room: Garden 4 |
Kharzeev, Dmitri Stony Brook/BNL |
Session H2.00001 Strong local parity violation at RHIC Room: Grand BCD |
Koch, Volker Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session C10.00001 Correlations and the Dynamics of Heavy Ion Collisions Room: Garden 1 |
Kordosky, Michael William and Mary |
Session G4.00002 Neutrino Results from Accelerators Room: Garden 4 |
Kost-Smith, Lauren University of Colorado at Boulder |
Session X1.00003 Reducing gender differences in performance in introductory college physics through values affirmation Room: Grand A |
Kramer, Laird Florida International University |
Session Y6.00002 Physics Teacher Preparation's Role in the Transformation of a Physics Department Room: Terrace A-F |
Krushelnick, Karl University of Michigan |
Session H1.00002 Laboratory measurements of the dynamics and reconnection of large B fields in high energy density plasmas Room: Grand A |
Kuhlen, Michael UC Berkeley |
Session Y3.00002 Numerical simulations of Galactic dark matter substructure and implications for indirect detection Room: Garden 3 |
Kulkarni, Shri California Institute of Technology |
Session C3.00001 The New Phase Space of Optical Transients Room: Garden 3 |
Kumar, Krishna University of Massachusetts, Amherst |
Session H10.00001 MeV to TeV Physics with Parity-Violating Electron Scattering: An Overview Room: Garden 1 |
Kurdak, Cagliyan Applied Physics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 |
Session L5.00002 Best Practices from the University of Michigan Applied Physics Program to Enhance Diversity Room: Royal AB |
Lacey, Roy |
Session L2.00003 Extraction of the Transport Coefficients of the Quark Gluon Plasma: an Experimentalists view Room: Grand BCD |
Lane, Kenneth D. Boston University |
Session L1.00003 J. J. Sakurai Prize for Theoretical Particle Physics Talk: The Long Road to the TeV Scale -- A Personal Reflection Room: Grand A |
Lane, Neal Rice University |
Session Y5.00002 A Scientist's Approach to Diplomacy -- First, Listen and Learn Room: Royal AB |
Larbalestier, David National High Magnetic Field Laboratory and Department of Physics, Florida State University |
Session J2.00002 Superconductivity at 100 - what materials will serve us in the next century? Room: Grand BCD |
Lattimer, James Stony Brook University |
Session R1.00003 Determination of the Neutron Star Equation of State from Astrophysical Measurement Room: Grand A |
Lazarian, Alexander University of Wisconsin, Madison |
Session B6.00002 Cosmic Rays in Galaxies Room: Terrace A-F |
Levine, Edward Senior Professional Staff Member, U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations |
Session R5.00003 Securing Support from a Skeptical Senate for Further Strategic Arms Controls Room: Royal AB |
Lewis, Nathan Caltech |
Session L6.00001 Artificial Photosynthesis Room: Terrace A-F |
Li, Chih-Hao Harvard University |
Session L4.00001 Searches for extra-solar Earths with astro-combs, why and how Room: Garden 4 |
Littenberg, Laurence Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session H5.00002 W.K.H. Panofsky Prize in Experimental Particle Physics Talk: Getting to K$^{+ }\to \pi ^{+ }\nu\bar\nu$ Room: Royal AB |
Locks, Angela CSU Long Beach |
Session E3.00001 Undergraduate Research: Faculty Roles and Best Practices Room: Garden 3 |
Lukoff, Brian Harvard University |
Session T6.00001 The interactive learning toolkit: technology and the classroom Room: Terrace A-F |
Lunardini, Cecilia Arizona State University |
Session Q2.00002 Do Sterile Neutrinos Exist? Room: Grand BCD |
Luzum, Matthew IPhT (CEA/Saclay) |
Session L2.00001 Dissertation Award in Nuclear Physics Talk: Relativistic viscous hydrodynamics and heavy-ion collisions Room: Grand BCD |
Lynch, William Michigan State University |
Session C5.00002 Discovery of particle unstable $^{69}$Br Room: Royal AB |
MacFarlane, David B. SLAC |
Session T1.00003 Lepton Colliders Room: Grand A |
Mader, Catherine Hope College |
Session E3.00003 Physics REU sites: What works? How do we know? How do we improve? Room: Garden 3 |
Marciano, William Brookhaven Natl Lab |
Session V1.00001 What's Up with the Proton Radius? Room: Grand Ballroom A-D |
Marinelli, Nancy Univ. of Notre Dame - IN -USA |
Session R2.00002 Physics with CMS: highlights from 2010 Room: Grand BCD |
Maris, Pieter Iowa State University |
Session H3.00001 Ab initio methods for nuclear properties - a computational physics approach Room: Garden 3 |
Marolf, Donald UCSB |
Session G2.00003 Unitarity and Holography in Gravitational Physics Room: Grand BCD |
Matsler, Karen PTRA |
Session G6.00002 Excellence in Physics Education Award Talk: Evolving Evaluation and Evidence Room: Terrace A-F |
Mavalvala, Nergis Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session V1.00003 Quantum opportunities in gravitational wave detectors Room: Grand Ballroom A-D |
McClintock, Jeffrey Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics |
Session R3.00001 Measuring the Spins of Stellar-Mass Black Holes Room: Garden 3 |
McEnery, Julie NASA Goddard |
Session C3.00003 Recent Surprises from Fermi Room: Garden 3 |
Meltzer, David E. Arizona State University |
Session H6.00001 Physics Education Research in Perspective: An Historical and Conceptual Overview Room: Terrace A-F |
Merrell, Duane Brigham Young University |
Session Y6.00003 Train Your Physics Teachers in the Physics Department, How it has Worked at Brigham Young University Room: Terrace A-F |
Morgan, M. Granger Carnegie Mellon University |
Session J5.00001 Joseph A. Burton Forum Award Talk: How a Physics Education has Influenced Practice and Graduate Education in Technically-Focused Quantitative Policy Analysis Room: Royal AB |
Mueller, Holger UC Berkeley |
Session X4.00002 Gravitational Redshift, Equivalence Principle, and Matter Waves Room: Garden 4 |
Muller, Richard University of California, Berkeley |
Session X2.00001 Working with and Learning from Luis Alvarez Room: Grand BCD |
Nelson, James PTRA |
Session G6.00003 Excellence in Physics Education Award Talk: AAPT/PTRA - Part of the Solution Room: Terrace A-F |
Neureiter, Norman P. Senior Advisor, Center for Science Diplomacy, AAAS |
Session Y5.00003 Science Diplomacy in Action Room: Royal AB |
Newman, Ezra T. University of Pittsburgh |
Session X4.00001 Einstein Prize Talk: Light-Cones in Relativity: Real, Complex and Virtual - with Applications Room: Garden 4 |
Nornberg, Mark University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session Q4.00003 Understanding the role of turbulence on current generation in the Madison Dynamo Experiment Room: Garden 4 |
Ntoko, Alexander Head, Corporate Strategy Division, International Telecommunications Union (ITU) |
Session J6.00001 The Digital Divide: A Global View Room: Terrace A-F |
Oddone, Pier Fermilab |
Session T1.00001 The Tevatron and Beyond Room: Grand A |
Ooguri, Hirosi Caltech |
Session E1.00003 New String Developments Room: Grand A |
Orginos, Kostas College of William and Mary |
Session H3.00002 Lattice Gauge Theory Room: Garden 3 |
Osterman, Steve Department of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences, Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, 80303 |
Session L4.00003 Stellar radial velocities using a laser frequency comb: Application and observations in the near infrared Room: Garden 4 |
Ott, Christian D. TAPIR, California Institute of Technology |
Session H3.00003 Modeling of Core-Collapse Supernovae Room: Garden 3 |
Ozel, Feryal University of Arizona |
Session R1.00002 Astrophysical Measurement of the Ultradense Matter Equation of State Room: Grand A |
Parkes, Chris University of Glasgow |
Session R2.00001 Results from LHCb Room: Grand BCD |
Paschke, Kent University of Virginia |
Session J10.00001 Recent Results in Parity-Violating Electron Scattering at Jefferson Lab: PREX and HAPPEX-III Room: Garden 1 |
Paulini, Manfred Carnegie Mellon University |
Session B2.00003 The Standard Model at the Tevatron Room: Grand BCD |
Pavlovic, Zarko ermi National Accelerator Lab |
Session G4.00003 Low Energy Neutrino Oscillations Room: Garden 4 |
Pesic, Peter St. John's College |
Session J2.00001 Superconductivity: Anatomy of a Discovery Room: Grand BCD |
Pethick, C.J. NORDITA and University of Copenhagen |
Session R1.00001 Hans A. Bethe Prize Talk: Neutron stars and stellar collapse: the physics of strongly interacting Fermi systems Room: Grand A |
Pinton, Jean-Fran\c{c}ois Ecole Normale Sup\'erieure de Lyon et CNRS |
Session Q4.00001 Liquid Sodium Dynamos Room: Garden 4 |
Platter, Lucas INT - Univ of Washington |
Session Q6.00003 Effective field theory of few-body systems Room: Terrace A-F |
Pohl, Randolf Max-Planck-Institute of Quantum Optics, Garching, Germany |
Session C4.00001 The size of the proton Room: Garden 4 |
Prady, Bill Executive Producer \& Co-Creator of The Big Bang Theory |
Session C13.00003 The Big Bang Theory on TV: How to make a Big Bang with the Public Room: Royal EF |
Pranko, Aliaksandr Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session C2.00003 Associated Production of W boson With Jets at the Tevatron Room: Grand BCD |
Prebys, Eric Fermilab, Program Director, US LHC Accelerator Research Program (LARP) |
Session H4.00003 The Energy Frontier: Tevatron, LHC and LHC Upgrades Room: Garden 4 |
Pripstein, Moishe Physics Division, National Science Foundation |
Session X2.00003 Working (And Sparring) With Luis: Some Personal Recollections Room: Grand BCD |
Quigg, Chris Fermilab |
Session L1.00004 J. J. Sakurai Prize for Theoretical Particle Physics Talk: The Boundless Horizons of Supercollider Physics Room: Grand A |
Quimby, Robert Caltech |
Session T3.00003 New Classes of Super-Luminous Supernovae Room: Garden 3 |
Ramazanoglu, Fethi M Princeton University |
Session X4.00003 Evaporation of 2-Dimensional Black Holes Room: Garden 4 |
Rankin, Mary Ann University of Texas at Austin |
Session Y6.00001 Surveying the State of U.S. Physics Teacher Education: Report of the National Task Force on Teacher Education in Physics Room: Terrace A-F |
Ransom, Scott National Radio Astronomy Observatory |
Session Y2.00001 A Two Solar Mass Neutron Star Room: Grand BCD |
Raubenheimer, Tor SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Session R6.00002 Advanced acceleration schemes for e+e - colliders Room: Terrace A-F |
Read, Jocelyn University of Mississippi |
Session B3.00002 Measuring the neutron-star equation of state using gravitational waves from binary observations Room: Garden 3 |
Reina, Laura Florida State University |
Session C2.00001 Interpreting Collider Data Room: Grand BCD |
Riordan, Seamus University of Massachusetts, Amherst |
Session Y4.00001 Recent Results and Future Measurements of Elastic Nucleon Form Factors Room: Garden 4 |
Roberts, Craig Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory |
Session Y4.00002 Abelian anomaly and neutral pion production Room: Garden 4 |
Roberts, Paul UCLA |
Session Q4.00002 Progress on understanding the Geodynamo Room: Garden 4 |
Romalis, Michael Princeton University |
Session G5.00003 Francis M. Pipkin Award Talk: Lorentz and CPT Symmetry Tests with Atomic Co-Magnetometers Room: Royal AB |
Rosenfeld, Arthur |
Session X2.00002 Working With Luie on Bubble Chambers Room: Grand BCD |
Sabella, Mel Chicago State University |
Session X1.00002 Developing an effective instructional environment by understanding what the urban student brings to the physics class Room: Grand A |
Sargsian, Misak Florida International University |
Session E2.00003 Short Range Correlations, High-Momentum Components of Nuclei, and the EMC Effect; New Theoretical Insights Room: Grand BCD |
Schekochihin, Alexander University of Oxford |
Session R4.00002 Magnetogenesis and magnetothermal equilibria in turbulent galaxy-cluster plasmas Room: Garden 4 |
Schweber, Silvan Brandeis University and Harvard University |
Session B1.00003 Abraham Pais Prize for History of Physics Talk: Shelter Island, Pocono, Oldstone, 1947-49, Revisited Room: Grand A |
Schwenk, Achim TU Darmstadt/EMMI |
Session Y2.00003 Constraints on neutron star properties from neutron matter calculations Room: Grand BCD |
Seth, Suman Cornell University |
Session C1.00002 Modeling and Reality in Early Twentieth-Century Physics Room: Grand A |
Shao-Horn, Yang Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Session P1.00003 Energy Technology (Batteries) Room: Grand Ballroom A-D |
Shepherd, Matthew Indiana University |
Session G1.00003 The Experimental Spectrum of Hadrons Room: Grand A |
Shifman, Mikhail University of Minnesota |
Session E1.00001 QCD and AdS/CFT Room: Grand A |
Shih, David Institute for Advanced Studies |
Session Y1.00002 The Particle Vacuum Room: Grand A |
Shore, Linda Exploratorium |
Session C13.00002 Science At Home: Lessons from the Exploratorium Room: Royal EF |
Sigg, Daniel LIGO Hanford Observatory |
Session G5.00001 Squeezed Light Techniques for Gravitational Wave Detection Room: Royal AB |
Singh, Parampreet Louisiana State University |
Session G2.00001 Progress in loop quantum gravity Room: Grand BCD |
Slosar, An\v{z}e Brookhaven National Laboratory |
Session J3.00001 The Backlit Universe: How Distant Quasars Illuminate the Large Scale Structure Room: Garden 3 |
Smith, A.J. Stewart Princeton University |
Session H5.00001 W.K.H. Panofsky Prize in Experimental Particle Physics Talk: Searching for the Rare Decay K$^+$ [($\to \pi $)]$^+ \nu (\bar{\nu}$) : a Needle in a Haystack Room: Royal AB |
Smith, Joshua California State University Fullerton |
Session T2.00001 Exploring the transient universe with gravitational waves Room: Grand BCD |
Son, Dam Thanh University of Washington |
Session E1.00002 AdS/CFT and Plasma Physics Room: Grand A |
Song, Huichao Lawrence-Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session L2.00002 Dissertation Award in Nuclear Physics Talk: QGP viscosity at RHIC and LHC energies Room: Grand BCD |
Song, Wei Harvard |
Session G2.00002 Kerr/CFT Correspondence Room: Grand BCD |
Spiropulu, Maria CERN |
Session A1.00002 LHC Results Room: Grand Ballroom A-D |
Spitkovsky, Anatoly Princeton University |
Session B6.00001 PIC Simulations of Cosmic Ray Acceleration Room: Terrace A-F |
Staley, Richard Univesity of Wisconsin-Madison |
Session B1.00001 The Solvay Council, 1911: ``A kind of private congress'' Room: Grand A |
Stanton, Michael Brazilian National Research and Education Network |
Session J6.00002 Research and education networks in Latin America: a Time of Change Room: Terrace A-F |
Stassun, Keivan Vanderbilt University |
Session L5.00001 Enhancing Diversity at the PhD Level in Physics: The Fisk-Vanderbilt Masters-to-PhD Bridge Program Room: Royal AB |
Stelzer, Tim University of Illinois |
Session T6.00002 Using multimedia prelectures to improve student learning in lecture. Room: Terrace A-F |
Stone, James Princeton University |
Session R4.00001 Aneesur Rahman Prize for Computational Physics Talk: Numerical Modeling of Accretion Disk Dynamos driven by the MRI Room: Garden 4 |
Taniguchi, Nanae KEK |
Session X6.00002 Hints of New Physics from B-Factories Room: Terrace A-F |
Session E5.00003 TBD by speaker Room: Royal AB |
Thaler, Jesse MIT |
Session B4.00003 Searching for a Dark Photon at JLab Room: Garden 4 |
Thrane, Eric University of Minnesota |
Session T2.00002 Searches for a stochastic background of gravitational waves Room: Grand BCD |
Turk, Matthew University of California - San Diego |
Session E4.00003 Cosmological Simulations: Capturing the Formation of the First Stars and Galaxies Room: Garden 4 |
Tuts, Michael Columbia University |
Session R2.00003 Latest results from the ATLAS Experiment at the LHC Room: Grand BCD |
Valentini, Antony Clemson University |
Session B1.00002 Solvay 1927: Quantum Theory at the Crossroads Room: Grand A |
Walker-Loud, Andre Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Session X3.00001 Meson-Meson Interactions from Lattice QCD Room: Garden 3 |
Wangler, Thomas Los Alamos National Laboratory and Michigan State University |
Session E6.00002 Linear Accelerators - Principles, History, and Applications Room: Terrace A-F |
Watson, Dan Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester |
Session X5.00001 The Structure and Composition of Protoplanetary Disks Room: Royal AB |
Weinberg, Steven Univ of Texas, Austin |
Session A1.00001 From Rutherford to the LHC Room: Grand Ballroom A-D |
Weinstein, Lawrence Old Dominion University |
Session E2.00002 The nuclear wavefunction at high momenta and connections to the EMC effect Room: Grand BCD |
Wieman, Carl The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy |
Session P1.00002 How federal government and university policies need to change to achieve more and better research and education Room: Grand Ballroom A-D |
Willocq, Stephane University of Massachusetts |
Session Q1.00001 Rediscovering the Standard Model at the LHC Room: Grand A |
Woosley, Stan UCSC - Dept Astronomy |
Session T3.00001 Core-Collapse Supernovae -- the Outliers Room: Garden 3 |
Wrede, Christopher University of Washington |
Session X3.00002 Production of the $\gamma$-ray emitters $^{22}$Na and $^{26}$Al in classical novae Room: Garden 3 |
Wuosmaa, Alan H. Western Michigan University |
Session C5.00003 Transfer reactions with HELIOS Room: Royal AB |
Wyse, Rosemary Johns Hopkins University |
Session Y3.00001 Dwarf galaxies as probes of dark matter Room: Garden 3 |
Xu, Zhangbu BNL |
Session B4.00002 Discovery of anti-hypertriton and future exotic particle searches at RHIC Room: Garden 4 |
Youdin, Andrew N. Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics |
Session X5.00002 Planet Formation in Magnetized Accretion Disks Room: Royal AB |
Yusef-Zadeh, Farhad Northwestern University |
Session L3.00002 Flaring Activity of the Massive Black Hole at the Center of the Galaxy Room: Garden 3 |
Zaritsky, Dennis Steward Observatory, University of Arizona |
Session L4.00002 Astrophysical Tests of the Nature of Dark Matter, the Expansion of the Universe, and Evolving Physical Constants Room: Garden 4 |
Zee, A. University of California, Santa Barbara |
Session J2.00003 Superconductivity beyond superconductors Room: Grand BCD |
Zeller, Geralyn Fermilab |
Session Q2.00001 Measurement of Neutrino-Nucleus Cross Sections Room: Grand BCD |
Zhang, Yuhong JLab |
Session R6.00001 Electron-Ion Collider as a Gluon Microscope Room: Terrace A-F |
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