Bulletin of the American Physical Society
19th Biennial Conference of the APS Topical Group on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter
Volume 60, Number 8
Sunday–Friday, June 14–19, 2015; Tampa, Florida
Invited Speakers
Armstrong, Michael Lawrence Livermore Natl Lab |
Session V2.00001 Ultrafast compression: past, present, and future Room: Grand F |
Austin, Ryan Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session E3.00001 Dynamic strength effects in shock-loaded metals and crystalline explosives Room: Grand G |
Boehly, Thomas Laboratory for Laser Energetics, Univ of Rochester |
Session E4.00003 High Energy Density Studies at the OMEGA laser facility Room: Grand H |
Bourne, Neil University of Manchester |
Session F6.00001 Critical conditions for failure; stress levels, length scales, time scales~ Room: 8/9/10 |
Bringa, Eduardo CONICET and FCEN-UNCuyo |
Session C5.00003 Simulation of shock-recovered samples: dislocations, twins, porosity and phase transformations Room: Grand I/J |
Cawkwell, Marc Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session O5.00005 Accelerated electronic structure-based molecular dynamics simulations of shock-induced chemistry Room: Grand I/J |
Chaudhuri, Santanu University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Session B1.00001 Mesoscale challenge of extending atomistic scale chemistry of initiation reactions to deflagration-to-detonation transition Room: Grand E |
Chen, Wayne Purdue University |
Session C6.00003 Real-time Visualization of Dynamic Particle Contact Failures Room: 8/9/10 |
Cooper, Marcia Sandia National Laboratories |
Session H3.00005 Optically Recording Velocity Interferometer System: Applications and Challenges Room: Grand G |
Coppari, Federica Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session O3.00002 Recreating planetary interiors in the laboratory by laser-driven ramp-compression Room: Grand G |
Dlott, Dana Univ of Illinois - Urbana |
Session X1.00001 Shock compression dynamics under a microscope Room: Grand E/F |
Fajardo, Mario AFRL/RWME |
Session U1.00001 Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometry of Laser Exploding Foil Initiated PETN Samples Room: Grand E |
Forbes, Jerry Energetics Technology Center |
Session N1.00002 Material response mechanisms are needed to obtain highly accurate experimental shock wave data Room: Grand E/F |
Fratandunono, Dayne Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session B2.00003 Hugoniot Experiments with unsteady waves Room: Grand F |
Germann, Timothy Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session A1.00002 Exascale computing and what it means for shock physics Room: Grand E/F |
Hiermaier, Stefan Fraunhofer EMI |
Session T6.00001 High Speed Dynamics in Brittle Materials Room: 8/9/10 |
Hufnagel, Todd Johns Hopkins University |
Session K2.00001 In situ x-ray diffraction and imaging studies of structural and geological materials under dynamic loading Room: Grand F |
Hull, Lawrence Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session V4.00003 Contemporary Research of Dynamically Induced Phase Transitions Room: Grand H |
Hunter, Abigail Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session T4.00003 A dislocation dynamics model of the plastic flow of fcc polycrystals Room: Grand H |
Kay, Jeffrey Sandia National Laboratories |
Session O1.00001 Mechanisms of Shock-Induced Reactions in High Explosives Room: Grand E |
Klapoetke, Thomas LMU Munich |
Session H2.00003 Synthesis, Chemical and Physical Characterization of TKX-50 Room: Grand F |
Kumar, Mukul Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session K6.00003 Dynamic deformation of heterogeneous media: A materials scientist's perspective Room: 8/9/10 |
La Lone, Brandon National Security Technologies, Special Technologies Laboratory |
Session B3.00005 Simultaneous broadband laser ranging and PDV: A diagnostic for non-planar dynamic experiments Room: Grand G |
Lemke, Raymond Sandia National Laboratories |
Session D1.00001 Obtaining off-Hugoniot equation of state data on solid metals at extreme pressures via pulsed-power driven cylindrical liner implosions Room: Grand E |
Lindsay, C. Michael Air Force Research Laboratory |
Session Z2.00001 The Quest for Greater Chemical Energy Storage: A Deceiving Game of Nanometer Manipulation Room: Grand F |
Maillet, Jean-Bernard CEA-DAM |
Session F3.00001 Mesoscopic description of hot spot phenomena: a route for hybrid multiscale simulations Room: Grand G |
McGrane, Shawn Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session Y1.00001 Ultrafast studies of shock induced chemistry-scaling down the size by turning up the heat Room: Grand E |
McMahon, Malcolm The University of Edinburgh |
Session T1.00001 Ultra-Fast Structural Studies of Shock-Induced Phase Transitions in Bismuth Room: Grand E |
Menon, Suresh Georgia Institute of Technology |
Session J4.00003 Turbulent Mixing and Afterburn in Post-Detonation Flow with Dense Particle Clouds Room: Grand H |
Meyers, Marc UC San Diego |
Session J6.00005 Plastic Deformation, Amorphization, and Phase Changes in Extreme Laser Shock Compression of Ta and Si Room: 8/9/10 |
Millett, Jeremy AWE, Aldermaston |
Session S4.00005 Shear Strength Measurements During Shock Loading Using Laterally Mounted Stress Gauges. Room: Grand H |
Millot, Marius Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA |
Session P3.00001 Inside Neptune with laser shock compression: melting of silica and properties of metallic and superionic water Room: Grand G |
Montgomery, David Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session H1.00001 Coherent X-ray Imaging Techniques for Shock Physics Room: Grand E |
Nagler, Bob SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, 2575 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025 |
Session S1.00001 The Matter in Extreme Conditions (MEC) instrument at LCLS Room: Grand E |
Ozaki, Norimasa Osaka University |
Session U3.00003 High-energy density experiments on planetary materials using high-power lasers and X-ray free electron laser Room: Grand G |
Proud, William Institute of Shock Physics, Imperial College London |
Session V6.00005 The Stress and Ballistic Properties of Granular Materials Room: 8/9/10 |
Rajendran, Arunachalam University of Mississippi |
Session S3.00001 Shock Wave Propagation in Cementitious Materials at Micro/Meso Scales Room: Grand G |
Ravichandran, Guruswami California Institute of Technology |
Session C4.00001 Strength measurements and thermo-mechanical behavior of metals at high-strain rates Room: Grand H |
Remington, Bruce Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory |
Session G1.00001 New regimes of plastic flow at very high pressures and strain rates Room: Grand E/F |
Rice, Betsy M. US Army Research Laboratory |
Session R1.00001 A perspective on modeling the multiscale response of energetic materials Room: Grand E/F |
Seagle, Christopher Sandia Natl Labs |
Session E5.00005 Mechanical response of metals under dynamic loading off the principal Hugoniot and isentrope Room: Grand I/J |
Siviour, Clive University of Oxford |
Session L3.00001 High strain rate characterization of soft materials: past, present and possible futures Room: Grand G |
Strachan, Alejandro Purdue University |
Session Y5.00005 Chemistry away from local equilibrium: shocking high-energy and energy absorbing materials Room: Grand I/J |
Tappan, Bryce Los Alamos National Laboratory |
Session Y2.00003 Probing Aluminum Reactions in Combustion and Explosion Via the Kinetic Isotope Effect Room: Grand F |
Weihs, Timothy Johns Hopkins University |
Session D2.00003 Exploring Rapid Initiation of Intermixing, Phase Formation, and Combustion in Reactive Materials Room: Grand F |
Wicks, June Princeton University |
Session O3.00001 X-ray diffraction of MgO along the shock Hugoniot Room: Grand G |
Wilson, Rebecca None |
Session J2.00001 Synthesis of Advanced Energetic Materials Room: Grand F |
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