Bulletin of the American Physical Society
85th Annual Meeting of the APS Southeastern Section
Volume 63, Number 19
Thursday–Saturday, November 8–10, 2018; Holiday Inn at World’s Fair Park, Knoxville, Tennessee
Invited Speakers
Aleksandrova, Alina University of Kentucky |
Session J01.00003 A Cryogenic Search for the Neutron Electric Dipole Moment at the Spallation Neutron Source Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown Cumberland |
Balz, Christian Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session C02.00003 Magnetic excitations in alpha-RuCl3 - a honeycomb-lattice quantum magnet with strong spin-orbit coupling - as a function of external magnetic field Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown Cumberland |
Banerjee, Swagato University of Louisville |
Session H02.00003 ATLAS experiment: Status, Results & Prospects Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown Cumberland |
Chatterjee, Utpal Univ of Virginia |
Session C02.00004 Spectroscopic investigation of CDW phase transitions 2H-NbSe2, 2H-TaS2 and 1T-TiSe2 Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown Cumberland |
Chipps, Kelly A. Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session A02.00002 Experimental Approaches for Constraining Nuclear Contributions to R-Process Uncertainties Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown Cumberland |
Connors, Megan E Georgia State Univ, RBRC |
Session H02.00002 Heavy Ion Collisions: An Overview of Experimental Measurements of the Quark Gluon Plasma Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown Cumberland |
Deconinck, Wouter William & Mary |
Session F02.00001 How Can Machine Learning Help Your Research Forward? Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown Cumberland |
Deibel, Catherine M Louisiana State Univ - Baton Rouge |
Session B02.00003 Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics in the FRIB Era Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown Cumberland |
dela Cruz, Clarina R Neutron Scattering Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Neutron Scattering Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session G03.00002 Opportunities in Quantum Materials Research using Neutron Scateering Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown LeConte |
Dhital, Chetan Kennesaw State University |
Session C02.00001 Unconventional metallic phases from doped spin-orbit assisted Mott insulators Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown Cumberland |
Ezold, Julie G Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session B02.00001 Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Isotope Program: Unique and Dynamic Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown Cumberland |
Fatemi, Renee University of Kentucky |
Session G02.00004 Status and Prospects from the Muon g-2 Experiment Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown Cumberland |
Finch, Sean W Duke University |
Session D01.00002 Fission product yield measurements at HIγS Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown Summit |
Friesen, Forrest QL Duke University, TUNL |
Session D01.00001 Low Energy Photodisintegration of 3He at TUNL Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown Summit |
Fry, Jason A University of Virginia |
Session J01.00004 Narrowing in on the Hadronic Weak Interaction: The Final Results of the NPDGamma Experiment Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown Cumberland |
Gollapinni, Sowjanya University of Tennessee |
Session A03.00001 MicroBooNE: Status & Prospects Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown LeConte |
Group, Craig Virginia |
Session G02.00001 Probing Neutrino Oscillation Physics with the NOvA Experiment Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown Cumberland |
Haberl, Bianca Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session K02.00001 Quantum Materials under High Pressure – New Capabilities at ORNL Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown Cumberland |
Hauenstein, Florian Old Dominion Univ |
Session F03.00003 Electrons for Neutrinos: How electron scattering data can improve Neutrino oscillation experiments Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown LeConte |
Holley, Adam Tennessee Technological University |
Session J01.00001 UCNτ: The Neutron Lifetime via Bottled Ultracold Neutrons Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown Cumberland |
Kharlampieva, Eugenia University of Alabama at Birmingham |
Session J02.00001 Ultrasound-active theranostic microcapsules of antioxidant polyphenolic multilayers Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown LeConte |
Kumah, Divine P North Carolina State University |
Session B03.00002 Tuning Orbital and Magnetic Interactions through Strain at Complex Oxide Interfaces Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown LeConte |
Kutter, Thomas LSU |
Session G02.00002 Science and Status of the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown Cumberland |
Laurent, Guillaume Marc Auburn University |
Session A01.00003 Optical control of electron emission at the attosecond timescale Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown Summit |
Li, Ying Wai Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session F02.00002 Machine learning in condensed matter physics: recent advances and opportunities Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown Cumberland |
Louca, Despina A Univ of Virginia |
Session G03.00004 Elastic and electronic tuning of magnetoresistance in MoTe2 Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown LeConte |
Lougovski, Pavel Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session F02.00003 Applications of Quantum Computers to Simulations in Nuclear Physics and Quantum Field Theory. Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown Cumberland |
Malace, Simona Jefferson Lab |
Session C01.00003 New results from Jefferson Lab experiment E12-10-002 Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown Summit |
Mariani, Camillo unknown Virginia Tech |
Session F03.00002 Cross section status and needs of the LArTPC neutrino experiments Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown LeConte |
McLaughlin, Gail C North Carolina State University |
Session A02.00003 Nuclear and neutrino physics of the r-process Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown Cumberland |
Meekins, David Jefferson Lab |
Session C01.00001 Jefferson Lab Tritium Program Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown Summit |
Mourigal, Martin P Georgia Inst of Tech |
Session G03.00003 Exotic magnetic matter and the search for spin-liquids Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown LeConte |
Oelkers, Ryan Vanderbilt University |
Session E02.00001 Chronicling the Previous and Next 20 Years of Exoplanet Observations Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown LeConte |
Osti, Naresh C Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session J02.00003 Dynamics in Highly Rigid Polymers: Solutions to Membranes Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown LeConte |
Parigger, Christian G University of Tennessee / University of Tennessee Space Institute |
Session A01.00001 Atomic and molecular plasma spectroscopy in the laboratory for interpretation of astrophysical white dwarf star signatures Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown Summit |
Parker, Colin V Georgia Inst of Tech |
Session A01.00002 Towards quantum sensing with noble-gas-trapped thulium atoms Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown Summit |
Pattie, Robert East Tennessee State University |
Session J01.00002 UCNA: Measuring the β-asymmetry in neutron decay with ultracold neutrons Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown Cumberland |
Piekarewicz, Jorge Florida State Univ |
Session A02.00001 Nuclear Astrophysics in the new era of multi-messenger Astronomy Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown Cumberland |
Piilonen, Leo Eric Virginia Tech |
Session G02.00003 The Belle II Experiment at KEK Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown Cumberland |
Plummer, Ward Louisiana State University |
Session B03.00001 Visualizing Interface Quantum Physics on the Atomic Level Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown LeConte |
Pooser, Eric Jefferson Lab |
Session C01.00002 Quarks in the Nucleus - Recent Results and Future Measurements at Jefferson Lab Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown Summit |
Rajabali, Mustafa M Tennessee Technological University |
Session B02.00002 Increasing selectivity and sensitivity of measurements for the study of rare isotopes Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown Cumberland |
Rimal, Dipak University of Florida |
Session F03.00001 Recent Results and Prospects from MINERvA Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown LeConte |
Ross, Nancy L Virginia Tech |
Session G03.00001 Inelastic Neutron Scattering: A Powerful Probe of Condensed Matter Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown LeConte |
Saab, Tarek University of Florida |
Session E02.00002 How we're searching for Dark Matter, and when are we going to finally find it! Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown LeConte |
Schneider, Gerald Johannes Louisiana State University |
Session J02.00002 Impact of Dynamics in Soft Matter on Macroscopic Response Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown LeConte |
Seo, Ambrose Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Kentucky |
Session B03.00003 Tuning the Dimensionality of Materials with Strongly Correlated Electrons between 1D and 2D Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown LeConte |
Sikora, Mark George Washington University |
Session D01.00003 Measuring the Electromagnetic Properties of the Nucleon at HIγS Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown Summit |
Sukenik, C. I. Old Dominion University |
Session A01.00004 Catalysis of Stark-tuned interactions between ultracold Rydberg atoms Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown Summit |
Ye, Feng Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory |
Session C02.00002 Magnetic ground states of spin-orbit coupled 5d iridates and the electric control of the physics properties Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown Cumberland |
Yumiceva, Francisco X Florida Institute of Technology |
Session H02.00001 CMS Status, Results & Prospects Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown Cumberland |
Zhou, haidong university of Tennessee/physics department |
Session K02.00002 New geometrically frustrated magnets prepared by high pressure and high temperature Room: Holiday Inn Knoxville Downtown Cumberland |
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